The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 24, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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    f-—--T II
Standard Frames 2.98
YVc have grouped a number of our standard frames which we
have been selling regularly at a much higher price O QQ
j and reduced, them for one day’s selling to
Picture Dept.—Sixth Hour—South
- -II
White House Cook Book
J-'amous for it; excellent recipes and for the many valuable sug
gestions it contains. A comprehensive cyclopedia of informa
tion for the home. Bound in a practical, washable QO
binding. Regularly 1.50. Saturday, */OC
Main f loor—North
Display ;
• Ti
Millinery in
^ M ood
Spring Hats
Newest Models Direct From New York
Women who are looking for something new for
immediate wear will find the new tailored and semi
tailored trimmed hats in this collection most inter
esting. Materials are straw braids, straw and silk
combination and stunningly embroidered fabrics.
Colors are rich and spring like, trimmings are
bright flowers, wreaths, ornaments or bands of self
Second Floor—Fast
i _ _ _ ____ __ _____ -
Infants’ Tub Creepers
and Dresses
Each 77c
i| ]\Iade/ of Amoskcag gingham in all f
standard colors in two-tone effects. |
Dainty nursery designs embroidered on II
collars and cuffs. Tiny pockets to
match. These arc well made little gar
merits in cunning kiddie styles. In pink, blue, tan,
gray, green plaids, trimmed with contrasting colors
and pearl buttons. ,,
Creepers, sizes 2, 3 and 4.
Dresses, sizes 3, 4 and 5.
Third Floor—East
For a Limited Time
Professor Sha w W ill Teach
The New Cut Lace Embroidery
In Our Art Department
This is such attractive work and is so easily made with
an ordinary embroidery needle. You are invited to
see Professor Shaw's wonderful display of finished
pieces and many wonderful pieces in the course of
making. Stamped pieces like the finished models at
moderate prices.
Third*Floor—If ml
Boys' Clothing of Style and Quality
At Prices That Mean
Dollars in Your Pocket
Boys’ Two-Trouser
Suits 6.95
Size* 6 to 18 year*.
We have grouped from our higher
priced lines all odd garments and short
lots, and have reduced them for quick
clearance to this low price which is all
j out of keeping with their high quality.
Every one of -these Suits is an unusual
value. Not all sizes in every style, but
all sizes in the group. The fabrics are
of the finest, the styles and colorings
attractive. Both pairs of trousers are
full lined.
For the Little Fellows
Sizes Z to o years.
Cleverly styled in Oliver Twist, Middy, Balkan and French styles. A'va
riety of colors and fabrics so numerous that there is a color and material
for every taste. Every suit guaranteed fast'color. In three low-priced groups
Fourth Floor
Notions and
Hair Nets
The Humane! Double Mesh
Heir Net—Our own brand of
guaranteed net; all color?;
rap or fringe style. Special,
3 for 2oC
The Fashion—A silk net with
elastic or tied ends; perfect
in size and color. Special,
4 for 25C
The Faahionette Human Hair
Net—Cap or fringe style;
single or double mesh. Spe
cial, IOC
The Carmen Human Hair
Net—One of the very best,
guaranteed perfect hair
nets: all colors; cap or fringe.
Special, IOC
National Hair Nets—Bv the
box, handy to carry in hand
Single mesh, box of 6, 55C
Single mesh, box of
12, 1.00
Double mesh, box of
12, 1.35
Faultless Sanitary Napkins
— Box of 12. 39C
Naiad Silk Dreaa Linings —
All mz$r. Special. 08C
Loraine Dreaa Shields—Size.R
2, 3 and 4. at J 9C
Darning Silk —Special,
3 spools for 25C
Hickory Sanitary Belt— 132!)
style. Special, 50c
Betsy Rota Girdle—G inches
wide, with four supporters.
Special, 1.10
Main I'loor—.Sou//)
New and Novel
Costume Jewelry
•' This, group con
t sists of a sample
| line p u r c h a sed
U from a New York
importer. Black
and white, crystal and galilith, jade and
black, flame and black, topaz, amethyst,
coral and Pekin blue, are a few of the
Novel Ear Rings 1.50
A varied assortment in hoop, pendant,
shower and tassel styles. Green gold
and English finish. All colors are rep
resented— iade, amethyst, topaz, black,
white, Pekin blue and various others.
Cigarette Ca.ea—New, thin, flat model. In
bright and French pray silver plated finish,
gold lined. Shield for 1 QQ
engraving. At t
Egyptian and Oriental Jewelry —'Cordelieres,
earrings, brooches, bar pin-, hair ornaments.
New end novel de igr.s. I QQ to QQ
Priced from 1 .yU 0.170
Main l loor—East
Hosiery for Women ond Children
--^ _
Thread Silk Hosiery 1.19
Substandard* of 2.00 and 2.25 quality
In black, brown and .shoe shades. Lisle garter
and double silk hem tops. All are full fash
ioned with double soles and high spliced heels.
These are substandards of the Allen A and
other well-known makes. The imperfections
are merely occasional heavy 1 in
threads. Pair, 1.1*7
We call your attention to
our complete showing of
Phoenix Hosiery
in silk, lisle and cotton for
women, misses, children and
Womens Silk Hosiery- In
plain and clocked atylr*.
Priced from 1,20 to 12.115
Children’s Phoenix Silk and
Lisle Hosiery Priced from
55r to 1.75.
Shanahan’s Pure Silk Hosiers
In j{lovp Kill, and filk net. All arp doublp folk hn<>d .ole*
with pointed h<'tls and double silk garter top* r\ Qr
Fn blaek and color*. IVT' pair.
Women'* Silk Clocked and Plain Thread Silk Ho»r li.
Mien A and other well-known mak''.« O QC
Per |4ir, ^ .i/O
Allen A Blaek Cat Hosiery
For Boi/s and Girls
Children'* Allen A Ho»iery -Fine Cotton
ribbed hose, stronely reinforced at all points
of wear. Made of extra strong yarns. In
black, white, Havana brown. Sizes op
to i11 Per pait. *50 C
Boy*' Allen A Ho»irry I lea vy ribbed, triple
knee, heavily reinforced at all points of wear.
In black and Havana brown. Sizes OP
.-> to 10. Per pair, OOC
Children-* Allen Hosiery In medium »T gut,
ribbed, li-le hose with tripie knee, extra rr
inferred hei I and toe. In black
I only, l’er pair.
Children's Allen A Hosiery -Extra fine, big
ly mercerized ribbed hose. Strongly reinforced
at all points of wear. In blai k. white and
Havana brown. Sizes 5 to 10.
Per pair, *
wam I loor—\t*rth
ii _ _ _ __ _
Xew and Attractive
Leather Hand Bags
Group 1—
Hand B.i^s at 1.39
Pouch styles, party boxes and many
other attractive styles. Of cordovan,
calf, black vachette, pin seal and other
materials. , Well made bags that will
wear well.
Grou p ,2—
Fitted Hand Ba^s at 2.5H
Large square bags, pouch bags, square
top bags, oval shaped bags. The ma
terials are crush grain. Yukon grain,
boarded India, crush pin seal, grained
leather. In black, tan. gray and brown.
Orcen gold or leather covered frames,
leather lined. All are fitted.
Main l lour—t.nat
Deauville Scarfs
In charming bandanna
a'nd batik effects in
vivid colors and color
combinations. Priced
1.751„ 5.98
Bertha and
Panel Collars
Made of embroidered
net. Special,
/ loot—h.ri't
Silk Mesh French
Chenilled Veiling
In light and dark back
grounds with dots in the
new favored QT
colors. Per yard. «/i/C
Dotted Veilings
In now pattern? and i
nations. Per yd., wv
Main I loot — N orih
We k now we sell good
candy because HO per
cent of the candy sold
over our counters is
made in our own mod
ern factory. Tlfe purest
of ingredients are used
and conditions are most
Brazil Nut Log Cabin Roll —
A rich, chewey nougat oentet
wrapped in a full cream car
amel rolled in fresh cracked
Rrazil nuts. I'cr A Q **
pound, tTa/tr
Angel Food Taffy—A de
licious, chewey taffy made
of pure sweet cream and
cane sugar. In vanilla,
strawberry, chocolate and
molasses. Per 1 Q
pound, *
Black Walnut Taffy Made
of pure New Orleans mo
lasses. Chork full of fresh,
meaty black walnuts. OQ
I’cr pound,
Milk Chocolate F’udge—A
rich, creamy fudge dipped
in chocolate. Per OQ
pound, £i%*C
Mdk Chocolate* and Bitter |l
Sweet* - With assorted fruit
and nut soft centers. Parked
in one-pound boxes, A fl
per pound, “vie
Saturday’s Sweet
Chocolata Cherrie*— Lus
cious, juicy cherries in cream
dipped in chorolate. QQ
Per pound box, OJ/C
Main Floor—We*l
Drugs -Toilet Goods
' 50c Pepsodent Paste, Ii3c
L’Origan Face Powder for 77f
25c Mavis Talcum
50 Djcr Kirs Rouge,
50c, Mavis Rouge,
1.00 Terra Derma Lax, TtTtC
Palmolive Shaving Cream, 22f
35c Pond's Tooth Paste, 1 SC
Pond’* Vanishing Cream. 2 If
1.00 Frank’s Lemon
Cream, • 60f
2.00 Djer Kis.s Extract.
hulk, per ounce, 1 .20
Cosmetique, 20f
Woodbury’s Facial Soap, IOf
1.00 Lavoris Antiseptic, (jj|f
Sayman’s Soap, per bar, Hf
Kotex, dozen, IlOf
Rubber Sheeting Double
fared. Per yard, (IOf
Piver’s Extract, per o/ , OHf
25c Dr. Lyons’ Tooth
Powder, IOf
35e Frost ilia 2lf oi
3 for HOC
75r Staconib Foi ^he
hair, I7f
Creme Oil Soap, bar. W . f. f,r
per do/., 7r»r
1.00 Rubber Kitchen
Aprons, IOf
Physicians’ and Surge on s'
Soap, per bar, 7!|if
2.25 Faultier* Hot Water
Pompeian Rouge,
1.00 Odorotio Depilatory
for 70f
Ivory Dressing Combs, 20f
Dreeing Comb All
coarse teeth, IDr
.1.25 Horlick's Malted
Milk, 2.68
1.00 Mavis Toilet Water, 7Dr
Gillette Razor Blades
Pkg. of six, :i3r
00c lodcx Ointmpnt, 3Dr
Rubber Pants For
babies, IDr
2.00 1-quart Thermo
Bottle, | ,2D
i!0e Aubrey Sisters'
Beautifier, Itr
Imported I’hi Phi Face
Powder. 59r
Dr. Wright Silver
Oram, IDr
Resinol Soap, lDc
Revelation Tool It Powder, 2Hr
All 35e Ctttex PrcpH rat to ns
for 26r
t ick’s Salve, 23c
Pu -y W illow I a. e
Powder, 33r
Golden Glint,, Shampoo, |H<*
Amarni Shampoo, 2 for IT>r
50c It.A R. Cold Crean . 3Hr
Forhan’s Tooth Paste, 3Dc
Melorose l ace < rean , 3Dr
Epaorn' i 11> . Dr*
'a-pint Witch Hazel, 33r
10c Bromo Seltzer, 22r
Phenolnx, I Hr
Pond's Toilet Soap, I3r
1.00 Bysol, GDr
Llstcrine. HDr
25e Bip Slick, I7r
1.00 I). Intone, <{Dr
6.00 Zip Depilatory, 3,DM
1.00 Milkweed Cream, 7Do
Colgate's Barber Bar, <{<'
Palmolive Soap,
1.50 Oriental Cream, I. ID
w* Rrirrvc the Right to Limit Quantities
Main I'laar—FT of
; New Glove Fashions
Gloves arc jaunty this spring. Nftvelty ruffed gaunt
lets for wear with the spring suits. Long gloves for
wear with short-sleeved frocks.
! New Black Gloves 3.95 Pair
j Dxtra quality lambskin Our own direct importations,
which enable us to otter them «' this low price, Size
51 \ to 71 •«.
Long Suede Fabric Glove*
III Hie desirable shade
of mode and mastic, lb
; button length. 1 or
Sizes 6 to 8. Pair.
Suede Fabric Gauntlet*—
Attractively embroidered
barks, strap wrists. In
mode and mastic. 1 AA
Per pair * • vU
(iloves for Boys and C iiris
Odd lots left from the season's selling. Kid mittens,
cape gloves, lined velour gloves. leather and CQ
fabric gauntlets, per pair.
Main I loin — \m ill
White Ivory Finished
Toilet W are
W hite House Clocks. 1.98
Powder Boxes and Hair Receivers— v
75c, 1.19 and 1.98
.Mirrors. 1.99 and 1.98
Combs. 99c and 19r
Hair Brttsln-. 1.09 and 1.98
In the assortment or trays, clothes brushes, picture
frames, tooth brush cylinders, soap boxes, salve jars
and talcum can holders.
Main I /oor II *■>/
Then la Xo Glirasitork
11 he)t ) ok Buii 7 Hartmann
1 ardrobe
Clothes protection is the
most important feature
nf a wardrobe trunk,
there is only one ar*
.mponent that will ab
soliai 1\ pre\ out clothes
from wrinkling. That
arrangement is p a t
ented ami is an exclusive feature of Hartmann ward
robe trunks.
Hartmann Cushion Top Wardrobe Trunks
l ull 27.75, 33.75, 37.75, 40.00,
15.00, 50.00 and 52.50
i otirth h /<><»»■
First Showing
of New
Wall Paper
Suitable "all paper in
your home brings cheer
and comfort to your
mind and acts as a cor
rect setting for all the
other furnishings.
Good Values
for Saturday
Plain Oatmeal
Papers 9Vac
>0 inches wide; in shades of
blue, preen, pray and brown.
With best cutout borders to
New Floral
Papers 1212c
for bedrooms, dainty t hints
end floral stripes with pretty
■ >u hoi ters * O t
. ch I'cr 1 “ 2 C
New Blends
and l apestrv
Papers 21c
I'.e ring room. hall din
ing loom, with handsome
hand* or cutout bonier* to
match !V OI
d- l c
All rape pined by single
h 1 flh t loot If t'st