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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1923)
Omaha Bee “Want” Ads Aid Many Every Day in Getting work—providing .killed helper, in many line.—renting room., .elling real and per.onal property of every description—bringing buyer, and .eller. together—restoring lost article.— and in many other ways. Read and use Omaha Bee “Want” Ads—beeline to results. % _ ■■ — ■ ■' 1 '• ~~ _ - 1 " ' - - ' ' ..I. — ' " '■ ' " " ^ 1 ' ' ' » __ Survivor of j Light Brigade Dying London, Ont., Feb. 23,—Thomas W. Shaw, who claims to be the last sur vivor of the famous light brigade, to night was riding for the second time “into the jaws of death.” But the venerable cavalryman—91 years old—had not between his knees the charger which dashed upon the Kussian battery at Balaklava in 1854. Under him was a white-sheeted hospi tal cot from which, the doctors say, he will never rise. After his charge with the glorious GOO, Shaw felt upon his brow the soothing hand of Florence N'ightln i;ali'—a memory that was his most cherished possession. And tonight, upon his solitary ride into "the valley of death,” the soft fingers of the mighty hand of daughters Nightin gale gave the world were touching ills brow but the old soldier did not feel them. His breath came in agonizing gasps. The end is near. — Jn Greece a new law demands that there must be as many persons in a house as there are rooms in the house, barring one. The latter Is reserved for " cooking, eating and general use,_ BEE WANT AD RATES 15e per line each day. 1 or ” daya. 12c per line each day, 3 to S daya. 10c per line each day, 7 days or longer. The above ratea apply exclusively to Want Ada which are commonly termed “public wants," and do not include adver tisements of individual* or concerns adver tising or exploiting their businesses. THE OMAHA BEE reserves the right to designate what constitutes a public want. Want Ads accepted at the following offices: . _ Main office.17th and Farnam Sts. South Omaha. N. W. cor. 24th and N Sts. Council Bluffs.IS Scott St. Telephone AT iantic 1000. Call for "Want" Ad Department. An ex perienced "Want" ad taker will receive your ad and a bill will be mailed later. The rates quoted above apply to either charge or cash orders. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition .11;4® »• Morning Edition.• •9 P- m Sunday Edition.9 P. ™. Saturday These ratea apply to The Sunday Bee as well as to The Morning and Evening Bee. AH week-day advertisements appear in both morning and evening editions at the one cost. THc OMAHA MORNING BEE. THE EVENING BEE. | ANNOUNCEMENTS KuriAl Vault* . 1 DISTINCTIVE feacuree. aee demonstration at factory. Automatic Pealing Concrete Burial Vault. Insist upon your under taker using no other. Every vsult .lamp ed watch for name on lid. Manufactured only by the Omaha Conrrete 3ur1al Vault Co . UtO N 80 th_St..JtIni a ha. __ _ Cemeteries, Monuments . 3 forest lawn North of City Limits. All revenues for perpstusl esre snd tm provements. Offices st cemetery snd 780 Brandels Theater. . Florists . 4 LEETARMQN itfh and DougiaV JOHN HATH 1«01 Karnam. JA. 1*06._ I- HENDERSON. 1507 Karr,am. JA. 17JS. Funeral Directors .. • 5 HEAFEY"&T HEAFEY, Undertakers and Entbalmers. Phone HA. I>!*5 office sail Farnam. (ESTABLISHED HTNCE _ F. Js STACK 4 CQ.» Omaha’* brat ondertaktn* o«*abl!*hment 25*0C£ AMBULANCE _Thirty-third and Farnam. Crane”Mortuary Co., rONDlTTED BY LADIES ONLT. f. 1 South 20th St. AT. 3«49 and AT. 3*90. Hoffmann Ambulance Dodg* at 24th. Funeral Directors, JA. 3*01. LARKHf BROTHERS, " FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 4413 SO. 24TR “HULSE fc RIEPEN, Funeral Directors, 2224 Cumin*. JA. 122i CROSBY-MOORE ~14^ *. . : Funeral Noticed . 6 SILER—Mr* Wild*; age, 17. She l* *ur Ivr-d by h*r husband, Charle* A ; one • on. Nathan; three brother*. Harry and Floyd, of Omaha, and Charle*, of York, Neb. Funeral flnturd-iy morning from residence, 444 1 Pacific St, at 4:30. to Holy Cross church at 9 o'clock. Interment Holy Sepulcher cemetery. Gentleman* mor tuary in charge _ MAHER—Martin, age 2? Funeral Monday morning from residence, 2*2* Capitol Ave. Ht x 11 to S». Johns *-hurch at • o’clock Interment I’oly Sopuirhre Cemetery, Gentlemen* Mortu ary In charge. _ _ ’ FORGETTE—Mra. H»ry K.. age If. Funeral Saturday morning from John Gentlemen * Mortuary at * 30 to Rf. Philo '.I nn* fhurdi ;*» 9 o’clock. Interment Wend, Neb . by a ^to I .fist and Found . H telbphonk' Atlantic' i«o<v I and dictate jour "Want* Ad to The | • »maha B**e. yEnc-h ndvr'rtlifmmt will re flva rtompt and careful attention. _| ■ f V ; e' rt"d of Richelieu pearla with brilliant claap. Finder please call AT. 376 . Mra. Brown. LOST—Dog bla* k and tan Airedale dog; return to K. A. Higgins, 401 Mouth 39th St. HA. 3609 I' reward. 1 LOST—Bag, round silver mesh bag. be i ween 36th and 3*fh Avr on Farnam Call HA. SrAB._J VHITE HORSE— T,oft( Wednesday nrcorn ng in South Side Reward, t ail MA 2994. PIN - lost] KRAI ERNH V PIN BE WAKI ■ CALL W A 1737 ___ Notices . 9 FOR HKNT—Druid hall, 24th and A nielli Suitable for dances club end lodge m-et pea 1 ' 1 PfflEBlb . 1® THB SALVATION Army Industrial horns •oilcits your-old clothing, furniture, maga zines Ws collect. We tflarrlt>ut« Phone .FA. 4136 and our wagon will call, Call and Insr^t our naw boms, 1110-1112*1114 r»odge street. __ _____ Personals . ■ • -»»• • W BBSS—rsnnot gst latter to you Ha will nor send them._Call R. B. Important. ATHLETIC CLI’B MEMBERSHIP FOR .SALE CALL ?f0:__ THEATRICAL historical rrsaque eosturn*e, for fdsva and rattles. at Listen’s. Omaha csfhFcahh O N. T:oi|ney Motor Co., 2364 Farnam _ J , v ■ m pe . otl *ire«, - hen* i.'atl Black 1066 t r », •! Bluffs after 6;S0 p m f \ S’ * on money on brand new Cbev* rnlet Cali AT. 367*. _ • t»I' Ft \ N'T Dura or ‘olun, w’l trade foi r.r„ 61 91 i .at* MMh St. i h 14 u CA611, «. Cadillac. 3, 1IA. 107fc AUTOMOBILES Autos for Sale . 13 Selling for Storage Charges Here's Your Opportunity CASH-ONLY 3 New Allis QJialmer’s Tnelors with plows. Reven-Passenger Auburn Touring Car. 1 Closed Truck Body. I Panel Truck Body. 1 Closed Cab. • 3 Canopy Truck Cube FT. M. F Touring Car. SEVERAL FORM-A-TRUCK UNITS FOR FORDS AND DODGES. Gib Bey? Don't Fiiss This Chaise See the above at the warehouse Bekins OmakA Van & Storage Sixteenth and Leavenworth. Bulck Touring Here if a K-45 1920 five-passenger Bulck touring in excellent condition throughout. Recently refinished and mechaniriliy first rlass. This car has a standard fabric top and curtains and also a Rex sedan top In excellent condition. We have th.s car priced at $525 for quick sale. Including both tops and extras. Fee it today and take a ride. Terms if needed. Guy L. Smith NEW AND USE D CARS AT A BARGA IN” Ford cars and trucks, $50 and up. Ford bodies and winter tops. Cars sold on terms to reliable parties. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO. Central Garage. Opeu Day and Night. 1214 Barney Street. JA. SOME bargains In used Fords; prompt delivery of new Fords. M’CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford 8ervlce Station. 15th and Jackson Sts AT 7711. NEW " and used Fords, cash or terms C. E PAULSON MOTOR CO . Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers fOth and Ames Av._KE 0I4< FOR PALE—57 double letter Cadillac Vic toria, driven 20.000 miles, will accept Ford coupe. $500 cash and balance In Z years. HA. 4»E7. __________ USED ran that can be used NEBRASKA OLDSMOBILE CO. Howard at 18th _ At. H70. UHEtt parts fOP a!! mak**s of ■ used parts at half price. Neb. Auto Parts. Ja. 4 9 31.___ Garage*—Repairing . FOR A-1 auto painting, drive to PFEIF FER'S SHOP, 2526 Leavenworth, 35 yrs experience. BUSINESS SERVICE j Aocordian Pleating .81 ACCORDION, SIB*; hnl/a. bo* »<**»}“*• covered buttons. *11 etrlea; hemetttchlne. buttonhole*. Write Ideal Button * rir»t In* Co, 800 Brown Block. Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA 1936 „ ~ NEBRASKA PI.KATINO. Hematltehlng. Covered Button*. HO0 P amain. second floor. *** oe. o. __ Hanning Academic* .. • • • • ^ LEAKS to dance for It at KEEP 3 HU Farnatn. Clarsea Mon, V.ed. ana FrL night* Dancing Tuea. Thura . Sat. and 8un night*. Private leaaona by appoint m*nte. JA. 6470. - ■— Detective Agencies .24 i. pi japlk Detective Bureau, Sunderland Bldg, Ja. 2056: night. Ka. 8*12. JAMES ALLAN. 818 Nevill. Blk. Evidence 1 In a'l < AT. il36 Courage Builders GARAGES built. 7ny atyte and eize, *100 up. Concrete work* Micklin Lumber and Wrecking Co_Tel. WB.__ r i Hod alt Finishing "" ' FILMS DEVELOPED FREE The Ena *n Co • 2900 Leavenw * \ if** Price »' i re Fri rtnv KASK BTUDIO. 2io Neville B - Moving. Storage ...^ : MATE forn. on packing, taOV. end ■torlnf. Contracts taken by Job or bour. Globe Van A fltormire Co. JA. 433*. AT 0230. Oro««min A Hons. oar»n Mo vlnt— Pa e*1n*—-Storage. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse A Van Co. 2i» n nth st. Pbone Ja »dli BKKIN0 OMAHA VAN A 16th end Leavenworth St* Parkin*, mov tnff. *torn*e. shipping J A. 4163._ Milliners. Dressmaker* ... HATS to ordei . remodellnz a *Pe< r h p<t j>. Ada Knox, Ilrn. 614. WHllDKton Painting. J*apering .. ........ PAINTING, paprrheinjrinks' and Interior -■ PAI‘KHIN‘1—Save money. avoid eprlnf :’i»h ■ Call HA Itl» Va* Plea Di I V I1 I *f M ' • ■ . I *.'• . n • ! ■ ■ It ' t 11 ' Patent Attorney . *9 riv MUITIN, Patent Att'orw-y. 1713 Dodfre. room 209 Aleo Wnuhlngfon, u (' i h«li* nventor* *-H th*i* i>h» »»tt_ Prinlrrs, pngraver* . , II St JA Professional Services, X-llaja p K I:hV: hi PTI ON 8 carefully compounded at the 6 Hherman 4r McConnell Drue Storaa. II. ray .'"n a* h; S3 1 * 11 . nidjr Mt h end I Services Offered ... w4 i»ii r. 1 ovitcfj and made up In new feather proof flaking. 1®ft7 Cuming JA 24«7 UKN’EKAL houaac leaning. experienced men. Work by the day. Call. W I* 4M< | EDUCATIONAL lluslncs* Colleges . 37 DAY SCHOOL^ NIGHT »CH< M ML Complete eouraaa In accountancy. ^enachlne bookke eping, rompt ornel ry. abort hand and typewriting, railroad and wiralgae teleg raphy civil service and al! KngltaM and commercial bran* hea Write. alt or phone Jackson 156u for large illustrated catalog. Addieae HOYLES COM.EOF Boy 1e« Bldg Omaha Neb VAN a A NT SCHOOL <>K MJHINKSK ~ ft B ('nr Nineteen* h^end__Oougl-e J * MtO. General Inslrtirflon . 39 CLERICAL work era f°r govern men I <!• partmenta Poalal mall and general [clerical *120 11,13 monthly. K vprrlenre | unne*' eiuary. F»r free Mat prmillaiit now I open, write John l»avla tformcr <ml sery. Ilcc rfarnlner) SOS Fleming Bldg , Wash ington. I» • Mttwical. PanrinK, IMamali* 40 AN 111 K *. I .A . IW, vote# and pia •• I* Ik 'A Trstle Schools . 41 WANTED Men, l*di*>a and boy a to learn barber trade, big demand; wega« while learning. atrlcth modern Call or will* 140J Dodge St. Trl-Clty Harber Collage | EDUCATIONAL | Trade Schools . 41 ' MOLBR B KRBEH i '• »LL1 110 S. 14th St. Write for catalog. EMPLOYMENT_ Help Wanted—Female . 44 mJtJSl*; KEEPER—Want^Oertniin or Nor wegian Protestant woman; muat b*> neat, plain cook and housekeeper; willing to work where there ar«- children, who wants good home and steady position at reason able wages. State age. Write John Ravel, ing. Rock Rapids, la. WANTED—Good MarlnHt* operntor for our Beauty Parlor. Must be able to do all kinds of work and do It well. Salary $;*0 a week. No other need apply. D W RUTER, Kean y, Neb. WANTED—Experienced lady presser. Must be top-knotcher. Steady employ- I ment. Max 1 Walker. 2410 Aim“« EIGHT to 2 v >ika prepares YOU for aj fine office position. Call AT. 7774 or ; HOi:8EWORK*ER—*White girl for general housework. Small family. Small apart ment. Good home. WA. 1342^__ HOSIERY—Wonderful hosiery line We deliver an.I collect. V. A. Bowles, 3106 Dodge. HA. 7617 Help Wanted—Male. . 45 ooooooooooooooooooooooooo o O O O O Stenographer. O O O O Young man under 20, high or O O commercial school graduate O O living at home Splendid op- O O portutlity. Learn Investment O O business. Apply In person O ; O mornings. O 1 O O O BURNS, BLINKER A CO. O O 2 O 202 South 17th St. O O O ° 2 O ° ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ° 2 o WANTED o o ° o SEVEN MACHINISTS O O ° O APPLY O O ° X> CUDAHY PACKING CO. O O SOUTH SIDE. O 0 ° OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WANTED—Amid mu* inen desirous of fitting them«e:vea for accounting nn«! ** ecutlve position* without interfering with present position Call International Accountants’ Society, | iniS-16 City National Dank Bldg WANTED—Foreman for Iowa poultry and | egg house, must be practical man. compe tent to instruct help in handling “Itn* and , dressed poultry Steady Job to tight man Addr< aa Y-2216, (imah B< NEAT colored hoy. about 16 years old. wanted to shin* shoes Must be good shiner Will pay $«o. room and board. Write or wire Rainey chining Tsrlor. * res ton, la. _ ___ _ i | 1 t g Bldg Agwmimt s;ilcsm« ii 4« SALESMEN Wo want fivt or n* mor# aalasmen to acll HouVER SUCTION SWEEPERS If you mean busin**** and can give good i reference*, we have the position you i warn Apply in parson. 2 2 2 Leflang Bldg between i and 9 mornings SAjf.ESMEN v. ith - ar wanted. Nebr.i«ka and western I ■ to fell k--s!n elevator machinery and mill suppl er. He** Mr M Shane Saturday. American Machinery &* , Supply On.. 1113-17 Howard St _ Sttttlom Wanted—Fannie Ii PRACTICAL nurse want* position. AT. FINANCIAL Btisinc*.* Opportunities . #MAl17 STOCK women s and children * furnishing* and shoes for ’•»!* Staple* goods, stof k to be moved. C6r on the It. i with or without fixtures. Addrcaa Y.221S. Omaha Ilee. __, 1 WANT to buy controlling Interest in an established, pound and profGubl# Omaha ■ business up to 125,000. Address W.116. j <>mn ha Tice. _ 1 i i • i . K V f I good town of 6,600 Hhi best . ,is* of j trade of town Partners now want to dissolve Addrees Y-2206. Omaha Bee ONLY harness shop jn town Good busi ness. Because of my age, will sell at in voice. Shoe repairing and auto curtain work A <* I^uck*. Rei grade. Neb. BOOMING house for sal*. 10-room brick. 6 rooms tiring over 1140, rent, 152.50. Bar gain. 1707 California. _____ j HA KRRY-FOR ~SA 1. K GOOD LOCATION. GOOD BUSINESS: BRICK OVEN: LARGE Hi 'M A RT < \ KK MIXER 1 K 4507 HARNESS machinery and tools for sai* Carrie Brown. 2416 Ave A. Kearney. Nfb JA. tiOOO—gersn-room flat for famil>. ■ HAV I*'- * ioral g »d tf for «-«te 1 A. Naegle. 1917 Leavenworth St._ POOL 1 ah and all fixtures for sale. Box i 12. Tlc*‘iner, N* b ___. I O'NKKrTlnNKUY. « <d 1 >< atlom candy j l*ifg 'ools. all or separate bstf. WB 6616. j Investment* "1 CASK ; a:<1 for :d mortftfH on Omaha ( property. F ('. Horarak A Co., 640 lit Nat’l Hank PM* \T 3*?, 1 IdMO* on Real Estate .* • 53 j WE hive cash on hm| to loan oo Omaha residence*. K H LOUDER INC-, fill Keellnn Bid*. 4ft OB amortized plan, no * orninlesion. wri#« for namft near***? *k« ncy. L.neoln Joint Block LUld Rank. 1 iDCOlfl, Nib. STRAIGHT & y ® • f loans. 4'* psr eeill AMOS GRANT CO.. tel » 14th Art! Bldg AT. » Low rata on cTtr prorarty; quickly | closed. No monthly payment*. JA 1633 W T GRAHAM. .di EA NKI FAR! - , O’KF7KFM READ ESTATE CO. 1014 Orn Nat HR Rida JA 3716 | 9100 TO $1" fi-io loans rnsds promptly F. D W E AI) an<l I> II BOWMAN. | 910 R 141 St WMd Bid# AT 0191 j FIRST morifni* loans mads promptly on | Omaha real estate shopan A Co, Rial tom JA 412* :S6 Keeltnn Rld*_ MONEY to loan on fsrinn and Omaha ’ real *atsi*. MYF.RH A RAlNROl.T CO., j 4 2 4 Omaha Nit Rank Rid*. JA 0746 , ' i T.^nr* or small West Nab farms, ranches Klnkn Tnvuatft)'nt Co. 5>4.» Om. Nat. Rk. OARV IN R ROB. 6 4 ?» Omaha Nat Hid*. ON IMP PROPERTY NO DELAY Money fo l/mn . . M Do"YC)i NEKD MONEY T 10—10—76—1 ftO—3'»0—100 DOLLAR# or any othar amount at |e*si rates No publicity, easy payment# Thirty year# in business OMAHA f.OAN (COMPANY 604 Karbach Hlk. Tsl JA. 2299 Mouth* lor 1 fit h and Iiouglaa Ms. roX Co . Ioann !>'• and up on wa*as. car* and furniture. confidential. 29 >'r*. nst*b. 112 World Herald Hid* JA. 2299. LIVE STOCK llotsra. raffle, V»liidfi art HARM; M. til* beat tbit 'nil bn m-id* «» first . <*s' W« rnalir tlnm our»f|v. e and anil them dlre< t to lh** farmers liar .. from f29 to f 1 in. Alfred Col nlsh. 1210 Knrnam Ml Omaha, Neb COW nn«r tfT.l.t- ImTfer I * .»* 10 u # rm-h | Ins ban t a in rmmtern KE "H*l COW FHKHTM’OW AND HEIFER CALF 1 CALL W A 4906 FI , LIVE STOCK Poultry and. Supplies .It YOU buy the beat chicks for the least money, shipped everywhere; guaranteed alive or replaced; from Colwell's Hatchery, Hrnlth (’enter, Kan. TH< >K< lUOHBRKD Whit* Rot . h kens and chicken wire for pale cheap. WA. Bsi; ciTFKKRKL.***— White Wyandot te, .Marlin attain, big, husky, for sale. KE. MERCHANDISE Clothing and Furs .I>0 FULL DRESS suits and Tuxedos for rent JA IQt N. ltth Street, J. Feldman. \u MY Shoes 13 >0 70t No^jOth Iiood Things to Kat . 62 FKKSH C a r7*— ilo pound* prepaid ex press eastern Nebraska f!> 60 8 PA k FISH CO., Round Lake, Mtnn IfoiiM-hold Goods .63 " fuiTniture HOUSKlluLD UOOI*N HOUSEHOLD GOODS Will be sold In the auction at Stephenson's Auction House, at 1509 Capitol Av . Oil Saturday, Feb. 24, at 1 30 p. in. Many Saturday shoppers do not consider their trip down town worth >vhl!e unless they drop in at the auction. Were glad to see you, whether you buy or not, to make >ou acquainted with Omaha’s progressive auetion house. FRANK B. STEPHENSON Auctioneer. LOWEST "WANT” aIj RATES In Omaha Telephone your Want'* Ad to AT. 1000 and secure better results at l »aaer cost.__r EXPERT aewlng machine repairing. MICHELS. ISth and Harney AT 4161 DAVENPORT FOR SALE — CRETONNE I PHnLKTERED, GOOD CONDITION. AT. _397S.___ MAHOGANY dresser. chiffonier and Victor vletrola No. 2 Fine shape. HA. 2472 JAS STOVE. 96; 8E3 UN «• CALL HA. 6122.__ LIBRARY TABLE. BEAUTIFUL MA HOGANY. CHEAP. 322 80. 61ST ST. FURNITURE of 6-room apartment. Good bargain WE. PERSIAN RUG. 5 '-a *V IN EXCELLENT CONDITION 261: WOOL WORTH_ WE. u4.i3. New furniture, muet sell by March 1 Apartment for rent._ Ir A 6 3 7 6 POOL table. bn* ►hap* WE_4621. .I^welry and Watches .64 DIAMONDS-' Ws pay the best prb with privilege to buy back at email profit. GROSS JEW ELRY CQ., Omalu, Neb., 402 N. 16th St Telephone Js 6041. __ Machinery and Tools . 65 ' engine, modeJ. used ». var. Just u hat a f tim er net-da Best offer g-»s It, private own er W-1M. Oniaha Bee Mist ellanemi* . 66 COMBINATION e*sh iyii an | adding machine Will ring any amount Hell on terms HA. 4919 or address W-17H. Um« ha bee. ____ BROOM MACHINERY FOR HALE CALL KE 6694 __ Musical Instruments .• 67 W*K have a number ot sightly used phonograph*, guaranteed mechanically perf m t with service for one year, that u - hav.* greatly redu- ed in r-r»re. Easy term.* for payment ORCHARD dt WILHELM COMPANY AT 3000 __ TRADE your used piano on a r.**w player P,a.'.» Bataneg e« low n* 110 per month. A HOSPB CO., 1513 Douglas. m i Offk i EqcIfUDi nt • • 76 WE BUT, sell sal*. make desks, show rse-s. ate. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., s w corner 11th ind Douglas. JA. 2724 Svtftp Column .. 72 NOTICE TO SWAPPERS. You ma insert a thr** ’u.e ’ Want’’ Ad i this classify StlM. A box number will be aff.xed and you call for your replies. If y.iti (in*- a d*al you t«v for your advertising n the regu ar * • If not. w* will cancel charge in other words— NO SWAP—NO PAY! This offer is good only In Omaha and excludes all bus.ness ad* Buslnea* 1 Want ’ Ads in this column will be ■ barged our regular rates NO SWAP—NO PAY! iKHlb 5 rdnm house, basement barn garage . full corner lots la good live town mi'-s h*c c.f »■ tabs i >*p for ('inntin property. Addrea S-IB. The Oma ha Be**. ____ n AGUES irrlgat-d land, well Improved South Dakota. 320 acres pasture land ( ush or will trade for city income. Both c|* *r and snaps. Address S-833, Omaha Bee. _ ;t- IMPROVED Iowa fa m, want * Iowa farm or Omaha h«ms In good party of city up to 117,000. Address H 112, The Omaha Bee. < HAVE new lata model MCsskey . ntnbina lion adding machine on rash system Will trade for old National. Addresa fl-179, Omaha Bao __ It.n FOR l> tourir k body for a Ford sedan br.«1y and pay some '«*ah not to rjr#»d |H0 In tho trade, Address H III, The Omaha He#. _ _ __j • '» A. k < ' . BH m<>m he. male. Value S3&. for sh<,fgun Prefer l**-gu*ge pump. Address S 190. Omaha He*_ WLL ««*p iadji * diamond Moa and , lirunawb k phonograph for Podge touring In good shape Address, £-437, Omaha , ■ 6 ptr cent net on ln\ *tmrnt Wart Im proved acreage or house, H-81*. Omaha lice. _ _ ___ | ■ »»tt» tuner one step Trails for good |>odg« or other light car S-S9S. Omaha J lee ^ ^ j t.OtTp player piano records, hen* h and ♦.tarda and Ford touring car to a* up for; lord milau. Address. Hox It III, Omaha; Ilea _____ __ Till’.KK FillOUIT regenerating an includ j log brand new « vull battery, RakHIta I panel. Value ISO, for Ford accessories oi i what have you? H-M7, lit*. __ j Wll’61 F.RAI.K doughnut making outf ' Talbot Hamburger trunk, o»*v ronr.oiin tent for film and rugs 8 •*- Ornah.i j Her_____. | V'| "tor Ammatogrgph mot on p • M * h ■ * a p fi»r s' O'1 da rd t v • •• I offb« equipment equal value Address M * J4- * *n»aha l»ee BUXtAKD hail, b >wflng alleys, andj and aoft drink* Tiade f »r h u-c and lot.j hotel or claar land Hen. , m mNKU Id »T Routh« <*•' < i ' 4 h and Howard for «a . equity in house .-t ; rooming house h Ml, ftee HAVfeB new I room, modern home Will trade equity fr»r well located lot on ra'tns U < 'Ilia ba Hec WANT resident * lot Have t’S •» ' £•» j 1 0 20 model Oakland car Will »«k* or pay difference Addre-s M 407, On.aba lice j A* imVaRINFf. !« go<..f condition v II, swap What h»v« you? Address 8 4*9, ‘ ___ - u'hnn Town. II. • .ns.!.- ,l( Had* Write owner. Y• I *71 Omaha I* Fix rooms with flrtpla* •. s.mroom and gmage |n Fo< kweod for »i\ r«" ma |t» Mlnue Imsa or Ptttidee s 40... On.abi. R»e. xvti«L swap smart looking l-"'M - f-* wrap or sport eoihltn*. Add" «, H lit T be Omaha !•<■» RTF AMI'.lt 11 nnk. good and «m nit for nim-Mii field gln*»<’>i or what have; > fin *• \ .Id t rO M t I ■* Oj , , h a ll I? soft I ijI ITY In ftr»c 7 room homo to trade far Mall home or what have '• ! Add tea* 8 147, Oinnh* I !•*« IVANTHU to -xchange \ b. u-e fur t ItiMpri hous«* to « ut monthly pa) • j men's 8 * 't Omaha Me. VIOI.IS. vihir I .• for ct tia.le ft. »« 13 rug or aufootitlo ll'ubll Addles* 1 d |0«. Omaha I»*« j MERCHANDISE Swap Column . "2 CLOTHES WRINGER, i.fcw new. will ■ wap. W'hai have you. Address 8**19. Omaha Bee. __ BRASH bed and oak rocker, swap for four-poster bed. Address 8-815, The Oma ha Bee. __ 80 ACRES Improved land 6 miles from Omaha. What have you? 8-603, Omaha Bee. ___ icgf ITY in 5 R. home for preferred stock I In Nebraska Power Co. 8-4 33 Omaha j Bee.__ ] 'J WO running horse*, liarrigan stock. L'n able to care for. Swap for something of equal value. Address 8-19*, Omaha Bey BLACK. and* wbite <*heck sport suit, du vetyn, new. air.e 36. Cost $98 What have you? Addre** 8-601, OTOIQt Be*. HAVE”!600 equity In choice acres Trade for car or truck. Address S.817, Omaha Bee.___ _I 'RID morris chair, good condition, trade, i What have you? Address 8-616, Omaha Bet.____ SWAP-* *sh for ui*• J winter top. Dodge car. 1920 model. 8-488. Omaha Bee_j WILD trade good 1-ton truck for office furniture and fixtures 8-607, Omaha Bee. TEN trained Mallard dtgoya for what have you. Address S-193, Omaha_Bec.^ 1. A -1 radio set for trade W'hat have you? Address 8-890, Omaha Bee._ CORNET—For sale or exchange for 22x4 t i re*. ___„ Wanted to Buy . 73 WANTED corn and oats In car lots quote delivered price*. Everett Saunders. Derails Bluffs, A rk. " DESKS? DESKS. D ESK S. New desks, used d*»«ks bought, sold end traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. AT. 6146. RENTAL — Apt*.. Flats, Furnished . M TWENTT-FIRST Ml - T» and 3 room furnished apartments; steam heat; walking distance, near four schools. AT. , 7 4 49 __I THEOI>0RE TERRACE. 4 room apt with *xtr;i Murphy bed. $*' 31 Av.v and Ja* kac.n, HA 1157, Janitor. DEHIR A RLE apt, private bath: aduits. $7n; garage. D-29 M 29th S' HA 15*9 I | INN AT 6960—24th ind 1 • w f.. TW E NT Y - FIFTH A VE . 117 Haul It—O n e and two-room apartments JA ><74. CHICAGO St?, 2116—2-room furnished r*iartn\^nt Strict!: modern _ Apt*., Flat*, I’nfomished .75 TURN Bit COURT 3- room apt.. 6-room accommodation*. Built-in feature# two beds. Opposite park ami boulevard. front apar:ro**nt. Available March 1 Janitor HA 6118. *; M HAUSER. Manager. |1 . HA. T14# j a |S4i—4 'h< a 6 rooms I . a»< ry room an outside room, with an abun dan* - of sanJ aht Must be seen to bo appreciated. S 2 59 Belvedere Apt*., 18th and Woolworth _ REAUTIFt*L~5 room apt in the Hudson, 297 S .5th A v e Walking d rancf. Call Janitor. HA 1779 or JA. <>746. MYERS A RAINBOLT 4“4 firraha NaM'nal “ FOR <)NB OP DRAKES 1000 APARTMENTS Call Jackson 2696. NEW strictly modern 3-rOoin up! 4- room accommodation*; steam he*'. pri vate bath, oak floor** Inqu. "117 R 33d St APARTAHCNTS AN" FI.ATS—8 2 to llvO. W J PALMER CO. REAL ESTATE Management AT At* 9 Keeiuie Bldg. FIRST c!»*a 3. room steam heated apt. 47 per rr nth Light. gi ». watar and N ' * mTpTj: HirRT-l r- ni HPt . newly dee. orated and refSnlabed, $50 winter. WE. 4345. lanltor _ ______ PETERS TRUST COMPANY. WHERE OMAHA RENTA" \ T < 4 1711 and Farmm Ste I'n! II r . m apar*.tn- 'it m s !nta T*rraca, €3 Park Av» . pouaeseion th *• month. ■ THREE room# wph 5 room aocommoda t: n* '.91$ Underwood Ave , Tel. WA 5$3S FOUR-ROOM apartment, etaam heat, low r*-nt P Stabbing Hit Chicago St PARK iVE, ttl- Par rant, flat, « modern. Marker 1 S31 Karma for Rent • 50 ACRES p suture, p * ■ *nd and alfalfa in S'. Omaha c.n trackage Magic CHy Realty < ■ . «U*f2 So 30th st Tel MA 9$00 .»r JA 4 33 ! Ai PEACE—*9 a re# and 2 a et, *■> m ’* from car line cash rent Room -2. Frenter Block tioo to I J} Dot N Broken TU>w. Neb (iancf* and Rirn$ •• HICA4 irage, f ' H mi am, Furnlihed . !A 43<M—Furnished house, all modern. • ■ *n 1*5 per month Ifoiinm, \ nfurnished . THIRTY THlRD~ AT. PTSTRI<*f~— High c|a*#. first floor fivs room# second floor. * i r taping porrti I . ■ hot water p i- # Large basement 849 and $$5 Should be «»en to be appreciated • ■» i ownai WA "mi 2397 SO. 13T1I FT—6-room house, modern but heat t 'oae to car __ 2 room house #uburban 11° per month H* if *3 HA 4 4 H it.. W. 6 room*, all rn dem. •TO lot _%h$. ;. . tor raat Offlc m and WnrH M - >ni m Sh c ->m h- 1 * nd- *■ *i>a • w»th sto k r run In heat* of autonvd lie row 1$ per month 2054 Famam St AT 7836. • ■ . ancl h’enogf Ht'hic service- 1*U j 16 City v. g • Bai Bldg _ K to rent f purpose II N 24th St Ugtl Webster 144 1 for nfurma t Ion. __ ___ h \ •. i . ’ rabl< rooti print! family 36th S* , opposite Field club. PRIVATE office with telephone and #ien ographlc *ervh e, Call AT 1694 Room and Board *1 |> A \ hSPOUT St. ?“*<■»- Hoard room marnad roupl* or cml' moi, i»#»untb!f Room*. lutnialird ATT |\TION iTTh » \1 \ I»VKHTISEKM ' To help you aeeure "paying gue«ta ‘ for ji-Mji \«nt A'-oin* v. maka thia of Phone your "Hi oni for Pent ' ad to Al lantm 1000 if >*»u do not rent your ♦ ooni at the r»rotation i f v ovir order t. || u- about il and wt will raina*r» your a d v»111 * <• men 1 fhre* moil day* wit It out additional «lim* ltememher, ten, that Tha Omahu To» ' Want ' Ad vaiea air tha lowest In tha city. (let > < ' ad’ It Ml' ' *' ■ : tr«1 hoW Phona AT tantlo lftoa and **»• for Mtaa Smith, out 1 Uonm* f •' H'llt Ad **ker VIA 1!»l& rhl I ilo.iii in a be* tit if ill Oth Mt hem* 1,Af*« room with itiK porft> atid bath Hot and roitt u ,i' f" A I"<• ait* ala room || A (Tel. ) !Mn* <>m pat W diStrl. ? large front room. In private home. f'»u» wind*"*", large tine*1 with rrltmr door, ••lean, warm and meaty formatted TW e nttk HiTirii Mi,' m *v — V |re ilean room modern, alert rt« light", furnat e he** lTal^t • gentlemen H A # It I: MIS Path 1 »r«je - "IT for "bed miVM. private horn- w th «r f»uot I WA I \ i it \ tail,! nui'ii in :>■-o#itrn home tunning water In loom *•> table ft*i lam. w * ■ 1. k d «t an r • •• II II A UU PI t VHN' I r «. n f o I e! ? g •I*. P> ’ i In |)oir-' ll for 1 | i f •»» AT |4,'h lilltitn 111 AVI fit S i vartn . loom apartment, to rtaptctabla vo«p • RENTAL , floomn, Kurniftbed. 82 23 2 7 II an scorn" Hlvd.—Well furnished front room. Desirable home, excellent table service for two. HA 4375.___ ROOl rot one or two, private bon block to car. Gentlemen preferred. HA. 1855. PARK AVE AND JACKSON—Beautiful Urge room, new flat; man preferred HA 0841 PAXTON COURT. 212. Sundays—Two newly furnished sleeping room*. Week day* call at. i29n. atria preferred, j PINKNEY ST . 2705^-2 7ov ely ^rooiue for : respectable m* n. private family $3 50. i WE 2719_ | HA. 7370 (Tel '—Tw«» newly furnished rooms; block from HUckstone hotel ga rage___ 20 TH ST. 207 N —Desirable front room, burner* woman, walk, distance. JA. 0f.78. 57XT EENTH HT 7778 >4 N A ptT" 2 — M od - »*rn, furnished rrn 2 gentlemen. AT 7901. FOR 1 or 2 lad)**, lovely apartment, bed room, kitchen privileges. WA. 2441. WA. 2575 (Tel.)—Deeirab!* room, in pri vate bom*, reasonable; close to car LADY'S front room with large y private home. Park Ave HA. <5227. TEL. WE. 2534—To girls employed De s:rle gir's to share hom<v 81 X T Y FIrSt 5t7 2*3 0 N —Room for rent In n*w hotisi wa 0681 MODERN room, steam hear. $3 50. 724 N. 18th St_______ Room- for Hou*t'1i<‘p[Wt’G: . HI ATTENTION FROM AnVERTTSfcRS!~ To help you secure “paying guests' for your va«ant rooms, we make you this offer: Phone your “Room for Rent ’ ad to AT lantlc 1000. if you do nor rent your room at the expiration of your ord*r. tell us about jl and we will reinsert your ad vertisement three more days without ad. djtional charge. Rem*rober, too, that The Omaha Fee "Want” Ad rat*a are the lowest In the city. Get your advertisement started now. Fhor* AT-lantlo 1'* )0 and ask for Miss Smith *ur "Rooms for Pent” Ad taker ^ < i.NK-H(K)M apartment, furnbhed fom p 11 <e f-r housekeeping Hsnscom Park district. On car line, reasonable. HA. 62k«__ WE 2 4 7 1 iTr )—On* Urge modern front ; room, kitchenette, clothe* closet and pantry Furnished for housekeeping ' lrg mans family- everything furnished. HA. 6038. __ WK. 2^4? (Tel )—2 nice rooms and kitchen modern, privsfe home. Ev erything furnished, no ch.Id rer rALlfORNA~ FT . 3121*4 — 2 and 3-r-om suite-, ground f HA 4081. 2022 FT. MART AVE—Two connecting rooms good heat, no rhlldren. AT 4071. THIRT1 ' 1 . 5t7 187 b'—2. room housekeeping suite, second floor HA. 7116. LINCOLN 1 : Urge closet h *n*» prlvllsgee WA 4884 HARNKY ST. 2*512—Warm south suite, two be- -c. I ta-h P. or. 4121 N 24th F* l^arge r , »r. and kitchen, furnished, sl'.ctly mo4<u, 17 50. pill M ; E ' —$3_w-trkly. E! heated Whrrf to Stop in Omaha .87 HOTEL FANE' »RD—19th and Farnam. HOTEL HENS1IAW—l(th and Farnam. Special ra»*« io permanent guests. [ REAL ESTATE Bn nine** Property • • Farm* and Kanrhe* .. .... 96 | NEHKAMKA—The niftiest small farm. 12 f a* re« around t'roaha. for «al# e.t a teg •arrlfl'*-, numerous tmprovenien* *, »uit ab-e for general farming or sto>k feeding; i *n Ideal home, tioee in. no trade* A i.argein Let me ehow you Ortn S I Mer' !. MA. 17M-F1_ MISSOt'RI—For tale fin*- rou'try rar«h. five a res gr.»d budding*, modern chicken ' house No trad**- Fi"s Mrs W U. Fie*--he F. at# ?. 'V-s*. Plain* Mo f»gark*___ NEBRASKA — !* »0 <ash and I2S *0 rer month without Interact will buy i*0-acro farm, c **d gold. pur# water fir. go per »( re Writ* W T Young. Jr.. Kimball. Neb. _ __ , MlSSot HI t*rm bargain 12« a re* Im proved. four m *-» :• oth«* A. P u • • t erry ? '' I -<?* f -t H *w Dundee Comer- Lot Must Be Sold Iter* .« the beet buy that has eve'- been •ffe^ed In the 1 : 1 »• list r T*a t«iocka : to the Dundee * hool t'onv»*nieni to car i line and surrounded by *oin# of th<- beat , home* In F»undee *pe, «| um pa'd fui» Lot inoiu. *ee Here s a bargain 1 for somebody Gecrfe and Company, REALTOR* A* .ant * 5«J|. I'" SEE THIS LOT ~ j , r orated on Ilth Ave . he ween Fowler ard Larimore t 1* by 112 fee*, east front, 2 Marks from car its#., e sdartd •« • * A w • -.derful ; j> for $• 0 cash (1" r ae log. KB mi_ IH’Nl'KK lot. M*m. on k4tb &; near Far nam. cbofca i«>t, owner will consider r»«* onab!* offer C A Orimmel Ja 1«1A \\ i; L i I to your orde- , • r hssoi ful lota • n Fd<eKH>d; very easy term* Rhone A • s r . »A. _ M EttMf—DoalM •• NKW PL'NDKK brick I-room. Aarce living r* ■< >m, Tirrpla''*. dir ing room, kitchen with built-in features and breakfast nook. 2 nice large bed room* tiie bath 3-car garage tile roof, j South front; everything up to the minute t'annot he d ip’ *’*J t« d*> * — pr re aak ed f»^o this today \V FAft.NAM SMITH A «'i> Realtor* IA WA. >1 New Dundee Bungalow Well built, new l-room bungalow all j umpltte. ovh finiah. t ie bath. 1'nmeJlai* poaaeasion 1750 cash. balance Ilka rent Look todav Glc tr & Spain, Realtors, JA 2Sll « Mr Nation*^ £ v i For fl.’OC l»and> lot btree; improve ment* tn. raid for. Street paved, paid fur f I*on t waste a minute get thi* OR A li AM FKTKR8 RFM-TT i’O JA o Eve FA. Ilf* DCNDPR COI,4>NlAI. Hrlck construe t lot'.. I' iiKOKOK % CO. Realtor* * |{ral F«(Alf—Florrnc* Nrt NCTiTaB-aT Ttoiita" *fet t atec»aR*t Tn 1 e^djpro^rym^ivhRe^ Kiiil Katato—Mincrlianfour. 97 f I i s lit ’arid fTnanm '»u> new heme .omplet* building etrvloa » tth l»o w orrir a I ul ITARI K TRC8T COMPANY. 1*13 | . ■ v i f .»•* M Li ACTORS AT r»4* HOMICN for workingman lour ruuma. Part1' modern full lot. raa? terms Il.tCO It*'# otb-ra Stewart Relit, n I®-" Al F|U l> TIU'MAS A non to. I. rail or a Real Balatt—Hoath * REAL VALUE $R,I®®- Leiv ft%e room oak finished bur®*' • i f s t > Wr»l Site park rar • ' ,,’Ml > »*b |j 30® Fit* r»«'m*. *ineti▼ modem. II®' ! IJ» foot or ground, two him ka to park |l 00® • aah )4.000 A \ room »tu. .o ee ml •hunts I©" afn 'tljr fitod-m garage clots to l e ' k rar. I !.-'*• ® r*Mt fa.|®o tvarh of * ft'e room **ni bungs, j <•". built In f« ature» rh<»l> e*t wood v of . gkd f. ab, toeattd In Partiv# • or# block to v*t. II.®®® down and fan a month $; 7ao v,* room bland new buck and kei. >*t<me ■ •*ntt\ front . lose t•' car OSBORNE REALTY “(Si; III raters T uit Btdf Ja>ktPh ?a* REAL ESTATE ‘Keal Knlal*—South .W ooooooooooooobooobooooooo f Ssuth Side f o o o $ 00 oxab. $20 per mo. buys dand. O O 5-room homt* near 2*th and F fits O O elec t rb lights gas. • ty O O sewer In street; fine shade trees; O O 4 bike to car. For quick sal*;, O O IMS®. O O o o $300 'll* i. $20 per mo secures O ; O substantial 6-room home near 17th O I o and Vinton ?*ts ; tleoirfc light*, O ! o gas, water, aewer. 2-rar garage, O O close to car. Price $2.100 O ! O O O $300 cash. $10 per mo ’Till buy O O dandy rooms, nearly new, near O O 17th and Vinton; electric light?. O O gas. water, newer Just a fine O O little home. Price $2,5 f Chas. W. Ymnz & Sen, f o o O 1602 City Nat Ek . AT *6C«. HA O O 5051. Mr Oldty, Black 4342. Mr. O O Lynn. HA. 2457, o O ° OOPO O O O OOPO O 0 0 OOO 0 OOOO OOO ooobobooooobboboooooooooo ° LOVELY 6-R00K 1 g BUNGALOW | ° AlL OAK GARAGE, ° % CORNER ° o O O -7u>.' *< uthw*»«e r,{ Han-'om i-ark, O C ti fine d a trie! ef h n: ••? Loaf O O living room Dining room large O O than usually found in a bungalow. O O Big oak buffer Kitchen larger O O than most, with lots of cupboard O O spate All complete The walls O O ar** white enamel Ire hoc plat- O O form In grade entrance Three O O good sized bedroom* Large O O cloaata Th« white »*! bath- o O room haa fine fixtures ard an ex- O O tra large linen clo#et A?t.«. O | C. G, CARLBERG, | °0 REALTOR % O O O JA <K$6 312 Bradei* Th B.dg O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOO O O 0 o O 0 O O O O G O O 0 O O O O O G G O O O O Room Southwest, Cheap$ “Exceptionally Good Value“ O An almost nee- two-story home O O Just south of Hansom Park, a O 6 block esat of West Fide carline. O O I/ng living ■ front V|g- O O rtnile and '-oat ' i --et bo-krases o O ar. i ' ior.ade oj -r. r.g between liv. O O mr rc.< rr and .iialrr r-'-'m, big O O bufftt bu It 'n * g oak open O G • 'a to M< ord floor. ut o? li% - O O room O O K • hen has arr*- rupboard*. Ice O O bo* room, etc . three »• h• i u ojr O O bedroom*. linen c osets and bath up O O arre < «e** f.ocr* of course O O Full basement. with floor dra'n. O O gas water heater. cog! bins, etc. O O Large corner ot. with tree*, h^cge O O »nd shrubbery both *tree»e paved O O an ! paved alley at rear O O T; ■ home i.k- ten inside and O O r.'j’etds f n» d.strl' » r.ev O o Prlei r • - i i mil o “ C, G, Carlber?, Realtor, “ o JA #515 Si: Brand The Bldg. O 0 HA 47 4’ O OOOCCGCOCCOOOOOOOOCOOOOOO Arrfaifp Property . 88 A REAL BARGAIN Ideal 5-aere pS*fe. g *od lmpnvfm*n'i. adapted for a feed yart Hand e pmg east direct to U. J' tr* R* rot. south of South « maha Ca A t‘ K <rgaard. l(A. Confer With Cohn 1 • i - v i I>a| FStale—\nrth .. 9S lfew Brick B;m?alcw Beau’iful new home new nearing com .e tinn n M rne Uim. osk f'oori and f.r *h. *i> tath bu t in tub. fireplace, and it doesn't rot( much more than frame rr atuc'O He# it today K*ening« phone .Mr |»i:k n. KK. 4**1. Mr Shx .*r, KK 2T««. or Mr Met.alfe. WA OT'.i E;ultabie Trust Company, 1*13 Douglas H' Rea!!-.r« AT .445 l •• VI" CA 81 ( Colon a I type * ungaiow fronting Fonte nrlle Boulevard on nice !e\rl lot Splendid locat. .n All modern: fir.#hed in oil, and enair.ei. A real free home. Mr Martin. KF 5555.__ _ __ \ si j. „ r>. and frame bungalow ,n 1 • u11fu 1 Minne I u»a_ Long l.vlug room, s rs p ;mh with mirror»*• »! f nr v e and tb--»- la!e f utures t*'? -ge a:’-' ; only I] JO* down t all AT i»il or JA. "IT'S TRUE I* Koun'se Park her ■ J.: f,M !f!4 W:ri._r.sf>' __ v • e’ rooma down. # rooms up, a I modem d ut e garagr. Pries IT.21# r'errr.a Norrlg At Norris AT 704? i) - BUCK A CO btl> • a •# r am | REALESTATE ICcal EfttSte—North . ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ‘ ° Gassy New Bungalows l o n O Well arranfcd, wall built an-1 fin*. O O I, fmlah'rt Excellent location. On O O nut ail itreet I’r e« complete O* O 15,15 > >nt $:..«<»<*. Terr, " Foe ap- O O poiniment to nepeet call Otant A O O Benson 1VA. IS** even ,if' f Benson & Carmichael, * o ° o *t: Patton Bio' k AT 3 54*. O O ° ooooooooooooooooooooooooo FRANK I,IN it.. list—7 rooms, fin* b*»e m*n* lrrni'*4l<itf poweMlon._W_A _* ,_■ Real Estell—Weal I0“ Cathedral District Bran5 New Bungalow Jmt f f."-.p!et*d Ha* *r*ntibule. f fa t c!©«#’ U'g* living rc-Ti, ouii'-in f**a‘ur Nk* laf^* : •. t~*n. I r*akfa-r nook, til* bat; *oHd tub* ! ,r«‘ah 1 in f r,*»' oak and *h;t# - -m* HA 12»J or AT III? J. Palme- C: > Galrmont District Ffve-rooro modern bungalow '•****- . * bf*o*caae*. pantry, oak floor* and finirb Attic :arg* inoufh to flnlrh 2 tror* room*, full r*ir*r' baaf-men* ga* bea*** fru’*^ f *l;ar garag< pav.r.g pa d « »?.* to. bir k to *chool- Ev* , Can WA 1744 da:* AT. 2241_ * NEA*R KKl'O PAKK--1 |0t* n**v g-rti* 12 by 1* «an be converted Into * * hnujia- * • hOUh* M*g 14' ' ’ r * " loar Want *uto o- vacant acre f *qu;?y JA »%0i __ .(’ a«H S'r2rly new L-room a’l mf,de-n V ow in >-•**• cf rep ar. I*a^*d u?’k to far. immediate pua**?* or w\ lif __ NEW 3-rocm h'j.' r ju«* ? n «h*d ! '^ 3Mb Sv Modern W .1 mak* <-.rtni. » J. S*ybo’d & So-u ‘*11 AT. •••!. ‘ fir# 224 City Nat Bank__ _ ~WEBUILD TO PLEASE _ TEM PI. K M FATI»EX_C^ •_. 4 i:.r-00 caah. balar.-e monthly; on rar l;r*e <’r*lgh 4M Bee Bldg JA. hggfV_ >e w Horof*—; ' u’ T- ... ** * Grgye-HH?bard C?. Real Estate—Wanted .... . Wan: Kruses! We Want Houses! • We Can Sell Ycurs! Ary t rrr «’s. Rat*r, JA 17f‘ H HA Brrr r. * A" *' ?HOPKV A P>:a.!.t H "* JA <n __ _r « • • :->*• n» Bidr 7 : —- R jy ypMT BINDER Sc OTIS; Ctrl H RC08 Co ; * Honraty *od Burner Gua.rar*r«d * F©£-S©€ K inder and Bid* AT «»C 1C Hemes Wanted PTv# »r « t r Chaa W. YorjBf A 2*©5 City Nat'!. AT. Mtt. C T. Spier ft Co, Realtors, ;.'4 p, e-« T-u»* P Cjr_JA 4«£T “Tukey Sold F I tSS WILL par ca#h f*>r '•lot* proper* > pr rd n-a; G:v- f-j:; r>ta « Pri«r« r-<"> W.’.ir • ' rr. a h a Be# Osborne Realty”Cc., - ty r*if - Tru«r B dr_JA_ftf! "ILL pay caah for nt" be- ♦-* con *ra « or ascend morira*#* * ! Srccr U -* t ..d r.y FTar.k C p#»* Co. CAWFPn !, w bat’d on your let. Bra' >na*r . *.on F>al p«r*cr.4. ##rr:.r Lo* es' V' - _ “ Kr»l "■» Bid a AT tC4*. GOOD LfPTIftGB—^OME TO US WF WELL THEM Hdyr r.KAi TT rn at. mi pTTvy’p-T'T r£ai7~ ertateT + S*lia. P.frj, Ir.»uraa F* « T oat B'd* JA. e*isr CBTr Raalty Ca. !«!m vtti ui\Ur. *. •.* for quirk r*au -* 4"# v % Bar’ Bldf_JA. 1>*% W. J. PALMER CO., vK J. ^ 4 a B r <t <>• _ iTTvTl? K KIM'S l I KS wYvo buy homr^ l.fa*. ; our prop#'*' * ?t» va for r#*u *» Part *’ r * '0 . R#a’.- ora J A 14. ♦ T. I s- - .. \ (V.V- ..rt * 'Bundy-A: ■ - - Wh: rn R#n! Latatr Co. JA Jfn7 ST S.'iisTWtOk. rei: I: *' w *-d O Siabauar Rra "or JA lt»s ~7l A StTn f S 1 i I V. T PEN RE ALT OR? Graham Pdters Oo aril fcamM JA ^'51 C o. Oa~ntr»t7d ft ?on* JA 7'4 4 r 937 FARMS To be put on the market and be sold in the next 60 days at much less than their appraised value and on terms of— One dollar per acre cash, balance ten cents per acre per month. These farms are now owned by a large insurance company doing business in 25 states, who have taken them through foreclosure on a mortgage, and, as the laws of the states do not allow an insurance company to continuously own land as a part of their assets, these farms must be sold. These farms are all in Washington County. Mis souri. about 50 to 65 miles of St. Louis. This we believe to be one of the greatest oppor tunities ever offered to the buying public to buy a good farm at about one-half its real value and on terms in reach of everyone. Call, phone or write us at once for catalogue of these farms. Tick out your farm today, for they will not last long. All you need to buy a good 10-acre farm is $40.00, balance payable only $4.00 per month. Don’t put this off—it is an opportunity that comes once in a lifetime. Come in and lot us tell you about it, or phone AT lantie 0966. National Townsite Co. 242 Biandei* Theater Building AND Dowd Auction Company 18th and Webster Streets Exclusive Selling Agents t mployar* Indemnity Corporation, Kiiimi City. Mo. C»nm