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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1923)
“Big Ed” Walsh Named Coach of White Sox Former King of Spitball Ar tists Will Assist Gleason Train Chicago Club. Chicago, Feb. 13-—"Big Ed" Walsh is coming hack to the scones of his f-aily triumphs on the diamond. The former king of spitball artists has been signed as assistant to William G. Gleason, who pilots Comiskey’s White Sox Secretary Harry Grabiner of the Sox announced the re-engagement of Walsh today while in the midst of his preparation for the departure of the White Sox for the Marlin (Tex.) spring camp on Monday. Walsh will act in the capacity of coach, which position was held by the redoubtable Johnny Evers. Evers did not respond to inquiry as to whether he was willing to return to the Sox and Walsh was engaged by Secretary Grabiner. “Big Ed” worked in the capacity of umpire in the American league last season, but was not re-engaged for 1933. He left the Sox in 1914 when his arm “went bad” and later ap peared in the uniform of the Boston Braves. Following a short term of service with the Braves, Walsh man aged a club In the Eastern league, hut dropped out after a year of ser vice. Complete First Round of Tri-State Tourney G hadron, Neb., Feb. 23.—The fol lowing are the results of the first day i of the tristate basket ball tournament being held here: Gordon. 22; Pringle, 6. '’rswford, 48: Buffalo Gap, * Pine Ridge, 19, Hay Springs 1 hadron Model High. 24, Morrill, If •■'hadron, 27; Lusk. 5. \alentlne, 22: Scotfe Bluff. 20. vlltcbell, 19: Hot Springs, * •>awford. 2?; Lonp Pin?, 1* Gordon. 16; Rushvllle, 8 Alliance, 21: L**ad 7. Valentine, 2*5; fhadron, 16 11 tinker Sw imming Team Returns From Kansas Meet' Lincoln, Feb. 23,—(Special Tele- | gram.)—The Nebraska swimming 'earn has returned from Manhattan, where the sunflower farmers won a'y dual meet. 38 to 21, Thursday. The Kansans took first place in eight events. Captain John Graebing win ning the four-yard breast stroke and Veal Phillips, the fancy diving. Oiuahans to Go to liajuuna. Tom Dennison, Ed Peterson, Billy Neseelhous and half a dozen other Omaha horse racing enthusiasts leave .Sunday for Tijuana. They were scehduled to leave for the Mexican ‘.rack a couple of weeks ago, but had to postpone their departure on ac count of the illness of Dennison, who suffered an attack of grippe. Wins Checker Tourne\. Bigspring, Neb., Feb. 23.—(Special Telegram.)—A checker tournament held at Chappell Thursday night re sulted in Bigspring winning 47 games, Chappell 33 and 23 draw games. Buffaloes’ Strategy Board ■* ♦ • • - 'darrtey v □tRE'S the strategy board of the Omaha Western league club. Barney Burch, owner, and Ed Konetchy, manager, make up the hoard, and it will be up to these two men to provide Omaha with a pennant winning team litis coming season. Manager Konetchy will run the team from the screen out to the center field fence, while Barney will handle the front end of the ball park. When ail the players report at (orsirana. Tex., early next month Manager Konetchy will lx- instruct ed by liurcli to play the men at any position he secs fit. The men who play flteir positions best will he as signed those positions, regardless of whether they played the outfield or the infield last season. /?trrefcAy' 1 “If Kuneteliy needs mure material to work wltll. it's up to me to get it." said Barney. “That's going to l**f my work this year." Canton “Y” Pin Team Wins Tourney New York. FVb. 23.—Toppling a total of 3.132 pine, the five man tram representing Canton, N. C., today was announced winner of a simultaneous bowling tournament conducted under ! the auspices of the International Y. -M. C. A. Seventy-three hranch associations In 25 state*, Canada and the Hawaiian Islands took part in the contest, teleg raphic returns of which were received today at headquarters of the organ ization here. Second honors In the team event went to Pueblo, Colo . wjih a total of 1 2,921. The best Individual three game total was hung up by Johnson of Pueblo with 699. Lincoln Legion J earn to Enter State Cage Meet Lincoln, Feb. 23.—(Special Tele gram.)— Lincoln's legion basket ball team will represent this district in tin state tournament to be held here next Thursday. Friday and Saturday. The Capital City legionnaires won from Nebraska City, 3$ to 27. The slate has been divided into six districts and an elimination tourna ment Is held in eaeh section, the > ut ner taking j-art in the state meet Husker “Fifth" Lore. Manhattan. Kail , Feb, III.—The Kansas \ggic swimmers defeated mermen of the t’nlvrraity of Ne braska yesterday, 38 to 21. The loral swimmers won first in four of the six events in addition to win ning the 1150-yard relay. I sills of the Aggies was high point man, with in. YESTERDA Y'S RESILTS. HAVANA. ir*' R**e—$500, J-yesr-o’.de, »!* fur O rigs. 'Vnfereo (Nolan) ....1*1 f-l-4-5 Kobbed Hair (Bruhn) .3-1 6-6 Forewarn (Pernla) . *-l Time: 1:14 2-5 Proceed*, Carrie Baker. < h(ncoteague, War Idol and Mannchen also ran. Second Tlac*—-Three-year-olds and up ardr. claiming. •*:< furlong*: r^zlug Fire < Woodi’took).3-1 6-8 3-6 Johnny O’Connell (Corey).8-1 6-5 PTeuy Baby (Click). 8-1 3-1 Tim*»: i ll 1-5. Molly Puff. India. A*h n. Hill ard Dal*, Suez, boat Fortune. Mary Hock aUo ran. Third Race—$500, for 3-year-old*, six furlong*. »*ony Bxpr'e* (Brunner). 7-5 1-2 !-< • kaby* (Pi^k*n»). - l • - ■ Mmedee (Burn*) . Time. 1.13 2-5. Illueioniet. Valmond, the Ulster and Confederacy also ran. Fourth Ba«e—$500, 3-year-olda, claim •ng. fivM furlong Prudcntlal (Click) -,...*-5 1-2 1-4 Lank (Burns) .. .,3-2 1-2 Kentucky Srnllee (Milner).. . la * 'l imn: 1:0ft 3-5. Rod* II. ' low 'hoc.. Mammon, Vlnilllla, Houtlcr. Voneno ana Honwitbhiru also ran. Fifth Rant—*600. Jyear-olds, one and nn.‘.sixteenth miles: - Harry olov, r (McDermott)-«1 4-5 Homan (Taylor) . *"! ‘onundrum (Parklngton) . •'P • ‘ Time: 1:0 3-5. Hrennan. Jack Hill. 7!ol.:. Lahluet also ran. Sixth Race—|r,on. t-year-olds and up, one and one-fourth miles: ...riot lap Muina (llrunner).l»-l *'} Top Run* f Notan t . ‘in ! a sailer friem-nte) ., Tim- l 33 4- Holden ' hanoe. dom Duke of Wellington. The Mag and (tlazonry al.o ran. NEW ORIJEANS. Ham—$700. rnaldan.; l-ytar-old*. Iirtt and ono-half furlun*, hilt Thought'. (Smith) -lf.-5 *-» Jr Itrulma (Brook* . .."** , i Hint Monday lUutvvtin r|nife' ( Tatty tfnw,. Ba.ala Wright, tionnto jack. SUu Laaala. Forty Too altu ra n. sworld ita<»~$ioo. claimingi 4->aar* old* and up. «l* furlong*: Uvournton (Morrla) .«v«n 1- - ‘ • ialeta (Ah-I) ..*•' ,r? "V/mm Kirt'lc. i$«amy:'-a.V »at'. Propa ganda, T.nsl Girl, Simplicity, Tun notes* Futen end Rocbambeati alao ran. Third Race—4’lahmlng. 4-year-olda and Up; *1* furlongs: •• *-.p Pinker (Morrla) .9 J*J J ' Grayson I Wilton) .9'2 * , Th** Nephew (Abel) Tim* : 1:14 2-l». Mln« Lafayette, M*< - hjevelll. Granny L**. .Mary G. T yo Fair. Kiratl*** Cub. . tamp, tfprlngvale and Wlreleag alao ran. Fourth Ka*a—Cypres* pui for 2 ear-olds; one and l*16th tnllen •'Mward Gray (Walla/e) .1-2 ®UJ chlvft (Hn»lth> . ,n Prince of Umbria (Marta) .. M B Tim*: 1-47 2 5 l-ady Myra, Am ole, ,oliMn Croat. end Reformer alao tan. Fifth Hare—$70*1; claiming. for 4 • **ar-ol^a nnd up; one and I lath ml len. H*. Imugls* cTholTIa*) .I2'1 f'-J ‘**2 Hfourgeman (Mein) . **» ” Gondolier (Morrli) . 1 Time: 1 :47 2-f». Klg Trojan. Matinee idol, Straight Hhot. Wu« Bruah. >Mh, Oraleggo, l»ouglmut, 1 ularta alao ran. Atath Race—$700. 4 year-olds; on* and l*>ih mil** Tom Caaeldy (Mein) • • *■’ 1 ' \ '* Paetoral (Wallace? * 1 I Black Hark,* (Harv-y) . 11 . Time. L 10Z j-Ti Will Soon. Command er, Hot K oot, T/egauIois, Tricky, Tyranny, Tanlao apd Jake also ran TODAYS ENTRIES NEW ORLEANS. Firat Race—$700; claiming; t-year-oidf. 5 >4 furlongs: Raffle# .114 aRuddugle .108 aStopea-g* ...... 107 Manicure Maid 101 •tHlllhoue** .....101 Wrangler •-* ormxlelgh . aF.H«abe»h Beau 94 Glabella 97 a Little Beauty... oFernandea - 48 Flying Devil ...1C 2 Peter 13rowrr .. .112 Second*—$700; claiming. 2-year olds bi*3 furlonf KpUcUoub .132 M*rBeth ..114 Tender Seth .... 11 4 Rork . 112 Oallford .110 Lady Rose . ...107 The Colonel ....10* Uhl Top ...... 1M Cl ho. t ..104 Fleeting . 99 aC. A Reinhart • » Bedazzle. Also eligible Kvelyn Saw yer ..107 a A Poor Sport 112 Third Rn« e—$700; claiming; handicap. 2-yoar-old* and up; six furlongs. Hoy From Home. 100 Canyon . . ...101 Crdando* Guv'nor . ...10 Hadrian .IP) High Coat .117 MonaMtry ...,,110 Raho . ...102 The Praitelrcan 102 Warzon, . ... 117 Fourth Rnri.—$1,000; Bcrwyck hand! ■ ap; 3-year-olda arvl up; one mile and 7o yards: Parader.114 Kerv.tnr ..P*'9 A tin tie May ....108 N»*ddam .loo Mock Orange ... 9m Bro« klt-sby . . JMi Mb* M*dgo . Ou Iri11 Kig-i . .1 . Fifth Rare—$700; claiming: 4 year old* and up; one arid one-elatnenth mllee Kewple O'NH11 ins Brotherly hove ..108 Moni.100 Grass Tree .... 102 nMny Roberts ..108 a Normal ... ..103 Hixih Rar*—$700; claiming. 4-year-olds and up; 1 ** miles. F.Mrarboletto ...105 a Pit .X n g aGentleman Jo t I "2 1, Cxhorter . . .1 St Germain Moody ..101 aKreezy Suer zy j c. i Toreador . ....P'l Topmast »'4 t> r or 11 Herbert .. 0m Spectacular Girl 96 Light W’tne . . .9'. HAVAS\. Firm Hoc®—Maiden 2-yc®r*o!d*. $560. ei * furlooga; l<elox . . ©I* Hon Peludo 1©4 Kdffenia <ium* !"7 Frimkonbi . i»»7 ! The «.«ff 112 Midday .112 I Courtier . 113 Bn main .IIS* Nerond Um«> *Four-yenr-old* and up.; claiming. $S00; ®1x furlonga: Whleperlng 1f»* • r^kiilbosa ...111 . hlfty .If® K inui ...111 (Vdoeaua .Ili The Knqulrer ..114 ‘ h* v.ill*»r . 114 Twenty 8®v»n .114 WaUrfiMd .Ill American Kagia Advance . 114 ..... 1 ♦ 4: Grattan ..109 Third Race Thre«* year.old* and up. i j claiming, puree, $000; five and one-half \ furtong* a If ul In .104 *Mla* Caltha . . . 1<M , aCarrie Moore .104 Black Top ,...10* Ha* ..I0& ttl’ort Mgbt ...l®®1 a llunuan ...... 109 Fourth Titice—K1 c,rl*»od* Hair® hand! I rap. purae, $:»00; 3-yeni Mild* ®nd up; all | fur long*. i Human ©4 Winnipeg . 0 7 Mh a Mazl* -®‘ Wide .I"-J Mr|hret Ware 10f> Turbulent , . 100 , Km Irka . 114 Fifth R®ce—Thre«.ye»r*r»ld* and »tp claiming; pur®®, ff/00; one and one*elghtb mil* * Kaht|c»*n K. ...11© Pollu .... . 112 . Gttgf da n g n 112 F®lfti M .Hi .Ir.cH Hill . . . 112 After Night ...111’ Herman M f» .®i*th Huip Tittrr* vegr-olda and up. claiming, purer-, $600; one mile and »o ; yard* ^ i .iMias rtnnkin 9t a lob Thayer . IQS Moorracius ,..,.104 aOoldtti R»d . .103 nK'-ntmerfl .103 Battle Mountain Mtaericorde . . ..... 103 aBfrretta ?8 aOid Pop 103 Fair Virginia. ... Ifl" Short Change . i"S Breadline ...... to ; Seventh Rare—Three-year.old* and ur. claiming, purge, I ><>•); one mila and t) yards: aValmood . *1 aAbe Pabiu’aeky * aThe Luster . *. 94 aDalnty Cady .. ** Nan ...103 Mlea Dixie _1f»s Mary Maalm ...log %\r. g« V,.irt« John B. Kucha. >108 al’uizl* .Ill Tamper .113 Smart Money .110 a Apprentice allowance cUtmed. Weather clear; track fast. TIA JUANA. Flrat lleca— Claiming. five and * r haif furlonga <11* Little PH* . 98 Striker . .... .113 xLava .in* x Freddie Fear .1**4 Syncopation ..111 ijltd N>wi , I 09 George JamM ill Counsel .113 x Marion Hollins H»b Mae Srt h . . »3 Martha L.109 Mm It I* Pet ..Ml SM-onrl Rare -1 00; c laiming, five f i: longs. (13). Ml"?* Jane . .9* xNrnn'g Maggie to* xJoe Campbell . 1 f>6 Jtancni Girl .ill Bookworm .....111 \"il*ra*e .Ill l.'fli* A l*o , I • f. r I»gy I C al’eggy Maxim .1"^ l.xr. n ..If® Mayavtll* .Ill Adduce K. ...Ill Ballou Berry .111 Third Rart—<.Maiming; t 00. 4-year oida and up five and cne-half fur *nn (8>; Net 8»ar .. .104 im Admit . ... 108 Dam T. .109 1»< 11»i i n Annie .111 Charlotte Smith.104 xGr;««t> Tnrnblr inb Iforlnga .109 I * * ti i * I e Three .111 Fourth Rare—1400. claiming; 3y»ar olds and up; «iy furlong*. i|4): Emma Williams i"3 xcanrion 108 xAmarkasam I ms N i Wonder 113 * Harry Iludder 108 Lady Bourbon l"‘* Redman ... ..Ill Nig . .108 xMtlda .104 VaTi^e w Well?* Ill xti|1io Wood ..109 Trouble 1 * 11J »(*0l. Matt .108 K. G. Corley . .113 Fifth Race-- $**00 claiming 3 -> ear coda and up. aix furlong*. (.14). Vera HU* . 1‘ui i.Nmih Shut a .104 x A | Wick .. . 104 July Fly .. ...Ill Allr* Richmond. Ill • '*ret*n .. til Choir Master .113 xMorry !.«»*♦* . inti Ja*.k led! .....Ik! Kimono ........ I ft! Vitxu III I.Mtle Pointer 'll Kirkwood ... in lolaijr.y .Ill Sixth Rare fttfift; claiming, handicap 3.y**ir-olrta; one mi*** and • •» yard*; (13); IfonllY* HtPkhom ft t>t; Van Patrick . '**) a Prince Direct ?»* It'd Wingfield 87 Ml .c l*i . 1 '»r. Porlm 87 (Henwell . . . • Woody Mont h 1‘.»lh Matron *J4 gomery . . Iftl Polly Wali .107 • Rajah l*»ti a Irwin entry. hAllen entry Haventh Hare— 1700. ' ycm oMi and ip. mil** and 7«» yards. (13) * OrU-ans CllM ...l*»l I'lijinsnu ... . ln7 x Vh* .....103 poacher ..11 ft Tilths . . ..I!«) Midion .113 Yukon 113 \ Flame .|o , Mr. X. ......10! »llM<kM.moie . . . I«»7 • Walter Pant ,ll«) fly Right .113 (Jao. Muohlbsch lii Flghth Knee—Claiming; 1600; 3-year olda and lip. four and * nr half furlong*, (in Stanl,*> it f< >■ ♦ i . i*le **4 Royal Maid »H Aryaiin* . I"0 • Angela ... l»3 InognaniH loo fhh.lgh i r 1 .... '»'> Flc.r. me Daen ?'• Man Munch . 110 Norffeld . 10U Phnd Uaggagn .113 Weather, elm ; track, fuat lelelle Welch will meet "Ilnliun Joe” liana In on*- -if tie pi • Mmlo »i !«•*• t«* the .Sumtm MondelJ loi Muuk mo*1 '» "» Mtnceop" i« on MiM«h ’• '1 - i'll "ill start training Monday for tha oontsat Dame Rumor Whispering That Rockne Will Coach Columbia Team in 1924 Football Season Appearance of Mohardt at I nivcrpily Revives Rumor That Notre Dame Mentor )Xi!l Accept Offer. New York, I-'eb, 23.—Johnny Mu hart, Notre Du me football star two .seasons ago, and a teammate of the great George Gipp, spent several hours conferring with the athletic au thorities at.Columbia university, and while the details of the discussion are problematical, his appearance on the campus at least revived -the rumor that Knute. Rockne, Notre Dame coaching wizard, would be at the helm of Columbia football In 192 4. It will be remembered that Colum bia offered Rockne a stun approxi mately Jlti.OOU to coach the Blue and White football eleven this fall, but that Rockne’s contract tied him up at Notro Dame for the entire season. Confers With Rockne. Subsequent to Roeknc's declination. Graduate Manager Boh Watt of Col umbia went to South Bend, Ind., for another confab with him, and it is now whispered about that Rockne consented to take the Columbia job in 1924. This is wli' i' Mohardt entered the ! picture. Johnny may h&vu been deb ■ ' gated by Hockne to take charge of the Nov York footballers this season while he is serving out his contract vuih the Indiana players. Mohardt Is thoroughly conversant with the Hockne systems and. although he is several long spirals removed in ability from Knute. he nevertheless could in stall the Hockne system at Columbia very capably this fall. Glenn Warner, Pitt coach, w ho goes to Stanford, on the coast, in 1924, sent Andy Kerr, his Pitt assistant, out to the western srhonl last season to instruct the Stanford team in the rudi ments of tie Warner system and Kerr will again hold down the proxy posi tion this fall. Mohardt may ho used in the same rapacity. May Cio to Noire liatne. In the event Mohardt fills for Hockne this fall, it is not presump tuous to assume that Mohardt would succeed Hockne at Notre Darne. Hockne graduated directly from the quarterback berth on the 1913 Notre Dame eleven to the role of varsity coach and there are many Notre Dame undergraduates and alumni who fed positive Mohardt would develop into a first class mentor if afforded the opportunity. Joie Ray Wins Mile Race at Boston Boston. Feb. 23.—The Boston Milo i trophy today was added to the collec tion of Joie 1'hy, Illinois A. C , who easily outstripped a fast field at the annual tank meet of the Massachu setts American Legion. Hay finished in four minutes, 23 seconds, the fast rst time recorded in races for the trophy. Bob Brown, former Cornell star, and once two-m!!e Intercollegiate champion, gave Hay, bis only compe tition. University Place llif'li Defeats Fremont Five Lincoln. Feb. 23 —(Special Tele ' gram.)—Tho University 1'lace High school basket ball quintet S'>ored a 39 to 22 Victory from the Fremont ; team on the suburban court Thurs- ; day night. Warren, captain of the Uni Methodists was the consp.cuous performer of the game, scoring a total of 23 points. The visiting ag gregation was completely outplayed by the Uni Place cagesters. The sum mary: t niT#r*ltT Pli*ee. KG. KT I* I rt W armi, r f (c) ft S ! - * Vetter. I f. 3 <» 2 * hull, r ..*«!* Bo#ll. r. if. ....<> « I 0 W'HH. I. K. . .. 2 “ * * Aden. t. f . « o 2 0 Total* 17 1 9 89 > rrrnoBt. KG. F.T P I Fla. \\ Inklernaji r. f. .2 « I 19 l.tunt, I. f. , ‘2 ft i 4 < hamlien. «• ....... 3 ft I ft Knlflniff. r. «. .. ft " » 0 .4 nttrell, I. | I ft I 2 Hinder, I f. ft ft • ft Tutain - 8 a ft •»: liefer##: Hull I. I lower* of I.lnmln. I re# throws inl**ed: Witrren, 3; \4inklr ntun. 5. Auto Racer anti Mechanic Near Death After Spill Phoenix, Arix.. Fob. 22.—Ueorgo W. West and his mechanic, Fhy Thomas, a ere perhaps fatally injured In tho second lap of the first 25 mile race at the state fair grounds this afternoon when their car left the track and over turned several times. Cap:** Game* Scheduled. Thres U**!< !n Y. M. C. A. basketball league* will be played off Tuesday night. Final Israel and Renann M. K. will fight It out for first place in * lass H of the church league. Kind Memorial and Falrvlew Presbyterian will brenV the deadlock for second place In Clara C. DeMolay and Pos* office team* of the Gate City league will settle their dispute. A fourth game Tuesday night will be played between the Wheeler Me morials and the Calhoun town team. Postpone Gap:** Game ! The Omah* I’nlveraltyTabor rol* 1 |f*Rr banket hall gratne. which v a« ! scheduled last night at Tabor, was postponed at the request of Tabor nu | thoritiev As i result of the present 1 flu epidemic, public gatherings nro I barred in Tabor; hence ft w m impoa ! aihlc for the two team* to meet. ; The game will played next week , if plan* of Krnio Adams, coach of ! Omaha university, materialise. I*nlf I aurels t<» Denverite Delmotite, Cal., Feb. 23—M. A Me l.uughlin of Denver, former Colorado | state g**lf champion, gained p«rmv pent posaes-don of th** Pebble Jlea*’h gold vase yesterday by virtue of bln ! third victory In competition for it. 11ih I mark was 79. lb won in 1920 with • I and in 1921 w *h *0. Iowa Hold* l.catl In* i City, la . Feb 23 b** a mu 'verbify detained Its lead In the I’.ig Ten confluence Itaakct ball rare lore lust night by defeating Indiana univer sity, 19 to 13. r-- ■■ ' ■ ---—.. ■- m .. Thirteen-Yew-Old Girl Wins Do ft Derby I ron wood, Midi.. Feb. 23.—Dis guised as a boy, .Josephine Cybulshi, 13, won (he annuaJ dog derby rare here yesterday. The rules stated that only boys could enter. .Judges are undecided about having the rare j run over again as Miss .Josephine already has the prirc. "Smoky” (iaston Dogf Wins Annual Derby Hare Ashton, Idaho., Feb. 22,—Fourteen I seconds separated Tud Kent, chatn- ' pion of 1921 and 1922 to repeat in the Ashton dog derby today. "Smoky" I Gaston, hero of Henry's Lake, pent hi* huskies across the line in a gruel tng finii-h, completing the DO miles in 2 hours, 9 minutes and 35 seconds. j Third place went to Olcott Zarn, the [ 10 vearold schoolboy of Ashton and i George Pilcher of H< nry s Lake ram# In fourth. Lydia Hutchison, heroine of the 1921 classic, was fifth. Zarn's j time was 2 hours. IT minutes and 39 records: Pilcher* 2DTT5: Hutchin son’s 2:30:U9. Krueger Sigite \\ ith Indian*. "Butch" Krueger, one of the class iest second Backers in the Western league, and O. C. "Chilli" McDaniels, both members of the Oklahoma City ; club last season, have resigned with the Indian*. McDaniel has been relegated to the I relief this s»a*on by the sign ing of Fred Luderus as manager, for the chief is to hold down the first sta tion occupied by McDaniel during the greater part of last season. Kruger was a utility man last sea son, not having recovered his strength following an operation on hla kidneys the winter before. In 1921 he waa a ,31a hitter, but he bated only .229 host season because of th\* operation. Firpo Arrives for Brennan Co New York. Feb. 23.—Luis Firpo. South American heavyweight, ar rived hero for his match with Bill Brennan. March 12 Firpo said that he was ready to fight anybody in thu world. "I ant going right into training here for my fight with Bill Brennan," he said. ' I have received a cablegram from Jack Kearns. Dempsey's manager, saying that I can t get a fight with Dcmpoy for sis or eight months I have never seen Dempsey fight, hut he ha» no terrors for me. As for Brennan—well, just watch me." Firpo now tips the scales *t 220 pounds. Fvan- Tramps 10.500 Mile* ( hicago, Feb 23 -OB)—The physic .i.1 effort required to become a par golf* r b.»« at last hern computed and the tabulation 5>howthat to rise from a dub to a golfer who *h<H>ts par or t>€tt*r nil th« Um*. one mu*t *wing ,i golf club upward* of 2,000,000 times and tramp half wuy round the world over golf link*. At least tho*c figure* represent the effort * xp* tided bv C'btck Evans in 15 year* of golfing. The mileage wn* pilot! up on a bam* of only five mile* for IS holes and an average of 20 round* a month f«T * ven month* annually, making 10,500 miles for the 15 yeai Lincoln Sibils Recruits. luneoln, Feb. —-Three battery r< uits have l*eou signed by Buck n*ltier, miinainr of the 1 .Incoin club of the Nebraska State league. They are: Hoy Norman, a voting catcher fr« in Hepublic, Neb . and John W. Mc!*niv and 'Font Tui<*kl*. right hand pitcher*, balling from Chicago Brini-pro* rank*. Th© lank* will Mart practicing ip April. ^ T • -.non opens May 4 Champion Wanderer of Baseball to Start Season in the Western League The Western lengiy will Ivaat within Its rondnr* the "ihiutiplon h«tu j hall wanderer of the wmld the reining Mention. lie* I till Mnrrlsrtte, who will report to tho St. Joseph eliib It Is seldom thsl n season passes that Hill doesn't manage to gel Into three or four different, leagues II tartid Ills i'nm r with Baltimore In the Intri national league In 1911. hut finished the year a Italrlgh The vrar 1919 found him starting out with Hlrhtnond. hut ho wound up with th* Thiln del phi* Amerirans. Ho was hark with Baltimore In 191R, hut In 1917 he . entered tlvo ddlorent leagues. That Mar Hill stalled out with the New Yoik i Hants MrOraw shlp\>ed 1dm to Baltimore, Baltimore U"herod him down to Charlotte In the Sally league, when™ ho was ktdWed over to Mobile, In tho Southern association nhattanouga took him ufl Mobile's hand*, but trtM him up anti axpraaaad ililtu lumk to lUtllluu'oe HIM wnc mi ' during tho 1917 season. Ilo o|>rned wlUmJcmoy City III I'Ha and -'luted tie 1919 season I heir, only In 1»- shunted on to ltarnll ion when* In spent fin rest of t'lla and 192(1 Dot roll took him late In 132". Toledo kepi timi during 1 - J Si Joseph Moline and Minneapolis h«i Uaed him during tli* 1922 season and he'll start 1923 with St Joseph Injuries Can’t Stop Ex-Yanks Top row, left to right: I arsons, Dot.v and Wahl. Bottom: Rollins. Kobcrts and Mace. Twenty-two victories and one defeat That's the record of the Bellevue Vocational school term ,nu its s'iil going strong! The record i,s an enviable one for any team to establish, and is more im pressive when the fa< t Is taken Into consideration that every player sustain ed a major disability in the world war. But When a spectator watches tho bo; s in action h» conclude* that they've certainly made a wonderful recovery. And they have. .' • ■ • . i ’ the same team before this fall. Baxton L. RobertB and John Collins play for ward; Janvs Parson*, center, and Doty and Bryce M. Mace, Jr., guard. The team's record for the season follows: Bellem* Opponent t. 2r» PMIevue Pr**byt*rian . 31 ■'* Falrvj* .v Presbyterian .11 44 Fort Crook. 18 no South High .. 12 3* South Omaha Sokols . 18 41 <"*nfral H.gii 18 75 Ak.Ssr-Bfln Kntght* . 14 3 4 Hanson M K. . 25 lf,f» Omaha Owls . 8 41 •' 'ton Hill Presbyterian . .. . 12 *! Orae« Lutheran* . . . 11 62 De Mo lay.20 22 Frnio Holmes . ........ 14 It I'athoHr Sokols . ... ... IS Fr-mont American Legion . 1? 51 Fort Calhoun .. 16 *1 K. J. jk»kui*. 16 2% f'runnier-•• Cube. *2 Tl VIH sea Ft .24 «»#*org*‘ - Marvel* . lz ' lrrm-.n' Amer in legion ... 16 Iu. 46 .1 Unitarian* ... ... 20 I.12» Total* . .. 456 Delta Tau Delta Lead in Nebraska Frat Meet Lincoln, Keb. 22.—Delta Taa Delta Is leading the field In the interfrater* mty track meet being s'aged the State university this week Lewis Trexler, siiirir. t I’m Epsilon, is the highest seorin* individual so far, hav ing made 964 points out of a possible 1,000 In the s*. stem of scoring devised by Coach Schulte. Some likely look ing material I or the varsity squad is being uncovered. Stephen? Beats McNeil Itaiph Stephens defeated Guy Mc Neil last r.ignt in the state pocket bil liard tourney, 125 to HO. Stephens high run was 45. while the most Mc Neil could collect on one shot was IS. He Into Harech nr.d Ar.dy Swanson play tonight, Grading Starts on Nebraska Bowl Site Lincoln, Feb. 22.—Grading is under way in preparation for building the $459,900 stadium at the University of Nebraska and old houses on the addi tional land that must be used are bo inr moved oft Chief Engineer Church reported that the required space would be cleared in two or three days and the grading would be rushed through In a matter of 10 days or so full equipment will be on hand. F. A. Holtz, secre t try of“*he aiumr i association, who has had charge of the campaign for f inds, stated that the committee is up and hoped to have the full amount in be fore long He stated that it was the intention to put the work of building through so that the stadium would be ready tor use for the fail football games. The plans are almost fin ished and the original draft h*.* been closely adhered to. Fir«t Hof or mod Lo-o> B: -«i l*rae! defeated First Reforms-: the feature game of the class "B" hurih league last night at the **Y" by tne score tf 14 to T. Levinson starred for the winner*. Benson M. F. won from P*:ail SI. F . J4 to 10. First Christian forfeited to Dundee Presbyterian. Maroous Beat Goplier Minneapolls. Mum . Feb. 2^—Chi cago beat Minnesota, 24 to 21, in a Western conference basket tall game bere last night. It was the Gophers’ ninth consecutive defeat :l.< c ference this seasor Logan to Light Nickol. “Bud" Logan ha* i • t t tched \ fight 10 rounds with Jimmy Nick'i at Milwaukee i "Xt Monday night, Lincoln Legion Win*. TAncoIr lv;b. j3 —TIh- Ltncoin American legion basketball toam d* feated th»* Xebianka * uy k-gion quin tet here iaat night, 3*J to 27 * , • Denver. Grand KapitL Deal. Denver, Colo.—-The Denver rlui has purchas'd from Grand. Rapid - Pitchers BUI Phoup and Iiarr' Brooke, Pcoord F;.,i“man M-M'-narnn and Catclc r VVolgamot. Denver will give as part payment r »yer* to b* selected by Grand Rapid/ Beatty a I r< ** \seiit. Jar-k Iieatty, who vaa one of U ♦* leading first basemen in th*; Western league in 193-1 and also in the Texas league last year, has bought his re lease from the 8an Anton o club ar ia now a free agent. Sux Drops Recruits. Chicago—Harold Buhner and it* Ostergard will not male- the trip with th** Chicago American league l-asebs : club to it- spiing training camp nest Monday. Harry Crab in *r secretary of the club, announced today. Bubs was released to the Kalamazoo. Mich club and Oetergard to the NashvilH Tenn., club of the* Southern ieagu* Grax?on Dog I ram Vi in? The Pa- Derby Rare The Pas Man. Feb. 25—Cray sot driving Morgan's team won The Fa dog derby today, finishing at pi o'clock, with an elapsed t ree for th-* 200 mile course of 26 hours. mi utes Ruaaick was second Winter!r third. Two of the drivers w*re otu of th* race. B. Bjotkmnr of** returned to The Pa* this tnormr afi^r covering only a short dietar* and Stabback. driving a Crelghte i entry, also quit. Grand Island La-iK Defeats Coiner leant Grand Island, Neb,. Feb. 23. — Grand Island college basketeers wo, easily h -re last night over '.hr Got ner bulldogs by a score r f 32 to 26. I the first half the Zebras p.>-' up lead of 12 points ar.d second s? r, men were freely used during the r tnaitider <? the game. I; as Ztr*. enter, led .n the scoring with »ig field i '•v3rd. being second with seven ka1 kets from the field Ifawkeycs and Badger* t>• Meet in Dual Track Meet Iowa City. Ia , Fob. 23.—The Cr versay of Iowa will meet V,’.scorn tomorrow afternoon in the firs' wey ern conference track meet of the se son here tomorrow. Hawkfye a i.. .,. o said by Co. George T. Brosnahen to be in h , condition physically for the distant runs Ti t* short distance men. hov ever, be sa>a. should give the Bad ers Laid competition. as a May Morning — and as fragrant g'.'HT.l' —— ___ made up your mind that Mozart suits you. buy 30 Mozarts at a time, instead of buying one Mozart hfty times. It’s the econom ical way—th« time-saving way. Moscsrt t. an uncommon lv mild cigar of Hrwana fragrance — beautifully made. FIVE BEAlTIR’l SIZES detect the one that suit* vou best 10c • 2 fw 2 Sc • 13c • 3 for 30c U m*.U • i'\0mt ■ ' nnrn^Bi ^ «*k » K» McCORD BRADV l O OmiKa, Ntli