The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 21, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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Newest Scheme to
Educate Wealthy
400 Youths to Sail on Asa
Candler’s School-Trans
port September 15.
Baltimore. Feb. 10.—Transformed
into a sumptous seethe-world-es-you
elUfly college for boys, the former
army transport l.ogan will set sail
next September 16. if the plans of
Asa Candler, jr., of Atlanta, Ga., son
of the multimillionaire beverage man
ufacturer, are realized. The ship will
have accommodation* for 400 pupils,
a large faculty, managers and clerks
of the various departments. Mr.
Candler said yesterday that the school
is not a philanthropic foundation. It
ie a purely business proposition, he
said and only men of means can af
ford to send their sons through such
a course.
"My own Km,'' Mr. Candler said,
and the son of my brother Howard,
will go on thcs first cruise. This ex- J
presses my confidence in the scheme.
"The view I take is this,” Mr.
Candler continued, "there are many
poor boys who attend schools and
buckle down to their work-in earnest
because they have uo other inttrestE.
s>ut there are many sons of rich men
who have their cars and their clubs
»nd find too much to do other than to
study. If the rich men's sons are sent
to my school they will enjoy them
Kf’ves. hut at the same time they will
see that they must concentrate on
their studies."
Young boys will not be accepted by
t he schqoi. it was stated. Those who
»re admitted must have reached the
third year of high school or the first
Bright Red Light Appears
in Heavens in California
Peculiar Phenomenon Attributed to Taif of Meteor
by Coast Astronomer; Light Remains in Sky for
Period of Half an Hour, Appearing
to Drift Slowly.
San Bernardino, Cal., Feb. 20.—A
bright red light in the southerly
heavens attracted wide attention here
last night. For more than half an
hour, the object resembled the tall of
a comet. At U:16 o'clock the light
Prof. H. A. Richardson, a local
astronomer, said it probably was the j
tall of a meteor, lie could not de
termine whether the light faded
because of the Intervening of clouds
or whether the object itself dlsap
Riverside, Cal., Feb. i!U.—Many
residents of Riverside and adjacent
territory specualtcd today over a
bright rod light visible in the south
erly heavens from about 8:30 until 0
o’clock last night. Some said that it
seemed to move "about six feet in
half an hour,’’ and that It resembled
a small section of the Milky way, ex
cept that It was red.
Telephone inquiries from as far as
Corona, 15 miles south of Riverside,
were received.
or second year of a liberal arts col
Boy s Kestl essness Sa\c®
House From Destruction
Slieiton. Neb.. Feb. 20.—(Special.)—
Fire of unknown origin threatened the
destruction of the William Adamson
farmhouse, north of Shelton. A small
boy was awakened by the smoke and
could not go back to sleep. His rest
lessness caused an older boy to wake
up, and the parents and a large family
cf children, all of whom were sleep
ing upstairs, were quickly aroused.
The father managed to get down the
stairway of the smoke-filled house and
discovered a roaring fire in the dining
room. He secured, some buckets and
with the help of two sons, put the
fire under control.
Shots Fired Into Store;
Parties Escape in Auto
Nebraska City, Neb., Feb. 20.—
(Special.)—Sheriff Ryder was notified
yesterday that at an early hour in
tha morning four thareea from a
shotgun had been fired by unidentified
parlies through the window of the
Herman Richter store at MineravlUe
The owner resides above the store
and when he heard the shots he saw
an autr nobtle traveling at a fast rale
of speed drivtng away from the scefie.
It is believed that an effort was
made to get the storekeeper out into
the open in order that he could be
killed with little prospect of leaving a
clue. Several cans of canned goods
on the shelves of the store were pene
trated by the shots.
“Maiden Omaha”
to Be Crowned
Manufacturers to Give Away
Samples and Prizes at
Annual Banquet.
One of the biggest events of the
tear among Omaha manufacturer*,
the 13th annual Omaha Manufac
turers banquet, will be held in the
M. 11. Smith auditorium Thusday
everting next. Miss Irene Tauchen.
who tvas elected queen at the In
dustrial show last' October, will be
crowned “Malden Omaha.’’
The main feature at the banquet in
years past has been the giving away
of samples and prizes by the Omaha
manufacturing concerns. This year
several thousand dollars worth of
samples and prizes. Including every
thing from collar buttons to bed
mattresses, will be distributed among
the guests.
There are more than 500 manufac
turing concerns In Omaha and 215 of
these will 'be represented at the af
fair. Each concern will contribute
a sample of its goods to be given
away, and the samples will be placed
In large bags and hung on the backs
of the chairs around the banquet
table. As each guest, enters the door
he or she will be given a number.
Later in the evening a drawing will
take place and the lucky ones will
carry home their prizes.
Some valuable prizes are to be
given away this year, one of the most
valuable being a fur automobile robe.
The banquet is being held this year
in the M. E. Smith auditorium as
the rooms at tha Chamber of Com
merce are too small.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
District Judge Day III.
District Judge L. B. Day, who pre
sides over the court of domestic re
lations, Is ill at his home with the
' hromc coughs and persistent colds
lead to serious lung trouble. Tou can
stop them now with Creomulslon, an
emulsified creosote that is pleasant
to fake. Creomulslon Is a new medical
discovery with twofold action; It
soothes and heals the Inflamed mem
branes nd kills the germ.
Of all known drugs, creosote is rec
ognized by the medical fraternity as
the greatest healing agency for the
treatment of chronic coughs and colds
and other forms of throat and lung
troubles. Creomulslon contains. In ad
dltlon to creosote, other healing ele
ments which soothe and heal the In
flamed membranes and stop the Irri
tation and inflammation, while the
creosote goes on to the stomach, is
absorbed Into the blood, attacks the
seat of the trouble and destroys the
germs that lead to consumption
Creomulslon Is guaranteed satisfac
tory In the treatment of chronic
coughs and colds, bronchial asthma,
catarrhal bronchitis, and is excellent
for building u'p the system after colds
or the flu. Money refunded if any
cough or cold, no matter of how
long standing, is not relieved after
taking according to directions. Ask
your druggist. Creomulslon Co., At
lanta, Oa.
Twenty million people mutually own the
biggest life insurance company in the
world. It is The Metropolitan.
One person in every six in the United
States and Canada is a holder of a Metro
politan policy—one of the safest forms of
investment known to man.
Metropolitan policyholders live longer than
other people because The Metropolitan
takes care of its policyholders.
At the same time The Metropolitan is
working in cooperation with private, public,
civic, state and national organizations to
improve the health and living conditions
of every man, woman and child in this
Country and Canada.
Live Longer—
Life Insurance Company
Incorporated by th* State of Nn* York. A Mutual Company.
HALEY FISXE, President FREDERICK H. ECKER, Vice-President
Live Better—
Metropolitan has
distributed 272,
000,000 booklets
and pamphlets deal
ing with health and
longer life.
Metropolitan nurs
es have made more
than 16,000,000
free visits to its In
dustrial (i. e.,weekly
premium) Policy
Metropolitan ex
tends free periodic
medical examina
tions to holders of
Ordinary (i. e.,
other than indus
trial) policies.
working with Na
tional, State and
Local Health Agen
cies, is waging a war
on Tuberculosis
and other prevent
able diseases.
Llfa expectancy
among Metropoli
tan Industrial Poli
cyholders has been
extended 8 yi years
since 1911.
Business Statement, December 31, 1922
Asset*.. $1,259,850325.23
Marc thorn thoie of any other Insurance Company in the World
Increase in Assets during 1922 .Vvn 144,267300.69
More than that of any other Injurance Company in the World
Liabilities.. rvvw 1,198366,913.98 •
Surplus.. r. fflf; .:. ..:. * . .f cmsmius
Income in 1922 .* 34036830130
Morr than that of any other Insurance Company in the World
Gain in Income 1922 . 38,685,601.91
More than that of any other Insurance Company in the World
Total Insurance placed and paid for in 1922 .' 1,802,110,686.00
Morr than ever placed in one year by any Company in the World
Gain in Insurance in Force in 1922 . 801,849,118.00
More than that of any other Company In the World
Number of Policies in Force December 31, 1922 .... 27,384,445
More than that of any other Company in the World
Number of Policy Claims paid in 1922 . 365,276
Averaging one < laim paid for every 24 seconds of cai h business day of 8 hours
Payments to Policyholders averaged $80 J. 81 a minute of each business day of 8 hours
Dividends payable to policyholders in 1923 . 20,809398.56
Insurance Outstanding
ORDINARY (Insurance for the larger amounts, prem
iums payable annually, semi-annually, quarterly or
monthly). $4395324,118
More than that of any other Company in the World
INDUSTRIAL (Premiums payable weekly) 3,412,232,839
More than that of any other Company In the World
TW gygftyJlfS W
1882 $ 1*354,26739 $ 2,002364.13 $ 379,907.13 341332 $ 43,245,752 1882
1892 13,30731135 16,506,282.22 3374,51639 2.719,860 310,767.876 1892
1902 43,336,283.61 89.168,790.55 10,351,33832 6.976,651 1,219,166,427 1902
1912 106,786373.52 397,913342.71 34342,97135 12337342 2304.966,102 19U
1922 340368*30130 1,259350325.23 61383,411.25 27.384345 7,807356,957 1922
The Metropolitan
Agent is a friend to
the families he vis
its and helps them
in case of sickness.
17,000 Agents visit
the homes of 17,
000,000 Industrial
them of the value
of sanitation, fresh
air and sunshine.
Among the useful
booklets distribut
ed by the Agents sre
those telling how to
buy food, how to
care for food, how
to cook food, how
to provide whole
some, nourishing
food for the least
A Company is C peal
only as it Serves.
Put This
Modern Servant
In Your
A Home
Gentlest and Most
Thorough Method of
Washing Ever
— w*rt« u* t mmmm
Let THOR Reduce Your Laundry Bills
Pay For Your THOR By Its Savings
For this slight cash payment down, then at the easiest
sort of monthly terms (equalling $1.25 weekly) this
THOR sale offers the greatest Electric Washer value
of all time. Most housewives know the famous THOR
by its wide reputation for economy in performance.
You, too, should learn if you do not know now—all a
THOR can do and save for you.
If you cannot visit “ The Electric
Shop ’ * phone us and our Sales
man will call at your home
Nebraska (33 Power <§.
The year 1922 was the most successful in the history of THE
EQUITABLE. A copy of the 63rd Annual Statement, from
which the following figures are taken, will be sent to any
address on request.
OUTSTANDING INSURANCE, Dec. 31, 1922... .$3,061,423,952
NEW INSURANCE issued and paid for in 1922... $495,249,040
Exclusive of $48,296,733 of Group Insurance
PAID POLICYHOLDERS in 1922 . $111,022,000
PAID POLICYHOLDERS Since Organization.. .$1,569,676,000
j Mortj*(es on Real Estate,
1st Lien .*170,167,336 85
I Real Estate. 13,905,71114
Bond*. 349,248.723 13
; Stocks. 8 604,025 00
! Loans on Society's policies 1*6.619.681 85
Loans on Collateral . 700,800 00
Cash 1*6.795,980 Do at in
terest). . 7.454.839 58
Other Asset*. 20.045,946 77
TOTAL. *663.747,064 32
Insurance Reserve.$542.999 390 00
AU other liabilities. 20,487,912 48
brart.cs Rcsnavts:
For distribution in 1923:
On Annual Dividend
Policies 18 900.000 00
On Deferred Dmdend
Policies . 16,071.653 00 '
Awaiting Apportionment
on Deferred Dividend
Policies. 21 .>97.905 00 !
For Contingencies. 43 690.313 84
TOTAL.$663,747.064 321
THE EQUITABLE issues insurance to protect the family
and the home; to provide life incomes for wife or children; to
pay for the education of boys and girls; to strengthen the
business and credit of individuals, firms, and corporations;
to pay inheritance taxes; to settle estates; to safeguard mort
gages; to extend death benefits to families of employes;
and to support men and women in old age. There is an
Equitable policy for every life insurance need.
hcri-rot N. Croxaon, Agrncy Manager,
Omaha National Bank Bldg., Omaha. "reSMient