When You Put Your “For Rent” Sign in “Want” Ad Section of The Omaha Bee you tell prospective tenants in Omaha about what you have to rent. Every person who looks over Omaha Bee “Want” Ads will be interested or he would not be looking there. Phone ATlantic 1000 and ask for a “Want” Ad taker. * * i i Auxiliary Announces Committee Members Mr.. N. J. Everitt. president of the auxiliary of South Omaha post'Amer ican Legion announce* the appoint ment of the following committee: Publicity, Mrs. J. P. Kwoboda, chair man: Airs. J. Kovarik; constitution and by laws. Airs. E. N. Strahl, chair man: Mrs. M. Larkin and Airs. Jose phine Carroll; legislative, Mrs. John Larkin; unit activities, Mrs. John Schultz, chairman; Airs. Le Roy Reeves, Airs. F. Strudl and Mrs. J. D. Vasko; welfare and hospital work, Airs. Arthur Bays, chairman; Mrs. E. H. McCarthy, Mrs. f>. II. A1 tiler, Mrs. James Pavlik and Airs. J. Rice. Mrs. Josephine Carroll was ap pointed to take charge of American iaztion work, having had years of ex perience since shortly after the civil war. On account of private duties Airs. Louis Kavanaugh declined the office of treasurer of the auxiliary find Airs. Alark Larkin has been elected in her place. Meetings of the auxiliary will he held in the headquarters of South Omaha post American Legion. South Omaha city hall, on the first and ( 1 hird Tuesday evenings . of every month, _ Index to Want Ads ANNOUNCEMENT DEPARTMENT. Burial Vault* . 1 Card of Thank* . 2 « emeterle*, Monument* . 3 Flortats . 4 Funeral Hirer tor* . f Funeral Notice* . •« 4 Future Event* . 7 14>*t aud Found . 4 Notice* . 4 Personal* . 14 AUTOMOBILE DEPARTMENT. Auto Accessories, Tire* . 11 Auto Agencies .. 19 Auto* For Kale . 13 Auto* to Exchange .14 Auto* Wanted . 15 Garages—Repairing . 14 Motorcycle*. Bicycle* .17 Service Ntatlons . 14 Taxi—Livery . 19 Truck*. Tractors. 20 BUSINESS SERVICE DEPT. j Areordian Fleating . 21 Builders, Contractor* . 22 Dancing Acgdemiea .23 Detective Agenclea .74 Garage Builder* . 25 Moving, Ktorage . 26 Milliners, Dressmaker* . 27 Painting, Papering .28 Patent Attorney* . 29 Business Kervice, Photographers .30 Printers, Engraver* .31 Professional Service* .32 Repairing .S3 Sen lee* Offered . 34 Tailoring. Pressing .45 Wanted—Business Servie* . 86 EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. RoiinfM Colleges . 37 Correspondence Courses ...34 General Instruction . 39 Musical. Dancing, Dramatic .40 Trade Schools .41 Wanted—Instruction .42 EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. Employment Agencies .43 . Help Wanted—Female .44 Help Wanted—Male . 45 Help—Male or Female . 44 Agent#, Salesmen .. 47 Situation* Wanted—Female ..44 Situations Wanted—Male.49 FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT. Business Opportunities .54 Investments .5! f soana on Real Estate..- 52 Money to Loan . 53 Wanted to Borrow .54 LIVE STOCK DEPARTMENT. Dogs. Cats. Birds. Pets .55 Horses, Cattle, Vehlelea .54 Poultry end Supplies. 57 Wanted—Live Stoek .54 MERCHANDISE DEPARTMENT. Building Material .59 Clothing and Furs . 44 Fuel and Feed .41 (rood Things to Eat ..42 Household tioods .43 .\elry and Watches .4-1 Machinery and Tool# ..45 Miftcellaneous . 44 ■ Musical Instruments .47 j Radio and Supplies . 4* Seeds, Plants. Fertilisers . 49 Store and Office Equipment .70 store Specials . 71 Swap Column ., .7 Wanted to Buy .73 RENTAL DEPARTMENT. Apts.. Flats, Furnished . 74 Apts.. Flats. Unfurnished .75 Farms for Rent . 74 Oarage* and Barns . 77 Houses, Furnished . 7* House*. Unfurnished ... * • 79 Offices and Stores .40 Room and Board .. Rooms, Furnished .. Koovt* Unfurnished .J3 Rooms for Housekeeping .44 Wanted to Rent . *3 Whero to Eat . *4 Where to Stop In Omaha . *7 REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. Acreage Property .JJ Business Property .•. Farms and Ranches .. I-ots for Hale .91 Real Estate—Benson .9 Real Estate—< entral ..93 Real Estate—Council Bluffs .9J Real Estate—Dundee .JJj Real Estate—Florence . Heal Estate Miscellaneous .97 Real Estate*—North .JJ ; Real Estate—South . Iqneal Estate—West . Heal Estate— Exchange . Real Estate—Wanted . JJjr Realtors . }”*: Truckage Property . • -|0* i BEE WANT AD RATES 15c p»r line each day, 1 or 2 day*. 12c per line each day, 3 to 6 day* ] 0<* per line each day, 7 daye or longer. The above rate* apply exclusively to Want Ada which are commonly termed “public wants,’* and do not include adver tisement* of individuals or concerns adver tising or exploiting their business**. THE OMAHA BEE reserves the right to designate what constitutes a public want. Want Ads accepted at the following offices: Main office.17tb and Farnam flu. South Omaha . .N. W. cor. 24th and N Sts. Council Bluffs.15 Scott St. Telephone AT lantic 1000. Call for “Want” Ad Department. An ex perienced “TOnt” ad taker will receive your ad and a bill will be mailed later The rates quoted above apply to either charge or cash ordere. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition .....11:40 a. m. Morning Edition..... t«.® p. m. Sunday Edition.t p. m. Saturday The«e rates apply to The Sunday Bee is well as to The Morning and Evening Bee. All week-day advertisements appear in both morning and evening aditione at ihe one cost. Tile OMAHA MORNING BEE. THE EVENING BEE. ANNOUNCEMENTS Burial Vault* .1 Distinct ivb r.muir.., ... -j.:jyT.v.r.,Tr=wi l emftfiiM. Monument* . 9 1 FOR RUT LAWS;* North of City Limits All revenue* for perpetual csre end Im provement* office* at cemetery and T:o Brandeia Ttufu'er M i ANNOUNCEMENTS Florist* . 4 LEE LARHOIt .SSlSyK! JOHN BATH 1S04 Fa rn arn. JA. 1906._ J. HENDERSON. 1607 rarnam! JA. 1266 Funeral Directors . 5 HEAFEY~lir HEAFEYr Undertakers and Embalmers. Phone I1A. 0266. Office 2611 Furnam (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1K*2 ) fTjTstack jTco~ Omaha’** beet undertaking eHtabltshmor PIERCE AM MIT A1WT13 SERVICE ARROW iUvliJBUlLi&iN'LC iia. G0G4 _Thirty-third and Farnam. Crane-Mirtuary (X CONDUCTED BY LADIES ONLY. £1S South 20th St. AT 3689 and AT. 3690 LARKIN BROTHERS, FUNERAL. DIRECTORS. 4813 80 24TH .HULSE Sc RfEPEN, Funeral Directors, 2224 Cumins JA 1826 Hoffmann Ambulance ~ Dodge at 24th. Funeral Directors, JA. 3901. CR0SBY-W00RE Card ol Thank!). 2 WK wish to thank our friends ami neigh hors, especially the employes of the ac counting dept, of the Nebraska Telephone Co., for their sympathy and kliidneas and for the beautiful floral offerings given during the Illness and death of our be loved daughter and sister. Mr. and Mrs.'T. A. Glass, Shenandoah. la. Sisters and Brothers of the Deceased. ° —i— Funeral Notice* . 6 HOPKINS—Mrs Jeannette Ward, age 42 years, after short illness. Survived by husband. Col. J. P. Hopkins, U. 8. army. Residence 619 F. 37th street. Remains forwarded from He&fey Ac Heafey chapel to old home. West Point, N. Y, for in terment. Lost and Found . 8 SCARL80N—--Gustave E., age 62 years, Monday at residence. 601* S. 20th Ave. Ho is survived by his wife. Mrs. Augusta Carlson, one son. Edward of Omaha. Funeral Wednesday 3 p. m. from Brewer chapel, 24th and K streets. SUITCASE—Lost, wicker, suitcase near Union station Sunday morning, by dis abled ex-service man. Please communi cate with owner. Edmund G. Green, Weeping Water. PENCIL LOST—Eversharp gold pencil. ” K Hunter, between R o'clock at For t* n-'lle Hotel and 10 o'clock . Counc il ICuffF. Reward. Call 908. Fontenelie Hotel. LOST—Gray sample cas- on thTb L. I>. highway between Omaha and Gretna, Thursday noon Notify Boulevard office, 17th and I>oug!as, or Whit® Transporta tion Co.. Lincoln. RINGS—Lout, diamond and Eastern Star rings, left In Brandeis washroom. Liberal reward. Return to 34 4 Keene Bote!. KEYS—Lost, Wednesday, bun^h of keys, between Fontenelie hotel and Tenth and Jones. Call AT. 861« LOST—Gold fountain pen. Initial P. I C Reward. WE. 1416. Personals . 10 MARTIN'S scientific health class teaches dlvln** laws of health enabling you to «o 60 years without a cold, also the Klondike 48-hour cold cure, freeing you from winter troubles. Private lessons at 1912 Emmett street. ra|j WE :91! Re llevea T B . pneumonia or influenza JOSEPH UPTON, son and daughter of J. K. or Burt Upton, who w*-rr* living in Omaha in 1893, communicate with ttve writer end you will hear something of benefit to you. V J. Loukete. R. 1, Box 2 6, Exeter Neb. THE SALVATION Army industrial home solicits your old clothing furniture, maga ■Inei. We collect. We distribute rhon* JA. 4116 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110.1112-1114 Podge street. BESS—Cannot get letter to you He will j not send them Call R. B Important. THEATRICAL historical masque costumes, for plays and parties, at Listen's. Omaha AUTOMOBILES Auto* for Sale .. 13 new' AND uafeo CAM AT A BAXOAIN Ford cara and truck*. ISO and up. Ford bodlea and winter top*. Cara »old on ' term* to reliable partita. OOLDSTBOM AUTO RALES CO. Central Garage. Open Day and Ntgbt. till Harney Street. * JA. >441 SOME bargain* in uaed Forde; prompt dallvary of new Ford* M’CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Service Station. 11th and Jarkar.n fite AT 7711. • i DILL AC SIGH r Hire la an eieii tlonally good Cadillac eight touring for 1275. No trade* No term* Good tire* and run* fin* Guy L. Smith NEW and u*ed Ford*, rash or term# C. E PAULSON MOTOR CO.. Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealer* 20th and Am*» Ave _ KE 014ft OVERLAND 4 aedan?~la** model. Ju«t like new, slightly u*etl; 5 new tire*, many ex tra* a bargain at $460. See It today. Guy L. Smith _ _ HUD84 -x t »upa, exei tit hauled anil refinlahed; many extras; « ■nap at $700. Sea 1^ today. Guy I, Smith. \ — 19 21 # modi f looks like new; « cord tires wrlll sacrl flce; leaving f*»r California WB >||| USED cara that cat he uaed. NEBRASKA OLD8MOBII.R CO. Howard at 18th. At. 1770 USED pa ta f a11 makes of '•am. Ford used part* at half price. Neb. Auto Parta. .la 4931. uhbYPcars O N. Hon nay Motor Co., t Faraam._ CAN iiv« you ni< • 1 f sanded. Henry ^Longwell. WA 2927 ■g r-. »- — Dancing Academies .23 LEARN to dan< • for $4 at KEEP H 1>IN Farnaftu Claaaea Mon., Wed. and Frl night* Dancing Tuea., Thura , Sat. and Sun nigh**. Private lesaona by appoint ment*. JA. 647ft. __ DttftCtlvft Agencies .21 RELIABLE Dataetlva Bureau. Sunderland Bldg., Ja. 2066; night. Ke. 381;:. JAMES ALLAN SIf Neville Hlk Evidence ••cured In all raae*. AT. 1116. Garage Fluildern.25 OARAGES built, any atyia and •!*•. $l"o up. Concrete work. MUkltn Lumbar and Wrecking Co ^ Tel. WE. 6566. • * • • In r|*on Lumber A Coal Co. WE. 6641. Moving, Storage ..M ESTIMATE turn on packing, mo and •torlng Contract* taken by Job or hour. Globe Van it Storage Co. JA 4331, AT. | 023ft. Grosftman A Hon*, owner* ---1! BUSINESS SERVICE Moving, Storage . 2fi Moving—Packing—Storage. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse & Van Co. _219 N 11th St Phone JA BE KINS OMAHA VAN AHTORAOW 16tb and Leavenworth Me. racking, mov ing, storage, shipping JA. 4161 Milliners, Dressmakers .27 j THE GARMENT” 8HOP—Just opened. 1 L>rr«smaking and alterations 403 Sunder- 1 land Bldg., 16th and Harney. AT. 6*17. HATS to order, remodeling a specialty; cheap. Ada Knox, Rm. 614. Wellington Inn.____ Patent Attorneys . 29 J W. MAH'* IN, Patent Attorney. 1713 Dodge, room 209 Also Washington. D C. I help i n von to rs sel I _t heir patents Photographers .30 FILMS developed free. Price list here Fri day. KA8E STUDIO. 216 Neville Block. FILMS' DEVELOPED "FREE _The Ensign Co., 2906 Lea vep worth. Printers, Engravers . 31 EDDY Printing Co 212 b'u fit JA 6058 j ■ ...-..r—a — —, —.... t~ Professional Service*, X-Ray* .32 PRES RIPTIONS eartfoily csmpooodid at the 5 Sherman & McConnell Drug Store* Services Offered .31 OMAHA PILLoW CO —Feat hs rap rerr ovated and made up to new feaiher f ticking, 1907 Cuming JA 2i<" AUCTIO N BRIDGES—Taught at your home, latest scientific methods, |1. Ad dreHH W 923, Omaha Bee. DENTAL X-ray SQc each; 13 full eet 619 Securities Bldg" 16th and Farnatn. EDUCATIONAL Business Colleges . 37 EXPERIENCED comptometer operators ase always in demand. If you are not an operator an eight weeks’ course In the Comptometer school will fit you to bold one of these desirable positions that are always open. If you must work, why uot prepare so that you will get the most for your time? L*t us tell you about our day and evening classes COMPTOMETER SCHOOL. 100 Courtney Blk. •‘The school_that Graduates Experts.” DAY SCHOOL—NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses in accountsney, machine bookkeeping, comptometrv. shorthand and typewriting, railroad and wireless teleg raphy civil service and all English and 1 commercial branches Write, call or phone Jackson 1515 for larga Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Bldg . Omaha. Neb. VAN SANT 8CHOOl7"OF BUSINESS qgl*s ja gif# Musical, Dancing, Dramatic. 40 ANNIE E OI«A8GOW, voice and piano 603 Karbsch Wk JA. 1661, Trade Schools .t. 41 WANTED—Men, ladies snd boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wage* while learning; strictly modern Call or write Age 8t. Tri-City Barber College. MOLE7R BARBER COLLEGE? 110 8. 14th 8t. Write for catalog. EMPLOYMENT ' Help Wanted—Female , . 44 HO(;BEKEEJ’BR^WanT~ Germsn or Nor wegian Protea'ant woman; must be neat, plain cook and houaekeeper. willing to work where there are children; who wants good home and steady position at r-ason abl« wages State age. Write John Ravel. ■ g l‘ '. I WANTED—Good Marinello operator for our Beauty Parlor. Must ha able to do all kinds of work and do It well. Salary $30 a week. No other need apply. _ P W R1 TE1 . Kearney, Nab WANTED—Stenographer with previous ox. perlenca in life insurance office Call la person at Commonwealth Life Insurance Co. office, 1 $ 1A Farnam St. EIGHT to 12 weeks prepares you for a fine office position. Call AT. * 774 or write American College, ifl* Farnam. WOMAN to do some promotive work, house to house canvas, nothing to sell. Eric Nelson. lglfr Capitol Ave Ifelp Wanted—Male .42 Font SALESMEN—Why are you looking through these ads? You are either nut of work or you are not sta!sfi«*4 with your present employment. If you want to connect with a company that started a sales organisation two years ago and today baa over fourteen hundred steady men, factory branches ail over the country, and now la opening up many more branches, in* Hiding the new branch in Omaha, and where npn from all trades have made »good In a short time by * • k and honest effort, come in ang talk It over. I* mav be better than it aoands. Ree Mr M»■ rcjel. 4] A South 17th Bt._ OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOUOOOOO o o o o o MECHANIC* O O O o Wanted. first claws automobile r.«- O O chanlcs Must be. thoroughly ex- O O penanced on White motor trucks. O O O o ANDREW MURPHY * SON. O O O O Omaha. Neb O O O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOO FOR CITY retail lumber office, man who has experience In the lumber business. Must be able to handle telephone orders, figure estimates, keep rusloniera* ac. counts and do geieral office work. Ad d ress W IH. Omaha Bee. giving'experi ence. reference, etc. R' »Y about U years old whose father either works dr has some connection with Bt. "k Kx. Ridg , so side Hilary and com. Erie Nelsen. Mix Capitol avenue. 1 ' ' tf ' 1 e age, for family hotel State wages expected. Address \V -Hj. Omaha Bee earn Leflang Bid Agents, Snlesmen .. 47 S A LKS M KS' - VVo want men ►at and ambitious. Should hm« * fair alet • xperler.i e A gs 2j f# If. Mu*’ have fighting qualities to win permanent position having a splendid futlire of un limited possibilities w|ih an organisation that Iraila In Ita field MhII your quail* fl' atlorfc in your own handwriting and we will arrange an appointment Address ho* W-113. Omaha flee "SALESMAN Menufa* turer «f automobile Rfremorl** wafita experienced salesman, owning car. anti calling **n the dealers, and hardware store* Our advertising gets roaulta. Inu«tg*lly liberal proposition to right man Olve » xperien> o and uuallflrg* t|otie Addrea*. Y 2 J I 4. Omaha Her YOU have haard of the W M W ilkei • o «ho have 150 different household necaeat* Hea. selling direct to consumer We are In need of two neat appearing young m-u with heal of references to complete, our ■ aleg fores Married men preferret! Ap pl , i Ka bach bloel 8MEN- Specialty, commission ha«ia prefer one m|th knowledge of radio, not esean'la!. Omaha Mattery Co., 2212 liar* ncy Ht. _ ^ ^ situations WuM—Female .4fl IKONINO. bundle washing wanted Call WE 4224. | Financial lltmlitpsa Opimiiunltlfg ...ftO W A NT ED -To hear frotX parties whg havn at least 15.#6#.00 or more to Join hi a tealty and loen company. Particu lars will l»a sent to parties who nu-an business No ot hart need snawer Ad dress Post o f f i f .• I tux 501, Douglas, Wvo. WANT to huv fr*»iu owner for < ash, lenae and furniture of from 12 to IS room room ing house. Must be hie ei.d first class. i-nKn riAii‘n;iT Manhattan Hole) I »e# Moines, |« NINE rooms. 31* North 2 i«l Hargatn, 11 { taken el on* c. Cash tuiu.i. AT. *5 7/. I, . | FINANCIAL lliisinpfc!* Opportunities . 50 OKOCKRT for l • In a good town of 6,000. Has beat class of trad-* of ti.wn Partners now want to ' v Omaha Bee • ... ai 'j Jin-at market f«»r sale; also store room and 6-room modern cot ton- . leaving the city the reason for e«‘lllng Call WR 0136 for particular*. HARNESS machinery and tools. o-irrlo Brown, 2416 Avenue A, Kearney. Nel». POOL hall for sale. Box 267, Stanton, Neb. _ Investments .51 CASH paid Tor l*d mortgage* on Omaha property. F. C. Horacek A Co., 640 1st Bank Bldg Loan* on Heal hstate .52 WE have cash on hand to loan ou Omaha realdances. 12. H I/OUGEE INC., 63* K*»ellna Bldg STRAIGHT 6-year loans. 41* per cent AMOS GRANT CO. 201 8. l*th. Arthur Bldg AT 8380 LOW rate on city property; quickly I closed. No monthly payments. JA. 1683. W. T. GRAHAM. OMAHA Hl> M BS— E AST NEB. FARMS ; O’KETEFB REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Om Nat Bk. Bldg_JA. 2716 $100 TO $10,000 loans made promptly. F D. WE AD and D 11 BOWMAN. 110 8 util Ft Wsad Bldg AT 1 1KFT mortgage - Omaha real estate. Shopen A Co, Real tors. JA. 4228*. 2S6 KmUm Bldg Monet to iou on ftrm at i < •m«iis real estate. MYERS rkin. 91# Om Nat. Money to I/ian . 53 dcTyoij need money? $0—-60—7S—!•&— 200—660 DOLLARS or any other amount at legal ratea. No publicity, aaty payments. Thirty yaara In business OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. 608 Karbacb Blk. Tel JA. 22»$. Southeast Cor. lr>th and D-uglaa Sts. COX Co . loans $5 and up on wages, ram and furniture: confidential; 25 yrs. estab 812 World-Herald Bldg JA. 22»8. LIVE STOCK Dock, Cat*. Birds, PetK. 55 ARE you leaving city? Have good home for email bulldog. Ifarney 3211. HorKPK, (attic, VpJiIpIpk . 56 HARNESS, th»* beet that ran ba made, at first coat. We make them ourselves and sell them d.re< f fo the farmera. Mar n*“.i from $36 to $110 Alfred Cornish, 1110 Karnam St,, Omaha. Neb.__ Poultry and .Supplip* .5* YOr buy the b*iit rhuka for the lr-ast money, “hipped everywhere; guaranteed alive or replated; from Colwell** Hatchery, Smith Center, Kan. MERCHANDISE Clothing and Furs .60 FULL DRESS suit* and Tuxedo* for rent « ’ •• - I rrc. Cali wa 51*5. I . , . «*th »■» ri'i it - “ You may Insert a three.line * Want" Ad for three days un-1«-r th:a classification A bo* number will be afflx-d and you cafl for your replies. If you close a deal you pav for your j advertising In the regular way. If not, I we will - *n<» I charge In Other words— . NO HWAP—NO PAY I This offer 5» good only In Omaha and lud-* all business ads Business Want" Ada In thla column will bo charged our regular rates _ NO 8WAF—-NO PAT! QUARTER section '.rant county, North I’akot,*. a«s'*saad value $1 M4 Mortgage f» *" at a per cent. Two lots on Hatea I s'r**- I.ouis. trade for N>br.«*ka prop- j eft). * r or both. Address 8 -10, Omaha I Hee. I SI. J a t U 00 t . building. U.nno. building bringing in 1200 per month, will exchange all fn*- i apartment house, or will *ol! stock and j rent building. Address 5 SOS. Omaha !<■*» MY purs Irred mammoth Jack w.ight 1.100 pounds. * years old. color black with ' white points purs breeder, will trad* f t good cur Address A • l 4, c»ma'a 1« c TMRKK YEAH paid m lease on 24n acre* k'>od land Trade fn atnpl auto or anything of value Addr<>«, Sill. Otnalm pee OVF.RI.ANT>. 6-passenger touring, trade on good lot oi house. e you. Address 8 6*4. I'mihn Hie HW A I' high « lar s ployn piano. H ttb, for good late model cat. A.Mresa H.**4. cilia na H*w j_ MERCHANDISE j Swap Column . 72 SWAP clear 4-room cottage, large gr*. n i, $ .000, for good going business, or what have you. Address 8-865, Omaha He« WILL swap dental work as part payment on now Ford sedan. Address, 8-670, Omaha Bee. $250 NOTE for sale or trade, <£ M.”C. two-ton truck. What have you? Address, 8-664. Omaha Bee. 20 ACRES ai I houaa; dear and s*»m« (ash for equity on a 5 or 6-room house 8-H7S,. Omaha Bee. HAVE 1G8 acres In Alamose county, Colo rado, to exchange on lots. 3-659, Omaha Bee. CLEAN stock of groceries, meats and fixtures, 12.600. for equity to match In modern horn* Address 8-4!.?, Omaha Bee. 70 acres Irrigate,i land, small house and barn Value $7.60o for what you have. 8-6 ■ 1 maha Bat ' • fnoving picture mac) na wiTfi * mi and all equipment, to swap for girl's bi cycle or raah. Box 8-449, Omaha Bee. GOOD paying auto business for Omaha property or lands. Address 3-671, Omaha Bee. 500 acres, extra well-improved. Want Omaha property. Address S 609, Omaha Bee. 31 acres irrigated land, adjoining Basin. " yo.. in Torchlight Oil fields, price $9,000. What have you? 8-332, Omaha Bee. 24n acres rolling hill land; fair improve ments. Want home In Lincoln. Address 3 610. Omaha He* goo-tcre cattle hog and aheep ranch Want small farm and residents In good school town. AMdrees 8 604 Omaha Bee ■ : h-KIV • •Use or hardware. Address, 8-616, Omaha Bee. $660 equity in house and lot for .ir with start*r, in good repair. Address. 8-615, Omaha Be®. PLUMBING and hsatlng business fully equipped \n real IP.• town for what have you? 8-641. Omaha Bee. EDISON phonograph llkr new, with loti' of records. Trad*- for car. or what have you’ Address P-413, Omaha Be. WILL swap Ford coupe, almost new. for Hupp or other light car Address 3-614, Omaha Bee. HAVE go»d paying rooming house wh'ch I will trade for a house or acreage. What have you? 8-162, Omaha Bee. NEW five-room modern bungalow, two lots, w^l accept improved lot and some ' B x^ 8-177, Omaha Pe» _ DO SWING crocheting or fancy work in exchange for reed baby rarr age st Add rasa 0 (19 Ooithi NEW $25 kodak, .leather case and por trait attachment to swap for good rug or duof »ld S-454, Omaha B« e MI NIG machines, first class, swap for. what have you? Address 8-610, Omaha Bee. HOUSEHOLD goods, poultry and canned goods to swap What hava you? Ad dress 8-411. Omaha Bee. GAS STOVE—High oven, same aa new. to swap for rug or kitchen cabinet. 8-S57, Omaha Bee __ WILL trade 11-Jewel! wat< h or chest of high grade sliver for good paint Jab on automobile. Address 8-664. Omaha Be# WILL trade or buy a 11 gilt ear Ford preferred What have you’ Address 8. 8 55. '»rnaha Bee • HAVE diamond to trade as part pay men' on Ford car. balance cash S-856, Omaha Bee WILL trade Ford sedan for West Center St lot. Addrei-i R-«47. Omaha Bee. KIMBALL piano »o trade for lne*p#n«!va suburban lot Address 9-61". On.aha Bee 4 A< RES a • -1 I room houao, • 'ear. for house e|r>«.e In Addrrsa 454 *»maha Bee Ills Ford roadster In good shape for Airedale 'F-r Address 8-466 Omaha Tie# PLAYER PIANO, worth $450, |pr a • equal value Address 9-404. Omaha Bee. $100 lot, clear 4th and Rpaulding What have you? Address S-411. •'maha Be# - . Wanted to Buy . 73 DESKS PB8KK DCSKS. New deska. used desks bought sold and traded. J. 0. Reed. 1207 Farnatr.. AT. 6144 RENTAL Apis.. Fla‘ Furnished . 74 Hi —24th ■ .1 Dodc* - f • traveling man and wlfa 81 N rm . living rin . kit'hen. bath, gar ; everything furn 139 F 6ftth Ft _WA._5tl«. Apis., Flats. 1 nfurnishrd . 75 THE Hawthorne. 2203-7 Howard Living room, bedroom, bathroom, cioaet and kitchen Just complete, never occupied, none batter in Omaha: every modern convenience. _ §? $$i 3 *♦ |60 s« # janl* • or ■• Leaffsllew, ?:i'> tfawafd JA 234 1—Cho!<* 6 rooms and beth, every room an outside room with an shun danc# of sunlight Must ^>e seen to l*e appreciated; 9 250. Belvedere Apt*, 14th and Woolworth. apXktmentbXnp flats— ut to $100 W J PALMER CO. RF.AL EFT ATE Management AT 4M* _Ke-Mne RMg FIRST class l.room steam heated apt . i: per month Light, gas, water and heat fumUhed free 1 324 Capitol Awe 1T$ > . >rner hrick fiat. I John R Vf! • tar \\ f, 413 f* rnitK to r**nt f » any pu p»>»»» No 54th m. t all W» hatrr 144J for informa tion.__ l'R|\ AT12 nfflf# with talophona and atrn * » t-,11 \T I . ' * Km mi mid Hoard . HI HA 4i.,‘ t Iri » Wan tad, rtflnrd young la.U to room and hoard tn a prlvato homo tin m* pr 1 vl I ago a HKMIH PARK h. • • • i ung «■ 1 v .1 * airaa rnommaf*- Also room for 2 #nj ployad HA pl • *ant room for 1 or 7 A 1 meala. IIA .1A a47l tTol i Hoard and rouin. prlv h"ins for 2 smplov-d Walking distanr* HA 4fc"4 tTr|.) Largo brauttful front Kih>iii«. Klinilitlirit . KS ooooooooooooooooooooooooo O o ° ° o o O FAUNA V ST IUI WFU.INO- O O T.«N. INN IIA.F Nll-F.I.Y M l! o o nifiii n room* with pf o o TA< MKt> ON PR1VATF. HATH AT O O VKRT ATTRAiTIVF IIATFA Til O O I'lTUIA NTTT UtlKSTS PONT O O rsil. Tit *FK THI;M o o o o O ooooooj’ooooooooooooitoooou j ->---1 RENTAL Room*. Fiii-nUliril . 8? j ~ ATTENTION, ROOM~aUv~KKtT8ER8! ” j To help you secure "paying guests ' for ! your vacant rooms, we make this of- j tor: I’hone your "Room for Rent” ad to AT lantlc 1000. If you do not rent your room at the expiration of your order, tell us about It and we will reinsert your advertisement three more days without additional charge. Remember, too, that The Omaha Bee "Want” Ad rates are the lowest In the city. (Jet your advertisement started now. Phone AT-lantlc 1000 and ask for Miss Smith, our "Rooms for Rent" Ad faker^ A REAL ROOM TWENTY-SIXTH AVK , 635 8 ~Larg'\ cheerful roornfc private horue; ideal for two; walking *listance; also small sleep ing room. AT. 8900. •__ j TWKNTV~HrxTII Avk~, 20* 8—V*ry d slrable east front room, walking distance, 1 private family. HA._6212._, ROOMS—Two sleeping rooms, pt it( home, good location, 912 and 915 per mo. f MA. IS 12._I EXTRA large room in modern home; j | running water In room suitable for two; j walking distance. 1J_HA 1 C»._j 1 M R.’d BNT LEM AN : tf you appreciate « pleasont room, a good home, rail \VA. 0059. 1 WENTIETH ST\ :oV "Tl.—Room, board : If desired. t,wo gentlemen. private family. K ST. Ill*—-Modern furnished room, pri vate home. MA. 4081. _______ THIK T Y EIGHTH A \ E . 301 8. — La r ge. I comfortable rni for 2 or more gentlemen. I DAVENPORT ST, 1708—Large, pleasant tront room, very reasonable. Hoorn*, I itfuraislipd .83 : 8MA1 L, clean rooms, gas heat a/id ! light. 120 par mo. 1110 8. 82d. Ha 1828. Hoorn* for Hous#»keejmiR .84 AT T K NT ION KRO M ADVERTISER’S'" To help you secure "paying guests” for your vacant rooms, w# make you th.s offer; Phone your "Room for Rent” ad to AT lantlc 1000. If you do not rent your room at the expiration of your order, fell us about It and we will reinsert your ad vertisement three more days without ad ditional charge Remember, too. that The Omaha Bee "Want” Ad rate* are the lowest in the city. Oct vour advertisement started now. ' Phone 'AT-lantlc 1000 and sak for Miss Smith, our "Rooms for Rent" Ad taker, FOUR room apartment In Selma Terrace, • 820 Park Ave . possession thos lopnth. I- J HEY HOLD A SON 221 City Nat. Bank _ AT. 9901 I two” large housekeeping rooms with al jrove: strictly modern. 2032 Nerth Nine teenth WE. 3878._ \¥E 2 47 1 (Tel )—One large modern front j room, kite henette. clothes closet and pantry Furnished for housekeeping TWO clean front i ms ; • Ing man's family; every thing furnished. HA. 8098 ___ 220 N~ f(»TH f*T.—Nicely furnished. well arranged 3-room apt Modem except heat. 1 Reasonable. No children._ ' AT. €68 9-—2 clean housekeeping room*; | a so well furnished 4-room Art , c ose to Htrsrom park LARGE 8 E room, private home every thin* furntshed; 3 t-'.o Vi nwm car. KE. Hit ___ i ALIKpRNA NT., -i.l'i-rf and 3-room suit**. ar-'Und floor. reKMUb!*1. HA ’1061. 14th Hf . 2:1! 8—2 desirable fron' t*m», everything furnished walking distance. Iltt i t mmn , housekeeping null*. second floor. HA 7116. THIRTT-KirrH "Avl Yu 8 -T» . ' IV housekeeping rooms R*uer.tb!s rates 1 TWo mod rooms. ever> thing furn. Rea I stable *12 N2 3d St .TA Sit* ■ I2tn 8o 23d. 2 modern room*; reasonable rent at 6iiL_ I •' >DOK. 2 iio—13 weekly. Ei. beat ed.” Whw to Stop in Omaha . 91 HOTEL HANFORD—l»*h and Farr.am ~ HOTEL HENSIXAW—l«th and Farntm. Special rates to prrmanert guests. —■ ... - REAL ESTATE Businr** Property .... f*9 K H~BKNN>fcH~~cbMPAXT. K>«H^ry F»rm« and Kanrhr-.; bu>er. | Roi 2f7. Gordon. Neb NEBRASKA — The niftiest small farm. St acrt*. around Omaha, for sale at a b»* sacrifice, numerous improvement. * Ut ah!# for general fam :ng or Stack htllMl *n ideal home, close In. no trades A bargain. Let me show you. Orin S Merrill. MA 1766-F! NEBRASKA—$26 06 cash and $26 60 per f month without interest will bu> 140 acre farm, «oo*$ soul, pure water $1? hft per acre Write W T Young Jr.. Kimball. Neb f c land, 6 miles from i'h'j***irr, W>.» lift acre, frrme Inquire. Jerry Ma*»el! N'ord man, Idaho. MlfSOCRl—<7heap land in south MTesourf on esay term* Big money in tomatoes and a'.tawberrlea Buy small tract* from rtwny_ Jelium R»rch Tree Mo __ lyOt* for Sjilr. . 9| BBnjalow Lots in Greenlea , The Addition Beautiful ttaauttfu! • ght’.y aMitlou in West Pundee district overlooking Happy Holla* and Kim wood park All improvement* are paid for, »\ rept.nc pa\,nf and urbtng »h„h will be put in th(» sp-ing Trice* are extremely low. If you appre < late a beautiful vie « attractive aurroundini*. largo lota, you will follow the crowd m Y IN UKKKM FA The Byran Reed Company, .Tai kaotv lilt | that has e\*- be-•' offered tn th* Pundee diatrPt Two block* t.» the pundee h •heel Convenient to • «r i line and surrounded by sum* • f th* best ; ; hnmre in Pundee Special taxes paid !b j fu 1 Tot n*xllfc feet Here ta a bargain ! for somebody George and Company, n KAl.TOItF \ T Untie in;** HIM HI V IN M'NIM * I lot all street improvements In and paid 8h t paved and paid for He twee® PM h amtfHst on Western Avt Price ft mu—c®*n at ttoi* price OH AH A\| PETIT? UK I LTT CO *!• t»m Nat ,IA iVtj1 \v A 1IA1 eve PI NPKI lot. ftOiltl, on Mtb m near Far nam, choice lot; owner will consider reaa onable offer C A Orlnmiel JA ltlfc 1 '' 11 i• b • i • j j • • • i tul lota in I dgewood; very easy farm® Thon* Atlantic till Heal tCutata—li.-n*.>i< 9! BEFORE MARCH 15 Party foe whom thla nifty * room bunga low wv* built last eummei transferred to rremnni <)l*nn Path tie®ton a .leal read • nt la I location oak finish and floor* Neatly tinted wgl|* Complete to the Iasi detail. *h- rl nalk t«* . ar *• bool and • tore* rail 1 T klatteiy. W\ it.., fetching* and Sun l*' GROVE HIBBARD CO,, lit fun.WrUn.l AT. 4»,i* j _ REAL ESTATE Rml F.Mate—Benson . 9! tTv2.2t>'*.__ i Heal Estate—Centra! . 93 Close In on Dodge Si. Beautiful larg«‘ home near Turner Park. I Yatek arhool and Karnam tar line Large lot Can be bought on cary t»rm», HA , 1295.____| Kt*al Estate—Dundee .95 DUffl 'MAI, Rrlek construction, $12,599. GEORGE fit CO . Realtors. AT. 3024. Real Kstate—Florenc* . 96 NETHAWAY ‘home agent’ specialist In north end property fwhi tea only). K E ) <09 Krai Fstatf—Miareftanmuc . 9. LKT l.'S build and finance your new home; compfet* building service with do worried. EQUITABLE TRT.'BT COMPANY. Ml 3 Douglas Si. REALTORS AT #2l4t. HOMES for workingman. Four rooms, partly modern, full lot. easy terms $1,200 Have oth-n Stewart. Kalstoo 10-W ALFRED THOMAS & Son Co. Realtora Real F.slalc—North . 98 Beautiful New Bungalows in MInne Lusa Before buying he BL’RE to se® the beauti ful new bungalows wo now have under construction in Minna Lusa. Beht of ma »er;a! and workmanship with bunt-in fea ture#. We have several good lota and can build to your plana Prices J^ist ran t be beat in Omaha and the terms are easy Sunday phone Mr Pitkin, KE $091, Mr. Shaver. KE. 37€«. or Mr. Metcalfe, WA Equitable Trust Csmpany, REALTORS. HI* Douglas S' _ AT 2 945 fllnne Lusa Beaut? Classy aoath front bungalow with f re rises, built in seat* buffet, kitchen. French doors, extra murphy b*d. oak f.n iah. fine rtttio and basement. Only IS.250 on good term* Cal! Bchroeder .Invest ment On Realtor*. J A. *2*1._ A 5 - ROOM stucco and frame rungalow in beautiful Mmne Lusa I/r,g S.x.ng room, wrap rloaat with m.rrored door. Breplae* and other lata features *ry large attic; • nly 11.*00 down. Call A’.antic 5011 or Ja'ksor. *421__ FOF. SALE—f-room bunga’ow w.th garage, strictly modern; paved et;eet, oak floors throughout; throe rooms furn «hed in oak. boUt- n features and beautiful! decorated. Call KE 0*t» ___ NEW two-story frame, 7 rooms and bath, h. dern. located 40th Ave. and Rpragoe Built and for sale by owner; residence fit! Ohio 8» _____ __ ~~WE BUILD TO PLEASE ~ TEMPLE McFAYl'EN C>'» _ NEW—Three rooms down. 2 rooms up. all modem, doubl# garage. Price 17,250 T»rnii Norris Ac Norris. AT. 7Oft. FINELY FURNI8HED OAK AND EN AMEL SEMI-BUNGALOW, OWNER KE 4773.____ COLORED— 75 heusea tor sa> E. M Davis. 2B0 Grant St Web 142*_ 0 K BUCK * hO h«* «n* •etl *‘.rr,»9 R«*»l Entail—South . 99 REAL VALUE |S !00—^oxy five-room oak-fir ished bunga low sir.ctly modern, half block to West Side park car. I! 0*0 cash fS,|00—Five rooms atrietly modern lS*v 122 fee* of ground two blocks to park. 11,000 ^ash $1,000—f-.x-room stucco serr S-b'ingalow. strictly modern, ga-age. closa to tark car $1 250 ca*r. $4.500—Teach of a fivs-room semi-bunga low. built-in feature* * *•»' wood work and finish, located in Parkvale. / -ie block ’o car. $1.*.**>0 down and 1*0 a month $7.21*—Rlv-room brand raw brick and kel aatoas. ecu*h front. <’o*e to car; nothing like tin* for the money. OSBORNE REALTY CO., -30 Peters Trust Bldg Ja'kson !!$!. New Brick Apartment Built by Owner for Home and In?estment, $18,500 Hot eater t#atirg plant, oak floors. One f:\e-roem sp*ttm*rt erupted by cwner which should read r rent fnr $7;-0*> per month; owner has me me of $140 00 per mouth from balance c*f build -g im the abei* basis the income should be $J.t.*9 1 er year TBit t* sol;d hr. k cons'ruction and very unique arrangement Lorated on 10th 8t , north of the depots, always rented Glsver & Spain, Realtors, JA. 205*. 011-20 City Nation*! — . I- .... .. . ■ — ■ ■ - - 11 —— I i REAL ESTATE “South 22 AveT Fine g-room. all modam. oak finish hom* garage, fine < an “nt drive; large paving all paid Pri'" only tf 7!,rt; abo-. 11,250 cash, Possession March 1 Rasp Bros., •1! K*e;i-i>_BM»_AT »Q1. Confer With Cohn u:i f« ;«th ___v_A_ m_4 . rrnr-^rn r.,., lot n’h »n-,4 OOCOOooocoooooo coccoooooo ° Bensonhurst Bungalow ® o o O Just 'c-j.ple‘#d, r, fine rooms on O O one floor One fine room can b* O O finished n a’.tif Oak and e/iitme! O O f nlsh. ‘vghtly location, on pa*-ed O O »fr»* I.arg*- 'ot 53x314 ft F '•e O O surrounding- Real vain* at R.MH. o * O For full nforrna’ion call o*ri*r, o O Walnut 1510. O O O OOQOOOCOCOOQOOOCOOOOOOOOO oouoooooouyououyuuuuuuuu^ | 5-Room Bungalow % 0 o O Oak floor# throughout. Enamel Jo O O bedroom* ar.d kitchen Two blocks O O from rar Lot 160 foot fron*. O O 15* feet deep For quick *ale, O O $5,500. Call Walnut $460 O O O o ooooooooooooooooooo ooooo BOTH AND CALIFORNIA—4 rooms, mod ‘ $1/00 caah. balance monthly, <*n 1‘r.e. Creigh. «** Be# Bids JA. n;r»»_ Ve*r Home*—Yr.ur at n>«. Gro?e-Hibba:d Ce, Real Editr—Wanted . IK ~We Want Houses! We Want Houses! We Can Sell Yours! Ary time. G*-.' Ruber JA lTfS; H r HA. 554". er BergJund. AT <;4" SHOPEN* A CO.. REALTORS J A 4;, * ;’I*M Kw.iM B'-.z L.c > :- hr me—Huy yo- - heme. BERBER L OTIS, Real F.fiu La* Ren’ar JA.Siil. CarfHTR^tX "Honsity ar.d * Guara-*®*d Sflg-SM Sunderland Bldg AT 6f4? 10 Hemes Wanted Fire or #1* r rr.# Cbss. W. Tour.g A Sen I*'! C*ty Nat’! AT ?«€*. 1 I 55 aNT to bu. 1 a houss n a good n*Sg; - I borh *»d Have :-ou a ot with ga#, »•* -a-er and p*\ r.g n* Pr.r# not to «• r ced $l/«-i Bci W-51S Ii#* C. t. Spier & Ce„ Realtors, S 4 P#-#r* Truat Bldg JA_ 4667. ‘Tukey Sold it” \ P Tl’KET A SON Ros/ire JA- 4!!1 '"II-r»»h for *m*:: borr.es rer *r\ *s or second mortgage* $»: Secu / • 1 r.g Frank C B#st cc. t A.JPBELL will betid on your lot. B-‘t on»t fuel job. R*al personal service Lew T*~: * H? Keel-re B dg . AT. (B4l. 5' 4 NT to buy small farn~;n M1 ***u Mu*- b- priced r rht Ork.tv $!» Omaha Nat 1 Bldg , r*m*ha N*h GOOD LIFTINGS—COME TO L'SL vn: fell them _HOME REALTY CO_AT Jill. BIRKFTT PKAL V^TATE aJirv—Dll Sails. Insure*, i_$$s Peters T-ust Bldg JA. OfSL flRIIFNTR P.es ry ~Co Lat with VJIMjCI.-a u# for quick result*. 14*0 First Nafi Bank Bldg._JA. l»t% W. J; PALMER CO., era. 41J Keellns Bidr AT 651* ■ FOWLER FINDS FOLKS wbo~bey borne* List your property with u* for reset** Bur* C. Few * # r C •■> . P. e a * * o - # J A 14. | TO «f Voo-he#* A Bundy At- iiT‘ ’ WORLD Realty Co., Realtors. AT I4f7 Western Real K*‘.at» C