Omaha’s Greatest Annual Dress Sale Starts Thursday, February 15th at 9 A. M. Established last year as an Annual Sale and planned for this season to surpass high standard of {hat successful event. The best values to be found in the market have been selected and bought to make this Sale worthy of its name. --- - - - - - ■ ■ - - 2,000 Brand New Sport Dresses Street and Afternoon Frocks | Dinner and Evening Gowns Beaded and Sequin Models Embroidered Styles Tailored Street Frocks It is exactly one year ago that we held Omaha’s inost-talked-of Dress Sale. And with this great event in mind we have planned for weeks to surpass last year’s wonderful values, hvery Dress was chosen on its merits as a garment of surpassing value, new in style, ma terial and trimming; well made of none but the season's most desirable materials. The Materials Include: Crepe Romaine Flat Crepe Georgette Crepe Elizabeth ) Chiffons Crepe Renee Laces jj \ Satin-Faced Cantons Imported Prints Twill Cords £ ^ \ Novelty Sport Fabrics rA Kadi and every Dress is a brand new spring model designed by ihe finest American ^ \\ and European makers. Hundreds of individual samples are here. Beautiful hand \\ beaded French gowns and all the new silhouettes are portrayed in a complete color \\ range. Sizes from 14 to 20 years and ?A to 40*. y Remember these are not 25.00 Dresses, but each and every Frock is worth from 00.50 m J 95.00, and many individual models are worth a good deai more. 11 Be Sure and Attend This Annual Event / I ^ Amtirl F l r\ a r 14/ /n # _ / i »....— ■ ■ — — ■ -- The greater portion of our second floor will be devoted to this sale. Plenty of experi enced salespeople will be in at tendance to assist you in mak ing your selections. !' ~ | You will recognize at once that this sale is the result oi weeks of planning. No collec tion of dresses could be as sembled in a short time which would be the equal of this j lot in price and value.