. There May Be Dozens of People in Omaha and Out Over the state who will be interested in buying somethihg you want to sell or in some service you can perform for them—but you won’t know who they are until you use an Omaha Bee “Want” Ad and find out. Phone AT lantic 1000 and ask for a “Want” Ad taker. Remember, Omah a Bee “Want” Ads Bring Better Results at Lesser Cost. _ >_ _ __ _ Index to Want Ads ANNOUNCEMENT DEPARTMENT. Burial Vault* . 1 Card of Thank* . 2 < emcterJe*, Monument* . 3 Florist* . 4 Funeral Director* . 5 Funeral Notice* . 6 future Event* . 7 frfidt and Found . 8 Notices . V Personals . 10 AUTOMOBILE DEPARTMENT/ Auto Accessories* Tire* . It Auto Agencies . 12 Auto* For Sale .. ......... 13 Autoa to Exchange .. 14 Auto* Wanted .. 15 Bareges—Repairing .. 10 Motorcycles, Bicycle* .. 17 Service Stations . 18 Taxi—Livery . 10 Truck*. Tractors. 20 BUSINESS SERVICE DEPT. Accordian Pleating .21 Builders. Contractors . 22 Dancing Academic* . 23 Detective Agencies .24 Insurance—All Kinds .23 Moving, storage . 20 Milliner.*, Dressmaker* .27 Painting. Papering .28 Patent Attorneys . .. 29 Buslne** Service. Photographer* .30 Printers, Engravers . 31 Professional Service* . 82 Repairing . S3 Services Offered . 31 Tailoring, Pressing . 35 Wanted—Business Service . 36 EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. Buslnes* Colleges . 37 t orrcKpondence ( nurses . 38 A^neral Instruction . 39 uaical. Dancing, Dramatic .40 'trade Schools .41 Wanted—Instruction . 42 EMPLOYMENT DEPARTM ENT. Employment Agencies .43 Help Wanted—Female .41 Help Wanted—Male ..45 Help—Male or Female ..46 Vgeni*. Salesmen . 47 Situation* Wanted—Female . 48 Situation* Wanted—Male. 49 FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT. Business Opportunities .®0 Investments .. l^>an* on Real Estate.52 Money to Loan . W anted to Borrow .... LIVE STOCK DEPARTMENT. Dog*. Cats. Birds. Pet* . 55 Horses, t attle. Vehicle* . 5? Poultry and Supplies. 5< Wanted—Live Stock . 58 MERCHANDISE DEP YRTMENT. Building Material . 6« Clothing and Furs .JJ <.nod Things to Eat ... "* Household t.oods . Jy ♦Jewelry and Watches . JJ Machinery and Tools . no Miscellaneous .Jl* Musical Instruments . J* Radio and Supplies .JJ Seeds, Plants. Fertilizer* .. More and Office Equipment . ‘J store Special* . s«ap Column . 7 Wanted to Buy . *•* RENTAL DEPARTMENT. Apts., Flats, Furnished .74 Apts.. Flats. Infurnislied .7o 1 arm* for Kent ..... 7J Borages and Barn* .. Houses, Furnished .7J Houses, 1 nfurnlshed .. offices and Mores .JJ Room and Board .*.J* Rooms, Furnished . J' Koom. t nfurnlshed .JJ Rooms for Housekeeping ..JJ Wanted to Kent . j£ Where to Eat ... Jl Where to Stop In Omaha ••;••••• • REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. Acreage Property .JJ Itu-tne— Property . Hrnu anil Ranelie, . JV Iaits for hole . " Real E-fate— lleimm . !' Real E-lHle—Centraj .... . .. " ' Real K-tatr—Counrll Bluffa . Real K-tafr—fundee . real K-tafe—Elorenre . J" Real E-tate Ml-eellnneoo. . Real E-tate—North .™ Real E-late—.. Real E-tale—Wanted .J® Realtors .. . Trackage Pr*-ipeHT_ : u1.' ' BEE WANT AD RATES 15c per line each day, 1 or 2 days. 12c per line each day, 3 to fi days. 10c per line each day, 7 days or longer. ANNOUNCEMENTS I I !urial Vaults ... \ DISTINCTIVE features, see demonstration at factory, Automatic Healing Concrete Burial Vault. Insist upon your under taker using no other. Every vault stamp ed; watch tor name on lid. Manufactured only tjv the Omaha Concrete Burial Vault ro., 5:10 N. SOtb St.. Omaha.^ _ _ Cemeteries, Monuments . " VoKEST LAWN. North of City Limit.. All revenues for perpetual care and tm* nrovementa. Offices at cemetery and "iZO Krandeii Theater._ Florists . * LEE LARM0N~ 19th and Douglas. j .1UHN LJATH FsU* ! arnarn JA. 1906. ! .1 ENI > EKSON. I '>arnam^ IA 1268^ Funeral Directors . & fTjTstack & CO., Omaha's bert undertnhlmr «**f abllahment. AMBULANCE g,?Zv!% Thirty-third and Farnam._ ns, '' Hoffmann Ambulance Service ?4th and Dodce Sta. _ JA. 8t01. HEAFEY k HEAFEY, Undertakers and Embalmera. ‘hone HA. 02455. Office 2«11 Karnam. Crane'M’iluIry' Co., rONDUCTED BY LADIES ONLY. F.1S South 20th St. AT. .Dull and AT. 3090. LAMON BRQTHERSr FUN ERA 1, DIRECTORS, 4813 HO. 2 ITH “ HULSE St PIEPEffT" Funeral Dlr^-TotH, 'jj.I CumlpK JA. 12241. - mY-M00RE' ' Funeral Notices . 15 ' I'BTL'ItHKN—Hannah, paaaed on at the )iom», 2604 North Twenty-Fourth *»reet. Tuesday, February 1H. Mra. Petera pii in aurvived by her husband. J. A Peteraen. of Omaha ; in r two aona, A. Petersen of Omaha, arid t\ r*Draen of Greeley, Colo.; four daughter*, Mra. W. H. Harvey, Chl • ago. III ; Mra. L. B. Pnraon*, Thuratoa N'ab.; Mr*. William Bonn la, Oreenabarf, fra.; Mr*. Frarmia Crocker. Omalin. 1'unora! *jervb h from t'roaby-Moore fu neral home. Twenty fourth and Wirt street*, Thursday, February 15, at 2 30 p. i-t. Interment Foreat Lawn cemetery. At MAHON—Mra Margaret, aged 76 y»ara. a ruldent of Omaha for tho past 34 ' *ara, died February 13 at her home. 2604 Seward street. Sim in iurvlved by three aona and two daughter*. Edward R. of ' Kansas City. Mo ; William J . Paul JL, Alary I. and Mra. C. C. Ellsworth, ell of Omaha 7- uneral Friday morning at 3:30 from fam ily t^aidenco to Si. Johns church at 9 o'clock Interment private. Nt K 11 t.n• Mr* Mary airs 8 the late David C. McKIUlp, renldem o 1604 Park Wild Ave. Survived by one sister, Afra. Sophia Crawley, Colorado; one eon. Joaeph; four daughters, Sophia. Angela. Genevieve, all of Omaha, an LOVES—Lost, 2 pnii" lady's and 1 child's pair. Reward. WA. 5917. Personals . 10 JOSEPH UPTON, son arid daughter of J. E. or Burt Upton, who- were living in Omaha in 1893, communicate with the writer and joa- will hear something of benefit to you. V. J. Loukete, R. 1, Box 25, Exeter. Neb. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone JA. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and lnspoct our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge street. SARAH MILLER, age 63. who walked from Ashland, will call at 101 S. 16th, will bo given home with wages. rHEATRK leal tnasqu for plays and parties, at Lleken’a, Omaha * AUTOMOBILES Auto Accessories, Tires . 11 ONE 1921 good Ford motor, radiator and gas tank. See at 3316 Evans street; cheap. Autos (or Sale . 13 SPECIAL SALE ON USED CARS i ALL THIS WEEK. Must be seen to be appreciated. Each, and everyone gold on a plan that guarantees value received. Tourings, roadsters, coupes, aedan*. Prices that you could not Imagine. Terms without finance charge. Wlllys-Overlaiid, Inc., 2362 Farnam St. Open Evenings. Open Sundays. ' NEW AND USED CARA AT a BARGAIN Ford cars aud trucks. 150 and up. Ford bodies and w'nler topa. Cars aold on terms to reliable parties. GOLDSTRUM AUTO PALES CO. Central Garage. Open Day and Night. 1318 Harney Street. JA. 2468. SOME bargains in used Fords; prompt delivery of new Fords. M’CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Servlca Station. _ 15th and Jackson Sta. AT 7711. I NEW and used Fords, cash or terms ; C. E PAULSON MOTOR CO.. Authorized Foid and Lincoln Dealers. 26th and Ames Ave KK 0146 USED CARS. O. N. Bonney Motor Co., _ 2554 Farnam. USED cars that can be us"d. NEBRASKA OLDSMOBILK CO. Howard at 18th. At. 1776. USED parts for all makes of cars. Ford 1 used parts at half price. Neb. Auto Parts. Ja. 4931. FORD COUPE. 1922 model, in good order only 1400: one fourth (ash. balance it monthly payments. Call at 1819 Wirt St. 1 CAN save you money on brand new Chev- J roiet. Call AT 3423._ j ... .. .... . • j 4tl Garages—Kepuirlng . 16 FOR A-1 auto painting, drive to PF El F j FER'S SHOP, 2525 Leavenworth, 35 yra. | experience. | BUSINESS SERVICE Accordian Pleat inc .21 ACCORDIofc. SIDE, knife, box pleating. ! covered buttons, all atylea; hemstitching, buttonholea. Write Ideal Button & Fieaf- I Ing Co.. 308 Brown Block. Omaha. Neb. | [Telephone JA. 1936 I NEBRASKA PLEATINO. Hemstitching, Covered Buttona. 1806 Farttani, asmnd floor. Ja 6676. j Diiilders, Contractors . 22 GARAGES buiit, any *»yi* and lUf. $106 up. Concrete work. Mickltn Lumber and Wrecking Co Tel. WE. 5585._ CARPENTER and piaaterer. WE,^ 2601. Damme Academies .23 LEARN to dance for 84 ai KEEP7S 1M1 ! Farnam. Clause* Mon., Wed. and FrL nights Dancing Tuea., Tburs., .Sat. and Sun nights. Private lesson* by appoint I menta JA _f.470. _ Detective Agencies .21 RELIABLE Detectiv.* Bureau Sunderland Bldg . Ja. 2056; night. Ke. JH12. James a elan ill <. Evidence s _ Moving, Storage .2d BE KINS OMAHA VAN & STOP AGE 18th and Leavenworth 8ta Packing, mov lrg. storage. ahlpp1r.fr JA 4163 ESTIMATE turn on packing, rnov and storing Contract* taken by Job or hour. Globe Van A Storage Co. JA. 4S38. AT 9230 Groaeman & Sons, owners Moving—Packing—Storage Gordon Fireproof Warehouse A Van Co. 19 N 11th Ft Phone IA 3< Milliners, Dressmakers .27 DREf MAR] i» i ,r v f.' >W A PRONI ■ Painting, Papering .28 PAINTING and paperhanflng. A reliable I oontraotor l J. Thorton. WA. oh79 paperhanging, j flrvt*c|aes work. f*. Hall, WA. 6045. j Patent Attorneys .29 i ft MA Dodge, room 269 Also Waahlngtnn. D C. I h»lx> inventora sell their patent*. Plioiogniplicrs .2»0 FIT.MH DEVELOPED FREE The Enaiyn Co., 2906 I Printers, Kncravers .31 13 >* 1A Professional Services, \-V(a>s .32 AL X-ri I full "tel 619 Hci-uii'ica Bldg 14th niul l-'urnaia PKESt fllPTION . carefully coi pout 1 : at the ' Sherman M ' »nn»!l !>fuj Mitres Repairing . 33 PLASTERING, cement work and repair* . 11 Services Offered .34 OMAHA* "PILLOW LO—Faat her a 'ran* ! ovated and made up in new feather proof ticking. 1907 Cuntlng. JA. 2467. EDUCATIONAL i Husincss Cnllrgi** .37 ! DAY HCJM<)(jL-^Nl"dIIT 8t IH H »f. j I’orni'Ict* couiaei In accountancy, machine ' bookkeeping, < omptoruuttV, shorthand and ! typewriting, railroad arid wneleM tel"g I raphy, civil service and all Dngllah and I commercial branches. Wilta, cull nr f phone Ja< kann 1383 for largo llluatrated ' catalog. Addrraa iiotm?* cor.u:m; I Boy I— Bldg., Omaha. Nab. VAN HANT HCHOoL. OF nUKl/<‘Kbt‘ 13 W Cor, Nineteenth and Dougita. JA. bHIO* EDUCATIONAL Musical. Dancing. Dramatic. 40 ANN IB H. GLASGOW, voice and piano. K irbacb Blk. JA. 1081. Trade Schools .41 WANTED—Men, laGics and boys to learn barber trade; Mg demand; wages while learning; strictly modem. Call or write 1493 Dodge St. Trl-Cky Barber College. M(iLL'H BARBEll COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th Si. Write for catalog. EMPLOYMENT I » Help Wanted—Female .41 HOUSEKEEPER wanted 30 to 40 years old, by wlduw on a farm, children going to school. Close to town. Very con. vonicut. Good homo for right party. II W. R., i •• ix Mi. Nickat U ii' >U8EKEEPER wanted by farm; three children in family; no ob- ; Jectlons to one or two children. State j wages wanted In first reply. E. J. Mer- | rit, Walworth, Neb. WANTED—Neat, refined housekeeper in J comfortable country home by gentleman j with two children school age. Addre?s j Robert O’Brien, Ames, Neb. MULTIGRAPH operator, experienced, per manent position. Give a^e. experience, r<*f- ( erencts and salary wanted. Addle * Box tv-922. Orrfaha Bee. EIGHT to IS ' . 'arcs you 1 i flno office position. Gall AT. 7774 or write American College, j 91 2 Pnrnam. --Mil 1 KM' stenographer wanted i;\ prerlem ed In abstract work. Write at j once. James G Quigley, Valentine. Neb. EXPERIENCED maid for downstairs work j and cocking; no laundry. 6210 Chicago! St. WA. 6910. WANTED—Good white girl for general housework. WE. 4 269. HIGH school or college girl to aeslst with i housework. IIA. 4137.. Hrlp Wanted—Male . 45 WILL PAT 35c PER HOUR STILL CUTTING ICE WILL NEED 100 MORE MEN • to cut Ice on Seymour lAke. Tak* Ralston car at 16th and' Howard or .'4th and N streets. South tnnaha. Free lodging at company hol'd. Good meal’. Wage# 30c per hour. CUD A H V PACKING CO. MEN—W® are offering an oppor tunity to tarn |40 to IbO weekly to a few Omaha men who can »♦*!I aiiil aro not afraid to*work on a commission basis. Apply to Mr. Bridge, The Omaha Bee. WANTED — Experienced warehouse man. Must have groi ery experience. Simon Bros. Co.. 11th and Dodge Sts. JA. 4*8?*. $45 weekly can be earned while learning salesmanship. Call 336 Eeflang Bldg. GOOD experlen- *»d window wa«hera, Kline Window Cleaniirg Co.. 1»11 Cs-s st. Agents, Salesmen ..47 SAN ANTONIO 8ECUR1TIE" Established broker or experlf ved securi ties *al»-smeu to handle high grade in dustries. Very attractive rates, liberal contract. POTTER INDUSTRIALS, MOORE, BIDO . SAN ANTONIO, TEX. EXPERIENCE]* electrical appltan<" men wanted for salesmanagers. Positions in Omaha and throughout the state of Ne braska. A good proposition for a man vs ho has b i 1 exp^nen*--’ 'mg the public. Apply in person between D 30 and 4 41 p» S. 17th St Ask foi Mr. Merc b I WANTED—Several live wire salesmen for out of town. If you mean buslne#v» and are a hustler, rail room II, Patterson block. 17th and Farnam. Situations Wanted—Female .4h YOU NO woman with child wants a Job as housekeeper in city; five particulars. Write to Mrs. F. V. A , Fort Calhoun, Neb . care Fred Sllllck IRONING, bundle washing wanted. Call WE. 422 4.________ RKI4ABLE woman wants day work AT not. Situations Wanted—Male . 49 MAN and wife want work on farm or ranch. Ernest Smith, Fowler. Neb. HOUSE FINANCIAL tnihuin Opportaattfi - 5# FOR SALE—\ modern irur «*tn■ !n t- <1. frn brick bldg. In good .N>biu»'.* town: Edison, Nyal. Eastman and piano and player agencies eld • lir e: unusually good opportunity for Bohemian. Full particu lars upon request. Address Y-2113, Omaha —---I RADIATOR repair shop for sale In rcr t?al Iowa town of t.OOu. Large stock r.f cores; working two men, no r«»Hl rnmp^ii tlon $920 cash. Address—Y-2192, The Omaha, lire.___ GOOD, paying cash grocery. Good rea fur selling Call At. 0#9#. lii f ed at 131 No. lith St . Lincoln, Neb. Doing good business In new and second hand furniture. Reason for selling, leaving city! liATTKRY station and used rsr parts t trainers, f«»r sale. I will tako a good <*ar In on the deal, oscar V. Swanson, Gothen burg. Nab. FOR SALE—Cash grocery snd meat mar ket. also storeroom and l room modern cottage. leaving the Ity. the reason for selling Call WE. 0136 for particulars. MTOR E 1:OOM S F< >R It F.NT--Corner brick building; good opportunity for milli nery and rendy*to wpar business. Write * 'L **,nK’ Manning, la rooming ii<• I, «n Fui for light housekeeping. f..r -ale reason able 1T»)7 Webster S’ Inquire for land lord at 702 N l«th H*. < *11 \T tHG.H. REST \ l RANT for ■ n Wyoming nil •»nd division town. Sl.roo handles deal. No trades A-ldress A J.!(*d. Omaha It* e M \ r market and grocery for sale; only nrtrket In tfv.n « f ;co Will not •»•*!! after I - tiruary 20th. Address Y 2191. The Onu I ha Re«. li K »rcam and pop corn wagon for anlr, 1611 Leavenworth «»r 617 south r.ith st Ask for Ren Rllkss ROOMING house II rooms, garage: fund • rn house lt*»nt $65. Excellent furniture, 11.000. IIA. 7169. lines! men la . M GASH paid for 2d mortgagee «>n Omaha property. F. 1 Ilnrat •■k Go., 640 let Nat'l. Rank nidg AT. SHI. Loan* tut Krai Kulalp . . . ,V! WM have cash oil baud to loan ou Omaha residences. 0. H. LOUOEE INC., 631 Kaellrui Rldg per cent A MUM GRANT CO.. 201 8 I»th. Arthur Rldg AT $190 rate on closed. No monthly payments. JA. till. W T GRAHAM. UMAII If • M I' ' I A I *M R I aI’.NL O'KEEFE REAL I.STATE CO. 1016 Onv Not r Bidg ' ' 1TI6, i I M - * ' ■ • F. I). WE AD and D II BOWMAN 310 M l#th Ht Waad Rldg AT <1161. I I ItH r mor i gaga loan • t le pn nptly on Gina ha real ••state HtiOPtn A Co. ftaal Im< .1A 422" 236 U-elln* Rldg MONEY to loan on farms and Omaha real estate MYFRH A ItAINRoLT CO., 424 Otnq'ia Nat. Batik Rldg. JA. 0746. ' [FINANCIAL Loans on Real Estate .52 FARM T)ANS. Barge or small. West Neh. farms, ranch**, j Ktoke Investment Co., 845 Om. Nat. Bk, I O \ RVIN BROS.. «4S Omaha JNaB Bldg. ON IMF, I'KOPKRTV.^NO DELAY. Buy ]st-2nd. mtgs. Corkln. 910 Or.i. Nat. Money to Ixian ...514 * DO* YOU NK EDM ON BY ? 30—50—75—100—200—600 DOLLARS or any oth*r amount at legal rates. No publicity, easy payments. Thirty years in business OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. 60« Karbacb Blk. Tel. JA. 1295 Southeast for. 15th and Douglas Sts. CuX Co ; loans $5 arm up on wages, ears and furniture; confidential: 25 yrs. cstab M2 World-Herald Bids. JA. 2298. j LIVE STOCK Horses, Cattle, Vehicles . 36 HARNESS, the- best that can be made*, at first coat. We make them oura*»lvea and sell them direct to the farmers. Ilnr n* ms from $35 to lllo. Alfred Cornlah. 1210 F&rnam St., Omaha. Neb. Poultry and Supplies . 57 YOU buy the best chicks for the l^asf money, shipped everywhere: guaranteed a live or replaced; from Colwell's Hatchery. Smith ‘'enter. Kan. HUY jour rhi» it Address bdM, < uual..* Bee. I i»TK—Two near 4f|th and Outruns Sts , *• *e *o*ir,o ft. Prica lio.oon Will swap •-quit/ of $2,000 for anything of equal , i»*. Address 8 14 1, Omaha Re, I.ARUK collection of or* Ih-iih music. Swap for Ford runabout, watch or post. *.| *amera with anuttgai it long Ad. dres* 8-h40. Omaha Re.' i u At’ft HIM fruit land In Nevada county, t'al.f rnla; v.ilua $>00. will *•• • ; for * •inn of * phonograph at who!, sale price for 17*5 r 34x4*4 tires AUdrc-e N-415, Omaha I lien. M Af'It INK simp equipment of large press drill, anvil forge, power hgck saw. emery wheel, aw up for vacant lot or what have you? Address 8 14?. Omaha Bee. U i smooth quarter r laud in it Pterre, | S. I), taxes $4t yr will aw.ip tor Omaha r** property or w'nM have you? Ad dress B-641, Omaha Bee. | (’AbiTI-ATOR, adds, multiplier. subtracts ! nnd divide*. Guaranteed for five years, nly $15. What have you? 8-852, Omaha Bee._ _ VI ILL trade upi igb * f * I * *d car or what have you. Addr* 8 j 638. Omaha Bee 1 if rHAM gold watch trad# fur tuts* » istlo revolver or Ford storage hatteiy, \ i condition. Address K 631. Omaha Be ! NEW electric Kotop* x wash* r, an Are* " re;n i . "Ill snap f «*r i<*r**-». cows j « HOUND dark oak dining table, also let i box, will swap for rigs. chicken* or what j have you 7 M 473, Omaha Bee . tube*. What have >nu? 8-853. Omaha Bee. I. M(< I l/.l 1 for Aired*!* oi t'olll# pup Address, • 146 Omaha Net _ foi v * i». i farm tn • ‘■ ’ uvfl ' * I h iusm and orctiard. wit! trad* fur Omaha residence Address 8-419, Omaha Bee. HAVE a i *Tt i or i Htdan and * • 9 >rii touring. Want good lot, south or east 1 front. Address F 412. Omaha Bee TlMANI) new $*room house, will trade t"i well located lot in Omaha, near school .-•nit «tr*it tar. Address 8 41ft. Omaha It. e r 11 ft l i B t ‘ H N F. I nr »txd'» fur chicken-. or what have you? v 471, Omaha Re, iTvrir N" 9 Underwood, A i condition, will swap fur kudu' po«t card "It* or smullei Address M ill. Omaha Be W 111, tiadt min or houvn pHlntlng for lumber * r building inui •• al Vd'lrc m H 1>o, i rmahH Be* NEARLY ttgvv M*»>sl typewriter for ftirnl- j lute or i »lgs. Addr.ss 8-9J9, Omaha list, j | MERCHANDISE I Swap C olumn .*. 72 POWER Nnu * iRlne, 4 vh <"l trailer, for anything Addresa 8-421, I Omaha Bee. 2 (’Hoii’K re-idenc* lota In Lincoln for light coupa or roadater. Must be good. Omaha Tlf,e. Mi.H STA IUiH OlK» E STREETS. < Apartments rjmsiat of living room. ( dr* siing room, kitchenette ami ( hath. Rental including heat. < light, gar. phone and maid service. < Apartment a furnished soft water < bv refiniti- soft water process. < Phone AT. 3210. < < AND 3-ROOM furnished Apts., private bath. st^am hfa' walking distance. St*. Home for traveling man and wife Apts., Flats, Fnfuriil'dipd . “5 FOUR-ROOM apartment In Selma Terrace, 470; possession thla month. Onnd light 3-mom *emf-ba*eni*r.t apart ment in the Normandie, Park Ave. and Pacific. Reasonable. I. J. SI ;y BOLD A SON. ?26 Olty Nat. Hank __ AT 1701. SEE thia dos«*-in, fc-room brick fief, all modern, a beauty, f.ll North 24d Strerf • »uld easily bo sublet to roomer*. Kent reasonable, fall 1*. II Stern AT 0206. APARTMENTS AN I# FLATS—! 2» to 1100 W. .1 PALMER CO. REAL ESTATE Management. T 4*v• keellne B dg Mul'KHN apt , 1 larg»» rooms and bath; hardwood floors, walking distance; jant. tor service. |r,a. \VA. 34*5 PETERS TRUST COMPANT WHERE OMAHA RENTS." AT. * (4 17th and Farnam F?e FOR ONE OF DRAKES ! • "A APARTMENT* • 'all Ja kson 26^5. >t im I ated * r ♦ . 12. pes jr.<.nth Light. g** water and i * ■ f i Awe . ROOM, strictly modern apt.: 4-room n< • ••rnmodatlons: rbatn heat, private bath. Rnuulre 'jhil S._ft«t St. __ FINE • ■<>rn*-r 6-rnurn brick flat, I&3 John R. Mef’arvflle. Realtor. 1002-3 City Nat’l ' f ATTRAC. 6-4 rm apt*, n^ar Creigh, I'nL, 1 ready for Or .!<• f-’OLR r ms. ats;«n> heat, close io. G. P. tttebblna. 1610 ‘'hirago,_ Rublan Apt** . 1 with • room ancoromodm i a lift. u»t *l FUtH-liOUM apartment, bath, niudsra *t rept heat. $1*5. 1402 Military Ave. Farm* for Kent . A FEW rhn farms for rent From 4» acre* up to a section. Inquire pat H»* sett. Denlann, la. • HI. farm ’■* m - ffr-t » Omaha city limit*; cash rent. 40§ N. 14th ft. Motion*. Fumiftlird . <8 1 Bl* ely furnished g *. .„*» <* WE. 2*24 Housffl, I nftirviifthnd ... . “9 I < cation three bio. ka from car line; rent 14 . .444 S. 47th Ave Offices and Hiorm .rr~ . 80 .SPACE—Individual epa. e In heated, fire proof daylight big Passenger and fr cht elevator* I.«>w rent. Industrial j » * tele* pl n<*. aten<> s*r c# free. AT. 7774 rB office with telepheoe and at*n-l og rap hie_service._Call AT. 1304. _ I It < miiii and Board.... X. HI ParK AVI', til—Lars* room with ktich-n. rtie, running water, walking distance, j "Quit* HA 370S. ___ | I HIKTY-FIRST AVE . 1114 N Large i pb«*ant room for 1 or 2. A-1 mral* HA j P MT , 2307 — Pl*a»ant room. excellent ? f ; o t * i *- * Itmima. Furninlicd . 83 ROOM DIRECTORY fur ROOM ill NTERi Sheu'd you fall to find Rated below the roi m you want, call at tha ’'Want * Ad um'.er of The Omaha Dae for a room • 'ire tor) The Omaha Bee maintain* thi* v tv,, a for your conventen f New Rat ed each w»ek. Anf. if you want to *«rt an ad of your own phone AT. am! u»k for Mrs. Finlth, our “Room »<*r Rent" specialise_ LARGE front room for 1 or 1 gentlemen, walking d inn • 'a b! • k ftom Phone JA. 632!_ U'1 . rv SIXTH Ave. 10a K—Very de ni» •* -*t front room, walking distance. ' HA • 1 - _ AVE.. Ill7—Fleas*nt roAm, 1 • men, private home; 116 for 1. I f I f • ■ r ? l_* I.AI ' t < ic'iful loom for 1 nr 2. ni*el iii. h tue. 114 & 24th Ft HA 24.: _ __ Plea-uni room f«»r lady, modern, private hm; 1 M S *6th St IIA 4260 i Ilf Modern f*« Rtfhed home MA 41161. AT 1071 (Tel ) — 3 dean rma, -to couple VKR1 ml i able room i modem dome* watkfflg dlata nee,_JA 1 SOo. VCootti*. I nftimKhrd . H3 »’l> \ nT> rTl'UAOt'T: 2 .*r 3 clean. n»od •1 * n itum, private entrance, gaiaga op time!. KT 3713 • ICnntna for IliiUHrltrfirnc .. M n< »M m i' >11T for . ROOM HUNT HRS. Should you fall tn find Hated heloor the rii-iii vou "nnt, iall at t h« "Went'* Ad counter rtf The Omaha bee for a room dir* for? The Omaha Ben maintain* this tiei vice for your con\*nlene*. New lot leaned •a«n week. And. If you want to ln*#rt an ad < t your own. phon* AT. 1<»00 and a*k f«- MU Smith. our ’ Boom ft r Rent ' apeclaltat AT i .'.f :» : dean housekeeping room*: nIe.» well furnished 4 room Apt. rloea to Han*, ran park. AT i | (Tel.) — 3 modern ran mg, newly pip*-; r d f|r* t floor, suitable To 4 nr b I.pie $11 a Peek or $40 per month i i 8rnRl i ModelnTn d. well li *ted housekeeping rowpia. Call HA. UU_____ KA It N All rued* r u I? 1 ">ioa. Cicely furnl*h*d, r* **on*bte Call arts'- fi 1 til. Apt H or phone AT 5110 TWO lnrg* bout •••plus room* with al rt vc atr)ct?y modern. 3031 North Nine teem* \vi r» _ , MCI’ im* furn »h*d < ompteta. private both, $. tveek Elect! ic light* and gaa 2 ftIO N. Sid St ! i Nitui room with kitchen* • ngnnlng water, walking distance, adult*. It A i i 1119 > nodi > fu r n l al 1 * k*«|dug voidn* downstair*, near car. MA. < i «;.o. 1.«U* * '■ ■ 'li 1 ino.| 1 \ *»t ■ thing com. Her waahei, #f i AUe alp < hi. j 1C Ucalred. 10U d. 12d Ah. HA, A*it, 1 RENTAL Koiini* for llmiwkeepint: . 8t J mod. rooms, evtrylbing furn. Reason able. 612 X. £td St. JA. f.i196. ' H H.'AGO ST.. 2535—Nl< »; housekeeping rooms within walking distance. W i j lOuO mod rooms for housekeeping, block from car. I lfit'n S . 2231 S—2 desirable front rms, ! everyth! .g furniah°d, walking distance. THIRTY-FIRST ST . 1127 H—2-room t housekeeping suite, second floor. HA. 7flr *125 per a - re. M. c Weyer, owner. 111 l \V. 8»ern A*e. No HU Paul. Minn MISSOURI—<"heap land in south MUa^url m easy term*. B g money in tomatoes and at:awberriea Buy email tracts f.cm • »wner Jelluin, Birch Tree. Mo. Ix»t* for Sale ., 91 DUNDEE I-OT. *1.500. Pav ng all psld, all St. 'mprovement* in and paid for « **h »’ th;s price. GRA H AM-PETEHSI REALTY CO , f JA. WA, 1101 i i*t Nbht jot. b x 125. on .«t& St. near Far natn; choice lot; c»n»r will consider r#*s oral,;# offer C A Orlmmel JA 181* WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lots Edg*•* »d; very easy term* [ Phone Atlantic *$49. _ ____ F. f—F- r -laid by owner. 110x50, good K1 J17f Real Relate—Central . 9S II* TSK—7 roon^. modern. and garage. *('•?* chtnn • ll*ge, 17,0(0 JI V 13? Rea) Ratal*—Dundee .K dc^deVTcoLon i aiT . Brick rottiinii tion, 113,530. GF.oRGE fk CO., Realtor*. • i Heal Kstatf*—Horpnce .9(5 i NKTMAWAY hop * agent ' ej-^cla'TTt In j north end property (whlti-a only). KK. 14*> Ke«l Estate*—Miscellaneous .97 Wear Bemls Park ? room*, eirictljr modern; fine corner Ic*. paved street: one block t * r ar and school This week for 14 *5'*. $ 1.000 ca*h Benson Exceptionally f:no 6 roc in bungalow-, '•uarieraa wed floor* and fin »h; large lot with hedge and fruit; cement walk-; 2 t lo4 ks tu f»r and school; built ’ m that a year. Bargain at I * ' ?, term* * an be • rra .iged Chas, W. Young; & Sob, 1C! city Nat’! Bank AT ?«•> 1IA . Mr. Gidlay. Black 4142 1 KT CM build and finance >cur new horn*, yomplets budding »tr.. • w:th nu worrit* CQC1TABI.E TRUST COMPANY, t»oug!a» M*. RlAbTOlM 1141 HuMES for workingmen. Four rooms. ertly moderp. full lot, ea»* terms S1.2CS Hava oth-ra Stewart. ReSeton li-W • REAL ESTATE Rm| IMhIp—North .98 Ten Hew Bungalows iu Minne Lusa oee there beautiful bungalow homes now under construction, or we will build to •ult your plans. You won't find better homes in Omaha. Prices right, with terms. • |o*-d car service. Phono Mr. Pitkin, KK •'■'PI, Mr. Sharer, K17. 3 7 0%, or Mr, Met cal ft*. WA. 2775. fiquitable Trust Company, 1*13 Douglar Sf, Realtors AT. 2445. MILLER PARK BUNGALOW, 1450 DOWN Brand new frame. five room-* and bath. j- rictiy mod n; oak floors, f ill cemented basement, floor drain. « tr ; j ived street, beautiful ii*.-w district: monthly payment * 44 <* !1 Ped rriMin, HA V 4 a 2 >_r_ AT 741 £. I'OR »n investment of }3n0 you buy a 5-room all modern bungalow, mirrored dcor, built-in features, all rooms on one floor, b ated w*-st. This opportunity is i ot picked up every day. Call AT. 6311, for dMa '• NEAR MILLER PARK. 5 room modern bungalow, flrepla? e, sun . icrn. paneled dming room, built in fea ture*. This is a real buy at 16,700 Easy terms. Eve. cg]j AT. 7543. day?* AT. 3241. PR I r;K <: u f ~to 44,f:o f-asy terms. b room modern bungalow, t .• I floors and f nish. paving paid garrge. clo**? to ncv. North Omaha High. Kv. • IKW—fhri • • d»i 3 • too OJ>, .»l! modern, double gfcrage Prh e $7,250 T-rms. Norris & Norris AT. 7062. i OI.pRK!>—75 bouse* f.jr sale. E. M. LavL. 2530 **!room» anarri«. mirror door, h* . regulator, stationary dr»ubJ*» garage. <"orn*-r lot. paving paid MUST ELL QUICK. Kve. call WA. 17 4 4 day* aT >;ti. _ _ _____ ^RTV NINTH AND DAVKVpnRT—4- * r*om all modern: will taV#> 11.00'* ca>h rood morifiiro pap^r as f.r.-t payment. Now leased for ISO per month. For ap pointment call or .%** GIBIt >NS -STEEIa 4; ft r« JA ( ' rust Sell before March 1 Im * f - i-ungafow. south front. If,00$, easy terma. Call .FA. S2€l FIVE DANDY ROOMS 1 tots !rt*xl3* (>;nsnt bas-ment, chicken house. f'Bit tr» - *. only K.7?*t»—terms five. call. WA. 4711. days AT. Sill. •TH AND CALIFORNIA—4 room*, mod.. 11.000 cash, balance monthly; on car I n?. Cre?gh. 44« B***- Bldg. JA. 030«> N- w Mcrn-e—> u? AT. 49a* Grore-Hibba 5 C?. WE bu:i 1 to i '• • •.** JdTFay'der. Co. j REAL ESTATE. Ural Kalate—Exchange .191 WIUi trade 640 a rr- Montana ranch, i !!fhtfy Improved, 'a:;c, fcr Im ' roved N*»bra>ka farm of ainalPr a-r-»age, "i«al ia.lu* <=ur go o-J town. .*•' J. Thompson. Wood Rfver. Neb. u< a i Pjfwti —h laid .19Z Lots Wantert WE Vi!l pay • .-ii for koo 1 i-jHdin* Iota lorated near Betfris Par a anil Mountclalr dtsi rjftf. ChsLio W. Yeung & Son, l< f»2 City Nat J. AT. > $ or HA &«'l WANTED MOP*Li HOUSES TO SELL. Your real • at. t* proh.ernw are out ptpb. i'-mr. The bf i^r we joy th- bwt<*r we **r\e ouraep."*. Let u* Hit j vut pioperiy. J L HIATT f'JVPANV nsg 1‘irat Na* Bank Bldg. AT. ’JOG. WE haw; sli buye^r fr»r that vacant lot of yoyra. Why pay tax* a and loss of In te/eat ? Oft HORNE REALTY CO.. T rut * B’dg. Ja. :?S2. List yur hr : ne— T' ,/ yrr - i.oni€, BINDER & OTIS, Real Estate, L< ang, Rentals J A 15«’ HAVK from 31 VCO to 1 .000 to inv^at Jn •* good a or 6 ro' i.i borne Mt*ht con sider a *hj|.-I*?x. If • ou really want to i-' i 1 ' *i ‘ ' ■ fc Cm-a ■-»'ta - r a—oit-1 mortra*•» < . 3. u.. »i Saildlrr Vrank f R-r i~„ ‘ AMRBELr. » : t. ! on your I?- fiT' ■ >na*rtirtio-v R-s.1 perianal .rr-Ir. n, * _37 K-al ' Bi.tr. AT. |4(i. I OWLKIi finds folks »ho buy hom*s. L>T Ul’h “» tc-r rcaall*. Bart C. FoaPr Co ’-a1;or*. JA. n:r. GOOD T.IBTIN'OS—ri fn TO US ’ K RE LI. THEM _»fiME i I.M.TT CO AT. HU. DIF JETT „ 7;ea:, estate: Sa..i. Ran**, I r.s-j - ca fc— T-mt BMr JA. o*i*. -C TfCViTf^ Rp-a't, C«. t.iat~with . «/—. ..- us fr.r quick raij'-a m» rirat Nat I Bank T Jc_JA. U w. J= PALMER C0„ • - 413 K 1 | • ' i*0. TO «-.j eee Voorh*** 4: Bundy. At. 33*7 "•ohLD ?:-a 'y Co. Re*!**rf. AT. Jit?" Weatarn Real tit*ate Co JA- 35*7 « P nOkTWICK. rTaPiTtstT AT Hnr A'Ulard C. 3.abau«h Realtor JA Mi! TT. "k. BKN X GR ' OMPA.VT. Realtors. HA>TING3 At HKVDEN. RF-J^LTr-RS~” Graham Peter* Co . «•!! hornet. JA.OJ57. Ve Male* 5'/2 fo Loans on Omaha Real Estate 6% Maathly rjymsnt Loan* oo Residence* peters Trust Company Peters National Bank. MONEY TO LOAN On 1st and 2nd Mortgages On Improved City Real Estate We Buy Outright for Cash Land Contracts and Second Mortgages. Prompt Action. H. A. WOLF COMPANY j 582 Saundera-Kennedy Bldg. Atlantic 3160 t (innnonnnAn 1 11 your story in the h ank spaces below. Masc your aavcr- \ tisement complete and convincing if you want quick results. Three days' insertion produces more replies than one; a week’s ^ lnserxjon is oeat oi ail. The Cost Is Small 1 to 2 days.15c per line each day 1 to 6 days.12c per line each day 7 days or longer . . 10c per line each day (Count 6 words to each line) Name ........ Addrm ... Dales "Want* Ad to be inserted . Do you «art a blind or keyed I address .... } knwunt enclosed .. All week ilny advertisements are given two insertions each day—one in The Morning Bee: mother in The Keening Pee—at the one cost. Sunday advertisements are inserted in The Sunday i Pee exclusively. Bee “Want” Ads nee areepted hy telephone at no extra cost—may be brought to The Bee office —or written on this Mail Want Ad blank and mailed to The Omaha Bee. Mail Your Order Today I > The Omaha Morning Bee THE EVENING BEE Omaha, Neb.