Lincoln’s Spirit Country’s Need, Rotarians Told < .lub Members Hear Addresses by John L. Kennedy and Janies E. West, Boy Scout Executive. i __ Speaking before the Rotary club yesterday noon, John L. Kennedy said of Abraham Lincoln that he ‘‘was the greatest and best human influence that ever blessed mankind." Mr. Ken nedy told of the day in Scotland when he was a boy, when the schoolmas ter came into the classroom and told his pupils of the assassination of Lin coln. and talked to them o( America, its ldeaIs»of government, and especial ly of Lincoln himself. "That talk had a great deal to do with my coming to America eight years later,” said Mr. Kennedy. “The ideas that influenced my life have in fluenced millions of other lives across the sea." The speaker urged that America j make fewer laws and enforce them better, and appealed for a return to the ideal government for which Lin coln stood. "We have not lost out j ideals, we have only mislaid them," j he said. Boy Scout Chief Talks. James E. West, national chief ex ecutive of the Boy Scouts, made a plea to Rotarians for more intelligent 1 understanding of the facts pertain ing to childhood. "If hoys and girls are the greaest asset of the nation, why not treat them as if they were? The average parent pays less atten ♦ion to the details of his children's lives than he does to details of his business.” stated »Mr. West. "Every parents should always know I where his children are. with whom hey are. aifd what they are doing. Tells of Scout Aims. "There ar* five things which Boy Scout leaders try to instill—physical fitness, general education, vocational skill, character and right attitude of 1 ADVERTISEMENT. Waist. Kimonas Drapericc. Skirt* Curtains Gingham; Coats Sweaters Stocking; Dresses Covering* Everything Each lo-cent package of ‘‘Diamond , Dyes” Contains directions so simple any woman can dye or tint her old, 1 worn, faded tilings now. even if she lias never dyed before. Buy Diamond Dyes—no 'other kind—then perfect homo dyeing )i guaranteed. Just tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether It la linen, cotton or mixed goods. Diamond Dyes never streak, spot, fade or run. ADVERTISEMENT. Cleanliness Spells Health—Fortune Men and women who ge( ahead in the world keep clean—they keep every one of the approximately 8,800, 000 pores in their bodies open and at work, throwing off poisons and waste matter, thereby insuring men tal vigor and physical fitness. Every day you will feel better, vou will have greater desire for work and play. If you use the FITCH SHAMPOO, which cleans the hair tnd scalp and every pore In the human body, which is essential for rood health, leaving the skin smooth ind soft. Its wonderful properties were Jroved 100 per cent efficacious when ested before a clinic of 38 public icalth nurses recently, removing all landruff. flirt and vermin from^he heads of school children, leaving their tair and scalps clean and healthy. Every man and woman, and every :hfld, whether at home or attending ichool, should be. cleansed from head to foot at least once a week with this preparation. The FITCH SHAMPOO is on sale it first class toilet goods counters. In two sixes, 75 cents, $1.50 for family package. Follow complete directions in package. Applications at leading oarber shops.—Adv, ADVERTISEMENT. RED PEPPERS . STOP PUN DP When you are suffering with rjieu matisrn so you can hardly get around just try Red Pepper Rub and you will have the quickest relief known. Nothing has such concentrated, pen etrating heat as red peppers. Instant relief. Just as soon as you apply Red tapper Rub you feel the tingling boat. In three minutes It warms the sore spot through anil through. Frees the blood circulation, breaks up the con gestion—and the old rheumatism tor ture is gone. Rowlcs Red Pepper Rub, made from . red peppers, costs little at any drug store. Get a, Jnr st once. 1'se It for lumbago, neuritis, backache, stiff neck, sore muscles, colds In chest. most Instant relief nwnlls you. Re •ure to get the genuine, willi the name Howies on each package. Boy Scout Executive Speaks to Rotarians ifnine* E. West. mind; that is, recognition of obliga tions to society.” Kay C. Stephens of the Y. M. C. A.* told of Americanization work among the foreign-born, nnd of tlie need for more workers who can teach what these people are anxious to learn shout our courts, our government, health and kindred subjects. Mr. and M i>. George Brandeis Bacly From Their Trip to Cuba Frigid temperature greeted Mr. and Mrs. George Brandeis upon their ar rival in Omaha yesterday from their trip to Palm Reach and Cuba. Mr. Brandeis reported he had a wonderful time in tho south, where he enjoyed all sports afforded. While in Cuba Mr. and Mrs. Bran deis met Nelson B. fpdike, and just l lie day before their departure Mrs. t'pdlke and son arrived. Many of the horses racing in Cuba will be seen in Omaha next June, said Mr. Brandeis. who has been talk ing with many horsemen. Hazeltine Named Dry Chief of Pennsylvania Washington, Feb. 14.—Frederick A. Hazeltine, former divisional chief of the ISth federal prohibition district, has been appointed to be federal di rector of a new prohibition district to Include eastern Pennsylvania and southern New Jersey. Mr. Hazeltine's form*- district in cluded the states of Washington. Ore gon, Idaho. Montana and Alaska. fit Says "Bugs" Ucton AND IT MAY BE FOREVER Johnson Slowing lionn, hilt a Buzz Saw Will Always Cut Wood. fsp; right, 11*2.1. WXLTT.K JOHNSON will soon establish his seventeenth year in top league baseball. His time in baseball will be meas ured by the pilgrimages of the 17 year locust?. He popped out of Kan sas around 1906 and the uniform he wore displayed the reddest pair of el bows ever flashed over a contract. Blit dont think that Walter was immediately signed up fur IT years. ' lie had t« show more ability than elbows. He won six games before Griff deeid'-d to buy Johnson a uni form that filled him. Seventeen years is three big league lives. In those 17 seasons. Griff has , sewed up and chopped loose at least. 100 other pitchers. But Walter must have taken a swim In Tennyson's brook. He has never pitched fast or slow In a world series, never got fnad over his share of the pennant plunder and never had the word Champion hemstitched on his vest. Tough sirloin. And it looks like lie never will unless congress recipro cates for Ike free season tickets they’ve been grabbing in Washington for centuries. In those 17 years Waiter has never Jumped to the Federal league, never Joined a Shubert unit, never held out for more cakes and syrup, and never Jumped a contract. lie started with more speed than control. His first volley knocked the hat out of the halter's claws and his second throw picked the button off liis cap. There was terror in the balling averages that season, and any time Wajter was scheduled to pitch rain was welcome. Ho far as batting eves was con cerned, his name was equivalent to on eclipse of the sun. Now they say Ills pepper lias gone, lint, like Matty, lie has plenty of salt left. Fans would like lo see him play for another 17 years, hut any player who has served that long In Washington i deserves something off for good be ! havlor. He won't lust many dmihlelienders longer, lint there isn't niueli chance of him sliding down the ladder lo the IMtiner Hall league. When he Is through with Washington Johnson will probably |>ull in Ills horns and educate alfalfa on Ids Kansas farm. H O. Wells Ignores Walter's record In the Outline of History, but no BiUsnnlcii. of Bsselmll could finish or even stnrt without W, Johnson a wide open western face on the cover. \rtiorv Defrrml. New York—Aftor hearing Charlie White, Chicago boxer. In a personal appeal, the slate boxing*Vnmntlsslon today postponed for one week notion on Its protest against surrendering n $2,500 forfeit for lining 12 ounces over weight for his losing hoot last Friday night with Rocky Kunea* of Buffalo Witness Attacks Burns Agency in Communist Case PrsAiature Explosion of Flash light Powder Injures Three and Halt6 Taking of Depositions. Chicago. Feb. 14. — 2,000,(put and upwards, lay burled t i day in tire safes In the smouldering wreckage of a six-story office build ins destroyed by fire in Maiden Lane, the Jewel center of the world. More than fiO Jewelers and silver smiths occupied the building. When the walls and floors collapsed the safes were Bent tumbling Into the deep cell."*-. Experts said that the valuables undoubtedly would be foDnd intact. TheFlavor L-a-s-t-s Top off your meals with WRIGLEY’S and give your stomach a lift* It aids digestion — it provides the “bit of sweet’* In beneficial form. Helps to cleanse the teeth and keep them healthy. WRIGLEY’S pays very big dividends on a very small Investment. It*s the best chewing gum that can be made aad It comes wax-wrapped to keep It In good condition. P D2 Weak Eyes of School Children Glasses Not Best Relief Hwliuh# of a i,, i children |« * •ymptom vt Weak fcyemght with i-crhaM \atigmatimn. Other Hvmtdoiiin arc. Kyea tiro quickly i>r waiar, print blur*, inutl run tog t |»er. etc l.laaart protld** raLief from th*'»« tli*rrr«»fu! r otlliioii*. but relief la ail: aeldom do they mahl# \arure to entire! ' t after rear, the rl,.’ I | | Cither wear the ugly, botiMramne ftleaaaa all »!>* time or rarry them along for lien vh'-ti reading ami atndying. IVrhar-n till* aaern* aatiAfactnry io yen and to i1 # * ■ method of tnatemt yeti have known. But li entirely remedied? Brai tyiDf aafe. |.J«aaaru n kick I here n>*e.| in my ire, I <1 . rt-medy tbla trouble. The medic inaa aia i«erf« ilfhtad ut»h th<* i e«u I la. W,t a»r airl or » T»>u*ig man and women -under tw»nt? fira too. almiild ad henafit from th a a. latidid Treatment DR. H. WHISLER, Box 272, Emerson, la Dr.KING’S New Discovery Stop it ’■Now! Cut the hard-packed phlegm- end that persistent flow of mucous ■ soothe that tired, cough • racked chest and throat For 5-0 years this dependable remedy for all the family has husk en colds and transformed sniffling, roughing children and grown ups in»o happy. healthy h'* ng« I ei Hr. King * Nrw PUenver?. th«* old fiithlnned family (ouyli sirup, dove (he told poiarna from vournotem. Vour dmggiet • m «i Pr. King * Nrw Pittovcr)—in* t tin U. No Evidence, but Liquor Suspect Pleads Guilty When Alflo Formica. 2209 South Seventeenth street, sr rested Tuesday by Police Sergt. Frank Williams, head of the imlice morals squad, on u charge of illegal possession of liquor, appeared in municipal court yester day morning. Williams was nowhere to be found. “No evidejKi ' Judge Patrick d* • dared. "I will—” “Just a moment, judge," Interrupt ed Formica's attorney My client wants to plead guilty." The judge stared. Then ha fined Formica $100. \ illage Sued for Bonds. The village of Broadwater, Neb., No wonder “RUNNIN’WILD" has the dance hounds runnin’ wild. But you ain't heard nothin’ till you hear it played by Ted Lewis and hia Band on Columbia Record A-3790 The reverse is Ted again in “S». Louis Blues." At Columbis Dealers. 75c having less than 400 inhabitants. t\ajt sued In federal court yesterday for t'J".S6-"'. coneisting of warrant* given In lal# and 11*20 In payment for electric I uht equipment. Hfiir\ Monsky J\ew Head <*( Nebraska Social Workers Henry .Monsky Omaha attorney.1 was elected president of the Nebraska Social Workers at their conference Tuesday at Hotel Fontenelle. Other Oflie ,-s are Miss Annie C. Kramph of North Platte, first vice president; B. Sf. Johnson of Fremont, second vlco r resident. Two new members of the executive hoard are Mrs. H. .1. Bliss - JOtTM 7 »MftNT| L ELSIE | Ferguson OUTCAST' \ i ISS FERGUSON ^* wearing dazzling new Paris go» ns in the greatest role of her j screen career. Today “2ND CHILDHOOD” with Bobby Vernon BOOTH [ “A Sun Wonder Picture” | TARKINGTONTS Masterpiece S|*> Starts Sunday Two Week* r New life! -no more biliousness Dr. KINGS PILLS -Joe constipation %I>\ Mt I lfcKMI N T. |wni«r I W ^CATARRHAL JELLY iff guaranteed by *• rear* **r’ ir» to million* of American*. K on don a work* wonder* for *nqr cold, annexing, rough, chronic catarrh. hr*d« arbe. *ore non. etc. FREE Mwf* I M Traatiaint Hi aa ranpi of nar nnt ard addrraa CONDON Nlaaaapolla. Mian. Nervousness The first indication of nerv ousness should be your warn ing to remedy the condition from which it results, and be fore it becomes a deep-seated, nervous condition which will require time as well as treat ment to remedy. Warner's Safe Nervins relieves nervous headaches, nervous dyspepsia, irritability, sleeplessness and all neuras thenic conditions which are symptoms of nervous disorder and deranged health and nervous exhaustion. It acts on the nerves and assists in restoring the system to a normal condition. Warner's Safe Remedies Warner’* Saf* Kidney and Liver Remedy Warner'* Safe Diabetes Remedy Warner'* Safe Rheumatic Remedy Wamer'e Safe Aathma Remedy Warner'* Safe Nervine Warner'* Safe Pill* (Constipation and Biliousness) Th* Rtliable Family Medicines Sold by Sherman £ McConnell and all leading druggists. Sample sent on receipt of ten cent*. WARNER'S SAFE REMEDIES CO. Dept 4AI Rochester, N. Y. YDYtRTI'l 'll.NT. Don’t Let That Cold Turn Into “Flu” Hub on hood Uhl Musteroli' That colli may turn into ' Flu tirlppe 01. even vvorne. Pneumonia, unless you taka rare of It at once. Rub good old Muaterole on the con grated part a and see how quickly It brings relief. folds are merely congestion. Mu terole. made from the pure oil of inn lard, camphor. menthol and otlu simple Ingredient!, is a countrt n ritant which stimulates circulation and helps break up the cold. As effective as the meaty old mu lard plaster. It does the work with out the blister. Just rub it on with tour fingertips You Will fed a warm tingle ns It enters the pores, then a cooling ser.s:i tlon that brings welcome relief. S6o and r«"C Jars and tubes. Better than a mustard pin .ter. Baby \ Comes Expectant mothers do not undergo useless suffering any longer, and baby's birth can be raade gloriously caster. Mr* Wm. Flack, 115 V. 12th St.. , leaven worth. Kansas, says : ” 'Moth *r'» Friend* it the best help in th« world for tn expectant mother. 1 1 *m the mother of three children and have found ‘Mother's Friend’ fine.” "MotV'v'a Frier.d" Is externally ar pli-d about the hack and . ; hips, it penetrate* wonderfully, and In this w*y aiiow* the muscle* 1 Uiaif 'ts to relax easily and read di’t thrmael e* to tha change* during expectancy and at chiM-birth. Vs* "Mother’* Friend" as anr mo'her* and grandmother* did. Don’t wait, start today, and meanwhile wnte to Bradfirtd Regulator Co.. ! RA-45, Atlanta. Ga., for free booklet containing valuable Information everj expectant mother should have. "Mother** Friend® aontalna no par- ! cotic* or harmful drug*. It i» safe. Thera it bo substitute. Avoid use- ; less greasca and plain oik. Start u*. ing “Mother'* Friend’ row—the iTVv aooner th- better. "Mother a \ Friend" is sold at drug {/** \ a tores—everywhere. f \U\ nr*!? i Ml NT CHANGE OF LIFE LOSES TERRORS For Wo.m who Rely upon Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound Greenville, Pa. — " I took your med icine through the Change of Life and ^>d wonder* for me. I was down in bed when l started to take it and weighed ;H> pound*. I had hot Hashes and was so nervous and weak that everything would (ret black and 1 could not see. 1 would sit and cry and did not know what I was crying for. Since t have been taking Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vegeta ble Compound I feel younger than 1 did ten years ago, and tny friends all tell me l look younger, and 1 owe it ail to the Vegetable Compound. I do all my housework for a family of seven now. 1 will be glad to answer any woman who writes me in regard to my esse." Mrs John Myers, 55 Union St., Greenville, Pa. Many letters similar to this have been published testifying to the merit of Lydm E. Pinkham s Vegeta ble Compound. They are sincere ex pressions from women who describe as boat they can their feelings lie* fore and ufter taking this well-known me dicino. When in Need of Help Try Omaha Bee Want Ada. of Omaha and f\ E Prevey if Un coin. Andre Maneyrol. the French aviator, recently broke all world glider i.< u d* by remaining in the air for 6 hour* 1 minute and 26 seconds. The flifhl was made In a nelting rain. When in Omaha Stop at Hotel Rome ^MARION* DAVIES 'When Knighthood Ik was in m Flower" THE world famous ro mance i n a million - dollar setting of daz zling splendor. SHOWS START PROMPTLY 11-1-3-5-7 and 9 SPECIAL \ MUSICAL SETTING NOW SHOWING Only Two Show* at D«yt More 11, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 “POWDER RIVER" LET'S CO government* own mot ten picture* of the v tr takes by the Signal Corp* during the actual fighting. SEE NEBRASKA’S OWN AS THEY FOUGHT AND FELL IN FRANCE ADMISSION Adult*, SOc—Children. 25c—(Include* Tax* AUSPICES VETERANS OF FOREIGN WAPS Standard Vaudeville Exclusive Photoplays I Today and Tomorrow Last 1 Times of a Clever Comedy : Bill—Irene Castle in “Slim ; Shoulders” Is the Feature j Screen Play. [ SATURDAY | Heading a Big Show Is America’s Master Magician Presenting a Series of Stu pendous Illusions, Featuring “THE DISAPPEARING HORSE” NEW SHOW TODAY RICKARD (DICK) TALMADGE defying death, risking his life, in a laughable farce comedy of thrilling thrills— “WATCH HIM STEP” O Nights _ ™ Mai Sal rUHUARY 17-18 CARL CARLTON P.esent* Augmented Onhesti* "Tangerine'' it one of the beat muairal comediea which i hare ever boobed to appear at the Brandeie Theater and I pereon alljr guarantee that it will give the very beat of aatiafaction. JOY SUTPHEN PRICF.S Malm**. 50c to $2 00 i 500 Received 5e»t* on Orchestra and Bo tany Floor* at $l>. Night* 50c ta $2 50 l-AST TIMES SAT ©E2X9 LAST THREE DAYS "WHAT3 WRONG WITH THE WOMEN?" Evrr> Day. 2;I5 & 8: IS. New 5 bow in j I ?:3f * 4C 2 it )« 3 27 v* 4A4 V.2» 4 15 Tf e* Day — *n t » J^ab'<*» _ Mal»la-B»rt T rt* 8u*l» i*i) Ourk'i _Caalia A Glut fetal Abet PARLOR. BEDROOM AND BATH Wtr* M»»e» Ge*4?a * is f_l7 t ^ ? 54 .6 -e ‘5 - I E**r*—Bif Comedy Afterpiece I | M-U, 15< to 50c. 15c to $1 I NEIGHBORHOOD THEATERS HAMILTON - - 40th a»4 Hrailtn FRANK MAYO ii» “Altar Staira"* Amataor Vaudeville \ ICTORJ A .... 24th and Fort GEORGE BEBAN *• "Th* Sif-i* of tha Root’* GRAND - 16th and Bmnov ANITA STEWART *• “Thf Wonua Ho MaidW EMPRESS NEW VAUDEVILLE TOO AY Bebe Daniels and Conrad Nagel “Singed Wings” in conjunction with BIG-TIME VAUDEVILLE NOW SHOWING Palhe News, Special Edition of Nebraska's Most Beautiful Girl Contest. Sbowinf Picture* of 24 Contestants. SUNDAY ,V. STRAND F. Scott FiiiftralJ'i The Beautiful and Damned KENNETH HARLAN MARIE PREVOST j Harrjr Mayer* _ Tully Marthall | Waller Long Louiie Farenda Cleo Ridgelev Clarence Burton B I» America* Society "FAST'" iJB/ntL£>Tl* 4 *•** PRt.wAR p«»cis l*«A* 4 !♦»»<»• 1>M > ► The “Bon-Tcns” £.rr With FUNN> JOHN BARRY AM • «f»< •« IM * *-.<•« Prje»* ***,,„ 41*11 CHOfcl > Of lON’TOVtn* 4 '•***» HlbU *S » •» P«iR ►)*->••%, >,»% M» A « • K►IP.'! >,4 M4 h*r< 11 4