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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1923)
^ .M.C.A. Campaign * to Continue Until Quota Is Raised Members of Teams Vole to Prolong Drive to Reach $.10.000—Pledges Made Total $31,000. The Y. M. C. A. campaign for $50. «00 will continue until ilia whole sum is raised, the workers voted at the noon luncheon yesterday at the *'Y” building when Commander in Chief ,T. Dean llinger suggested such action. A regular noon luncheon will he served at 12:15 today and regular re ports given and plans for winding up t he ^campaign gone over in detail with the workers. Ringer t'onflilenf. “Every man present seemed to feci that thor money could bo had for the "Y ’ this year and ail seemed deter mined to stay by the job until it was completed with all of it subscribed,” said Mr. Ringer. The executive com mittee members pledged themselves to lie responsible for $20,000 of the whole sum if the workers would see that the remainder was subscribed. Team No. 7. R. W. Gentzler cap tain, won the flag for the most money yesterday with $635, while Team No. 19. N. JT. Nelson, captain, won the second place flag with $315 for the day. Division ”B” got the division flag with $901. Forrest Croxon is: commander of this division. Team Reports. The day's team reports were: How ard Saxton, $238: O. T. Alvison. $Go; E. S. Rood, $95; F. E. Moliln, $120; C. W. Moore, $15; R. YV. Gentzler, $635; .1 R. Dumont, $55; Ernest YVhitlock, *17b; F. M. Zarbo, $20: Arnos Grant, *95; Ralph Newell, $105: V. C. Has kell, $62; R. YYr. York, $230; R. R. Mil ler. $50; T. J. Nelson. $95; P. T. Bar ber. $20: N. H. Nelson, $315; ,T. ,T. Dodds, $80. Executive committee re ported $1,266 for the day, making a total for the day of $3,732. I'p to date eacli team has secured the following amounts of money: Howard Saxton, $662: O. T. Alvoson, $1,049; Elmer S. Rood. $343; A. P. Sor. ensen, $331; F. E. Moliln, $1,138; C. YV. Moose. $685; R. YV. Gentzler. $1,425: J. R. Dumont, $589; Ernest Whitlock, $1,089: F. M. Zarbo, $148; E. R. Burke, $602; Amos Grant, ^630: Ralph Newell, $1,132: V. Ha*call. $240; R. YV. York. $1,480: R. D. Mil ler, $515: T. J. Nelson, $875; Dr. P. T. Barber, $220; N. 11. Nelson. $1,552, and J. J. Dodds, $805. The executive committee too has secured $15,433. lotal .'subscription. The total amount subscribed up to noon yesterday was $30,916, It is ex pected that the reports of the teams at noon today will bring the thtul up close to the $40,000 mark as many of the teams have pledges and prospects which they hoped to land at the close of the campaign. Radio Letter Box Recruits for Seventeenth—Eleven recruits were added to the roster of the Seventeenth infantry Friday and Hr Saturday. Miss I .a IPs him Returns — Miss Florence LuBochien of the LaBochlen. Inc., exclusive ladies shop, has just returned from New Fork city. Fog Delays Air Mail—Foggy weather delayed the air mail for Chicago yes terday. The plane left at 12:15 In stead of the usual hour, S in the morn ing. Thirty-Year Resident Dies—Olof T Nielsen, 75, 4628 Cuming street, died Monday from a complication of dis eases. He had resided in Omaha since 1886. tiirl Dies of Diphtheria—Ida dale zia. .3107 R sftreet, died of diphtheria •Sunday morning. She was hurled -Monday morning in Holy Sepulcher cemetery. Dope Raid lessens Crime—Since the arrest of 30 dope addicts in a raid, January 26. crime In Omaha has slumped, according to Chief of Detec tives Van Deuseti. F. I*. Orders New tars—The I Tiro Pacific railroad has placed an order w itli tho Pullman Car company for 10 steel dining cars and eight steel -observation cars Iowan Dies Here—Lo, rge I, .Swe, • 76, Ainsworth, In., died at a local hos pital Monday following an Illness nt several months.- The body will bo taken to Ainsworth. Brothers Appeal Case—Tony and like Pane, found guilty on six counts by a federal Jury, announced that Ihcy would appeal. They were con victed nf selling liquor at 2201 Popple* ton avenue. Cat Boosts ill Tree—An ' unidenti fied1’ black cat *Toosted" In a tree tor three days at .1613 llawthorueave nuc. It has hern taken over by the Humane society, who will hxik into its ‘sanity." Donated to Belief Fund.—Tin ltran dels Investment company sent a dus k for *100 to th<- relic f fund of the fm department for tin "splendid slop accomplished by tile firemen In the re cent Courtney huilding fire. Johnson Funeral Services—Funeral *erviees for Albert J. Johnson, 63, "010 Maple street, who died Saturday morning nf apoplexy, were held Mon day afternoon. He is survived by bin widow, two sons and one daughter. halls Out of Auto—H. i: Jones, is Harlan apartments, fell out of his an lomobiie while driving nil Douglas street \esterdav. Police Burgeon F H. Kinyoun slated Jones appeared to he suffering from a nervous break don. I onsoliriation Hearing—Tim Inter state Commerce commiaalon has set. February 26 as the date on which It 111 hear the affirmative gnawers of th# Union Pacific and Ihe Northwest ern railroads In the matter of consol idation. Mrs. Fli/.ibelh Colo Dies — Mrs. Kllzabeth Cole, 74. resident of Omaha Bine* 1 S6k, tiled Saturday al the i.- nc nf her son. Fred .1. Cnlo^JTt"' .South Tenth street. Funeral services will he held today at the Duffy A Johnson * Impel, Pneumonia \letiiri—Fid ward P. Don ahue, 62, 306 Lincoln boulevard, died et n local hospital Haturday night of pneumonia. Funeral cervices will ho held at St. John church at II Wedncs day rooming. Burial will he made In Jloly Hepulcher cemetery. No Fnetiiployincnl Problem—That fhnnhn la not facing an unemploy ment problem la shown hv tiff fact 1 hat n large lee company which advei 'Ised for 200 laborers last week to ^ harvest Ice has been unable to oh tain more than half that number. Canine Kvolutloii—From an now. • t < <1 plip to pet f,f a Soldier with a H ip to Texas thrown in Is the evolution of e black arid tan cur taken from the Humane society's shelter Handsy by Pvt. Pe'.ar Ilelmbergcr, Fort Crook, who Isavos for Fort ftnm Houston this ,,A ,You Can Save Time and Effort in Locating, what you want by reading and using the “Want” Ad columns of The Omaha Morning Bed and The Evening Bee—two papers for the price of one. Read and use Omaha Bee “Want” Ads—the beeline to results. Telephone YOUR ad to AT lantic 1000 NOW. Index to Want Ads ANNOUNCEMENT'DEPARTMENT. Burial Vaults . 1 (aril of Thank* . 2 Cemeteries, Monuments . 3 Florist* . 4 Funeral Director* . & Funeral Notices .. ft Future Events .«... 7 Ixmt and Found . ft Notices 9 Personal* . 10 AUTOMOBILE DEPARTMENT. Auto Accessories, Tire* .. II Auto Agencies . 12 Autos For Hale . .•>.13 Autos to Exchange .14 Autos Wanted . 1ft Damges—Repairing . 1ft Motorcycles, Bicycles .17 Service Stations . 1ft Taxi—Livery . 19 Trucks, Tractors. 20 BUSINESS SERVICE DEPT. Accordinn Pleating . 21 Builders, Contractor* . 22 Duncing Academies ....... 23 Detective Agencies . 24 Insurance—All Rlnil* .. 25 Moving. Storage . 26 Milliners, Dressmaker* . 27 , Painting. Papering .2» Patent Attorneys . 29 llimine** Service. Photographer* . 30 Printers. Engravers . 31 Professional Service* . *' Repairing .*. 33 Services Offered . 31 Tailoring. Pressing . Jft Wanted—Business Service . 36 EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. Business Colleges .. 37 Correspondence Course* . 38 i.plural Instruction . 39 Musical. Dancing, Dramatic . 40 Trade School* .. Wanted—Instruction . 4, EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. Employment Agenda# .^3 Help t\anted*—Female . 44 Help Wanted—Male ...». 43 Help—Male or Female . 46 Agents, Salesmen . 47 Situation* Wanted—Female .. 48 Situations Wanted—Male. 49 FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT. Business Opportunities . ft® Investments . J* Loans on Real Estate.5* Money to Loan . ®3 Banted to Borrow . M LIVE STOCK DEPARTMENT. Dogs, CnU, Birds. Pels . 5ft llor'cs, Cattle, Vehicle. . Poultry anil Supplies. Wanted—Live Stock . »» MERCHANDISE DEPARTMENT. Building Material .J® nothing and Fur. . J® Fuel and Feed . Rood Thing, to Eat . ? Household Hood* ... Jewelry and Watch., . Machinery and Tool, . Miscellaneous .a. Mimical Instruments . " ■ Radio and 'npplirs . ** Heed,, riant'. Fertiliier' . J® 'tor. nnd Office Equipment . 7" 'tor. Special' .71 Swap .. Wanted to Buy - RENTAL DEPARTMENT. Apt'., Flat', Furnlubed . JJ Apt'.. Flat', V nfurnished . «» Farm, for Rent . 7« Oarages and Barn, ... Hon«e*. Furnished . 7a linns.', rnfurnlshed . •" Office' and 'tores . "" Room anil Board . J.J Rooms, Furnished .J Koom, I nfurnished . Rooms for Housekeeping . Wanted to Rent . 5. W here to Fait . . W here to Stop in Omaha BEAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. Acreage Property .....*..!!* Himine" Property . Farms and Ranches . . lads for Male .*. Real F'tate—Benson . J Keal Estate—Tentral jL Real l.statc—Council Bluffs . *7 Real F slate—Bundee . Real F'tate—Florence .”” Real Estate MI«eellaneo.a . Real Fi'tate—North . He,, I Estate—Enuth .. Real Estate—West . . Real FVstate—Esehange . Real Estate—Wanted .JjJJ Realtor* «0| Truckage Property BEE WANT AD RATES 1 r»c per line each day, 1 or 2 day*. 12e per line eaf’h day, 3 to B day*. 10c per line each day, 7 day* or longer The ahove rate* apply exclusively to Want Ad* which are commonly termed "public want*." and do not include adver tisement* of individuals or concern* adver tising or exploiting their bu*ine**e*.# THE OMAHA PEE re*erves the right to designate what constitute* a public want. Want Ad* accepted at the following .t;»h *“• South N . W.e„r. 24th and NS. Council Bluff*.'• Srott 8t Telephone AT lantic 1000. r.ll for Want" AH Bep.rtment. An e*. p-r.epeed 'Want" ad taker will your ad and a bill will he m.lW l«Wr. 1 ho rato* quoted *hov. apply to cither charge or each order,. C LOSIN'. HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition .11 *? *'m‘ Morning Edition. .« ,.£u. Sunday Edition.A P. *"• S.'urday The.e rates apply to The Sunday Bee ns well an to The Morning and Evening Bee. All week-day advertl»ement* appear in both morning and evening edition* »t the one .00,t Tile OMAHA MORNINH BEE. THE EVENIN'; BEE. announcements —■■ Hurinl Vantl* ...* i^iINf I IVI - f'-niur*’". a*** rleinonet ration ... HsHllnf Conor... Vault. In.Ill »!">» y"” ana” Ukw ntnl no n.h. r, ■ *;ry vauD « i *»>.n for iiAirinon lid. M.nuf.rlur n , Diy r.r tit. Om«h» Conrrst. IlurUI v»ull HI . Il'Ml'A m ( uMlwtw, Mofiuitsaata —. * rtiflKHT I.AWN. North of City Limit* • m r. . . jr-t for perpetual rara eti4 ♦tn p.' offles. »t crm.l.rx »n.t ?-i» HranM«iw Theater. | M — — i inrists ... * .1 LEE LARMON Ulhand ! • . I I ‘, i i AT II ' • l I .1 * DM I MKNUtHSDN I SOI rjrn.m. TA '_***, Funeral Director* .••• * V. T. STACK & CO., Omn ha';. beet 'in<|ert»k Inic eti efollihmeiit aTkow A M BULANCKhv^'m* Thirty third and I ament. __ Hoffmann Ambulance Service ! :uh m.d Il«dn» H>. -IA 3101. HE A FEY & IIEAFEY, 1 'nOnrtaken and EinldU there Phone II A n:f>l,. office "611 Ksrnani. Crane Mortuary 5a CONDUCTED J1V I.ADIKH ONLY. MS Hnutli ■.!01li HI AT H0»* and A’l *690. LARKIN BROTHERS, I l NKHAIa mril'B: IORH. 4*JS BO. 14TH. HULSE & RlEPEN, i Funeral I»ir* 'twt e. 2 .4 Oiitnlu*. .1A ('ROSBY-MOORE“^V«'" Tka Omaha Baa n pva* .anting ita raadnra with an Spar* Capa—all tka aawi la tka travM af mui •-n' ANNOUNCEMENTS | Funeral Not Ires .. 6 DONAHUE—Edward P., aged Febiu-j ary 10. Survived by wife, three: daughter*. MIms Katherine, Mrs. W .1 Maher <»r 131alr, Mrv K. P. Carmichael of Council Bluffs; two sons, .1. J. Dona hue and Joseph Donahue; two sister*, Misses Hose and Nora Donahue. Funeral Wednesday morning at 8:30 from family'residence, 30H* Lincoln boulevard, to HL John church at 9. Interment Holy Sepulchre.___ _ _ _ HUGHES—Mrs. Lyde, Hgo 72, died Febru rary JO. Survived by two sons, Lee. Nor folk, Neb., Carl George of Claremore, Okla.; two daughters. Mrs. W. C. Mohr and Mrs. W. R. Smith of Omaha. Funeral from residence of daughter. Mr*. W. r Mohr. 4205 South 21st St., Tuesday afternoon at 2 p. m. Interment Wot Lawn cemetery. Gentlemans mortuary In charge. Sl'NDWAl.L—Mina c1ar«. " I>hru~ry To. 1923. age 79 years 4 months -*9 days at residence nf nephew, Carl E. Jacobson, "id and Grand Ave. Funeral Tuesday at 2 30 p. in . from Zion Lutheran c hurch. 3dtH and Lafayette Ave. Interment at Mount Holyoke ceme teiy Johnson & Swanson in charge. ELLIOTT—Georg*-. age, 68 years, at lilt residence at 2 o'clock Mr. Elliott is sui Service* Tuesday. February 1.;. from the residence at 4 o clock. Mr. Elliott is sur vived by tiis wife and one son, Robert, of Omaha; four brothers and two sisters of Canada. Burial West Ltwn cemetery CHASE—Fred, aged &9 years, survived by brother. Charles of Omaha Remains forwarded from Heafey & lleafey chapel to his old home at Win* throp, la., for Interment. BRITTON—Jam*W., aged 31 years., after short Illness. Survived by wife and mother. .Mrs. Emma, both of Omaha. Remains at Heafy A Heafy chapel. Funeral notice iater. | l.ost and Found .... 8 LOST—Brindle Boston bulldog; screw tall. 4 white feet, large ears; white markings, brags studded collar, disappeared around K o'clock Thursday evening Reward for information or return. JA. 0482 or HA. 0317. ____I Telephonb atr.antfc i ooo. and dictate your 'Want*' Ad to The Oma- I ha Bee. Each advertisement will receive prompt and careful attention EVKKSHAHP, lost on Dodge car, Feb 10, gold Eversharp on gre«n neck Is < e. Re ward. Call JA 4._*8 or WE 0589 Personals .. 10 THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicit* your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone JA 41*5 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110.1112-1114 Dodge street. _ _ ! THEATRK s il mi«l«s cestoniss. for i lava and parties, at Lleten's. Omaha. Auto Accessories, Tires . 11 ONE J921 good Fofd motor, radiator and gas tank. See at 3316 Evans street; cheap. [ AUTOMOBILES Autos for Hale . 13 NEW AND USED * AM AT A BAKOA IS. Ford cars and trucks. $50 and up. Ford bodies and winter tops. Cars sold on terms to reliable part;e» OOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO. Central Garag*. Opeu Day and Night, 1318 Harney Street. JA *488. « >M E bargains Ir. used L ords; prompt delivsr? of new Fords M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Service Station, and Jackson lit*. AT. ttii NEW and used Fords, cash or terms C. E PAULSON MOTOR CO.. Authorised Ford and Lincoln P*aler» 20r h ami Ames A ve Ki *1 ON'K Dodge touring « ar. Ills, and one Dodge engine, one Pnfjg.. transmitter, one Dodge roadster. KE 3823. USED CARS. O. N. Bonney Motor Co.. 2554 Fa mam USED- cars that can be used. NEBRASKA OLDSMOBILE CO. Howard at 16th. At. 4‘ 1'SWD part* for si! makes cf ar« Ford used parts at hslf pr e. Neb. Auto ' • FORD ' 1 1 [ PE, ' * .' ' mod only $400. one-fnurth cash, balance 12 monthly payments Cai| gt 1819 Wirt Hr. - • * finrajes—Krpairin? . |f» FOR A-J auto painting, drive t<> PFEIF FER’S SHOP, 2S-5 Leavenworth, 35 > rt. • xperienct. j BUSINESS SERVICE Accordian Pleating .21 OKI N. SILK, knife. Ik.* i Covered buttons. *11 styles; hemstliebtng, buttonhole* Writ* Ideal Rotor. 6 Pleat ing Co., 30| Brown Block. Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA 193C. NKHKASK A PLEATING. Ifematltcfclng. Covered Huttona. 1106 Farn*n». as. on I floor Ja 667®. IhiihJer*. rnntrartom 22 GARAGES built, any **yie and alxe, fioo up. < lone ret a work. Micklln Lumbar and Wrecking. Co Tel WE CARPENTER and plasterer WE. 2001. I>an< in? Afgdrmlre . 23 LE A H N to den re for Tl ~iu ~K KB P S Y* M Farnnm. Classes Mon., Wed. and Frl nlghta Dancing Tuae.. There., Sat. and Hun nights. Private iasaons by arpnlnt ' ' DflcHivp Agriiclr* .21 RELIABLE Detective Bureau iunderland Rldg . .la 20:,4. night. K' 2412 JAMES ALLAN. 112 Neville Rlk. Evidence secured In all i H**. AT. l!8f. Mo% lng, Rtorsf* .." M HKKTNB OMAHA VAN A STORAGE 14*h and Leavenworth St*. Parking, mov ing. storage, shipping J A. 4141 on pil king, mo v •• d storing Contracts taksn by job or hour. Globe Van A Store** Co. JA. 43JI, AT. .a '-nni on ere Mot Ing- Packing I forage Gordon Fireproof Warehouse A Van Co 919 N 11th st. Phone J.\ non'’. Milliner*, Ih-esHmaLri •* 27 DRESSMAKING 111 NGALGW APIIONM MALE. 50C EACH AT. «l n 7 Painting, Papering . 23 PAINTING and papsrhanglng A reliable contractor K. .7, Thorton WA. 0179. PA!NTl53T papsrhanglng, decorating. f i Paianl IHonlyi . "• r w. MAnVt.v i>,i.nV AM-ff.y. nTi Lodge, room 209 Also Wellington T» j C. I heln inventors ae|| their patent* Photographer* 30 FILMS DEVELOPED FREE Th« Ensign Co. :t>06 |1«BVMi»»rll Print MB, Kngravpra . .... 31 I'M, I 3 ' I \ I’rofnaainnal Srrvlrra, Xltay* ,,,..32 DENTAL X-mv Ido each; 13 full »ct M9 Securitise Bldg,. 16th and Farnem I' ' : riLNW cs refully compounded at the 6 Sherman A McConnell Drug Store* Nr r vires Offer, ,1 . 31 OMAHA PILLOW CO- Feather* r*n ovated and mad* tip tn new feather proof tl.-klng. 1907 Cuming JA 2467. ' EDUCATIONAL (tHH'inl I nwf • n«'i 39 cl.FRKS. Railway Mall, J * upwmd, 11 *i mo. Riparian-* ttnntceeeary. Fof free j partlrulara writ# R. Terry tformer civil Uervlca examnlffj 340 Rariisler Bldg 1 Washington, D. c, EDUCATIONAL ' ' Biiilnm Colleges . $7 DA Y~ SCHOOL—-NIGHT SCHOOL i Complete courses In accountancy, machine : bookkeeping, coinptomeirv. ahorthand and typewriting, railroad and wir*le«n teleg raphy, civil service And all English and conunerrial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1565 for large Illustrated catalog. Addre»a BOYLES COLLEGE. Boi es Bldg., ' nn ■ h;. Neb VAN HAN'T SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 3 E Cor. Nineteenth and Dougl°s. J> 55fn. Musical. Dancing, Dramatic ... 10 ( > > A8G • W . role* sad 603 Knrbsrh Rlk. J A. 1 OR I 1MANO fTl»t motor »«n take few more pupils .TA. 415* or WA. 5^09. - .. . -j Trade Schools . 41 WANTED—Men, ladies and boys to learn barber trade, big demand; wages while learning, strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Tri-City Barber College MOL Eft B ARBK H CO LLKiik. 110 S. 14tb St. Write for catalog. _________________________________ | EMPLOYMENT j Help Wanted—Female . 44 ooooooooooooooooocooooooc o o o o o o , o o O OCR MINA TAYLOR DRESS AND O O APRON DEPARTMENT O o q O has recently been enlarged by the O O addition of a large number of new O j O pow.»r machines and we want ex o O perlenceil operators and lumen O O to do plain stitching work. O O O j O 8tes.1v employment. Rest of work- O O ing conditions. An opportunity to O, O eain good wage,. / Apply to C O O G M. E SMITH ft CO. O O Daylight Factory. O O Ten*h and Douglas O O O O C O J i OOOOOOOOO0000OOOCOOOOOOUO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOO ‘ o * o O O I O . O O WILL ITT ICE SUNDAY O O O o o o o o MORE MEN NEEDED O' O O i o o O To rut Ire on Seymour lake lake o C- Ralston car at loth and Howard G j O or 24th and N streets. South O , O Omaha J'ree lodging at company o O hotel. Good mealf. Wages. 30c per O O hour. O 1 O O O O o CUDAHY PACKING CO. O O O O • O O O o o: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOO HOl.'FKKKKPKR wanted 30 It* 4" years | old, by widow on a farm, children going to school. Close to town. Very con. j vcni**nt. Good home for right party. : 11 \V. ft Box 112. Nickerson. Neb. jitOI SI kE .I KK wanted b> widower nn l.trm; three < hildren In family; no ob ject. onv to «ne or tWo children. State wages wanted in first reply. iJ J iler nt, Walworth, Neb. MODEMS—-10 young women to act *• model* m style show, else* l*. 3 % and Apply Mr. Weinberg 2d floor Hrandel* store MIGHT to 1.' weeks prepare* you 1 a ':n* office position Ca | AT. 77 i or writ#. American College. jj»ij Faroatn MX PttRIENCED operators for our ba.r <!•,.*- ng depart*n**nt. Jl l|« 6 fJueni’. Co. Mincoln Neb._ i ! *1 «' ATKI) woman Op' <? .lt> Per rnanent position. A-l aalaiy Give • • • u -11' Omaha Bta j KIl maid for down**‘ work j ind rocking, no laundry. 5210 Chicago S * GHAPHKR ft good 1 . r - «» po • >n 1 u t le well educated. Phone At lantic 220* *• for gi ImUSfWnrk. W E. OH WHITE woman for housework, no wash lag HA. *02*5. _ i WHITE girl fn general houe«*w<*rl?i plain rooking, good salary. 105 F. 22 1 Ft. Help Wanted—Male II WANTED—Competent s-ngl** white house and >ard nun. Must have city referenda FI Stf.r/, 370* Farnam 8t. Call between i 5 and a o’clock evenings 1 iii '. t'KK- Flrat-claas, nonunion |#b print ir Wag* x. 9 4 T« a w*-ck. .Steady employ- I ru■■ r 11. K 1 • Ci t v. M.. ■ • . 1 rf.-t 1 • a Addr-e- V 2 :*l. Oin*h « He _j It \* -ckiv ran Itr earned w hile learning at M| ' ’ . '■ T *fl • t g Agenli. Salesmen . 47 H A1 * i 8MA? S natal hod er of automotive ar*'»«mrle» and a leader' In the Industry h «« ih npn. ni f-»r a m*n ( h« t wren an l . jffiu* --Id plm it n earning from |17.'» to I '»•) a month- We witt a mao with fighting apirlt who -■ i aggieeslve and < in hold hla trade by tak j log an I tr-rewf tn hit dealert, aft**' eclUng i them IV* want % aaleemifn Our It r» *• 1 la nationally advertised Our men operate I on n highly •atlafantory c*«mrnlaelon ar- | rnngem* nt The connection la permanent, and he will have »n r*clu*lve territory I • hat will ia' him from $1,000 to t7,(»*»U » ! 'ear lf|a rjamlnge through repeat hu I- | n- aa Will in- rep** rnnalat **rt» |y each ye,ir. | Ihe man pelerted f"r thia opening will *•*» g. s rn x thorough etMc* knowledge of our j line Phone W A Weymouth, Font en* lie | Hotel, for appointment '•II* HAI.KSMKN \\ • have n-j op'-nlrg f -r a v-rfid, wide pwr»<-«* -;| aaleaman. who , owns hi- own car to •-II lubricating ot! ! and grt • • < tlire. t to the farmer In Ida . own country, Thia la a good opportunity i to earn big mnprM In an*W"Hng e'a»- ' length of raaldot • e In jrout conimualtv, i nyid give at leapt three references l*o . *»» t answer Ulilcpa you are ready to go j to work and can produce ihe hutipepa , A4drep-. Nabra»W* • low ,i Oil < o , 1107 j Howard Ht , Omaha, Neh. I*uHlKNt I D riartrtepi appilanre men | wanted for aaleptnamger* Poaltlona In »iiTialia pvd throughout the at ate of Ne braska A good proposition for • mm v III l I C* prr-e.i % ■ I C Os public. Apply tn perton betwr-n 9;30 and I 414 S I7tb Ht. A ah for Mr Merrfel i s A IiF.HM i ,N* • Htlendld of-poiiunlty fm young men wb<* an- ambit -<ua to l < nme salesmen and who arc Milling to take the time to learn Write for Interview, giving age. or, opattnn and pretent address ! 1 rank Dee. 610 H loth Ht WANTED- Several live wira salesmen for nut of town If you mean business and are a hnatter. rail room 11, Patterson block 17th and fa mam ■gu-3weg-^wa»g-7irT«jg_ispar -riim.i i : HHunfinna Wanted—Male 49 I f f > 1 tt if* l K A NI NO. tellable man. At !«*>$ FINANCIAL lltiainraa Oppnt t«ililt ‘*<1 roil HAI.M i.en«* at 1 egah run-I Meg 2 yta . <H0) per month rent build- ! trig In good* . million. I4al00 feet long, cud good location, for any hualneaa nop , II non | block from main ntre'-t Write for particular. Addteaa T 7104. The Omi be Rea ^—— Ai«K t modern drug *'<•<• in mod ern brl.k bldg In good Nebraska town: Edison, Nyal, Eastman and piano and player agon, lea aide line uttUNually good opportunity for Rnhendan Full partb-u la s upon ia()uefH. Ad«1r*»s Y 219". itmalta He*. It A l • t AT' Ht repair *dmp D- sale In - - n. «t u t low a town of f.Aoft l.argc stock of! c.irea, tv oiklng two men. no * • n I compel! flnn t ** r 0 . ash Address Y *113, Tha j Omaha flee I Ml.T'iN'H Auction llmi-« fm anlc local ed a* 111 No 11th Ht . Iilni-nln, Neb l>«t|ng good hualneaa in new nn.t aeohhd hand 1 furniture. lltaNn for sailing, leaving ; city. _ it EHTA I M A N !’ for anle. m Wyoming ml, and dlvlaloti town II.IAA handlee deal j No tradea. Audits* Y *206, Omaha Off. |FINANCIAL Itusiness Op|»n1 unities . T>0 I «) i: QUICK 8AI<E; cifl tea - 4 • town nf 11,000. Rent ($50) per month, 2 jr h-ase, must sacrifice by I he 15th of Februarj. a bargain at $1,000 cash. Act quick Address Y-2203. The Omaha B*ie. CONFECTIONARY and Ice rrcam business fur sale in a town of 2,000; doing good business; aell on account of old ag* for f2.j'»0 Address V-2202. The Omaha B-»*. F( IR RKN’I of t Will fine display window, hea*. light, t*4!**. phone furnished. Address W 949. Omaha hee_ GROCERY and meat market for sale; • ash store, good business; transfer cor ner, main street nf Omaha. Good reason for selling ‘ all KK. 40kk. BATTERY station and used < at parts btiKlnesH. fur ol»- I will fake a good car in on i he deal, u.v ar V Swanson. Gotham bu»g. Neb__ _ • market m town of T,no Will nut sell after February -€th. Address Y-2191. The Oma ha Bee ROOMING house * rooms gat age mod ern house Rent. $»,& Excellent furniture $1,000. HA. 716* GOOD, paying cash grocery. Good reasons for selling. Call At 0*9*_ Investments . 51 HANSCOM par'v. district. $ room4', modern, garage: furnished. $j.60(». fg<»0 cash. Up stair* rent take care of balance. HA. CASH paid for I’d mortgage* on Omaha property. F. C. Jiorncek v Co . 640 ist NatM Bank Bldg AT. 3531. _ Imrans on Hral Ksfale .52 ■ fl [r city LoXki Private -none-, on hand, no delay. Loans under $3 too wanted, low rate .1 R. pAT A CO. 505 Kr-elit e Bitlg, Omaha \r 69*4 24 Pearl At., fo. Bluffs T-! 101 Wl'. have cash on hand to loan «d Omaha reside.ices E. II LOITGEE INC.. 535 Keeiina Bldg STRAIGHT 6-year loans. 6 per cent. AMOS GRANT CO.. 201 * 19th. Arthur Bldg AT. 1110 LOW rate on rity property. quickly closed. No monthly payments. JA. Ii23 W. T GRAHAM. OMAHA HOMES—EAST NEB. FARMS O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO , 1016 Om. Nat. Bk Bidg JA. 271J. _ Sioo TO f10.000 loai.a made promptly. F D WE AD ai.d V H BOWMAN, v id Bids at I ;-i FIRST mortgage loans made promptly on Omaha real estate Shor>*n A Co . Real I Stl Keeline F MONEY to loan on farma and Omaha real es’ate. MYERS A RAINBOLT CO.. 1 * ' ' ».• 4 "farm loanh7 Large «r email. West Net* farma ranch** Kloke Investment Co., 84a Om. Nat. Bk. EARN IN BROS ^4 4 8 Omaha Nat. Bldg. ' N JIMP PROPERTY. NO DELAY BU2_1JF :r. i twtga_<h»rkin 811 om Nat Money U> !/)an . . . . 51 * fro YO*u”NEEiriH)NKV~ 10_55_75_100—208—1.40 DOLLARS cr ary other amount at legal rater No publicity, eaay paymenta. Thirty yeara Id b ua. a eaa OMAHA LOAN COMPANT 544 Karbach ILk. Tel JA. 22»5 S 'Ufheast «'or. 15th and Dnugla* S? C<’\ t o : loana Sj and up on wage*. car# and furniture; confidential; 25 > re. eatab. 112 World-Herald Bldg. JA. 22»8. | LIVE STOCK Dog*.«. liiiil-. I'rt» 55 FOR SALE—Laig« mu'x Juat out of hard work *Jrod nK« Alao heary Coneord harnts* and wool-faced mule collars Write Standard Oil <*o , Omaha V'* ARIFS— - np r* I . female*, fl 2402 9© tth St AT 44 7* Hors***. Cattle, Vrhirlr* . 56 1 f) » t flr*t st. We i take them ouraeivet ar t ee'l ikcm direct r<» the farmers Har ri"ii from 135 to 1114 Alfred Cornish, 1210 Ftrnam St., Omaha. Neb. good * COWS one fresh & W»cka >g on** frcsii in a >*#ut .1 w - • »:■ UA. 257* Poultry ami Supplin' . 5* 1 *t money. shipped everywhere; guaranteed allva or r» t .. c 5 from Colwell's Hatchery, Smith Cent- r. K%n Ht V your * hi* ke from a poultry ju lg • Illustrated -Ma!* gue fr-e. Smileys Hatch* ery, S* ward. N'eh. Cf>' K KRCT.-ONK EXTRA KINK R*"»SK K'lin RED C»*CKJ6REL and J LATINO HEN'S » \LL KK 44xa » j i fm" A W Wagner. MO S* Ifth S! JA 114:. MERCHANDISE 4 lotliinc and Furs . 60 FULL DRESS gulls and Tuesdna for rent JA :.irt 105 ,V IClh Sired, J Feldman ARMY • h oe • I? to 7«1 No lllh l(oim«>hold CmmhH .. 63 FURNITURE of tt-rm. house, overstuffed 1 a pastry parlor suite mahogany bedroom suite, so. >| walnut dli ng room table, 2 lovoly Wilton rug". No dealers. 4415 t apitnl A ve. I ! . * . i - !t|je?j l upb ui J S w iialrobe. |> range • l' loath* r • »«• h. IT dining table tin d'e*.e '• nil chiffotu r. :? \v»: 6i4f or we tn Omaha T< lephona > our "Want * Ad to AT lOfu) slid • *• urn better results at |«,.e..r rcei FUR Nil TURK AT AUCTION “ Tonight an I ToniPi mw Afternoon. _DOWD® n i • rioN wotwe._ EXPERT sawing ma bine repairing. MICK ELS. IMh^jsltd Harney * 41 i i'iu i • \ \ • ft This AfDmoon and Tomorrow Night. DOWDS AUCTION HtR'HF NATIONAL rash register, phonograph. 1 electric mangle for nl* AT 4417 I VIl'TRlll.A f..- : *1*. T.> ..bln stove 9: Roth aiu »st new AT. 3S67. • 4 Jrwrlry and \\ *iP lira 64 1*1 A MONi»s V\ * pay the be-.t prtesa With privilege tn buy ha' at • m a ! I profit tJRt*S.'* JEW »•". Omaha Neh. 402 N l«tb St Mat hlnrry and TwiIh . 63 » INCH new 1 ureka paper ruttar with two good condition. 9.40. AT. 35?i. 4 ‘ IP ||,de ft Thr*t«.' R!tlg MlarHlfttimitm ...... 66 l.ATE No 1 nd*t*vnod. A t condition, oill \ ,v ap for koday, postcard else or smaller Pil e I *. Mil Parker S' Call >4 ohater fl4 o 4 evenings t. t-jartar.-ant tsi mocpv-.' • •—'i wi ■ filial* si InMruinftih . 67 boo o 6 6 o o o boo oo o o oc o o o o o o c* o o ° _ o C' or VRAHTFf.D RFAL PIANO O O MARA) A t NS O O M-Phall Raby <)rand. flrlnherhftff o O Fla» her. Chi* ago Cottage Priced O O from III and up O O CH ARLES II THATCH FR O O 1 ?4 N lllh St J A 3064, O O O 0 • O o o ooi oo ooqoooooooooooooooc III ADD your u*e.| p\ano on a new player piano Hsian. « as low an till per month. A MOHPH l'<» . IM ) Douglas » - ■ ... t -; Murt* slid Offit •* Kijuipntsnt . . *0 W KJ liffV, sen safe make desks show at**. Omaha Flatura A supply Co, a W corner lith and Douglas JA 9 7.4 - -* m~ ft; sa* u ■•Sinaia—Vr>i iMWi uim—l i .Swn|i | iiliimn ?? • • N' i ii n.t *adlo sal Int I tiding 11rt volt "A * baiter*. With 3 acta re. elvers and I federal loud speaker Will trada f *r Ford loadater. Addraas S 411. Omaha He** - j MERCHANDISE Stip < ohimn . <3 NO SWAP—NO PAY! NO SWAP—NO PAY I Dispone of the thing* you have for the articles you want through a three* ilne "Want” Ao In this column. Run It three d.i>« A box number will be sup Plied and the replies will come to our office firit. Tou. in turn, mey call for them. If you swap a bill will be sent to you at our regulai rates. Jf no swan 's made, no bill will be sent. Remember—NO SWAP—NO PAY. Thi* offer ia good only in Omaha and excludes alt business ads Bualn-*s 'Want'* Ada in this column will be charged our regular tatea. Th's proposition is offered merely as a servjre to our readers and to increase the interest in the rapid growth of The Omaha Be© "Wart” Ad Columns This ofVr appllea only to the SWAP Column. For rate* in other classifications hee rate card. Remember — NO SWAP—NO PAT. WHAT have you to trad« for established auto transfer and moving business, worth $1,500, In Omaha. Addr-ss S-4GG. Omaha H. • Ifol.HE 10 lots, team, harness wagon, bugg . milk <o\*. chickens to trade for ‘■mail farm or what have you Addresr 8-454 Li- •• AIJ. WKATH KP. c oats, latest s ie. for men ami v. omen ©JuaranteeU made to cider, only 51.'50. What have you.* 8 4 51. Omaha H-e. l MO Ai'RF.Jl well improved. 10 n.,*. f»oni good v«* stetn Nebraska town, sill, Hade for good apt bouse, not heavily >ii' umbered Address 8 -162. Omaha lie*. l.ADY 8 a t wool spring suit, sir.© swan 'or on- e z- -.8 or 40, or some* pie; e i.f furr* *. ur© of equal value Address 8-454, Omaha Bee 1 - • i part alfalfa Seotts Hluff county, trade for • *rnaha re-id-n'-e Addn - i 8 4*4 Omili i Rop, t'AlA.TI.ATOR add*. multiplies, subtracts ar.d div id-* Guarantee*! for f v© years. <*n y $!■*■ What have you? 8-8i2. Omaha Hee HAVE **%•' *■ ptlonally well secured jnort Trade for ! fht c*»* cask. other t ' • P, r'y or mgr hand'.*©. 8 4*.:. Omaha «£5_ _ .t'l-ACRE stock and grain farm, north eastern Nebraska, in prosperous commun •>'. Vs | lake n 9X- hang- smaller far.-n or city property. Address 8-500. Omaha Bee , Y furnished fiat, rent $14. induci ng hem', water and janitor service 'o H^vsp for lot or diamond. Box S-259 Omaha Bee < LORE IV—Paved road Finest suburban home with 4ft acres highly improved He re Sty residence. Address 8-497. Otna hi Be oM AHA income property consisting of 2 brick d ve)l;ngs on corner lot Value. 5 ft O. in*umbtan © 51$.©0ft. Wans clear vw-stei lands. 8-479. Omaha B I traveling- ur. miniature bun galow with built-in furniture, hu.’t on truck for standard maka tar. Address 8 4M. Omaha _ f I * invoke f* ci ,0. wilt swap for food 6 or 4 room house well Io“at< d n Omaha. Ad dresa P-408. Omaha Be*. 1 * acres land in Minnesota House and Barn, * hOol h- u?» cn >*. rich luarn soil, -w broke, all - ear. |7.0dd. What ba-t > *>u. Address S O;, Omaha Bee_ A Rin*"m Co N P ad) station, a ; tillable 740 tn cultivation. for in«om*. N*t land or. mortgage Address S-405. «>maha Bee TW O or four * ampfng lot* m Ka.ypao Health Camp tn K(*<kr mountains swan for what b* e you? Address 8-*4J "mahi Bee,__ I IIA VE a large sir* full length, select *«| R*i*sian Marmot fur coat tS trade If you h**e -or, • thi'-g wor.h I:DO talk t.uainess_8-147. Omaha Bee _ •• *T < t camera, l-ng draw bellows. s> n metrical lens in aut^s shutter. leather case ilka new Will trad~ for pocket sue 4 • ah s SWAP for go.»d farm—I" ©00 down, jour tlrra #»n balance Horses, machinery, corn a?-J ha*. >, pries, den t rent. Address 8-SJ7. mail a Tie# BRANT* new 5-room house, will trade for well located lot n Omaha, rear s« hoo» ress 8-41© C a ft - I r d radiator >■ i ■ | for Oldan obila radiator cover. 8-I64B “maha B<>*. } ss is ? r g .od mortgage or bungalow or what h » vs you *_Address 8-161. Pm a h »Ro A stork farm Sarpy Co. 75 m from “maha. fbr Omaha In corn# or mortgage per Address 8-4M Omaha fie* 1 ARORJ17.E t»nt wi'h poka, will swap far Aif*dai# or Col. ie pup. Address. 8-Mf? Omaha H*e NKW radio aet. ftinar's tune, one-step, •>* S I 2 a, trad* for . ar. ash or what have n 1 Rh()M house and 2 lots l«v-ated In good lit1 *e to « r. for -i good Pord or podge sedan Address 8-4R7, “traha Pee . it Hu r a is• fun Midltion for 112© f'ord >upe or s*dan. Addr*«» h |«f. ‘ " S ha pee run i:K~nrrVkr aifcook stove mvr»*'( trade for chickens. or what ha\* >cu* « 471. Omaha P-* _ W II !, pay ca.-h fa*- a g'* >1 F rd rar r wjii trade on lot. Address 8-404. Omaha Bee * Ht'WUNli allay w.ih hark#ri for •atia*. to trad# What hav# you? Addraaft 8-4I&. Omaha Baa l •'ll r*r «y»p for « <>«| fnan a -<j ?, a<ta 4»* or 4| Addraaa < 4|€. Omaha H-* T ATR No 5 rn lrr«i>od, A t condition will a«ap f r kodak card aira vr •malltr Addraa# 8-411 Omaha Bar rwo ruN Rajaub tnach fir«* claaa #on dit.on will trad# for anythin! you hatr Addroaa 8-4*1 Omaha Bo#* two.ton tru I tH mil*# to I 1 rad# for 1 ton tru. k Addraaa 8-411. "m«h» Bo* Wll trad# * or hnua# painting f^r ’ imhar or bui » . mat anal. Addraaa F 441 Omaha R#< ifo * vvTdfarranaar t’ounafl pluffa 8wap for Omaha apart ment or ra*,dana» 8 *47, Offiah# lt#a t with aoma raah for an‘lit* In bungalow, • round I*.Off* s 47' omaha P**. II AN R a a -I farm that I will '.r*d# for ••'nek of good* Poatwffin# Roy 144. Al ma. Nab RRD t’arnraui pigeon# to »«*ap for rhu'k rna or what hav# you* Al«n aom# for •tie A 1 draaa 8-4*4, Omaha Pr# *i ArRt * Nemaha »'o Nah, to swap for rtty or suburban property Addraaa 8 4*4. j Omaha Bar 'V I l.l, t rad# r#«t * 1 ar or what ha'# you? Ad lira* 8-411, I Omaha Paa. ItO-At'RR farm In Oakland. 4'al.) good i hmtaa and orchard w n trada for « *maha raat.fanoa Ad-Urea* 8 4*4, Omaha Paa, . u --wing mgrhiiHi n 111 *wap for raiding lamp or a hat hav# %«*u* Addraaa 8-47#*, Omaha Paa 314 Ai’ltK* daadad hom#«taad land naar 1 *•* ga nil flald* Wyoming w|l| trip a pari Ad<lra«# 8-4 Omaha R**# 4«‘ Ai RKM Ntalhaur i’o , Oragon, for ail# „r • w •> p For furthar Information ad draaa 8 47« Omaha Ha# I INI r»aid#n* # In 8hanandnah. la *n »ft*p for lot or homa in Omaha Add raft# m 4**? Omaha Pra.^ __ VlOl.lN worth lift, will swap f .r good i' maledy aamnhnn#, pr#farab|v ailrur flnlfth A-ldraa* 8-401. Omaha Pa#. WANT aaatarn \ahra#ka land for rl#ar w eatar a whaat land Addraaa 8 441. Oma ha Pra -i axchanga for what hav# y oil. 8 4 44 Oma ha Pa# __ I :t,7 i' 1 li h Ai wiring an.| 'rpa.r %«.»rk taaftonabl# \A hat h*v# you* 8 |*'*. Omaha lira Kl l * Tltli' washing ma« hint to aw»i* for It I. r tip Addraa* 8 4 Omaha Ra* Wmifnl to liny ... 13 rk«K8 means i*wk» Naw daaka. Utad daaka bought, arid and iradad J C Baad 1147 F*rn«w AT 4144 rHINtl Past f'N ad pi I at&M 11 Uvlutit. 2214 N. 24th. Wk 1)24, I RENTAL Apt*., Flat*. Furnished .... 'll oooooooooooooooocoooooooo o o o MORRIS APARTMENT HOTEL. 0 O HT1I AND DO OUR STREETS O C Apartment* ronalat of living room o O tl rearing room. kitchenette and O O Rental including h*-* . o O light ga« phone and maid eervh* O O Apw»’ inte furnished aoft wa’*r O O by i cfinlt>* Koft wwt**r p rocee* O O Phone AT Z21(1 O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOO AND 2 ROOM furntahed Apia privet* bafh. •team heat walking distance. Biown Apia., 60% S '21ft Ht AT 744* FOl’R-RM. Apt private bath rtrlctly modern; everything furnished. JA u7*2. RENTER JNN AT. t? b—24th~and Dodge St* _ Horne for traveling man and wife WE 2471 — Earg* mod. front rm ; kitchen ette cloth**5 clonet pantry: 17 ;»er Apt*.. Flat*, 1‘nfumislied . .. *5 MARKET APARTMENT* Ham*y Ht $005-7, 4-rrn apt* with 5-r:n a< cumtnodatlon, in good condition. Jani tor service. $70 Hatp Broe 212 Keelin* Bldg AT 072! APARTMENTS AND PLATS— I 3 to flit W J PALMER CO. REAL ESTATE Management. T MOO __ Keellne Bldg SEE thl* cloae-in, f-ruon. brick flat nJ! modern, a beauty. £011 N 2?d Ht. Could easily be sublet to roomer-1 Rent reason able. t'all L. H Stern At 0 2 § 5. FORTY - FIRST ST.. 42*". SO — For ~renV. iny elegantly furnished new colonial home, or will c/it,«..ji»r nellDg. HA 04ft. MODBRN apl I arg< • n hardwood floo**, walking distance; jan . tor $5u. We .IMI. TW K NTT- FIRST 8f~. €21 V —Rjbiarv ' room apt* $20 and left IA. MARTHA sr.d .0th St*—S.'Q rooms and hath, electri* lig ra and gar JA. ©51§. * room flat, Upstairs over store. MA. 0120. - , n. <; P - St ebbing 1010 Chicago PLEASANT ro -ms modern App!> f.I S 2 5th Av*• Fi>R RENT— -coin unfurnished arart menf i irr.ed ate p< - •eaeion, Angelua apt* S*.* lar tor. :2«h A * and Douglas St PETEFiS TRUST COMPANY^ WHERE OMAHA RENTS. ’ AT 0544 17th and Parnam *»• FOR ONE OF DRAKE'S 1000 APARTMENTS Jackaon 2101 FIRST (last steam heated apt . f!S per month Lifh? gas. water and fr#d Utl . * FINE corner t-room brick flat. !»:. John R McCarville, Realtor. 1902-3 City Nat l Hark Bldg. At. 102*. I ROOM atrirtly- modern apt 4-room a< (ommodatlons. steam hea*. pr,\a;e » a* h Inquire 311? f* 23d ST_ Farms for K*nt ..*... . 7$ t^' ACRE farm »n!!e Rom Omaha c;ty ■ inili, cash r*- • *#€ N Ifth S’ House*. I nfurni*hcd . 79 WE 49?* — Brand r.*w aturro house, aevta rms . garage beau’lful flniah. IT: AMKS A\ 4 ’r’ 4—1-rtrt house Tl“d*>»l Offke* and Hlore* . fU) SPATE—Ind. dual spare in heated. ? re proof daylight big Passenger and fr* *h! e »v a tors Ec nr rent Induatr.a! Bldg. :?th and Webatcr WE .‘413 FOR RENT—Office with «torage ro©tn~"i« connection Will lake ra-e of phone In* * uire 13-0 Rea ten worth or JA. S4?». PRIVATE office wrh te.ephor* and aen h service Cali AT. 1101. STORE SPATE. if»h and Doug.aa, to Ie‘ For particulars cal’ AT 1244 OFFiTfc and desk space, low rent. te;e phore. s?*no sersir# free. AT ???♦ A derirable *; re e**t front 7*1 g. 24ih. Apply 1*1 S, ;ith >».. g~-—— » ■ ■ ———■-- - - ■ _ Room and Hoard. H\ share our heme to eouri* with small baby o* to elderly wc-,ian Room, board and homo priv >*h **•* _J A ltll I* 9T . . 7—Pieaaant rooir * Torrent Koa r<j. f<~ r 1 or 2 f'r;t!*men Mark** #777 R«H»ina, Furnished . r* HUOlT DfERCTORT foe P.OOM Hr.VTF.RI Should you fa A to find hated he ow the room you want. can at the Want- Ad counter of The Omaha Fee for a rocw directory. The Omaha P»e maintains th • for your convenience New hat •surd each week. Anf. f you waist to Inaert an ad of your own phono AT. ;#*• and r.*k f.»r Mra. Rtn.'h. ouf ’Room :er Rem ’ ipedi'lit >’T MART AVK rilT Peasant ro- r> 1 nr ? rn' #mrn. pirate home, til for 1 lit for t._ HA N Sv • >M I* \ HK —Clean, *m. eao* front roi'tu. xery reasonable, gentleman ha jm I.ARtlK f on 1 room for i or * pntier »r. modern, walking ds’an-e Ag blo<\ f-ri n 2 car hn»s T'hon* J A* 17 2.* M< K moda-n b<v.i»ekc«p ng room 10 cmT pie empipy r d Sl*o T k? M A 2U1 ' KRY comfortable room in modern home, walking .1 stance ja. 1S&5 ’ s for So T«th Rt HA 242* Room*. 1 n furnished . jq AR ft' sr ttJ2—Two morns M :i furnish t all J A tilt Honim tor H.>U**kcc|»tlc.M Room pitikctort * " foe ii'ioii ifrwTi ft? fthottld vnu fall to find lifted he’cw the room you a ant. call at <h« War-T' Ad counter of The Omaha He- for a room directory The Omaha Ree main* a ns th a herrlco for your convenience. New lift issued each week And If > on w*nt to Insert an ad of your own. phono AT. an.I a*U for Mia* Smith, our "Room for Rant* spec allot I?0# 1 RTRKKT Modern, nl * y furnished, eell heated housekeeping room* Call m v y 1 • 1411 KAItv t M. h'is<* eer c* rooms, nh’r v furnished reasonable. * all after f ; Apt VT HI© T1A tl Is ■ c■ I. ping * % r».\r otr fy tv .s<l*rn 7C12 N h Nine feerlh \VK Ei fu - ■ ■ p . hath f ? week K'.ec111e lights and gut 2M* V 2.:<1 *t v' » otn heu*» keeping apt., 'also h*'<g and s'ecping rocm*. close in J ^T , Jtlk- S modern furnished keeping rooms, downelaira. near car VIA mo furnished |: . ti' furn shed f. MA. STi* m* H r.Al.lVViRMASTand l.r ot •uites ground floor, teasonihle HA « »©’ KNY? SIXTH n . \ nioderti apt nlce'y furnished \\ anted In tirul *,** I K K‘ ' V A R1 the leasing of a « to » room modern house With at cast one bedroom and bath on the first floor. gs<age Trofer pU r b* At a t'athohr echo. must be mode' 1 AN*III pat good rental for 1 gh* r>* 9 Og|| AT. 04#( qr a.idre«a Hot W l.l Ca'T t^maha Her Wl**r# to Km .M I TT f* meet and oat \t lafsvet'o Cafe 1411 Earn am street AT ?rt,c. Wh#r« p> Mn|i in OniHlm .at tu>Tft t .1 >> 1. .n~ HOTKt. Ill Nmmv uih r.fis.m, If#ti4l tales to per ahem guests. REAL ESTATE It.ivlnmii rmpfilj ... M Krick. also l-tewm mod rrn home, lid and lesvmuouh flUa. IMK II.WOd ciOb MA. II.A. I REAL ESTATE j Farm* and Kanr-hr* . SH» FOR SALE- -IgO a*r* fain) near S’ ' *ai !** * 1). Ill* arr*« • . a’ed * alfalfa: * a<r**e ♦ m‘o*'’,| » faifa bo* f>au?ur*»; SO a' r* • na*tur»v running «a* in pt»ure; 3 good well*; good thr' ronni hoU*<\ J-'arire jr« *. thrift*/ 19->t*r o!«J tree* hou*e and gro e m i.*#ed w tb woven wire: barn for 16 ho:*e*. catt> *» *-!*. g an-ir; . 22*4$; chirk en hnure. t* rage and cem-nt rave, land mPr* fi or i h<g 1 a boo' Pr1 - p- r a -* I* ' $2 759 M-v^ar loan Caah $‘1,090. Ea* i^'Tijb on R ime. E A. Warner, Butte N *9 . on t»*rri- _B g monr-* in loma'oo a 'id • * arb-fri"* Buy »ma'! »ra t* fron o.vnee J*ilntr B.r' ii Tree Mo l.oi« fer ait . 9t PI NDKK lot. ,8,in. on i.t:b *, •»«' oam: cbotc# lot. uwn.r will torali'r finable offer C A Orimmel JA 1915 WILL* bill d *■" ;. «>ur order on ' -r beau* fui lot* In Edgew.od: very -a «y ‘f'in* Pbon* A»!»T»tip ;ci(i HAN’S! OM PARK lot. pfcunr end -per,., • ... fl.fifth JA. 6$<l *• v*-» m*». HAI. * l.oT—For *alr bv o*n»r lltili gr' re-id-m* d!»trfr» KE $1 T» Real Eat At 4-< eitrfll t A Dandy Investment Hi e a ' . * \ shed br • ouiid. g , R'rr.hi from *' itral High Frboal in*t v ri.ow i.'*'*ter fhan '.2 pe rent on ifc« p!ir*» «•’*» Ea#T i j term* to reliable par’; K E HCCHTEL. AT ITU Choice Camden Ave. Home ONLY $ 5 AO# *** a ■ gr rootr* ^ d bat b ; b?r* h throughout I water hea r» »p pa ) ntr pad; largr corner lo’ Built o I ow ner for home. $1,999 tt^h * .* handle rail Osborne Realty Co., 2ff ‘peter* True* B dg * JA 22* UlH'dE—7 room*, modern and garar : *a • ghTon * olleg*-. $7..*9" IIA J '* Real Estate—Dundee . * ~ f< r niVe i:~clilon i a f F k * on at rue Hon, $1S.IM OEORGK A CO. Realtor* AT 7924 Real Estate—Florence .. • •• NET if AWAY ’hr. me if-n:’ • pecTaTii* i * r f-rth «-nd troper*y i white* ,«rlr>. KS. 14 1 Re»I Katatf—Miscellaneous . ...ST I F7T US buiid and fiaar-* you' nr home complete building service with n wcrv»« KQU1TAB! E TRUST COMPANY. ’ll* Jtoug h« St REALTORS. AT. t?* MAKE ME"AX OFFER \tu»t sell ih * w-*k i-rn . all mode * hem.* garag* iarr* lo* we'! ’<• vted, * •* <ar Has lam? naMtner.t bouse in g rend it tor. AT if SB _ ioiii fST gortlBISN F-1' r MW partly modem full lot, eaey term# 11 24>e Have oth-*rm Ftewart Rale'on U-W ALFRED THOMAI AFon Co, Raaltor* Heal F.Mate—North r. R an .n vestment of IS** you bu~ I -room all modern bunga'ow mirror? d*or. built-in feature# »M on or* floor. ?-at*d w*et. The oppor'u* ty not t d up e\erv day. Call AT £1 'or d*ta !• _ NEW—Thre- room* down. 2 roonu u a . mederti. double garage Price IJ.ii? T*rm* Norrie A Vor r-« AT. 7147. 1 '!.< 'RED—7» house* to~ **'• E. M Davis 2111 Grant S» 242*. FRANKLIN* ST. 2*27—7 rooms fine *« . *nt Immediate powewieit. WA 2ts* 5 IC BUCK A CO bu» -no eeTT to-.m+T 1 Rnl Estatf—Sftnth . Near Field Club 5-Room Bungalow. $6,800 j F * a >ck1 'wn-.* with ’arg* a ■ *' ar.d *v ... find Eat. fr*S* tot convenient to esi Ire Glover & Spain, REALTORS | .t A 1*2* • *'• - Nat <*r Confer With Cohn 4s:*poji»hF- v\*«* Real Fatale—West .... It* Corner 34 & Webster £.*f«in* ' '-an * «• • f * • r r« t of r mil - an « ■ h ran l r.r- o•, «•»•** ■> • badrm* ir 1 riaaj>«ng i"’th eonai dating taeftK a, »• and feitliOcn nf the houe* we ra * " d U’.i* e* ' '• eft "» • K cu> at IUM P. r. r-i ht»\ AT ItSi.-* J. J. Mulvihill. Realtor. V ende.i Thea.e P g JA J* N*w Homw—Tnu- term* AT. O £ Grove-Hibbard Co. V Rc«l KM ate—Firhanta . ..... 101 A'II!. t 11» a« ' e re Montana re » ih!^ imprest! I'.i'f* for l~ 'd N'ehra,- .va term ^ «r * a'•-#*» •'■jm! vaU-r roi' rood tawn N i Thotnf*»«ii \Vixh] Rivar Nab. i# acR its >«.••’ r I ■ «• * J SI * - a f ? t*rn 'and CYretde** t t*a>1a TTrna Box T !:•#, Omaha Real F.»li<r—Wantrri ...lot " K ha>* r-»h ha^e-" f<'r :na« 'ir»M la • '*f sour* Why r»>’ taxea a \ 'e«» of tn tarta? ? OSRORNK RRAITT CO. Ill Pater* Truat Pdf *a SS* BINDER OTIS. Rf! Katate l un. Re*;a « 1A *‘l* Carl H. Roos Co.. ^e«*' trd Sari a Guaranteed | Surd. amt Bid* *T *M 10 Homes Wanted p'a M r 1 a. Cha« \V. Tear* A *^n HC! t tw Nat 1 AT. IMA. C. T. Spier & Co.. Realtors Tt’er* True* Bldg .? % 4IIT ‘‘Tukey Sold It” ri'Rrt * _s.'N v.. .. « n.!- |>» r«.0 f.r ...... . “j. *'* ■* c- *K.rrl mirifif. ■ 1 A. -*• t*u Im, »>«•;. ,• n,r . . V' rr.v . !t‘. 4 . rAnntrtl. tin* n.41 I*., .. ■ . v. \A *•* rn. . I'.T K <■■' •>* P l» VT «M< KR find. «n. I*. ho m.A 1 . w 10 n« for r.«uh» H41 i tr I !*• ' 'r» .1 A |«»*. oiS'n i iattw>—V'o\fr to i * 'VK SKl.t THKU MOWr HKAtTT Of! at 1111 KIRKETT ni^Lirta. I l> r.r... TrUf r>'1. .1 A. f*|». GRUFNIG 1 " - M* I 1*S* Fir*! \«! 1 Ra'V *! \* J* 11.1 w. j. FaEMER CT) • a-* *’ * k*eline Rm« v t mm ttsr * h JiVs*m rt*#r» t .* 4 J A a ; j 5 v a ' v v Wt>R’ O Baettw Ce Haa ‘o*r \v |»« tA aatarn Ht*' I »*n» Ga fa IT *r> ^ASfTsrinf ^r«.ri»' aT”i««* W nPI I era Okiver A Mafvtl AT JfV u ad O S’abanch Rr* ta )a ft i^M£ia\0X * lUaVi'JUN MJnUXCMi