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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1923)
SOUTH OMAHA w bts. * Cattle Buyer Is Asphyxiated Authorities Seek Wife of T. M. Cox Who Is Attending Funeral in Michigan. Authorities are endeavoring to Io < ate Mrs. T. M. Cox, who has gone to Michigan to attend the funeral of a sister, to notify her of the death of her hubsand, who was found a vic tim of gas fumes at 9:15 Sunday morning at his apartment, 2308 South Twenty-fourth street. Cox, a cattle buyer, returned to Omaha Saturday after a 60-mile trip in Iowa. Upon returning home, he went to the front apartment, occupied by Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Reynolds, then went to his rooms, where he sup posedly prepared a meal. Mrs. Reynolds smelled gas yesterday morn ing. Her husband, a mechanic for the Metropolitan Utilities district, found Cox dead in bed. Police believe Cox accidentally turn ed on the gas jet while undressing. They saw no reason for suicide. Pa pers and $10.88 were found in the room. Cox was 58. Little is known of him by commission men. Mrs. Cox loft Wednesday evening for a small town near Detroit, where her sister died. South Omaha Brevities Dr. Motla Dentist. 24th and O. MA. 2581. i FOR RENT—Two modern 6-rm. flat*. Call MA. 0248. Flat your property for sal* with us We have a good many new listings of F 5, 8. 8 and 9-room houses, well located end modern at real bargains. We also have listed ready for spring a number of ecreagos, both injnpoved and unimproved We can furnish you with 1, 2 6. 7, 10 or more acres. Call and see our list LOUIS COHN, 4828 ft. 24th St. Market 0143. Sunday* and evenings call MA. 3028. Several Persons Injured When Iowa Trains Collide Fharltan, la., Feb. 4.—Two men are near death, several others were seri ously Injured and a number of others were bruised and cut when n Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific na--oncer train bound from Minneapolis • , t<; sas City, collided with a cos ti- t, three miles north of here aiioi'.- i,« fore noon. Cy Hope and Fred Elders of Chari tan. conductor and trainman respec tively of the coal train, are the men who were perhaps fatally injured. The freight engine and caboose were thrown over a high embankment into White Breast creek. The caboose burned. Most of the passengers Injured were occupants of a sleeper. Several were cut by flying glass. Engagement Announced L°s Angeles, Feb. 4.—Announce ment of the engagement of Harold Lloyd, motion picture comedian, to marry Mildred Davis, his leading woman for three years, was made by her parents. Mr and Mrs. Howard Davis. Index to Want Ads ANNOUNCEMENT DEPARTMENT. Hurial Vault* . j i Card of Thank* ...." • Cemeteries, Monument* . Florist* .. | Funeral Directors .. " * " 5 Funeral Notice* . ** g Future Event* . 7 I<o*t and Found . * « Notice* . 9 Personal* . ..***“*“** jq AUTOMOBILE DEPARTMENT. Auto Accessories, Tire* . 11 •Auto Agencies . 12 Auto* For Hale .*, j j Auto* to Exchange ....!. 14 Auto* Wanted . 15 (varsge*—Repairing . [ jg Motorcycle*. Illcycle* .... 17 Service .station* . ig Taxi—livery . ]» Truck*, Tractor*..... 20 BUSINESS SERVICE DEPT. Accountant*. Auditor* . 21 Builder*. Contractors .. 22 Dancing Academic* . 25 Detective Agencies .V,.... 24 Insurance—All Kind* . 25 Moving, Storage .26 Milliner*. f>rcM*m*ker* . 27 Painting. Papering .26 Patent Attorneym . 29 Plumbing, Heating . 90 Printer*. Engraver* . 91 Professional Service* . 62 Repairing . 93 Service* Offered . 94 Tailoring. Pre**lng . 95 Wanted—Business Service . 86 EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. Vlufllne** College* . 87 < orrc*pondenre Course* . 36 Cteneral Instruction . 89 Musical. Dancing, Dramatic .40 Trade Schools .41 Wanted—Instruction . 42 EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. Employment Agencies .49 Help Wanted—Female .. 44 Help Wanted—Male .. 45 Help—Male or Female . 46 Agent*. Salesmen .47 situation* Wanled—Female . 46 Situation* Wanted—.Male. 49 FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT. Business Opportunities . 50 Investment* . 61 l.oan* on Real Estate.62 Money to I oar . 63 M anted to Borrow .. 54 LIVE STOCK DEPARTMENT. Dog*. Cal*. Bird*. Pet* . 65 Horse*. ( attle. Vehicle* . 56 Poultry a ml Supplies .57 Wanted—Live Stork . 36 MERCHANDISE DEPARTMENT. Ilillhllng .Material . fell Clothing amt Fur* . do Furl and Fred . dl l.ood Thing* tn Fat .. 98 Hnn*rhold flood* .I. 0 i learlry and W'alrlle* . dl Mnehinery and Toola .*.. *"» MUretlaneou* . dd Musical Inatrument* . 67 Radio and Hupplir* . dd Seed*, riant*. FertllUer* . d!l store and Office Flqulpmeot . 711 stnre 8|>e*iuU . 71 Swap Column .1".. 7S Wanted to Buy . 78 RENTAL DEPARTMENT. Apt*.. Flate, Furtitehed . 74 Apt*.. Flata. FnfurnUhed . 78 Farm* for Rent . 79 l.arad** and Barna .. 77 llfiuae*. Furnlahed . w CnfurnUhed . 79 f If fire* and Mure* . JO llonni and Hoard .. Jl Konma, FurnUhed . Jj Room, FnfurnUhed . JJ Room* for Housekeeping . JJ Wanted to Rent . JJ Where to Fat .•. ** where to Mop In Omaha .>!''**' *' REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. Acreuge Property .»'. J* IIo*lnee* Properly . J” Karma and Ruarhe* . lot* f«r Kale . JJ Ileal F.state—Benaon . J; Real FeUte—Central _ JJ Real Relate—Counrll Bluff* . JJ Real relate—Hundee .. “J Real Fetate- Ftorenre . J? mJ0t Meal relate MlarellaneoB* . »< ” Real Fatate—North . •• Real Fatale—South . J" Heal Fetato— We.t .J<9 Real Fetal*— Ferhange .J".1 Real relate— Wanted . | • ... J , I mckiff • ***' •••• — ... *”■ 4E/ ** ' * 7 4 ^ ' (If You Need Help of Any Kind Insert a, “Want” Ad in The Omaha Morning Bee and The Evening Bee (two insertions for the price of one). Remember, Omaha Bee Want Ads Bring Better Results at Lesser Cost. Telephone ATlantic 1000 and ask for a “Want” Ad taker. BEE WANT AD RATES 15c per line each day. I or 2 days. 12c per line each day, 3 to 6 days. 10c per line each day, 7 days or longer. The above rates apply exclusively to Want Ads which are commonly termed “public wants,” and do not include adver tisements of individuals or concerns adver tising or exploiting their businesses. THE OMAHA BEE reserves the right to designate what constitutes a public want. Want Ads accepted at the following offices : Main office.17th and Farnam Sts. South Omaha. .N. W. cor. 24th and N Sts. Council Bluffs.15 Scott St. Telephone AT lantic 1000. ANNOUNCEMENTS liurifil Vault!i . 1 DISTINCTIVE features, see demonstration at factory, Automatic Sealing Concrete Burial Vault. Insist upon your under taker using no other. Every vault stamp ed; watch for name on lid. Manufactured only by the Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co.. 8210 N. 30th at. Omaha._ Cemeteries, Monuments . 3 FOREST- LAWN. North of City Limits. All revenues for perpetual care and Im provements. Offices at cefnotery and 720 Brandt * Theater _ Florists . 4 LEE LARMONugafea? JOHN BATH 1804 Farnam. JA. 1906. J. HENDERSON. 1507 Farnam. JA. 1258 Funeral fSrertors . 5 fTjTstXck&"co~ Omaha's beet undertaking establishment ARROW AM B UL ANCE HAWooCt2 Thirty-third anil Farnarn. Hoffmann Ambulance Service 24th and Dodge Sts. JA. 3901. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Umbalmerx Phone HA. n*cr,. Offlr* 241 ] Farnam. LARKIN BROTHERS," FUNERAL DtRHCTOnS. 4S13 So "4TH HULSE & RIEPEN," Funeral Directors, 2J24 Cuming. JA. 1228. CROSB Y- M 0(.) RE!: J Funeral Notices . 6 K -Mrs. M*77 Febriiu7y" x. No. North Thirty-third St , aged 44 ye,.,.... ti h.i0?'" Heceseed la survived by h.r l.uaband. James; a son, I. .1. Keeler of Council Ulu.fs, anil I. daughter, .Mrs „'Jr. Orrlto; lie.- |,arenls. Mr. and Mrs Henry Barmet.ler of Lox Angeles Cai four brothers. Henry of Clinton. Ia.; H'jh ert of Davenport, Ja.; Louis of a., If ? 5nd, 0tl,° ,r- of Omaha: , two slaten-, Loul*- Batmettlsr of I.os Angeles. S-on.e1 U Iv* <JxU'y nt Wichita, Kan. tunerul service* Tu.-ilay at n-.ii a. m from th» residence to .st. Cecelia church cemetery. m' lE'-erment Holy .Sepulchre DOWNEY—Peter T.. aged 4« years, aft»r Jhort Illness. Residence, Harney hotel. Deceased was department manager of Byrne.Hammer Dry Goods Co. fnr past 23 years. Survived by mother and three brothers, all of St. Joseph. 4Io Remains forwarded from Heafey & Heafey chapel via Burlington Sunday 4.30 p. m. to Ht. Joseph, Mo,, where services will be held Tuesdsy morning st St. Pat rick cathedral. Interment Calvary ceme tery. M'OAVOCK—Mrs Anru^ aged 7~n years! Wednesday st Los AngrJes. Cal. De*> ceased Is survived by six daughter*, Mieses Sarah. Frances and Lila and Mrs Klmer R. Caldwell and Mrs George f*. Thomnon of Los Angeles and Sister Mary Alexander of the Convent of Mercy. Omaha. Funeral services Tuesday at s m.. from St. Herrhmans academy, to St. Johns church at 9 a. m. Interment Holy Sepul cher cemetery. Mrs. McOavook was the widow of the late ^Alexander McOavock. Rl LLIVAN—Mrs. Harsh, beloved wife of William G. She Is survived, besides her husband; by one daughter. Frances Ber nice. her father. Fred Bierce of Lincoln, Neb., and two brothers. Funeral Tuesday morning from resi dence. 2011 Cass St. at 8:10 to St. John church 9 o’clock. Interment Holy Sepul chre cemetery, Gentlemen's mortuary in charge. COMSTOCK—Thomas (V. aged 72 years, February 2 at the home of his daugh ter. Mr.*. S. T. Hudson. Funeral services Monday 2 pm. from the home, 2112 S. 33d Sf. Interment Fargo, N. D. For further information call If. K. Rurket A Son, Ha. 0090. GOODMAN—Mrs. Emms, February 3, Kansas City, Mo. Funeral service* Tuesday at 8 p. m. from the Rurket chapel, 3405 Farnam. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. COX—Thoina*. February 4 TnTerrnenT Shelby, Th For further Information call H. K. Rurket. TTa. 0090 JOHNHTON—Daniel L.. February 4. ’ Funeral services Tuesday nt 2 p. m. from 1 Ifornla. Lost and Found . 8 LOST—Traveling hag. tan. between 24th and Marty and Wellington Inn; reward. Inquire AT. 0380, any time during the week, or Sunday noon. and dictate yotir "Wont" Ad to The Oma ha Bt-e. Each advertisement will receive prompt snd careful attention LOST OR STRAYED- Airedale "pup. * 3 Mo*, old 3660 Charles Ht. C. O Dooley, WA. 2005. BLACK suitcase — Lost at I n ' n depot, I 1 I SPOTTED r*ory. about 60o |h« . s»rt< from 1309 S, 32d. Rhone liar 6080. » 9 Pergonal* . I ft THE SALVATION Army industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, mags tinea W# collect. We distribute Phon* JA. 4135 and our wagon will call Call and Inepect our new home. 1110.1112-1114 Dodge street. to tiTlepHC*N fcT"TOtJlIt "WANT" AD Call AT. 10O0 and nsk for a "Want** Ad • aker. THEATRICAL his n . .ii mMqus < tutnta for plays and parties, at. Lleten's, Omaha AUTOMOBILES | Autos for Kalo . 13 NEW A NO t;M:U~AKH_Al'A HA I1HA IN Ford cars and trucks, $50 and up. Ford bodies and winter top* Cars sold on terms to rellabls parties. OOLP8TROM AUTO BALKS CO. Central Garage. Open L»ay and Night. 1118 lit f ^ 2461 SO MU bargains In U««d Fordx. pi I delivery of new Fords M’CAFFItKY MOTOR CO. The Handy Ford Hervtce Station. 16th ! ! U*-.ti Ht» AT 7711 . i F.i/’cAn* O. N. Hoi 7 Motor Co., 2554 Farnam. M ARM ON HI f1 -1 9*2 0 ~~ nrmdid. ** n'-wlv painted, flrat clan* condition. HA. 1417, evening*, WA. 1611. _ ~~ USKD 'lira that ran be used. NKBRAHKA OLDflMOBlLK Co. Rsaard at tSCIi • * i v /n ■ St half price Haifa f"t nil standard make cars. Neb. Auto TartH 1016 Harney Ht. ' mobile 18th Howard FORT* muring. 1919. excellent shape $l.*b WA. 6f.4R I 1921 1)01 Hi K COUI*K, good condition. 1157 c_2712 R.dirk A v. K K 1011 RKO wpeed wagon for Immt dlato sate ' ' i FORI) touring for **le, 1919, good ton'll Hon. $12', MA. 049k 1 HOLLY, expert auto trimmer, ns o iiih \ AUTOMOBILES Autos for Sale . 13 Auk* Him ue*m rorUn, cash or terms C. E PAULSON MOTOR GO.. Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers. ?Qth arid_Ames av._ KEO14 Garages—Repairing: .. 16 FOlt A -1 auto painting, drive to PFEIF j FEE’S SHOP, 2525 Leavenworth, 35 yre j ••xperlence. j BUSINESS SERVICE Builders, Contrartors .23 OARAGES built, any style nn«l size. 1100 up. Concrete work. Mtcklln Lumber and Wrecking Co_Tel. WE. t>566._ Dancing Academics . 23 I.KARN to’dnnre for S4 at KEEP’S T« 11 Farnam. Classen Mon., Wed. and Frl. nights. Dancing Tues . Thura.. Sat. and Sun nights. Private lesaona by appoint ments JA. 6470. Detective ARencles .24 RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Sunderland Bldg.. Ja. L'OSC; night. Ke. 3fll2._ _ JAMES ALLAN. 812 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. AT. 1136. __ Moving, Storage .28 ESTIMATE fum on parking. ItlOV. sr.t! i storing. Contracts taken by job or hour. Globe Van & Storage Co. JA. 4338, AT 0230. Grossman ,fc Sons, owpera m o ring—-Packing—storags. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse & Van Co. 219 N 11th St. Phone JA. S0321 BEKI NS OMAH A V A N A 8TOR AO K. 16th and Leavenworth Sts. Packing. mov Irg. storage, shipping JA. 4J6S. _ Milliners, Dressmakers .27 ALL kinds of sewing and dreasmaking KE. 6032 after 4:30 p. m. SEWING-—?'LAIN. CHILI >R UN'S A~~8PE CIALTT. CALL WA 2336. j DRE88MAKXNG—EXPERIENCED, CALL : HA. 6030, 1717 PARK AVE.__ : Painting, Papering .28 (PLASTERING and cement work; also pa perhanglng and painting. WE. 6419. ( PAINTING and paperhanging. A reliable contractor. E. J Thorton. WA. 0879. PAINTING, decorating bargain prices ^cr February. Wa. 6G4S._ Patent Attorneys .2ft .7 VV MA RTIN. latent Attorney. 17)1 Dodge, room 209. Also Washington. D c._I help inventors sell their patent a Printers, Engraven* . 31 I:fVl>Y Printing Cn . 21 2~g ’ll Bt. JA~50r»8 i Professional Service® .32 : DENTAL X-ray 60o each; 13 full let 619 Securities Bldg.. 16th and Farnam (PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at • the 6 Sherman A McConnell Drug Stores (FLOOR SANDING—New and old floors j nancDd. ID-nry Longweil WA 23.T Services Offered .31 CON?I DENT IA L. | There Is a Nebraska corporation In Omaha who acta as confidential agent for re | sponsible parties desiring Information or assistance, but not requiring service of a ■ private detective. Call da>a. AT. 3*39. j nights. HA. 7 42 2. | ACCORDION, RIDE. Itmfe." bo* plMtln*. ! covered button*, ail styles; hemstltchln* ! buttonhole*. Write I<l*»l Button h l’l*et j mg Co., 80* Brown Block. Omaha, Neb I Telephone JA 1934 ~~ N'E B R ASK A_Pt.EATI S(i7~ : Hemstitching. Covered Buucma 1804 ! Farnarn. second floor, Ja 6670. (OMAHA PILLOW CO —Feathers rsn. ovat*»u and made up n new father prcw>f ikh nr. r.nn:hg .1A 2467 FILMS DEVELOPED FREE The Ensign Co.. 1657 Howard St. EDUCATIONAL liusinf.s* ((dirge* .37 DAY S( HOOL—TficiHT 8CHOOL Complete courses in accountancy, machine bookkeeping, comptometrv, shorthand and typewriting railroad and wlrsless tsleg raphy civil service and sli English ar.d commercial branches Write. call or phone Jackson 1565 for large Illustrated catalog. Address DOYLES COLLEGE. _ Boyles Bldg., Omaha Neb V IN SANT - HO >L OF BUSINESS ' E ' ' \'f t-.-.r,- ), A.-.rl Kniuln .IS f, < General In stmt Mon . 39 CIVIL service examination Feb—March j Clerkship* $!.'0 monthly. Experience un« ! necessary. For free list positions now I i open, write J. Davis (former Civil Berv j Ice examiner), 909 Fleming Bldg. Wash- ! I In gl ow, i» i ■ _ Mimical, Dancing, Dramatic. 40 ■ ■ i KLEPHONB, ! oalj Atlanllo 1000 and tel* phone your "Want" Ad in The itmsha Bon. Remem ber, Omaha Be* "Want" Ads bring bet tar results at leaser cost. MUSIC. French or German lesaona in ex ; • hango for room, by refined foreign lady, l’hon# AT. >07. ANNIE E GLASGOW, voice and piano : I Trade School* . 41 W aNTLI- Men tnd boy* to learn barber trade; big demand; wnges whlla learning; strictly modern. Cali or wrtta ' 1403 Dodge Ht Tfl-Cltf Barber Collega, Ml >LSTR BA RBBK O >LLEGI 110 8 14th lit Writs for catalog. | EMPLOYMENT I Help Wanted—Femnle .11 booooooooboooooodoobooooo o o o o i o o o o ! O o i o o o o I o o I O «r> o I o o j O "e »ro putting In u^w power O I O machine* in our Mina Taylor Dies* O i O Department and want experienced O jO opeiators and ksrnera to do plain O O 'itching work O O O O Meal voi King conditions and O O Heady employment. L.»pericn-- d O O operator* earn good money. Apply o | O to o 1 o o ! O O O * O I O M E SMITH * t o., o O O . O Ninth and . Doug'as O I o O o O o o IO O I O o o o I o o o o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO00000o v> I I I I ■ I '• ! pla ■'kina Small family, good wage* I!A 00u9. DEMONSTRATORS, ri#•#*t appearing; aood wages. High r!a«** toll f articles. To work iri homo town. Nebraska or Iowa Must !'• able to produce results In house to house work and arrange with druggist* to doli\er orders. llog W-9U*. Untahx fte« HOl'HKK KKPEI • | woman to tsk* charge of motherless home on farm Widower and two bo>s. Per manent home for tight party. Address l'm,.iha I WANTED A middle-aged woman with no children as general housekeeper. Utesdy iol> if satisfactory. Write Mrs It It Plummer, Spalding. Nch EIHHT to 12 week* prepart** >oii f«»r a he.. Office posit Ion '.ill at 777* or i write American ‘ 'ullage, l ft 12 Eh mam I. A DIES "w ANTED To aril Darn’ Yf*~Z In city Hood • ommiseton A Jtan • lull, Maxwell. 1 MAID V hita glri to saatat with boilM ^ >yutk. 0"oU by me. Cali \\ 4BB&. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted—Female . 44 I1OU8EWOKK EH—White girl for genet - nljioun'tvi r ^;__good wages.^W A.^2 45 S. ^ Help WiatM—M U»k .Ml i.*\• • < if" ronslder h few men betw een the ages of 20 and 20, clean cut with good record and sales ability. Will train you if you posses the qualities required In our work. Mnrrled men preferred. Apply 9:30 Mon day « m. Si 2 Crounse Block. ' TOUNd MEN. if you are looking for position with future. uie 19 to 25 years and have had Home high school training. Call aft ernoon* after 1 o'clm k at Room 301 Lef lang Bldg . Mr Frost.___I MAN wanted. An experienced man to take charge of real estate loan depart ment. Give experience, qualifications and references. Address W-906, Omaha Bee CLEANER AND PRK88ER WANTED — To manage small plant. Give reference and experience. Ogallala Wardrobe. Ogallala. Neb. ___ LOCAL manager wanted In each county for outdoor advertising. Big pay Whole or spare time. No experience required. 5. Meyer. 211 .Seventh. Louisville, Ky._ llrlp— Male* or Frmale . 40 80 LU’l TORS— Good proposition to work ers Omaha and surrounding towns 339 Leflang_Bldg. ^ | _ Agents, Salesmen . 47 BN WANTED An established knitting mill with repu tation of making best sweaters in thi* country wishes sales representative in Omaha and vicinity. Ten per cent com missions on all orders from territory. Only 8.x aan.plea absolutely necessary. No up plications considered unless names of all other firms represented nro given. Must hav** MU'cessful sales record. Write full detailed particulars. The Great Lak#*s Knitting Company, 1206 N. Clark Ml.. Chicago._ ____ SALESMEN—A high-grade manufacturing firm has ;i splendid teirltory in Nebras ka. with Omaha as h-adquarters. for a high-grade specialty salesman. Ona with car preferred, who can begin work soon as satisfactory arrangements ars com pleted. Address S. F Bowser and com l-nay, 1103 Da\idson building 17th and Main street*. Hanna.* City. Mo, ‘• M AN 1- FAi TCRER’H agent wanted. To call on Jobber.* in Omaha district. Com ni s-ion Line of hickory aia and tool handles. JAMES L STICK HANDLE MFO. CO.. Fayetteville, Ark.” BXCE1 first.clasa real estato salesman. Monday call at .412 Ame« Ave. or Sun. call KE. 064*. H. Herron Loan and Investment Co., 2412 Arne* Ave. _ EXPERIENCED salesmen Wanted Won derful opportunity for right parties Ap ply Room 211, Leflang Bldg, between 10 a. m. and 5 p. m.__ CITY salesman for retail trad* only. muV have experience and give reference. Call , at room 407 Wellington Inn for personal ; interview Saturday or Sunday. FINANCIAL ISuMtie** Opportunities . 50 ooooooooooooooooooooouuoo o o o o o THIS SHOULD O O O o INTEREST YOU. O O O | O Would you like to enter a l-uv- O ; O n«»i that ha* a continuous build- O O Ing future to It and Is not affected O 1 O by depression, affording a net In- O O come from 120Q upwards weekly? O O O O o O r.equtrea $2.0^0 to 14, ©on invest- O O merit controlled by you. No brok- O O crs. principals only. Rigid Invea- o O tlgatwn invited Phone R M A'- O O kitijton. Room Cr,V Fcnten* lie hotel, O O f >r appointment Quick action nec- O O eaaary. Offer limited. O 0 O ooooooooocooooooooo o o_o coo f you can save and Invest $1 or more nc-h month, send for free copy of book. "In dependence," end learn how & little money can make wealth. K. R Owen Co., 621 F street, Washington. 1». C j I investments 11*r * * to i Pept. 14, Paul Kaye. 119 Broadway. New York._: BAKERY 1 ite sale. Wrlta Bo* I 32. Chappell, Neb._ _ ‘ InvrHlifientH .51 property F «' Hora* ek A Co., 640 let Nat*l. Rank Bldg AT. 1511._ 1 H~ MITHEN pays most for LIBERTY BONDS. >21 rdtr Nst Rank Bldg ___ Loans tin Rr«| Ratal* . 52 h PER t’ENT money. Under banker* re serve system, 6 per cent loans may be secured on city or farm property, to buy, build. Improve, or pay 'ndebtednesa. Bank er* Re*er>e Deposit Co., 1641 California St. l*en\er Colo. _ WE hava cash on hand to loan on Omlha residences. II II I.DUG HE INC.. Ul K« e11ne Bldg _ 96o to |10' weekly profit* secured w b Investments 1200 ‘ Dept 14. Paul Kay. H9 Broadway* Haw_York^_ MONEY to loan on farms snd om*ha real eetste MYERS A RAINBOLT CO., i 4 2 4 Omaha Nat Rank Bldg . JA 0744 _ j fTRAIOHT 6-year loam *4 l *r cent AMOS OR ANT CO. 201 S Uth Arthur Bldg AT Ml* Low Tate on <lty property; quickly closed. No monthly pa> merit*. JA. 1633 W. T. UR AH AM. OMAHA HO M ks-EAST N K R K ARMS O’KFTEFK REAL ESTATE CO. 1014 Orn Nat Rk Midi JA, 2716 1100* To flh.OOO loans made promptly F D WEAD and D H BOWMAN 310 S 14t h Ht Wead Bldg AT 01M , Omaha real estate Shopep A Co. Real JA 42?" 224 Kecllns Bldg FARM LOANS Large nr small. West N-h farms, rsnebe* Kloka Investment Co . 146 Otn, Nst. BK. j UAR'viN BROH . 64 5 Omaha Nat nfdg on IMP PROPERTY._NO DELAY Money to Loan. IM * Y Oil N K E l > ~M oN EY T 20—6©—76 — I©0—-20©—660 DOLLARS sr sny other amount at |cgi»t rates No publicity, easy payment*. Thirty years in bU*lr,*oM AHA bOAH COMPANY. 606 Karbach Blk Tel JA. 2296. Smith* »*t Cor and Douglas hi* ^ l OX Co ; loans $.'• and ti|> on wages, cat# tmd furniture, confidential; 26 vra. estah 312 W or Id-Herald Bldg JA 2199. LIVE STOCK_ Dog*, i'nln, IUrda. 1***1*.^ ! II' -1, ' ■ I ' • H '' I < 1 I • p o Mtirp $36, femal^a $35 raitgraad. 2424 l«th Pt- p PRPIORRK1» H«M»T< IN HI ' 1 pi pH. URA8<'iNAIlLl? «'AI !. KV 3531. -rii< •i(or>*if nit i d rbdioreei» police 1 7 ' 4 . _ __ Iforara, (attic, VHtlrlra Mi loo UiHaiV for oil broil ,«« In mil* 11 ■ i ■. cl Hhnrohlro bunko *o I o mb. in Mur. Hoi| in Ion, »lf"ll» ••••!. lie iMianO .Inhnoon Isintl i'n., Hnvmrl. Nob OOClD inllk row with rolf 3 wrr'ko «bl. • Ion on. Mololrln row trnoh 3 w. -k«, • M317« < M|| ||IMIIW„ ,MII|_ Poultry ami Htippllra ..37 vv7 I.KilllultN lino hin* r*«o, naakarcla unil rhlrko from m«inr,,l »tr>i It Oi«ilm»n Kira Fnrtory KK 4301 VVIIKAT KrrranlllS" |t pnr 1«'» lbs A. vv vv■ anar, toi No. i*th si. ja 114.’ MERCHANDISE ( lotliiiicr nml Kura.till Kt'l.l, MIIKHN nulla n ml Tuiadna for r*nt .1A uni tot N 15t h Hlrt-fi. j RHdmttii ! IvK\J. mink »«•!. 7 'i iticn alvSo j Mini muff. $ I b. Call \\ A. 1511. MERCHANDISE nothing ami Furs .60 AfiMY aboee tl.90 703 No utn _ Household Goods .63 LOWBT“WANT7, ~AD RATES In Omaha Telephone your “Want'* Ad to AT. 1000 and secure better result* at ItKirMr coat. ___ FOR BALE—THrsa large tables, Jx9 feet; zinc-covered, excellent for restaurant or bakery, also shelves, laboratory supplies and bottles. Call KE. 3397._ . EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICK ELS. luth and lfarney___ AT. ***** FURNITURE AT AUCTION Tonight and Tomorrow Afternoon. DOWI»S ACTION HOUSE. GOOD oak dining set complete; «hairs leather neats. Also genuine leather couch Will ise)l reasonably. HA. 4H7$._ RANGE—KITC'IIEN, ‘iOOD CONDITION WA. $62$.___ SEWING ma , good con., /bicycle. WA. 0059. ___ FOR SALK—Eclipse 4-burner gaa range. §6._W A, 1551._ _ Jewelry and Watches .64 DIAMONDS We pay the beat prices with privilege to buy back at email profit. GROSS JEW ELRY CO.. Omaha, Neb.. 402 N. l$th St. Ja. 5049._ _ Machinery and Tonis .63 ■ INCH new Bari is paper cuttet two knives, good condition, $50. AT. 2979 4 9.1 Brandsis TheaterJBidg._ Miscellaneous . 66 PI •!’< !ORJ bull lens. LMS than mar. '-t prtce. Phon We. 6500. S10*> N. 2 4. KINDLING sawdust, shapings for sale Bradford-Kennedy Co phone JA.6740. BICYCLE for sale, cheap; 1104 No. 14th street. WE. 3990. • ' ' ' • 1 Musical Instruments .67 PH<t.NOGRAUtt —• One beautifully toned Bathe phonograph, 23 good record*, 146. KE. 4430. VIOLIN, Imported, good tone, for aale at $25. Call HA. 1370._ UPRIGHT piano and bed f ssls* 141$ Burt St. HA. 6374. Sinn* and Office Equipment ..10 T11* EPHON fT~ATLANTIC 1000 and ssk for a * Want 1 Ad taker. Re member Omaha Ilee "Want’' Ada bring better res’ ?s leaaer coat. _ WK *BUY, sell safe. make desks, ibow cases, etc. Omaha Fixture it Supply < o.. n. w. corner 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724 Swap Column . <2 NO SWAT—NO PAT 1 NO SWAP—NO PAT! Dispose of the thing* you have for the article* j nu want through a three line "Want** Ad In thla column. Run It three days. A box number will be sup plied and the tepllea will come to our office firat. Tou. In turn, may call for them. If you trap, a bill will be sent to you at our regular rate*. If no isii i* made, no bill will bo aenL Remember—NO SWAP—NO PAT. Thla offer 1e good only In Omaha and excludes all bualne#* ad* Business Want” Ada In this column will be charged our regular tate*. Th# proposition la offered merely as a service to our readers and to Increase th# Interne in the rapid growth or The Omaha II- * *W ’ t'* A I Columns Thla offer applies only to th# SWAP Column. K<*r r^tea in other claaslflcatlona see rat# card. Remember—NO SWAP—NO PAT. FA It M If') Mi:~\V <rk~t~>vr~youre^ 1 f Instead of n uking nvr'-v for othes. €G-acr* farm, g 1 ImprdAen :.ts. 2*# milea from town and high s* I. . I. timber for wood and fenr ng. |de 11 hog and poultry place. Will consid«r Omaha or Council Bluff* proper ty owner retiring. Address b-118. Omaha ___ LOTS—Four In ,M.imct» •' lo. Clear. 8ee new auto ro I map. Will trade for raw land to ms* h f clear or a ihm t any other even trade. Addresa 3-167, Omaha Ih-e. 2 GOOD uli modern houses in Coun< SI Bluffs, on® x rooms, one 6 rooms. Ta'*e U f n or S. I.» land and 11,009—fl o«>•» < ash aa firat pay ment 8-120, Omaha Be# ________ 0 Ki i’i ■ -f land n ortBga ami gtate frul? section of Florida to exchange for Omaha «>r suburban piperiy. a*ock* or b-nt# rnimproved; value ISO per acre. Omaha Bee___i ■ stand, value $25, t >r folding Eastman camera; poets! card asxe. Address 8-126, omaha Bee._ _____ 1 TjO-ACRK homestead relinquishcent In Weston Co. nenr Osage. Wyo Will swap fur What hav# you? Address S-219. Oma ha Bee. _ _ HIGH, sightly corner, 124x12*. * blocks from B ; k -tone hotel, for mortgage pa per or I'oungla* Co. farm. Address 8 242 Omaha Be#__ AT to P»m»ing and repair business in downtown location where atorag-* pa>s r* nt to trad** for car or what have you? 8 11X, Omaha Bee ___________ MNGFlt shoe repair machine V *ed very littp- for sale, cht ip or trade tor what have you? Address Box 8-1*0, Tho Oma ha Bee. ^ ^ _____ A Li. or part oak dining »-t an<| genuine l-aiher cou h. 8wrap for Encyclopedia Britannic* or section bookcase*. 8-197, <»msha Bee _ _ __ b i-k ■ ' • Marldsll post card earner# If in R> "d condition. Address B \ S-J29. The Omaha Bee._ BIG pure bred registered Belgian stallion, tdack mammoth \ ting Jack, unbroke For •#ie or trad- What have >oU- Addresa H«x 8-191, Omaha Bet. MORRIS « hulr und hlu# m as a Bn# ilreaa • ( lat design, orange trimming and beaded: s'r.c 3«. new: will swap for vlctrola. Ad dress 8-126. Omaha Bee i-WAI' rni. and bath. modern, place gi »od location, drive and double garage f.»r smaller place Address, 8-192. 7 he Omaha Bee. _^ • 94 m || atook rr4 Implements on 1 S" acre farm, near Oma ha for business or city property. Address 8-949. Omaha Bee._ 2% ton Columbia truck for l$-‘l Ford acrian or any other light fou a* dan or touring Will pay difference n • aeh If All) 'Ml.* ■■>41, Oltllhl ltcr> * LF.ANINtl and preoalng ahop; btulMMi at ind |40 par wrek will aw up for car or what hue you" Add tom S 127, Omaha Bm CHl'.VRi'l.l r "lacing car," wire wheel-, et very fna» . want Port roadatef or what hate you? Addreaa S-1J3, Omaha l • _ _ • o|.i | ;< T|t i% «r nn- old <oln» framed 20 by 24 In. hce Worth $200. t.» a wap for ■ nr or what have you? S-176, Omaha lice. WANTKri TO tWAI . a - M Hota land valued at $$0 on per acre. for DmitiA property Addreaa S-173, Omaha Her OOOt) $1.7 ’< eecond mortgage, payable monthly, lntcr-at 4 t. 10 per cent. will awap for vacant lot or what bate you? Addraa* M 13$, The Omaha Ttee ORNRH it 111*1 on i it $d air. #t. fl'»t payment on « * room bungalow or what havo you? Addreaa S 24$ Omaha l• l.oTK— Wyoming city lota and land to trade ae firef pavment on Omaha home Old violin to trade. Addi*-* H-$:$. Omi h t it Will, awiip $4.0*0 equity In good 40 a, good huildlnga. 6 mi. n e . > f council Itiuffn. for g.Mid houae in C T4 or Omaha, aleo let moifgag* S 1*. Otna.hA Baa IIAVK 2 il.itidy film camera*, float card **Ue, awap for electric vtra»her or other 1'i ueehohl goode. Addrea- s 24l« Omaha Her Wll.l. trad* 200 »cir» Improved Hovd county fir m. 7 mllea north of Spencer, Neb fm iimnlm Improved Income prop* et' v Add tea* 3*1.'. I Omaha I*1 Wild, •'.change Omaha home equity Is non, fm uiocery atocU and vacant loc hit' you? Addle** W 141 The Omaha lieu. MERCHANDISE ___ Swap Column ...... , SALES MANAGER.-Vftciponilble corpora - tion aanti* general lales-manager to open i.raneh office, maawge salesmen. $5f"i to $i .000 necessary; expenses to Baltimore allowed If you qualify. Address Man linger, 003 N . Eutaw Ft.,. Baltimore. Md l'lANO—Now Gulbransen player, cost i $660; rolls, cabinet cost $100. Will sscrl- j flee all for $350. Address 8-140, Omaha 1 Bee. _ HAVE 1920 model K. Hupmobils touring •nr t.» trade for vacant property, equity or mortgage of equal value. Very good run ning order. 8-186, Omaha Bee. __ AIR-BRUSH painting machine mounted on truck, fully equipped, for /1 <•- pay ment on house or wliai have you? 8-144. Omaha Bee. __________ T HAVE a good full length, larg** sl;:e. selected Rurylan marmot fir coat, to swap, for a good used Ford sedan If there Is any swap In you. Address 8-147 Omaha Bee. _ PURE bred German police dog. registered. well trained: will swap for ret of Harvard classics or what have you? Address 8-161, Omaha Bee. ___ WASHING MACHINE, hand power. al most n*-w will s vnp for small ice box. ,'ddr*ss S-119, Omaha Bee _ BLACK fur robe and baby bed; will swap for hay. brood sow. hatching eggs or any thing useful Address 8-1.'.7 Omaha Bee. GOOD 3-Rm house and - lots for good late model Ford or Dodge *edan. Must have car Address 8-320, Omaha Bee. td acre’s clear. ID- OOn. Harpy Co., to trade for Omaha residence, clear. Boa 8-160. Omaha Bee.___ 6-ROOM home ana iot to egoajisc ior Ford touring car and tome cash. Box S 300. Omaha B*e. _ LARGE radio receiving -*t for first pay ment on lot or club membership. Box 8-152, Omaha B^e __ 317 ACRES Harpy Co. 6 mile* from Ex rhnng- Bldg. 8o Omaha, for mortgage paper*. Box S-1KI. • mtaha Bee._ 1610 BUICK tlx coupe, b wire wheel*, good tire* for Ford and iom« cash. Ad dress 8-145. Omaha Bee. Light six, 5 passenger Paige. A-l condi tion to trade for Hudson super touring Addreaa B-144 Omaha Bee. DRUG STORE. $7.004 ' .ear. g -od Omaha location Want Omaha residence, Muat be good location. 8153. Omaha, Bee MANDOLIN". •• th case, value HO; for ! *ale or trade. What have you? Box 8-185, Omahn Bee. DICTATING mach'ne* Edison f r sale or trad* for good typewriter* Box 8 163. Omaha Bee Cl ACRES 3 mi'e* from Bartlett. la., war* Omaha ;.n-j irt*. auto or good paper. S-lfO. Omaha Bee STORE. dry good*' *nd gents* fur nishing*. to swap. What have you? Ad- , dreaa S-17» Omaha Bee. 24x46$ GOODRICH cord tire, including rim and tube, to exchange for 32x4 **. Address 8-122 Omeha Bee_ RADIO set, |300.0*V long range outf.t all complete for diamond ring. Address S 13$, The Omaha Bee_ ___ ROOMING hou*e 11 rooms, furnished, good locality. Will trade for Omaha prop erty. Address 8-116. Omaha Bee LOT worth $600 A- |1,200 cash on h room bungalow priced right—S-177 The Omaha Be*. ThTrT>UOh"ly modern well located f room bu igaiow for lot we,.* or light car and part cash. 8-730. Omsht Bee VIOLIN, imported. 113 years old. wonder, fu! tone For aale or trade for diamond. 5 - 214, Omaha Pee WILL swap ur s~il iad> a fine ciothlng. « ;* 36 or 1*. I.ady wearing mourning in Dundee 8 22f Omaha B«e WILL *v. np new Vega banjo with leather cim*. What ha*, a you? Address Box 8-172. The Omaha Be*. DOO—Fin* thoroughbred Airedale dog; very gentle, to swap. Addr*-a 8-122, Omaha Bee SFRlV Pi -BOOTH. 1»T« model A-l con cUllon. What have you’ Box 8-174, < miha Bee 6 POOfTtabMi: cash register, bails, ’cue*, rick* and cover- Trade for good auto. Bi t S-II1. Omaha Bee. WILL swap or sell fine clothing, sise 26 or 3*. for diamond: ladr wearing mourn ing In Dundee Addreaa 8-124. Omaha Bee QtftL’8 blu» all at, site 14. and fox furs. What have you? Address S 13 4, Omaha Bee. RADIO Yecelving set. worth ITS. trade »c part payment on Ford car. Box 8-167, The Omaha Be* HAVE perfect diamond, genuthe steel b*ue white. Will trade for Ford car. open or closed 8-143, Omaha Bee. TWO large Jennies for gale, rieaae buy th-'m an I ra ■*« II *'' ■ A few rar» 4-le-f ciovers for #»i* 8-lSf On.aha B^e VIOLIN—Imported, wonderful ton* Worth • 7? For sale or taade for diamond Box 8-164. Omaha B»e 8ICT of sterling silver, engraved wt’h In I - t si "M ." "5 pieces, value $160 to ex change for diamond 8-341. Omaha Bee. KADIo receiving -et. Have heard "1 *•» ■■ r-m in V 8 W 1 -».«p for 5 rd *r . * » bod) lddre*» 8 21 Omaha Bee JFWKl.RY and cash for hoed roadster or rash Johnson Harney 4 4 M*R!» f..wring ar. 1317. to trad* for Ford ton truck Address 8-113. om tha Bee *110 peanut machine far wh*t«v r )ou have Address 8 17 4. Omaha B e A 6 8 diamond ring Trade for Ford coupe 8-135, The Omaha Her WANT to swap hens for a pair of glasses for a person, age 4 7 "Nil Ford roadster, will trade for a good diamond Address 8 171. Omaha Bee HAVE KoRD sedan, like new. will trade S-14 HALL BOht'llKRT ad.lus'able dresh form for golf clubs s 156. Omaha He.' Waatil to B«! 98 bleaks Desks k esks. , New desks, used desks hough! fold and traded J C Reed 1207 Farnam *. 4I«« M’oll.N gas range, dresser*, dininfc table, ’•Hairs, or « !b*r furniture Fall AT t$65. FI.“THING pest prices paid .Tame# II Holme*. 2.*18 N :4th WE. 3120. RENTAL Apt-., Flat*. Fitrttifthrd . S4 | i lstnorr ecrnishlo apartment 414 North Jith St One block from Fat ram tar Steam -heat One-room apart ment wtih kitchenette. breakfaet r*w>m. large hath and . bieet. n«w and nliel.v fur i bed I .ft Preferred tenant* \\ hn ate • ttj 4\ IH i;i* it oifrf i \l;c. living ;i is vate hath and k henette. licit, ttgt . s;ts futrsehed i« » : f» ft S 4 HI N T KH INN \t *»f»—14th A Lodge Jbnme _fnr traveling man ^ wife. \|»ft».. hint*. 1 nftirnMirtl.*5 WE have several attractive apart ment# In deelrable building# avail able now — varying front thre-* to five room* at I from to lion In price Call u# PLTFRS TRl'Sr COMPANY, Where Omaha Rent#" v 0544 17th and Farnam St*. APAKTMLNTS AN O FLATS—ill to *160 \? J PALMER Cn RK.AL ESTATE Management AT 44VO Keellli# R»dg V#k for Mi Fuahman PETERS TRUST COMPANY, v "WHERK OMAHA HKNTC AT 0544 ITt h and Farnam Kta FIRST i ! (.room a team hutted apt., 175 per month Light, guf, witter and > f It NEWLY completed apartment, beat loc* j tlon lit town. 4 and '< tin# Ready for In aped Ion; moderate pi ice# ft* 2 N 77th A'*' NEW efrictly modern S room apt oak floor, Murphy bed, steam heat, private bnth. Inquire 3»17 S 23d Ft MHUEHN apartment 4 nice room* and both. hardwood (loots, walking cLetattce. 110. W A IsSS. t — RENTAL_ Apis., Hals, I nf imished .?5 j kokon'e ok DRAKE'S 1000 APARTMENTS ('Ait JacltSon 24011 j FTVE-ROOM modern he At on l„avenvcorth St. Inquire 1 *3., No. -4th St , KOl’H rooms, steam heat, cloee In. G j p Ktebbins. 1610 Chicago__ | FIVE-ROOM mod. apts.. 543 So. -6th Ave. Call Mlee l.lneburg. JA. 0462.__ KROOM apt in hi*.! < lisa «Pf house. strictly modern. Cloae lb. JA. 464*,._ j ('KNTRAIe— 2 or 4-rin opt e'earn I at. mod.. Palace I lk Oft e_ 22c O V -•* , i'., ...v'.mi it ai o ;°- 1' turn, or unfurnished. AT Hi6. __ I SIXTEENTH ST 7 2Till S—'■ room modern i epl' heel. >30 Dr Freeda M. Clark. j |sp rorner 6 room trier fiat. >55. John R McCarvllle. Realtor, 1002-3 City Natl , Hank Bldg._At. 5025- __ | MA. 3035 (Tali—Stark", steanrTieaied, un rurnlshed 4-room apt . >45, and >55. Oarapps and Dams . " STEAM HFATEH *ara*e. 311 South 3tat SI HA. 7124__ Humes. Furnished .W HA 4*,(—Furnished house f-»r rent,, 163 l»**r month Ref retire required Houses* l nfui ni shed <>BT our list of houses and apartmeica available. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, Where Omaha Rent*.” At or. 4 4 17 th and Fa mam St a . *tvE 6776 'Tel )—For **»i* or rent. 10 room modern brick, corner lot; close in- f A rnon>y earner. _ 2f'26 Fowler Ave —Five room modern bungalow, oak finish, double garage, KE 6264 _ _ _ ! MODERN spartment; upstair*. 16 th and Fmmei. garage and on car line. Call KE. 0717.____ I JACKSON* ST~ 1711—Fll-rootu Colt,*,. l.ath, (fa,, nr. furri,'*, s.raK^_HA. 0347 EIGHT room, and »l,»p!nir porch: rtrictly modern HA £574_ ',114 Woolworth CABS ST anil— U-ronm hoj,a rtiih garage for rent. Ja_ 4120.__ CJOOI) six-room house and garage. 202 J Pierce St . ISO monthly. At ofc74 THIRTEENTH HT7 2606* 80—6 rooms, modern except heat; garage._AT. 1686_ FIVE-ROOM modern house with garage 1 Slot N. 17th Bt_WF _1 It:I WE 1831—Four-room house, all modem i.Ut he»t. Offices and Store* .80 CAPITOL am: AND 16TH—Fine office corner • ,om for dentist and other*. L* flane lildg 7 K 1309 E A P.oehrlg Agt. • . *16 « 16th »♦. Tel JA 1612.___ PRIVATE office with telephone and sten ographic service, Cali_AT. 1666._ Room and Board .81 Thirtieth A~. ToFf ~S. —Board for 4 people, breakfast and eve. meal, private home. HA. 67w.t ___ Florence Bled.. -71 w—For 2 rr n; good m*a4b warm room; no other room era. , WE 67P4.I PLEASANT room first-ilast* meals. cloae 1 In. modern. Phone AT 4152._; NICELY furn shed room for rent, with I'Oiard_if dye!red._HAJ_7224 _ _ W.\ 64 34 (Tel.)— Excellent room and board to girl or woman: *!«-«•-p fn home. Room*. Furnished . 82 ROOM I'IRE CTO BY t - ROOM HUNTERS. Should you fft l to f rd «;sted below tb# room you want, call at the ‘'Want** Ad counter of The Omaha Be# for a room directory The Omaha Bee mamtana this •**rv e for your convert ence New list issued each weak. Ar.f. if you '-ant to insert an ad of your own phone AT t<00 ar.d a*k for M s* SrnRh. our “Room for Rent** specialist. 4321 SEWARD ST — Nicely furnished rrts* •%lth kitchen and home privileges, for tv.-n ladies employed ©r married coup!*. WA. 1»72__ TWO pleasant r ms. furnished or ur.fu* froni 1 ployed. Sm tb**'. after 6 p. m. Ref. re* qu r-d WE. eiTI. _____ _ ,T A f •>. — l.f.i v frort r>om for one or two gen’lemen Hamilton hot*! annex. Walk n* d.stance. IIANSCOM PARK—Oa: r, dorr. east front room, very reasonable. gentleman. HA. 2616_ ■l*TH THIRTT-FTRET AVENUE— Beautiful large room*, suitable for two. Take Fa mam far _ > I-WLT fu~ii»hed and remodeled modern « Single or ensulte. Best location. ■ • § ■ - • , • Phone Hi Ml iTTlNKSHFI* room fo- r*nt in Bomi* ! • .1 *?:. *, 33n4 Lafayette Axe HA. 6 • ate house. 9 5 per we*i II* y <*i*® Ref._ __ FURNISHED r «»u «nd * ath. 3121 North *:d f 12 month KE 45S4,_ NTH" 81 . S NieSSj furnished room t lose ;n AT 57Of _ :alt DOIKIE ST --Furnished front room. suitable f«>r twe HA 5(^4 __ CLEAN1 fr«at room' for 1 or 2~walkin§ d'sisnce. board If desired AT. 7f>0 cl«'»et. home prtv . for 1 or * WA. 45f 4 HA. 6145 (Td >—Comfy room for enc or two men In Field Ciub d:*tr. t o.NL small loon, gentleman preferred M3 N 2tnd Pt_ I'd'.Al Tin L me S • n furniahod room .d Avo Hi. 1241 _ 4 water In ro ni. prDato h i. e WE Till rt llXTH AVfc. Sliil -Fun. *hed i Leavenworth St . 2707 — Clean rood now*. • team heat, walk ills: a nr re** HA 1766. U . *»;. M >ms7 A KRY R I FSABLl WALKlMi MST.WiK. JA *732 UiM*ms for Hounekft'yvtiC . . 84 Kv ‘ ' M I'lREi'H >K T for ROOM Hl’NTF.Rf Should vau fall to find l »trd tv»!nw the room you want, ciil at the ' Want’* Ad « ounJer of The Ornfha Be# for a t.v-»jt dlrmtorA The Omaha Bee mainta na th:a h*T\»re far vour conventem.* Nfw I;*»ue<l r• li w *r *v And. if J>‘U w* 't >•» ‘itwerl an ad of >our o * pi.on* AT. . jceo and uah f • Mt*a Smith, t ur "R vm ’ for Rent" «pr. a’’.at \\ ». mTS • t : 1 rot-.t Clean • i. iuN keeping room* Kvervthin® furnieh t'AMFORNlA BT HR X ' furntabod r<*■ i»ekeeping room*, very re**, AT .>14 rUKNTI tTM RT. MI \—3 nice warm mom*, everythin® complete .t.\ JISS HARNKvM., 14<*--Front t ' *• *1*1 kitchenette, *te»tn Sea? rte. lgl JA M4*. fi > sor Tn~ TH IR T1K r 11 ST Two : flu housekeeping r vnn Iqr rent >1 A ifM \V hrrr to Mop in Omaha . 87 lJRF.RTY~ HUTEU • '*4 8 14th St Wanted—Roomer* a» ur*e*l> tnanalentv transient rate*. i&« day and up. by the week. St and up. Steam heat and bath* i SANFORD l"lth and \ *• n*m~” HOTKti MKNBMIA’W —Ulh and Farnam Special rate* to peimanent gu*«t». REAL ESTATE Acivuko rr.>|..rlT SS • 4 .* At'RRS of lloit county land for **'• or .'rade s me imp' * a er fnly Mr. O. f* A-lri'i. t ' Ru t St. !| A Ml*. FOR w*i«' ha owner, ona flu-rv, . Mh l’ St The finest unlmpto>rd acre in the touutv | fl OOP p.trt caah Framt* M« l aughltn. 440.S O St , R South Omaha. Ne*v - < r . •- -a ,-i I arms and lUm lirs M lt\Rtl.\!N?* tn #*r|p« and r*mh* «C '*• i • ih mj « in >\ \("Vih N -i-. a»u . at i South Dakota (tax 34e. South > do | REAL ESTATE j l-'anns anil Ranthw Farm at Sheriff’s Sale The Robert Ftabler farm adjoin ing the village of Adam*. Cage County. Net- -40 a* re* of fine, well laying land. 2* miles «outb e-aat of Lincoln. 2© mtlea north east of Beatrice, wltl be sold at public Pale at the courthouse at Beatrice Tuesday Feb. 7. 1122. to satisfy creditor*. This i* a very f:ne farm lying fn the fc«»t sec tion of southeastern Nebraaica. and may be an opportunity to buy it at far kaa than value New modern aix-room houae.and other Improvements. Houeo with in $ blocks of depot. ConiT.e Mon day and examir•- farm then go on to Beatrice following day for *ai* Hold subject to mortgage of fH.000 due. March 1. 1825, 6 per cent. For further particular* write An ton Sag!, care First National Bank. Adam*. Neb RANCH FOR'SALE ~ 1.720 aro«. routhweatern part of I *• county. Kan**.-. F t miles south of Be# *-# on Santa Fe close to good school*, tele phone* and rural delivery, loi.j of smoot **. land; F5 j er cent an be <altlvated; pin - ty of good water; f%lr improv. meets. 2c f man wanting a coMbic •tv n a;or* a:<: grain ran n u >od term*. Price 12© P« ace H. J. Brown, owner. 120© Riai a Bidr . Kansas City Mo. NORTHEAST OKLAHOMA YARM. For Hit, 09 a<-re» flM ClUllltcd ?' in Ottawa county. f Vi mile* from tow All en new cor, r*’e road. Can be d: wld ed into 3 or 4 farm* Very suitable f • dairy farming or stock raising. Gor' .ima*e and v'ater Price li? R p* acre Write I?_C. West. Afton. Okl FOR sale by o«n*r who wan - * to retire, impro.ed Jf*0-arre ranch A* bur County Nebraska- Grow* grai alfalfa, prairie bay: rssourcsful. wc watered. dependable for hay and pa« ttire; il* ao»e ca*b Write A. Carta: Una. Neb. FoI. KALE—2 -7 arr- ranch eaitarn Ly man County, So Dak ? mile* fro: P.e.iar.'-e If m. from Chamber for pa ticuiara write. CHARLES J. BROWN. Burbank. S I IvOts for Sale . $1 FOP. K ALL—I, *• 1 r-O-lCl - >4>2~V North V.d add.t or.. Orri.ha Look these ’r** cv# and g.-.» me an offer. C. G. Winberg. owner. Gill, Colo. AT RIGHT PRICED ban :/ ttv .-rn re= letme lot*, choics o cation, near tar and t*hool. HELD LAND «’0. WA I«:S. BUILDING LOTS CHOICE BULLING LOT NEAR MT AND VI LIT A R V A V F. 11,209 TVA i67i* DUNDEE Jot. l iI25. oo l4tb at. near Far natti cboi■* lot; owner will corside* -e»* onahie offer C A Grimmel JA. 19L WILL bsi'd to your order on our beaut - ful o*s ri Edgewood; vsr/ easy term* Pbon* Atlantic 7440. Real Estate—Benson . 9‘*. OWNER LEAVING"CITT WILL SELL AT SACRIFICE FIVE-ROQV MODERN COTTAGE. |t,}»9. GOO’ TERM? WA. I Off in bKNs TsnunJf r.tfh* room? all modern, g*od ** net* One *f fc*na-'n« rhr. » homes For pa tkoalr*. Call WA. 1rT6 !Su2 No. 4 h daod| tw# room house ».*.b garage Make r:>* an offer Real Estate—Central . 9 5-R1 >* >M hurga'.ear * if mod , wil! *ell fc PC AT 4>11 or J K Mil, yen ty>. Real Estate—I)mid'* .. 9 DUNDEE COLONIAL Hr • k nstrurt: n. flS.I&f. GEORGE A CO.. Realtors. __at it:t Real Estate—Florence . 9* XETllAWAf home agent ' specialist 1' ?»ar*fc *nd property < only» KE 14^* Real Estate—Miscellaneous . 9; I ET l & bu ;<2 *r. i finance your neer horn# coaplets building service with i worn* • EQUITABLE TRUST COM PA NT. I HOME# for workingmen. Four room partly modern, full Jot. ***y terrr.f 11.290 Hi'# oth-r* Stewart. Ralston 19-W - ' i Mirats U^-al F.slmlf—North . BY OWNER—New MX-room bunga'ow M;nne Lu«a *■]•' t on. Pho e KB K>sl Kstate—South . #9 D 9k sad ssll bo mm WILL KELL AT BARGAIN 5-roc-n modern otiare. large lot. c* a*ree*. on* Mock to South Te: : e • re : tr • atlor quick. HELD LAND COMPANY. WA. !«7S GARFIELD KT UU-4*fsWB. ’node" cottage, l block from <ar Hft* and schoc' I > 1799 doe n, ISO per month Ca JA 3 2(3 * K v*. fu > nvdern. garage It ' Near 23d and Bar ro' w »rt offer. Ca B *L_AT HA 2714 _ Real Estate—West .190 DAM Y BL MIS 1ARK Ho3HE Eight r ■•.* *trict;y tr.odem. oak flafsh owner WA if i even ng* and Sunday, hot water hast, nicely located, neat ea* and r.ew tev hale a! high s-hool HELD LAND CO. WA I"TV_ DO r*< t let that contract until yes let Ci. v.trbcR fig : Be?: • n a n Merit'# AT *M« HT Ke«'.qe_ ♦ * | G rove- H i bba rd Co.s:l%’ Rrsl t- slati'—XX .nlt-d .10? l*i«t yovr home—Buy your V/xrn*, BINDER ft OTIS. V. rt* Kstate. T «'*•?*, Kents* JA Iff* Your Opportunity T ■* aril your heme or ether i**; estate Wp hava buyers. He a eat d*al;-*s c Carl H. Rocs Co.. v BM| • A«t 1> YvH K HOME mn SALE? ]' w,»> npt teil u* sEpu r M e ha* e at ’past fn r: ' r<-v:* «h' real'y nans te b I' e and f houst* gx‘bd lOCaimr. rail Mr Banxtr. WA 4*11. VOORIIKFS A PINPT * T •" • v i Ker e B 4* 10 Homes Wanted V;\e x'> *1x rx*»'nia Cha* R. Tounf ft S -x **■■’.' .' * x NaCl AT MU, c. T. Spier ft Co., Realtors • Peter* Trust H'.tf JA 4«!^T ‘Tukey Sold It" ' r : Kt'Y a ta «*•• ilOOll 1 ISTINtlS—<'OME TO I’Ss XV K SiKIJ. Til KM _HOME KK.A1.VY CO AT. lilt MIRKKTT J Petr*-* Trust PM* Ja GRIIENIG * - ts ' * W x L 1' 1 vl u* q 1; v* g reau ’ * * t 4 •' y -r«t \*t » l-»rV rt’dx J A ]*i» W. J. PALMER'Ca . ert 41? H .« AT *»>-' LIST you* honirt fur ** <* altb t»* ’ %vp tb » . ;•* re 1 \ Y N T IN V TS' VENT CD tt+altev 'VORI7* H-Lii t>. R#iu7fx AT HI. Weetrru K» *t# Co. J\ 3, h; A" v~ "is Vi \v 10if ,*.1 mm At T,*i > K1 1. ere ib.n* ft \|«*reV AT S>M HASHNCS ft UKYiM \ nVALTVR* Millard C*7 *beu«h Re*'ter. JA. JftiJ lirallorH IBo 1 IAN j; MEANT Kara ,u%