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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1923)
Letters From Ha/ppyland Readers --—— brother’s name H Frederick. Hi-1 age is 15 years. He is a carrier of The Omaha Bee. Well, my letter is getting long, so soon I must close. I am going to write a story next time.—Rally Abbers, Age 13. Shelby. Nob. Mary's Lesson. Mary was a little girl who lived witli her mother and father. One day Mary's mother told her to go to the store and get a loaf of bread. Mary said she would, and on the way she met some friends and for got about the bread. About two hours later Mary thought about the bread and had to go back. When she got home her mother scolded her. The next night was Christmas eve, and after Mary had taken odf her stockings and had hung one by the fireplace she went to bed. The day before Mary's mother had told her father how Mary had acted. The next day Mary woke up and dressed and ran downstairs. She looked in her stocking and there was a book. Just a book. Mary took the book and read the title. This is what it said: “Mary’s Lesson.” Mary ran to her mother and asked for forgiveness. Mary's mother did, and then took her in the parlor, and there around the Christmas tree was a lot of toys. Mary was a good girl after that.—Jei n '"’.isart, 1929 W street. South Omaha, Neb. ,\ New (lo-Hawk. Dear Happy: This la my first let ter to you. I am enclosing a 2-cent stamp for my button. I will try to he kind to dumb animals and will try to make the world happy. I am 9 years old and in the fourth grade at school. My teacher's name Is Mrs. Anna Hangcier. I go to Champion school. There are about 54 in my room. I have three sis ters and four brothers. My oldest brother is a barber in Champion. He is 21 years old. My brother next to him is In Iowa now. My sisters’ names nre Verma, Velma and Wava. My brothers' names are Wayne, Floyd. Bertie and Paul. Well. I will ring off.—Yours truly. Jay Goddard, Age 9, Champion, Noli. .Song of the Cattle Train. Tiie last ornery pteer has been shoved In his car and we’re on our way to tiie market afar. Pick up your war hag, swing on to Crum my: no Pullman for us, hut say. ain't (his chummy. It's rattle and , crash nnd bump and bang. Rumble and smash and thump and clank. Won’t be long till we're home again. That's the song of the cattle train. Now we're together nnd fifteen strong, just grab a seat and I’ll give you a song. What, you don’t want ft? T can’t help that. Reckon I'll try, though it does Round flat— Paul Liles. aged 10, 529 Blackburn Ave„ York, Neb. Always Kind to Animals. Dear Happy—I am Rending you a coupon for one of those Go-Hawk pins. I ana getting a coupon from I clnta Goddard. I am getting along fine in school. I am In the fi^th grade. My teacher's name Is Mrs. Hievniier. We have lots of sub jects in my class. The weather is very nice now, only very cold at night. Horses, cows, cats and pigs ate my favorite animals. T have al ways beep good to them, and al ways will—Wilma Kelly, age 11. Champion, Neb. Loves Birds. Dear Happy—I would like to join your happy tribe. I am a little girl 5 years old. T have one sister and one brother. I go to school. I am the oldest. T am In the first grade at school. I would like to get a bird pin. T love birds and I am al ways good to them. I will write again. A littl" friend—Kntiiv Mc Carty. A Fifth Grader. Dear Happy: I would like to join the Happy Tribe. I am It years old aril In the Fifth grade. I will be good to dumb animals. I have two brothers and one sister. I am send ing a 2 cent stamp— Inez Willets, ■ -! North Oak St., Grand Island. Neb. First Letter. Dear Happy—T would like to get a Oo-Hawk button. I would like to belong to the Happy tribe of Go Hawks. We have one eat. It is the only pet I have, but I love him. Tours truly. Eleanor Kirkpatrick. ' 7 years old. 5023 Capitol Ave., Oma ha. Neb. Rides Pony to School. Dear Happy—Enclosed you will find a 2-cent stamp for one of your pins. I wish to join your happy tribe. I am 11 years old, and in the seventh grade. I ride my pony to school, her name is “Peppv." —Della Phflbriek, Ord, Neb. Go-Hawk Club. Dear Happy—We are organizing a Co-Hawk button. I would like to hawk pins for our members.—Haydn Jones, North Loup, N«h. The Disobedient Buy. Once l here lived a boy whose name was William. ^ He was very disobedient and it made Ids mother feel very badly. One day as he was looking through the papers he saw In the headlines “Happyland” and hurried to his mother who read it to him. Next he asked if his mother's birthday was very soon. Billy as he was called was only in the first grade but he was very bright. Billy had something in his little mind. He waited patiently for his moth er's birthday to come and at last It did come. « As the family sat around the table the mother unwrapped her pack ages till at last she came to a little envelope from Billy. She opened the little envelope last of all and the envelope read: Dear Mother: I am going to be a better boy from now on. You know I am a Go-Hawk now and that Is one of their rules "Obey thy par ents.” Your loving son, Billy. And Billy really was a better boy and his sad mother grew glad. Yours most sincerely—Mary Morris, age 11, Woodlake, Net). The First Sleigh Ride. Dear Happy: I am having a good time coasting down hill. We have a big hill: it is right by our place, and I have got a sled. I got It last Christinas and we have a race with our sleds. I beat one little boy two times coining down the hill. We coast down one hill and walk up the other hill and coast back down. I have a good time coasting down hill. I like my Go-Hawk badge very well. I wear It every day, and I read the Happyland page every Sunday. I am going to write a story to put In the paper.—Yours truly, James W. Mount, Bosallie, Neb. l’oor James. James was working hard the whole day through, Cleaning out the old chimney flue. For old Santa, said James. James went to practice for the Sun day school games. Mother didn’t have to get the wood no more Or would she have to sweep the basement floor. He was not found standing around He was even good to his hound — Vardin West, Schuyler, Neb. Wants to Join. Dear Happy—I wish to join the Happy tribe. I am enclosing a 2 cent stamp for my pin. Ihope to get it very soon, because I nm anx ious to see what it looks like, as I have never seen one. For pets I have a pony, a dog and some eats. The pony's name Is Duster Brown. The dog's name is Teddy. If any of the Go-Hawks would like to write to me. I will gladly answer them. Well I must close now, until next time. Willard Nelson, aged S. No hawka. Neb. Wants to Join. Dear Happy: I wish to join the Go-Ha wks. Enclosed find two 1-cent stamps. I am 10 years old and am In the fifth grade. I attend St. John school. I have three dogs— their names are: Petty, Muggins and Browmle Petty Is 9 years old. Hop ing to receive my button soon.— Ruben Osten, Platte Center, Neb. Dear Happy: I am sending a 2 cent stamp for which you may send me a button. I am 10 years old and I nm In the fifth grade. I will write a story next week. I have a little dog. His name Is Rover. I have a kitten. Its name is Jake. I will close.—Jimmie Onskill, Age 10. Ne maha. Neb . R F. D. No. 1. First Letter. Dear Happy: I wish to join the (Jo-Hawks. I talked it over wit 1^ mother and she said I may. I wish Santa Claus would bring me a pair of lee skates and a little dog. I am 9 years old.—Roselda Wilhelm. 304 N. Ninth St.. Norfolk, Neb. Wants to Join. Dear Go-IIawks: I have read the Happyland page for two months and would like to join your club. I am 14 years old and my name is John A. Lenzen, and I live in Ran dolph. Neb., and will help some one every day and protect birds and beasts—John Lenzen. My Cat. Dear Happy: I wish very much to join your Happy Tribe. I am inclosing a 2-cent stamp and hope 1 will get my button. I am 8 years old. and I am in the Third grnde. I have four brothers ai«# I have no sisters. I have a pet cat that got caught in a trap.—Erma Deon ant, Bassett. Neh. First lietter. Dear Happy: This is toy first let ter to you. I am Bending a 2-cent stamp for a Go-Hawk pin. I am 8 years old and in the fourth grade. There are 30 pupils in my room, I have 3 brothers, two of them go to school. One is In the seventh anil the other Is In the eighth. I have a teacher alone ami my two brothers have one together. Well, my letter is getting long. I must close. Tour friend—Doris Richardson, Murdock, Neb. Hikes Happylanii. Dear Happy—I have been going to write and I would forget. I stiil have my pin and I wear it to school and the girls think It is nice. I have a duck and its leg la hurt. My mother gave it to me. It is a white duck. I have four brothers, Ross Teddie, Carl and three sisters, Mary, Sarah and Elenor. I am In the fifth grade. I like to read the Hap pyland. I read it before I do any think else.—Violet Thompson, Coun cil Bluffs. la.. Star Route. Dear Happy—I am very much in terested in the Children's page. I have also read some of t’-e stories. They prove very interesting, espe cially because my sister, Mildred, was queen of the Busy Bees about 10 or 11 years ago and I would also like to he a member. I hope to have a story printed soon. My name is Donald White. I am in the sixth grade and used to have a dog named Hooch. I loved him dearly and have often wished very hard to have him back. Donald White, 0004 Chicago St.. Omaha. Npb. Joins Happy Tribe. Dear Happy—I want to join your happy tribe. I am now sending a 2-cent stamp for a Go-Hawk pin, and am also sending a coupon. I read the Happyland letters every Sunday. I think it Is very nice. I am 10 years old and I am in the sixth grade at school. I like to go. but am having a nice time this Christmas vacation. I got lots of nice things for Christmas. I will he kind and good to all dumb ani mals. I never wished to harm them anyway. I am going to help some body every day I can. Hope my pin reaches me soon—Carrie Belle Haskens, Dunning. Neb.. Box 217. Wants letters. Dear Happy: I wish to join the Happy Tribe. I read the Happyland every Monday and think the stories are all very good. I promise to try and make the world a happier plaoe and will help some one every day. I also will try to protect the birds and dumb animals. T am sending a 2-cent stamp and wish to get my button soon. I wish some of the members of the Happy Tribe would write to me. I would gladly answer.—Ttuth Pet erson, Ttoute No. 1, York, Neb. A Letter to Santa. Oh. dear old Santa so jolly Bring me a big blue-eyed dolly, And a big red hoBby horse With a fire hose that has a lot of force. Bring your reindeers, that seem to fly Well, this Is all. so good-bye. good bye.—Vardin West, Schuyler, Neb. A New Mpinber. Dear Happy: I have t-ead about the Oo-TTawk tribe in the Omaha Sunday Bee, and would like to be one. I would follow the pledge. I have a canary bird and three gold fish for my pets. I am 10 years old and In the fifth grade. Enclosed you will find a 2-cent stamp for which please send me a button — Helen Smith. Verdon, Neb. Dear Happy: T am sending for a Go-Hawk pin. I am 10 years old and in the sixth grade. I like my teacher very much. I would like to have some other Go-Hawks write to mo.—Yours tr*h\ Leone Baun. C'raig, Neb New Member. Dear Happ'-: I am n little boy 0 years old and would like to be a Go-Hawk.—.Tack Hall. 5017 Burt St.. Omaha. Wants to Join. Dear Happy: I am sending a 2 cent stamp, ns I wish to join your Happy club. I am a little girl 7 years old. I promise to help someone every day. and will be kind to all animals and birds. Yours truly—Margaret Elizabeth Ander son, Kearney. Neb. Will He Kind. Dear Happy: I lost my pin and I am sending for another. I promise to be kind to dumb animals. I will try not to lose this one. I do not know anything to talk about.— Yours truly. Alfred Nordland. Genoa. N~v' New Member. , Dear Happy—I would like to join the Go-Hawk tribe. I am sending you a 2-cent stamp for a button. I promise to be kind to all animals and birds. I have two sisters and six brothers. I go to school when ever I can. My teacher's name is Miss Ouiiter. Well I must close ns my letter la getting long Margaret Ferguson. Greeley. NeK A Happy Christmas. Long ago there lived a man and his wife who were very happy only they wanted a child. On the 18th morning of Decem ber about 10 o’clock, a small ragged girl walked upon the porch, rang the bell and waited. The lady answered the door and asked the girl to come in. The girl did as she Was told and was soon sitting in a large room. “Who are you my child",'’ asked the lady?’’ “I am an orphan, my name Is June and I have come to find a home." said the girl. "Will you not live with me,” asked the woman? June said she would so the lady bathed her and dressed her warmly. That afternoon they went shop ping and bought things for June’s Christmas. One Christmas morning June ran to find what Santa had brought her. She found a doll. doll buggy, dishes, a slate and a little white kitten, June played with her things and was very happy In her new home. I am a cripple girl but I am very happy.—Clara Ewing; nge, 11; Dal ton, Neb. I.ikes School. Dear Happy, I am sending you a two cent stamp and the coupon and hope to receive a button. My teachers name is Miss Nona L. Nicholas. I like her very well. I am in the fifth grade. We had a Christmas program before Christ mas. I am 11 years old and have two sisters whose names are: Kathleen Lenore and Amee fit hell. For pets we have a dog, his name is Teddy, and several rabbits. We received two blue ribbons nnd one red ribbon, nnd three dollars and 25 cents besides on our rabbits at the County Fair. We go to Sun day school most every Sunday. I like to go. We are having a banner con. test. Promising to be kind to all dumb animals, will close. Love to Happy. Laverne Greer, Rloomfield, Neb., R. R. (1. Wants Letter. Deary Happy: This is my first let ter to you. I am sending a two ce#t stamp for which please send me a button. I will try to keep the pledge. I go to school and X nm in the Sixth grade at school and I am 10 years old. My teacher's name Is Miss Wiese, nnd I like her very much. Please have some of the other Go IXawks write to me. Tours very truly, Leone Bovee, ago 10, Craig. Neb. Fourth Grader. Dear Happy, X wish to Join the Go IXawks, the Happy Tribe. I nm sending a two cent stamp nnd coupon. I hope to receive my but ton soon. I am eight years and in the fourth A. I have no brothers or sisters. For a pet I have a> kit ten and her name is Peggy. My letter is getting long so I will close for this time. Your friend. Thurl Ravenseroft, 511 South Third St., Norfolk, Neb. The Squirrel. Dear Happy: I received the but ton and I like It very much. I like to feed the squirrels that arc around here. They are so tame that they seem to talk to you. The other morning I was going to school and a squirrel was on the porch looking-for food and so I went Into the house to get something for him. I had plenty of time so I fed him. I must close. Yours truly—Robert Bostwick, 4808 Davenport St., City. Wants to Join. - Dear Happy: I want to join four Go-Hawk club. I am sending a 2 cent stamp for the button. I am 9 years old and I am in the fourth grade. I have a pet dog and a cat. I will promise to be good to my pets.—Glen Taylor, Weeping Water, Neb. - -v New Go-IIawk. Dear Happy—I am enclosing a 2-cent stamp for which please send me my badge. I promise to protect someone every day. Please tell tho other Go-Hawks to write me. Your friend, Arthur Gottburg, age 13, 4| Schleswig, la. The Bottom of the Barrel IContinued l-'rom I’agt* Seven.) faith? Boats that roll over with precious freight do not by miracle become steady. Everybody who sits in them must eternally watch out. What a waste of one’s energies to be always watching out! And now, was her fear that his love for her might fail? Suppose it was hers for him! She rose and went to the win dow. Perhaps it was now something in her which was cracking, breaking down. Perhaps she had failed to play the game. Perhaps site had forgotten to let herself be the Mary ho had first loved. Had she, In the passing of the years, allowed the holiday spirit to leak out of her life—and out of his? When he had left his law practice It had been easy to agree with Ills plans. She had known how foolish it was for him to drop activity. Laziness— was it laziness, rather than any idea of freedom for him. which had caused her to allow him to do it? And had she been too righteous— too smug about Edith Barston? She had pretended to so much interest in Billy’s welfare and in Miss Bar* ston's! Hadn't she been thinking only of herself? Hadn’t her victory over Miss Barston been followed by a sense of increased proprietorship of Billy—a sense of increased obli gations owed by him to her, and of decreased obligations owed by her to him? ^ It came to her now in a rush. "Jane!” she called toward a red straw hat among the junipers. “Ma’am!” "Don't say ‘ma'am’! I want you to take a telegram to Mr. Tibbitts for the next trip of the motor bus.’’ The screen door below slammed— bare feet on the stairs. She wrote her telegram—-the same old luxury. “I love you." She had seen the bottom of her own barrel. And somehow she felt that life ought to go, and does go. like that with every one—and not so badly—but happily—and trium phantly—to tlie end. (Copyright. 1923 ) Dot Puzzle_ Can you finish thig picture? Complete the Victor* by draw.ny a line throueh the doti. beginning nitb one and taking them numerically