ACat-Ooi brGafa at AHAgr. . BtWintM H.GmAmU And tin* Friends yfie j&ahor OolL iha+ Seix Mi Style* Fashion Fanny and Polly Have a Day Together HEN Polly came to town to spend the week-end with her cousin. Fashion Fanny, she brought with her two of her new dresses wtiich her mother had Just made for her. One was of a soft voile in a bright yellow and black check. The yoke was of white voile with little crocheted buttons trim ming it. Then sh« had i little blue taffeta with bands of gay red embroidery on waist, skirt and sleeves. Her hat of folded ribbon was also in these colors, and she looked very gay, even though she still wore her winter coat instead of a new spring one. February days are a bit too cold to change to thin spring wraps. She also brought with her her new school bag of bright red patent leather, which was one 6f her Christmas presents. You can imagine what fun she and Fashion Fanny had! They went to Sat urday matinee, Fashion Fanny’s mother accompanying them, of course. They went down town early so they would have plenty of time, and had lunch at one of the large hotels. , Then Polly had her curls trimmed In the hair shop of one of the stores. And then as they still had a few minutes before the theater, they went up to the toy department and saw ever so many wonderful things. The frog that hopped along the counter, the nodding lion, and the doll that cries “mamma,” and walks about with a littlo help. Goodness! llujt Polly and Fashion Fanny had a most scrumptious time, and they’ll remember it for months to come. DIRECTIONS FOR USING THE CUTOUT—Cut out the figure and mount on pasteboard. Then cut out the garments and fold the tabs hack so they will hold the garments in place on the figure. The hat must be cut on the dotted line to slip over head. Miscellaneous News From tne Realm of Science and Invention The Turkish nationalist govern ment is to enforce a rule which provides that all persons intending marriage must submit to a medical examination. Violations will result in severe punishment and annul ment of the marriage. Thirty-three hundred and sixty persons were killed by wild animals in British India In 1921. Tigers were responsible for 1,454 deaths, leopards for 660, wolves for 556, bears for 69, elephants for 70, hy enas for 10 and Bnakes for 19,396. The flag of the Philippine Islands is composed of horizontal stripes of blue and red, with an inset triangle of white. On this is imprinted & golden sun and three golden stars, representing the three island groups composing the Philippine archipel ago. in Italy, the municipality of Home is seeking an American loan -< 500.000,000 lire ($100,000,000) to repair its tattered finances, under take municipal improvements, give a thorough house cleaning to the city and extend the municipal elec tric light plants and services. The professlonel man in Brazil wears a large ring on his Index An ger to denote the profession to which he belongs. Lawyers, for in stance, wear a ring with a large ruby; doctors, a ring with an em erald; engineers, sapphire; priests, amethyst; military engineers, topaz; bachelor of letters, crpal. The stones are invariably very large, usually being oblong in shape and about an inch or more long, so they can be distinguished at some distance. A tiny airplane, which Is nothing more or less than a flying wing, has been designed in France. There is no fuselage or body in the machine. The pilot sits in a place in the wing, and the motor, developing about 12 horsepower, is also placed inside the wing, driving an air screw, which revolves just in front of the wing. Wheels underneath for landing and a tapering tail, car rying a rudder and elevators, com prise ail there is external about this simplified machine. To produce 100 pounds of com mon wood-print paper, the follow ing commodities are required: Wood 13.4 cubic feet; sulphur, 12.7 pounds; limestone, 17.5 pounds; kerosene, 5.7 ounces; bleaching powder, 14.3 pounds; rosin, 3 pounds: soda, 0.515 pounds; alum, 4.2 pounds; color, 1.8 ounces; coal, 320 pounds; iron sul phate, 0.79 ounces; copper sulphate, 0 19 ounces; lime, 3.17 ounces, and 7.500 gallons of chemically treated and filtered water. An airplane taxi has been pro duced in England, capable of carry ing a pilot, two passengers, and sev eral suitcases from I.ondon to Paris, the rate being S7. This amount is one-third the present train fare, and less than one-fourth the amount the present air lines charge. An astronomical clock must keep more nearly perfect time than any other instrument. The makers of such clocks must consider how much effect slight changes in tho temperature and in the pressure of the air will have upon the oscilla tion of the pendulum. There have been prepared elaborate tables that show the weights of dry and moist nir at varying temperatures and atmospheric pressures. As the result of experiments com pleted by Itobert II. CSault, profes sor of psychology at Northwestern university, Willetta Huggins, 17 years old, a deaf and blind student in the school for the blind at Janes ville, Wis., is able to distinguish colors through the sense of smell, read newspaper headlines and tell the denomination of paper money by touch, and to hear perfectly 4 through vibration. ^ The Federation of Labor in Mex ico has formed a “Bullfighters' union.” Waving the red flag in front of bulls must now be done strictly according to union rules, or there will be no bull fights. “Ac tion and Force” has been sXopled as a slogan. A method of transporting live fish long distances has been discovered by Dr. Chiyomatsu Islikawu. pro fessor of the Tokio imperial uni versity, Japan. Preservation is in sured by Infusing a quantity of oxy gen in the water in boxes doubly lined with zinc. The geophone is an instrument that was devised to detect under ground tunneling operations by the enemy during the world war. The apparatus is now used to find the position .of leaks in pipes conveying compressed air.