Gee, dad, didn't it hurt at all1" asks Bobby Joilyco, who won't have much to talk to Jimmy Watson about ifthc oper ation, hadn't hurt. "Hurt? Why, not so—why use it hurt. You bet—hurt like the dickens, Bobby. And any, Alicia, what do you think? This will tickle >•*. Before they began their real work, they scrubbed me with Ivory Soap!" "There's nothing strange in that, is there. Doctor Verity?" asks Mrs. Joilyco. “No, hospitals very generally use Ivory. It’s one of the . few soaps whose purity we can be absolutely sure of for such purposes.” "Julia, do Mrs. JoUyco’t biankca get all matted and harsh after they're washed, the way mine do?" asks Mrs. Folderol of Vanity Square. "Oh, no, ma'am,” replies Julia, the perfect maid, who haa been de livering a present of some particularly fine kumquat marmalade. "Our blankets arc always—why they're Just as soft and fluff—you’d hardly believe—." "What do you wash them with?" “Why, we take and put them in lukewarm water and make a thick suds of Ivory Soap, and squeeze and . . .” But, of course, yaw know how beautifully Ivory washes blankets and woolens. How your complexion may be protected Many a woman who has little time for rest and relaxation smiles at life with a complexion that is clear and smooth and altogether lovely. Nearly all women, if normally healthy, can have such a complexion and can preserve it, if only they will exercise a moderate amount of intelligent care, and cleanse their feces daily with warm water and a pure, mild, safe soap, like Ivory. No soap of any kind has: magic properties. Soap cannot cure a skin condition that needs the attention of a physician. Soap of itself cannot create beauty. But Ivory Soap can, by safe, gende cleansing, help to bring out the natural beauty of a healthy skin and protea it against the damaging influences of weather and daily life. Ivory Soap can, and does, do this for millions of women, year in and year out, because it is pure soap. Pure soap contains no artificial coloring matter, or medicines. Ivory—pure soap —is a natural, honest, wholesome soap made of the very finest materials money can buy. If the soap you arc now using is not this kind of soap, we invite you to experience Ivory's benefits. You will like Ivory’s aeamy whiteness, its rich, mild lather, its promptness in rinsing off and its delight ful fragrance. You will like it for your bath, too—"it floats.” PROCTER & GAMBLE IVORY SOAP 99*yiw% PURE IT FLOATS HE For delicate garments—Read this Safety Test Before you trust your costly fine fabrics to any soap in any form, a doubt naturally comes up in your mind "Is this soap really safe'' Ask yourself' "Would I he willing to use this snag on my /.iteJ" A soap which is too strong for your face is naturally too strong lor v>ur delicate and costly garments Ivory Rakes is simply Ivory Soap in flake form 0/ count if fully meets this impor tanf safety test hot Ivory Soap, pure, mild, gentle, white —has protected the fates and hands of }, millions of women since 1H7V Ivory Rakes offers you a real m,/n;/ii of tu/tl) tor t leansing the very jinnt garments you own ' i IKS I - I!••• t‘r«M l«r A Uwiibk « ■ t «• ■■ i Hi ALCOGRAVURF INC. N F W YORK ST LOUIS HAL TIMOR!