The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 04, 1923, ROTOGRAVURE SECTION, Image 34

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    K Excellent specimens of a fast disappear in? brood. St. Bor- S
P nard doprs at the Hereuvern Kennels at Hempstead, h, T., owned ^
by Miss Gertrude Lintz. which have been adjudfrrd by experts as
some of the best of their class in America. International.
• - --
seas to fill sixty concert engagements in London
— Mme. Margarite Namara, of the Chicago Opera
Company, in private life Mrs. Guy Boton, wife of
the playwright and theatrical producer, snapped
sailing on the Majestic /»(.,»«nouJ
The Perfect
Flesh Reiaeer
• I an oil* Arral. Mated Opera
Siapar. Takas Off 34 Lba.
by Orfakiap Tea
Prepared from Japan ton
Boiled and used name aa
ordinary Tea
Alan In Tablet Form.
Saad 4c Stamp far 44-Papa
Arral’a Tika Tea. Co.
Dept. ».r».
500 Fifth Ate . New V.irk
?A* Beneficial Treat
*'cv«n^O« taial T°o»k*40«00*'
«»TAautMIO »T.MUt.MlW. |
She is No Longer Fat
She found a way to reduce her
fat. It was a way tar more pleas
ant than dieting or exercising
would have been. This new way
allowed her to eat foods without
danger of becoming fat again.
She found Marmola Prescrip
tion Tablets. They aid the diges
tive system to obtain the full
nutriment of food. They help
Nature to turn food into muscle,
bone and sinew instead of fat
Marmola Prescription Tablets
are made from the famous Mar
mola prescription. Thousands
have found that these handy
tablets give complete relief from
obesity. And when the accumu
lation of fat is checked, reduction
to normal, healthy weight soon
All good drug (lore* the world over
•ell Marmola Prescription Tablets at
one dollar a bos. Ask your druggist lor
them, or order direct and they will be
sent in plain wrapper, postpaid.
22S Garfield Bldg.. Detroit, Mich.
In attractive sports costume. Miss Doro
thy Jaeckel of New York, enjoying: the
winter season at St. Moritz.
i Ready for the rnn
\ at Davos. Miss
\ Gladys Cooper, Eng- f
lisli actress, and Mi«s |
Maxine Elliott, well
known American ac
tress. make a charin
/ing sled load for Lord
Central News.
Gray Hair
As I Have Proved
I proved it many yearn ago by restor
ing the original color to my on n prema
turel\ gray hair with the same Re
storer I now offer you This time-tested
preparation never fails, as hundreds of
thousand* of gray haired people since
have learned
There is not space in thl* advertise
ment to tell my story. Send for Free
Trial bottle and learn all
Mary T (ioldmnn s Hair Color Re
storer is a clear, colorless liquid, clean
as water. No greasy sediment to make
your hair sticky anti stringy, nothing to
wash or rub off. Application easy, re
stored color perfect, in any light Faded
or discolored hair Just as surely anti
safely restored as hair naturally gray
Exper tence my teacher
I Invented my scientific hair color re
storer to bring back the original color
to my own hair which wai prematurely
gray Since, millions have used It anti
so will millions more. It Is the most
popular and biggest selling preparation
of Its kind In the world.
Now l have something new to offer
and almost as Important. In the ahape
~Mnr ($olor Restorer
Over 10.000.000 Bottles Sold
of a new pre- rn r* r
pa rat or,v pow- I* F\ Ea Es
\'z,rir:,rx Trial Bottle
perfect condl
tlon for restora- I rllS the Story
tlon This pow
der »s a recent discovery of my lubur.c
tories and Its ac tion is that of tonic and
antiseptic A package now comes with
each full sfxed bottle and a trial sixed
package is included in my special pat
• nted free trial outfit I urge you to
send for this patented outfit today and
prove how easily, surely and beneficially
you can restore your own gray hair to
its natural color.
Mail coupon today
Send today for the special patented
Free Trial outfit which contains a trial
Incttle of mv Restorer, and full instruc
tions for making the convincing test on
a single lock of hair Indicate color of
hair with X. Print name and address
plainly. If possible, enclose a lock of
your hair In your letter.
,fSV nasrandMl(lmi«»MB
-»«■!«■ i ■ IM»-, se e—«. m. |
Mrnu-d Krcr TritiOulAt X »how« |
medium brown auburn dark |
Hk*c auburn H»rhl red] bbuwto j
Baron Fermov,
the former Ed
mund Maurice
Burke Roche
(right), with
Capt. Adamson
of the Cam
bridge tea m ,
snapped during
a lull in the
hockey play at
St. Moritz.
BLOOD. Harry Fenstad, of New
York, champion blood seller of the
land, having in three years sold his
blood to more than 200 persons.
The highest price this husky red
corpuscle factory received for his
life fluid was $85 a pint.
Here’s what
restored my appetite
“When I •ecm to be losing my ap
petite I take Yeast Foam Tablets
and beiorelongrm eating haaitfly
again and digesting every monel
perfectly” Yeast Foamlablesscon
tain an element necessary to ms>
tite, digestion and vigorous heahh
—an element which many com
mon foods are known to lack.
These tablets are selected,whole,
dehydrated yeast; they contain no
drugs. They’re easy to take; they
keep and they don’t cause gas.
Fine for children, too.
At drug stores everywhere.