The Misses Matilda and Gratia Houghton, daugh ter and niece of American Ambassador and Mrs. Alanson B. Houghton, who were recently introduced into diplomatic society in Berlin International. . ■■ The new Bishop of Haiti. Venerable Harry R. Carson, and the dignitaries of the Protestant Episcopal Church who assisted in his consecration at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. Left to right, front row: Rev. Daniel Sylvester Tuttle, Bishop of Missouri; Bishop Carson; Right Rev. William ■ T. Manning, D. D., Bishop of New York. Back row: Right Rev. Edwin Steven Lines, D. I)., Bishop of Newark. X. J.; Right Rev. Thomas Frank (Jailor. Bishop of Tennessee: Right Rev. Albion Williamson Knight, formerly Bishop of Cuba, in charge of the church in Haiti. Underwood A Underwood. _ ■ =====—.- . sn *5-TT ^ Extremely friendly is this j) camel in the Lon j don Zoo, and he if I always prateful for a tidbit from a visitor. Wide World. Li * Wintering on the Riviera—E. Phillips Op- r' penheim, famous author, with his wife after a v round of jrolf near their villa at rajrnes. ( Wide World. - r ' ' ■ Society Maurier, with Lady du Maurier and their three daughters. Fotoaram*. v Defender of Ireland’s policy II to Valerites—William T. Cos- £ prave, President of the Irish Free State, at his desk in Dub 1 lin. Pacific and Atlantic. ( Gov. Alfred E. Smith, h guest at the opening of the new admin ist rat ion building of the Henry Street Settlement, Visiting Nurses’ Service. Park avenue and Fortieth str