The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 04, 1923, ROTOGRAVURE SECTION, Image 32

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    1 -=ss-1 the Omaha Sunday Bee
'/joys o/~ (Proig/t /on Itn / dors'i /y and ^ j
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Creighton’* H. O. T. f. unit. whuli consist* of a|i|ir<»\ivnatel> 400 men. in battalion parade. 1 Gbr/n/tcM. pAoto ■
Iff/ J1 LP *J IUH w ■ - ■■■ ■■■ ■■ -r - *r -ll11
('KI.IMITON K. O. T. ('. OKKICKKS—Beading from 'eft In right, those in Hie picture are: first row—Capt Wiieclin. (apt
MacKeclinie and Maj. Iloffnian. of the I . S. army; Maj. K. S. Maloney, ('apt. K. K. Fitzgerald, (apt. It. II .hieoldierger
Keconil mu—Sgt Kd Martin, (apt. 4. II Walters, (apt. 4. II. (life. (apt. (i. Ilaniniill. 1st l.ieut. i 4. Itlueelnl, I-I l.ieut.
II. C. IJchfenlierger. Third row—id I.Vut. 4. Kedilen, 1st l.ieul. I.. II Itrown. id l.ieul. II. A. I.eorniuUers, 1st Ijeuf ( . I',
( row lev. I-i l.ieut. I., \. Iloeh, 1st l.ieut. I.. (■I>nn. 1st l.ieut. \. (,oeer fourth row—id l.ieul. K. T., 1st
IJeut. (.. W. Koehn. id l.ieut II K. Ito/ier, id l.ieut. I. T Fniucrty. id l.ieut. K 4. liirlin, id Lieut. W. B. Flanagan, 1st
I ’•‘ •it. .1. I*.
CENTRAL HIGH CADET OFFICERS— Heading from left to right: First row—Capt. Stanley Street, Capt. Francis Murpliy,
Capt. Stanley H* iff, Maj. Waller Alharli. Lieut. Col. Walter Key, Maj. Judd Crocker, Capl. Ilavid Duten, Capt. George
\|i Hi iile, Capt Kuland Howes. Serond row—Capt. George Holdrege, Capt. George Lieket, Capl. Edward Ballantine, (apt.
Clayton Wrigand, Capt. Chris Zees, Capt. Harry Brunner, 1st Lieut. Worthington Williams, 1st Lieut. Irving Changstrom.
Third row—1st Lieut. Areltie Bailey, Isl Lieut. Johu Spellman, id Lieut. Elmer Thomas, id L'eut. Irving Hansen, 2d IJeut.
Harold l.uscomlie. 2«| Lieut. Ben Slutsky, 1st IJeut. I.yal Quinby, id Lieut. Donald Kudd. Fourth tow—2d Lieut. Martin
Fo- ‘er. id Lieut. Kusscll .lolmston, id Lieut. Victor llackler, id Lieut. Cedric Hornsby. 2d IJeut. Melvin Radnian. id Men#
\eilau \ an Arsdale, id IJeut. Harold Morpliew. awM’teitiC*
^ Liem. Kr.tiiU H. (.iilgard, imnintmlnnl :ii < i nirul lliitli 0Os-+kmck Onlral high ya^cn. mi the drill Held. am.llh»% ihc tutnnmw) to march