The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 04, 1923, PART THREE, Image 24

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    I Clubdom
vMrs. Kropf Again!
Heads Delphian
Mr*. Victor Kropf was reelected
president of the Delphian Study
chapter at tho annual business meet
ing last Tuesday. vMrs. John W.
Agnew was chosen vice president;
Mrs. George It. Child, secretary
■ treasurer and Mesdames A. G. Pinker- ’
ton, O. C. Ilotnann and George A. :
Maguey, advisory board.
The chapter is studying the drama
this winter and at present is reading
After the business hour a phono
graph concert was given including
selections from “Hamlet." “Merchant
of Venice.” "As You I.ike It” and
"Julius Caesar” by Southern and
Marlowe. Tea was served at the close
of t lie program.
The chapter will meet Tuesday, 2
p. in. at Burgess Nash tea room.
Belle Ryan to Address
Central High Parent
Central High Parent-Teachers will
meet Tuesday, 8 p. m., in the school
Miss Bello Kyan, assistant super
intendent of schools, w ill speak on tho
“Iowa Plan for Character Education
in the Schools.” This plan was
awarded a $20,000 prize In an Inter
state contest, held under the auspices
of the Character Education institu
tions In Washington, 1>. C. The talk
ill he followed by general dlsctts
Guy Priitt to Address
Business Women.
The bimonthly dinner and meeting
of the business and professional
women's division of the Chamber of
Commerce, to be held Wednesday
* evening at the Chamber of Commerce,
promises to be one of the most inter
esting and instructive meetings of the
season. .
The program is to be givbn by the
telegraph and telephone group, with
Miss Ij. M. Montgomery and Kather
ine Kelly in ciiarge.
Guy Pratt of the Northwestern Bell
Telephone company will speak on
l “Communication.” Besides this sev
eral special feature stunts will be
South Omaha Woman’s
Mrs. Frank Broadwell will read
Tennyson's “Knock Arden” with
musical acompaniments composed by
Richard Strauss, by Mrs. .1. 1). Itinger
at a meeting of the South Omaha
Woman's club Tuesday afternodn, 2:30
o'clock at the home of Mrs. F. A.
Cressey, 4204 Soutli Twenty-second
street. Members may invite guests.
Hall in the Grove Meets.
The Chautauqua alumnae. Hall In
the Grove, will meet at 1 o'clock
luncheon Saturday at the V. W. C. A
Following the luncheon a business
meeting will be held at which time
_plans for (he year's work will be out
Arrangements are being made to
have Dr. Frederick Fling of the Uni
versity of Nebraska address the Chau
tauqua circles at the close of the
present book, “The Pacific Triangle.”
Proceeds From Benefit.
Proceeds fmaui the "Ti|j Top” sup
per-dance given during the holidays
for the benefit of Harriet Monroe
Home (or Convalescing Crippled Chil
dren amounted to $2,017, according
to the committee in charge.
Miss Garrett to Play for Womans Club
Miss Kina Garrett will give a piano
group at the musical to be trtvcn
Monday afternoon at the general mu
sical of the Omaha Woman's club at
the Y. W. C. A. auditorium under di
rection of the music department, Mrs.
Willis J. Redfield, leader, and Robert
Cuscaden, director. Miss Garrett will
play "Caprice Espagnol,” by Mos
kowske, and "Country Dance,” by
The program will Include a song
group by Mrs. Willard C. Slabaugh,
accompanied by Miss Ruth Edwards;
vocal trio, Mesdames Bertha Coffey
Assmann, Gilbert S. Brown and Errol
Towl, accompanied at tlie piano by
Mrs. Redfield, and violin obligato.
Madge West Sutphen and Mr. Cus
oaden; violin solos. Mr. Ouscaden, ac
companied hy Mrs. ltedfield; vocal
solos, G. F. Wlckstrom, accompanied
by F. L. Carlson. Choral numbers will
also be given by tho Woman's duty
chorus, accompanied by Mrs. Ked
field, *and directed by Mr. Cus
The musical will be preceded by a
business meeting at 2:30 o’clock, the
president, Mrs. Charles Johannes, pre
On February 14, at 12:30 o’clock, the
music department will entertain at
a Valentine luncheon and musslcal
at the Y. W. O. A. auditorium. Tick
ets ac* $1 and may be obtained from
members of tho department.
Get Acquainted Club
The Get Acquainted club meets this
evening at T;30 o'clock, First Unita
rian church. Turner boulevard and
Harney street. Mr. and Airs. AV. A.
Ttamser will be liost end hostess.
A program will include readings
from his own poems by Howard Big
gar; vocal selections, by Airs. Wagner
Thomas, Mrs. Helen Sadlik Kyhl,
accompanist, and piano solos by Miss
Virginia Jones.
All lonesome folk and strangers
Sermo Club.
The Sermo club will meet Tuesday
for 1 o’clock luncheon at the home of
Mrs. J. J. Hess, 5416 North Twenty
fourth street. Mrs.-George Bindley Is
in charge of the program, and Mrs.
Walter Price will read a paper on
“Parks and Boulevards of Omaha.”
The Trade-Mark of happy feet!
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Even throughout the longest day your feet will not trouble you.
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select from in this better shoe
Black Kid Oxford*.89.00
Brown Kid Oxford*.89.50
Black Kid Boot*.$11.50
Brown Kid Boot*.$12.50
Men’s Arch Preservers.$12.00
Garfield Parent-Teachers
Garfield Parent-Teacher association
will meet at the school Monday after
noon, 2:30 o'clock. The program wiH
Include piano solos by Miss Marion
Rea and Miss Helen Hubbard and a
story by Mrs. Florence Strawn.
Hostesses for the afternoon are
Mesdantes W. IV. Hill, H. II. Rosecan
and J. H. Trout.
Alpha Phi Meeting.
The Alpha Phi sorority will meet
Monday at the home of Mis. Waller
Johnson, 3711 Davenport street.
Dr. M.E. Haggerty
Gives Speech on
"Educational Measurements ' is the
subject of the lecture series now be
ing presented by Dr. Melvin Everett
Haggerty of the University of Min
nesota under auspices of the Omaha
school forum. The first two lectures
of the course were given on Friday
and Saturday afternoons of last week
in the Burgcss-Nash auditorium, and
dealt particularly with "Individual
Differences and Their Significance.’’
Much interest is being shown by
Omaha teachers in this technical
phase of present day school problems.
The second lecture, "Measurement of
Human Capacities." will be given
February 16 and 17.
Educational courses sponsored by
(he Omaha school forum and present
ed In person by edueators from neigh
boring universities enable teachers lo
keep abreast of the times in the work
of the profession. A registration fee
is required and for college credit, ma
triculation In tile University of Ne
braska Is necessary. Miss Ella Hill
of the Kellom school Is chairman of
the education committee of the forum
and through the efforts of her com
mittee, -these lectures are secured.
The course is open to the public.
College Club to Give
Play for Parent
The drama section of the Omaha
College eitib will present a play.
"Manners and Modes" at a meeting
of Yates Parent-Teachers’ association
Wednesday afternoon. 3 o’clock In the
school auditorium.
The cast will include Mrs. William
Burton, director; Mesdamcs C. C.
Stephens, William Locke, William
Mi-Gibbon, J. E. Wallace. Fred Hill,
\\\ E. Fierpolnt, Ira Porter, S. B.
A song group will be given by Miss
Isabel .Williams, accompatjJM by
Stanley Lctovsky.
Tea will be served at the close of
the nregram
War Mothers Make Final
Arrangements for
Tag Day.
Plans for the American War Moth
ers tag flay next Saturday, when
funds will be raised1 for a monument
to ho erected in memory of soldiers
who lost their lives in the world war.
will be completed at a meeting Thurs
day evening at 8 In Memorial hall,
court house.
The War Mothers Kensington club
will meet Wednesday afternoon at 1:30
o’clock at the home of Mrs. William
Berry. 3820 South Twenty-sixth street.
Assisting Mrs. Berry will be Mes
dames J. II. Neaman, William Niel
son, George Parker and L. T. Bullock.
P. E. O. Association.
The Omaha P. E. O. association
will meet for luncheon Monday, 12:30
1 o’clock in the Burgess-Nash tea room.
Prettiest Mile Golf Club.
The ladles of Prettiest Mile Golf
! Hub will hold tlielr February meet
ing at the home of Mrs. T. L. Reuter
Tuesday evening.
Spectacles were Invented In the
thirteenth century.
Millinery Salon Third Hoor
in the art of millinery
One name in every town is
recognized as “The Exclusive
Millinery Authority.” In Omaha
Herzbergs takes precedence.
And this eminence is no idle
claim. It is really based on the ^
conceded leadership.
Truly—Hals That Brighten
Milady's Fashions
_Weekly Club Calendar_
Old People's Home. Kontmelle lUmlr
%ard—flund.i • i> m. Rev victor'
West of Walnut Mill Methodist church, I
speaker. Church choir will sing.
House of Hope, 7PI5 North Thirtieth
street—-S'uti'la' . j p. in. Rev. I II. tJrace
pastor of Coxenant Presbytortait church, I
speaker. Church choir will King.
t»et Acquainted t lull—Sunday. 7 .30 p
ni . Hrst t'nitarian churvh. Turner boule- i
'ard and Harnej atreet. Musical program '
followed by social hour. All strangers and
lonely folk welcome.
Omaha Woman'* Club Ceueral Meeting—
Monday, 2:30 p. m.. V. W C. V. audl
torlum. Business meeting followed by mu
sical under direction of the music de
partment, Mrs. Willis J. Redfield, leader.
Omaha Walking Club.—Sunday. 7 %0 a.
nr. from Webster atreet station, Fifteenth j
and Webster streets, oil M. & O. train
for Calhoun. All day outing. The walk !
will he from Calhoun to Florence, a dis
tance of 12 miles. Homer Pennock. lead-!
er, Sunday, 3:30 p. nr, from north end
of Florence car line to hone Oak, meet
ing all day hikers. Emma Kment, loader.
(•arfield Parent-Teacher*—Monday. 2 3'*
p. m., a: the school. Program of music
and readings.
Omaha P, K. O. SUtrrli«od—Monday,
12:30 p. ir»., monthly luncheon, Hurgess
Nasli tea room.
Roosevelt Chautauqua Circle— Monday.
7:30 p. m.. with Mrs. F. A. Cressey, 4204
South Twenty-second street.
Tennyson Chautauqua Circle Monday. 2
p m., V. \\ . C. A. Lesson, "The Pacific
Triangle," chapters, 2C-26. inclusive.
Temple Israel (Sisterhood—Monday sfter
ncon, Temple Israel vestry room. Mrs. A.
Feltenstcln will have charge of program.
Iladassah. Omaha Chapter—Monday
afternoon with Mrs. Arthur Theodore.
Mesdames Julius Stein ami Abe Weiss, as
Monday Musical club—Monday. 8:30 p.
m.. with Mrs. DeKmmet Bradshaw. 102
South Fifty-first avenue. Miscellaneous
Loomis < bantiiuqua Circle—Tuesday, 2
p. in , Y. W. C. A.
Women’ll Overseas Service League—
Tuesday, 6:30, Y. W C. A. dinner and
Omaha College Club Chorus—Tuesday.
4 p. in., with Mrs. T. 14. Protzman, 617
South Vorty-first street.
I . S. t.rant W. It. C.— Tuesday, 1 :Co j
p. m.. Memorial hall, court housp. Plans !
for Lincoln and Washington's birthdays
will bo made.
South Omaha Woman's Club—'Tuesdsy.
2:30 p. m., with Mrs. F. A. Cressey, 42ut
South Twenty-second street. Literary pro
gram. Guest day.
Jewish Woman's Welfare—Tuesday,
2:30 p. m.. Jewish Community Center.
Lyric building. William L. Holzman will
speak on “Jewish Social Service.
P. E. O. Sisterhood, Chapter B. K.—
Tuesday. 1 o’clock luncheon with Mrs.
John Buchanan. 024 Mercer Farj< boule
vard. Mra. Otis Alvison. assisting.
Omaha Business Woman’* Club—Tues
day. 6:30 p. in.. Y. W. C. A. dinner, busi
ness meeting and current events, Miss
Celia. Chase, instructor. Miss Mabel Hall,
Omaha Woman's Club Speech Education
Department—Tuesday, 1^:15 a. m. Bur
gess-N'ash auditorium. Mrs. B. F. Marti,
program chairman. Mrs. Joseph Lawrence
and Mrs. W. A. Smith, speakers.
Serum Club—Tuesday, 1 o’clock luncheon
with Mrs. .T. J. Hess. 6416 North Twenty
fourth street. Mrs. Georgs t.lndley in
.barge of program Mr*. Walter Tries
will rca-J a paper un “Omaha Parka and ,
Delphian Chapter— T uesds '■ afternoon.;
Rurg-'-.f. Nash tea room. Subject, "The :
Merchant of Venice." l.eadfr, Mrs. G. B.
<T>4ld assisted by Mesdames Charles M. j
Tanecek, P. J. Haas. A. G. Pinkerton, M. ;
Smith and O. E. Heed.
Omaha Wsnra'l t luh, 1.Herat ure Pa
pa rt men t.—Tuesday, 2 p. m.. A’, W. C. A., !
Mrs. Edward Johnson, leader. Mrs. Ho- i
tner Stuns. speaker Subject, “The Church.’*
Mrs. John W. Gill will read a poem, j
"Each in Hia Own Town."
I.. G. E. Club—Wednesday. 2.IS p. m.
Elks club .rooms. Monthly business meet
Cornu* Club—Wednesday, 1 o’clock
Minchson with Mrs. II. K. Sorensen, 4910 I
Chicago street.
Omulta Rockford College Club—Wednes
day afternoon, with Miss Isabel Shukert, J
2228 Larlmore avenue.
American War Mother* Kensington— '
Wednesday, 1:30 p. m., with Mrs. Wil
liam Berry, 3820 South Twenty-sixth
Omaha Woman's Club, Music Depart
ment.—Wednesday, 10 a. m. Y. AV. C. A.
Mrs. Willis Redfield. leader. Robert Cus
cadon, director.
Omaha College Club I took Review Sec
tion—Wednesday, 4 p. ru. Book review
followed by tea at the home of Mrs. D.
E. Jenkins, 1921 Blnney street.
Ak-Bar-Ben Kensington Wednesday. 10!
h. m.. Masonic temple, Red Cross rooms, j
AII-flay meeting. Members are requested ,
to bring a lunch and coins prepared to !
Business and Professional Women’s Dl
visiou, Chamber of rommwre- Wednes
day, K:t5. dinner and program. Telegram
and telephone group will be in charge of
Clan Gordon l.ndies Auxiliary—Wednes
day 2 p. m.. with Airs. Thomas MeUIrum,'
2129 Evans street. Mesdames D. Y. Allan.
Margaret Park and Byron Boyce will as
sist’ the bortess.
Antes Turent-Teacher* -Wednesday. 3 p.
rn , school auditorium. Program followed
by tea. College Club Drama league will
present play. Miss Isabel Williams, vocal
soloist; Stanley Letovsky, pianist.
P. E. O. Water hood, Chapter C. R.—
Wednesday, l o’clock luncheon with Mrs.
Frank Dec. 2331 £outh Twenty-fourth
street. Mrs. Robert H. Bishop, assisting.
A book review will be given by Mrs. F.
A. Cressey.
Vesta Chapter Kensington Club, O. K. 8.
—Thursday afternoon, Masonic temple.
Mrs. II. Cm1, hostess.
League Women Voters Political Educa
tion Class.—Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Y. W.
C. A. Open to all league members.
Alice R. Howard Cbaufuauquo—Thurs
day. 7:30 p. m.. Y. W. C. A. Lesson, “The
Pacific Triangle,” chapters lt-15 inclu
Amerirun War Mothers, Omaha Chap
ter—Thursday. 8 p. m.. Memorial hall,
court house Plans will be completed for
Tag day. February 10.
Omnlm Woman’s -i Club. Home Eco
nomics Department—-Thursday, 10 a. m .
Orchard A- Wilhelm’s store. Subject,
’•Linoleums.” K L. Braun, speaker.
Mrs. .T. F. Dimltk leader.
Omaha Womans Club, Art Department
—Thursday, 2:15 p. ni.. Y. W. <A. Mrs.
E. H. Ward, leader. Mrs. Frank Norton
will speak on “Hawaii.” A piano group
will he given by Ben Adaraowskl.
■ " — ■■ ■■
^ • Matsuo Photo. j
Miss Tibbie Million.
Mr. ami Mrs. M. Minkin announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Mins Libbie to Sam Weinberg of Fre
mont. No date has been set for the
( ards of Dance.
The women of Holy Family church
will entertain at a card party and
dance Friday evening at the parish
hall. Eighteenth and Izard streets.
George Crook IV. H. C.—Friday, 1.30 p.
ru Memorial hall, court house.
B. 1\ O. Does—Friday. 2 p. ru., Elks
club rooms. Business meeting.
Scottish Rite Woman’s Club—Friday. 2
p. m., business meeting, Scottish Rite
cathedral. /
Unity Club—Friday, 8 p. in , First Uni
tarian church. Turner boulevard and Har
ney street. Subject. "John Galsworthy."
Mrs. Eva Mcrso and Alan McDonald,
Hall in the Grove. Chautauqua* Alumnae ^
—Saturday, 1 o'clock luncheon, V. W. C.
A. Business meeting.
Omaha Walking Club.—Saturday. 3:30.
from end of Albright car line to club
shack in Fontcnelle Forest.
Omaha College Club. Music Section—
Saturday. 2:30 p. m . with Mrs. Herbert
Woodland. 2118 South Thirty-third street.
Mrs. T. B. Prqtzman, batter. Program,
Wllltr-i Asher. Arthur Whiting. H. C.
Clougu, Leighton, Clayton Jones, com
Antics \ isits
1 iome
Mr. K. H. Kalis, stale superintend
ent of tho Nebraska Children * Horn**
society received the following letter
from H. It. .Autles of the Mate publio
welfare department:
"Vosterday 1 was 'n your office ami
carefully looked me. your system of
collection of funds, disbursements and
Jour system of caring for the record!
of children handled by your associa
tion. It is a real pleasure to see how
carefully you handle all fund collect
ed. how the same Is accounted for
and now carefully you check and re
ebeett record! of the children coming
to you. 1 hereby approve your meth
ods installed at this time, and trust
you will bo able to continue the snnn
in ns efficient a manner ns you ar*
now earing for them.”
I he Nebraska Children's Home so
eietv Is conducting a campaign t«»
laise $40,000 for a new receiving
home. J'lic campaign has been en
dorsed by the Nebraska Federation
of Women's clubs, tho Omaha Worn
an's club, Lions club and Tho Omaha
Benefit Bridge
The Catholic Daughters of America
art* sponsoring a. benefit bridge party
to bo given Thursday evening at *:18
o'clock in Braudels grill.
The committee H charge of the af
*air includes Mesdumes H. F. O'Brien,
chairman: J. F. Gilligan, John Hamil
ton, P. T. Conlon, J. M. Craney.
Charles Knowles, Ferris Stewart, J. M.
Schall, Thomas Golden, Joseph Flynn,
D. J. O'Brien and the Misses Mary
Kennedy Veronica O’Connor, Nell
Murphy. Hazel Auer, Laura Holder,
Margaret and Catherine Dee.
Bridge reservations may be made
with Mrs. J. V. Hamilton, VValnitt
2320. and high five with Mrs. J. M.
Craney, Webster !>OIO.
Tables have been reserved by Mee
dames Leu Hoffman, William Quade,
James Hanley, A. Von Dollen, T. F,
Quinlan, J. Schall, Blaine Young, J. L.
Ferlcot William McKenna, Ferris
Stewnri, R. E. Miller, A. Chalfout. If.
Benford, Penn Fodrea, Albert Foil,
J. M. Craney, Joe Flynn, B. If. Harms,
P. Jolly, Miss Alice O'Brien and Hazel
Dundee Chautauqua.
Dundee Chautauqua circle will
meet February 8 at 1:30 p. m. with
Mrs. Edwin S. Jewell, 4220 Harney
street. V *
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