The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 04, 1923, PART TWO, Page 10-B, Image 21

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    ] 4th Infantry
Brigade Chief
Twice Honored
Brip. Gon. Halstead f)orey
Awarded Two Medals for
Bravery in World
Rt ig. Gen. Halstead Dorey. United
States army, who was promoted De I
cenihcr IS, 3922, and assigned to com
mand the 1 Ith Infantry brigade at i
Fort Omaha, will dative in Omaha
rest week. He will occupy the gen
eral's office at Fort Crook.
Brigadier General Dorey st present I
is on an inspection tour at Fort |
Snelling, and from there will go to ;
Des Moines In addition to these two j
posts lie will command troops at Fart j
Crook nnd Fort Omaha, also the avi- |
ation unit at Fort Itlley, Kan.
General Dorey was wounded several I
times in action in the Philippines and
France, mil was awarded both the
distinguished service cross and the
distinguish'd si rvice medal Tiio cross
was award'd him fm < xtroordinary
heroism in action north of Mont
faucon, France, October 15, 191N, for
going forward when painfully wound
ed, through a luavy enemy barrage
to the front line where lie reorganized
his exhausted men and directed their ,
attack for two days until he again
was severely wounded. His bravery
inspired his troops t<» the successful
assault of a strongly fortified ravine
and woods, which were of vital im
portanee and resulted in the capture
of numerous prisoners and much ma
The was awarded Gener
al Dorey for meritorious and dis
tinguished service in commanding his
regiment during the battle of the
Marne, the advance from the Marne
to the Oureq, and In the Ht. Mihiel and
Argonne Meuse offensives. It was his
regiment that lead the advance In
the Oureq. capturing Channel, Char
mol i 'bateau. Yilardelle Ferme and
Jtnrheros. He commanded the Fourth
Infantry in France.
General Dorey was formerly In the
executive offices of the chief of the
Infantry, 'Washington, I). C. Mrs.
Dorey is the daughter of one of the
Cheney brothers of New York City,
one of the largest silk manufacturers
In the country. The Doreys have two
daughters, one of whom will accom
pany Mrs. Dorey to Omaha. The
other daughter is in tlie east.
The 23rd national automobile show
held In January nt the Grand Central
palace brought out 79 makes of cars.
There were more than 400 accessory
manufacturers represented. Car mod
els numbered 350.
ADV t r.Tist.Mi.N r.
Don’t 'Cuss’
Your Corns
Let "Gets-lt”
End Them
World's Greatest Corn Harvester ,
Fvm' ody. everywhere needs to know
nullin' ol f '!k; luiuu :i!n-.i.iy l.nrncil .iliniit ’
“Gets-It," the guaranteed painless com and
callous remover. Any com, no matter how
deep rooted, departs quickly when “Gets-It"
arrives. Wonderfully simple, yet simply won
derful, because all serenes., stops with the first
application. Get rid of your corn and wear
shoes that fit. Costa hut a trifle every where;
nothing at all if it fails. E. Lawrence & Co.,
Mfr., Chicago.
Piles Disappear
Peterson’s O i n t m ent
•‘Please let me tell you," says Peter
son, ‘‘that for Instant relief front the
misery of blind, bleeding or itching
piles there is nothing so good as
Peterson's Ointment, as thousands
have testified.” Best for old sores and
Itching skin. All druggists, 35c, 60c,
ft.00, *2.50, *5.00.
Nobody Can Tell When You
Darken Gray, Faded Hair
With Sage Tea.
Grandmother kept her hair beauti
fully darkened, glossy and attractive
with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur.
Whenever her hair took on that dull,
faded or streaked appearance, this
pimple mixture was applied with n
wonderful effect. By asking at any
drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sul
phur compound,” you will get a large
bottle of thia old-time recipe, Im
proved by the addition of other ingre
dients. ail ready to use, at very little
poet. This simple mixture can be de
pended upon to restore natural color
dad beauty to the hair.
A well known downtown druggist
pays everybody uses Wyeth's Sage
and Sulphur Compound now because
It darkens so naturally and evenly
that nobody can tell It has been ap
plied—It's so easy to use. too. You
■imply dampen a comb or soft brush
and draw it through your hair, taking
one strand at a time. By morning the
pray hair disappears; after another
application or two, it Is restored to its
natural color and looks glossy, soft
(tad beautiful
■ r
Rest Creighton Orator to Be Picked
\hove, left to right [Frances Cliarvat, Harold Collins, Ellrwyn Ea gen. \
Helow, left to right: Anthony Zaiiskl, Paul Shaughneasy, Stuart N cary. '
- -—-a
10-Year-Old Boy Sells
Tells Judge He Knows
Where “They Make It.”
Hooch for 14 Marbles
"You’re a good detective,” Judge
Day commented Saturday in Ju
venile court when a 10-year-old Ral
ston boy testified to finding a bottle
half full of hooch behind a stump.
The lad told of selling the liquor to
Emmet Brown, a schoolmate, for
11 marbles, for Emmet knew a man
who would buy It from him. Both'
the bottle and the marbles were
produced iu court by the boys’
teacher, who complained that they
bad brought the liquor to school
with them.
“None of us drank any," declared
Emmet. “We just smelled of it.
But we know where they make it.
and we’ve gone up there and
signaled with flashlights and knock
ed on the door to seare them. They
thought we were detectives.”
Emmet admitted that he had
smoked for a year or two.
"Do you smoke?" his companion
was asked.
“I did when I was little," the 10
year-old stated gravely.
"He got licked for it," giggled
Tlie two hoys wriggled apprehen
sively as the judge painted a pic
ture of what happened to bootleg-,
gers and promised to run the other
way if they saw any more mysteri
ous bottles.
Takes First Hide.
Elko, (New, Feb. 3.—For "5 years
Harry Reynolds, crossing watchman,
waved greeting to train crews and
passengers ps the Southern Pacific
trains thundered b'y, but recently took i
liis first ride since coming from Park |
City, Utah, in 1S97. From his flag- |
man's hut lie observed the woodburn- ;
ors of the 90s emerge into the moun
tain mallets of the present, but never
left the city limits of Elko until he
went to visit his son at Montello, Nev.,
100 miles away.
Fingerprints on Screen
Comiet Detroit Burglar
Detroit, Midi., Feb. 3.—Stereopti- ,
con views of fingerprints projected
on a screen convicted Dawrence |
Styles. 24, of burglary. The views
showed prints found on glass of a
window of the Ternes Coal Dum
ber compnay's office, which Styles
was alleged to have robbed, and
photographs of the defendant's fin
American Legion Notes
** 1 " —■ ... » 1 ■ I
Application blanks for tlie Illinois
state bonus nre now available at the
i office of the post adjutant.
i Members of the Auxiliary hospital! •
I ration committee visited service men
in Lord-Lister, St. Joseph and the
County hospital last week and distrib
uted fruit, candy and smokes.
The adjutant is prepared to assist
relatives of deceased former service
: men buried In Omaha cemeteries to
obtain the gravestone authorized and
supplied by the War department.
Kuch headstone is inscribed with the
name, rank, company and regiment
i of the deceased.
Members of the Douglas County
post executive committee will meet
I Tuesday, February 6, in the grill
room, St. Barnabas church, Fortieth
and Davenport streets, at 6 p. m.
! The Nurses' division will give a
1 dance In the Burgess Nash auditorium
Tuesday night, February 20.
General post meeting of the Doug
las County post will be held Saturday
j night, February 10, at 8. In the eoun
• cil chamber at the city hall. The 40
and 8 will meet at 6 p. m., and the
I auxiliary at S.
Thursday, April 5. will be MacNider
night for tlie Douglas County pe$t,
it was announced yesterday. The Le
gion dance is scheduled for Saturi#^.
February 37, and the boxing show *for
1 Thursday. February
' Half a dozen Creighton university*
orators will take part in the annual
contest Monday night in the Creigh
ton Auditorium to select the school
representatives'in the state intercol-'
legiate contest to he held here next
The winner of Monday night's con
test also will receive a cash prize.
Students entered In the competition
are Francis Cr*Charvat, Harold Col
lins, Stuart Ne'ary, Anthony Zallski,
Elkfwyn Eag^i and Paul Shaugh
Girl to Wed Guardian.
Gettysburg, 'Feb. 3. — X'nder a
peculiar set of* circumstances which
arose in the local court here recently,
Catherine O'i^a'nnlgan will havo to
obtain the cqjiscnt of her Intended
husband before^ she can wed.
Miss O’Hannigan, whose parents
are dead, recently belame engaged
to Harry O. Melhone. Under the
state law Miss O’Hannigan, who is
19, and therefore tv minor, must have
the consent of a guardian before she
can bo married
In her petitsen to the court Miss
OHannlgan said she wanted to wed
Melhorn and asked he be appointed
her guardian. The petition wns
As part of the winter maneuvers of
the fleet of the United States navy,
to be held near- Panama in February,
the battleship Iowa will he steered
through radio -control from an air
plane flying a, mile above the vessel.
Base jour tight, aching chest, Stop
the puin. Break up the congestion.
Feel a bad cold loosen up in just a
short time.
“Red Pepper Rub” is the cold rem
edj" that brings quickest relief. It can
not hurt J'ou and it certainly seems to
end the tightness and drive the con
gestion and soreness right out.
Nothing has such concentrated,
penetrating heat as red pepper, and
when heat penetrates right down in
to colds, congestion, aching muscles
and sore, stiff joints relief comes at
The moment j’oti apply Red Pepper
Rub you feel the tingling heat, In
three minutes the congested spot is
warmed through and through. When
you are suffering from a cold,
rheumatism, backache," stiff neck or
sore muscles, just get a jar of Rewles
Red Pepper Rub, made from red
pepper, at any drug store.
Bee "Want Ads bring results.
Buy "Diamond Dyes"—no other
kind—and follow the simple directions
In every package. Don't wonder
whether you can dye or tint success
fully, because perfect dyeing Is guar
anteed with Diamond Dyes even If
you have never dyed before. Just tell
your druggist whether the material
you wish to dye is wool or silk, or
whether It is linen, cotton or any
mixed goods. Diamond Dyes never
streak, spot, fade, or run.
Whatever You Do Don’t Neglect
Your Eyes, Says Dr. Lewis, who
Tells How to Strengthen Eyesight
Are you a victim of eye strain or other
eye weaknesses? If so, you \wil1 be glad
to know that according to Dr. Lewis there
i« real hope for you. He says neglect
causes more eye troubles and poor sight
than any other one thing. Many whose
eyes were failing say they had their eyes
restored through the principle of Bon
Opto. lt
One man says after trying it: I «wrs
almost blind; cqpld not see to read at all.
Now I ran read*pverything without glasses
and my eyes c^o not water any more. At
night they w^uld pain dreadfully; now
they feel fine all^ the time. It was like
a miracle to ipe"
A lady who used it says: “The atmos
phere seemed ^hasy with or without
glasses, but after using this prescription
for fifteen daya everything seeme clear.
I can even reatmine print without glasses.
Eye troubles^of many descriptions may
be wonderfully "benefited by following the
'simple rules: Go to any active drug store
l and get a bottle of Bon-Opto tablets.
Drop one Bon-Opto tablet in r fourth of
a glass of water and allow to dissolve,
i With this liquid bathe the eyes two or
four times daily and exercise them daily
! as directed.
You should notice your eyes clear up
perceptibly right from the start and in
flammation quickly disappear. If your eyes
are botheringeven a little, take steps
to saye before it is too late.
Many hopeleaffT"blind might have been
saved if theyjbad cared for tbeir eyss In
NOTE: Another prominent Physician to whom
the abore article was submitted, said: * Hon -Opto
is a Tory remarkable remedy. Its constituent In
gredients are well known to eminent eye specialists
and widely prescribed by them.” The manufac
turers guarantee It to strengthen eyesight 60 per
cent in one week’s time in many instance# or re
fund Hie inoncr It can lie obtained from any
food druggial. and I a. one of the *«*ry few urei*ara
tlona 1 feel ahould be kept on band for regular
u»« in almoat crcrv family. It la aojd by all hhh|
(Irugfiatc, iuclulling tb« SUinuan <k ilwCounall i4
•to •
r ./
Former Omaha
Woman Dies at
Los Angeles, Cal.
Mrs. Mexauder MeGavock,'
Widow of Pioneer Ne
braskan, to Re
Buried Here.
Mrs. Alexander MeGavock, who died
Tuesday evening at her home in T,os
Angeles, was the wife of the late Alex
ander McGuvook, Nebraska pioneer.
Mr. and Mrs. MeGavock lived a num
ber of years at Twenty first and Chi
cago streets in Omaha.
Mr. MeGavock served as council
man. a member of the state legisla- j
tine, as well as a contractor.
About nine years ago Mr# McGa\
ock moved to Los Angeles with her
daughters, Sarah, Frances and 1,11a.
who resigned from the teachers’ staff
of Omaha public schools to take up
school work in Los Angeles. Three
months ago she disposed of her resi
dence at Twenty first and Chicago
Survivors are Sister M. Alexander
of the Order of Mercy, the Misses
Sarali. Frances and Lila and Mrs.
Elmer K. Colwell and Mrs. George
1 aul Thompson: also three grandsons.
George Alexander and Philip Thomp
son and Robert Colwell, all of I.os
The funeral will he held from St.
Bcrohmans academy to St. Johns
church at Twenty-fifth and California
streets. Tuesday morning, at P. with
burial in Holy Sepulcher cemetery.
The Duke of Rucclench holds the
record of possessing more residences
than any other British nobleman, lie
has 11 in all.
Theosophist Will
Lecture Here
Fritz kunz to Give Two Ad
dresses at Paxton Hotel,
Tuesday and \\ ednesday.
Fritz Kunz. international lecturer
I for the Theosophicnl society, will ap
pear in two public addresses at the
Paxton hotel Tuesday and Wednes
day of next week.
Tuesday lilsht he will speak on
Theosophy and the Cultural! Values
in f3 ience and Psychology." and
Wednesday on "The Civilized Fast
.and the Barbaric West."
Mr. Kunz. in ltis lecture^. will point
out how theosophy has supplied in
teresting literature and interpretations
in every branch of science. He holds
that tho principle of relativity is the
rejection of materialism.
Bov Censured for Cutting
Down Tree in Sleds' Path
Cutting down trees in the parks of
1 Omaha 1. not the duty of schoolboys
even when the tree happens to l«e >
the middle of .1 toboggan slide, John
Callup. 12. learned in Juvenile com t
^Saturday. John confessed to »»'
ing cut down a tree because It "t"
,1 the wav of the coasters near Car
ter I Hike drive. The Judge advised
hint to try growing a tree before he
1 ut down any more.
Kaiser's Dentist Dead.
Ypstlantl, Mi'h., Feb. 3.—Dr. l.e»
Wallin: former Ypsilanti dentist,
who went to (iermany 22 years ago,
and was for years dentist tit the fam
ily of former Kaiser Wilhelm Uoh«n
zulleiti. is dead in Munich, according
| to word received here.
2,000 lbs. Select Pig Pork Chops on -| £* 200 Boxes Large 60c Size Sweet Juicy J
Sale Monday, per lb. IOC Oranges, Monday, per doz.t:0
The February Sales of Furniture Are
Setting New Selling Records Daily
$160,8-Piece WToneJ|A«50
Dining Koom suite J|\f ”
Something for the small apartment; buffet is GO inches, ta
ble extends 72 Inches; 5 chairs and 1 armchair upholstered
In high grade tapestry.
$125, 3-Piece WASA
Duofold Suites 13—
_. , , , . Place! can ba
lake Illustration; makes a comfort- .
. . , . , , ’ , _ nought separate
able bed at night and nice appearing _ „ . . . ...
,, _ Ait ,. _ D u o f o 1 il with
a.s well as comfortable living room __
furniture: in oak and mahogany fin- mattre” *37.50
ishcs, upholstered in moleskin; In- Chair or Rocker,
eluding all-cotton mattress. each ....<21.00
One Day Sale—Monday
Velvet Hugs.
Values to $47.50 In 9x12 Seamless Velvet
Rugs in mulberry, rose, blues <294 QC
and tans, special .
Velvets and Brussels.
Values to $27.50 in 8:3x10:6 Seamless Vel
vet. and Brussels Rugs; good selection of
colors and patterns; priced <21 Q QS
very special at .tJ5As7»I/0
Axminster Rugs.
Values to $62.50 in 9x12 Seamless and
Seamed Axminster Rugs In blues, rose,
mulberry, greens, browns and tans;
all styles of patterns; priced <249
very special at ..
Velvets and Axminsters.
Values to $30.00 in 6x9 Seamless Velvets
and Axminster Rugs; choice <21 Q CPC
designs and colors; special ..
Wilton Rugs.
Values to $110.00 in high grade genuine
Wilton Rugs, fringed ends, in all wanted
shades such as taupe, mulberry, rose;
size 9x12 and 8:3x10:6; very <g£Q Kf|
special at.
High $095
In mahogany and ivory or
liluo ami ivory finishes; a
National chair.
Silk Stripe Shirtings
49c Yard
2.000 yards 32-inch Silk
Stripe Shirting; all desirable
colorings- a desirable quali
ty; special for one day.
A Record Sale Monday
$3.75 Canton Crepes, $2.45
3,000 yards Canton Crepe, extra heavy all
silk quality; full line of colors; also
black, regular $3.75 grade at, (PO A pT
per yard.tAv
$3.00 Plain and Fancy
Silks, $1.98
3,000 yards riain and Fancy Silks in one
great lot. The lot includes chiffons taf
fetas, printed crepes, heavy -crepe de
chines. 36 and 40 inches wide; fine range
of colors; values to $3.00; very <P1 QO
specially priced at .«PA»«70
Printed Crepes, $2.95
The new silk for spring In a wide selec
tion ot choice colorings, special QPC
at, per yard .
Satin Canton Crepe, $3.65
Our regular $3.00 quality; all colors in
cluding plenty of black, per (PQ /JfT
Everything New in Wash Fabrics—Priced Special for Monday
' The New French
Solid colors, 21 of the newest shades,
genuine French cloth, French dyed;
38 Inches wide; new sea- AH
son’s price, yard.V-i
The New Woven
The best of the sheer woven col
or materials; combinations of
color woven into checks and
small plaids; tub proof; 36 in.
wide; 50 new styles; bright and
spring like; new season’s nreie.
yard —
Buv McCall j&k Printed Patterns Plain Color Woven
:_ Jrf Crepe
The many purposes of this fine
fabric has multiplied many fold in
the last season: strictly washable
fast colors and 30 of the most bril
liant of oriental shades: 30-inch
material; new season's price,
special, yard .OeJC
Imported Ginghams
in Checks
the 32-ln. width; pretty color
combinations; small and medium
size cheeks in blue, red, yellow,
brown, green, hello, tan, etc. All
soft finish, lightweight and fast
mtors, yard —
Mcl nll l‘rint<il l-iitli rn ilO-MI
In Monday’s Sale
$33 Dinner Sole, $24.88
Regular Dinner Sets of fine
American semi - porcelain
ware: dainty floral spray ce
slgn In pink and white; gold
trmlmed: 100 pieces; open
stock pattern.
42-piece American China
Breakfast or Pinner Sets, In
pretty decorations, *12 val
ues; specail at . .... 99.50
4 2-piece *10.00 Dinner Set
$11.60 Dosen Hose Cut Ix>w
Sherbets; special Wednesday,
6 for.$3.00
$1.00 Glass Mixing: Bowls, set
of three .75c*
5c Pressed Water Tumblers, 6
for, special.20<*
25 Perorated French China
Bread and Butter Plates lOc*
5On l'lti n White Platter, spe
cially priced ai. 33c?
32-piece Plain White Dinner
Set, special at .$4.75
, Fourth Floor___. , ,-J
Wall Paper
5c k°ui
Parer for dining room*,
bedrooms, kitchens and
halls. Including stripes
and all-over patterns;
sold only with borders.
New Bedroom Paper* In
tlm newest effects In
cluding floral stripes,
satin stripes and chlnt* •
patterns; sold with bor
19c Roll
Heavy Kmbossed Tapestries, verduie and pastel colorings,
floral and acenlf design*, newest effects for living looms,
dinnig rooms and halls: largo assortment to choose from.
__ Fowrth Floor__