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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1923)
Let Omaha Bee “Want” Ads Guide You to the Road Which Leads to Better Results at. Lesser Cost Index to Want Ads ANNO! N CEMENT DEPARTMENT. Burial faults . 1 Curd of Thank* . 2 Cemeteries, Monuments . 3 Florists .*. 4 Funeral Directors . ft Funeral Notices . 0 Future Event* . 7 Isiat and Found . H Not lee* . 9* . 10 AUTOMOBILE DEPARTMENT. Auto Accessories, Tires . 11 Ante Agencies . 12 Autos For hale . 13 Autos to Fiichange . 14 Autos Wanted . 15 tiara res— Repairing . 10 Motorcycles. Bicycles . 17 Service Stations . 10 Tasl—livery . 19 Trucks, Tractor*. 20 BUSINESS SERVICE DEPT. Accountant*. Auditors . 21 Builder**. Contractors . 22 Dancing Academies .. 23 Detective Agencies .24 Insurance—All Kinds . 25 Moving. Storage . 25 Mllltner*, Dressmakers .....*.27 Painting. Papering . 28 Patent Attorneys . 29 Plumbing. Heating . 30 Printers. Engraver* .31 Profes»fonal Services . 32 Repairing . *3 Services Offered . 31 Tailoring. Pressing . 35 Wanted—Business Service . 30 EDUCATIONAL iiBr.lKTJIfi.M. Business Colleges ., *7 Correspondence Courses . 30 General Instmetlon . 39 Mnsleal. Hiinelng. Krumatlo . Tonis School. . Wanted—Instruction . EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. Fmplnjment Agencies .t3 Help Wanted—Krinala .t* Help Banted—Mole . «•> Help—Male or Female . Agents. Baleamen . Situations IVanled—Female . Situations Wonted—Mole. <9 FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT. Business Opportunities . Inreatment. ."J l.oans on Real Kata to.,.. Money to I.oan . “•* Wanted to Borrow . « LIVE STOCK DEPARTMENT. Bogs, Cats. Birds. Pet. . M Horses, Cottle. Vehicle* . »» Poultry and Suppllei. R7 Want'd—Live 8tnrk . 58 MERCHANDISE DEPARTMENT. Building Material . J" Clothing and Fur* . *" Fort and Feed .*■, tiood Thing, to Fat . Huusehnld tiood. ..’»'* .lewelry and Wntehe. . J! Machinery and Tool. . "•* Mlseellaneou. . Mn.leal In.trnmenta . Radio and Supplies . Seeds, riant.. Kertllfrer. .. «» Store and Office equipment . More Bpeelal. . ” Snap Colnm.. Wanted to Buy . RENTAL DEPARTMENT. Apt... Flat.. Kuriil.lied . ™ Apt... Flnts. 1 nfurnlshed . Farm* for Rent . •” Garage* *nd Barn. . ‘ Fnrni.hed . 1 nfurnlshed . ” office, and store. . Room and Board .. e Room., Fnrni.hed . ~ Room. Cnfornl.hed . Hoorn, for llon.ekeeplng . J* Wanted to Rent . J' Where to Fat .... Where to Stop In Omnlia . REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. Acreage Property . ,,, lln.lae*. Property . Farm, and Rnncheo .. lot. for Bale . Real F.tate— Benson . ”, Real Folate—Centra .. ■ ■ . J? Real F.tate—t ounell Bluff. . ” Rsal Fotote— Bunder . Real F.tate—Florence . J? Real F.tat* Misrellaneoaa .. Real F.tate—North . ” Real F.tate—South . ” Real F.tat«—Wet .. Ken I Fetate—Kyehange .J , Real F.tate—Wanted . Realtor* . ml Praekag. Property . BEE WANT AD RATES 15e per lino e«ch day. 1 nr ~ 12c per line each day. 3 to t> daya. l«e per line each day. 7 days or longer. The above rates apply exclusively to Want Ada which arc commonly termed •public wants ” and do not include adver tisements of individuals or concerns adver tising or exploiting their businesses. THE OMAHA BEE reserves the right \o designate what constitutes a public want. Want Ads accepted at the following hu'ln”office.17th and F»rn»m Fouth Omaha.. N. W. eor. 24th and N Sts. Council Bluffs.1® Scott St Telephone AT Untie 1000. Call for ‘'Want" Ad Department. An ex perienced ••Want” ad taker will receive your ad and a bill will be mailed later. The rat •« quoted above apply to either charge or cash orders. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition .11a‘ Tn* Morning Edition. 9 p.m. Sunday Edition.9 r. m. Saturday These rates apply to The Sunday Bee as well as to The Morning and Evening Bee. All week-day advertisements appear In both morning and evening editions at lha one cost. THe OMAHA MOBN'ING BEE. THE EVENING BEE. j ANNOUNCEMENTS I Hurial Vaults . 1 DISTINCTIVE features, aeq demonstration at factory. Automatic Sealing Concrete Burial Vault. Inaist upon your under* taker ualna no other. Fv»ry vault.stamp ed: watch for name on lid. 5Unitfmatured only bv the Omaha Concrete Burial \ aull Co., CIO N. *0th 8t.. Omaha. ('•rd of Thanks....• • • *_2 1C 15 want to thank our friends, the Scot tish Rite. Capital lodge A. F. & A. M. V.aatern Star and Scottish Rite Women * club of Omaha; alao the TU pillion lodge, x F. * A. M . for the courtesy and beau tiful flowers aant during the illnesr> and death of our belcved husband and father. MRS. H. BUHGDORI" MR. AND MRS CHRIS HANSEN. MR. AND MRS. ED LEVY. MR. AND MRS. WM St ’HEWE. MR. AND MRS. KNEUT JENSEN. MR. AND MRS. ED NltSWIUSS. MR. L. U. HyMPQJUV : ___I ANNOUNCEMENTS Card of Thank*. 5 , l CARD or THANK*. We wish to express our sincere thanks to j all those who were so kind to us In our | deep sorrow in the d*»ath of our darling toother and *rraa*<! mother and for the beautiful floral offerings. MRS. JOHN E. HOUSTON. THOMAS MT/k'SI.ANJ». CHARLES MV A U S L A N D. '_MRS. KURT. STEINER._ \Yh wish to thunk our many friends for their kindness and sympathy shown during tour recent sorrow in the loss of our lo\ ed ' i cm*. Also for the many beautiful floral ;* 1 ENTER N. NVOAARD. NELSON H. NYCJAARP _MR. A NO MRS. E. X. SHATTO. | ( Cemeteries, Monuments . 3 FOREST LAWN” North of City Limits. AU. revenues for perpetual cars and Im provements. Offices at cemetery and 1 7 2Q BrwnriHa Theater. | Florists . A LEELARMON^y^^V JoHN HATH 1x04 Farnam. JA. 1906. __ j. hknderson” jsoF Fa’rnam. ja. 12&*, Funeral Director** . 5 fTjTstack & CO., Omaha's best undertaking establishment. arrow AMBULANC E8hear vooC64 Thirty-third and Farnarn. Hoffmann Ambulance Service 24th and Podge Sla. ,)A. 3»01. HEAFEY"& HEAEEY, I’udertakers and Embnhners Phone HA. ^L!4.Office 2611 Famam. LARKIN BROTHERS," ! FfNERAI. DIRECTORS. 4313 SO. 24TH. HULSE & RIEPEN, i funeral Director,. 2324 ruining. JA 1224 (\ROS R Y-M00REv^3gr j Funeral Notices . 4; M I’.AVOCK—Mr.. Anna, aged- 70 • - j) Wednwday at l.ns Angelra, Pal Tie reased Is survived by si* daughters. Misses Sarah. Frances and 1,11a and Mrs. Elmer I it. < aId well Mini Mrs. George p. Thompson 1 of Los Angeles anti HieUr Mary Alexander of the Convent of Mercy, Omaha. | Funeral services Tuesday at 6:30 a. m.. from St. Horohmans academy, to St. Johna ; church at 9 a. m. Interment Holy Sepul i ‘ ber cemetery. Mrs. McGavock was the widow of the lata Alexander McGavock. • Lost and Found . 8 . LOST—Traveling bag. tan, between 54th tTnd .Marry anti Wellington Inn; reward , Inquire AT. 0380, a::y time during the week, or Sunday noon. T E L EPIIOX E~A TLA N TIC 1 000. and dictate yuur “Want” Ad to The Oma lia Bop. Each advertisement will receive , | prompt and careful attention. ! HOG—-English bull dog lost Wednesday 1 i Reward. AT. 8600. | IHiACK suitcase—Lost at Union depot, 1 9:30 Thursday morning. Reward KE. 5655. : I SPOTTED pony about 500 lbs.. strayed . [ from S. 32d._Phone Har. 6030. Personals . 10 THE SALVATION Army tnduetrlal home soiirits ><»ur old clothing, furniture, maga* i 7.1nee We collect. We distribute Phone , JA. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110.1112-1114 1 Hodge street. TO TELEPHONE YotjR ' • WANT” AD Call AT. 1000 ami ask for a “Want*8 Ad taker. THEATRICAL historical masque costumes, for plays and parties, at Lieten's, Omaha. AUTOMOBILES , Autos for Sal© . 13 C'A DILLAC p USED CAR DEPARTMENT. A SAFE PI.CE TO BUT. [ Cadillac—Type 63—Tourtn*. Looks Ilka new, new paint, good tire*, wire wheels. This rar has just been overhauled, in fine condition, and will give the same service as a new car. Cadillac—Type 67—Touring New paint, all good tiros. This car has just been rebuilt and nill give excellent service and satisfaction. Cadillac.—51—Roadster. Like new, new paint. tires gpo«l us new. Recently re newed. When you think of spending any money for a used car, think of A SAFE PLACE TO BIT, and satisfaction will be yours, If you buy from the J. If. HANSEN CADILLAC CO., Farnam at 26th St. USED CAR. One Oldsmobile, 8-cyl.. new paint.9ton one Hupmobile, model R. 386 One Dodge Touring, J 918. 260 One Scripps Booth .. .100 t'ne Chevrolet F. A. Roadster. 226 One Oakland Tour.. 1920. new paint 326 ANDREW MURPHY & SON. 14th and Jackton. AT. 4411. NEW AND USED CARS AT A BARGAIN Ford care and trucks. 960 and up. Ford bodies and winter tops. Cara sold on terms to reliable parties. GOLDSTROM Al'TO SALES CO. Central Garage. Open Day and Night. 1118 Harney Street. __ JA. JU68. , SOME bargains in used Fords; prompt delivery of new Fords. MXAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Service Station, [ liUi end Jackses St* AT. TUI. < AUTOMOBILES Autos for Sale . 13 NEW and uaed Fords, ca»h or tarma, C. B. PAUt.SON MOTOR CO„ Authorised Ford and Lincoln Dealers. 50th and Ames Ave.Kff. 0146. USED CARS. O. N. Bonney Motor Co., 2354 Farnam. M A KM ON’ "cOUPK- 1 920 model. neWly painted, first class condition. HA. 1837, evenings, WA. 1511._ _ USED tars that «*an b© used. NEBRASKA OLEfSMOBILE CO.. Howard at 18th. At. 177J). USED FoTd pans at half price. Parts for all standard make cars. Neb. Auto Parts. 1016 Harney St. __ USED cars that can be used. Neb Olds mobile 18th Howard._ FORD touring, 1919, excellent shape, $169. WA. 5645.__ _^_• ,1921 DODGE COUPE, good condition, $&7.-.. 271 2_Redick Ave . KE. 4043._ REO speed wagon ffcr immediate sale. 2592 Drexei street, South Bldg._ FORD touring for sale. 1919; good condi tion. $125. MA, 0498._ HOLLY, expert autojrlimner 812^8. ?4th. Garage*—Repairing: . 16 FOR A-l auto painting, drive to PFEIF FER’S SHOP, 2525 Leavenworth, 35 yrs. experience. | BUSINESS SERVICE Builders, Contractors .23 let us give you an estimate on that re modeling job. Store fronts and fixtures our specialty. Reference furnished. CAMPBELL & CO. Harney 2919. _ CJARAOUS built any style and size. $100 up. Concrete work. Mlcklln Lumber and Wreckinj? Co- Tel.^VK. 6555. Dsnring Academies .. .jj 23 LEARN to dance for $4 at KEEP’S 1918 Farnam. Classes Mon., Wed. and FrL nights. Dancing Tue^, Thors, Sat. and Sun rights. Private lessons by appolnt ments. JA. 5470, _ Detective Agencies .ft' ‘ ‘ RELIABLE Detectin' Bureau. Sunderland Bldg.. Ja. 2056; night. Ke. 3812. __ JAMES ALLAN. 312 Nevlll, BIk. Evldtnc, secured In all r,,es._ AT. 1136. Moving, Storage .. 26 ESTIMATE furn. on packing, mov. and storing Contracts taken by Job or hour. C’.lobs Van A Storage Co. JA. 4338, AT. 0230. Uroaaman A Sons, ownera._•_ Moving—Pacatng—Storage. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse & Van Co. 21, N 11th St. Phona JA. 3032. _ BE KINS OMAHA VAN * STORAGE. 18th and Leavenworth Sta. Packing, mov Ing. atorage. shipping .1 .V. 4163._ Milliners. Dressmakers .27 REVVING—PLAIN, CJIILLREN’S A SPE CIAt. TV. CALI. WA. 2 336._ Lit ESS M A KING—EXPERIENCED. CALL 11A. 5030, 1717 PARK AVF.._ CUTTING, fitting and designing dreaaea at reasonable pricew.^WA. 5420._ Tainting. Tapering . 28 PLASTER1NO and cement work; also pa perhanging anil painting. V' E. ^419._ PAINTING and paperhanglng. A reliable contractor. E. J. Thorton. WA._0819._ Tatent Attorneys . 29 PATENTS. Procured. Send sketch or mode! today for examination, prompt report and ad vice. Nr, charge* for preliminary advice. W rit a for frcA booklet and blank form on which to disclose your Idea. Highest references. promptness assured. * lar oncH A O’Brien, registered patent l*w>er. 854 Southern Ruilding. Washington, D. C. J. W. MARTIN. Patent Attorney, 1712 Dodge, room 209. Also Washington, D. C. I help inventors sell their Printers, Engravers .31 HDD y”~Prlntlng_Co.. 212_S. llSt_JA_6058 Professional Services ..- • • DENTAL X-ray 60c each; 13 full set 619 Securities Rldg.. 16th snd Farnam. PRESCRIPTIONS carefull/^compounded at tha 6 Sherman A McConnell Drug Btorea. FLOOlT SANDING—New and old floora aanded. Henry Longwell. WA. 2927. Services Offered . 31 CONFIDENTIAL. Thera la & Nebraska corporation In Omaha who acte as confidential agent for re sponsible parties desiring Information or assistance, but not requiring service of a private detective. Call dajs, AT. 3039; nights, HA. 7422._ ACCORDION’ SIDE, knife, boa pleating, covered buttons, all styles: hemstitching, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button A Pi«at tng Co., 308 Brown Block. Omaha. Neb. Telephone JA. 1936. _ NEBRASKA PLEATING. Hemetltchlng, Covered Buttone. 1106 Farnam. eccond floor. Ja 6670. OMAHA PILLOW CO—Fea t hers ren. ovated and made up In new feather proof ticking. 1907 Cuming. JA. 2467._ FILMS DEVELOPED ]FREE.’ The Ensign Co., 1607 Howard St. EDUCATIONAL Bufiine** Colleges .37 EX P E KILN CED comptometer operators are always tn demand. If you a rtf not ad operator an eight weeks’ course In the Comptometer school will fit you to hold one of these desirable positions that are always open. If you must work, why not prepare so that you will get the moat for your time? Let us tell you about our day and evening classes. COMPTOMETER SCHOOL. 100 Courtney BIk. “The school that Graduates Experts." DAT 8CHOUL-^NIGHT 8CHOOH Complete courses in accountancy, machine bookkeeping, comptometrv, shorthand snd typewriting, railroad and wireless teleg raphy civil service end all English and commercial branches. Write. call or phone Jackson 166S for large Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. _Boyles Bldg, Omaha. Neb._ van7ant school of’busin was! S E Cor Nineteenth and Douglas. JA_6390. Correspondence Courses .38 ELECTRICITY taught by experts. Earn while >ou learn at home F.lectrlcaT book and proof leesone free. Satisfaction guar anteed and position secured. Write to Chief Engineer Cooke, 2148 Lawrence Ave , Chicago. EDUCATIONAL 1_ General Instruction .89 civ jL service examination Feb.—March. ! Clerkships $120 monthly. Experience un . necessary. For free list positions now ! open, write J. Pavie (former Civil Bsrv i ice examiner), 909 Fleming Bldg. Wash ington, P. C. MEN—18 to 35. Become railroad mail clerks. Commence $1,600 year. Common education sufficient. Specimen examtna i tlon questions free Write immediately. > Franklin Institute, Pept. 316 T. Rochester, N. Y. _ ; MEN wanted to qualify for firemen, brake men; also colored sleeping car and train porters Experience unnecessary. Trans portation furnished. Writs W. Boggeea, | Supt., St. Louis. I TYPISTS—Earn $25-1100 weekly, spare time, copying authors, manuscripts. Writs | R. J. Carnes, authors’ agent, Tallapoosa, ' Ga., for particulars. , MEN wanting railway station offics posl j tions with transportation furnished, ex perience unnecessary, write quick. Baker, I Supt. Dept. GO. Wainwright. fit. I-oule. j BE a detective, $50-$100 weekly; travel over world; experience unnecessary j American Detective Agency, 719 Lucas, ! St. Louis, MEN—Age 17 to 56. Experience unneces sary. Travel: make secret Investigations, reports. Salaries: expenses. American ta>r j otgn Detective Agency, 475 St. Louis. j MEN wanted for detective work. Experi ence unnecessary. Write J. Ganor, former , gov't Detective. St. I.ouia. Musiral, Dancing. Dramatic.40 USB THE TELEPHONE^ cafl Atlantic 1000 and telephone your "Want" Ail to The Omaha Bee. Remem ber, Omaha Bee "Want" Ads brio* bet ter results at lesser cost. _ ' MUStC, French or German lessen, tn ex change lor room, by refined foreign lady. Phono AT. 3507._ ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voica and piano. r.flU Karbarh Blit_,TA. 1041. Trade Schools .41 WANTED—Men, ladies and boys to learn barber trade: big demand: wagea while learning: strictly modern. Cell or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Olty Barber College. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th St. Write for catalog. ) EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted—Female .'44 6 O O OOOOOOOO0 00 00ooooooooo 0 s o o o g o n o o 2 ° 2 ! o 2 to . 2 q 69 © C ° o We 310 putting in 69 n»w power O O machines in our Mina Taylor lives# O O Department and want experienced O O operator* and learners to dt» plain O O stitching work. O O _ o O Ideal working conditions and O O needy employment. Experienced O O operators earn good money. Apply O O to 5 ° 2 ° 2 o ° o M E. SMITH A CO. O O 9 O Ninth and Douglas. O O 2 © 2 o 2 © 2 ° 2 ° 2 o o OOOOOOOO00ooooooooooooo^o * nnMONSTR ATORS, neat appearing; good ] wag**- High-class toilet articles. To work in home town. Nebraska or Iowa Muat be able to produce results tn house-to houae work and arrange with druggists to deliver order*. Rox W-908, Omaha Dee. _ SALESLADY. WORK FURNISHED FREE FOR ALL. TYPES OF WORK EMPLOYERS' FREE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. j 1911 Harney street._AT. 636?. HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Middle aged woman to take charge of motherless home hn farm. Widower and two boys. Per manent home for right party. Address Y-2186, Omaha He*. __ GIRT* wanted. Ambitious girl# t# take business or music course. Work way do ing housework. Will glv# room, board and small salary. Paterson Institute, La Grange. 111. __________ AT ONCE—Capable women to demonstrate and sell dealers: $25 to $69 per week; part traveling expenses paid. Write Goodrich Drug Co.. Dept 198A, Omaha. Neb._ EIGHT 7o~12~Veeks prepares you for a fine office position. Call AT. 777$ ®r write American College. 1913 Farnam,_ LADIES WANTED—To Sell Darn E. Z. in city. Good commission. C. A. Ran dall, Maxwell, la._ IlOUSEWOKKER—White girl for gener al housework; good wages. WA. 245B. Help Wanted—Male .^ PLASTERER, MACHINIST, FURNITURE FINISHER. CABINET MAKER. EMPLOYERS* FREE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, ' till Harney Street. AT. 5562 LARGE eastern manufacturer will con consider a few men between the ages of 20 and 30, clean cut with good record and sale* ability. Will train you If you I pns*es the qualities required in our work. Married men preferred. Apply 9:30 Mon day a. m. 512 Crounae Block. MEN —190 weekly. Travel by auto and install new stove convertor In every home. Wonderful Invention. Cook and bake all year without coal or wood. No gas or electricity needed. Alao free auto of fer. Thomas Mfg. Co., Convertor 1928, Dayton, O.__ 1 MEN—Make money in your spare time. Easy to make fl to 82 an hour by fol | lowing our Instruct lone No money or ex- ; i parlance necessary. Write today for par ticulars Coals nothing to Investigate. American Products Co., 8200 American# ' Bldg., Cincinnati. O. I YOUNli mbs;. Tf yea era looking for position wjth future, are 19 to 26 years and have i had some high school training. Call aft ernoons after 1 o'clock at Room 301 Lef lang Bldg . Mr. Frost. I SENIOR accountant wanted by large, na tionally known accounting firm; give full details of experience and other qualifica tions in fir«t letter. Experienced men only , need apply. Box W-909, Omaha Bee AIKN-PHi;E COAL. ' For a few houra spare time .Write today, Peoples Coal Co. 1 11.0 W. 36th St.. Dept 13, Chicago. EMPLOYMENT Help 45 SHIRT manufacturer wants agent* to aell shirtb direct to wearer. Earn big money. Bo your own boas. No experience or capi tal required. Write for free samples. Madison Mills. B07 Broadway. N. Y. SALES supervisor needed immediately every town. $40 up weekly. Food products. Extraordinary proposition. Washington company, 6865 Bust Building, Tacoina, Wash. FOREMAN WANTED—Experienced fore man for loose leaf bindery, state salary and give references. Western Tablet & stationary Co., St. Joseph, Mo._ MAN wanted. An experienced man to take charge of real estate loan depart ment. Give experience, qualification* and references. Address W-906* Omaha Bee. MEN—to silver mirrors, refinlah -reflec tors, chandeliers, beds, autos, by new method We start you without capital. Write Gunmetal Co., 137 Ohl, Decatur, III. Help—Male or Female .46 SOLICITORS—Good proposition to work er*. Omaha and surrounding town*. 3C9 Leflang B l dg. WANTED—Experienced pattern maker. Apply Griffon WrV>eel Co., Council Bluffs I Agents, Salesmen .47 * .SALESMAN—An unusual opportunity for salesman with successful selling record, who can finance himself. We prefer a man with experience in selling bakery equipment. We manufacture the only all automatic doughnut machine on the mar ket. Our products are used and endorsed by the leading firms in the industry. Our salesmen who pioneered on our products , are with us now. Commissions are lib eral. Give age, experience and references In first letter. Doughnut Machine Cor poration. 1170 Broadway, New York. SALESMEN WANTED? An established knitting mill with repu tation of making best sweaters in this country wishes sales representative in Omaha and vicinity. Ten per cent com 1 missions on all orders from territory. Only six samples absolutely necessary. No ap plications considered unless names of all other firms represented are given. Must have successful sales record. Write full detailed particulars. Ths Great Lakes Knitting Company, 120$ N. Clark St., Chicago. ! SALESMEN—At last, world's greatest adding machine. Almost human, retails $15, work equals $300 machine; $500 monthly easily mide, demonstrating to stores, offices, garages, factories; simple, easy, adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides automatically Speedy, accurate, durable, handsome; five-year guarantee. Tretnen doua demand; amazing profits. Liberal trial offer. Protected territory. Write quick. Lightning Calculator Co., Dept# 1*9, Grand Rapids. Mich. AGJENTS—-NO DILL TIMES SELLING FOOIX People must eat. Federal distributors make big money; $3,000 yearly and up. No capital or experience needed; guar anteed oalen; unsold goods may be ra tuniad. Tour name on package# builds your own business. Free samples to con sumers. Repeat orders sure; exclusive territory. Ask now! Federal Pure Food Co., 2335 Archer, Chicago._' AGENTS; No matter you are now selling, get. car 1923 Early Spring propo sition. Groat hosiery line 67 styles. 27 shades: 7 pairs guaranteed 7 months. You simply book orders. We deliver and collect. $5 to $15 daily easy, paid dally*. Outfit furnished, all styles including ellkn. Wonderful introductory premium offer to new customers. Mac-O-Chee Mills Co. Suite *73*. Cincinnati, Ohio. AGENTS—-Men and hoys everywhere are making big money distributing free sam ples, almanacs, etc., and ai tacking signs in sr*re or full time. No selling. No capital or experiejji-e necessary. Write (enclosing sliver dime to keep out curi osity seekers) for contract and informa tion to American Advertising Associa tion, File 15, 1648 Lunt avenue, Chicago, I IT. SALESMEN or cx-merchants to sell un equalled specialty, tremendous in its pos sibilities and powerful In Us appeal. Ex perience unnecessary A vast field of good prospects are absolutely In need of It. Men earning from $500 to $1,200 com missions pre month. We want, only big men willing to work. State age and ex perience. Factory, 6921 Colfax, Cleve land, O. SALESMEN—A high-grade manufacturing firm has a splendid territory In Nebras ka. with Omaha as headquarters, for a high-grade specialty salesman. One with car preferred, who can begin work soon as satisfactory arrangements are com pleted. Address R. y. Bowser and com pnay, 1103 Davidson btUlding, 17th and Main streets, Kansas City, Mo. COAL AGENCY OPPORTUNITY. U 00,000 long cut ablt shed, successful wholesale coal corporation making all shipments direct from mines at lowest prices, offers exclusive agency outside of Omaha. Small working capital necessary. Money making possibilities unlimited. Ex perience unnecessary. Boylston Coal Co., 3675 Racine. Chicago. SALESMAN WANTED TO COVER STATE OF IOWA OR NEBRASKA FOR MANU FACTURER OF CURTAINS. CURTAIN MATERIALS. DRESSER SCARFS AND COVERS. PLAIN. EMBROIDERED AND NOVELTY PILLOW CASES. M. I. CO. 16 WEST 21ST STREET. NEW YORK CiTY.__ AO ENTS—$104 in cash for your first month® work. No money required, no merchandise to buy. No heavy sample case to carry. Men and women wanted everywhere to distribute free advertis ing circulars and appoint local agents. Write Elenora Laboratories, 2301 Normal Dlvd., Chicago. _ | AGENTS—We start you In business, fur nishing everything; men and women op portunity lifetime to earn $30 to $100 weekly operating our "New' System Spe cialty Candy Factories" home or small room anywhere. Valuable candy book free. W. Hillyer Ragsdale, Drawer 134, East Orange. N. J. SALESMEN—Want educated, well dress ed. aggressive gentleman to organize branch of International club Wonderful work, commission basis. Right man $400 $0.00 month. Give age, experience, flnaji Cal - condition and references or no at tention. George R. Monk, 210 llearst Bldg . San Francisco. ME R C H A N D18 H—si* iVsn i en wanted, high class capable of selling quality merchan dise to the farmer, ranchman, restaurants and hotels: must be able to produce and furnish satisfactory reference. Only those who have cars and are capable of earning good money need apply. WILLIAM8-MURPHY CO., Omaha. AGENTS—stop working for other*. 9o Into business for yourself. Make and sell your own goods. By our system It's easy. Opportunity to make $100 to $600 week ly. Writs Immediately for free book which i explains everything NaUl Scientific I Labs. 217 Monroe. Richmond. Vs. AGENTS—Million dollar business, nation- J ally known, wants one man to take | charge each county, selling 76 famous household necessities. Sure-shot selling plan with free gift makes sales easy. W Izard Products Co., 1440 W. 37th *>t.. < ’hlrago. AGENTS—Wanted, aoap agents lo nell our 160 product* No money required. Write , Linro company, Dept. 312, St. Louis, Mo. , EMPLOYMENT Agents, Salesmen . 4< HAX.F.SM FIN—TsJlorsd, anappi-»t. dlfscl to wearer line on earth. Virgin wool, custom tailored suits, $28. Big rommls njons. Representative* ars furnished a high grade tailoring ahop in one elabor ate case. Hoiut of Campbell, 456 S. State, Chicago._ SALESMEN—Traveling salesmen cash in big on our staple deal. Sells to mer chant, $6.75. Retails $20 40. Salesmen easily earn $20 to $30 dally, main or aide line Pocket samples. Write quick. Universal Products Company, Memphis, Tenn. AGENTS—$6 to "$Ta dally easy; 350 light weight, fa-R selling, popular priced ne cessities; food flavors, perfumes, soaps, toilet preparations, etc. Agent's outfit free. Write today, quick, now. Amer ican Products Co., 8199 American Bldg., Cincinnati,_O. ___ AGENTS—The oldest, best known agency house In this country wants you to sell their extensively advertised line of guar anteed hose. Big price reductions. New sample outfits of pairs free $48 to $60 weekly easy. Thomas Mfg- Co., Mill 1628, Dayton, O.__ SALESMEN—Calling on garages ana serv ice stations; can make $60 or more per week on the side handling our new pat ented article; sells at sight. Pocket sam ple free; commission, 25 per cent, paid on receipt of orders. Address J>ock Box 612. Clinton. Ta^___ • MANCFACTUREH S agent wanted. To call ou Jobbers in Omaha district. Com mission basis. Line of hickory axe and tool handles. JAMES L. STICK HANDLE MFO. CO.. Fayetteville, Ark." WILL sell all or half interest in my butcher business. The best, new furniture on the market. Town 1.200. Located in good locality. Rest location in town. Yearly business $20,000. Address Box Y 2125. Omaha Bee. AGENTS—Tailoring salesmen wanted. Greatest selection all wool materials men's tailor-made suits worth $50. You sell for $29. One price only. Big profits. Swatch sample line ready. L. A C. Tailoring Co., 600 Barium Bldg . Detroit, Mich. WE HAVE city territoriea open for live hustlers. Pay $30 to $75 weekly. In vestigate this offer! Particulars and valuable samples free. XVrit® today. J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. S6-B, Winona, Minn._ __ SALESMEN—Tf you want $6,000 this year, write now. Strong line for retail stores. Nationally advertised; established concern. Liberal weekly advances to pro ducer. The Continental Company, 1$20 Euclid, Cleveland. O.. I>ept. 301. AGENTS—We will pay you to distribute religious literature in >our community. Steady \ynrk. Men or woman. Experi ence uncesaary. Act quickly. Universal Blbto House, Philadelphia. SALESMAN—Sideline m* n making small towns. New idea; no sale; no collection; no samples tb carry; $5 commission paid cn each trial ordef taken. State line car ried and territo!"* covered. Keeney &. 8orm Co., 700 F 40th street. Chicago AGENTS—Candy muking business. W# start you. Home, or anywhere. Furnish ing everything. We buy your candy. Big pay. L’xpefiene* unnecessary. Men and women. Camly^»Akers Co. Philadelphia, Pa. __ AG ENI^S—A business of your own. Make sparkling glass name plates, numbers, checkerboards, medallions, signs; big il lustrated book Free. E. Palmar, 5 80 Wooster. O. SALESMEN—Sell men's made to-measurs suits (union mada) Snappy style*, wool en* bought before advances Want pro ducing agent*. Spring swatch line raady. Leed s Woolen Mills, Chicago. GENERAL merchandise store in south western Nebraska town of 260 population. $3,590 stock; did $lx.noo business la*t \«ar; eninlt rental Cash or terms. Ad dress Y-21S3. Omaha Bee. AGENTS—$1.50 an hour selling kerosene lciYip burner. Genrtrates large white flame. Smokeless, udorlejt* Quick sales. Securk territory now. Vapollts Co, Dept. 3R4. Toledo. O._ _ AGENTS—Everybody •■ats; $59 weekly In troducing Mother Hubbard foods, direct to consumer, $169 worth of goods free; also free outfit. Adam Inthout, 656 Con gross, Chicago. AGENTS—Clean up this year. Wonderful new fast seller. Goes like wild fire. Enor mous profits. Write quirk. Free particu lars. Mission Co., 2421 Smith, Detroit, Mich. _ __ SJALETSMAN— Reliable manufacturer wares experienced knit goods salesman for N> hraska. to carry ‘2 to 4 high-grade men s sweaters on commission. A. J. Mantle], 1220 W. 6th St.. Cleveland, O. . SALESMEN—Make extra money easily. Sell our accident and alckness policies In your spare time $5,000 death; $25 weekly benefit for $10 yearly. Address Undorwrlters. Dept. 162, Newark, N. .T. A GENT s—R epre sent the ‘'Style Craft Quality Ho»e.” In your town. Exclusive territory. Tart or full time. Write ns today. Style Clraft Hosiery Co., 412 S. Wells street. Chicago. SALESMAN—To sell on the side our ex clusive lino of specialty floor coverings to the furniture and department stores. Rox 3402. Philadelphia. P».__ AOENTS-^NKW invention; reduces gas hills B0 per cent; big money for Bfents. AVrite quick. Allied Products Co, Box 86^1, Waterloo. Ta._,_ l.OCAI, manager wanted In each county for outdoor advertising. Big pay. Whole or spare time. No expen^ncf required. S. Meyer. 211 Seventh, Louisville, Ky. EXPERIENCED salesman wanted Won derful opportunity for right parties. Ap ply Room 211. Leflang Bldg, between 10 a. m. and B p. in. SALESMAN wanted to handl* complete lino of shipping tags, on commission basis. SAMUEL CCPPLKS ENVELOPE CO., __C HICAGO. ILL._ CITY salesman for retail trade only; must have experience and give reference. Call at room 407 Wellington Inn for personal Interview Saturday o** Sunday. AGENTS—$3 an hour. Newest kltrhcn tool Every woman us**s 20 times dally Easy sellnr. Big profits Sample free. Thomas Mfg. Co., 770 Drew. Dayton, f >. ROOMING HOUSE—For sale; steam heat |d, good Irfrome. JA. 3606. BAKERY for . n: mediate sale. Write D<>\ 32. Chappell. Neb. __ Situation* Wanted—Male . 49 YOUNG man want# position th«t would enable him to go to school. Addre#s W 648, Omaha Bee. _FINANCIAL : Rusinebs Opporiunities . 50 Kt RNJTl KE ~A N~1D UNDKRTAK(NO - Town 1.000, north central Iowa, two rail roads. good territory, store on Main street, t'arry nice line house furnishing* and un dertaking supplies, have hears** and enjoy good business—fine opening for llcenn* *1 embaltner Deal direct About $10,000 com plete. Address, Y 2X17, Un.aUs flee. _____l FINANCIAL_ Business Opportunities . M i ooo oooooooooooooooooooooo o ° o . 0 o THIS SHOULD O O ° o INTEREST TOU. O O O dVould you like to enter * buel- O O neu that haa a rontinuoua build- O O i ng future to U end Is not afrorte<1 O O bv depression, affording a net In- O O come from 1-dO upward! weekly? O o , i o Requires to »4.ft00^ tnv«at- O O merit controlled by you. No brok- O O ers; principals only. Rljld lnves- O O tlgatlon invited Phon<* R. M. At- O O kinson. Room 608. Fontenell* hotel. O O for appointment. Quick action nec- O O essary. Offer limited. ° % ° I.AUNDRT—In county scat town «,00°. rent new modern building. $55 per month, good lease, equipment nearly new. T^arge territory, 15 agencies and auto route# es tablished. Mr manager is lb. will N very easy terms. Address Y-..18S, Omaha Bee._ MAKE Vary dollars work for you. If you can save and Invest $1 or more aach month, send for free copy of book. In dependence,” and learn how a l*''1* money can make wealth. R. R- Owen Co . 021 F street, Washington, P. COUNTY <»r state agent wanted for meri torious article with unlimited field, an immediate marke*. no competition. Must financially responsible. Lsch Manu facturing Corp., 117 East l*9th f5t.« Now York City._ _ Tk Toui want to sell, exchange or buy a business or property send full description end price. No commission charged. Big market Terry Allen, Bankers Trust Bldg., Little Rock, Ark._ _ IF you have" about $500 and are looking , for a high class connection with respon sible established company, with possibil ities up to $10,000 yearly, write Scott, 8 West Washington street. Chicago_ JFK business, together with building, tools, wagons, trucks and complete outfit Including 60.000 tons ice in house. Am retiring account old age, 2 4 years here in town 0,000. Address Y-21Sf, Omaha Bee. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEW INC.. 638 Ke.elins Bhlg.__ WANTED TO BUY—Men » furnishing goods store, in good near town. Must be clean stock and bargain. Address Y-2181, ! The Omaha Bee._ $60 TO In no weekly profits secured with Investments $200 to $500. Dept. 14, Paul Kaye, 149 Bvoaclway. New York. __ MONEY to loan on farms and Omaha real estate. MYERS & RAINBOLT CO., I 4 24 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., JA, 0746.__ STRAIGHT 6-year loans. 8 >4 per cent. AMOS GRANT CO., 201 9. 18th. Arthur Bldg AT. 8380. LoW rate on city nroperty; quickly closed. No monthly payments. JA. 1633. W. T. GRAHAM. OMAHA HOM Ed-—EAST NEB. FARMS. O’KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO . 1016 Oqj. Nat. Bk. Bldg. JA. 27T8. $100 TO $10,000 loans made promptly. F. D. WE AD and D. H. BOWMAN. 310 9. 18th St. JVead_ Bldg. AT. 0151. PARTNER wanted to Invest $500 m wom en's specialty shop. Address W-942* The Omaha Bee. _ FIRST mortgage loons made promptly on Omaha real estate. Shopen A Co., Real tors. JA. 4228. 236 Keellne Bldg. FARM LOANS. Large or small. West N^b. farms, ranches. Kloke Investment Co., 845 Om. Nat. Bk. G A R\ IN’ BROS 64 5 Omaha Nat. Bldg. ON IMP. PROPERTY. NO DELAY. Investments .51 MORTGAGES FUR SALE. $10,000 Nebraska mortgage, dua three > ears. 7 per cent, price fe.600. $16,000 Nebraska mortgage du« two years, 6 per cent, price, $13,000. $750 Nebraska mortgage, duo three years, 7 per cent, price, $700. E. J. Cork IN. 919 Omaha National. c,\SH paid f r :’d mortgage* on Omaha property. F. c Horacek Ar Co., 640 1st Nat’i. Bank Bldg AT. 3531._ I. H. MITHEN pays most for LIBERTY BONDS, 921 City Nat. Bank Bldg_ I .(»ans on Real Estate .52 REAL ESTATE EGANS. 1*4 fer cent. Orl residence nr downtown busi ness property for five yean. Also ten to fifteen-year loans on old or to be built houses and apartment* at 6 per cent. Princi pal reduction 3 per cent every six months, together with Interest, Prompt aervlce, reasonable charge. UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, Affiliated With UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK. JA. 2111. 6 PER CENT money. Under banker* re serve system. 6 per cent loans may be secured on city or farm property, to buy, build. Improve, or pay Indebtedness. Bank er* Reserve Deposit Co., 1648 California 8t , Denver, Colo. _ Money to lioan ..53 DO YOU NEED MONEY ? 10—60—76—-100—200—£>00 DOLLARS or any other amount at legal rates. No publicity, easy payments. Thirty year* tn business OMAHA tOArt COMPANY. 606 Karbacb Blk. Tel. JA. 2294 Southeast Cor. 15th and_Douglas Sts. COX Co.; loans 96 and up on wages, cars and furniture; confidential; 26 yra. estab. 812 World-Herald Bldg. JA. 2298. ) LIVE STOCK_ Do**, Cal*. Bird*. Pel*...55 THOROUGH BRED police dog pu Male* 935, females $:5. Fetllgreed. 2424 So. 1 fttb. PUPS—PF.Dit4REICD D< >8TON BULL AB1 K1 Fhuroughbrkd pedigreed puLXck DOG. JA 6064. LIVE STOCK Horse*. < attle. Vehicles .M MARNKSH. the beat, that ceo be mede, sj f rat coal. Wo malm 'ham "»'■ > amt eall them direct to the farmer" Har ness 'front %lo to «»10. Alfred Corhtab. inn I.-arn»ni_st . Omaha, Not)-__ 60# BI.ACK faced bred tro *™ lered Shorablro bucks t» larabe In Mey. Pall In lota, alfalfa seed lbc ftiunt Joh neon La ft rt Co, Saward^JSr b. Sows—S.i young aowa. lao will farrow In March. MA. 178P—F-< HORSE—Good work horse, 7 yeai» old. for gale MA 1772-F ^ | [ Poultry and Supplies .57 WHElrTc-reenlns. *'« r” 1°° K% ^ W. Wagner, 80i No, 16th fct. JA. 1 MERCHANDISE | Clothing and Fur* . .A'* BARGAIN—Situ 11 airs army crerroat, A-t, condition, *6; raincoat, $1; ,-burn.r *aa oven. 62. 2683 Harney 8t . AT. 0431._ FULirr.RB88“Silt. and Tuxedos for rent jA. 3128. 104 N. l«tb Street. .T. Feldman* ARMY «hor> J2 to 701 No 16th Household Goods *.* .**, 6.1 LOWEST “WANT" AD RATES ; In Omaha. Telephone your “Want" A* to AT. 1000 and secure better results at leaser cost. EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICHELS. .... 18th and Harney^_ AT. 41*?^ FURNITURE AT AUCTION Tonight and Tomorrow Afternoon. DOWDS AUCTION HOUSE. RUGS—4 rugs. new linoleum, washlnj machine. '287 2 ‘lass. HA. 0180,_ 1?ANG E—KITCH0N, GOOD CONDITION], WA. 3520.______ SEWING rite , good eon., bicycle. WA, 0069. * ___ __ Jewelry and Watches .64 DIAMONDS. * | We pay the best prices with privilege to buy back at email profit. GROSS JEW ELRY (JO., Omaha, Neb., 403 N. 16th St. Telephone Ja. 604_ ^ Machinery and Tools .6.% 30-INCH new Eureka paper cutter with two knives, good condition, 6»>0. AT. 3278. I 483 Brandois Thca»er_Bldg._ ^ Miscellaneous . ! POPCORN*—Japanese* hull-less; lees than market price. Phone WE. 6500. 3106 N. 24th_St.___ TRADE your used piano on a new piayvr piano Ralane« as low as 61" per month. \ HOSPB CO. 1613 Douglas._ _ POPCORN—Japanese, hull-less. Less’ tliaii market price. Phone We. 6600. 1106 N. 24. KINDLING, sawdu t, shavings for sale. Hr ad ford-Kennedy Co . phone JA. 6740. BICYCLE for -ale. cheap; 1304 No. 24th street. WE 9 KINDLING FOR BAD! A Musical Instruments .H7 VIOLIN, import* 125. Call 1IA. 12 7 0.___ •UPRIGHT piano eml bed for sale. 3418 | t Jj t1 _l r A -- fj.L4 n Semis, Plants, Fertilizers. I® I FRUIT tree*, ever bearing raspberries, ever-boaring #tra wherries, thornless blackberries. grapes, small . fruit plants, rosea, flowering shrubs; everything for fruit grower and farmer, wholesale price-* | Co Vo red twit u log free. Alexander Nurst-r I i*»s, McClure, 111 j Store and Office Equipment . 70 W*1LL t rade auto transfer, moving busi ness. established IF. years in Ornalia, for other business or 61,500, Address b-118, The Omaha He-'. HANP1SK T1 TELEPHONE "ATLANTIC 1000 and ask fur a “Want" Ad taker. Re* member Omaha Bee "W,ant" Ada blind better results at. leaser coat. WE BUY, sell safe, make d'-’ska. ehow cas a, etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co.( i w. corner 1J t h_*nd _Pouglae. JA. 2724. Swap Column .7? NO RWAP—NO PAY! NO SWAP—NO PAY l Dispose of the thing* you have for the articles you want through a three line "Want" Ad In.this column. Run It three days. A box Dumber will be sup plied and ' the replies will coma to our office first. Tou, In turn, may call for them. If you swap, * bill will be sent to you at our regular rates. If no swap is mad*, no MU will be sent. Remember—NO SWAP—NO FAY. This offer Is good only In Omaha and excludes all business ads. Business "Want" Ads In this column will bo charged our regular rates. Th'fl proposition t* offered merely as a service to our readers and to Increase the interest in the rapid growth of Tho Omaha Ree ••Wil t" Ad Columns. This offer applies only to the SWAP Column. For rate* in other cluatificatlons bee rate card. Remember—NO SWAP—NO TAT. FARSI HOMI w rk 1 i • f 11 t**a S of making money for others. 60-acre farm, good improvements. 21* miles from town and high school, timber for wood nml fencing, ideal hog atnl poultry place. Will consider Omaha or Council Fluffs proper ty. owner_retiring._Address—Omaha Fee. ■ RALES IfANAQKR Ri ponall tlon wants general fcafles-manager t* open branch office, manage salesmen, t n0 to I !>,000 neioassry; expenses to Baltimore allowed if you qualify. Address Man* nager. 60.1 V. Kutaw Hi... Haltimor . Md. LOTS —Four In Al.tirtnea. Co|o. *'i«■ • r . •» new auto road map. Will trade f• • r raw lam! to match If clear or submit any other even trade. Address 8-167, nmalu I • VI il l. swap brown wicker b rd « n 1 stand, value |25, for folding Ko'man camera; postal card sixe. Address £> i.o. Omaha Re*. I GOOD all mod* ro housed In » Fluffs; one 8 rooms, one & rooms. Tu a 8U to 160 acres cheap western or 8 P land and $1,000— 91.«»•« cash as first pc - : < • . .. F. 120-ACRB homestead relinquishment In West on Co., near <>sage Wyo Will swap for 'chat have you > Addn sa 8-219, tuna ha Hee. , H|fj pure bred registered Belgian stallion black mammoth >oung Jack, utibroUe Fee sals or trade What have you.' Addrrta Box > III, Omaha J I i IOI f, s 11 t « ^ from P‘ack*t<’n« hotel, fur mortgage pa« per or Poungla* Co. farm. Addicss tf-242, Omaha ilea.