The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 03, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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    Saturday’s Important Sales Throughout the Store
Saturday’s Sweet Special!
Brandeis Chocolates and Bonbons
29c a pound box
A delightful assortment of our best grade chocolates
and cream bonbons.
Main llonr—H est
Saturday- Continuing Our Big Sale of
Imported Dresses and Blouses
■i Bought From Aetna Casualty & Surety Co., Underwriters. Made by Dcutz & Ortenberg, Known as “The House
Tlic Evening
of Velvet
Second Floor
of France,” World’s Largest Manufacturers of Imported Gowns and Blouses
The loss, occasioned by a sprinkler accident, which was sustained by Duetz & Ortenberg was covered by the
underwriters, who took over the slightly damaged merchandise. To recover what was possible, they sold it
to us at a very low price—a ridiculously low price for merchandise only slightly damaged—many garments
are not damaged at all.
We also obtained from other sources several lots of new spring merchandise, which will be offered at
exceptionally low prices.
French Frocks
Made to Sell at 65.00 to 100.00
Street, afternoon and evening gowns in Crepe Romaine,
Velvet, Flat Crepe and Novelty Silks.
Light and dark colorings. There arc
but one and two of a kind in this
group. Every dress is a model of
smart style of which you will be proud.
b Special Purchase Spring Frocks
Taffetas, flat crepes, laces, Canton crepes
and Georgettes in street,
afternoon models and a
few evening frocks.
French Frocks
Made to sell at 39.00 to 50.00
Street, afternoon and sport frocks of the fashionable
swagger only Paris can produce. The approved
crepes and new weaves, in lovely colors, .p* AA
are used in these dresses. And at this / ^ v/U
price, to wear an import is an economy. sJ-/
Beautiful Imported Costume Blouses
Made to Sell at 7.50 to 15.00 %
There are sport blouses, street and dressy blouses in fine
silks and novelty cotton fabrics. There j
are jacquettes, overblouses and tiebacks jft
in embroidered, beaded and tailored
effects. Colors without number. W
Blouses in
Suit Colors
x and Also
Prints in
Bright Shades
Special Purchase of Leather Bags
New Distinctive ^ 0 AW New Bags
Styles and | ZLX Worth Regularly
Shapes in I . From
Various Leathers 2.50 to 3.50
All the popular shapes—semi-envelope, swag
ger and pouch effects, frame and novelty
styles. In genuine .pin seal, crepe, vachette,
. tooled calf and beaver. Nicely lined and fitted
Main Floor—Fast
Sale of 3,000 Pairs of Novelty Gauntlets
Made by ad
mittedly the I
biggest man
ufacturer of
fabric gloves,
whose name
we arc not i
permitted to
and 3.50
In a
Variety of
Ruffled Gauntlets, AA Gray Covert
Embroidered Gauntlet, \J\J Beige ». Biscuit
Gauntlets with insets . White Sand
of contrasting color Fawn
There is a great variety of the most attractive styles one can imagine at this low price.
All are made of a superior quality of pre*shrunk fabrics.
Included in this sale are 1,200 pairs of 16-button White Silk Gloves, substandards of the
better qualities with double-tipped fingers. All sizes.
Main Floor—North
Candy Specials
Cream-Dipped Caramelettes
39c a pound
A delectable full cream nut cara
' mel dipped in vanilla and maple
flavored cream.
Brazil Nut Cream Fudge
29c a pound
A rich cream fudge, vanilla and
chocolate flavored, chock full of
fresh cracked Brazil nuts. Tastes
just like the homemade kind.
Trilby Cups, 29c per pound
A delicious, crisp jacket of molasses
candy with a soft coeoanut filling
cut in small pieces.
Black Walnut Taffy 39c a pound
Made of pure New Orleans mo
lasses, chock full of freshly picked
black walnut meats.
Chocolate Dipped Peanuts
29c a pound
Chocolate Bitter Sweets and Swiss
Milk Chocolates, 40c a lb. box
With assorted fruit and nut centers.
Main Floor—fi rst
100 Special Drug and Toilet Goods Items
50c Carmen Face Pow., JJ3t4
1.50 Oriental Cream, 1.19
35c Frostilla Lotion, 21(*
25c Mum, deodorant, 19^
75c Stacomb, 49<^
35c Revelation Tooth
Powder, 22t£
25c Or. Lyons’ Tooth
Powder, 19<^
50c Stillman’s Freckle
Cream, 31<^
25c Espey Cream, 19c;
Roger & Gallet Lip
stick, 19£
Dr. Barry Kremola, 890
Golden Glint Shampoo, 18(^
Dr. Wright’s Silver
Polish, 19r
Piver’s Face Powder, gg<*
Coty’s L’Origan Face
Powder, 77<^
Amami Shampoo, 10c^
50c Daggett & Ramsdell
Cream, 37£
50c Pepsodent Tooth
Paste, 33<*
1.00 Mavis Face Pow., 44f^
25c Mavis Talcum Pow., 17<*
1.00 Mavis Toilet
Water, 69c
Piver’s Vegetale Toilet
Water, ’ 98C
Mavis Rouge, 29<^
Djer Kiss Rouge, 33<^
Pompeian Face Pow., 39^
60c Pompeian Rouge, 39^
Coty’s L’Origan Perfume,
Bulk, ounce. 1.98
4.50 Coty’s Toilet Waters,
assorted, 1.98
7.50 Coty’s Original Extract,
2 ounces, 4.49
Mary Garden Perfume,
ounce. 1.75
1.00 Terra Dermalax, 55c
Palm Olive Shaving
Cream, 22<^
Mennen’s Shaving Cr., 310
Wi^fcims’ Shav. Stick, 19<^
Pinaud’s Lilac Vege
tale, - 89^
Pebeco Tooth Paste, 33(v
35c PondVTooth Paste, 18c*
25c Pond’s Antiseptic
Cream, 12<^
25c Pond’s Toilet Soap, 13(^
Pond’s Vanishing Cr., 2lc
50c La Blache Face
Powder, 35f
Krank’s Lemon Cream, 74c^
Houbigant's Quelques
Fleur, ounce, 3.50
Imported Phiphi Face
Powder, 59t4
1.50 Double Compact, 89c^
60c Aubry Sisters’ Beau
tifier, 44£
1.00 Squibb’s Mineral Oil
for 69<* !
1.00 Fleur de Amour
Talcum, 69c^
Mary Garden Talcum
Powder, 19c*
1.00 Djer Kiss Com
. P*ct» * 79c?
1.00 Odorono Depila
tory, , 79c*
Djer Kiss Perfume, bulk,
ounce, 1239
Mary Garden Face
Powder, 69c
Java Riz Face Powder, 370
Cutex Cuticle Remover 26c4
Cosmetique, 29<^ I
50c Sodiphene, 35c4 i
35c “Gets It” for corns, 22c4
30c Bromo Seltzer, 19<4
Wyeth Sage and Sul
phur, 69^
Main Floor—IF’est
35c Musterole, 22t
Fellows* Syrup of Hypo
phosphate, 79c
35c Piso, 27^
Mary T. Goldman Hair
Restorer, 1,19
75c Dr. Bengue Anal
gesique, 49tf
Hill’s Cascara Qui
nine, 1
Wampole’a Cod Liver Oil
Extract, 69<>
Iodex, 39(i
65c Doan’s Kidney
Pills, 44t
Cuticura Soap, 19£
Woodbury’s Facial
Soap, 18^
Sayman Soap, 8<^
Resinol Soap, 19<!^
Bocabelli’s Castile
Soap, 1.39
Palm Olive Soap, bar, 7£
Hardwater Castile Soap,
bar. 4Vit
Physicians’ and Surgeons’
Soap, * 10f*
50c Dr. West Tooth
Brushes, 27C
Powder Puffs, 23<*
j Tooth Brushes, special
! assortment, 15c4
Genuine Gillette Blades,
' package of 6. 32c4
Dressing Combs, all coarse
teeth, 15c4
Dressing Combs, heavy
stock, ‘ 25£
Ivory Finished Dressing
Combs, 39^4
Hair Brushes, 9§£
Nail Scrubs, 9/
Phillips' Milk of Mag
nesia, 37^
Mulsified Cocoanut
Oil, 37c4
Palm Olive Shampoo, 35<*
Fountain Syringe, 69c4
Hot Water Bottle, 69c4
Rubber Sheeting, yard, 39£
Rubber Sheeting, double
faced, yard, 69c4
Rubber Pants for
Babies, 19<>
1.00 Rubber Kitchen
Aprons, 49<*
Hospital Cotton, lb., 29c4
Kotex, dozen, 39<?
50c Listerine, 37c
Hosiery Specials
Women’s Thread Silk Hose
Full fashioned with double soles*
high spliced heels and lisle garter
tops. In black, brown and all new
shoe shades. Regular 2.00 1 PA
and 2.50 values, per pair, l«Dl|
Women’s Lisle Hose
Full fashioned, some with ribbed
tops. A few silks with lisle and
ribbed garter tops in black and
brown are included. Regular 1.00
and 1.50 values,
per pair, DUC
Women’s Pure Thread Silk Hose
Onyx, Van Raalte and other well
known brands in beautiful quality—
full fashioned with double silk
hemmed tops, double soles and high
spliced heels. In black, brown and
all shoe shades. 3.50 value,
per pair,
Women’s Thread Silk Hose
Full fashioned with double soles
and heels. Some are silk to the top.
others with lisle garter tops. In
black, brown and the latest shoe
shades. Regular 2.50 i qj
value, pair,
Main Floor—!\orth