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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1923)
Elks Recei ve Bids for Construction of New Club House • auglin Construction Coui l»an> Makes Lowest Bill— Total Cost to Be Near $800,000. Says Sears. In ft little over a year from to night we'll have the biggest hurrah tnd noose worming Omaha has seen in a long time.'* said Congressman eject \v. n. S'mix. chairman of tin1 committee receiving bids for the con struction of a new l'lk clubhouse. Bids from eontrat tors were received aiul opened Thursday night In the club looms m tbe presence of all bidders 1111<I i lai ge number of c lub members Estimate* average around $600,000 tor general construction and an addi .onal $.00,000 for heating, ventila ir.g and lighting, according to Judg; Se ns. Time of from X year to a yeni • nj a iinlf was ask* <1 for < onstriK t n »ii. The V.lushn Construction company nude the lowest hid among the gen contractors Its estimate was '09 4(iJ. wtih an alternate bid if *7 Ki.ooii The time for construction put by ilo- company at tltia days. t it hei* contractors making genet I bids were Helden-Breck Construction company. Home Builders. Inc ; John K, Wakefield company, Peter Kie ora .Sons, Walter Peterson, S’. P. Could & Sons. c. F. Jlaglin & Sons company. 'Thomas Herd and S. 8. Jacobi. For ventilation, heat and plumbing the following dims put In bids; j, ,T. company, p. Grunwald, Western Heating and Plumbing com ttuny, .John A. Anderson. John 1* I July, Nehriug & Hansen of Chicago, Merritt Plumbing and Heating com pany. Parks Heating and Plumbing company and P. A. Blunt. Bids on witing were presented by American Electric company. E. C. Bennett company, H. M. Binder, James Oorr Electric company, Le Hron Electric Works. Etihr 4 Lulir, Thomas E. Muslain, F. E. Newberry of St. Louis and Ilaifiehi Electric i onipany of Chicago. Four firms which made bids oil in stallation of elevators are Standard Engineering company. Otis Elevator company. Kimball Bros. & Co. of Council Bluffs and Elei Lock com pany. The bids will be referred to a sub committee. which will tabulate them ■ nd report back to the comnuUee in i few' days, said Judge Sears. Vl'lien matters will move rapidly. The committee consists of Chap man W. G. Sears. Edward Hamilton, Herbert Daniel, Walter Nelson. Wil iium A. Shall, George Brandeis, Guy l.lgget. T. S. Stevens and D. W. Schelbel, House Gi\es Daugherty Glean Bill of 'Health Washington, .Tan. 26 —The impeach Hu nt charges brought against Attoi ■ ncy Oeneral Daugherty by Represen i.itiv* Keliar, republican. Minnesota, were regarded today as definitely dosed incident following approval by I the house of the action of its judi-1 ciary committee in giving the attor ney general a clean bill of health on the 1-hargcs. By a vote of 204 to 77, the house late yesterrin.v gave approval to the committee’s findings and later by a practically unanimous vote, adopted | a resolution discharging the commit tee from further consideration of the charges and laying the Keilar im peachment resolution on the table. Two Girls Dressed as Men Ambled in California San 1J iimtilino. Cal., Jan. 26.—Fay :: he! 11 modltx, 20 and 19, i e -ucciively, were arrested at the re-1 , nest of Chicago police, as the two iris arrived at Colton, near here, dressed in men’s clothes. The girls vaid they had no idea why they were wanted. They said they had walked all the way front Chicago, except for an occasional "lift" by motorists. Iowa Bank Robbed. Sioux City. la.. Jan. 26.—The Farm ers having Rank at Albert City, la., was visited by robbers early today, who blew open the vault and escaped with SiOO, 3 More Irish Rebels Die. London, Jan. 26.—(By A. P.l— The Keening Standard reports the execu tions at Birr. Kings county, of three more rebels by the Irish free state authorities today. i Road Conditions • Furnished by the Omaha Auto Club.) l.moln Highway, Mast—Hoads good Lincoln Highway, West — Hoad* good j 1 o Grand Island. Reported snowing at Grand Island and west , 0. I* P.—Roads good Meridian High'* iy—Roads good. Cornhusker Highway—Roads good Highland Cutoff—Roada good. S V. A. — Roads good. Black Hills Trail—Roads good to Nor folk Washington Highway—Roads good Omaha TuPi Highway—Roads good to Tov cl.a. Cmaha-Tomka Highway—Roads good tc .rate line. King of Trail*. North—Roads good. King of Trails, South—Roads good to I cavenworth, fair to Kansas Cit\ River to River Road—Roads good. White-Wav 1 7 Highway—Roads good to !>e* Moines rough in stretches Pes Moines to Pavenport. 1. O. A. Shortline—Roads good Blue Grass Road-Roada good Weather report «1 cloudy at all stations w,th predictions for snow during the day. 'Safe Milk For Infant!, . invalid. A k Children Th« Original Food-Drink for All Age* QukkLunchat Home,Office ^Fountain*. RichMilk, Malted Grain Extract in Pow derfe Tabletforms. Nouriahmi-Noeooklaa WAfiii laiutMiu u4 MatiMaa “Stick to Job,” Says Baggage Clerk in Service 47 Years J? Z) r~ "Stick to the job.” is the advice of Lou 1). Carrier. chief clerk in the general baggage office al Union Pa* i (Ifie headquarter*. Mr. Carrier is Hi. and has been “sticking * to the job for 47 years. "I’m going to stick,” is the reply of Karl IT. Kelso, youthful mail clerlf in the Union Pacific mailing room. Karl is hist one-third as old ns is Mr. Carrier, and has been with the Union Pacifii "almost a year." Mr. Carrier is very proud of his or ganization. its efficiency and the per sons In it. »So is Kail. Mr. Carrier has been married for years and is a. grandfather. Kail and Miss Koreua SaHander, daughter of the Union Pa cific paymaster, were married last fall. Mr. Carrier started to work for the Union Pacific back in 1875 as clerk in the baggage department, which then was located in the old building known as tlie “cow shed,” a block or so north of the Union station. The late Andrew Traynor was general bag gage agent at that time. Mr. Carrier was the only clerk. i__ “I Would Let Him Walk on Me” Women Smitten With Love for Valentino Assail His Ex-Wife for Speaking 111 of Sheik. New York. Jan. 2t>.—"You say he hit yoy. Vou should be glad to have been hit by such a man. I'd be happy to lie down and let him walk on me." This is an extract from one of a score of letters re ceived recently by Hodolph Valen tino's divorced wife, Jean Acker. Nearly all the letters, some sign ed. some unsigned, swear undying devotion to Valentino, the great lov er of the screen, but aren’t particu larly complimentary to the former Mrs. Valentino. The sheik’s divorce from Miss Acuer will not become absolute until March 20. when he intends to remarry Winifred Hud nut. Miss Acker appealed to Bronx po lice headquarters for protection yesterday and a detective was as signed to endeavor to run down the letter writers and halt their activi ties. Telephone call*, mostly from women who refuse to give their names, caused her even more dis tress than the letters, the actress said. * "I wouldn't go to see either you or Miss lludnnt, you hussies, for Mr. Valentino has held you both in his arms and T love him more than does any woman in the world,” declared one of her recent tele phone communicants. Miss Acker said. She is appearing this week In a Bronx vaudeville theater. New Fruit Sold on Market Here Florida Tangelos and Mexican Tomatoes Latest Arrivals in Omaha. Mexican tomatoes, put up in jugs, are the latest arrivals on the Omaha market, while Florida tangelos, a new product which ts a cross between a grapefruit and an orange, are meet ing a ready sale, according to groc ers. The demand for grapefruit is greater than ever, it was said. Oranges this season are coming on the market larger in size and are more thick skinned than the smaller ones. The Roman Beauty variety of apple now is recommended for cooking, and the red Spltzenhurg, the Permain or Newtown Pippins and the Iowa Jona thans are best to eat. Honey is abundant, stocks of mer chants' low. The choicest variety of figs may ba obtained, but this class is not guaranteed to be wormless. Mer chants are endeavoring to wash figs thoroughly. Strawberries on Market. Strawberries continue to arrive dally in large quantities from Flor ida. 7,ater Louisiana berries will be on tbe market. Head lettuce is being shipped in in abundance from Cali fornia. lied potatoes, such as early Ohio#, are suitable for boiling, mashing or TABLE SUPPLY 17th and Douglas Streets Saturday Specials in MEATS Fresh stocks of choicest meats. Prices extremely low. Fresh Boast Spring Oi _1 ~ Chickens, lb. “A-21' Fresh Fork Shoal- 1 1 1 „ ders, lh. Il2t l'resh Spare Bibs, 10c Choice Steer Boiling Beef, lb. vie Migar Cured >0. 1 Skinned Hams, hall or whole, 19c Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon, £•‘'"’v ... lftic Fxtra Lean, Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon. OQl*» lh. . ,.. 21 Sugar l ured I’ienie | Q.1 n Hams, lb. 102C to. 1 (hoice Steer .standing Bib Boavt. 20^, fresh Beef Tenderloin, 35c * hashed brown: white Idaho* for bak ! Ing and frying. Irrigated potatoes are not considered satisfactory ^for boil ing. __ The Mexicans are said to have short ! cr feet, than those of any other na tionality. Consolidation of Banks Bein<* Probed bv Bryan Governor Asks for Facts of Holdrege State Bank Fail ure and Opinion, as to Legality. Lincoln Jan. 26.—(Special.)—A full report of (he consolidation and later dissolution of the Citizen’s State bank of Holdrege and the Holdrege State hank was sought today by Governor Bryan, in letters addressed to At torney General Spillman and Seore inry Hart of tlie State Department of Trade and Commerce. Following the dissolution, the Hold rege State bank failed and Its deficit ■is now a liability agaftist the state guaranty fund. Clarence A. Davis, until January 1 attorney general of tjfe state. Is \ice president and a prin cipal stockholder of the Citizens bank. Governor Bryan made no charges of mis conduct. He stated that many complaints and reports had been made to him relative to the transaction and that he thought it advisable to make public the facts, when forthcoming i from (lie other two Officials. The governor tailed attention to the fact that the two banfys were merged under a contract dated more than a year ago. that they were con ducted as a consolidated hank for a number of months and then the con tract was cancelled. Specifically, he asked whether or not the cancella tion of the contract, forcing the Hol drege State bank upon its own re sources, was legal. Former Attorney General Davis is not in Lincoln today. Previously he lias defended the transaction by de claring that the Citizens bank made a sincere effort to prevent the col lapse of the embarrassed Institution k An Almost Juicy Fruit Cake Bakers and Confectioners are making it for you to save baking at home and so that those who like it may have it often with out giving anybody trouble. —an almost juicy fruit cake, never crumbly or dry. The rare flavor of delicious raisins and piquant spice—the kind of cake you like. Try it, made with Sun-Maid Raisins —plump, tender, juicy fruit meats of the very finest kind. _ \ __ 35|jg^P^fl£Bg HONEY FRUIT —specially selected fancy fruits in dainty biU, blended in a rich Vanilla Ice Cream, flavored with delicious honey. Does it sound good? It tastes that way, too, and you’ll like it! Fairmont's Ire Cream Is made the Better Way In Omaha. Crete. Brand Island and Slons City. Take It home In bulk—or In pint or quart sealed paekaces. Colorado Lump Coal HAND PICKED—HIGH GRADE SMOKELESS SPOTLESS PER TON DELIVERED Remember—Thi. Coal IS NOT FULL OF SLACK when DELIVERED, and does NOT CRUMBLE or tlack like to many cheaper fradet bein* told. Me are THE EXCLUSIVE DEALERS In Omaha for this harder, CLEANER AND HIGHER-GRADE Colorado Coal. Consumers Coal & Supply Co. AT-lantie 9146 “Dealers in Good Coal” AT>lantic 9146 and dissolved the consolidation only when It became apparent that the load was too heavy to carry. Pains Taken to Make Sea Voyage Enjoyable for \ebraska Army Mules w Xew York, Jan. 26.—Rich language will yield to fancy food for mules on board the de hive mule boat Manhat tan, which left Thursday for Karachi, on the west coast of India, carrying 36.1 Nebraska and Misosuri army mules to new jobs with the mountain artil lery of the British army in India. The Manhattan had been specially chartered and refitted for the purpose and its hold was filled with tons of carrots ami other delicacies. Trained muleteers and veterinary surgeons were aboard to see that the mules' 16-day trip would be enjoyable in every way. (Joneral Spuires, head of communi cations of the United States army, has announced success in harnessing "wireless'" to wires, so that it may be sent in special directions. Judge Explains Bonus Law Test Jurist \\ ho Killed on Measure \ddresses Bluffs Legion Post. Judge Lest-i M. Thompson of IJes Moines was principal speaker at the largest meeting in thk history of the Council Bluffs post of the American Legion. Over '.’00 members attended. Judge Thompson ruled on the }r gality nf tiie Out),000 Iowa soldier bonus measure, and in bis talk last night discussed the law and its test in the courts. He stated that action against the bill was not hostile, but Was started to clear up legal points that might hate proved disastrous to the measure. He said there was little difference between the Iowa bill and the New York measure which was killed in the courts. The stumbling Mock of the two ■ hi 4. £ 4 r 9 9 ■» fa fa ■ fa u ? 9 fa. k k ** s 3 I SATURDAY—AND MONDAY I Make il a point to “step in and shop" hero this SATURDAY. I You'll see the GREATEST FOOD A AIT FS you've seen tor a long | time. TELEPHONE jour order il' you wish, either FRIDAY eve ning or EARLY Saturday. As usual, FREE DELIVERY. OUT-OF-TOAVN PEOPLE, MAIL YOUR ORDER. in Food Center Gilt Edge, guaranteed (PI JZA I Lw W I* to please you, ts-lb. l'or.A-.. •. |y||^^^ Tall 16-o*. cans, Elkhorn nr ^ cans 200 SUGAR 10 LBS. BEST CANE 72c ^UI^I/rKIC FRESH KILLED SPRING ‘T>1 1 n UmU\C.ND I HICKENS, per lb. 4^1 gl ■ a r ATP FRESH PIG PORK LOIN BOAST, lb. ..ll’itf IY1 CM I O YOUNG PH. H AMS I1* or whole), lb...l9H0 PRIME RIB ROAST, BONED AND ROLLED, lb. .. CUDAHY’S PURITAN BACON (H or whole strip), lb. . ■ 32!»C MORRIS’ SUPREME HAMS (A* or whole). Hi. ....•• -24>aC Sugar lured Bacon, lb. ..10' C Sugar Cured Picnic llama. -14<? Steer Beef Pot Roast, lb . 8‘^ Young Veal Itoaat, lb.14’it Spring l amb I.ega. Ih . . . . 24 ’ i: 4 Steer Hound Sleak, lb-14l:t€ Steer Sirloin Steak, lb. . 17’ f Pig Spare Hina, id.iuc Steer Shoulder Steak, lb., 121 f Steer Rib Roll. lb. .5C I oiiiik Lamb stew, lb. ..5^ Iohhk \ eal Stew, lb.7 '^ Doiieleak torn Beef, Ih. . 12':t!^ Pure Pork Sawinge. ll>. ■ • 161 ORANGES (Or >aicl. largest Rroan, dor. ■ ^ 10 Iba. Gnno Apple*.15c* Fancy Jonathan Apples, do« 20C Roman Beauty or Wagner Ap ple*. special, box.$1.89 Thin Skin Florida Grapefruit, 5f POTATOES] 5n \\ hltc ftussett, Fancy, pk. ■ Large Iceberg Head Fettgce, special at .12'.^ i Fancy Pascal Celery, dor... 59d I Jersey Sweet Potatoes, 6 lb*. I special for.25«* i Large l.emwns, >l»/cn . __22£ PANTHER GREEN ASPARAGUS TIPS, very special. (PY 3 cans . V-L» 3,001) CANS EXTRA STANDARD FRl IT in heavy STRIP, con stating of No. 3 CLING PEACHES, 'i APRICOTS, Whole STRAWBERRIES, BLACKBERRIES, RASPBERRIES nr LO GANBERRIES, only, can, 24*$ doz. ............... -82.85 ITALIAN STYLE Macaroni, Spaghetti or Noodles in bulk, lb. 10* Fancy WISCONSIN SWEET Wrinkled PEAS, 2 cans 25*$ Per dozen .. ..81.45 KAMO or ADVO EXTRA SIFTED PEAS, can. 24*$ do*. 82.85 .’leans Fancy Hawkeve Evergreen Corn, 25*$ dozen.95* KAMO or A DA O Maine Corn, can, 17*; dozen.... ..SI.95 Gallon cans Extra Fancy Red Pitted Cherries.81.18 Gallon cans Extra Fancy Solid Pucked Aliehigan Apples-..-39* Gallon cans Extra Fancy Solid Packed Pumpkin.25* RED DOT PEAS, 3 cans for 40*$ or, dozen......81.55 SOLID PACKED TOM ATOES. No. 2 size can.. 10* BREAKFAST CUP COFFEE, our own blend, special, 3 lbs. . 85* BLUE ROSE HEAD RICE, special, t lbs. for. .25* BULK COCOA, the best on the market, only, lb....10* A DTP QUART GREEN OLIVES, jar 45* AHIIT CHI I V’C 1'hnnsaiid Island nr Alin I wAULY w Mayonnaise Pressing:, pint_ ’Jul Mr*. Snyder’s Home Marie Saner Kraut, quart . . . . .10* Oar Own Home Mode Welnlen or I'rnnkfurtern. lit.17’L* 5000 BARS ai5g£r»~2te I'rosh Country Roll Mutter, lb .|5(^ Country Creuiurry I'nckagc Butter. ...48£ TIhmiini nn Dairy Maid Fancy Mutter.. 53<? Clover llloont Fancy Creamery Mutter, 53tf Delieloua Imported, lar«e eyed ShIm, 75c* tienuine Hofeo l.imburuer, lb.. 40f* French Imported Soclete Roquefort. . . . 79tf Cent and .%ut. 23 C J Rev \u*.2 1C Thflnufn'ii 'Velio** Cornmeal Mw«h.10t* MID NOTHING BETTER ' ’ The highest quality coffee in A Hr* COFFEE America. 1-lb. vacuum can.-^xl C TREE The most delicious flavor any tea can pro _ _ _ duce.. Try the y2-lb. package, OKp 1 LA special, at only.0<Jv, mTT« /^r>nrpg llllnl Samr Day R?wl7?!i!"We(illi!r iVl1l_ UTlUtnO nntrr Satlafnrtlon. fooocwiep. 1814-16-18 Farnam. Phone ATlan^ic 4603. X 6 9 a. V s * n S' l h J I ^ 5 6 V ■ ■i Na C © & ? s * e i V s *1 9 l n -» s T n | OI»KN SATI IIDAV 1 NTII. Sjj bills was a provision that states can not loan credit under the statutes. lie said that the Iowa attorneys brought out the fact that it was for a purely public purpose and their contention was sustained. The New York attor neys overlooked this point, he said. The bill lias passed the crisis and prompt action was predicted by the jurist in clearing up all details. The post approved the building project as outlined by the executive committee. Pledge cards were autho rized for stock sales. The stock will I be divided into two classes, one for legionalres nnd one for business men. The legion will hold a majority of the stork. Ward committees were named fora membership drive which will be con cluded with a big booster banquet April 5. Hanford .MacNidrr. former national commander of the legion, will be the principal speaker at the banquet. Chlorides, bromides nnd iodides arc all part of a chemical family called the halogens, and have many similar characteristics and reactions. MVS Action! THERE'S "Action" in every sack of Victor Flour too. Just what outdoor people need. Bread made with Victor Flour is the real Staff of Life—wholesome and muscle building. This perfect flour assures a large, fluffy loaf. Buy it at your Grocer. “Not Accidentally Good"bvt"Made Good Alwaya/f Most Modern Daylight Mill in America. THE CRETE MILLS SK Capacity 2000 Barrels Daily. f' A Beaton Drug Co. 15th and Farnam Sts. ^ Specials for Saturday and Monday ^ -TOILET ARTICLES $ 1 Ou Terra Dermalax, the new English clay .69£ 50c Djerkiss Cream .... 32c 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste, 330 65c Kotex Sanitary Napkins for . 42<* 25c '1-oz. Peroxide Hydrogen for . lOtf 60c Danderiue . . .45^ $1.00 Q-Ban Hair Tonic, 79^ 30c Resinol Soap .21<* 50c Emulsion of Cocoanut Oil Shampoo . 39C 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste for . 36t* $1.10 Pvros, for the teeth and gums .... . 59<* 75c Stacomb, keeps the hair in place . 54<j $1.50 Van Ess Hair Grower for. 81.39 $2.00 Palmer’s Garden Glow Face lewder, glass jar, for . 98<t $1.00 Fitch Face Powder for . 49<* $1.00 Frivoli Face Powder for .49^ 60c Smile Face Powder, 29o Beaton’s Cold Cream.. 30c Mirror Nail Polish, 19<* 30c Melba Nail Polish.. 19<* 50c Luxor Powder. . ■ • 32<* $1.50 Goutorbe Face Powder for . 98<* 35c D. & R. Cold Cream, 23£ 50c Djerkiss Face Powder for . 33<* P--CANDY Chocolate Peanuts, lb. . . 490 Salted Peanuts, pound, 300 Peanut Brittle, pound. . . 290 $1.10 Allegretti Chocolate Creams .•. . . • • 690 10c Woodward's Bulk Choco lates, per pound.390 -- DRUG WANTS 1 pint Norwich Milk of Magnesia for .330 30e Laxative Bromo Quinine for . 330 $1.25 Hyomci, complete, for catarrh.890 40c Castoria .220 30c Lysol .210 I $1.00 Vita Vim Yeast Tablets I for . 690 I $1.10 Tanlac.940 30c Phenolax .22<* 35c Nature’s Remedy Tablets for . 170 35c Sal Hepatica.210 $1.25 Lyko Tonic .980 30c Mentholatum . . ...170 j $3.75 Horlick’s Malted Milk, J hospital size .-82.89 I 50c Listerine . . . . 390 I $1.10 Mastin's Vitamon Tab- ' lets for . . . . .790 1 $1.00 Nuxated Iron . . . . 790J -RUBBER GOODS Velvet 2-quart Combination Hot Water Bottle and Foun tain Syringe.$1.25 2-quart Velvet Hot Water Bottle . SB*4 $1.76 Devilbis Atomizer No. 16.$1.25 $2.60 Elastic Knee Supports for.$1.50 $1.00 Rubber Gloves. . .59f* -DENATURED ALCOHOL Per gallon .45<* MAIL ORDERS Add 5 cents on the dollar to cover packing and postage. -ROUGES 50c Dorin’s Rouge ... 36<* 50c Ingram’s Rouge . .. . 27<^ 60c Djerkiss Rouge . . . . 31<1 $2.00 Goutorbe’s Combination New Shade Rouge and Pow der in gold hinged box, for.$1.25 50c La Noye l*ry Rouge. 29<* -FOR MEN 35c Palm Olive Shaving Cream for. 27<* 35c Johnson & Johnson Shaving Cream .20<^ $1.00 Gillette Razors.. G90 $1.00 Gillette Razor Blades for . GBd 50c Durham Duplex Blades for.39<* $1.00 Auto Strop Blades. G5<* -CIGARETTES -- At Beaton’s Camels, Lucky Strikes, Ches terfields, 2 pkgs.25c4 Ter carton .$1.25 CIGARS ldc Flor de Intals .5f Pox of 50.$2.25 15c Straight Mozart, Kosa size, eac i.10c* Box of 50.$4.25 The reason 25* Bom ^-You’ve Longed! Sommer Bros. HA rney 0188 28th and Farnam Saturday Specials Meadow Gold. Wedge wood. Seward and Better Butter, per lb . 55c I Strictly Fresh Country Egg*, per do*. 35c l Campbell* Tomato Soup, per dor...$1.25 Sunkiat Green Gage or Flums (No. 1 tin). 3 can* for ..- 50c Armour’* Veribe.*t Corned Beef. i 1 -lb. can . 33c Bine Ribbon Mayonnaise or Thousand Island Dressing, small .-15c Medium. 33c; pint* .. • . 59c Chase A Sanborn * Bulk Breakfast I Coffee, 3 lbs. for .$1.00 Barrington Hall Coffee, 1-lb. can...47c One aluminum measuring cup free with every pound. Skinner Macaroni or Spaghetti, 3 pkg*. for .25c Imperial Valley Head l.ettuce, 3 hd>. 25c Extra Fancy Green Peas, qt.23c Brussels Sprouts, per lb . . « • •.25c Fresh Tomatoes, 2-lb. basket.39c Grapefruit, medium size. 6 for. #....39e large size. 6 for. 65c Fancy Southern Yam Sweet Potatoes, 4 lbs. for ... Green Bean*, per qt. 23c Oranges (Extra large, regular 76c size) per dor. ..55c l-!b. carton Wilson's Sliced Bacon. oac .. 35c Fresh Dre -eij Young Chicken*. Ih. . 2Se Sk“nn|*s MACARONI-SPAGHETTI mndPtrrt EGG NOODLES