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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1923)
Do You Realize That When You Spend Thirty Cents for a two-line “Want” Ad in The Omaha Morning Bee and The Evening Bee you are buying more than 72,000 printed copies of it? Read and use Omaha Bee “Want” Ads—the beeline to results. Telephone ATlantic 1000 and ask for a “Want” Ad taker. ANNOUNCEMENTS ] Cemeteries, Monuments . 3 Fores T^LAwfc North of City Limits. Alt rsvenuss for parpetusl care and Im provements. Offices at cematary and 7 20 Brandeis Theater. Florists . ^ LEE LARMON 1 Ith and Pouglaa ,ioHN HATH HUM Farnam JA. 1I0« J. HENDERSON, lt.07 Farnam. JA. ISIS Funeral Dlrertors . 5 F. J. STACK &~coT Omaha', beat undertaking eatabllghment. ARROW AMBULANCE"™^ Thirty-third and Farnam_ HEAFEY & HEAFEY, UndartaUera and Embalmers. Phone HA. 0265 Office 2ft 11 Farnam. Hoffmann Ambulance Service *4th and Podge Sts. JA. 3301. ■ HULSE & RIEPEN, Funeral Directors. 222 4 Cuming. JA 1226 LARKIN BROTHERS," II 'SERAI. DIKE', TORS. IR1 SO. MTU CROSBY-MOORE"; \ J , Funeral Notices . 6 GROVER — Merl Q. passed away Jan. 28, “ge 41 years. He Is survived by his wife. ] *ophia; four sisters. Mrs Alice Leach of j Bennington. Neb.; Mrs T. F. Kinney of omshi, Mrs. O. D. Jordon of Peru, Neb , and Mrs. O. A. Fiat*. Umonl, la.: also, three brother*. XV. C. Grover of Scott*-i bluff. Neb.; M. G. Grover of Blair, Neb . .■ n<1 M. M. Grover, Peru. Neb. Funeral services Sunday at 2 p. ni. from church at ElkClty, Neb. Interment Elk 1 ftv . Crane mortuary in charge TETARP—John E.. age fil years, passed away January 24. at local houpital. F&neral Saturday afternoon at 2:36 at the V. r. .Swanson chapel. 17th and Cuming it. Friends welcome. Lost and Found . 8 TELEPHONE ATLANTIC 1 OOoT “ and dictate your ,,\yanU’' Ad t$ The Oma ha Bee. Each advertisement will receive pfompt and cartful attention. LlS'A lost; double eagle and diamond; off Masonic ring. Liberal reward for return to p. B. Christie, room 345. Roma hotel. tel.__ DOG—Lost, black Spit*, with white feet i ami white spot back of neck, tag 889 on J collar. KE. 1603, Reward. GLASSES—Lost, tortoise shell in black cage. Finder please return. Reward, MA. 126*. ____ __ • »LASs4'lC3~i .oat. Tortoise aheil, between 1311i and 18th on Douglas. Reward. JA. 4 839.___' _‘ ' * GOLD mesh RAG—i .oat in Brandcl* | *tores Wednesday afternoon. Reward, j AT. UI8.___ | D<Sg—Loat, white Spit*, answers to name of^ •'Spika.** Reward. WE?. 6761. _ _ PHOTOGRAPHS lost, 4 £kogiund s. HA. 5046. Personal* ................ 10 j THE SALVATION Army industrial home i solicit* your old clothing, furqitur*. maga- 1 sine*. W# collect. Wa distribute. Phone j JA. 41S6 and our w*gan will lean. Call [ «nd tnapeot our new konst. If 16.1112-1514 | 1 »odge ttreet. _I YOU may earn money at writing letter*. Think.” a groat little took, mail-order plan postpaid. John James. Bo* i M2. Nashville. Tenn._^_ | TO TELEPHONE TOUR -WANT” AD all AT. 1000 and ask for a "What" Ad sker. ,_____< HAEKL MARIE lJAMBS, last heard from it Omaha, 1916; anyone knowing her ad dress p!*»sse write her mother. Mrs. 1 James. 1041 S. Center SU Casper, Wyo. rHE Libafty club will give a masquerade oall at Lyric hall. 19tl\ and t Tarnam •treats, tonight. cash priaes will be given. ____ __ MEfBUS. program*, special and birth an inuacemanta printed or* abort notice. 483 Brawdsts Thea. Bldg, Phona AT, 3178. __ l HBATRJCAL hlatorlcal maeque costumes, for play* and partita, at Listen**, ^nah*. JiANCC—Sunday night at Lyric hall. Boyd Ltntar orchestra_• _ BILL KOTOP I need you. AKIA. Add rest w-llt. Omgha Bee._ PRIVATE tutor for Latin evening. Ad dry W-660, Omaha Bee___ TYPIN<feffioi. and prompt, done WK. 1T14 WANTED—Child 1 o board. WA. 4259. I AUTOMOBILES tutoii for Sal* ... H Used Cars OUR price., tariwr, tars and cum antra ara appealin* to the used t car fc'uyar. Why taka a chance on the sen tcaa of a uaed car when you can *et the protection we offer? » tCome in and look over our stock. Value received with each car. Open and closed, various makes Terms without finance charge. Willys-Overland, Inc., t3CI Farnern Street. Open Sun4ays. Open Evenings Hudson Sedan Wa art showing three beautiful Hudson sedans In, our L'sad O.’ar Department ' hirh are priced for quif'V action at once. 1 he demand for good closed ran exceeds ns supply this season and here is your • h»jjce to own a strictly high grad# lo*ed car at an open car Investment. Stop at our show rooms and Inspect these « ars or gi\ e us a ring for a home demonstra on. Terms if needed and your open car *» a down payment. Guy L. Smith _ A PPERSON 8—Seven *passenger touring;! ’at# model original cost 94,*#9. Our price only 81.860. Perform* and look* lik* • ew. Good for thousands of mile* of satisfactory service. Tsrms if desired. Ralph W. Jones, Inc., -421-5S Farnam street. JA. 151 b. j Open Evening* and Sunday a. m. XKW AND USED CARS AJ A BARGAIN. Ford care gad truck*. 160 and tip. Ford »*dlea and winter tone. Care gold on terms to reliable parties. OOLDSTftOM ALTO SALES CO. Central Garage. Open Day and Nifht. 1H8 Harney Street, JA. 346t. ’831 OAKLAND. 4-door sedan. Tike new*, good for years of service. A reliable com fortable closed car at a bargain price. 1330 down, balance ►>* easy payments. Ralph W. Jones, Inc., ' El-23 Farnam street. JA. 1516. Open Evening* and Sunday a. m. SOME bargains in used Fords; prompt delivery of new Ford*. MCAFFRET MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Servico Station. 15th and Jackson Sts iT. 7711. — i AUTOMOBILES i L ... ■ ■ - — Autos for Sale . 13 HUDSON 4-passenger apeedBter, late mod el; rebuilt motor, repainted, seat coders, windshield wings, good top and curtains. A daisy car at $775. Easy terms if de sired. Ralph W. Jones, Inc., 2421 - 2 3 Farnarn street. JA. 1515. Open Evenings and Sunday a m. NEW and used Porda. cash or terms. C. E PAUL80N MOTOR CO.. Authorised Pord and Lincoln Dealers. 20th and Amea Ave K£2. 0146. USED CARS. O. N. Bonney Motor Co., 2554 Farnarn. USED Tars that can be used' NEBRASKA OLDSMOBILE CO.. Howard at 18th. At. 1770. j FORD ROADSTER—1 $18 model with l»ifn i motor. Also Ford speedster, cheap. Call | XVK 0106. ___ • I USED Ford parts at half price. Parts for all standard make cars. Neb. Auto Parts. lOlti Harney St. V etpeVt ant,, trimmer H13 R ?4fh Auto* for Exchange . 14 STEAK NR-KN tOHT "S*—7-pass .to trad': for light roadster. Call JA. 2197. fSuragcs—Repairing . Itf FOR A -1 auto painting, drive to PF*e7f' FER’.S SHOP. 2525 Leavenworth, 35 yra. * \ n •ri»>nfp._ Taxi—livery . 19 (J. M. C TRUCK—Sacrifice, leaving city; must sell at once, 2-ton. good condition. $125. Mr. Mueller. Phone HA. 2147. BUSINESS SEr rICZ Builders, Contra* tors .23 GARAGF2S built, any style and size, $100 up. Concrete work. Mick I in I.umber and Wrecking Ca Tel. WE. 5565. Dancing Academics . 23 LEARN to dance for $4 at KEEP’S ISIS i Farnam. Clauaea Mon.. Wed. and Frl nightv. Dancing Tues.. Thurs., Sat. and Sun nigh's. Private lesaona by appoint ment* JA M70___ Detwlive Agencies . 24 RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Sunderland Bldg., Ja. 2056; night. Ke. 3812. JAMES ALLAN. 312 NevIUa~B1k7Evidence ■ecured In a 11 caaea. AT. 1136. _ Moving. Storage . 2ti I Moving—Packing—Storage Gordon Fireproof Warehouse & Van Co. 219 N 11th St. Phone JA. 3022. | BEKINS OMAHAVAN A STORAGK 16th and Leavenworth Sts. Packlnfc. mov. ! Irsf. storage. ahtpping JA. 4163. ESTIMATE furn on packing, mov. and storing. Contracta taken by job or hour Globa Van A Storage Co. JA. 4338. AT 0230. Grossman A Sort!, owners_ Milliner*, Dressmakers .. 21 kisYvifcfr* plain; underwear and apron# a s pec i a it y J A. 1347. 4 36 S_24t h_St. _ 1 »KESftMAKING. alterations, suit#. coats, furs’ reMne<l AT. 0849 DR ESS M A K1NG, plain sewing. \VK. 601 7_ Painting, Papering . 28 J3ILOER—Paperhanging, painting; good! work, right prices. Call evenings. WA. 1622._ ____ PAINTING and paperhangjng. A reliable contractor. E. ,T.^ Tjioftop. AVA. 0879. Patent Attorneys . 29 j JT \v7~MARTW Patent Attorney-. 1712 j Dodge, room 209. Also Washington. D. i C. I help inventors ael1^ thelr patents.j Printers, Engravers . 31 j EDDY Prillt[ng T7v7~2 12 SL 1~3 fcjt. JA. BOBjL Professional Services . 32 LEARN beauty culture, manicuring or marctllng, $15. L’Charme School. 1600 Howard. AT. 4819. DENTAL X-ray. CUo each; S3 full aew I 619 Securities Bldg.. 16th and Farnany PRESCRIPTIONS cartful!/ compounded at the 6 Sherman A McConnell Drug Stores. Ropairine . 38 SHINGLE your house now before spring. For estimates call JA. 4388. ----r-‘.-r-t--r - —— -r.-— • — -- Service* Offered . 34 ACCORDION, SIDE, knife, box pleating, covered buttons, all style*; hemetltchlng. buttonholes. Write Ideal Button & Pleat, ing Co.. 3QS Brown Block. Omaha. Neb Telephone JA. 1938. NEBRA SKA PLEATING. Hemstitching. Covered Buttons. 1806 Farnam. second floor. Ja 0670. OMAHA PILLOW CO.—Peathera ren. evmt-d and made up tn new feather proof ticking. 1907 Cuming. JA J467 TRY our fAmlly wash, soft water. We call and deliver. KE. 2288. FILMS DEVCLOPED FREE. The Ensign Co.. 1607 Howard St. EDUCATIONAL Bufthiefts College* . 37 DAY SCHOOL—NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, machine bookkeeping, comptometry, shorthand and typewriting, railroad *nd wireless teleg raphy. civil aervic* and all English and commercial branches. Write. call or phone J%ckson 1666 for large illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyle* Bldg, i^malia. Neb. Wan sant school of business 3 E Cor Nineteenth and Doygla a. J A 6890. Musical, Dancing, Dramatic. 40 USE *THE TELEPHONE, call Atlantic 10rt0 and telephone your "Want” Ad to Tha Omaha Bco. Remem ber, Omaha Bee "Want" Ada bring bet ter reaulta at lesser coat. ANNIE" E OLASObW~vole# and 'pUnoT 103 Karbach Plk- JA 10M._ Trade Schools . 41 | WANTED—Men. ladiea and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge Pt. Tri-City Barber College. MOLKTR BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14tb St. Write for catalog. j EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted—Female . .44 COMPETENT white woman for general housework, muf-t be A-1 cook. References required. Phone HA. 03 20. Help Wanted—Male .. 4.’i WANTED FIVE MILLWRIGHTS Apply Employment Dept., CUDAHV PACKING CO. South Side. SPECIAL KKVI If fNTATJVKS. Some exclusive terDtorka open, due to increased production. No invest ment required. You can make up to 960 and $100 per week if you can qualify. Apply F M. FREDERICK. MS HftFU REAL SIT K HOSIERY MILLS. 439 Securities WANTED—Salesmen and salesladies for* rlty of Omaha. Must be workers ‘ all for Mr. Knlg*'' or Mr Clauaaen, 6 to 9 p. m.. lobby of Romo hotel. MEN WANTED—Good pay. pleasant work, must be able to read, write and speak English Apply room 421. Arthur Building. 1 210 S. 19th St. , EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted—Male . 45 bovs. Bars bots.' 50 bovs wanted to sell Colliers Weekly. Call 503 Karbach Block. 4 p m. Mr. Allen. WANTED—Experienced flooi moulder. Apply Griffin Wheel factory. 26th St. and 9tit Ave.. Co. Bluffs. ____• Help—Male or Female . 46 SOLICITORS—Good proposition to work ers Omaha and surrounding towna. 239 Leflang Bldg.__ Agents, Salesmen . 47 ATTENTION. C < C INSURANCE SALESMEN. C C C Over 1.000 influential stockholder!, ( up-to-date policies and live wire c agency contracts, making a com* C binatton hard to equal In Nebraska. C Retter Investigate right now. C C * c NORTHWESTERN LIFE INSUR- C C AXCE COMPANY C C c 17th and Douglas Sts.. C Omaha. Neb C SALESMAN wanted; traveling man; one i familiar with trade in eastern Nebraska, dealing in hate, rape, gloves or leather < lothinjr. Need not necessarily be famil iar with all lines, but must know trade handling these goods None but success f' ‘ men need apply. Address Y-2189. • aha flee SALESMAN. Splendid opportunity to make big money in few minutes, spare time while calling on your trade. This Is a nice clean propo sition. Only first class salesmen need ap ply. Write today giving street and tele phone number. Address Y 2176, Omaha Bee. _ _ i AGENTS—Nebraska institution established | over BO years has opening for a live sales- j ' man who has had experience in selling to farmers. Steady job. Opportunity for ad vancement. Address Y-2174. Omaha Bee WANTED SALES M E N —To sell soap n Nebraska. Salary and expenses paid State age. references and experience. Good position for the right man. Box W-964, Omaha Bee.__ 1 GOOD live specialty salesman to sell scholarship#; can malic from $260 to $300 per month salary and commission. Suit *. rommerc-e Bldg. Telephone AT. 7774 Situations Wanted—Female . 48 YOUNG tady with 8 years business experi- 1 ence would like position In book. art. china or gift shop department. Address V-2171 O m ah a Be*-.____ RESPONSIBLE middlo-aged woman will assist in sickness, chronic caae or Invalid preferred. Would leave city. HA. 2363. YOUNG nian wants position that woubl enable him to go to school. Address W- , 648, Omaha Bee. ___ DAYWORK or laundry work. WE. 1735. WOMAN wants day work. Web. 6017. Situation* Wanted—Male . 49 CLERK wants position in general liter- j chartdis* store, experienced, or aa manager. | Good references Small town preferred. Ad dress Y-2162. Omaha Bee.__ _ EXPERIENCED blacksmith, woodworker and auto painter wants lob; will go any plgc-e. Ad dread James Baker, 2938 Clln loh St.. Lincoln. Neb. ! FINANCIAL I - Riisinp'-s Opportunities . 50 POP factory for sal© or trad©: well, ©stab* ; Mahed paying business, no other factory j within 70 miles; no encumbrance, and only free of • neumbrnnco trade proposi tion considered; rare opportunity; satis factory terms; will show books and dis posing reason. Address Y-2170, Omaha Bee.___ T'V„r I.E —.Soft drinks, pool and dance hall business in eastern Neb. Good loca tion. good town, an«l doing a very sub stantial business. Price 92,#00.00. Foe f urt her particulars address Y-<UoS— Omaha Bee. ____! HARDWARE and furniture business for sale AM or half interest, invoice about : $9,000. Best location and best establish- ! ed in a city of about 3.000 In western Ne braska Irrigated section where crops' never fail. Address Y-2U4. Omaha Bee. I CONFECTIONERY, doing good business. ; for sitle: reasonable price, reason for sell ing owner has other business. Don’t miss i this bargain Write to 149 North Santa Fe. Salina. Kan. PLUM RING, heating and tin shop in flourishing Nebraska town of 10,000. Wants to retire from business. Big fu ture Phone WA. 1789 or write 5819 Jonee St.. Omaha. 1 HOTEL of "26 room's! completely fur nished. only ere in town. Two railroads; good commercial business; low rent. Price 1 I?,200; will give some terms. No trades. I Union Depot Hotel. Fairfield. Neb. BAKERY, cafe and ice cream parlor for I .sale L» dng good business. Did around I $25,000 last year. Other business to look | after reaeon for selling. Address Y-2163, I Omaha Be©.___ : BlEUARfr HALL—Central location; 100. 000 population, new fixture* throughout: one snooker, one billiard, four pool; good i reason for selling. The Lincoln, Fremont. | Neb._ HOTEL 39 rooms; rent reasonable; cen trally located. Sioux City, la. Price $5. oen. Buy from owner. Address Lindell hotel, Sioux City. Ia. ___ WILL sell patent on a Ford transmission case which is put on and taken off by one thumb screw. For further particular* address Y-2178, Omaha Bee.___ FOR SALE Millinery stock and fixtures In good business town. Splendid opportunity. For particulars, write Y-2166, Omaha Bee. RLAY’icSM ITH~~shop and equipment for sale in a good country town. Inquire of or write to .T. P. dander. Colon. Neb, DRUG -tore for sale, money maker. $4,000 less 10 per cent If sold by February 1 Phone MA. 4219._ CLEANING plant for sale, up to' date business Address Y-2188, Omaha_Bee. PARTNERsTTiTrTn_resTaurant at 1803 No. 24th St., for sale at a bargain._ COMPLETE vulcanizing outfit for sale. Call S’, J Walter. Klv 437 9. Investmenls .. 51 CASH paid for ;d mortgage* on Omaha property. F O. Horlrtk A* Ce., 640 lit Nat’l. Bank Bldg. AT. 3531. I.nans on Roal Rafale . 52 FORTY-SECOND ST~, >i5:; S. l'leasant front room for 2 student* private en trance to bath, adjacent to University hoapital. FARM LOANS. Large or small. West N*b. farms, ranches. Klnke Investment Co., 145 Om. Nat. Bk. GARVIN BROS.. b«S Omaha Nat. BI4g. ON IMF. PROPERTY. NO DELAY. SIB S 1 sap St Weed Bldg. AT, 41H. MONEY to loan on farms and Omaha real estate. MYERS * R A IN BOLT CO., 424 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. JA. 0746. JUKI ’SO 110.000 loan* made promptly. F D WF.AD and D H BOWMAN. I. H. MJTHEN pay* moat for LIBERTY BONDS. 881 City Nat. Bank Bldg tv 15 nave caab on band to loan eo Omaha reel4encee, U H. LOUGEH. INC., 53.1 K-.llne Bldg. STRAIGHT 6-year loan*. «t% per cent. AMOS GRANT CO.. 301 S. Uth. Arthur Bldg. AT. m«. LOW rate on olty property! quickly cloaed. No monthly payment!. JA. Kit. W. T. GRAHAM. JUklAH A HOMES—EAST NEB. FAiRMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 10H Om. Nat, Bk. Bldg. JA. 2711. FIRST mortgage lean* made promptly on Omaha reel cetate. Shopen & Co., Real tor*. JA 4::» 535 K.ellne Bldg. Mon*jT to t-oan . . 53 COX Co ; loans fa ana up on wages, cart and furniture; confidential; 25 yrs. catab. 512 World-Herald Bldg. JA.. ISM j FINANCIAL Money to Loan . 53 LOWEST RATES, EASY TKKllb. NEW HATES SCHEPULB. LOANS $16 to $300. On Furniture. Pianos, Etc. I-eft in Your Possession. AT LOWEST RATES. PAY ON PRINCIPAL. S 3 per month on $ SO loan. $ per month on $ 50 loan, iio per month on $100 loan. $20 per month on $200 loan. These small monthly payments will repay a loan in full, plus a'small service charge. I LICENSED BY STATE OF NEBRASKA. GUARANTEE LOAN COMPANY. 20$ South loth St. 314 Karhtoh Blk,Tel. JA. 5045. bo YOU NEED MONEY? IB— 90— 76—1«0— JUO—590 DOI.I.ARB or any olhor amount at total rateo. No publicity, oaay payroonta. Thirty yoara la buolnaaa OMAHA a,OAW COMPANY. 109 Karbach Blk. Tal. JA. till. Southwr.t Cor. lttb and Oouclaa Bta. LIVE STOCK i * Dogs, Cats, Birds, Tats.55 PUP-PITT bull territf f 10. 12l' North 24th. | PHEASANTS, pigeons, bantam chickens. Few pairs f°r__sale. 651 9. 26th Ave. Horses, CftUle, Vehicles . 56 FOR SALE—Large mules. 16 to 17 hands. Heavy ■ oncoril harness with two-inch tug* Wool- faced mule collar*, lft-19-20 Inch Write Qiiick to Standard Oil Co.. Omaha. PTCJS, fine thoroughbred Imi roc Jersey pigs Tel. KE. 3610. 5017 Spaulding St. Poultry and Supplies .57 YOU buy the beat chicks for the l^ast ] money shipped everywhere; guaranteed alive or replaced; from Colwell’* llatch ery. Smith Center. Kan. COC Kt R E LS*!— A ncona s and Buff Leg horns, $2.50 each. Shepherd and Ferris strain. Sgt Wooton, Ft. Crook. MA 4500. PEPPY baby chick. 7c up. Write for par ticulars. Chicken Little Hatchery, Lincoln. Nebraska. MERCHANDISE Clothing anil Fur* . 60 FULL DRESS suits and Tuxedo® for rent JA 312v !"!• N. Uth Street. I. Feldman ARMY "iV>0 70A No 16th ~ Household Good* . 63 FURNITURE—Thoroughly worthy us**d furniture at our storage warehouse. 8th and Capitol Ave., between the hours of 2 i). ni. and 5 p. m. any week day. Thia furniture. acquited by us through our exchange department and prices are therefor* very reasonable. uRi'HARD WILHELM CO. FUMED oak dining room *et Including large buffet, table, six chairs, and armed ’ rocker. Chairs have brown leather seats, good as new Price reasonable. No deal ere. Call KB. 2504. LO WEST “W A NT" AD RATES . I In Omaha Telephone your “Want" Ad.j to AT. 1000 and secure better results at | lesser coat. . FUMED oak buffet and dining table, al most new; Hoosier kitchen cabinet and ice box, good condition._KE. 3281. EXPERT sawing machine repairing. MICK ELS. I5th and Harney. AT. 4S61 SWEEPER—WEST. F.LbX'TRP' VACUUM t'LEANF.R. |25 A LMOST NEW. KE 3381. We make, refiulah, rebuild reed furniiur*. Omaha E. & R. Co.. 640 8. 16th. .TA. 2043. BILLIARD table, home use, changeable rail; bargain for cash. WA. 4046. COUCH—Spanish leather, $12,50. Hall mlrrlr with hooks, 15.> Call WA. 7:iSQy_ 5 rooms of furniture for sale At 143$ N 19th._ Jewelry and Watches . 64 diamonds! We pay the best prices with privilege to buy back at email profit. DROSS JEW ELRY CO.. Omaha. Nab.. 402 N. 3 6th St. Telephone Ja 5049-__ Miscellaneous . 66 kTnPLINiST aa w u u a t", shavings for sale. Bradford-Kennedy Co. phone JA, ,6740. ENCYCLOPEDIA of architecture, set of Hb_ Price >10. HA- 2413. ATHLETIC CLUB MEMBERSHIP" FOR SALE. W-649 _ _ Musical Instruments . 67 TRADE your used piano on a new player pigno. Balance a® low as $10 per month. ^..— Store and Office Equipment .70 TELEPHONE ATLANTJC" ToOO and aak for a “Want" Ad taker. Re member Omaha Bee "Want" Ada bring better result® at leaser coft, wls BUY, sell faate make desks! show cases, etc. Omana Fixture & Supply Co., 9 w corner 1 lth_^nd_Douylaa. JA. 2724. Swap Column .*. 72 NO SWAP—NO PAY! NO SWAP—NO PAY Dispose of the things you have for the artlalea you want through a three line "Want" Ad in this column. Run it three days. A box number will be •up plied and the replies will come to our office first. Tou, in turn, may call tor them. If you swap, a bill will be sent to you at our regular rates. If no swap ia made, no bill will be sent. Remember—NO SWAP—NO PAT. Thia offer la good only in Omaha and exclude® all business ads. Business “Want" Ads In this column will be charged our regular Tates. Th’s proposition Is offered merely as a service to our readers and to increase the interest in the rapid growth of The Omaha Bee “Wart" Ad Columns. Thi® offer ®ppIJt® only to the SWAP Column. For rate® in other classification® sea rate card. Remember—NO SWAP—NO PAT. THREE 2 0 - A. grape fruit and orange tracts In south Florida to exchange for Omaha or suburban property, stocks or bonds. Value, $30 per A. S.239. Omaha Bee. 100 acres In Atmoss county. Colo . in the San Louis valley, 100 shares of water rights paid. 10 acres cultivated Price, $*.000. mortgage $2,000. Want mdse S-973. Omaha Ree. 320 -ACRE homestead relinquishment in Weston Co., near Osage. Wyo. Will swap for what have you? Address S-219. Oma ha Bee. MORRIS chair and blue silk mcssuline dress, late design, orange trimming end beaded; size 3$, new. will swap for Vlc tiola. Address S-JI7. Omaha Bee. TOXEDO coat. Practically new. Tuxedo coat and vest, size 40. for sewing ma '•hlne. or what have you? Address 8-289. Omaha Bee. 120 ACRKirWeTd~Ch. Colorado, 100 acres cultivated; ail clean, plow land; incum brance SI.500; exchange for Omaha prop erty. Address 8 914. Omaha Bee. LAND: $700 equity 160 acres land near Weyhurn, Sask., Canada; 60 acres culti vated, for Ford sedan. Address 8-228, Oipaha ee. 19$6 STEVENS salient six roadster trade j as part payment on lot In Dundee or | first mortgage. Address 8-286, Omaha Bee. WILL trade 2 good residence Iota in Spokane. Wash., well located, clear title and unincumbered. Will trade for car. Address 8-211, Omaha Bee. 1.400 ACRES exceptional hay and stock farm, six .mile* from Emmett; $120,000; insurance loan. $32,000. Uuod bldgs. Want Income. 8-974. Omaha Bee. LAND—156 acres graft* land, near Pierre, S D., $4,000. clear; $4,000 cash, exchange for merchandise, eastern Nebraska 8-237. ; The Omaha Bee. WILL exchange $2,300 equity in mod. o.r. re*. in Co Bluffs for acreage or j what have you .' Address 8-290. Omaha B»» WILL trade good lot worth $300 for late I model Ford sedan. S-240 Omaha Bcc MERCHANDISE j Swap Culunin . Vi WILL swap a multigrapn for mimeograph anti vill trade extra type and auxiliaries for office equipment. Address So, , OmaJlA _ j 1 A.CRR homestead relinquishment in Weston Co., near Osage. Wyo. Will swap ‘ for what have you? Address S-211, Oma- | ha Rep. i \ m w • i improved SO acres firm west of Omaha Poug Co—Will take city ■ property In exchange. Address S-74b. Omaha Bee. __! VICTROLA — Will trade my new Il26. model 9o Yictrola as part payment on Ford or Podge. Box S-292, The Omaha Bee. ALTO—Will swap Overland. 5-pa*senger touring tar, good running order, for high grade phonograph. Address S-291, The Omaha Bee TO TRADE—11 a<-rea of citrus fruit land in southern California, unincumbered, as part payment on Omaha home. Address S-215. Omaha Bee. iTAVE 27iM-uiie7ul kitCh.n utAlitiTr S»11 at 15c each. Will trade for auto, lot. or what have you? Address, S-94<\ Omaha Bee._ MOULDS and formula for aluminum sol der. Costs l cent, sella for Joe. Value $10. What have you? Box 8 294, Omaha Bee MULTIPLEX typewriter, any language, any type and complete course In finger print sclent e one or Doth for used Ford . Aildress S-942, Omaha Bee Wyoming land. Corona. Colt pistol with j belt and holster, piano. a< cordeon, for j what have you? Address S-92g Omaha ( Bee. THREE Joig. water and sewer In street, and >300 cash for equity; modern bunga low, near car line. Bo* 8-235, Omaha Bee. MEAT block resurfacing and planer elec tric motor. Good proposition. Will trade for a late model Ford car Address 8*938. Omaha Bee. >700 EQUITY in modern 6-room houee ind garage in Co. Bluffs for Omaha prop erty. Box 8-293, Omaha Bee. 1,040-ACRE ranch to trade for city prop erty. Long Pine. Neb.; price >20; mort x ■« c« >3.1100 S-:0:. Iimann Bee. HAVE four-room and bath bungalow will trade for some acreage or lota. Address 8-939. Omaha Bee. j COLD blast stove mediant size; will swap for small bookcase. Address S-220, Omaha B*o. CLOTHING—Will swap or sell lady’s fine clothing, size 36 or 38. Lady wearing mourning. Address 8.228, Omaha Bee. LAND—160 acres irrigated land for Oma ha home, balance, cash. WA. 6500. Ad dress 8-945, The Omaha Bee. WILL exchange- my 1919 Maxwell sedan for ton-truck or livestock. Box S-947, Omaha Bee. 1,040-ACRE ranch to trade for city prop erty. Long Pine, Neb.; price >20; mort gage* >5,000. 8-702, Omaha Bee. WILL exchange 6-room modern bungalow and two lots for other property and some i rash. Box.S-236. Omaha Bee. NOTES—Have few hundred dollars In | notes, will swap for good lat in Dundee, j Address 8-227, Omaha Bee. 2-TON Columbia Truck to trade for ’21 ! or '22 touring car. Will pay difference in ; cash. 8-944. Omaha Be*» NEW style four-light fixture frosted globes for sidewall fixture*, or what have you ? 8.943, Omaha Bee. i WILL trade new Remington portable type- ; writer for a good used Royal typewriter. Address S-534, Omaha. Bee GOOD electric light fixtures for living and dining room. What have you? S-524, Omaha Bee. _ TWO thousand dollar equity in lot near Cleveland, facing Lake Erie for what have you? Address 8-567. Omaha Bee. 1 1 ACRES fruit and poultry farm in Omaha, improved. Will exchange for other property. 6-241 Omaha Bee LAND—Improved half section pierce residence. What have you? Address 8*295. (>n. oh a Bee. _ _ EQUITY in 5-room semi-bungalow for land contract and aonte cash Address 8-297. Omaha Bee. WILL swap Mandy Lee incubator. 60.egg size, for h^pmerltaa shotgun, 12-gauge. 8.207. Omaha Be*. PIANO—Goo# uprlsnt piano In exchange for late mod81 Ford touring car. Ad- • dress 8-229. Omaha Bee.1 LOIS—Two ejear lota in thriving Colo- | rarto town, to trade on car. Address S 2S7. The Omaha Bee. CLEAR quarter, Adam* county, Colo.** for Omaha property. Box 8-24 4. Omaha Bee. EQUITY in good quarter in Greeley coun ty. Kan . for Omaha property. Box 8 223, Omaha Bee. >600 equity in 6-room house partly mod ern. for clear lot of equal value. Box S-2S3. Omaha Bee. 10 acres near San Antonio. Tex., and] >300 cash fr>r equity in good property In Omaha. S-234. Omaha Bee. I DEAN fireless cooker, will swap for good incubator for about 150 eggs. Address S 232. Omaha Bee. VIOLIN, 119 years old. wonderful tone, will swap for diamond. Address S-218. < hn a ha Bee. _ ONE setting hen and 6 laying hens' for what have you? Address S-217, Omaha Mea__ __ LIVE mallard decoys for sale or trad,*. What have you? Address S-299, Omaha Bee____ SWAP good down town cafe for good rooming house. Address S-937, Omaha Bee. VIOLIN and case for diamond ring. Box 8-210. Omaha Bee. i HORSE—Good horse, will trade for n cow nr chickens. Address 8-226. Omaha Bee. FUR—Will swap good Lynx fur tor what have you? Box 8-285. Omaha Bee. CARPENTER repair work In exchange j for Ford Cgf. A<l<lr*»sa 8-298, Omaha Bee. WILL trade B-34 model 1919 Oakland ; Touring for Ford. 8-932. Omaha Bee | WILL swap my 6-cylinder touring car 1 for diamond. 8-206, Omaha Bee ROOMING house for equity Jn house or ] trade for restaurant. 8-228, Omaha Bee. WILL swap old Edison records for oth er- Address Box 8-296. Omaha Bee. CHICKENS, 15; 15 pigeons and houses. What, have you? 8-787, Omaha B*e. AUTO—Appersnn chummy roadster. What have you? 8-788, Omaha Bee. Wanted to Buy .. 73 WANTED—Church seats, chairs and pews that are in good condition. Anyone hav ing seats or pews for gale write and give description »o L. B. Worcester, Tabor, la. Phone 8 4.02. WANTED—Good air compreaaor. prefer ably "Curtis,’’ tank and motor. Give com plete description. J. W. Bayer, Crete, Neb._ DESKS. DESKS. DESKS. New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded J. C Reed. 1207 Far warn. AT. 6146. WANTED TO pur—Second-hand mimeo graph machine State price, size, etc., in answer. Y-2177. The Omaha Bee. CLOTHING—Best prices paid James H Holmes, 2218 N. 24th. WE. >320. Apts., Flats, Furnished . 74 CALL DRAKE 9. __ CUMING «nd l«th Mrcrtr. Thr.r-room apt. all modern, nicely furnished, for; housekeeping; private bath. JA. 49152 AT. 018*5 (Tel.) — Desirable apt. In "Drake Court; tenant buys small amount furn. HUNTER INN. At siciY—:«th * DoSgfc Home for traveling man and wife. l'AI.\EO:tNIA ST . !6I»—Strtciiy Tmodern two moma. wall furnished. JA. & 151. Apts., Flats, InfumMied .75 TURNER COURT. One apartment available In Omaha's moat exclusive and conveniently arranged 3 rnom apartments, with &-rooin accommo dations Kent reduced. Janitor. 1JA. 6896. «. M HAUSER. Mgr 3106 Dodge. HA. 7140. ? V' RENTAL ________________________ Apis., Fists, I nfurnished . 75 OMAHA S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY Almost l.dOo fireproof apartments. Almost 100 furnished apartments From convenient 1-room walking cl.stance apartments at $17.5n to 4-room Dundee apartments at $97.80. Furnished from $50 to $130. DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. Fireproof Apartments. x ‘'all us. we will take you out. JA. 2806 17th A Howard. Open evenings and Sundays by appoint ment. 26T11 AND DOUGLAS—4 large rooms anti tile bath, strictly modern Near and convenient to Fnrnain and Crosstown cars. Janitor service. Adults only. JA. 1511 and V. A 24$ APARTMENTS AND*FLATS^llfj to' 8 100. W. J. PALMER CO. REAL ESTATE Management. AT. 8>80L__Kasllne Bldg. 30TH ST. 608 8.—3-room flat, In good re pair; electric lights and bath, all modern except heat; $31 HASP BROS.. 313 Keellne Bldg. AT 0721. FOUR rooms and hath, fireplace, nicely decorated, main floor. Separate basement and furnace. $40. 2616 Capitol Ate. D E. BUCK A CO. JA. 2543. sj\ rooms, clot# In fiat, modirn hut heat S15 S. 23rd -St., rent $35. E. F. AUSTIN, 130^ First Nat Bit. Bldg AT. 0785. I FOll Rl.WT— New 4 rm. apt t» blot l;s from city hall. No. 24. The Longfellow. [2215 Howard or call JA. 0767. r i:t c rsT t rust~ company. •WHERE OMAHA RENTS‘ AT. ".44 17th and Farnam Sra. | MARTHA and 20th Sis —Nice rooms and I bath, electric, lights and gas ,1A. 0918. FOUR rooms, steam heat, close in G. P. Stebbins. 1610 Chicago. SIX-room apartment, modern in fine con dition KE. OlsJ. SHERM AN A VF " 24i2—Two mcdV-rn : rooms; sink, gas range and garage, Reas ssr~7~ r n. ; -.." r >a . ..rsns Garage* a.nd Bams . 77 Garage, at-am he^tTTll S. 31 St' HA 7124 Garages and Barns . 17 TW ENTY - NI NTH ST ~ 10oT 8. — ReaT. double brick, private gat-Nge for one or two cars; on paved alley. Inquire reai denc or phone HA. 2880 House*, Furnished . .8 FTNE 5-rooni strictly modern hous* com pletely furnisl ed. Close to Kountze Park, churches and schools. Everything in very good rendition. Immediate possession. Right rental price. W. T. GRAHAM, JA. 1533. 704 Peters Trust Bldg. FIVE-ROOM cottage. beautifully fur nished. to refined discriminating people properly recommended Phone WA '*238. iil7 « tfTCAGO -Nice front room uew modern home 4 windows Ha 537> I(ouves, InftirniMifri . 79 FIVE rooms, strictly modern bungalow. 4530 Reward St., excellent condition. MYERS & RAIN BOLT CO.. 424 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. JA. 0746. i ALL* modern. house at 4010 Har ney street. Rent $7 5 per month. Inquire at Beaton Drug Co. nr 4010 Harney 8123 MARCy ST.. FOR RENT— EIGHT F.OOM MODERN HOUSE. GOOD REPAIR. ON CAR LINE CALL HA 2013. MODERN brick duplex. H Rm.c, ~$75': wfll ho ready to occupy Feb 1 2773 California St. No small children. 1TA 3136, f93 J SOUTH THIRTY-VlKTH AV E. — 7~ room, modern, newly decorated. HA. 3302.__ __ GOOD six room house and garage. 2623 Pierce 8t . 130 monthly. At. 0274 SIX-ROOM house, partly modern. 1005 So 42nd St Call WA. 6410. CASS ST. and 40th—11-room house, with garage, fpr rent. JA. 4130. 5-room cottage, partly modern, close in. $20 mo. JA. 1169. yr.T--TTr —- . -. W :r ■ -~rr-^ Offices and Stores . 80 j PRIVATE offiee with telephone and sten ographic service. Call AT. 1606. OFFICES—Corey & MoJ\enale Printing Co. U 24 Harney St a _ _____ Room and Bocrd. 81 KE. 3873 fT• I.)—Nicely furnished warm rosin in strictly modern private home. Homs privileges. Garage. CAPITOL Ave . 2780—Comfortably fur nished roohi with board, rcas., close in. HA. 7222. * WARM room for 2, home privileges. 8 home cooked meals. $9 week. WE. 5014. WE. 2061 (Tel.) — Board, room for 2 Catho lic ladies or gentlemen; home prlvlllges. NICE ROOM. West Farnam. private fam ily, close in; delicious cooking. HA. 7199. Blackatonc Diet., ideal room, every home comfort, genr. pref board opt. WA. 0400. UNUSUALLY attrac. room, home prlv.; brd. op' Reas, to desir. parties Wt. 04 00. Rooms. Furnished . 82 | Boom "directory for ROOM HUNTERS. Should you fall to find listed below the room you want, call at the "Want" Ad counter of The Omaha Bee for a room directory. The Omaha Bee maintain* thla service for your* convenience. New list issued each week. Anf, If you «ant to insert an ad of you r own phone AT 1000 and ask for Mias Smith, oijr "Room for Rent" specialist. _ * LARGE room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentle men; $2 for one, $3.50 for two per Wk. Private entrance. One block to car. 2716 So. 25th St.__ _ _ ONE modern room for rent for colored. Half block from Dodge car line. Phene | We. 4328. 3013 Grace St. | FLORENCE BLVD., 3718—^Varm rbont for 2 gentlemen. breakfHst If desired. $3 week ly. WE. 3704 DEWEY AVE..- 2609—Nicely furnished parlor bedroom, steam heat, walking dig., reaa. AT. 4568 Harney St., 2583—Furnished rooms for 1 nr 2 gentlemen, pressed brick flat. AT. j 0433._ DEWEY AVE, 3306—Comfortable room, ' private house, $5 per week. Harney 0466. Ref._____ MR. GENTLEMAN; If you appreciate a pleasant room and a good home call WA. 0059. _ _ I FORT ST., 2724—Large attractive room. | pleasant home for couple employed. KE. | S8i3. NICELY furnished rooms, modern home, excellent board couples employed. Walk ing distance. Home privilege?. JA. 1445. 116 SOlJTTj T \i IRT Y -S ECO N D A VIC — Meautlful large rooms, suitable for two, take Farnam car. __ HA. 0106 (Tel-'—Nicely furnished room with lavatory. Gentleman preferred. Ref Leavenworth 8* , 3?07—Clean mod. rooms, steam heat, walk, distance. r«aa AT. 1706. HA 3131 (Tel.) — Nicely furn. room for i or 2 Indie?; a good West Farnam home PINKNEY ST . 1438—All modern front loom, very pleas.. per vk WE. 2804. CHICAGO ST. 2817 — Large front room, new modern home, 4 windows. HA 5379. DUNDEE, 5119 Cass St , rooms, single or en suite Home privileges. WA. 1846. BWEtTWOrtB AVfc\. ~410,-^lntuToum‘TS modern brick; cluaa in; f3.5_o. DUNDEE—Modern, in pHvate'TgmTlir'to rarty of refinement. Wa 8981. LINCOLN ’bLVIL. 3625—N lei “rim,” larga closet, home prlv., for J or Wa. 4594. PARK A vs., 618—Large, clean, co*y 8. B room with alcove. HA. 8227. COZY room for 2 girls, walking distance. $2.56 each per week. JA. 0846. Thirty-second St.. 1123 S—Pleasant home like. furnished rooms; fine neighborhood THlltTY-SKVENTk ST, 11J B.—S nlcoly furnished roonu, ladle? onl> • HA 62i». i TWENTY-SECOND ST. 3812 S. — Nlci I bright room for 1 or 2 girls AT 1677. HA. 1712 (Tel.)—Clean. comfortable I room*, desirable location, private family. NEW bungalow in Florence to rent for one to five years KE 4569 D ST, 2720—Modern, two nicely furnished tornsr rooms. MA. :>I9?. Mod. rm., steam heat. $3.50. 724. N. lSth RENTAL 1—--11 Hoorn*. Fiimiolirtl . ! KB, 4442 {Tel.)—Cleon fun m fot 1 !rd>, with private fnmlly; boatiMf d»>ire<1. j H AHN l£Y 8T . i»00i—Mn-ly furnlahed room fot 1 or J k -ntleinen ref HA 2 HIM. HA 1143—l.ovoly room, individual beds reasonable rent couple or 2 gentlemen FARnAm Hoom for 1 gentlemen or couple employed. WE. €25 7. k k ’.3*'. (Tel ' Nice room, prh homo, on Crown Point Avp. Oloaa to 24th oar line »8TH an i : . I s - Rooms for I idles, close, no houaokerping. Call evening*. i.KAVKN WORTH ~s I* . _*40t{—; nicely ; furnished rooma Private home. • Rooms for Housekeeping . 84 ROOM DIRECTORY for ROOM HL*NTS*R9 Should you fall to find listed below the ( room you want, rail At the “Want’ Ad counter of The Omaha Lee for a room directory. The Omaha Bee maintains this hervlce for your convenience. New list issued each week. And. if you want to insert an ad of your own, phone AT. 1000 an<! ask for Miss Smith, our “Room for Rent" specialist. EIGHTH ENT? 1 «T. 3211 NOR I'll—-2 e\ ceptionally warm connecting modern room# and sleeping porch lit refined pri vate home close to ear Ref WE. ')707. TWO rooms for I gnt housekeeping, partly furnished. Light heat end water fur nished KK. 034" I. \ •• 1 >odg< _ THIRTF- FIRST AVI , ^124 S.—Furnished or unfurn. rma, $4 and up. Ha. 3718. 2 and 3 h>kpg suites. J#t fl., heated, euit ah'n f«r 3 fetnil.. 3121 Vk Calif. HA. 400J_ •J4TH ST.. X.. 92;! . upstair#, two room# completely furnished. 16 week. JA. 6419 TWENTY-SIXTH AVK . 54 8 ’> large front rooms, everything furnished $• R1NNEY ST.” 2108^I,a irge. nice front room for 2;' references. We. 0396. Where to Stop In Omaha .V. 87 liberty” hotel. €04 8. 1 4th St. Wanted—Roomers a# weekly transients, transient rates. 75 day and up by the week, $t and up. Steam heat and bath# CLAREMONT h <- n; F. 1711, near Jack* son. AT. 5914. Conveniently located. Week ly rates. HOTEL SANFORD— 19th and Karnam. HOTEL HEN SHAW—16th and Farnam. Special rates to permanent guests. REAL ESTATE Acreage Properly . .88 ACRES—For sale by owner, two and one half acres, one-half mile west of Elm wood park. high, sightly, suitable for Harden and chicken*, half mile east of the Love tract. A good home and In vestment proposition Price $.1,500. SOPH US NEBLE. JR. 1017 City Nat Bk. AT. 6195. Itiisinrsts Property . 89 25th and St. Marys Ave. This is a good small investment on a street with speculative advantages, im proved with a five-room cottage, always rented, $2,000 cash required. Price $5,000. Glover & Spain, JAcItaon 2830. 318-20 City Nation*!. Farms and Itanrhe* . 90 RIVER FRONT RANCH | .‘.420 acres for sale at $49,000: 1.780 acre* i deailed land and lease on school section; ' 2 Vj mile* r»T TOver fbbbf,-and river valley, liver never overflows, lays in a solid j Mock along s6uth' side of r North Loup river In west end of Louf* county, on main 1 traveled road between two county seat3. Brewster and Taylor. Neb ; two sots of Improvements. 2 miles apart, one of (hi houses is new. io rooms, with big cellar, one of the barns is new with hayloft, j There ia nearly ei)Ot)gh lumber on the ground for another big hayloft barn, graln ery and crib room for 5,000 bushels of j grain; shed room for :;00 head of cattle,; and a number of other out buildings; heavy timber on place to saw for lumber; mail delivery, and phone service at both houses; one mile to school, will cut ::ui> tons of hay; good roads to railroads;! warm spring water for stock in winter, 4 • pumps, windmills; good hunting ground and fishing, plenty plums, grapes and , other wild fruit; 4 acres alfalfa, 230 acres! farm land. There is 200 acres more good land could be broke up to farm, or raise alfalfa All fenced and crossed fenced in many plart^M will divide ranch and »ell half or all^io trade, clear title, part lime, part cash. 25 miles from Dunning and 27 miles from Sargent on Burlington railroad. Have letter to show of a prom ise of r railroad up this river valley. Good neighborhood Will sell 200 head of Here ford rattle. 20 horses, hogs, hay grain and machinery in connection with ranch if desired. Will refer party to Brewster State bank or Bank of Taylor in regard lo my word. Frank E. Golsou, owner, Ferguson. Neb. FOR SALE—The Martin 'tCakehouae fruit farm and suburban home is now on the market for sale. Nine acres. Unusually attractive pla -c. Extra comfortable ini- j proveiru nts all in good order. Six-room house. gniHgr. barn, chicken house, coal and wood house and tool house. About ' one ac:g| in bearing grapes, about one- | half In berries some alfalfa, pasture , and truck ground, located at westerly end of Bennett avenue, u little west of Madi son avenue. Two and one-quarter mllea by road to Beuo's store. Priced for quick i sale. $9,000, part cash, balance long time. Apply to KNOX & COMPANY. _41 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs. Ia. ARKANSAS FARM — &0 acres; house, Tumi, outbuildings. CO acres cultivated; dose to church, school and town. will take $1,450; terms. Bee, Yanemburg Moorfieid, Ark * 140.ACRE FARM—Good farm land, one j mile northwest of Irvington. Neb. Owned by J. H. Leu# Call J. W. Herron for particulars. Wa. 4509-F 2. SCO acres. C00 acres in fall wheat, trade for a retail .business. Box 146. Sutherland, Neb. __ _ I Lots for Sale . 91 FOR SALE — By owner. 9 lot* .‘.0x162 all j • *»t front; water, sewer and gae in. Will •ell to a builder or single 3314 Fon- I tonelle Blvd. PUNDEB lot. 60x12ft, on 64th bt. near For* ngrn: choice lot; owner will conalder reea* unable offer C. A, Orlmmel JA. 1615 WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lota in Edge wood, very easy teima. Phone Atlantic 3540, 3--sr=x—.=jn.. rc.,=r-n,-- --- Rrcil Estate—Central ..93 5-ftOOM bungalow, all^mod , w ill sell for t3.Rf»0_AT 6911 or JA <421. evenings. r-Triri--i" • •—■—v — - —— Real Estate—Dundee .95 Dundee Bungalow , $6,750 A very sightly location; east front; lot R0j;l2<. nice lawn anti shrubbery; Call fornla-type bungalow. Five good sited rooms and bath, all on on* floor; log fireplace in living room Full cement basement. Furnace heat. Large rear porch with screens, storm window* and awnings This Is an attractive and comfortable home. Term* can be arranged. Cali us (or particulars. George & Co., (HeaHore ) AT. 3924. —-Teas Ket) Estate—-Florence .96 nVihTwaY “home agent' specialist In north Property (white only). K« 1499. Real Kstalp—MIst'fllant'oiiR ... .97 LET US build and finance >our new home; complete building service with no1 u orrip*. EQUITABLE TRFJJT rOMPANT. 1M1 Imufldi Si REALTORS AT 2943.1 HQMK6 for workingmen. Four rooms, Partly modern, full lot, eaav terms, fJ.Jtil Have oth-sra. Stewart. Ralston 10-W ALFRED THOMAS & bon Co., lielltOU j REAL ESTATE Real Kstate—North . W Five New Bungalows in Minne Lusa Nearing « omplet$nn, r» room* with room in uni'1 fur one more: beat oak flo<» *» and finish: enamel in bedroom*. Intli anti kitchen; brick fir* place, {il* bath. bull! In tui'. \ ••*t»lt Standard furnace Lot well located, close to car Price, lib*" to $600 below price* risked for same Quar ity construction Term* Kvenln**. phone Mi Shaver. KK. 37rtH or Mr Metcalfe. WA. 2776. Equitable Trust Company IS13 DougUs St. R<-»ltoif. AT. 2M». Minne Lusa Very attractive residence, frame ton- * struct Ion, having large living room "l* ' fireplace Larg-1 Hitting room in oak finish Very ronvlantly arranged klteheu with refrigerator room thr*«» large h«<i rooms and ti'.e hath on 2nd floor, natural birch finish One large room finished on third floor. Good sited lot anil our car garage. A very good 'alue a $7 8M). Evenings call Mr Smiley. HA. 4(>M. Hansen Investment Co., AT, 06 Itealtei H • Dutch Colonial Minne Lusa Attract!'® s. room, strictly all modtin home, with room, dining room, sun room and kitchen, first floor, foyr bed rooms and bath, second floor oak floot * throughout and oak and whtt-* enamel finish. East front orner lot on boulevard, with garage and drive. Price 18,500; term arranged Glover & Spain, Realtors. JA. 2850 _ 913-20 City National BUILDING LOTS‘WANTED. Will take >our vacant lot and a amal amount cash aa first payment on mot* any kind of house you want or wil bin Id for you on ?«ur own Phone m* u hat you have and want Evenings < 41 Lewi*. W.\. It!? K F CLARY CO., REALTOR P C4th and Amen Ave KE 0175. NORTH SIDE. 5 room* and breakfast nook, all modern, with oak floors; close to school and cat Piked to nell W. FARNAM SMITH &. CO. JA 0564 KE. E0J9. Five rooms, brand new. elec.tric light*, furnace, full basement nice lot. $ A. 6 00 $250 cash, $45 per month. 4623 Larlmdr** F U Car*e. AT. 7 412. 318 South 18th * CaMPBELL’8 customers always plea*©' with their new homes. Beat construction service and prke. Call AT. 8048 or WA 5704 627 KeeHne Bldg. BY OWNER—Beautiful lot Miller P«rV district, 5922 North 24th Street. Addres H A. Shaben. 1334 A Street, Lincoln Neb._ __ CLASSY Miller Park bungalow, fine lo^s tion. 5 rooms, oak finish, garag*. Pfii« $5,600 good terms. Call JA. 3261._da> • We Build to Please Temple McFaydan Co. ( New 6-ro m Colonial, all modern. A bargain, located 6944 Florence Bl'd Norris A Norris. JA. 427ft. __ Real Efltate—South . 9! Field Club District Vestibule, elegant living room a< roe* the front with fireplace, dining room, sun too mand kitchen, finished In .Santos; ev ceptonally good pantry and Icebox spat* three beautiful bedrooms and tile hath oi woconU floor; quarter-agjvpd o*V Ylosi * throughout. Oj! heat and garage. Cki*« to school and oar line. Cart you imagine a beautiful home of this description b# <fltrd in this very selefct neghborhnod foi $10,500? Evenings call R. E. Buchtel. AT J. J. Mulvihill, 2 ft ft Brands!* The*. Bldg. JA 3 5 Field Club Sacrifice. Beautiful eight-room brick and frame residence, with extra large lot, on boul® 'aid near Woolnortb; splendid shade tree*, double garage, many special fe < turcs. Call Oiborne Realty Co., $30 Peter* Trust Bldg Jackson 228 2 FIVE.ROOM modern cottage, large loi and garage. Good place to rals* chick ins. Must be sold in two weeks. Very low terms and price; located at 46th sad J Tel. MA. ft440. 6-jKGOM. futly modern, garage. $4,160 Near 23d and Bancroft: want offer. Call BeM.. AT. 61.15. HA 371 f Confer With Cohn. b_»C BUCK A ro tmv snfl a*H $otni» Real Estate-—West .100 J ’ Edgewood Bungalow l $6,400 ) ) Just being completed. New five. ) room bungalow, all on one floor. ) Barge attic with dormer apace to ) to finish large, airy room. Oak and ) enamel finish. Excellent location on ) paved street. Buy now and have ) the privilege of selecting your own ) decorations. Call Mr. Sloan. WA. > :812. > New Horn's—T«u» terrna. AT. 4f&< Grove-H ibbard Co. "i'&S& CAETTOn'NIA ST.. S«34—4 room*, mod , ll.OOu cash, balance monthly, on car IJnt. C’reigh. 60*. Bee Bldg Ja 0200. TFJL. JA. 1426 Burt C. Fowler V’o., real tors, to see 3 desirable Dundee homes at 1 *7,7*0, _**-600 and 19.50ft Rnl KM ate—Exchange .101 $15,000 in First Real Estate Mortgages due January 1. 1 926. with .7 per cent annual Interest Give deacrlp* tion of offering In flrat latter. Address. T-2165. Omaha Bsq. RHANUEIS THEATER IuTdG . '^jj—Ti. houses and store building llept }2.2$’* * year, to exchange far Real Kfttate—W.'intnl . 'VB have a client for a a or 0-Toom home in southwest district I,at us ijat your property. J. U HIATT COMPANY. First Nat. Bank Bldg AT, flM., W. J. PALMER COjgsS > our. home. l.lst with ua and prepara *■ move. 412 K»eiine Bldg. At. ^ Li'-t jour home—Buy your house, • BINDER & OTIS, Rsal Estate Logni, he nisi la JA fg|1 10 Homes Wanted F|v« or rlx rooms. Lfhe*. Xv. Young A Son. 1«*2 City Nat l. AT 9C«| C. T. Spier & Co., Realtors _4*4 TruM KM, JA .Jr,7 "“‘‘Tukey Sold It” A. 7* Tt'KKY A SON, If*,tier*. JA. 4ft, BIRKFjTT ’ukal taT^TE: ■U1 XV Hi J. I 8,1 u. R„„, i„,ur«,. _ »*» Nl.r» Tru,» BM« JA. II4JJ. GRITF M tft Btlltf CO. K5T Itb~ XJi\ U Hiix XVI 1„ for quick r»«ult«. 14D0 Kirn X.l'l B.nk BM*. JA. U4» LIST >our bum*, for rule %*ith ua. vT. H»vc Ih* curtail.«ii. J'AVNB INVEST MENT Ca, R»lHor_ 'voiu i> n.'.iiv ii, MSHart.' a r sit, fVcitcrn R**l limn (,’T. .1 ,\. It01 “ Tv nftSTWU'K. .*•! p*TJ)lt*. AT, I,'04 'Mi » IPP li inVf A- kli \ | , 1231 WiiiarJ <’ llibiuili. r - ja :: _H 4.ST I MIS A IIHVlifc'N RBAt.TORR L. II ULNNtK ca' J; tfALTutit