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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1923)
Community Chest Plan Debated at Rotary Meeitng l)t. I. S. Cutter Says Central ized Scheme Is Needed to Put Charity on IVJore Solid Basis. The plan for a federation of all Omaha welfare agencies with a com mon budget fund out of which each would draw in proportion to its needs was debated before the Rotary club at its luncheon yesterday. Although no official decision was given, many of the business men present expressed themselves privately as in favor of the project. Dr I. S. Cutter, dean of the Col lege of Medicine of the University of Nebraska upheld the plan, which was drawn up by the welfare committee of the Chamber of Commerce after several months of Investigation# the financing of charities 1n other cities. Jle wa® opposed by Dr. B. \V, Christie. "A welfaie federation and common ity chest is needed in Omaha lo put charitable work on a more solid basis, eliminate the anxiety and annoyance of numerous drives. tagC*la>s and subscription solicitations." said Dr. Cutler. "Through the proper coor dination of the various agencies dupli cation can tie avoided sud after ini mediate suffering is relieved It will be possble to follow up tho work and seek to remove the causes. liaise fund in Week. He explained that if the various re lief agencies of the elty would enter into a federation, ail the money neces sary for their maintenance each year would ho raised in a single week's campaign in the fall. The budget would be carefully worked out. and each agency allotted Its proper pro portion. These charitable enterprises could renter their entire effort on relief work and not be harassed with the problem of raising money, llej answered Dr. Christie* claim that the community chest plaji would lessen | the pleasure of giving because of the substitution of organized for volun leer effort by saying tjiat the support of the needy was a civfie and eommun ity affair rather than a personal mat ter. "The community chest Is too much of a machine," Dr- Christie said “Charity is a sacred thing, and the | only good that can crime out of it is through personal contact. The chest 1 Is simply a supergov'ernment, and its greatest boosters are employes of the federations in other cities. We will Still have lag days, no matter what is said or done. The plan may suc ceed as in other cities Cor the first year, hut it will fail of public sup port after a short, experience." Clevnland Uses plan. In reply to the charge that under the auspices of the Cleveland com munity chest the amouitt asked for charity had grown mans times, 1 »r. Cutter showed that this apparent in crease was due to the £avjt (hat in the beginning only a small majority of tho agencies there had operated under the federation but that gradually all except three had come in. and that now practically alt tls- charitable funds of Cleveland were raised dry the chest plan. Instead of lessening public interest in good, causes, the community chest method increased it lb> told of Kan *as City where formerly only 25.000 persons ggrvc to charity, and where this year 85.000 contributed to the chest. Tho executive eommltt00 of the j Chamber of Commerce lu*. endorsed tho draft of a plan for (jin welfare federation. This contemplates a \ipsn-d of -5 governors, 10 chosen l).v the welfare agencies. 10 ehoserj by contributors to tlm fund, and in addi lion the mayor and four others to be < bosen by I be other governors. j Brief City News Talks tv Pupil*—Miss Belle Ryan, superintendent of Oniaha soliools, spoke to the eighth grade of Haw thorne echool AVednoeday afternoon. Glider at Medical Meet—Pr. Robert Gilder displayed some of Ids archeo logical discoveries Tuesday* night at a meeting of the Douglas County Med ical association. Depositors Warned—Depositors <>r the American state bank must file iheir cluiuis Willi Ueceiver Fred A. Uodic on or before February 2, it was announced yesterday. Noisy l)»y in Poatofliee—The cen tral postoffiop echoed to a great clamor Tuesday when WOO galvanized iron washtubs were mailed by h local department store which held a sale on them. ,ludgo Overrules Objections—Jfcder al Judge AVoodrougli yesterday over ruled objections filed by several per sons being sued for promissory notes given in payment for Skinner Backing company stock. Speeders Arrested—The 12 man mo torcycle squad of Omaha police de partment reports 7S arrests during the first 22 days of January for .speed ing. and S7 for violating the head light ordinance. Escaped Eagle I lead—The large bald eagle that escaped from River view park Tuesday was captured af ter being winged with a pistol shot by Fred Anthony and was found dead in Its cage yesterday morning. Found Dead at Gilmore—William Crawford, 40. Bell hotel. 514 South Thirteenth street, was found dead yesterday morning in a Union Pacific bunkhouse at Gilmore. Apoplexy is believed to have been the cause of death. Henry MnnsKy Honored — Henry Monsky. newly elected member of the executive committee of the interna tional order of B’nal B'rith, will be honored at an open meeting of the club at tho Jewish community center tonight. Priest Goes East—Rev. Theobald Kalgmaja. for the second time since being ordained a priest, will leave his pastorate of the Church of the Im maculate Conception Monday eve ning for that of St. Stanislaus church. Cleveland. O. Deerson Funeral Today—The body of AVilliam Deerson. who was fatally shot Saturday night in a grocery store holdup, was taken to his brother's home in Elkhorn, where funeral serv ices will be held at t this afternoon. Burial w’ill be at Elkhorn. Williams Answers Endres—Police Sergeant Frank Williams, head of the morals squad, yesterday denied Sher iff Mike Endres' statement that he arrested Jesse Wiggins because be found one of Endres' campaign ban ners In the basement of the Wiggins homo. / Fuller to Expose Operations of Klan Edgar I. Fuller, whose Ku Kiux Klan activities were well known in California, has expet tented a change of heart. Fuller, who married Dorothy Soren son, daughter of wealthy Omahans, made the following announcement to a reporter of The Omaha Bee upon his arrival here yesterduy: “I know that I have done wrong. 1 got Into that mess aud now 1 am going to expose the entire organiza tion of 5.000.Q00 members.” Fuller stated that he is now em ployed by several Omahans to gather evidence against the klan, which he expects will implicate klansmen in the Morehouse parish (Da.) murders. He would not make public the names of the men employing him. Omaha has a klan organization. Fuller said, but men of prominence are withdrawing rapidly. Fuller was of the opinion that the Omaha kavern would be out of existence in a mouth or two. Fuller intends to leave today for New York, where Jio will begin the study of law and at the same time keep in ( lose touch with his investi gators. lie intends to practice law here. His wife and baby are enroute to New York. Kt'Ialives Blame III Health for Suicide of Thomas J. Lee Relatives of Thomas .1. Dee, Casper, Wyo., who committed suicide by shooting himself in the head at the Hotel f’laza Sunday, arrived in Omaha yesterday to take charge of the body. They believe that ill health caused ids act. Dee is survived by his mother, daugher and two sisters. New $1.0110.1)00 Movie 11 oil.-e If Planned hy A. H. Blank ll was announced yesterday flint A. H. Blank of Dos Moines, owner of the Rialto and Strand theaters in Omaha, is negotiating for sites here for the election of a ‘000 theater with a seating capacity of 3,500. This announcement came as a sur- ; prise to Managers Julius K. Johnston J and Hai ry Watts of the Rialto and | Strand theaters. The SWAP ads in The Omaha Bee are ‘‘Bringing in the bacon.” Mr. l>avis swapped his house last week. Swap what you want for what you have through a SWAP ad in The Omaha Bee. ] Why you should use AC 1075’sinyourFord Its spring terminal clip for instant detachment permit* testing of ignition while engine is running. The rarbon-proof porcelain with its high temperature fins offers effective resist ance to car b on. soot an d oi I. Electrode forms natural drain so that no oi! can lodge in gap. Most engine trouble comes from Incor rectly designed or worn out plugs. Put a set of AC 107Vs in your Ford and note the easier starting and smoother performance of your engine. AC Spark Plug Co. FLINT, Michigan Don't use cosmetics to hide skin trouble Resinol qids poor complexions If your complexion if rough, red, or pimply, don’t try to cover up the de fects with cosmetics which do not con ceal, but usually attract attention to the reason for their use. Begin today to clear your shin with Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap. This treatment not only cleanses the thin and enables it to breathe, but usually removes blotches, redness and roughness. Ask your dealer for Retinol Soap and Ointment ADVERTISEMENT. HEAD STUFEED BY CATARRH? USE A HEALING CREAM If your nostrils are clogged, your throat digressed, or your head is stuffed by nasty catarrh or a cold, ap ply a little pure, antiseptic, germ de stroying cream into your nostril*. It penetrates through every air passage, soothing inflamed, swollen mem branes, and you get Instant relief. How good it feels. Your nostrils are open. Your head la clear. No more hawking, snuffling, dryness or struggling for breath. Get a small 1 Kittle of Ely’s Cream Balm from any druggist. Colds and catarrh yield like magic. Don’t stay stuffed up. ! Relief is sure. 50c Phillip*' Milk of Magne*ia 36c $1.25 Warner's Safe Remedies 63c Entire Line Penslar Remedies h Price 60c A. D. S. Syrup Figs 31c $2 00 Pkg. Gold Medal PilU (Pennyroyal) 89c $2.00 Bar Boccabelli Soap $1.39 All Fancy Box Stationery 2 Price 50c Tube Pepsodent 33c One Lot 2Bc end 36c Tooth Brushes 13c 15c Bottle Soda Mint Tablet* 7c Box 100 Aspirins 23c Prescription* and all refills of prescrip tions during this sale and while in gredients last at— 333% Discount SAYS THE LANDLORD On short notice my landlord served ipp with an order to vacate—in other words. “$at out 1”—and here 1 am with a $35,000 stock. After being in the retail drug business in Omaha for 27 years, i find myself bodily kicked out. My 27 years of fair and squara dealing will predominate all through this sale. So bring your baskets and shopping bags and sloth up for time to come. Thanks J. H. Green Sal# Starts Thursday Morning FACE POWDERS and ROUGES $1.25 and $1.00 Boxes Fiance, Atmand’s Cold Cream, Djer ICias, Garden Court, Palmer's Garden Glow.N Hudnut’a Gar denia Face Powders, choice..69c 60c and 50c Armand's, Melha, Luxor, Jer gen'a Doris Rose.33c 75c rarkages Garden Court Powder .. 39c 75c Package Hudnut** Three Flower* 57c $1-50 Package Hudnut'a Sweet Orchard $1.07 large Box Luxor Powder.59c $6c Dorin'* Rouge... 39c 50c Luxor R< uge, medium and aungIow.33c $0c Garden Court and Palmer’# Rouge. 33c 75c Mad Cap.• • . .... 59c 35c Harriet Ayer’s.27c 50c Vogue . . . 27c $2.00 Kit Djer Kiss Compact, with 6 fillers, for . $1.13 FACE CREAMS 35c D. A R. Cold Cream ..23c 60c D. A R. Cold Cream.39c 65c D- A R. Cold Cream.59c 50c Huuut’i Marvelous.37c $1.00 Hudnut'a Marvelous...-..71c PERFUMES and TOILET WATERS Colgate's. Palmer's. Hudnut’s, D&brook’s hulk Perfumes, values 75c per ouncp, on sale . 37c Djer Kiss, Garden Court, Mavis, Three Flowers, Frivola, Azurea, LUa«, Lovms Bulk Perfumes, $1.50 and $2.00 values. sale, per ounce.98c Cappi and Fiance Bulk Perfumes, $2.50 and $3.00 values, per ounce.$1.89 Coty’s, Paris. I/Orlgan and Chypie Per fumes, $3.50 value. $2.55 Coty's Styx Bulk Perfume, $4-00 value, per ounce . $2.98 Caron Black Narcigsus Bulk Perfume. $6.50 value, per ounce. . $4.69 $6.00 Original Bottle Coty’s Paris Perfume fpr .$3.79 $7.50 Original Bottle Coty's L’Origan $5.49 $7.00 Original Bottle Rlgaud’s Mary Garden Perfume $4.96 $1.85 Bottle Hudnut’s Toilet Water, •ale . . $1 29 $1.50 Bottle Three Flowers Toilet Water, sale . $1.09 FACE CREAMS 3$c A. D. S. Peroxide Cream. •.23c 60c A- D. S. 'Peroxide Cream.33c 50c Hudnut’a Three Flower Cleansing Cream .37c 60c Hudnut’a Three Flower Face Cream . 37c 75c Hudnut's Skin and Tissue Cream. 39c 30c Woodbury's Facial Cream and Cold Cream 21c 60c Milk Weed Cream . 37c 50c All Melba Crtamf.37c 50c Black and White Beauty Bleach. 37c 50c Black and White Cold Cream 37c 50c BotUf Hind’s Honey and Almond 37c $1.00 Bottle Hind’s Honey and Almond. 71c 25c Jars Green's No. 1 A 2 Cold Cream. 19c 50c Jars 4 ox. Green’s No. 1 A 2 Cold Cream .. 35c 50c Jars Green’s Vanishing Cream. . 27c 25c Bottle Green’s Chapola 19c 50c Bottle, $ or.. Green’s Chapola.39c 35c Frostil a . 23c 35c Mad Nail Polish.29c 35c Odorono . 23c 60c Odorono .39c Libera reductions on our entire lino of Harriot Ayer’s Creams. 35c Sloan’s Liniment 1 A for.ISfC 30c Grove’s Bromo Quinine. 65« Bottle Parke Davie [JIT E/f. Sod. Pboephate.O # C $1.10 »ize Tanlac ' for... $1.00 Bottle Squibb*' Petroleum 79c Rubber Goods $1.50 Water Bottle*.7ii(‘ $1.50 Fountain Syringe.... 79$ $2.50 Water Bottle, Green’* guarantee .$1.39 75c Houiehold Glove* .39C 25c Grepn'* Guaranteed Cold Tablet* 19c $3.50 Combination Syringe, . 81.98 $1.50 Rubber Glove*, extra quality . 79^ $2.50 Female Spray Douche, .. 81.39 35c Tubing, full length.... l£y(l 80c Barclay Breait Pump* 39^ 15c No. 20 Natal Douche. 10* I 25c No. 10 Natal Douche.. 19<^ 30c 1-oz. Infant Bulb Syringe, •* . 19* $2.00 Velvet Combination Srri»t*> .#1.19 30c Ear gnd Ulcer Syringe, 17* $5.00 and $4.50 values Camp’s Men’s and Women’s Abdominal Belts ... #3.27 «nd #32.88 10c Nursing Bottles, all kinds, 5* 60c Green’s Buchu Juniper Pill* 39c Nyal’s Remedies and Preparations 60c and 65c packages Pepsi* Cor dial, Emulsion Cod Liver Oil, Slone Root, Digestive Tablets, Syrup with Figs and Senna, per package . 30<fr 60c Granular Eff. Citrate of Magnetic 23c 25c packages Nyal’s Cold Tablets, Figsen, Yellow PjUs, Eai'em, White Liniraent, Cough Syrup, Huskies, Liver Regulator, Ca tarrhal Balm, Fppt Bath Tab lets, Laxative Herb*, Laxacoid*, Syrup of Figs, Senna, etc., per package . $1.00 package* Hot Spring* Medi cine, Ecxema Lotion, Stone Root, Rheumatism Treatment, per pfekage.50£ 60c packages Nyal’t Figsen, An algetic, White Liniment, Cough Syrup, Kidney Pills, Tonic and Nerve Pills, Redone, Digestive Tablets, Catarrhal Balm, Rheu matic Treatments, etc., per package .. 25* $1.25 and $1.20 packages Emul sion Cpd Liver Oil, Vegetable Prescription, Beef, Iron and Wine.60* $1.50 Nev A Hone Razor Q A Strops .OsfC $3.00 Gem De Lux* 7Q Razors . I s/C $1.00 bottle* Vitamin* |JQ Tablet. ..D&C 26c pkg. Rheumabath "7 _ S»4» . 4 C SOAPS 15c Boccabella, 3 cakes.29* 25c Woodbury's Facial Soap, 18* Cuticura and Resinol Soaps, 19* 15c Sayman's, 3 for.29* 10c Palmolive, 7 for.19* 10c cakes All Around Soap...7* 15c cake* Mechanics’ Soap . .11* 25c cake* Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet . 19* 50c cakes Colgate's Florient, 33* 25c xakes Hobson Derma Zerma . 17* $1.00 box Colgate's Men’s Com fort Package containing six •rlicle* . 88* 25c A. D. S. Foot Soap.19* 25c Packer's Tar Soap.1 l-“* . 10* Crystal White, large cakes, 5 for .24* Patent Medicines 70c Bottle Sloan's Linament.37c 35c A. P. S. Syrup of Fig*.23c 60c Californio Syrup of Fig*.39c Si.10 Dr. Mile*’ Preparation* ..... 59c $1.25 Pinkbup'a Compound.99c Box 12 Aspirin*.9c Pox 12 Payor'* A»pirin*...13c Pottle 24 Bayor'* Aspirin*.29c Bottle 100 Bayer'* Aspirins.79c Box 12 Squibb’* Aspirins.13c Bottle 24 Squibb'* Aspirin*.25c Bottle too Squibbfs Aspirins.49c 00c A. D. S. Granular Sod Pbo*phate ..29c 3Sc Bottle White Pine Campound . . . 19c 33c Betti* White Pine Compound. Men tbolatod with Tar. 19c 30c Sal Hepatic* . 19c 40c Fletcher’* C*9|ari*.27e A 30c Jar Turpo or Mentholatum .... 19c 60c Jar Turpo or Mentholatum.35c 50c Bottle Norwich Milk of Magnesia 32c 28c Bottie Norwich Milk of Magnpeia 18c 50c A. D. S Milk of Magpfai#. ... 36c 25c A. D. S. Milk of Magnesia.18c $1.00 Bottle John Wyeth’s Dipstasic Mslt . 69c $120 Bottle Nujoi.. 89c 1 Dozen in Tin Package of Seidlitz Powders . 23c * 3 Dozen in Tin Package of Seidlitz Powdfrs . 13c 25c Sltzritt of Zinc.lfc 62 00 pox Piercf’f Female Pill*. 89c 60c B^ftls Drake’* Croup Remedy. 29c 81 Youth Craft .57c 15c J. A J. Corn Plsfters . .*.10c 61.00 Nyal’s Hot Springs Blood Medi cine . .69c DRUG WANTS 5Dc bottle Witch Hazel or Camphor.29C 25c bottle Witch Hezel or Camphor . 15f 50c Glycerine and Rote Water. 20C 25c Tr. of Iodine.16C 40c bottle Squibb*’ C*»tor oh . 23c 40c bottle Squibb*’ Aromatic Ca*tor Oil. . 29C 30c Corobu*ker Lotion . • • • 19C 71c Q'Ban Hair Color Reatorer . 39C 25c Blue Jay Corn Platter. 19C 30c tize Bropio Seltzer .... 19C 41-20 »jzc Bromo Seltzer... 79C Green'* Healing Salve. . -29C 30c Green’* Corn Remedy.. 19C Fountain Pens and Pencils Shaeffer’s, Water man’s, Ideal, Dunn & Moore’s Pens, lesy 33%%. Eversharp, Redipoint, Autopoint and Pal Pencils, less 33%%. Razor Blade# 60c Pfckai e Gillette Blade# .:3k 50c Packet# Gem, Dur ham, Duplex, Aute Strop .35c 35c Endrf# .27c $1.00 Auto Strop Blades for .76c $1.00 Durham Duplex Razor, with 3 blades, for .49c $5.00 Gillette or Aute Strop, oew style, $3.79 Shaving Preparations 35c Palmeliv* Shaving Cream (or .37o 35c Colgate'* Cr«*m, Stick. Powder.37c 75c Bottle Shaving Lo tion .39c 51.35 Pinaud'a Lila* d’Franc* .,59c 75c Bottle <40% alco h*l) Green'* Shaving Lotion .39c Candy 75c lb. Box Chocolate, Cream Centers, lb., 4Pe $1.00 Box Genuine Alle grefti .• • 67c $3.50 Box Geouine Alle* gretti ..$1.59 Peanut Brittle, per lb. 19c Chocolate Covered Pea nuts, per lb.37c Jordan Almonds, lb...47c Chocolate Stars, lb . . 47c $1.50 Crgne's Mary Gar den Chocolates . . . .98c A. D. S. Preparation* 25c A. D. 5. Cold Tablets Baby Cough Remedy, package !2'/«C §0e A.D.S. Alkaline Anti septic Solution, Baby Syrup, Aromatic Ca» cara, per pkg.15c 50c Bottle A. D S. Cough Remedy .25c 75c Bottle Beef, Iron and Wine .38c $1.25 Bottle Beef, Iron and Wine .B3c Entire stock of Ivory Goods, including Mir rors, Combs, Brushes, Brush Holders, Jewel Boxes, Picture Frames, Powder Boxes, Hair Receiv ers, etc., exactly half price. MISCELLANEOUS J. A .1. or B. & B. Formaldehyde Fumigators.33c 25c Box Sulphur Candles. . . ■ ..lie 75c Bottla Pine Root Mange Remedy.39c $1.25 Bath Salta 4711.If* Bath Salts, 75c size, 4711..39c $3-50 J. A. J. Household Accident Case*...... .$1.39 $3.00 J. A J. Auto Accident Case.■•.,$1.79 00c Bottle Watkins’ Mulsifled Cocoanut Oil.37c 60c Package Lister’s, 1 dozen, medium Sanitary Napkins .• ■..3$c 65c Package Lister’s, 1 dozen, large Sanitary Napkins . 41c 60c Value, 1 pound. Hospital Cotton.39c 15c Dent's Liquid Court Plaster. 5c 25c Dent’s Toothache Gum.17c $1.50 Van Ess Scalp Massage, with guarantee. , .$1.19 75c Fitch’s Dandruff Remover..• .... .S7c 75c Size Ed Pinaud’s Quinine . ...53c 100 Bottle Hnikle Pills.... $1.00 Lysol .99c 25c Lysol .19c Sterno Appliance* and Equipment, including stoves, stands, kettles, stew pans, stew kettles, fry pan*. etc., etc.• *.33Vj% Reduction Sterno Canned Heat, 15c cans, per can.. . 9vjc Sterno Canned Heat, 25c can, per can. 17c $5.00 Star Vibrator .. $3-49 10c Gainsborough Hair Nats, 3 for. 25c 15c Gainsborough Double Hair Nets.10c 10c to 76c Gainsborough Powder Puffs, Lass 33\'s% 15c Roll, 1,000 ahaata, A. P. W. Ft. Orange, 3 rolls 27c 15c Roll, 1,000 sheets, A. P. W. Purs White, 3 rolls .29c HOUSEHOLD WANTS 15c Package Feb .11c 30c Package Hofstra.19c 60c Pound Package Baric Acid..29c 30c Battle Listarine .19c 60c Bottle Lieterine . 37c •1-20 Bottle Lieterine .77c 20c Can Lewis’ Lye... 10c Packsga El Vsmpiro.6c 65c Bottle Maltese Cross Pure Olive Oil .39c $1.25 Bottle Maltese Cross Pure Olive Oil.73c 62.00 Bottle Maltese Cross Purs Olivs Oil.$119 Pint Bottle, original package, Squibb'a Virgin Olive Oil . 9hc , 30c Can Wrigkt’s Silver Cream.2tc 25c Putnam and Colorite Straw Hat Dye.15c 15c Can Climax Wall Paper Cleaner. 7c 35c Mufti . 19c •Oc Mufti . 37c 35c Can Energine .. . 27c 16c Package Diamond Dyaa. 9c 10c Package Putnam's or Butterfly Tint.. 6c 25c Colorite Fabric Dye .17c •Oc Cat. 1 pound, Squibb'a Boric Acid....^.59c 36c Can, 1 pound, Squibb'a Epsom Salta. . . • ..25c 40c Can, 1 pound,Squibb’s Sod. Phosphate.25c 40c Can, 1 pound Squibb'a Sod. Bicarbonate25c 15c Can, V% pound, Squibb'a Epsom 5alts.11c 15c Can, V«pound, Squibb'a Epsom Salts.tic 100 Bottlo Squibb’s Aspirin Tablets.••.. 49c 26c Bottlf Parka Davis Psroxlds.13c 66c Steam's Morning Salta. ..33c 36c Zyrnolo Trokeys. 15c TALCUMS 30c cans Mennen's, Squibb's, Colgate's, Wil liams’, Djer Kiss, Vivaudou, Hudnut's, Garden Court, Vantine's, Amami, Ar •nand’s . 19g) 25c cans t-***li A Babcock's.13<* On* lot odds and sods, values to 35c. . , 7* High grad* Talcums, including— $1.25 Coty’s .890 $1-25 Houbigant's .79<) $1.00 Ambre Royal (in paper).|9<* $1.25 Ambre Royal (in glass)....... One lot high grade Talcums in glass, values 60c and 75c .4«JC WATERS 60c Is gallon Poland Water.;|{|p 25c Split* Pluto .. . 1 (jf 45c Quart* Pluto ....32* 20c Splty* Itad Raven . . . . , .14* 75c Buffalo Lithia...49* Pint* Apollinari*, per doz. ..$2.49 45c pint bottle Grape Juice.29* 85c quart bottle Grape Juice..58* $1.00 PU#. Gillette Bledei 69c ISc Venida Hair Nett 10c $4.50 Croup Kettle* with Spirit Lamp $2.89 79c Jar Stacomb 59c 100 Parke. Davia Hinkle Pill* 19c *1.75 Bottle Ed Pjnaud'g Quinine $1.19 50c Box Uhry Rice Powder 19c SOc Boxes Mavis and Palmolive Face Powders 28c $3.50 Wonder Douche $1.69 50c Bottla Zadora Brilliantine 29c Please Do Not N»k tor Credit FIXTURES FOR SALE CHEAP This Sale I . Strictly Cash [ ^ ^ flip ||I|S Bi ^^^F ^I^F Bi * um W* BBI^B , BB ■ 16TH and HOWARD SOUTHWEST CORNER . LOOK FOR OUR SIGNS 0 ■ ' 1 - MAIL ORDERS FILLEP at tbeie prices. Add 10c to every dollar or fraction thereof for packing and shipping. Send personal check, postoffice or express money order. We *bip same day order receivod. Thousand* of other items at cut price*. 16TH and HOWARD , SOUTHWEST CORNER LOOK FOR OUR SIGNS j