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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1923)
A Queer World Han «n Marriage Between Women and Grandsons Urged in New Hamp shire. Makes 'Kin Gasp. Walla Walla. Wash.. Jan. it.— Strawberry and peony blossoms in January might not startle residents of Florida or California, but an ex IMisure of the tender petals from buds today set horticulturists ugasp. Peony blossoms surrounding the court house hurst info bloom yester day, and strawberry blossoms at a lo cal residence were sent parcel post to eastern people in proof of local conditions. Too Itouglt. Hutchinson, Kan., Jan. LM—"The policy of Little River girls for Lit tle River boys,” adopted by a num ber of young men at Little River, Kan., may cost that town In the neighborhood of $10,000, it became known today. Alleging that he had been whipped, with barrel staves by a crowd of young men at Little River when he called upon a young woman there, Lerton Morris, Lyons, Kan., youth, has Hied suit asuinst the town for $10,000 under the Kansas mob law. It is alleged that young tnen of Little River liavo resented outsid ers calling on the Little River girls and have adopted stern measures to discourage the practice. , The Kansas mob law provides that a city or county In which a ' person suffers at the hands of three or more persons acting in concert is liable for damages. • * * A Dark Outlook. Chicago, Jan. *4.—Harry C. Paul, in a speech before a meeting of optomet rists, said that it was possible that in ‘.'00 years ‘‘ouri vision will lie com pletely gone.” * * * Thou Shalt Not. Concord, N. H„ Jan. 24.—Bills were introduced in the legislature to make eight hours sleep in 24. compulsory to provide for the ap pointment of a commission to in vestigate all homes and determine whether they were happy, to pro vide no woman shall marry her grandson, and to forbid the Ku Klux Klan from calling meetings unless authorized by the Uleagle. Index to Want Ads ANNOUNCEMENT DEPARTMENT. Burial Vault* . 1 < aril of Thank* . 2 * cmetcrle*. Monument* . 3 Florists . 4 Funeral Director* . ft Funeral Notices . 4 Future Event* . 7 Fo*t nml E'onnd . 8 Notice* . 9 Personals . 10 AUTOMOBILE DEPARTMENT. A uta Accessories. Tires . II Vttta Agenclef . 12 Autos For Sal* . 13 Vutu* to Exchange . 14 Auto* Wanted . ]ft ban»|{PN—Repairing . 14 * lotorcycles. Bicycle* . 17 ‘ ervlcc Station* . .18 taxi—livery . 19 Trucks, Tractors. 20 BUSINESS SERVICE DEPT. Accountants. Auditors . 21 Builder*, Contractors . ?.'Z Dancing Academic* . 23 Detective Agencies . 24 Insurance—All Rinds . 2ft Moving, Storage . 24 Milliner?, Dressmaker* .. 27 Painting. Papering .28 Patent Attorney* . 29 Plumbing. Heating .. 30 Printers. Engraver* . 31 Professional Services . 32 Repairing .S3 service* Offered . 84 Tailoring, Pressing . Sft Wanted—Business Service .36 EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. Bunines* College* .87 'Correspondence Courses . 38 Dencrai Instruction ..39 Aluslcal, Dancing, Dramatis . W Trade School* .41 AVanted—Instruction .42 EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. Employment Agencies . 48 Help AA'anted—Kenialo . 44 Alelp AA anted—Male .45 Help—Mole or Female .46 Agent*. Salesmen .47 s*ltuntlons AA’anted—Female . 48 Situation* Wanted—Male. 49 FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT. Business Opportunities . M> Investments .81 loan* on Real Estate.52 Money to Loan . 83 AA anted to Borrow . 54 LIVE STOCK DEPARTMENT. Dog*. Cats, Bird*. Pet* . 5ft lfor*e*. Cattle, Vehicles .. 56 Poultry and Supplies. 57 AVanted—l ive Stock . 58 MERCHANDISE DEPARTMENT. Building Material .59 (lothin? and Furs . 60 Fuel ami Feed .61 Hood Things to Eat . 62 IIouhcIicId (ionili . 63 Jewelry and Watches ...64 Machinery and Tools . 65 MUcellitneou* . 66 Musical Instruments .67 Radio and Supplies . 68 Seeds. Plant*. Fertilisers .69 More and Office Equipment ........ 70 Store Specials . 71 Swap ( olumn . 72 Wanted to Buy . .. .*. 73 RENTAL DEPARTMENT. \pl*., Hats. Furnished ...74 \pte.. Flats. I nfurntshed . 75 Farms for Rent . . 76 Haritge* ."id Barns . 77 Houses. Furnished . 78 Houses, t nfuridsiied . 79 Offices ami Stores .80 Room and Board . 81 Rooms, Furnished .82 Room. 1 nfurnlshed .83 Rooms'for Housekeeping .#. 84 Wanted to Kent . Where to Eat . ** Where to Stop in Omaha 87 REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. Acreage Property .5* Business Property .#-J-J Farms and Ranches . 90 l.ots for stale .*.. Rent Estate—Benson . 9 Real Estate—Central 93 Real Estate—Council Bluff* .94 Real Estate—Dundee . »•* Rent Estate—Florener . 96 Real Estate Miscellaneous . 9* Real Estate—North .99 Rm I Estate—South .99 Real Estate—West . Rea» Estate—Exchange . Real Estate—Wonted . JJ* Realtors .JJ!” Trackage Property ..104 ANNOUNCEMENT DEPT. IIVRIVI. VAII.TW . 1 DISTINCTIVE features, see demonstration at factory. Automatic Sealing Concrete Burial Vault. Insist upon your under taker using no other. Every vault stamp ed : watch for name on lid. Manufactured only by the Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Po.. 6210 N. 30th St.. Omaha.___ ( EMETFRIES. MONFMENT8 . » FORE8T LAW N. North of City Limit*. AM revenues for perpetual care and tm provementa. Office* at cemetery and 7 2«> Bra ndcia Theater.__ FLORIST?*. 4 LEE LARMON^^,”4 JOHN BATH 1N04 Faruarn JA. 1306 J.'HENDERSON. Ittf 1 ,Karo a in. JA. 1248. You Can Save Time and Effort in Locating what you want by reading and using the “Want” Ad columns of The Omaha Morning Bee and The Evening Bee—two papers for the price of one. Read and use Omaha Bee “Want” Ads—the beeline to results. Telephone YOUR ad to ATlantic 1000 NOW. BEEWANTAD RATES lf»c per line each day, 1 cr 2 days. 12c per line each day, 3 to 6 days. 10c per line each day, 7 daya or longer. The above rates apply exclusively to Want Ads which are commonly termed “public wants," and do not include adver tisements of individuals or concerns adver tising: or exploiting their businesses. THE OMAHA BEE reserve* the right to designate what constitutes a public want. Want Ads accepted at the following offices: Main office.17th and Farnam St*. i South Omaha. .N. W. cpr. 24th and N Sts. | Council Bluffs.....16 Scott St. Telephone AT lantic 1000. Call for "Want" Ad Department. An ex , perienced "Want" ad taker will receive | your ad and a bill will be mailed later, j The rates quoted above apply to either ! charge or rash orders. THc OMAHA MORNING BEE. THE EVENING BEE. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition . •.11:40 a. m, Morning Edition.9 p. m. Sunday Edition.9 p. m. Saturday These rates apply to The Sunday Bee as well as to The Morning and Evening Bee. All week-day advertisements appear in both morning and evening editions at the cne cost. ANNOUNCEMENT DEPT. FUNERAL DIRECTORS . ® J. STACK & CO., Omaha's best undertaking establishment. arrow A M BUL A NC E V0T" Thltty-third and Farnam. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Rmbalmers. Phone HA. 0266. Office 2611 Farnam. Hoffmann Ambulance Service 24th and Dodge Sts. JA. 3901. HtJLSE & RIEPEN, ' Funeral Directors, 2224 Cuming. JA. 1226.' "LARKIN BROTHERS, f'UNKRAl, DIKKCTORS, 4 S1SO. S1TH. CROSBY-MOORED1; \v. 1 FUNERAL NOTICES ... 6 THANE—Mary. passed on Tuesday, | January 23, 1923. aged 76 years Mrs. | Trane is survived by two sons. A. C. [Trane and Hay .Trane of Omaha; two daughters. Mrs. Irene W. Brown and Mrs. II A. McKinney of Omaha; her sister, Mrs. Hannah Alstrand of Omaha. Private funeral service from the home of her son, A. C. Trane. 6620 . 27th St., Thursday. Jan. 25 1923. at 2 p. nj. In. terment Prospect Hill cemetery, p'or in formation call Crosby-Moore. WE. 0047. IU'RUDORF—Henry, 83 years, resident of Omaha 62 years, died at his home, 1214 South 25th Ave., today, January 24. 1923^1 He is survived by hla wife. Christine; six children. Louis. Mrs. William Scherve, Mrs. Edward Levy, Mrs. Knut Jensen. Mrs. Chris Hansen, • Mrs. Edward Mer vins. Ho was a member of Papillion lodge. No. 33, A. F. and A. M., and the Scottish Rite of Omaha. Funeral notice later. Arrangements in charge of Larkin Brothers. FUNERAL services fur Henry I Burgdorf who died January 24 at his residence, 1214 S. 25th Ave!, will be held from the Scottish Rite cathedral Friday after noon. 2 j». m. Papilfton lodge No. 39 A. F. and A. M. will have charge of services. Interment will be made at Pros pect Hill cemetery. CONLEY—W. F, Jan. 23, 1923, aged 81 years. Funeral services will be held from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Captain W. E. Harris, 621 Park avenue, Thurs day. Jan. 25th, nt 2 p. m. Remains to be placed in receiving vault at Forest Lawn. LOST AND FOUND.. 8 TELEPHONE ATLANTIC 10000. and dictate your "Want” Ad to The Oma ha Bee. Each advertisement will receive prdmpt and careful attention. LOST—Last week, patent leather purse, containing $20.25 fash. $12 check and keys, return pur*.o. keys and check, keep money, 326 So. 38th Ave HA 7029. WATCH—Lost gold octagon wrist, in down town district. Harney car or Bemls park. Liberal reward. WA. 2335. BAG—Lost Saturday, beaded bag con taining money and prescription. Reward. WA. 1243. GOLD MESH BAG—Lost in Brandels stores Wednesday afternoon. Reward. AT. 1588. DOG—Lost, white Spitz, answers to name of "Spike.” Reward. WE. 6751. PHOTOGRAPHS lost. 1 "Skog 1 unds. HA. 5040.____ TR ICY C L E IA )ST—Rubber tires. WE. 3031. PERSONALS . 10 THE SALVATION Army industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone JA. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new horns, 1110.1112-1114 Dodge street. ______ YOU may earn money at writing letters. "Think.” a great little book, mail-order plan $1.00 postpaid. John James, Box 912. Nashville, 'Penn. TO TELEPHONE YOUR "WANT" AD Call AT. 1000 and ask for a “Want” Ad taker.___ , MENUS, programs, special and birth an nouncements printed on short notice. 483 Brandels Thea. Bldg. Phons AT. >178. VACUUM cleaners rental. 76<\ Royals, $1; Hoovers, $1.2^; attachments delivered. KE. 4116 ___ THEATRICAL historical masque costumes, for plays and parties, at Lleben’s, Omaha. TREES trimmed and cut down by expert. Prices reasonable. JA. 6473. RENT Hoover vacuum, $1.26._HA. 6898. TYPING rffici. and prompt- done WE. 1714 Apr 14 to ISec. 2—Sums address. AUTOMOBILE DEPT. ALTOS FOR SALE . . IS Used Cars That Are Sold , on a Money-Back Guarantee Buy them with confident •» Drive them with satisfaction. V, hy tak-' a chance when you can get th« protection we offer? Triced to sell. Terms without fi nance charge. Various makes. I.ate models, open and closed. See us before you buy elsewhere. It Is to your advantage. Willys-Overland, Inc., Hudson Sedan Wo are ahowing three beautiful Hudson sedans In our fused far Department which are priced fop quick action at once. The demand for good closed cars exceeds the supply this season and here is your chance to own a strictfy high grade closed car at an open car investment. Stop at our show' rooms and inspect these cars op give us a rjng a home demonstra tion. Terms if needed and your open car as a down payment. . Smith |f*W AND UfSD CAM AT a BARGAIN. Ford cars and trucks. foO and up. Ford bodies and winter tops. Cars sold on terms to reliable parties. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO. Central Garage. Open Dsv and Night. ISIS Harney Street. JA. 2468._ NEW and used Fords, cash or terms. C. E PAULSON MOTOR CO.. Authorised Ford and Lincoln Dealers 2uth and Ames Ave, KE. 0141 — AUTOMOBILE DEPT. _ I At TOS KCIK MIX __> ■ ■. . .. 18 | SOME bargains in used Fords; prompt i delivery of new Fords. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Service Station. Utb and Jackson 8t0 AT. 7711. ;92S FORD coupe. 3 weeks old. driven \> s*s than 500 miles. Bargain. Call HA. 0207. after b p. m. USED CARS. O. N. Bonney Motor Co., 2654 Farnam. USED <ars that ran he used. NEBRASKA OLDSMOBILE CO. j Howard jo 18th.__ At. 1770. | USED Ford pans ut half price. Parts for i all standard mrke cars. Neb. Auto Parts, j 101b Harney St. HOLLY, expert auto t»nmner >12 S. 24th. 1 LARAt.I.S- REPAIRING .. 1« F()K A>1 auto 1 Irive to J FJC11 FKR’S SHOP, 2525 Leavenworth, 35 yr*. experience. BUSINESS SERVICE DEPT. Ill II.DKHS, CONTRACTORS . M (lAHAiiK.S l»u my stylo and size, 1100 up. Concrete work. Mlcklin Lumber and W recking Co ftl WE. . _ * ’a it l’i:.\ ri;i; ■ . . a special ty, garages, $110 up; satisfaction guur anteed. 11A. 5224. _ DANC INC* ACADEMICS ... . . --£3 LEARN to dance for $4 at KEEP'S 1X18 Farnam. Claeses Mon., Wed. and Frl. nights Dancing Tuee . Thtirs.. Sat. and Sun nights. Private lessons by appoint ments, JA._54 70._ DKTKCTIVK AGENCIES „ . ... £4 I RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Sunderland ■- . Ja : r.lghf. Ke 3X1 ' i JAMES AI.LAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evidence | secured In all cases. AT. 1136. MO\IN<(. L MIRAGE ....»« Moving—Packing—Story ge. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse A Van Co. 219 N 11th St. Phone JA. 30?,2. BE KINS OMAHA VAN & STORAGE. iGth and Leavenworth Sts. Packing, mov ing, storage, shipping. JA. 4163. ESTIMATE furn. on packing, mov. and storing. Contracts taken by job or hour. Globe Van & Storage Co. JA. 4338, AT. 0230. Grossman & Sons, owners._ MILLINERS, DRESSMAKERS 17 [SEWING, plain; underwear and aprons a Specialty. JA. 1247. 436 S. 24th St. } DRlisSMAKIXG.pTairTsewiny WE.ToiT. rvr mb. TAPERING .. 2« II LG EH — Paperhanging, j fOod work, right prices. Call evenings, WA. E22.___ PAINTING and paperhanging. A reliable f ontrat tor. E. J. Thorton. WA. 0879. PLASTERING and cement work; also rhanglng and painting. WES. 6419._ 1 PATENT ATTORNEYS . 29 J VV. MARTIN. Patent Attorney. 1712 Dodge, room 209. Also Washington, D. C._I_ h^jp >nVgntors we 11 their patents. i PRINTERS, ENGRAVERS . II KlyLV f-r.ntlng Co- 2ia 8. 18 8t. JA. 8818. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES . 83 DENTAL X-ray. &0c each; S3 full set b 19 Securities Bldg.. 16th and Farnatu PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the o Sherman & McConnell Drug Storen REPAIRING 81 SHINGLE youi house now before spring. For estimates, call JA. 4381. _ gEHVK l * OFFERED . S4 ACCORDION, SIDE7knife, box p'oiiting, covered buttons, all styles; hemstitching, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button A Pleat ing Co., 308 Brown Block. Omaha. Neb. Telephone JA. 1936. Nl^BRASKA P LEA TINlL ‘ Hemstitching. Covered Buttons. 1806 Farnam, second floor. Ja 6670. U.MAHA PILLOW CO—Feathers ren. ovated and' made up tn new feather proof ticking, 1907 Cuming. JA. 2467. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The Ensign Co.. 1607 Howard St. WANTED—Hnusi Meaning, general repair ing. KE. 6453. Call evenings. EDUCATIONAL DEPT. BL>1NF>N COLLEGES .37 DAY SCHOOL—NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, machine bookkeeping, eomptometry, shorthand and typewriting, railroad and wireless teleg raphy. civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write. call or phone Jackson 1665 for large Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. _ Boyles Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. 8 13 Cor Nlnetcenth and pouglaw. JA 689o. MUSICAL, DANCING, DUAMATIC ... 40 USE TH E TELEPHONE, call Atlantic 1000 ^nd telephone your "Want” Ad to The x)maha Boa Remem ber, Omaha Boe "Want’' Ads bring bet ter results at lesser cost. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano'. 503 Karbach Blk. JA. 1081._ TRADE SCHOOLS .41 WANTED—Men. ladies and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge. St. Trl-CIty Barber College. 1IOLNR BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th St. Write for catalog. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. HKI.r WAWTKlt—FUMAI.E ... . 44 MAID to asaiht with housework and rare of children: no washing. Mrs. M. C. Ilen nessery, 238 High School Ave. COOK—Wanted, experienced, white; ref erences required. Mrs. 11. S. Clark, jr., 35?? Fa main. ITA. 0016._ COMPETENT white woman for general housework, must be A-1 cook. References required. Phone HA. 0320. car ;-a jz ■- - —r HK1 I* WANTED—MALB.._. 43 PART time or whole to sell our $5,0(14 accident, sickness policy. ??.# weekly in demnity, renewals. Experience unneces sary. Gi\e phone number and street ad dn m W 647, < )miha Bw MEN WANTED Good pay. pleasant worl . must be able to read, write and speak English. Apply room 421, Arthur Building, 210 S, 18th St._ ___ BOYS. BOVS. BOYS. 50 boys v.anted to sell Collier’s Weekly*" Call 508 Karbach Block. 4 p. m. Mr. Allen. HELP—MALE OK TUSH ALE M St ILK IT'1R | ropoaltion t o *work ers Omaha and surrounding towns. 339 | Lcflnng Bldg._ AGENTS, EALEVME.N . 4J SALESMEN—We are manufacturers of the nationally advertised and distribut'd qual ity line of Whiz auto products, lie ha\e just opened a large Iowa branch with ity line of Whiz auto products. We have sn opening in southwestern Iowa terri tory for a thoroughly capable, experienced salesman of proven ability and clean past record to sell direct to auto garages, re pairers. service stations, accessory and sup ply stores, and all dealer trades and fleet truck owners, etc. If you ran furnish un questionable references proving your mer chandising ability, write ns at once giving full 4letalis of your selling experiences. Also advise if you have a car. The R. M. llollingshead Co., 7th and Cherry Sta., Des Moines. Ia. , W ANTED SA L ESMKN —To sh11 soap in Nebraska. Salary and expenses paid. State age. references and experience, flood position for the right man. Box W-964, Omaha Bee._________ SALESMAN to sell popular brank spark plugs in Omaha and vicinity. i’Oinmisslon. | Sales manager in Omaha Friday. Write j for interview. Address Y-2167, Omaha Bee.__ _ | HOOD live specialty salesman to sell scholarships; ran make from $250 to 6100 per month salary and commission. Suit M. Commerce Bldg Telephone AT 77^4 "MEN to solicit for~the City Suit club ; See Mr. Friis, 306 go. 19th lit, I V .K\ n, •« U.E8WKX .41 SALESMAN' WANTED*—Shoe salesman | for western Iowa. Live references with , application. E. J3. Piekenbrock & Sons, i Dubuque, la._ ______ I RITI ATIONS WANTED FEMALE 18 RESPONSIBLE middle-aged woman will , assist in sickness, chronic case or invalid |l tfen ! Would leave city, HA SM BUNDLE washing, rough dry, 8 to 10 cents lb. Finish. $1 dozen. Ke. 1.286. DAYWohk i inn WI WOMAN wants day woi . DAYWORK wanted, colored. WE >21 1 At. 1601* sm moxii P WII P—M \l l ... 49 I n.KHK wants positfoa in general mer chandise store, experienced, or as manager. ■ Good references. Small town preferred. Ad dress Y-2162, Omaha Bee. i - 1 FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ... ftp , F9R SALE—Market and groceries one I of best little western towns, about $4,000. [ No opposition D’Ment Wellington. Colo FOR SALE Soft 11 riiiin. 1 dam e , hall business in eastern Neb. Good loca I tlon, good town, and doing a very sub stantial business. Price $2,500.00. For further particulars address Y-2158— ■ < )maha Ben. HARDR iRES and furniture business for | sale. All or half interest. Invoice about i $9,000. Best location and best establish I ed in a city of ahdut 3.000 in western Ne | bradku. Irrigated section where crops never fail. Address Y 2104. Omaha Bee. I DRUG STORK for sale; good paying business in central Nebraska, rich farm ing community. Reason for selling, lady pharmacist wants to retire. Address Y-2161 Omaha Bee. CONFECTIONERY. doing good business, for sale; reasonable price, reason for sell ! ing owner has other business. Don't miss I this bargain. Write to 149 North Santa Fe, Salina. Kan. PLUMBING, heating and tin shop in flourishing Nebraska town of 10,000. Wants to retire from business Big fu ture. Phone \VA. 1769 or write 6G19 Jones , St., Omaha.__ _ HOTEL of no rooms, completely fur nished, only ore in town. Two railroads; j good commercial business; low rent. Price $2,200; will give some terms. No trades. Union Depot Hotel. Fairfield, Neb._ BAKERY, cafe and ice cream parlor for sale Doing good business. Did around $25,000 last year, other business to look after reason for selling. Address Y-2163, Omaha Bee. BILLIARD HALI/-M 000 population, new fixtures throughout; one snooker, one billiard, four pool; good reason for selling. Tho Lincoln, Fremont, Neb. FOR SALE Millinery stock and fixtures in good business town. Splendid opportunity. For particulars, write Y-2166, Omaha Bee. BILLIARD table for sale. Good as new. Will sell at half price. Address Y-2153, Omaha Bee. COMPLETE vulcanizing outfit for sale. Call 8. J. Walter. ^KE, 4679._ INVESTMENT? . 31 ■ 1SH paid for 2d mortgages on Omaha property. F. C. Horncek it Co., 640 lit Nat' k_ Bank Bldg. AT, 86$ 1._ I. II. M1T1IEN pays most for LIBERTY BONPS 921 City Nat. Bank Bidg_ LOANS ON REAL ^STATK ..52 WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. II. LOUOEE. INC., 63.8 Keeline Bldg. STRAIGHT 6-year loans. per cent. AMOS GRANT CO.. 201 S. 18th. Arthur Bldg. _ _ AT. 858n^ LOW rate on city property; quickly closed. No monthly payments. JA. 1633. W. T. GRAHAM. OMAHA HOMES—EAST NEB. -ARMS. . O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 101$ Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. JA. 2711. first mortgage loans made promptly on Omaha real estate. Shopen & Co., Real tors. JA. 4228. 236 Keeline Bldg. FARM LOANS~ Large or small. West Nob. farms, ranches. Kloke Investment Co., 845 Om. Nat. Bk. GARVIN BROS.. 645 <Omaha Nat. Bldg. ON IMP. PROPERTY. NO DELAY. 31Q S. 18th St. Wead Bldg._AT. 0161. MONEY to loan on farms and Omaha real estate. MYERS & RAIN BOLT CO., 424 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.. JA. 0746. $100 TO $10,000 loans made promptly. F D WRAP and D. If BOWMAN. MONEY TO LOAN . 53 LOWEST RATES, EASY TERMS. i NEW RATES SCHEDULE. LOANS $16 to $2U0. On Fwnlture, Pianos, Etc. Left in Your Possession. AT LOWEST RATES. PAY ON PRINCIPAL. $ 3 per month on $ 30 loan. $ 6 per month on $ GO loan. $10 per month on $100 loan. $20 per month on $200 loan. These small monthly payments will repay ; a loan In full, plus a small service charge. LICENSED BY STATE OF NEBRASKA. • GUARANTEE LOAN COMPANY. 209 South 15th St. 314 Karbacli lilk. _Tel. JA. 6045. DO YOU NEED MONEY? $0—60—76—-100—200—600 DOLLARS or any other amount at legal rates. No j publicity, eaay payments. Thirty year* to business. OMAHA H.OAW COMPANY. 608 Karbach Blk. Tel. JA. 2296. Southwest Cor. 16th and Douglas SJa. COX Co.; loans $5 ann up on wages, tars and furniture; confidential; 25 yrs. estab. 812 World-IIerald Bldg. JA. 2298. LIVE STOCK DEPARTMENT DOG*, CATS, IUKH*. PET* . 65 PlIP-PITT bull terrier, $10. 124 North 24th.___ ! HOUSES, TATTLE, VEHICLES .56 FOR SALE—Large mules, 1H to 17 hands. Heavy concord harness with two-inch tug*. Wool-faced mule collar!, 1X-19-20 inch. Write quick to Standard Oil Co., Omaha. POI I IKY AND SUPPLIES . 67 YOU buy the best chicks foi money shipped everywhere; guaranteed alive or replaced; from Colwell's Hatch ery, Smith Center. Kan. i’Ki’I’V baby chick. nP- Write for par ticulars. Chicken Little Hatchery, Lincoln, Nebraska. - MERCHANDISE DEPT. C'l.OTIIINO AMI FI!R8_.,.. 60 FULL DRESS aulta and Tuxedos for rent .1A 8128. 109 N. 16th Street. 1. Feldman ARMY aboes. Itto 701 No tath IIOI Si.HOLD LOOPS . 03 FURNITURE—Thoroughly worthy used furniture at. our storage warehouse, nth and Capitol Avc., between the hours of 2 p. in. and 6' p. in. any week day Thla furniture ia. acquired by us through our | exchange department and prices are therefore very reasonable. _ORCHARD WILHELM < T9 _ LOWMT MWAMTM AD RATES In Omaha Telephone your “Want” Ad to AT. 1000 and secure better results at lesser coat. _ TRADE your used piano on a new player piano. Halanco as low as $10 per month. A. HOSPE CO., 1512 Douglas. EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICK ELS. 15th and Harney. _AT. 4361. > FURNITURE AT AUCTION Tonight and Tomorrow Afternoon. _DOWDS AUCTION HOUSE. _ __ j We make, refinish, rebuild reed furniture. Omaha J: R Co.# 640 s 16th. JA. 80>3. FOR SALE—Elect 1 lood mdi - Call Black 4761, «Council Bluffs. JEWEL RY AND W AT f INCH.. 64 j diamonds; We pay the best prices with privilege to buy bad; at small profit. CROSS JEW- i ELRY CO. Omaha. Neb., 402 N. 16th 6t. ! Telephone Ja. o049. j MERCHANDISE DEPT. MISFFl I WFOl n .66 KINDLING* sawdust* shavings for MM* Bradford Konnody Co t| phono J A. 1740* STOKF, \Nd OFFICE KQP1FMBNT. M 71 TELEPflONR ATLANTIC ltoi ! nnd ask fur a ■Want'* Ad taker. Re ; nnmber Omaha Ree •‘Want” Ada bring j better remits at lesser cost. I WE BUY, sell safe. make desks, show cases. etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., a._w. corner lith and Douglas. JA. 7724. S W A I* COM M N .^.. 72 NO SWAP—NO PAY! NO SWAP—NO PAY! Dispose of the things you have for the articles you want through n three line "Want” Ad In this column. Run It three days* A box number will be sup plied and the replies will come to our office first. You, in turn, may call for them. If you swap, n bill will be sent to you at our regular rates. If no swap if made, no bill will be sent. Remeniber—NO SWAP—NO rAY. This dffer is good only In Omaha and excludes all business ads. Business "Want'* Ads in this column will be charged our regular tales. Th’s proposition is offered merely as a service to nut* readers and to increase the interest in the rapid growth of The Omaha Bee “Want” Ad Columns. This offer applies only to the SWAP Column. For rates in other classifications see rate card. Remember—NO SWAP—NO PAT. WILL SWAP $1,000 equity In 5-acre poul try an<! truck farm, good Improvements, loins county scat town; main lino U. 1’., io£ car or small business. Address 8-303, Omaha Bee. BANJO, mandolin. Corona portable type writer. Wyoming raw land, will swap for most anything. Would pay some differ ence on Remington portable or piano ac cordion. Address 928, The Omaha Bee. QUARTER section Grant Co. N. pale. As sessed value $1,88 4. Mtg. $600 at 6 per cent. Two lots on Bates St., St. Louis, trade for Nebraska property, either or both. Address S-210. Omaha Bee. VACANT lot, unimproved, worth $400, for '.ate model Ford coupe. Address 8-554, Omaha Bee. 1.220 ACRES Knox Co.; 300 a. alfalfa; 150 acres corn, plenty timber, hay mea dow: good pasture, 11 miles Croft on; *73,500; well improved; want smaller farm. $8-976, Omaha Bee. MORRIS chair and blue silk messaline drees, late design, orange trimming and heeded; .size 38, new, will swap for Vic trola. Address S-217. Omaha Bee. •SPRAY printing machine, mounted on truck; full equipment, in A-l condition; for sale for lot or part payment on house, or what have you 7 S-903, Omaha Bee. 320 ACRES, Weld Co. Colorado. 100 acres cultivated; all clean, plow land; incum brance $1,500; exchange for Omaha prop erty Address S-934, Omaha Bee. 60 ACHES well improved, 'l\% miles Bart lett, la.; good orchard, 35 acres culti vation. $s,0o0; mtg $2,000; due 1928. Want City Property. S-977, Omaha Bee. $8,000 EQUITY in Lincoln Income prop erty, paying 12 per cent net, for good first mortgages or equity in Omaha prop erty. Address S-756. Omaha Bee. 1,040-ACRE ranch to trade for city prop erty, Long Pine. Neb.; price $20; mort S- 7 92, Omaha Bee. EQUITY in two fine unimproved corner lots, high and sightly, for late model Ford coupe or other light car. Address S-583 Omaha Bee. Will trade 3 good residence lota In Spokane. Wash., well located, clear title and unincumbered. Will trade for car. Address S-212. Omaha Bee. $2,300 EQUITY In elegant 5-rm. cottage, facing southeast, for gilt edge securities. Cash difference. Describe what you have. Address S-926, Omaha Bee. 160 acres in Altnose county, Colo, fn the Fan Louis valley, 100 shares of water rights paid. 10 acres cultivated. "Price, $8,000, mortgage $2,000. Want mdse. S-973, Omaha Bee. EQUITY of $5,500 in improved 80 acres in S. E. Kansas. This is a beauty. Want city property or acreage near Omaha. S-204, Omaha Bee. GOOD electric light fixtures for living and dining room. What have you? S-524, Bi ©. SPRAY painting machine, mounted on truck; full equipment, in A-l condition; for sale for lot or part payment on house, or what have you? S-903, Omaha Bee. 1.600 ACRES exceptional hay and stock farm, six miles from Emmett; $120,000; Insurance loan. $32,000. Good bldgs. Want income. 8-974. Omaha Bee. WILL swap $2,000 2d mortgage on 160 acre Morgan county, Colorado land for good auto. Address 8-211, Omaha Bee. HAWAIIAN ukelale, good condition, will swap for male Collie pup. Address S-201, Omaha Bee._ ONE setting hen and 6 laying hens for what have you? Address S-217, Omaha Bee. SWAP good down town cafe for good rooming house. Address S-937, Omaha Bee._ MILITARY uniform (whip-cord) Hlrsch Wickwire make, size 38, for what have you. Address 8-213. Omaha Bee. MEAT block resurfacing and planer elec tric motor. Good proposition. Will trade for a late model Ford car. Address 8-938. WILL trade double work harness, in good ronditlon. worth $25. What have you? Box S-930, Omaha Bpo. EQUITY in good 80-acre farm in Phelps County, Missouri for auto or vacant lot. Addryta S 908. Omaha Bee,_ CAMERA—Underwood revolving duplica tor and gas steam radiator. What have yOtt? Address 8-905, The Omaha Bee. HAVE automobile in good condition, new paint. Will trade. What have you? 8 206, Omaha Bee. SINGLE comb Rhode Island red cockerel. Will exchange for female canary, light yellow*. Address 8-216, Omaha Bee. WANTED to swap—Three quarter™ feather mattros, new. What have you? Address S-202, Omaha Bee. INCUBATOR—Mandy Lee, 60 size, trade for c hickens or 100-lb. pig. Address S-D31, Omaha Bee. 80-ACRE Sarpy county farm, 26 miles from Omaha. $8,000, to exchange for Omaha property. Box S-936, Omaha Bee. HAVE four-room and bath bungalow will ♦ cade for some acreage or lots Address 8-939. Omaha Bee. i £7*126 one block west of Fon tenelle Blvd to trade for good roadster and some cash. Box 8-933, Omaha Bee VACANT lotm, So. Side, will exchange for Omaha or So. Omaha property. Address 8-935, Omaha Bee. _ V* ILL* exchange my 1919 Maxwell Mdan for ton-trurk or livestock. Box S-947. Omaha Bee. WILL trad© two lots. 60x128—block west of Fontenelle Illvd. for good roadster and Home cash. Box 8-9.33, Omaha Bee. WILL trail© B-34 model 1919 Oakland Touring for Ford. 8-932, Omaha B<»e. CLASSY Slut/. Bearcat speedster. What hove you? S-7 89. Omaha B'’*'. haVe clear city lots to trade for land. | S-912, Omaha Bee. [OWA farm. * lear, to trada for city prop erty. Price $150 acre. 8-792. Omaha Bee. WILL f wap my 6-cylinder touring car f ir diamond. 8-201. Ontha Bee. ARCOLA heating plant! What have you? S-790, Omaha Bee. WANTED TO BET .. 73 WOOD. WANTED TO BUY—DRY NATIVE COT TON WOOD LUMBER. ACME BOX CO. ail compr NMOr, prefer ably “Curtis." tank and motor. Give com pleto description. J. W. Bayer, Crete, Neb.__ FURNITURE—Am in market for used fur niture, any kind: ice boxes, gas stoves, etc., best prices. Hubert R, Nell, JA. 3866. CLOTHING—Best price paid. .lames H. Holmes. 22W N. 24th. WE. 822U MERCHANDISE DEPT. WANTtP IO IUV j > B0 KB. DBflKfL D08X 8 New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. 'J. C. Heed. 1207 Farnarn. AT. 6148. RENTAL DEPARTMENT. APTS.. FLATS, PTRMSHED .74 oooooooooooooooocoooooooo o o o MORRIS APARTMENT HOTEL O O UTH AND DO HUE STREETS. O O Apartments consist of living room. O O dressing room, kitchenette and O O bath. Rental Including beat, light, O O gHH. phone and maid service O O Apartments furnished soft water O O by reflnlte soft water process, o O Phone AT. 3210. O 0 O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC OOOOOOQQ CALL _ DRAKE’S. _ NORTH 21st, 681—Rublan 4-room accom modation. nicely furnished; outilde apart ment. frt5. AT. 0132 (Tel.)—Desirable apt. In Drake Court ; tenant lmy» mall amount furn CHOICE front apt . 2 rooms and kitchen ette; steam heat and, bath. 2068 Farnarn. HUNTER INN. At t««0—lltb V Oodgi 1 •'.!)•' : .1 !'.!.■ i t v fc 4-room apt. furnished in pr \ tt« futoilv. heattd « h oil. Telephone AT. 6709. APTS.. FLATS. 1 NFt KMSHLI* . 75 oooooooooooooooocoooooooo o o O CHOICE HEATED APARTMENTS O O 3 rooms No. 4 Hlllcrest. 24th and O O Jones; largo rooms, prettily deco- O O rated. Murphy bed and built-in O O feature*, $57.60. O O 3 rooms No. 14, Dundee. 5019 Vn- O O derwood Ave. Largo rouma, tll« o O bath, nicely decorated. Built-in O O bed, $60. _ O | O 4 rooms No. 11, J-afayette. 17th O O and Jackson. Large rooms, O O .splendid condition, lllu path, close O O in, $G0. , O O 4 rooms in Ekard Court, 617 S. O O 31st St . available February 1. Will O O decorate t.o suit tenant. Beautiful O O court, garage Available, $65. O O O O PAYNE & CARNABY COMPANY O O “Omaha's Rental Men" O O Cl 6 Omaha Nat. Bldg JA. 1016 O O ° oooooooooooooooocoooooooo OMAHA.S I,*ARQEST RENTAL AGENCY Almost 1.000 fireproof apartment* Almost 10U furnished apartments. From convenient 1-room walking distance apartments at $37.50 to 4-room Dundee apartments at $97.50. Furnished from $50 to *130. DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. Fireproof Apartments. Call us, we will take you out. JA. 2805 17th A Howard. Open evenings and Sunda>a by appoint ment.__ APARTMENTS AND FLATS—*23 to *100. W. J. PALMER CO. REAL ESTATE Management. AT. *980. Keellne Bldg. TURNER COURT. One apartment available in Omaha's most exclusive and conveniently arranged 3 room apartments, with 5-room accommo dations. Rent reduced. Janitor, HA. 68*6. G. M. HAUSER, Mgr. 310G Dodge._11 A. 7140. DUPLEX FLAT-—Six looms and sleep ing porch. Built-in buffet. Gas range and icebox furnished Tile bath Beauti ful oak floors. West Farnam district. HA. 2548.___ TETnTH AND PIERCE—The Dunsany. b room, south, outside apartment. Also basement apartment; absolutely modern. AT. 6392. FOR RENT—New 4-rm. upt. ♦. blocks from dty hall. No 34. The Longfellow. 2215 Howard or call JA. 0757. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. “WHERE OMAHA RENTS” AT. 054$. 17th and Farnam Bta STRICTLY modern 3-room apt. Murphy bed. private bath, steam heat. 2214 D St. FARNAM and 39th Sts , sublease 6 robin*. , Colbert Apis 1IA. 2.723. j FOUR rooms, steam heat, close In. G P. Stebbina. 1610 Chicago. SIX-room apartment, modern in fine con- } dltion. KE. 0383._ _ (iAKAGK8 ,4m) BAKXH. 77 <*arage. strain heat, all S. 31 St. HA 7124 HOUSES, niRNlSHED , !> 2617 CHICAGO—Nice front room new modern home, 4 windows. Ha. 6379 HOUSES I NFl HMSHEh . 79 FIVE rooms, strictly modern bungalow, 4530 Seward St., excellent condition. MYERS A RA INBOLT CO. 424 Om. Nat Bank Bldg._J A.0746. EIGHT-ROOM modern frame house to rent to party buying furniture. Price rea sonable. Easy terms. 207 N. 23d. JA. 2375.__ SEVEN-ROOM house, newly decorated. 1n first-class condition. Rent reasonable. 3328 Cass St. ALL modern. house nt 4U10 Har ney street. Rent. $.75 per month. Inquire a t Be at on Drug Co. or 4010 Ha rney._ GOOD six room house and garage, 2023 Pierce St., $30 monthly. At. 0274. EIGHT rooms and sleeping porch, mod ern. HA. 5574 31 14 Woolworth._ HOUSE—? ROOMS, *45 MONTH. 3408 N. 24TH ST. WE. 1677. _ SIX-ROOM house, partly modern, 1005 So. 42nd St. Call WA. 6410 •_ EIGHT-ROOM modern. frame, at 3524 F ra n k 1 In_street, JA. 1 2 94 _____ 5 - room cottage. partly modern, cl os© In. *25 mm_JA_. 1169_ _ OFFICES A’AD STOKES .. .80 OFFICE—236 City Nat. Bk. Bid. furnished or unfurnished; use of reception room. PRIVATE office with telephone and sten1 ographlc service. Call AT. 1506. OFFICES—Corey &. McKenzie Printing Co. 1124 Harney St._ __ FOR RENT—Desirable office suite. Apply 400_ First Nat Ban 1 ROOM AND BOARD *1 I. A f{« i !•; i ooni ; I ;. r i b .n • t • Li■ for 2 people. Running water in room. Board if desired. HA. 1615. WARM room for 2, home privileges; 3 home cooked meals,_*9 week. WE. 5<H4. ROOMS. FURNISHED .82 I ROOM DIRECTORY for ROOM HUNTERS Should you fall to find listed below the room you want, <«ll at the • W ant'’ Ad j counter of The Omaha Dee for a room directory. The Omaha Be© maintains this i service for your convenience. New list i Issued each week. Anf, if you want to i insert an ad of your own phone AT. 10Q0 and ask for Miss Smith, our “Room I or Rent” specialist. NEWLY furnished aud~rcmod<*ic d modern rooms. Single or ensulte. Best location. , Walking distance. Rhone HA. 3160. ] HOTEL SANFORD—191h and Farnam. \ HOTEL HEN8HAW—16th and Farmam. Special rates to permanent guests. ONE modern room for rent for colored. Half block from Dodge «ar line. Phone We. 4328. 2013 Grace St. _ _ RINKNEY* ~sf7 14 ft&^All modern front room, very pleas.. $4 per wk. WE. 2804 CHICAGO ST., 2617—Large front room, new mod* rn Imim 4 - 1 '> COMFORTABLE bwotliki froQl r<>om, no other roomers, $3 per week. JA. 1805. WEST Farnam district. .\i - front room lor 1 or 2, home privilege. HA. 0245. LARGE front room, private family, one block from Farnam line. HA. 4878. ^ SWEET WOOD Am,' 410 —Single room In modern brick; close In; 83.50. _ ^ DUNDEE— Modern, in private 'family to party of refinement, Wa 5981. LINCOLN ”bLVD^, 8826—Nice rm., large closet, home priv., for 1 or 2. Wa. 4514. Mod. nn., steam heat. 83 5(k 724. N. 18th BOOM* FOB MOTSEKKEPINQ .81 TWO. rooms for light housekeeping, partly furnished Light heat and vater fur nished. KE. 0883. RENTAL DEPARTMENT. BOOMS you HOI ggMBHKO.M ROOM DIRECTOR! for ROOM HUNTERS. Should you fall to find listed below the room you want, rail at the "Want’* Ad counter of The Omaha lie* for a room directory. The Omaha Hee maintains this her vice for yoiu convenience. New list Issued each week" And, If you want to Insert an ad of your own, phone AT. 11)00 and ask for MUs Smith, our “Room for Rent'* specialist. _ _ Hul SKKK1 PINO rooms, $3 per week. 625 South 20th St. _ _ ______ ri.EAN light semi-basement rdoms. 2037 Dodge _ _ _ 1 II I in \ ri ItST WE 1.4 ,S - 1 'n mi ished .r ufcfurn. ruu . $4 thd up Hi ITU*_ 2 and S hs'kpg. suites, 1st fl., heated, sult a hie for 3 fa mil . 3121 Mi Calif., 11 A. 4001. DoTkiVsT. 2_70T—Single. $3;~2 rooms. |5; rn, furnished < ■mudete. J4 i’ll st.. n , 02 *■ • two •" completely furnished. $6 week. JA. 6419. TWENTY SIXTH AVE.. 64K S.—Two large front rooms, everything furnished, >7. WHEEH TO 87'Of IN OMAHA *'• CDARJCMONT HOTEIe 17th iteai J*ck aon. AT. 5911. Conveniently located. Week ly rates. REAL ESTATE DEPT. Al'RF.AliE riiOrK.RTY .• • ** Acreage 5 ni<© acres few blocks north of Fonte nellc park; walking distance to car and school. This la a dandy corner, high ami nightly location; all set out to bearing fruit Within 2 blocks of where lots are selling for $600 each. No Improvements. Price $1,600. on good terms. Evenings call KE. 4125. ' 0. T. Hamer, 1603 Farnam St_ At lan Mo 9 9fiQ. I \KMS AMI K.WC IIFh • • *0 FOR SALE—The Martin Wakehouso fruit farm and suburban homo is now on the market fur cale. Nine acres. Unusually attractive place. Extra comfortable Im provements all in good order. Six-room house, garage, barn, chicken house, coal ami wood house and tool house. About one Here In bearing grapes, about one half acre In berries, some alfalfa, pasture and truck ground, located at westerly end of Bennett avenue, a little west of Madi son avenue. Two and one-quarter miles by road to Reno’s store. Priced for quick sale, $9,000, part cash, balance long time. Apply to _ KNOX A COMPANY. ^ 41 Tearl St.. Council Bluffs, la. 51 acres high bottom land; located 1% miles northeast of Fort Calhoun, Neb , 4;t i, acres under cyltlvatlon; about 8 acre4 timber land; this land i* splendid for crops of rll kinds or truck farming. Dr. Ross. 736 City Nat Bk. Bldg._< ARKANSAS FARM—80 acres; house, barn, outbuildings. 60 acres cultivated; close to church, school and town Wilt take $1,450; terms. Bee, Vanemburg, Moorfleld. Ark.___ 320 acres. 200 acres in fall wheat, trade for a retail business. Box 14C, Sutherland. N e b._ _ _ LOTH FOR WALK ........ >1 FOR SALE—By owner. 9 lots, 60x162; all east front; water, sewer and gas In. Will sell to a builder or single. 3314 Fon tcnelle Blvd. _ ____ \vu7iT build to your ordor on our beauti ful lot, tn Edgewood; very easy term,. Phone Atlantic 3540.____ LOT in Benaoit Heights, 2 lota in Nakoma addition. HA 5691. . DLNDEtfkit. 60,126. on 64th St. near Far natn; choice lot; owner will conalder reas orahl# offer C. A Qrlxntnel JA. 1816 HEAL ESTATE—TENTBAL .M 6-ROOM bungalow all mod., will sell for $3.850 AT 6911 or JA 6 42'.. overlings_. HEAL ESTATE—IUNDKK .9r> Dundee Home Extra Land for Duplex This home is located on a corner lot, 60th and California Streets. { largo living room across the front; dining room, den and kitchen first floor, finished in white quar tered oak: thro** bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch second floor, white enamel finish. Also extra toilet and lavatory first floor; good attic; full basement, furnace • best. This home Is iu excellent condition and priced to sell. George and Co., Realtors, ___AT. 3024, RKAL ESTATE—FLORENCE .06 NETHAWAY “home agent” specialist in north endjoropey\y (whIJo only). Ke 1409. RKAL KRTATE— IMlScrXI.ANKOt S . . »7 LET US build and finance your new home; complete building service with no worries. EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY. 1613 Douglas St. REALTORS. AT. 2945. HOMES for workingmen. Four rooms, partly modern, full lot, «a,y term*. JI.2D0 Have oth-r,. Stewart. Ralalon 10-W_ A I.KKEl> TH(IMAS * Son Co.. Realtora HEAI, ESTATE—NOBTII .t8 You Won’t Buy Shoddy Clothing, then why not use th - same tare in buying a home. We have Just finished.- a five room bungalow, built sturdy as a rock and of the best material, located in th* Pret-# fleet part of Minna Lush, on the largest lot there. Complete with garage. Only $6,600.00, and easy terms. Movf rlWht In. rlo ln spect, call Mr. Mead, Jackson 6134. Benson & Garrett, Builders 414 Arthur Bldg. AT. 9640. oooooooocoooooooooooooooo o ° New Bungalow ° o o O Fi'-r» rooms on one floor, largo O O attic full cemented basement; oak O O floors, oak and enamel finish; O O paved street; close to car and O O school. Price $5,400. Terms.. For O O appointment call (Irant A. Bon- O O ?nn, evenings. Walnut 1580. O % Benson & Carmichael, % O 642 Paxton Block. Atlantic 3640. o o 9 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOCOOOPOOC Miller Park Bargain $500 Cash, $35 Per Mo. Buys a splendid 6-room modern home two blocks from park, car and school; beautiful lot, plenty of shade, solid cement walks, chicken house and yard This is * the opportunity you have waited for. Chas. W. Young & Son, 1602 City Nat. Bank. AT 96«s, HA. 5051. Mr. Oswald, \VA. 5758. Mr Oldley, Black 4342. 6 Rooms, llalf Acre $600 Cash—$25 Monthly Located Just west of Fort Omaha, in a rapidly.growing district. Dandy for poul try and garden truck. If you want acreage, act now Demand will increase \alues within 6ft days. We know this Is a good buy. Let's talk It over. Evenings call Mr. Peterson, >IA. A. P. Tukey & Son, 620 First Nat Rank_ JA 4223 2736 Mary St. Elegant, brand new bungalow, exception ally well built; garage to match. About $1,000 cash necessary Rasp Bros., :i; Ke«lln« BMC. AT. 0721. REAL ESTATE DEPT. j HEAL ESTATE—NOKTH . OH NORTH 811 >E 5 room* and breakfast nook, all modern, with oak floors, dose to school and >«' Priced to sell W FARNAM SMITH A CO. JA. 0564,__ hi: j.'i"1 « tSH Five rooms, brand new. electric Ugh*", furnace, full basement; nice lot, $3,5k<>; $250 cash. $35 per month. 4523 Larlmore, E. R «’ , • \T Ml .' :: 1 s Nmit U - CAMi'HKl.l/S v net ■ " 1 ' - “ with their new homes Rest construction, service and price, (’alt AT. 8018 or 5704. 587 Ktellfi 1. l| _ _ BY OWNER—Beautiful let Miller Barkl district, 5822 North 24th Street. Address H. A. Shaben, 1334 A street, Lincoln, Neb. __ __ _ _ New 6-ro m Colonial, all modern. | A bargain, located 6944 Florence Blvd. Norris A Norris. JA. 4270._ | LOT wanted as first payment on new 5 room strictly modern bungalow; oak fin ish._B._ B. Price, JA. lilt REAL ESTATE—HOI'TII ..W F’ield Club Sacrifice. Beautiful eight-room brick and frame residence, with extra large lot. on boule vard near Wool worth; splendid shad** I trees, double garnge, nmny special fea tures. Cali Osborne Realty Co., 630 Peters Trust Bldg Jackson 2231. Dandy Boulevard Home Six rooms and hath garage, extra large triangular lot, one block to car, near the new Parkvitlo addition. Owner leaving city. Snap at $6 500. 91 .Olio cash will handle. Osborne Realty Co., 530 Peter* Trust Bldg. Jackson 2281. 4 8 23 So. 2 4th 8L_MA. 014 3._ _ 2210 SOUTH 10th STREET. 5-r, all-mod. l-*iory frame home, with large garage; Just listed; house In goo.I 'condition and priced right—$1,000 cosh to handle. CFIAS. V. BE I.MAN. AT. 6250. 7 23 Peters Tmst Bldg. FOR SALE—4 room house near 20tli and Bancroft, strictly modern, large hath, equipped with McCarter's force circula tion oi! furnace, the best on the market. 1250 cash, balance terms. Call Ja. 3069. El V C. K1 i. . M 11 ''d* i and garage. Good place to raise chid-: on«. Must bo sold in two week* Very low i terms and price; located at 46th and L. 1 Tel. MA. 0440 ___ 8-ROOM, fully modern, garage. $4.11^. Near 23d and Bancroft ; want offer. Call Best. AT. 8136, HA. 3714.___ Eonfer With Colin. HIXTKENTH HT.. 3073 H.—7-TOO 5, «lT houne by owner. MA. 1139. i> »e bIitK * IT) hu»~,n« Bell htim»« Itl.AI. KHTATE—WT.ST.HH> Bemis Park Home Must sell at once an unusually well con structed residence in extra choice location, near car. Built and occupied by owner Hat 4 rooms and bath downstairs .three elegant bedrooms up. fine brick basement, beautiful shade, quarter-sawed oak finish. Garage also. Price $7,600. on good terms. Call eveulngt, Booth, \VA. 6008; Jtemll lard. JA. 0839. or Schroeder Investment Co., j JA. 3261. Realtor*. Sunderland Bldg. Clairmont Bungalows Your Own Terms Nearly new 5-room strictly nyjdern bungs, low, 1 block to car line, oak throughout; dandy basement, largo attic. Now vacant. posBewlon at once. Small payment down, balance like rent. Call KK. 4125. $4.100—$1,000 CASH G-roojn mod. bung., garage, w'ell located and priced low for quick sole. ("HAS. K. HERMAN. Atlantic 6250. New Home*—Your terms. AT. 49G6. Grove-Hibbard Co.s:i,“anHl"/. CALIFORNIA ST.. 3024—6 rooms, mod , 5 $1,000 cash, balance monthly, on car line. Crelgh. 608, Bee Bldg. Ja 0200. TEL. J A. 14 2 f»feurt «'~”Fo w Te r~i*o , ren ! tnr% to see 3 desirable Dundee homes at > $7,750. $8.GQ0 and $9.600. REAL ESTATE—EXCHANGE _.101 TO EXCHANGE IN SUNNY CALIFORNIA At Redlands, a beautiful college city of 12,000 population, In the heart of the orange end lemon district and only 60 miles east of IjOs Angeles, wo offer a beautiful 11-room modern residence, has hardwood floors throughout first story. 2 fireplace*, all built-in convenience*, nifty jelectrlc light fixtures, basement with j furnace, convenient kitchen In white * enamel, 2 laundry trays, hot water coll. I second floor has 6 large bedrooms and two complete baths. House is In first class shupe and a builder estimated that it would post $15,000 to build. The lot la 120x180. has garage, shruberv and frni* trees. This property la located in beauti. ful Smiley Heights exclusive sectlou end will appeal to the discriminating The price is $15,000. Mortgage $4,000. run# 3 years at 7 per dent interest. Owner will exchange for good clear eastern city or farm property. Wendell & Phillips, 170 S. Main Street. Pomona. Cal._ New Dundee Bungalow 5006 Western Ave. Well tmllt. new. 6-room bungalow, nil complete, ook finish, tile hath, immediate possession, $750 cash, balance like rent Look today. Glover & Spain, Realtors, AT 2860. 91S City llatlonal. T< > TRADE- H ghl piodactive welt im proved 160 acres western Iowa farm; clear; for eastern Nebraska 240 or 320 acres. Will assume or pay cash differ ence. Henry G. Meyer, 312 Arthur Bldg. Call JA. 0160 or AT. 8475. $4,400 EQUITY In 640 a< res good level wheat lAnd in eastern Wyoming wheat belt, 200 acres in cultivation, to ire change for smaller acreage or city prop erty. Address Y-2169 Omaha Bee. $15,000 in First Real Estate Mortgages due January 3. 1926, with 7 per cent annual Interest. Give descrip tion of offering in first letter. Address. Y-2166. Omaha Bee. FOR SALE or exchange. 480 sere* "west • cm land, clear; t> miles from county seat; $15.00 an mTe. What have you to offer for equal value? Owner. Box 184. Ash land. N>b. ltAN<II f><r - it b* «,r t • , braska town, good improvements. Old age reason for selling. 1928 H 36'h St. JtK.U. ESTATE WANTED .ios W. J. PALMER CO.buVm^oV your home List with us and prepoie move. 412 Kcelln* Bldg. AT. 8980. Li*t vour home—Huy your home. BINDER & OTIS, Rosl Estate. Loans, Rentals. JA.2SIT. WE have a client for a 5 or 6-room home in southwest district. Let us Jlfrt your property. J. L. HIATT COMPANY. First Nat Rank Ride. AT. 9»0«>. 10 Homes Wanted Five or six rooms. Chas. W. Young A Son. 1602 City Nat l. AT. 9668. C. T. Spier & Co., Realtors 104 Patera Truat Bldg JA 4II57, “Tukey Sold IF p TUKEY t SON. Realtora. JA. 4»t*. BIRKFTT »KAL ESTATE. XJllUIYCi 1 J. Sana. Rant a. Inauraa. 160 Patara Truat Bldtr. JA. 0633. ORTTFlMTC R»»,,y co- Li»t" with* UIVUTilMVl u, for quick raaulta. 1460 Ft rat N'afl Bank Bldr- JA. Hi. 6. 1.1ST your homea for aale with ua We have the euatomere. PAYNE INVEST* MltNT CO.. Reeltot__ WORLD Realty Co~l Realtora. AT. 3(1:' Western Real Katata Co. JA. 3607. 3 P, BOst'wjcK. reel relate. AT. 1606. TO S~EI.L tea Olover A~MoralL AT. 'S 613 Willard C. StabauRh. Realtor JA. 1163. HAariNtTITATiE^YriEN. realtors. ~~ B. K. BENNER CO., RBALTOBS.