'Will you answer me (his, Miss Tippit," says Julia, paragon of maids. "What does Mr. Jollyco mean when he oiks about ‘comic opera soap' ?“ “Ha, ha," laughs Nurse Tippit, “look here!" And she holds up a cake of Sally Jollyco's “magic" beauty soap. “That's what he means. Miss Julia. I don’t see how she stands such soap when there's Ivory in the house. I'd rather not wash, / would." Now, Miss Tippit, say we, be charitable. Sally is very young, but she's not permanently incorrigible. Yes—Soap can help you to have a good complexion! Can soap help coward the achieve ment of that desire of all women *—a beautiful complexion? Yes. By cleansing gently and safely, for cleanliness is a prerequisite of skin beauty. For many years we have made more soap than any other soap manufacturer in the country. We believe we are well acquainted with all the ingredients which go to make soap. We have never yet found any material—medicine, coloring matter, perfume, essence or distillations which would add 2 single iota of beautifying power to a toilet soap as pure and gentle as Ivory for the complexion. If any soap can legitimately be called a “beauty soap,” then Ivory is a beauty soap of the very finest type. But, much as you may like and respect Ivory Soap, you would scarcely expea it to do more than cleanse thoroughly, gently and safely, and intelligent women are fast learning that thorough, safe cleansing is after all the only safe and sure road to wholesome skin beauty. PROCTER 8c GAMBLE IVORY SOAP 99 %,% PURE IT FLOATS It's been a long time since anyone has heard about our tricky neighbor, Mrs Prowl. And we've just discovered where she’s been. Sh! Look behind the bars. . . . Arrested! Yes, for stealing the Ivory Soap from a baby’s bathtub and sub stituting a harsh soap in its place! The wise Judge sentenced her to solitary confinement and a daily bath with that same harsh soap. And now, dear reader, poor Mrs. Prowl is pleading for Ivory! Shall she have it? A Flaked Soap which meets the important safety test Before you trust your costly fine fabrics to any soap in any form, a doubt naturally comes up in your mind. "Is this soap really safe? " Ask yourself: “WouU I be willing to use this soup on my face.'" A soap which js too strong for your face is naturally too strong for your delicate and costly garments Ivory Flakes is simply Ivory Soap in Hake form Of nurse it fully meets this impor tant safety test. For Ivory Soap, pure, mild, gentle, white has protected the fates and hands of millions-of women since 1879. Ivory Flakes offers you a real margin of safety for cleansing the very finest garments you own No, these sre not dashes—they're minus signs and indicate business losses due to—but Mr. Dixon, head of a big department store, is telling Mrs. Jollyco: “Every day," he says, “women bring back to our store blouses and sweaters that have faded or shrunk and ask us to exchange them or give their money back. Now I know, Mrs. Jollyco, that our materials .don t fade or shrink if properly washed with the right kind of soap. What shall I do?” "Well, Mr. Dixon, if 1 were you, 1 would have the clerks suggest that such delicate things be washed with Ivory Flakes, according to direc tions on the box. Ivory Flakes is simply Ivory Soap—flaked. It u the mildest soap I know. I always use Ivory on my lace. If you do this, I think your problem will be solved." Mrs. Jollyco's advice will be worth probably thousands of dollars to Mr. Dixon, to say nothing of the benefit to his customers. I •»right 1922. h Tht h+tHr if i.amUe ( •.. < imtmnuli ALCO-GRAVURE INC NEW YORK ST LOUIS BALTIMORE