Benson Society Benson Correspondent—Call Walnut 5370, Benson Woman's Club. Miss Marguerite Liljenstolpe will entertain tho members of tho Benson Woman s club and their friends at a musical program Thursday. January 25. at 2:30 In the Burgess Nash audi torium. Assisting Miss Liljenstolpe will he Mrs. Grace Leidy Berger who will render on the violin the first movement of "Vieux Temps." Miss Oiga Sorensen and Miss Lijbnstolpe will give the two piano numbers, Mendelsohn's "Capriclo." Miss Liljen stolpe and Miss Sorensen will follow with Grieg's ‘'Concerto in A Minor.” Mrs. Joseph Law rente will give a group of selected reading. The closing number will be a piano group by Miss LljCnstoljie. Benson Harmony Club. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Tyson enter tained Monday evening at their home in Dundee complimentary to the mem bers of the Benson Harmony cub. Affairs for Mrs. Welch. Mrs. J. IV. Welch, who with her daughter, Gertrude Irene, will leave Friday night. January 26. for Los Angeles, Is being entertained at a number of social affairs. Mrs. Welch was a guest at a bridge luncheon given Tuesday by Mrs. J. T. Pickard. Mrs. E, A. McGIas.son entertained at on Orpheum party Wednesday night compliniijitary to Mrs. Welch, Mrs. Charles ijoslle was hostess at an after noon teafat her home Thursday given in Mrs. Welch’s honor. Tuesday, Jan nary 23, Mrs. Welch win be honor guest at a luncheon given by Mrs. E. W. Norris and In the evening Mr. anti jMrs. Welch will be guests at a buffet ^tinner followed by bridge at tile home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Johnson. Wednesday. January 24, Mrs. Cuth bert Vincent will entertain at a lun cheon at the Athletic club compli mentary to Mrs. Welch arid Thurs day evening a dinner will be given by Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McGlasson for Mr. and Mrs. Welch and Gertrude Irene. Mrs. Welch has taken a bun galow in Eos Angeles for the remain der of the school year and will place her daughter, Gertrude Irene in West Luke school for girls in West More land, hills. Mershon. who Is now a student in the state university of Cali fornia. will also bo with his mother and sister. B. S. Chapter, P. E. O. Mrs. Roy A. Ralph will he hostess Monday, January 29. to the members of the B. S. chapter of the V. E. O. sisterhood. Mrs. A. W. Francis will read a paper on "Legal Rights of Nebraska Women.'1 M. E. Foreign Mission Soeiel.v. Mrs. ir. Davey, 3107 North Flfty oighth street, will be hostess Wednes day, January 24, to the members of the Methodist Foreign Mission society. Mrs. Walter Reishaw is leader for the study program and the ladies* quar tet will sing. Assisting Mrs. Davey will be Mrs. Wyman Woodyard and Mrs. J. C. Campbell. Reception fo Pastor. Members of the Benson Baptist church entertained at a reception complimentary to their pastor. Rev. G. R. Sharp? and Mrs. Sharp Friday evening, January T9. Music and so ^jal amusements, followed by a lunch eon, vyas the program for the eve ning. Saered Concert. The Methodist choir, under the di rection of George Saltzglver. will give the first of a series of sacred concerts Sunday evening. January 21. Four anthems will he rendered by the choir and the soloists include Miss .Margaret Brown, contralto; Mrs. Vo diga and Mrs. Maurice Thomsen, so prano, and Mr. Peter Fisher, baritone. Pupils in Recital. ■Miss Olga Sorenson, pianist, and Miss Louise Cuyler. violinist, pre sented the following pupils in recital Friday afternoon at the home of Miss Sorensen. Violin pupils: Janet Lloyd, Paul Neiderheiser, Jack Man ion, Bennett Davis. Mildred Buller and Mabel Johnson. Plano pupils: Frances French. John Colson, Etta Kuerten, Lillian Drevich, Alice Col son. Edna DeLaney, Alice llaver. Hazel Chrlstofferson. Robert Neider heiser, Correada Green, Genevieve Cass and Sadie Drevich. Rehckali Kensington. Miss C'leta Keller will he hostess Friday. January 28, to,the members of the Rebckali kensington. Father and Son Banquet. The Ladies' aid of the Methodist church served the annual Father and Son banquet Friday evening In the church parlors. Covers were spread for 1JT5. Judge C. O. Stauffer of the district court was the principal speaker of the evening. E. J. Whis Camp Fire Girls At a special meeting of the Guard ••uis' association held Saturday at the W. C. A. it was decided to cele brate the 11th Camp Fire birthday on March 24th. A committee com posed of the officers. Miss Gladys Shamp, Miss Anne Erixon, Jean Ber ger and Kuthstine Case will act as a committee at large. Adra Selix was taken into the Iyan croup Monday when they met at the home of Harriett Harris for a cere monial. The candles of work, health and love were lighter! by Harriett Har ris. Margaret Collingwood and lnza Kinsey. They are planning an enter tainment to be given a Mason school in the near future. Tiie regular monthly meeting of the' Petaga group was held at the home of Hazel Christensen Tuesday, •"he lime was spent practicing for he first Council Fire and Miss Guy • as present and taught songs. Batoca group net at the home of Mrs. Burton Hawley Saturday "lien the following officers were elect ed: President, Eleanor Taminosian; secretary, Edith Christiansen; treas urer. Florence Taminosian: reporter. Mabel Banan: chairman ways and means committee Margaget Shepard, and membership committee. Marie Conoyer and Ellen Lynch. The Farnam school group and the Mankwapaa group held a joint hike from Albright Friday. The girls won honors for tracking and trailing and had a splendid time cooking their unch out of doors. The Minnehaha group met Satur day at the home of Louise Rosenthal when officers were elected: President, Gretchen Standeven; vice president. Ruth Rhunka; secretary. Elizabeth Rhunka; reporter, Dorothy John son. ■ '^er gave a group of selected readings j arid community singing was led by | Robert Anderson of Council Bluffs. Dinner Guests. Judge and Mrs. Charles I,cslie and family and Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Bowen and family were Friday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Welch and Mr. and Mrs. Welch en tertained at dinner Saturday compli mentary to Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Nor | ris, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Selby, Mr. and Mrs. William Schopp and Miss i Marian Weller. To Serve Banquet. The ladies of the Baptist church will serve the father and son banquet | Wednesday evening, January 24, in j the annex to the new church. O. C. Iviodig Is toastmaster and John Wal lies will respond to the toast, “The i Modern Son." .1. T. Pickard will speak on “Fathers' Standards." Prof. E. E. | McMillan of Central High will give ' the principal address. F. B. Oliver will lead lu community singing. Bon Voyage Reception. Mr. and Mrs. B M. Barndollar en tertained at a “bon voyage" reception complimentary to Mrs. Barndollar's son, Mr. George Clark, and Mrs. I • 'lark, before their departure for San | Francisco. Forty oldtime' friends of Mr. and Mrs. Clark were In attend ance. Mr. and Mrs. Clark are now ! sailing toward Wellington, New Zea land. where they will present the English play. “The Mollusk." The| pictures and clipping from The Oma ha Bee are now being used on tlip posters in Wellington, New Zealand. Birthday Surprise. Mrs. B. C. Ranz entertained at a birthday surprise at her home Wed nesday complimentary to her sister. Mrs. I. G, Watson. Among the guests w-ere Mesdames W. H. Reed. Claude Reed, C. N. Wolfe, Hale Wolfe. Paul Rivett, G. A. Remington, F. J. Mur ray, A. W. Helblng, C. 11. Hansen tnd N. N. Galbreatli. Personals. Mrs. R. ,T. Skankey is 111 at her home on Sixty-fifth street. T5. M. Barndollar is home from Denver and Colorado Springs, where he visited relatives and friends. Miss Vitginla Becker of David City was a week-end guest of Miss Gert rude Irene Welch at Cherry croft. Mrs. Henry I.unde of Chicago is a guest of her mother, Mrs. E. Schrieb er, and grandmother, Mrs. M. E. Gates. Mrs. F. W. Smith, jr., of Beatrice has been a guest during the week of hey sister, Mrs. Paul Wilcox, and Mr. Wilcox. Mr. and Mrs. C. Frarn, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jacobsen of Newman Grove and Miss Dora Fitch of Omaha were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fitch. D. E. Button of York, Neb., grand i chief patriarch of the encampment branch of the Odd Fellows of the jur isdiction of Nebraska Was a Friday guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Paddock. War Mothers to • Erect Monument in Memory of Soldiers. Ornalyi, War Mothers will erect a monument in memory of Douglas i 'qunty soldiers who died in service during the world war, and have ar ranged furyi tag day, February ]n. to ■ raise a nucleus for the fund. This is the first public appeal for funds in he made by the War Mothers since their organization in 1918. The committee in charge includes Mrs. W. A. Wilcox, local president; Mrs. II. A. Burr. Mrs. Ida Baker and Mrs. Mabel Jordan Drake. Girls Community Service League The following Hastes will be held In th* Girls’ Community Service leagim Cluh , rooms, 1712 Dodge street, during the coining week : Sunday—The Community porta Club w|l| meet at Rivervltw park at 3 o'clock for a. hike unless the weather is cold enough for skating. In which m nmnlty Sports club, which will meet at 7:30. Thursday—D T A. club supper at #5:15. The mothers of the members will be spe cial guests. This is leadtng up to a moth ers’ and daughters’ banquet which will be held around Mother’s day. Phorus prac tice at 7:30, Mrs. Noel Wal lace, leader. The gymnasium class will I gieet with Mrs. Peterson at 7:30. / Friday—The cooking class (a supper I class) will meet at 5:15 with Mrs. W. L. 1 Riner. Saturday—The P. T. A. club will assist , Miss Roberts as special hostesses at the dance at 8:30 p. m. Sunday—The Y. \V. C. A building will be open from 10 a. m. to 8 p. to. There will be a concert in the auditorium at 4 o’clock. Miss Virginia Mulholland of Council Bluffs. a harpist of unusual abili ty, will share the program with the Y. M. C. A. quartet. Monday—6:15, "Women of the Bible,’’ Miss Florence Anderson, leader 6:30. “Gos pel of Mark,” Mrs. C. A. Campbell; 7:00, "The T. W. C. A. Purpose." Mias Beth Howard 6:00. Federation clubs supper. Miss Esther Johnson of the juvenile court will speak, followed by regular club meet ings; 6:20, millinery; 8 00. handcraft; 8.00 Glee club; 8:00, story telling. Tuesday—3:15, I.ake School Junior Girl Reserves; 7:00, Post, graduate club of Technical High school will meet at the Y. \\. C. A.; 7:00. commercial art; 7 30, English for new Americans Wednesdi >—2:30, Technical cabinet meeting in the Y. W. C. A. club rooms; 6:30. supper class: 7:00, drawing; 7:00, exprsesien. if sufficient registrations aie made; 7:30, personal appearance, if 10 registrations ar© made; 7.00, Interior deco rating. Thursda>—3:30. Grace Dodge junior girl reserves will meet at the First Presby terian church; brJO, supper cla^s; 6:3*0. sewing Friday—3:00, Castelar junior girl re serve* st the Y. IV. C. A. club rvomi: 3:00 Comenius junior girl reserves at <’ome nius school, 3:00, Vinton junior girl re serves at Vinton school: 6.30, "Every Pay Living.’* Miss Louis© Hatch; 7;00. Y. W. C\ A. Purpose, Mrs C. A. t'ampbell; 7:30. Prof. Vartanian's class will be held this week on Friday evening instead of Thurs da v. Saturdaj—3:00, there will be a meeting of all grad* girl reserves for the purpose of organizing the Round Table. j Nor love thy life, nor hate; but what thou liv'.-st I Live well how long or short permit to heaven. —Milton. 4 0 I Colorings in Spring Crocks Rival lilies of Rainbow. THERE'S a ma^gelous display of new dresses just arrived at Or kin Bros., Hotel Conant build ing, Sixteenth ant^ Harney. Truly, there are colors represented which would be hard to find in the well known "Rainbow Color Chart," for they're rather color gradations never before used in the dyeing of fabrics, b or, whoever heard of a rose-tan, s red-lemon, a ^pper citron? Shades to fascinate. Mould you like to read a few notes from Polly's memo pad? Blended Paisley design, daintily bead ed, in dull bronze beads on sleeves, knotted girdle and side panel; "smock ed" edging mi accordion pleated pan els. especially effective on sage green: Pin Unkings to give weight; corded shirrlngs on tunic hems reminiscent of great-grandmother's hoop skirt; tatfetas delightfuly girlish in tiny frills, bright flowers, lace trims; Bertha yokes of Paisley give effect of collars when dropped over shoulders.” See with Polly! • • • lieuuly Artists Cunningly Find Ihe Latent lleunty of Every woman. THERE’S a subtle magic in the way the authorities on beauty cul ture, Mr. Franks and Mr. Roberts, of the three beauty shops, the Salon do Beaute, Hotel Fontenelle, Ihe Black and White Room, Burgesa Xash, and tlie Blackstone Hotel Beau ty Shop, bring out the latent loveli ness of their patrons. For one it may be a different arrangement coiffure, for another a treatment to restore Ihe soft texture of skin on face, neck and arms. The addition of a cunningly contrived hair piece, a new way of waving, will bring every daughter of Eve into her rightful heritage of beauty. * • • A( Last, Ivnieker Suits in All Sizes. <wy a diamond in truly supreme among “Clift* that last." Its brilliancy and perfection of cutting combine for per manent beauty, no conditions of weather, no hazardous perils of for tune can dim the luster so delightful to its owner. The John Henricksoi Jewel Shop, 16th and Capitol, have an exceptional display of exquisite diamonds beautifully mounted in white, green or yellow gold and platinum infinitely fine in intricacy of filagree and the ever-charming combination? Of gold and platinum. You'll find tha prices quoted on diamonds of t • ceptionally close profit margin, ttie integrity of John Henrlekson quite in keeping with his reputation foi fair dealing which he has earned dur ing a business career of many years a business established in 1X92. .v store wherein may ho bought “Gifts That East.” • • • With the First Sunny Days of Spring Come llress Models of Taffeta. THERE'S a suggestion of youthful ness most desirable in the nasi els of taffeta—bouffant tunics quaintly draped collars, dainty "Ink and tucker" effects of larey mesh trims of metallic ribbons which repeat the gleam of silver In each hemstitch ed frill so fully outstanding on round td “aprons" which are very apt to tie themselves in the front Instead of following tradition, with generous how at the back of waistline. Taffeta frocks offered at the surprisingly low price of $15 by Edward Reyrgjld** formerly of Eldredge-Reynolds, 4p hit new shop, 1613 Farnam. Spring frocks in which to meet the gayesi mood of spring. • • * Well-Known Tailor Offer* Reduccf Trices Due to tile Tearing Down ol Business Block. LKNEETEVc ladies tailor, 2mi floor, 16lh and Howard, Is of * feeing his entire stock at re duced prices, also the tailoring serv ice needed to convert (hem into the styleful models of the season 1923. This because of the necessity of mov ing his shop, due to a tearing down of the business block in wdilch his shop is located. No Lovelier Rose Garden Ever Grew THAN the colorful mass seen in the Pomegranate Shop, main floor. Hotel Morris, Eighteenth and Dodge, this week. Orders made up of crepe paper In two shades of American Beauty, nut cup favors for a party. Mrs. Howe, artistic person who presides over this unique shop, is Introducing American Beauty as a decorative substitute for red this year. Lovely! ... Well-Known Corset Specialist Buys Shop and Open* Shop Number Two for Same Company' HATTIE putnam, waiiknown for many years as a corset specialist, has bought the Barcley Corset Shop. 16tli floor City National Dank bldg., and has oiiened a Barcley Shqp, Number Two on the 5th floor of the Karbach Block, 15th and Douglas. News! • • • "Just One Mass of 1*1,als" Would Aptly Describe Many Die** Models of the New Season FINE knife pleats made beautiful the dress "in the making" at the Ideal Button A- Pleating com pany, 3rd floor Brown Block, 161 h and Douglas, this week. By way of diversion there were unexpected slashes in the sleeves of this daintily tinted crepe frock, with uneven lengths of pleated paneling at the sides, front and back. Effective, ex quisite, you'll agree if you use this decorative scheme for your newest frock, quite the loveliest of fashion a fancies for spring. 0% *-Titl# ana Trademark Krglitcrwl *1 a Patrol Office—ids y ,