Mid-Year Senior Class at South High Presents “Seven Keys to Baldpate• •' -*--------------1-- —— w I. Ilomer Hubbard. 2. Sadie I'oremnait. 3, Earl Gillette. 4. Kred Garnandt. .V William llihliclcr. ti. fiordon Holler. 7. May Dawson. 8. Henry. 9. Kobert Kibble. 10. Kathryn Parker. II. Muriel Seheuer. 12. Howard English. 13. Harold Hanroek. On Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. January 23 and 24, at 8 o'clock, the January class of 1923 of Soulli High will present these players in the popular farce, "Seven Keys to Haldpate,” in their school auditorium. The play has hen adapted by George t'oliau from the novel by Earl Her Bigger and is a tale of mystery. Her Itigger's purpose was to produce a satire on the tendencies of the modern melodrama to indulge in exaggeration and extrava gance. Tlie production lias been readied h|) Miss Marguerite Walker, dramatic instructor at South High school. ■Music will be furnished by the South High orchestra, under the direction of Mr. I*. II. Johnson. .The midyear class includes 49 graduates, who will receive their diplomas on January 2fi. .Miss Mildred Morris, instructor in history, is class sponsor. The story air tlie play involves a present-day situation which develops in (lie dead of winter in the office of Baldpate Inn, a summer resort. Magee, a novelist, makes a $5,000 wager that lie ran write a novel in 21 hours. He fortifies himself against interruption in tlie storm-hound Baldpate and prepares to construct his story, in tlie ^"lanesomost spot on earth.” How tlie story develops, liow safe Magee is from interruption, and just how many " there are to Baldpate are revelations that follow in the course of tlie play. Hid Magee win tlie $5,0002 The action of the play moves rapidly and tlie two acts of tlie production are'filled with events of tlie most intense inter est to the spectators. State Club President Has Full Program Here - (Mis. Edgar IE Penney of Fullerton, president of the Nebraska Fcdera ion of Women s t’lubs, will he the principal speaker at the general meeting d the Omaha Woman’s club Monday afternoon, 2:30 o’clock, in the Burgess Nash auditorium. The educational committee, Mrs. F. H. Cole, chairman, will have charge of the program. Igion Smith, assistant superintendent of schools and president of the Nebraska State Social Workers association, will talk on ’’Provision for t lie Education of Exceptional Children.’’ Dr. D. E. Jenkins, president of the University of Omaha, will speak on "Higher Education in Cities." "Syn thetic System of Public Education In Music" will he demonstrated by Sixth grade pupils of Farnam and Columbia school under direction of Miss .resale Mitchell, Columbian school teacher, and Miss Jessie Carey, Farnam ! A school. r X, . ,Bt;,"wKrrUP»,'V.11 be KiVPn by Mr"- Ks,elIa Shayne. accompanied by •f, » ll h f 5CMOin{"'- FoIIowIn*t the program the club will entertain, at a reception in honor of Mrs. Penney. Jfra Penney will he complimented at a luncheon Monday noon in the RurgessNaah tea room when *he di rectory of the club will he the hostesses. Monday exiling the educational committee will give a dinner in her honor. Mrs* Charles Johannes, presi dent of the Omaha Woman’s club, will share honors. Tuesday noon Mrs. James E. Bone will, entertain at luncheon at the Rrandeis .restaurant in honor of Mrs. Penney. Covers will be placed sfor Mcrdanio Penney, C. H Johannes, pp^^aident of the Omaha Woman's club: C. A. Randall of Randolph. Neh.: 11. J. Holmes, Tj. XT. Lord, Grant Wil liams, J. s. Van Imuran, C. M. Skinner, Mae Potter Sweet, O. Y. Kring and Dr. Jennie C'allfas. Miss Luella Allen w ill he hostess at a dinner Tuesday evening at the Loyal hotel complimentary to Mrs. Penney. Other guests will include Mesdames Charles Johannes, Philip Potter. Draper Smith, E. P. Smith, ■ A. Benson. M. D. Cameron, K. G. McGllton and J. II. Dumont. One of the most delightful evofWe of the club year will bo the matinee luncheon to*bc given on Wednesday afternoon in the Burgess Nash tea room and auditorium under the aus pices of the speech education depart ment, Mrs. II. .1. Holmes, leader. During the luncheon, which will by 4 -erred at 1 o’clock, the following pro gram will he given: Community sing ing, led by Mrs. George Henderson; panied by Mrs. George Henderson; whistling solo. Miss Dorothy Lord, ac companied by Mrs. Willis Redfield; vocal duet, Mrs. D. ,T. Adams, Donald .Pillshury. accompanied by Claude Jones; address, Mrs. Edgar R. Penney. Following the luncheon members of / the speech education department will I ippear in a comedy drama, "Mr. En ' tight Entertains,” by Mrs. Keen Ab bott. The affair is open to the public. Tickets are $1. Reservations for the luncheon may be made with Mes oames O. T. Krlng. 11. C. Barton. E. Lovell Dunn, John Murphy. Mae Pot ter Sweet. F. H. Wray, William J. Traver. H. J. Holmes, John Haar man, A. Hugh Hippie, James Bone, t~-j^eorge Pray, George Magney. More 15 tables have already been re served. Mrs. E. S. Nickerson of Papillion. president of the Second district, and 'Vftm iii all club presidents In the district will ' share honors with Mrs. Penney. Mrs. Charles Randall of Randolph. Neb., ! will also be an honor guest. Mrs. Penney will go to Lincoln Thursday to attend a board meeting of the state federation Thursday and Friday. One of the big things accomplished during Mrs. Penney’s administration is the endorsement of the Nebraska Children's Home society by the Ne braska Federation of Women's Clubs. The Omaha Ree and Lions club are ! also back of this movement. While in Omaha Mrs. Penney will be the guest of Mrs. Charles Johannes and Mrs. F. II. Cole, wbo will be at home informally on Sunday afternoon from 4 until t> o'clock in honor of Mrs. Penney and Mrs. H. L. Keefe of Wait hill, Neb., a past state president in the federation. -v ' - ■ - ■ ■■ ■ -II I — Calendar for the Week Sl'XDAY. » 1lou»e of Hope. 7915 North Thirtieth street—Sunday p. m. Rev. W. H. Jor dan. pastor of Third Presbyterian church. 4 speaker. Church choir will sing. I Old People's Home, Fontcnelle Koul» „ vard—Sunday, 3: So p. nv. Rev. George 9 ' an Winkle, pastor of Olivet Baptist I church, speaker. Church choir will sing. ] Get Acquainted Club—Sunday, 7:30 p . m. First Unitarian church. Thirty.first and Harney streets. Musical program J ai d social hour. All gtrangprs and lonely a folk welcome. Omaha Society of Fine Art* Gallery •jp Talk—Sunda>. 4 p. m. Omaha public j l*brarv. Maurice Block, art director, "ill speak on the American Art Exhibition now showing at the library. 1 Omaha Walking Club—Sunday. 3pm f-om Sixteenth and I.ocust street taking east Omaha car. The walk will be from : the east end of East Omaha car line through the bluffs and hill* north of founcil Bluffs, ending the north end qj the Harrison street car line. Miss Jen nte Sharkey, leader. Endurance hike, all a -'ay outing Sunday, 9 a. m from north j ^ tid of Florence car line. The walk will be north and west of Florence on the i high road, circling oast and south to the j u\pr road, returning to Florence. Die- 1 tanre. 20 miles. Elmo Adams, leader. M ednesday clubs. MONDAY. Hellenic Chautauqua Circle—Monday, ? a. m. with lira M. L Strowi*. 3433 Newport avenue. < i Rmevelt < hautauqua Cirri*—Monday. I* ln ’n,th Mr» r A- Cr***ey. 4204 Thirty.second street Tennyson (hautauqa* Cirri*.—Nfondav, 1T * p. m., T. W. C. A.. Mr*. G. F. Fisher, kl leader lesson, •‘Pacific Triangle.’* chap [ 1 i-*fi 10. 17 and 1*. I Omaha Woman’* Club. General Meet* L 1 bit — Monday. 2:30 p. in. Buigcsa-Nash i I auditorium. Mrs. Edgar Penney, president of Nebraska Federation of Woman's clubs. principal speaker. Educational committee. Mrs. F. if Cole, chairman, in charge of program. Short! talks will also he given by Pr. P. F Jenkins, I,eon Smith, Miss Jennie Mitchell and Jessie Carey. Song group. Miss Estella Shayne accompanied by Mrs. Gail White Me. Moines. Program followed by reception for Mrs. Penney. The directory will en tertain at luncheon for Mrs Penney in the tea room of the store at 12:30 p. m. ' TUESDAY. I.. O. E. Club—Tuesday, 2:15 p tn Elies club rooms. le made with Mrs. J. 8. Parker. Kennwood 2944. Omaha Branches Woman’s Auxiliary to EpiM'opul Church—Friday. 2 until 4 p. m Trinity Parish house. Educational program Mrr I.loyd Smith will speak on "English Cathedrals" and Mrs. J. R. Jones on "Alaska.” Trinity guild will have charge of program. Sunday clubs. SATURDAY. Omaha Walking Club—Saturday, X p m. from end of Albright oar line to club shack In Fontenelle Forest. McFarlane Lecture—Saturday, 8pm Brandets grill room. Mrs Ida Kruse McFarlane, dean of English. University of Denver, will speak on "Life of John Marshall.' fifth of series of lectures on “Topirs of Timely Interests.” Omaha College Club Drama 8e< lion— Saturday. II ;« m. with Mrs. Lewis Mc Daniel. 625 Fifth avenue. Council Bluff*, la. Th« play. ”The Locked Chest,” by John Mansfield an ill be presented under leadership of Mrs. Georg* Van Slckl*. —DIAMONDS—| Sold, traded in, examined, appraised, remounted and cared for. ALBERT EDHOLM 2d Flcor City N.it’l Bn*>k Bailditn; » They’ll bring health, happiness, ruggedness, joy and a charm of goodies for the kiddies of Omaha , that will surpass anything their little mouths have ever enjoyed. These FAULTLESS Kids know just how to please all the other kids in the land.Wait. There is a wonderful Treat in store for your little kiddies! Are r coming a * yt & to town