The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, January 21, 1923, PART THREE, Page 2-C, Image 22

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Days Packed With Gaiety
for Housepartv
Thl* morning Mr. and Mr*. Lee
Huff welcomed their housepartv
gueafs, thg M.ssrf and Mesdame* II
A Car*- Wtlhani Nletdfelt. f'l>d»
Ri "It, Jiirk Hal lrman, Ross Mooro
and A. W. Hreyer of Grand Island.
This »vi tng they wilt h* honor
mu sts at a dinner at tha Huff home,
when covers will also he laid for the
Mes«r*. and Mistimes R, H. Wilson,
It W. Walter*. O. P. Porter, !.ee
Huff, Jr . I'r and Mrs, I.. A. t>er
to : . Mis Ellen Harton and Harley
Conan t.
Monday noon, Mrs I., M. Pegau.
w il gh" n luncheon for tha ladle* of
the l u». party, and that night Mr
■ Hi Mrs F. II Wllaon will give a
dinner and Orpheum party. On Tuea
Mr*. Ellen Barton will give a
Inn hoop for the guesta and that
evening the Huffs wdll again enter
Wadding Anniversary
Commemorated by
Mr and Mrs. Georgs Rumner will
live a reception Thursday evening,
January 55. at their home In honor
of Mrs. Rumner* parents, Mr. and
Mr* John II. Berry, who will cele
brate their 40th wedding anniversary cluy. Ono hundred and fifty
Invitation* havo hoen Issued snd
Mrs. Rumner will receive from
HO until 1!. Those aalstlng
u III he the M«d*me* John T. Yates,
J J McMullen, C. W. Pollard, C. C.
Hidden. II C Everett*. W. B. Fonda,
II P. Lemere, AV. J. Miller, R. R.
Ih,Ulster, Raymond Hayward, Frank,
Hnagland, Rodney Bliss, L. K.
I hurtg, E. II. AVnttera, R. C.
Cetera, and the Misses Lee Comstock,
and Lucy T’pdlka.
Mrs. Haul Hmlth Eldrege, will
intr during the evening neconipanied
hy Mr*. Elolae AA’est McNlchols.
Dorothy Arter Bridge
Hostess Friday.
Miss Dorothy Arter entertained at
••ridge Saturday afternoon nt her
homo when tallies were placed for tha
Mesdamea James llunsHker, Kilwln
I 'avis, Rlrhard Mallory, George Klack,
Vrtltur Ross or Mlnature, Neb.; Don
ald Howe and the Misses Catherine
Denny, Evelyn Ledwlrh, DeWeenta
Conrad, Winifred Smith, Elizabeth El
liott, Julia Tripp, Frances Castetter,
Halil# Crary and Eleanor Carpenter.
Tea for Lincoln Guests.
Mrs. C. W. M. I’oynter entertained
it tea for 25 guests at her home Erl- l
iv afternoon honoring Mrs. E. W.
Davis, guest of her son Dr. Edwin
Davis, and Mra. Guy Brown who Is
topping with Mrs. Phillip Potter.
I loth honor guests are from Lincoln.
Luncheon Bridge.
Mrs. J, J. Keegan has Issued tnvlta-1
'ions for a luncheon bridge to lie j
given on Saturday, Jnn. 27 at her
home. Covers will he laid for 14
The engagement of Miss Hannah
Ivulakofkky, (laughter of I. Kulaknf
sky. Is announced by her father, film
will be married In the early spring
10 Lou fihostak of Omaha, son of
Mr. and Mrs P. Shoatnk of Lincoln.
Mr. fihnstak ha* attended the Uni
versity of Nebraska.
Mr. Kulaknfsky will receive at his
home this evening from 7 to 10 In
honor of the young couple.
ltiil Ini,iv Tarty.
H. ▼. Richelieu entertained 12
guests at his homo Friday night on
'he occasion of hie 21 at birthday. At
tending were the Misses Ethylc Carl
son, Margaret Jennlng. Theresa Lor
en*, Ethel Lockwood. Amy Hobbs,
Marlon White, Messrs. Patrick
' • Hhaugneeney. Kenneth Murray,
Franklin lmckwood, Hurt Cunning
ham and John Welsh.
Mrs. Ilarwnod Honored.
The Imwling team of the L. O. E.
club entertained at luncheon Friday
si Hum-ess Nash lea room In honor
of lha blrthdnv anniversary of Mrs.
Trait Harwood. Following the lunch
eon the team spent the afternoon
Movie ul Vales School.
A motion picture featuring Harold
Lloyd lu "llrandnui'a Hoy," will he
-Imwn In the auditorium of Henry
VV. Y.ites school Friday evening at
7.10 o'clock. The school orchestra will
furnish ihs music.
Affairs for Bride-to-Be
Many alfalrs have been given the
past week for Miss Isabelle Kriten
brink, whose marriage to Joseph
Grace will be solemnized January 23
at 9 o'clock at St. Peters church- On
Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knut
sen entertained eight guests at dinner
for Miss Kritenbrink at their home.
On Monday Mrs. George Klein and
Mrs Mathew Sehioker entertained at
a miscellaneous shower at the home
of Mrs. Klein. On Tuesday Miss
Prances Kritenbrink entertained at
dinner at the Brandeis restaurant fol
lowed by an Orpheum party for her
sister. Wednesday the club of which
she Is a member entertained at din
ner for her at the Braudels restau
rant. Thursday, Mrs. A. Hall enter
tained at dinner for her followed by
a miscellaneous shower given by Miss
Nell McDermott at her home. Satur
day Mies Martha Eckman entertained
at tea from 4 to fi at the Brandeis tea
room, and on Monday evening Mr.
and Sirs. J. If. Kritenbrlnk will en
tertain the bridal party at dlnlrer at
their home followed by rehearsal at
the church.
Afternoon Bridge Given!
by Mrs. Fraser.
Mr*. W. A. Fraser entertained at
bridge Saturday afternoon In com
pliment tn Miss Elizabeth Stewart of
Philadelphia. Pa„ the guest of Mrs.
Ludovic t'rofoot. Tubles were placed
for the Messrs . and Mesdames, Cro
foot, W. A. C. Johnson, A. L. Reed,
the Mesdames F. A. Nash, Luther
Drake, John L. Kennedy and Messrs.
Myron Learned. Frank Burkley, H.
L. Hutchinson of Toledo, O., Frank
Judson and George Prlnz.
Speaker Land*.
Maude Royden, distinguished lec
turer, who will appear here at the
Rrandela theater, February 23, for the
Omaha Society of Fine Arts, has ar
rived In New York. She is the daugh
ter of Sir Thomas Royden, Lord
Mayor of Liverpool. Miss Royden Is
the guest of Mrs. John D. Rookefeller,
Jr., in New York.
Children* Clothe* Party.
Miss Bernadette Hoeschen, enter
tained at her home Monday at a
children's clothes masquerade, when
her guest* ware the Misses Regina
Gllllgan, Pauline Foy, Mary Bour
genu, Elizabeth Fox, and Louise
Columbian Club.
The Columbian club will give tlielr
next afternoon party on Wednesday,
January 24, when the hostesses will i
be Mrs. Mary Murphy, Mrs. J. S. I
Galbraith, Mrs. Mary Tingling and
Mrs. G. L. Wear.
Card Party.
The N. w Century club will enter
tain at a card party Tuesday after- !
noon 2:30 o'clock In St, Bridgets hall.
Twenty sixth and F slreets. A food i
sale will be a feature of the affair.
Prizes will be awarded and eight
game* are to be played.
Mrs. Dixon Dinner
Mrs. E. XV. Dixon entertained at
dinner last evening at her home when
her guests were the Messrs, and Mes
dames C. M. Wilhelm, W. A. Fraser,
John ti. Kennedy, Dr. and Mrs. J. C.
Summers. Mrs. Luther Drake and Dr.
W. O. Bridges.
For Fremont Houseparty.
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Smith left yes
terday afternoon for Fremont where
they will be among 20 guests at a
houseparty given by Mr. and Mrs.
Uao Marr over the weekend.
h. O. E. Club Cards.
The L. O. E. club will entertain at
cards Tuesday at 2:15 in the Elks club
rooms. Mrs. A. A. Corkle hostess
for bridge and Mrs. Trolt Harwood
for high five
Buffet Party.
Mr. and Mrs. George Parks enter
tained at their home Thursday even
ing at a buffet card party. Prizes
were won by Mrs. J. S. Considene
and W. W. Yager.
Birth Announcements.
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril McAllister an
nounce the birth of a daughter on
Saturday morning at St. Joseph hos
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brodersen
announce the birth of a son. Charles
Francis, at the St. Joseph hospital
on Friday.
Announcement Is made of the birth
of a daughter. Eileen Marie, to Dr.
and Mrs. John C. Giver of Spaulding,
Neb., at St. Joseph hospital.
A baby son Francis Jr., was bom
on Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. Francis
J. Lynch at their home.
The Newer Modes in
for Late Winter and
Early Spring
A Monday Feature
A T the beginning of the
' * Spring Millinery season
such a sale as we offer Monday
is certainly an event one simply
(‘ANNOT afford to overlook. Hats new and
charming—vivacious in line, color and trimming.
There’s no mistaking the charm as being
new and fresh.
Sport, Dress and Street Hats
Silks, straws, embroidered fabrics, felts and the
newest sport effects. Surely you will find
choosing a pleasure.
$5.00 $7.50 $10.50 .,d $15.00
Millinery Salon—Third Floor
Mrs. Stella Shanahan in charge.
Julius ©rkisi
1512- Douglas St
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Bonder are
registered at the Hotel St. James In
San Diego, Cal.
Mrs. Mark C. Walker and small
daughter, Mary Ann. will arrive home
today from St. Joseph hospital.
Dr. N. W. Templeton, of Marys- j
villa, Mo., Is spending the Sabbath
with liis brother, Mr. W. O. Temple
Mrs H. L. Keefe of Walthlll. Neh.,
is visiting Mrs. J. J. Elkins. Mrs.
Keefe Is a former president In the
Nebraska Federation of Women's
Grenville Anderson of New York |
Is the gueet over the week end of
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Burke. Mr. An
derson will be remembered as a resi
dent of Omaha during the summer
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Burke and
daughter. Miss Emily, will sail for
Italy In April. They will be Joined
in the early summer either In France
or England by Ned Burke, who Is a
student at Yale.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Curtice left
Saturday to spend the week end In
Lincoln. Mrs. Curtice will remain un
til Tuesday to be a guest at the
wedding of Irving Chapin and Miss
Jeanette Moore on Tuesday evening.
Mr. Frank F. Templeton, of Kansas
City, Mo., Is spending the week end
with his father, Mr. W. G. Temple
ton, who has been 111 for many
months. Mr. Templeton, Is convales
cing again from the last serious re
lapse he had a few weeks ago.
Mrs. W. F. Baxter, Miss Henrietta
Bees, Miss Sophie Noske-Naimska,
Jean Duffleld, all of Omaha, and A1
bert E. Beck of Council Bluffs, will
go to Lincoln Monday to hear Ig
nats Friedmann, who will be pre
sented In concert by the Matinee Musi
cals on that date.
Supper This Evening.
Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Shotwell are
entertaining eight guests at supper
this evening at their home.
Birthday Dinner.
Mrs. C. F. Lenehan entertained 14
guests at dinner Friday evening at
her home in honor of the 17th birth
day anniversary of Ora Stockton.
During the evening Laraln Synek
entertained the guests with vocal
solos and dances.
T. O. E. Card Tarty.
The L. O. E. club will entertain at
a card party Tuesday, 2:15 p. m. in
the Elks' club rooms- Mrs. A. A.
Corkle will have charge ot the bridge
and Mrs. Pratt Harwood ytll be host
ess for the high five.
Catholle Daughters Entertain.
The Catholic Daughters of America
will entertain at a dancing party
Wednesday evening at Hyland hall. A
special entertainment will be a fea
ture of the evening.
Ennis Club Card Party.
The Ennis club will entertain at
cards Tuesday evening. 8 o'clock in St.
Mary Magdalenes hall, Nineteenth
and Dodge streets. Prizes will be
given and refreshments served during
the evening.
Episcopal Card Party.
The ladles of St. Johns Episcopal
church at 25th and Browne streets
will hold a card party in the parish
rooms Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock.
Get-Together Club.
The Get-Together Barcley club, or
ganized Thursday night with Mrs.
Hattie Putnam as president. They
will meet once ’a month.
Tadics Sodality.
The Ladies Sodality of the Sacred
Heart church will give ft card and
dancing party Monday, January 22,
at Lyceum Hall, and Twenty-second
and Locust. »
Lincoln Visitor
Mrs. E. W. Davis of Lincoln Is the !
guest of her son and his wife, Dr. ]
and Mrs. Edwin Davis and very par
tlcularly of her young grandson, Ed- '
win, Jr., whom she is enjoying great- j
ly during her visit here. Mrs. Davis
is the widow of the late Dean Ellery
Davis of the University of Nebraska.
She has visited in Omaha on previous
occasions and has many friends here,
some of them former residents of
Lincoln, who are entertaining very
pleasantly for her during her stay.
35 Children to Appear
on College Club
A program of unusual interest will
be given Wednesday afternoon, 3:30
o'clock at the home of Mrs. H. H.
Henningson, 1301 South Thirty sixth
street, as a meeting of the domestic
education section of the Omaha Col
lege club.
The program will be given by me
children of the members, under direc
tion of Mrs. J. E. Wallace, chairman
of the music section. Thirty-five of
the 50 children in the department
will take part in the entertainment.
Recitations will be given by Billie
Burton, Richard Beavers, Beth
Campbell, Sanford Hudson, Marjorie
Thompson, Marlon Virginia Lambert,
Lyn Lockrldge, Richard Swenson,
Jean Wallace; vocal solos, Jeanette
and Dorothy Alldrcdge, Jane Locke,
Mary Louise Votava; piano solos,
Mary Frances Hughes, James Bod
nar; duets, Jack Homberger and Bil
lie Benson; dance numbers, Flaine
Harrington, Howard Turner. Helen
and Marjorie Hennlngson, who will
also sing; Evelyn Dlerpoint, violin.
Concert at St. Cecilias.
The tenth sacred concert of Liturgi
cal music will be given this afternoon,
4 o’clock at the Cathedral of St.
Cecilia, under direction of Dr. R.
Mills Silby, organist and choir direc
Dr. Silby will Improvise on a theme
given by Rev. Clement Nache, local
musician. English carols by 12-year
old Cecilia McCreary will be a feature
of the musical, which is open to the
public. There Is no admission charge.
Maccabees Install Officers.
Omaha Review Woman’s Benefit
association of Maccabees will have
a public installation of officers at
their hall in Moose temple. Twenty
eighth and Farnam streets, Tuesday
Bee Want Ads bring results.
Our New Address Is 510-511 Brown Block
16th and Douglas (Take the Elevator) •
The excellence of our work at reasonable prices is the
cause of our growth.
You Can Depend PWONE AT 9976
Are you enjoying the advantages of our charge account service?
Julius (Min
The Quality Dress Shop Better Styles - Better Values
Sooner or Later
fou are going to be a dress
customer at THIS STORE
— why not sooner?
WE HAVE RECEIVED In the past few days
hundreds of beautiful new Canton Crepe
Dresses. They come in all the new high shades, as
^ well as black, navy, brown, etc.
J Scores of clever, smart styles
in all sizes. Priced from—
$15.00 to $75.00
i A Pleasant Place to Shop!
Mrs. Harris Gives Tea
to Woman’s Press Club.
Mrs. Martin Harris will be hostess
this afternoon at tea at her home to
S5 members of ths Omaha Woman's
Press club. Spring flowers will be
used for the decoration*. Mrs, J. O.
Masters. Mrs. Anna Dunniway and
Howard RiftKar. Omaha prize winners
In the recent Press club contest, will
read their manuscripts. Out-of-town
prize winners have been Invited to
attend. Miss Kva Mahoney, presl
dent of the club, will assist Mra.
Clothing \\ anted by Associated
t liarities.
Mrs. George l>oane. secretary for
the Associated Charities, la asking
for clothing of any kind, particular
ly for children. All garment* the or
ganisation had on hand were de
stroyed in their recent fire.
Clan Gordon Entertains.
Clan Gordon No. 03. Order of
Scottish Clans, will give its 34th an
nual concert end ball In comme more*
tlon of the 164th anlveraary of the
tirth of Robert Burn*, to be held in
the Hy land Dancing academy, nm
Kumam atreet. Thursday .January
25, 192*. at 8:99 p. m. On the pro
gram will be among other* John U
Kennedy who will give an address on
Holy Family Pariah.
The Radies of the Holy Family
parish will give a card party an.t
dance at their hall Tuesday evening.
Again the
Warning on Linens
Extensive January selling throughout the coun
try has put the import market in a flutter.
There Is Profit in Purchasing From Present Stocks
% Many Closing Items From the
Winter Clearing Sale
Damask Napkins, Lunch Cloths, Odd Cloths, Lunch Napkins,
Party Cloths, Odd Sets and Breakfast Sets at revised and final
End of the Sale prices.
All Linen Lunch Napkins
Hemstitched and several designs:
15x15 Lunch Napkins, per dozen.$ 4.75
15x15 Lunch Napkins, per dozen. 7.50
15x15 Lunch Napkins, per dozen. 8.50
20x20 Lunch Napkins, per dozen. 12.75
Odd Napkins
All pure linen. Every number different:
17 xl7 Napkins, No. 313, per dozen... $4.45
18 xl8 Napkins, No. 316, per dozen.... 4.75
lO’AxlO^ Napkins, No. 1073, per dozen.... 5.25
21 x21 Napkins, No. 1066, per dozen.,.. 5.95
22 x22 Napkins, No. 79, per dozen.... 7.50
23 x23 Napkins, No. 694, per dozen.,.. 8.25
Odd Numbers Damask Cloths
No Napkins to Match
Large variety of circular designs. All pure
70x70 Damask Cloths, No. 736, each.$2.95
71x72 Damask Cloths, No. 81. each. 5.75
70x70 Damask Cloths, No. 428, each.5.95
70x70 Damask Cloths, No. 155, each. 6.45
72x72 Damask Cloths, No. 185, each. 7.25
72x72 Damask Cloths, No. 79, each.8.75
72x72 Damask Cloths, No. T, each.8.75
72x72 Damesk Cloths, No. 820, each. 8.75
72x72 Dan |;k Cloths, No. 410, each.9.75
Odd Breakfast Sets
High-grade Austrian Damask Cloth and one
dozen Napkins to match:
54x54 Cloths and Napkins, per set.$10.00
66x56 Cloths and Napkins, per set. 15.00
60x60 Cloths and Napkins, per set. 15.00
68x58 Cloths and Napkins, per set........ 17.50
72x72 Cloths and Napkins, per set.20.00
All Linen Hemstitched
Lunch Cloths
36x36 Lunch Cloths, each $2.95, $3.95 and $4.75
45x45 Lunch Cloths, each .$4.95 and $5.25
54x54 Lunch Cloths, each .$6.95 and $7.95
63x63 Lunch Cloths, each .$6.95
72x72 Lunch Cloths, each .$6.95
Unbleached Lunch Cloths
Plain and Hemstitched:
52x52 Lunch Cloths, plain, each.$3.95
52x52 Lunch Cloths, hemstitched, each.... 3^)5
63x63 Lunch Cloths, natural, each.4.95
68x68 Lunch Cloths, plain, each.6.95
59x76 Lunch Cloths, hemstitched, each.... 6.95
59x90 Lunch Cloths, hemstitched, each.... 7.95
Party and Banquet Clothes
Consisting of our highest grades In durable
Irish damask—no napkins. Reductions
from the lowest prices of today. Quantity
$25.00 Cloths, 2 yards hy 314 yards, each $15.06
$34.00 Cloths, 2 yards by 3ty yards, each 20.0fl
$37.00 Cloths, 2 yards by 4 yards, each 25.06
$22.50 Cloths, 2ty yards by 3 yards, each I0JK)
$27.00 Cloths, 2ty yards by 3 yards, each 15.00
$20.00 Cloths. 2ty yards by 3ty yards, each 10.00
$30.00 Cloths, 2ty yards by Sty yards, each 15.00
$33.00 Cloths, 2ty yards by 4 yards, each 20j06
Odd Table Damask Sets
Beautiful merchandise at low prices. A few
odd sets to close:
$35.00 Sets, 1 2-yard square cloth, 1 dozen
22-inch napkins, per set.$25.00
$43.50 Sets, 1 2-yard square cloth, 1 dozen
22-inch napkins, per set. 30.00
$37.50 Sets, 1 2-yard square cloth, 1 dozen
22-inch napkins, per set. 27.50
Brown's Shamrock.
— —-i
Glimpses of Spring in
New Women’s Apparel
Of Particular Interest to the Go-Aways
Dresses : Coats : Suits : Wraps
Completely Captivating in Newness and Charm
What One Dollar Will
Purchase Monday
In Out China and Gift Section
Colored glass candlesticks, footed Rnd plain
compotes, serving trays, oven glass of Try
make in casseroles and bakers, cut glass
sandwich trays, odd platters and teapots
and numerous novelties.
—at $1.00 each
Women with small hands
—attention, please
An accumulation of sizes 5%. 5% and 6 In
our best 2-clasp kid gloves. A few in larger
sizes. Will be offered Monday at
Three pairs for
Three pairs for the price of one.
The color assortment is good.
A Silk Stocking at $1.50—Pure silk a
to the knee, lisle top and sole, per- ^
feet la weave and structure; black
only. The value Is a revelation...
Men’s Shirts in Season
at Out of Season Prices
LOT 1—Men’s shirts In printed and woven
madras and percale. 12.00 values. Triced at
LOT 2—Fruit of the Loom, fine madras and
crepe. Regularly priced to $2.50—
LOT 3—Fine Imported madras. Price*’ 13.^0
and 13.50, at—
LOT 4—Tub silks and English broadcloth,
priced to 16.00, at—
LOT 5—The best grades of silk shirts In
Jersey, crepes and broadcloths. Priced to
$7.50. Special at—
Wash Fabrics
Bearing their expression of the
rejuvenation of Nature and her
garb of green and golden hues.
—Are Here
More detailed announcement later, hut for those forward-looking persons who
like to have first choice we impart this information.