The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, January 13, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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    State Senators
Spend Busy Dav
Introducing Bills
l pper House of Legislature
Has Nearly Measures
in Hopper as Result of
W eek s Work.
Lincoln .Ian. 12.—(Special.!—Nearly
half a hundred bills were thrown In
to the eenate hopper during the first
work of the session.
A brief session this morning was
the most productive of the entire week
in the matter of proposed legislation,
1 » bills being introduced. The senate
then recessed until Tuesday afternoon
at 2.
Cooper of Douglas introduced the
second bill providing for a salary
1 oost which has been sponsored in
both branches of the legislature. The
Cooper bill, which relates to Douglas
county, increases the salary of the
deputy county surveyor, w ho also acts
as deputy county highway coin mis
sioner, from $2,500 to $3,000 a year.
Another bill by Cooper provides that
notices for liens for internal revenue
taxes <lue to the government must be
filed with the register of deeds or
county clerk along with a proper no
t ec of release when the taxes are
paid. Officers receive 25 cents fee for
each filing
Osborne has drawn up a bill pro
aiding f«»r the nonpartisan election of
members of the legislature.
00* M N \TK FILLS.
S' F. 36, Hast Inga—-Uniform bill of lad
ing law.
s I-' Hastings- Vacancies occurring 1
In office of county judge. when vacancies I
dnes not c\.. two years, shall be fillet! I
by appoftitmerit, over two years by ape- !
< in I election
S y. 37, Hasting' \ppcals from justice
rf the peace or t ounty courts must be \
tried upon the same pleadings filed In 1
the ijnirt below without making up new
Issues in the district court.
S' F ;)K, Fries—Provides that t:i\ j
money for paying school bonds in ex- I
cess of ink-test thereon shall be placed
In certificates of deposit in proper do
positon-** Instead of being invested in i
county, state or government bonds.
S F 30. Hturdeva nl— For the sale of
state school lands af'*-r .IuIa 1. 11*-■;. un
oil ’U’ application «>f a |esew. such land-* ,
t i I**- sold to the highest bidder, in tracts
of not over 330 acre# of faim and hay
land, and not over 640 h- m-s grazing land
S F. 4'». Tomek and Ounib- Repeals that j
se< lion of tin- lai\ exempting executors
iatnl a *1 mi nist ra tors from filing inven
tories nf r^al estates and chattels.
s I*' 41, Hastings—Requires 10-vear
p . iod to elapse before dlvmao granted on |
grounds of incurable Insanity, allows court I
five years to make property settlement in |
• Uch cases. }
s F. 4.'. Rickard—Limits appointment j
of a depute '.ounty register <>f deeds. '
treasurer, sheriff, • clerk, or surveyor to |
counties having 3 3,000 population or more.
s F. 43. Rickard—No transportation
shall he furnished by a consolidated school
(» strict i" pupils residing within two miles
of the school, except, (by majority vote of
electors at an annual meeting.
S I*'. 41. Rickard—Requires county trea
surer# to notify by mail awry taxpayer of
the amount of his real estate taxes. *ub
d vidrd according to levies for smaller
S F. 45.Rickard—Companion bill to S.
I- 43 Abolishes deputy < ounty treasurers
In counties of less than 6,300 population
S F. 46, Osborne—For nomination and
election of members of the legislature on ,
the non-political ballot.
S F 47, Cooper—Requite# establishment ;
• |-• • of ovei 26,000 of "c 11' •>S8 • "' i"*
as a branch of the fire department to and presen ^property and life during
aid after a lire
H. F. 4 4. Cooper—Notices of liens for In
ternal revenuo taxes due the United State*
muM he fileal with register of deed# or (
-swifitv clerk, also proper notice of teleasc
»• uen’ taxes paid, such offenders to receive !
Zo cents foe for each filing. #
S F. 4 9, Cooper—Increase# the salary ;
of deputy county surveyor In Douglas
, ounty who acts as deputy county high
way commissioner from $3,600 to $3,000 |
per ya#r.
Thieves Make Escape
While Contest Rages
Over Sheriff's AJffice 1
Falls City, Neb.. Jan. 12 —(Special » j
—Two men suspeited of having stolen :
an automobile escaped attest because
the iron hand of the lav* was held in j
abayenco while the sheriff and shet - j
iff-elect were settling the contested
office in court.
The two men were observed near
Rulo by Homer D. Kirk, mayor of
that place, and he notified the sher
iffs office. At that very hour, how
ever, the question of who was sheriff
was resting in the hands of County ,
Judge Falloon. so the deputy, who
i received the call, delayed action un
til the result of the contest was deter
A1 Young of Humboldt finally won
out by three votes, but the thieves,
not caring to wait for the result,
skipped away in the meantime, leav
ing tile car behind.
Boxing Head Is /
Refused Permit
to Attend Meet
Bryan Denies Carroll Is State
Sheriff—Budget Reduc
tion Is Demanded l>\
(»o\ ernor.
Jan. 12.—{Special.1—Gover- j
nor Bryan today announced that lie
had refused to approve a trip to New
York city by State Boxing Commits
aioner l,. 11. (Bum) Doyle to attend
the meeting of the national associa
tion of state boxing commissioners.
The governor said he did not con
aider it necessary for the proper regu- j
lation of sport in Nebraska that the !
boxing commissioner attend (lie nu j
flonal meeting and that he considered
it a junketing trip.
The governor complained that his
announcement of tlie appointment of i
Tom Carroll as law enforcing officer
had been misconstrued as a continun- i
lion of the state sheriff's department.
Mr. Cry III claimed the state sheriffs L
office had been created without f
authority of htw and that Mr. Car
roll would work directly undqr him !
as Ills law-enforcing officer.
The governor is still busily engaged i
in preparing itis budget message for |
the legislature. The governor is call- |
ing in various department heads and j
insisting they reduce their estimates. j
In a large number of instances, lie '
claimed, the departments were coin- '
plying with the request.
taxpayers to Organize.
Lincoln, .Inn. 12.—(Special.)—A Liu- I
coin and Lancaster branch of ihe ■
stale taxpayers' league will be form- j
‘d at a meeting of taxpayers called |
here tomorrow.
Trinity Cathedral
1Ath and Capitol Avenue
In the Heart of Downtown
7vw J-Evening Service-7:30
Musical Service
You Aro Invited
Modern Books and Their Message
First Methodist Church
20th and Davenport Street*
Sunday Evening—Seven Forty-FitTe
“This Freedom” by A. S. M. Hutchinson
Doe. modern woman pay tne price for her new freedom?
Morning Service, 11 o’clock. Commuhion.
Jo W. G. FAST, Minister
--— ..... Reserve District No. 10
* ON DECEMBER 29, 1922.
Loans and discounts, including rediscounts, acceptances
of other banks, and foreign hills of exchange or drafls
sold with indorsement of this bank.*-■ • *2,135.319.St
Total loans . . ' 820.17
Overdrafts, unsecured .
U. S. Government securities owned: son non no
Depotited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value! . . - . ‘>00.000.01)
Total . . . .... ■ ..1.12.3 11.50
Other bonds, stocks. A-curtties, etc.... ‘>77 189.25
Banking house. *‘215.00 1: furniture and fixtures. *6..l».i.-> 91J ,0
Real estate owned other than hanking hpU*e- ■ WsSO.So
Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank. • q.> coo 76
ms with Federal Reserve Bank in process of collection ,08*165.45
i H*h in vault and amount due from rational hanks.
Amount due from State banks, banker*, and trust coin
names in the United .Elates (other than ineluded in ^ 528.76
three preceding items* 68 69940
Flxchange* for clearing house . . .
Checks on other banks in the same citv or town as re- ^
porting hank (other than preceding item).
Checks and drafts on hanks (including Federal Reserve
Bank) located outside of city or town of reporting bank * ,^0 tw_ 3R 150.7 4
M isceHaneoua cash items .
Redemption fund ^ith U. S. Treasurer »nd due from U. S. 10.000.00
i easurer . .
Total ..*3,6^4,742.61
, .. . $ 500.000 00
( anna! stock paid in ... 150 000.00
Surplus fund.• *.f R4
Undivided profits •• . -Vaii’as 8 607 96
Less current expenses, interest, and taxes paid. 197 700*00
Circulating notes outstanding^. . 3 18 888.77
Amount dye to notional banks . .,* ‘ *
Amount due to State hanks, hankers, ami trust companies
in the United States and foreign countries (other than 339578.88
included in preceding item) . 3 893 7*1
Certified checks outstanding .. 14 421.07
Cashier's checks outstanding .
Total of four preceding items...••••**• '
Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to
Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days): 1 to '0
Individual deposits subject to check...* *'
Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other ^ 605.12
*han for money birrowed) ..* V
State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by >«0 00' 01
pledge of assets of this hank or surety bond. loa no r 91
Deposits requiring notice, but le-*s than 30 days. .
Total of demand deposits (other than hank deposits)
subject to reserve, four preceding items.. -0lb 1,9
Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days.
or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal savings) :
Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed* oi.
Total of time deposits subject to reserve, one pre- -iflQrtaa
ceding item . 54.88U..3
Rills payable (including all obligations representing money
borrowed other than rediscounts) .
Total ..*$3,664,742.51
Ftate of Nebraska, County of Dougiat, as:
I. H. W. Yates. Cashier of the above-named hank, do solemnly swear that ihe
above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
j0 H. W. YATES, Cashier.
John McDonald.
JOHN BEKINS, Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of January. 19. '.
HOBART ti. WILLIAMS. Notary Public.
Luxury Tax Is
Lrjred to Support
Public* Schools
Mrs. E. E. Felton of A ork Is
Elected President of State
School Executives'
IJnioln, Ian. 12—(Special I—Knact
ment of a luxury tax, the proceed* of
which shall go for the support of the
schools, is the answer which the Ne
braska State Boards and School Ex
ecutives association makes to the de
mand for lower school expenditures
in the sttate.
Although no definite provisions for
a luxury tax were outlined in the res
olutions which were adopted and
which will be sent to the legislature,
speakers during the course of the dis
cussion mentioned rigarets and cos
metics Assistant Superintendent ,1.
I.. McCrory of Omaha urged no re
duction in school taxes but advocated
the mo* economical administration of
school affairs. He said cigarets and
cosmetics cost the state more last
year than all of the school taxes.
These officers were elected at the
closing session of t he association: Pres
ident, Mrs. E. Felton, York: secre
tary, C. Ray Gates. Brand Island;
treasurer, 11. O. Schaaf. David City;
executive committee, Supt, 11. B.
Simmons. Norfolk; fi. TV. Bishop. Uni
versity Place, and 11. S. King, York.
The resolutions adopted in addition
to asking the legislature to enact a
state luxury tax, request the mainte
nance of the present nonresident high !
school tuition of $2 per pupil and to ,
permit children along the state line
to go to more convenient schools in'
the neighboring states with their own
districts paying tuition.
Steps were taken to join with the
Nebraska Association of City School
Boards. The next meeting of the
association will be held in Grand
Secretary of Agriculture
Files Report With Governor
Lincoln. Jan. 12.—(Special.)—Secre- j
tary Mayer of the department of agri
culture haa filed a report with Gov
ernor Bryan on activities of the de
His report shows cash on hand Jan
uary I totalled $362,320.70, as against
$33S,000 on January 12. The report
shows total receipts for the fiscal
year ending July 1. 1922, of $215,
397.37. while operating expenses ag
gregated $158,603.02.
The biggest source of revenue was
the food, drugs and oil inspection bu
reau. where fees and licenses agre
gated >150.000, while cost of operation
was $42,000.
Nebraskans Are Invited
to Marketing Conference
Lincoln, Jan. 12.—(Special.)—Act
ing Secretary Mayer of the depart
ment of agriculture received an invi
tation to attend a confemnee to be
held in Sioux City, January 24. attend
ed by representatives of various farm
organizations in midlevvestern states
ti* devise better marketing plans for
agricultural products. Mr. Mayer
vvias also requested to urge members
of the Nebraska farm organizations
to attend. lie turned the request
over to Governor Bryan.
Pierce Man Is Awarded
Compensation by Slate
Lincoln, Jan. 12.—(Special.)—Com
pensation Commissioner Frank Ken
nedy has awarded Henry C. Poellott
of Pierce temporary compensation of
Saturday Musical - Free to All
January 13th, 1923, 3:30 P.M.
The 14th, this season, of these free musicals will be held to
morrow, and one hour of real enjoyment is prontised you. Come
aiyil b ring your friends.
ISM i61« Schmoller & Mueller T;‘*phone
Street PiailO CO. 1856
Beaton Drug Co.
Specials for Saturday and Monday
Every day in every way—we
save you time and money.
$1.00 Terra Dermalax, the
new English clay. . . .69<^
65c Kotex Sanitary Napkins
for .12C
25c 4-oz. Peroxide Hydrogen
for .. IOC
60c Danderine . . .45C
$1.00 Q-Ban Hair Tonic, 70C
60c Woodbury Fatial Soap
for . IOC
30c Resinol Soap.21C
50c Emulsion of Cocoanut Oil
Shampoo . 39C
50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste
Wilson Cleaner, the peer of
them all . . . . .35C
60c Odorono . . . 42C
$1.10 Pyros, for the teeth and
gums .... .59c
$1.00 Frank's Lemon Cream
for . 79C
75c Staeomb, keeps the hair
in place . ..69C
$1.50 Van Ess Hair Grower
for. SI.39
SI.00 Herpicide .79C
25c Goutorbe Lipstick.. 15C
15c Eyebrow Pencils. .. IOC
30c Mirror Nail Polish, 19C
30c Melba Nail Polish.. 19C
50c Luxor Powder . • • •32C
$1.50 Goutorbe Face Powder
for. 98C
75c Ayer’s Face Powder, 49C
60c Djerkiss Face Powder
for. 29C
35c D. & R. Cold ream, 23C
$1.00 LaTrefle Face Powder
<pr . 69C
$1.00 Azurea Face Powder
for . 69C
50c Djerkiss Cream....32C
$1.50 Djerkiss Vegetal.
for.. 81.05
35c Meritol Cold Cream, 25C
75c Love Me Face Powder
for.... 49C
50c Pobeco Tooth Paste. 33c
Guaranteed for a Year
$2.50 Velvet 2-qt. Combina
tion Hot Water Bottle anil
Fountain Syringe, $1.25
$1.50 2-qt. Velvet Hot Water
Buttle . 89*
per gallon .43*
1 pint Norwich Milk of
Magnesia for .33c
•'10c Bromo Quinine . 23c
30c Lysol .21C
$1.00 Vita Vim Yeast
Tablets . 69*
$1.10 Tanlac .94*
40c Fletcher’s Castoria, 33*
• 60c Resinol Ointment.. 12*
30c Phenolax . . . .22C
35c Freezone .25*
35c Nature’s Remedy Tablets
for. 17*
$1.25 Lyko Tonic . ...98*
30c Mentholatum . ....17*
35c Sal Hepatica.21*
$3.75 Horliek's Malted Milk,
hospital size.$2.89
30c Zymole Troches... 18*
35*: Energine . . .27*
50c Listerine . . .39*
$1.00 Yeast Foam Tablets
for . 79*
$1.00 Mastin's Vitamon Tab
Jets . 79c
SI.00 Nuxated Iron.79*
$1.10 pound Original Allegret
ti Chocolate Creams, Satur
day, per pound .75*
60c Bulk Chocolate Creams,
assorted flavors, lb,, 39*
50c Ingram’s Rouge ...27*
50c Djerktss Rouge ...31*
$2.00 Goutorbe's Combination
New Shade Rouge and Pow
der in gold hinged box
for . 81.25
50c l.a N’oye Dry Rouge, 29*
$1.00 Gillette Razors. . .69* -
$1.00 Gillette Razor Blades
for. 69*
50c Durham Duplex Blade*
for . 39*
$1.00 Auto Strop Blades
for. 65*
$1.00 Gem, Ever-Ready, Auto
Strop Razors.79*
$1.50 Yellow Cabs for. . 980
$4.00 Electric Curling Iron
for . 82.49
$2.50 Hair Clippers. -81.49
Camels, Lucky Strikes, Ches
terfields,’2 pkgs. fbr 25*
Per carton .81.25
10c Flor De Intals.5*
Box of 50 .82.25
10c Lord Curzon .. .5*
Box of 50 .82.25
15c Straight Mozart, Rosa
size, each . . . .10*
Box of 50 . 84.25
Genuin* Edison Mazda Lamps.
10 to 50-Watt Mazda Lamps
fqr . 35*
60-Watt Mazda Lamps..40*
10c Elona Hair N'e(ts,
doz. 50*
Add 5 to on the dollar to cover
packing and postage.
I TbmoffOMrl
f Alright I
I SB • mild, vegetable laxative to H
■ BI relieve Conetlpatlon and Bill- ■
■ oueneee and keep the dlgeetive and K
■ eUminatlvefonctione normal. Hj
for oner M
B2»e yva rs ^B
| Little Ms
One-third ths rsg-u
IfX^lsr dote. Mad* of
“ - of samt ingredients,
then caody coated.
For children and adults.
515 a week, with hospital expenses.
| and with a 50 per cent penalty for
delinuent payments. Another hearing
will b« held to determine permanent
disability. Foellott was injured while
tearing down a wall for Joe Yrana
of Fierce,
Bee Want Ads Bring Results.
Clark Stops Contest
for Office of Sheriff
Mike Clark, former sheriff, walked
into the office of County Judge Craw
ford yesterday and asked that
the recount being i tut tie of the vote
tor sheriff, which office now is held
by Mike Entires, he discontinued.
Clark asked that for personal rea
sons the recount of the precincts of
Elk horn and Waterloo ho made.
lie indicated that the demand for a
recount was made hv hint at thtj in
stigation of friends, who argued with
him that they feared there had been
irregularities in the Fifth, Sixth and
Seventh wards of the city. "Recount of
the vote itt these wards failed to re
veal material gains for ('lark.
The city recount, therefore, was
halted yesterday at Clark’s request.
The expense of the recount will he
met by t’laik.
Continuing for Saturday
Our Choice of the House Sale
of Any Fall or Winter
Regardless of Former
No thoughtful woman can possibly permit
this wonderful sale to pass unheeded. Think
of securing your unrestricted choice of the
Herzberg Suit or Dress stock at only $25.
Gorgeous three-piece Costume Suits
—smartest tailored creations. Suits
developed from the richest and most
wanted fabrics. Trimmings of furs
which alone are worth double what
we ask for the entire suit. Sizes
to 38 only.
Wonderful Frocks for street, after
noon and business wear. Evening
Dresses in widest variety. The
trimmings alone on many of these
dresses are worth more than this
choice-of-the-house price. Dresses
so beautiful that they are positively
irresistible. Be here early.
Should Be
Winter Proofed
be chosen to with
stand hard knocks and
scuffing. But, more than
that, they must be ample
proof against winter’s
damp chills and snows,
else illness may follow
that may last throughout
a lifetime.
At a very small cost,
every boy’s feet can be
winter-proofed with
They give long day-in
and-day-out service and
insure u n h a m p e red,
healthy foot growth.
Now featured at—
$3.50 to $5
Shoe Co.
1419 Farnam.
When in Omaha Stopat
Hotel Rome
Our j
This is a sale with one purpose—to rid our shelves of all
stock, that we may refill them with, the spring’s newest.
Even current styles must go, to make room for the new ones.
Oxfords in Tan Calf, Patent
Leather, Black and Brown
Kid, Black and Colored
Suedes, patent trimmed;
Pumps of Patent Leather,
Black and Brown K i d.
Black and Brown Suede,
Black and Brown Satin, and
Satin Beaded.
All of the season’s most
popular styles, in either
low, medium or high heels.
Of course all the goods
offered are up to the
usual high standard of
the Shoe Market. There
arc a lot of shoes here
we formerly sold to $9—
and that was a low price
by the standards of our
friends, the competition!
Here’s a chance to restock your shoe closet, ready for any need. You’ll
find use for many different kinds of shoes when buying them is so easy.
As Usual—We Invite Comparison
No C. 0. D. s—No Exchanges—No Refunds
320 So. 16th St., Conant Hotel Bldg.