The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, January 13, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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    The Shoe Repairing Shop
Shoes carefully repaired, with best
of materials, by skillful workmen.
Pictures Attractively Framed
at Most Moderate Prices in
Our Picture Department.
Sixth Floor—South
— . ■ - ■ * ■ - -■ ... II .
V •
Saturday-January Sale of 1000 Girls’
Gingham Dresses 1.79
Regularly priced from 2.00 to 3.00
Special purchase and great reductions from our own stocks make this great
event possible. Hundreds of cleverly trimmed models either long or short
sleeves in light tnd dark small checks, plaids and plain colors. In view of
present market price of ginghams, truly an unusual buy. Sizes 6 to 14.
500 Girls’ Winter Fur Collared
and Fur Trimmed Coats
Regularly priced from 10.00 to 15.00
These dressy school and knockabout coats are priced so remarkably low that we don’t
expect them to last very long. Fine braid and embroidered coats of velours, silvertones,
Normandies and novelty mixtures with collars of coney, beaverette and caracul. Sizes
b to 14 years.
Second Floor—Weit
Saturday-Women’s and Misses’ Winter
Apparel at Reduced Prices
- A
Sale of Winter Coats
Remarkable Values at a Reduced Price.
Hundreds of fine coats of splendid materials in a wide style range.
Coats that were regularly priced
49.75, 59.75, 69.00, reduced to O 27 • v7 V7 <
Blouse-backed models, straightline styles, side panel and draped ef
fects. Richly trimmed with smart furs, including black and taupe
wolf, opossum, beaver, squirrel and caracul. Featured in this group
are many beautiful silk plush coats with luxurious fur collars.
Second Floor
Beautiful Winter Suits
For Women and Misses
Priced for Saturday in Two Groups:
50 Plain Tailored and Fur-Trimmed Suits, formerly 1 A AA
priced 25.00 and 29.75, now reduced to 1U.VV
63 Plain and Fur-Trimmed Suits, formerly OF AA
priced 39.75 to 59.75, reduced to £v.UU
Second Floor
300 Women’s and Misses’
Better Silk and Cloth
Dresses 25.00
Regularly Priced 39.75 to 55.00
Every conceivable model in fine Canton Crepes, Satin
Faced Cantons, Laces, Flat Crepes, Georgettes and Silk
and Cloth Combinations, fine Twills and even a number
of new Taffetas, specially purchased for this event.
Street, Afternoon, Dinner, Evening Gowns
Every desirable color. Many are cleverly trimmed with
embroidery, beads, braids and others are tailored, softly
draped or clingy effects.
Second Floor
Drugs - Toilet Goods
1.00 Squibb’s Oil, 790
60c California Syrup
of Figs, 440
35c Energine, 270
50c Phillips’ Milk of
Magnesia, 390
30c Lipstick, 190
35c Cutex Cuticle
Remover, 270
60c Kotex Sanitary
Napkins, 490
1.00 Borden’s Malted
Milk, 690
30c Sal Hepatica, 220
Djer Kiss Cold or Van
ishing Cream, 440
Palm Olive Soap—
Per bar, 6,->0
Woodbury Soap—Bar, 190
30c Retinol Soap, 230
Djer Kiss Powder, 390
Pepsodent Tooth
Paste, 350
50c Auto Strop Razor
Blades—Per pkg., 290
60c Danderine, 46<^
50c Lavoris, 38^
50c Mennen’s Shaving
Cream, 38£
50c Velvetina Vanishing
Cream, 35<^
Household Aprons—
Rubberized, each, 37<^
Mavis Talcum Powd., 19^
1.00 Mavis Toilet
Water, 79<^
1.00 Coty’s L’Origan
Face Powder, 79c^
4.00 Coty’s L'Origan
Toilet Water, 3.49
50c Horlick’s Malted
Milk, 39£
50c Gillette Blades, 37£
Hospital Cotton—
1-lb. roll, 33<*
Combination Bottle and
Syringe, 1.19
50c Rubber Pants for
Babies, 39
Main Floor—Wett
Dorothy Bickum
Fit Well Over Low Top
Corsets and Girdles
Because they are cut unusually long and designed to
accentuate the long-waisted effect. Dorothy Bickum
brassieres are satisfactory where many fall short when
worn with low-topped corsets. An elastic at the waist
adjusts it to every figure and prevents it slipping above
the corset.
This brassiere is shown exclusively at Bran
deis. Miss Oliver, representative of the
. Dorothy Bickum company, will be here just
one more day. She will gladly assist you in
selecting your Dorothy Bickum brassiere.
Dorothy Bickum Brassieres —
of Linen-head 1.00
of Pink Silk Twill 1.50
of Skinner’s Satin 2.00
Ttird Floor—Center
Wonderful Values in
This Sale of
New Leather
Bags 1.29
A Wide Variety
of Clever Styles
Vanity cases, swing
purses, envelope
shape bags and other
attractive styles.
We have secured for this sale a quantity of high grade
bags—brand new styles and colors—black, brown, gray
and tan. Numerous styles to select from. All fitted
with swing purse and silk lined. In seal, vachette,
morocco and pin seal leathers. Regular 1.98 to 2.50
Main Floor—Ea»t
Saturday Glove Special
Long Suede
Fabric Gloves
at 69c
per pair u
Regular 1.50 -- 2.00 Values
All the popular shades in 8,
12 and 16 button lengths
from one or foremost glove makers.
Made of good quality fabric with
attractively embroidered backs. All
sizes SV2 to 7.
Fabric Gloves Wear Well,
Wash Well and are Warm
Main Floor—North
Saturday--Boys’ Clothing
Greatly Reduced
100 Boys’ Corduroy
Suits 4.95
7.50 and 8.50 Values
A real boy's suit, so well made of such
good fabrics that there is hardly an end
to the wear in it. In Norfolk styles in
tan and drab shades. Sizes 7 to 18
Boys’ Puritan
Blouses 68c
1.00 and 1.25 Values
Beautiful patterns and colors, extra
well cut. The colors are guaranteed
fast. ' There aro patterns for school or
dress wear. Well made, well finished
garments. Sizes 6 to 16 years.
Two Big Bargains in
Boys’ All-Wool 2-Pants Suits
11.75 to 13.75 Q jr 14.75 to 16.75 11 ir
values, 0»w values,
The styles and fabrics are the season’s newest. Attrac
tive patterns and colorings in fine all-wool materials.
The two pairs of trousers arc full lined. These are all
short lots and odd garments from higher-priced lines.
Sizes 6 to 18 years.
Fourth Floor
Boys’ Juvenile Overcoats,
10.75 to 12.75
Good-looking overcoats made of
chinchilla and fancy overcoat
ings. All are warmly lined. All
desirable colors and patterns.
Button to the neck or convertible
collar styles. Sizes 3 to 8 years.
Specials in Neckwear
Bertha Collars
A new line in many de
signs, fitted and frill col
lars in white and ecru. A
very attractive assortment,
special for Saturday, 98c
New Collars
A purchase of close-outs
in collars in Flown lace.
| 2.25 values. Each, 1.69
Bertha Collars
Another lot made of extra
j fine lace. Each, 59c
Main Floor—Ea»t
Specials in Ribbons
Ribbons for Millinery,
Bags and Girdles
In metal ribbon, gold and
silver with color combina
tions, special, yard, ' 1.25
Metal Ribbon
For dress trimmings, hair
bands. A recent shipment
affords a splendid selec
tion of all widths from No.
lVa to wide sash ribbons.
At Various Prices
Main Floor—East
Special Purchase of
3000 Pairs of
Silk Hose \
Irregulars of 2.00 and *1
2.50 Allen A Hose, pair X m\JvJ
An exceptionally good value in full
fashioned silk hose. All with double
heels and soles, some with lisle gar
ter tops and others with the silk
double hemmed tops. All sizes
in black, brown and shoe shades. While
these are not rated first quality, in the ma
jority of cases the imperfections are scarce
ly noticeable, a thickened thread or some
slight misweave.
Main Floor—North