The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, January 13, 1923, Page 10, Image 10

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By < ABOLY> WEI.LB. y (Copyright, 192*.)
8TNOP81S. |
•Volin Waring, gentleman and scholar,
has Just won tbs hotly contested election !
to the presidency of Corinth college, a
venerable >>w Fngiand seat of learning.
Before his inauguration lie plans to marry
Kmlfy Hates, a charming and cultured 1
widow. With his life’s ambition achieved 1
and a rosy future assured, there it yet '
on instant’s hesitation before he answers j
In the affirmative her question, “Are you j
entirely happy?"
Into this quiet college town conies "‘Miss J
Mystery." Through her uncanny ability '
to compel others to do her bidding, she !
succeeds in establishing herself at Corinth’s
most exclusive boardinghouse, kept by
Mrs. Adams and her husband. "Old Salt.’’
Further than giving her minis as Anita
Austin, the “Mystery Girl” refuses to
divulge any information regarding her
self or her business in ( orinth. This
pique* the curiosity of flie other hoarders.
\fter hearing Pr. Waring deliver a
lecture, the “Mystery t»irl“ meets hi*
tiancce, who invites her to his home for
tea. I pon meeting .Miss Austin tho doc
tor appears greatly distnrlied and after
dropping a cup of tea to tho floor ho
awkwardly excuses himself from tho room.
Hefor© he returns the “Mystery Girl" de
parts. That night Hr. Waring is Irft
alone In his study to prepare a speech
which Is to la delivered the following
night. In the morning Ito, the hutjer,
upon arising, discovers that the doctor's
• l*ed is undisturbed and goes to his study
where he finds all of the doom and
windows locked from the inside. Be
coming suspicious, Ito informs the house
keeper. who tur*» summons Gordon
Corkwood, l)r. Minings private secretary.
The latter forces an entrance to the
study and find* the doctor dead from
a stub wound. Mgo. Jap servant, has
mysteriously disappeared. A large ruby
scarfpin and #500 in currency also are
listed among the missing.
The scarfpin and roll of Idlls later are
found in Miss Austin's room and this to- j
gether with other rih-umstantial evidence,
lend to the unmistakable belief that she 1
cithe** killed l>r. Waring or hired some- !
one else io commit the crime. IMiring tho
nevt several days she is subjected to a
severe grilling In the police authorities.
The one person in the village who be
lieves iier innocent of any crime and who
Is ever willing to rush to her aid is
ttordon Fork wood.
Maurice Trask, distant relative nnd only |
heir to Hr. Baring’s fortune, arrives on
the scene and takes charge of the in
vest iguth-n. \flrr healing the evidence
gathered by the authorities, he, too, thinks
Mis* Austin guilty of the crime, hut at
first sight of her falls in love with her.
lie pfmpnse* to her, telling her that if
• ho consents to marry Idm, ho will clear
her. hut I hat if she refuses, he will send
her to prison. In the meantime Fork
wood and "Miss Mystery" discover that
they are deeply In love with each other.
Trask repeats Id* threat. She asks for
a week's time to consider his proposition.
Ifo consents, but warns her that tho delay
may prove detrimental to her.
Fleming Mono. high flowered detective,
I* engaged to untangle the mystery sur
rounding Hr. Warring’s death.
{Continued from Yrtlerdiiy.)
“Anita," he said, speaking very
low. “the crisis has come. They
have horned of the check Dr. Waring
gave you that night, and It is the
law straw. Stone is already, J think,
convinced of jour guilt, ami that
young .clufb. Mc Guire, w ill get at the
bottom of everything. I'm sure.’’ ,
"Check? What do .you meant’" Miss
Mystery said, with a blank look ou
her face. * ~
"Don't equivocate with me, dear."
Tjockvvoml laid bis hand gently on
hers. “There's no time now to tell
you of my love, as 1 want to telj, it.
Now. we van only assume that it is
all told, that we jro engaged, and
that we are to be married at once.
We are gCiug to elope, Anita!"
"Ulopc!'’ she stared at him, but
her ejrs grew soft and her pale
ehpeks flushed. “What do you mean?"
"It isn't a pretty word,” Gordon
smiled, "but it's the only thing to do,
you see. If you stay here, you’ll be
arrested. If you go, 1 go with you.
So—tve both go, and that makes it an
"Rut, Gordon-”
“Rut. Anita—attswer me just one
question—do you love pie?”
“Yes." with an adorable upward
glance -and smile.
“More than you loved Dr. Waring?"
Their eyes met. Lockwood's usual
ly inscrutable face was desperately
eager, and his deep ejes showed
smouldering passion. He held her by
the shoulders, he looked steadily at
her, awaiting her answer.
"Yes," she said, at last, her lovely !
lips quivering.
"That s all T want to know!" he j
whispered, triumphantly, as he kissed ;
the scarlet lips, ami drew the slender I
form’into his embrace,
"You must know more-" she be
gan. "and—arid l can't tell you. Oh, j
Hhe hid her face on his broad shoul
der, and he gently stroked her hair, i
as he said:
"Don't tell me anything now, dear- I
Oat. Don't ever tell me. unless you
ithonse. And. anyway. 1 know trUll.
t know you had never known the
iks tor before, and I'll tell you how I ]
know. I found in his scrap.basket a |
Sote to you-"
“A note to me!” Fresh terror i
shn wed in t*he dark ej'es.
’ Yes—don’t mind. No one else ever
saw it. I burned it. But it said.
'Darling Anita. Since you came into -
my life, life is worth living'—or some- ■
thing like that—"
"When—when did lie write that?” :
“Some time on tlint fatal Sunday. 1 j
Suppose after he met you in the after
noon. and before you came that eve- j
rdug. Remember, sweetheart, if ever l
yon want to tell me all about that )
late visit to him, do so. But, if not,
1 shall never ask or expect you to.
But that's all In the future—our dear
future, which we shall spend to
gft bet'—together. Anita! Arc you
“Oh, so glad!” and the soft arms
Crept round his neck and Miss Mys
tery gave him a kiss that thrilled his
Very soul. "Will you take care of
me. Gordon?”
"Take care of you. m>’ little love!
Take care of you, is it? Just give me
the chance!"
"You seem to have a pretty big
chance, right now," a smiling face
leached up to his. "But;-" she
seemed suddenly to recollect some
thing. “about a cheek—he didn't give
me a check-"
Lockwood laid a hand over her
"Hush, dearest. Don't tell me
things that aren't—aren't so. t saw
the stub—a check for ten thousand
tioll&rs—made out to Anita Austin,
and dated that very Sunday. Now,
hush—” as she began to speak, “we've
lio time to talk these things over. I
tell you the police are on your track.
They will come here, they will arrest
you—try) to get that in j’our head. I
am going to save you—first, tor your
r.vvn sweet sake, and also for my
"But Gordon, wait a minute. Do
you believe I killed John Waring?”
LncliW'ood looked at her.
“Don't ask me that, Anita. And.
Last Times Today
truly, I don't know whether I believe
it or not. . I know you have told
falsehoods, I know you were there
that night, I know of his letter to
you, of the check and of the ruby
pin and the money. But I—no, I
do not know that you killed him.
There are many other theories pos
sible—there's Nogi—but. my darling,
it ail ptakes no difference. I love
you, I want you. wlyitever the cir
cumstances or conditions of youj life,
or your deeds. I .love you so,’that
I want you even if you are a crimi
nal—for In that case I want to pro
tect and save you. Now, don't tell
me you did or didn't kill the man,
for-” he gave her a whimsical
smile, couldn't believe you in
either case! I've not much opinion
of your veracity, and, too. it's too
big a matter to talk about now. Of
course, I don't believe you killed him!
You, my little love! And yet. the
evidence is so overpowering that 1—
believe you did kill him! There, how's
that for a platform? Now. let all
those things be, and get readytfo go
away with me. I tell }ou we're go
ing to elope and mighty quickly, too.
"The difficulty is, to get away un
seen. But "It must be done. Pack a
small handbag—a very small one. I'll
Plan our way out—and if we can
make a getaway under the noses of
Stone and his boy we ll soon be all
light. I've a friend who will motor
us to a. nearby town, where a dear
old minister, who has known and
loved me from boyhood, will marry
"Doesn't he know about—about
"My little gjrl. leave all the details
of this thing to -me. Dqfi't bother
your lovely •head about It. It will be
all right—trust me—if we can es
"Is it right for me to go? Oughtn't
1 stay and—what do they call it?
Give myself up?"
"Anita, if 1 didn't love you so. I'd
scold ytm. hard! Now, you obey yjutir
future lord and master, and get ready
for a hurry-up wedding. 1 in sorry
that you can't have bridesmaids and
choir boys—but, you'll pardon me, 1
know, if I remind you that that isn't
my fault."
.Miss Mystery looked up and broke j
into laughter. Truly, «he was a mys
tery! Her gayoty was as spontaneus
and merry as if she had never heard
of cronie or tragedy.
Lockwood gazed at her curiously,'
and then nodded his handsome head,
as he said: "You'll do, Anita! You're
a lit tie bit of all right."
But in a moment her mood changed.
"Gordon, we can’t," pile said, slow
ly. "tVe never can get away from
Phis house—let alotkr the detectives.
Miss Hascom is on continual watch
and Mrs. Adams-"
"I know, dear. That's it. I thought
■ f-you could manage that part. I'd
see to evading the Stone faction.
Can't you think up a plan?"
'‘Love will find a way." she wliis
tiered, and unable to resist the in
viting ,smile. Gordon again caught her
in his arms, and held her close in an
ecstasy of possession.
"Yotl are so sweet* he murmured,
with an air of saying something im
portant. “Oh, my little girl, how I
love you! The moment 1 first saw
"When was that?"
“That nlcht at—at the Doctor's
lectures. J sat behind you. I changed
my seat to do so—and 1 counted the
buttons on your dear tittle gray frock
—that was one Way I discovered your
presence in tha study that night." lie
j spoke gravely now. "And there was
' another way. I heard ygu talking,
j Yes I heard your blessed voice—re
I member, I loved you then—and I.
heard Waring talking to you. I could
make out no word—I didn't try—
but now' t wish I had—for it might
help you.",
"I wish you had. Gordon," she re
turned, solemnly, "it would hate
helped me.”
"But you can tell me, dear, tell me
all the conversation. Surely you
! trust me now.”
"I trust you—but—oh, as you say,
there's no time. It's a long s,tory—a
dreadful story—I don’t want to tell 1
"Then you shan't. I’ve promised,
you that, you know. Not until you
| want to tell me, willel ask for a
word of it.”
“Now, here's another thing,4’ and
Anita blushed deeply, “if we go away
—as you say'—what about — about
Lockwood started at her. "1 have
money," he said; "yGiy do you ask
"But—but the awful detective peo
ple—said you—you were terribly in
"Brave little girl to say that. I
know you hated to. Well, nty darling.
i Abu;.
Starts Tomorrow
cm •
Harold Lloyd
“Dr. Jack”
those precious bills that those precious j
detectives dug tip In my desk are old ‘
bills tha' were owed by my father— |
Ins name was the same as mine-" |
"The same as yours! How queer!"
•‘Oh. not a unique instance. Any
way, those (Alp I ant paying off as 1
can. I'm not legally responsible for
them, but I want to clear my dad's
name, and all that. Now, all that can
wait—while I take unto me a wife,
and arrange for her comfort and con
venience. But is there—now remem
ber-, I'tn not prying—is there any one
whose permission you must ask to
marry me?"
• "No, I’m twenty-one—that's of age
in any state.”
"Why you aged person! I deemed
you about eighteen."
"Do you mind? '
"No, you goosit-! But—your moth
er, now?”
"Oh—ray mother. She doesn't care
what I do."
"And your father? Forgive me,
but 1 have to ask."
"My father is dead."
"Then come along. Bet's begin to
get ready to go."
"Wait a minute — Gordon — to get
married—must I—must I tell my real
His eyes clouded a trifle.
"Ves, dear heart,” he said very
gently, "yes, you must."
"Then l can't get riturried, Gordon.”
Miss Mystery sat down and folded
her little hands in her lain her whole
a'ttitude that of utter despair.
Miss Mystery’s Story.
“But. Sweetheart," urged Gordon
Lockwood, “it We elope no one need
know your renl name except the min
ister and witnesses-’’
“And you?" said Miss Mystery.
“Yes—and T-”
“Oh, I can't marry you. anyway. 1
can't marry anybody. I can't tell
who 1 urn! Oh. let them take me
away, and let them arrest me and X
nope they’ll convict me—and—"
“Hush, my precious girl, hush.”
Lockwood took her in his arms, and
lei her stifle her sobs on bis breast,
lie was bewildered. What, was the
trtith about this strange child? For
in her abandonment of grief Anita
seemc',1 a very child, a tortured, ir
r« stamsihle soul, whose only haven
wa*in the arms now around her.
"You will go with me, anyway,
Anita.” be said, wMh an air of au
thority. "I must take care of you.
We will go as I planned. The min
ister I told yoi^of is a great and good
man, he will advise you—”
“Oh. no, I don't want to talk to a
"Yes, you do. And his wife is a
dear, good woman. They will take
you into their hearts and home—and
then we can all decide what to do.
At any rate, you must get away from
here. Come, now, pack your hag—
and would you mind—Anita—if I ask
you not to take the—the money and
the ruby pin—”
“But lie gave them to me! I tell
you, Gordon, John Waring gave me
those of his own free will
“Bedause of his affection for you?”
"Yea: for no other reason! I will j
keep the pin. anyway—I will!”
"Anita, have you ^in.v idea how
you puzzle me? how you torture |
me? Well, take what you like. Will [
you get ready now, and I will let ;
you know as soon as l can, how and
v.hen we can start."
A loud rap was follow ed by an im- j
mediate opening of the door, and
Mrs. Adams came into the room. j
She stared at Lockwood, but made ,
no comment on bis presence there.
“Miss Austin,” she began, "I do not
wish yon to stay in my house any
longer. I have kept you until now, ,
because my husband was so sorry for i
you, and refused to turn you out.
Nor am I turning you out, but—I
wish you would leave us alone. Mr.
I.»ookwood.” , 1
Gordon started to speak, but Anita
interrupted him.
(Tu Or Continued Monday.)
* I
Head of Rescue Home
Relieved of Post Here
Adjutant Lillie Ness of ^ie Salva
tion Army Rescue home at 1702 Oraee
street lias received order* to take a
two months’ furlough and then report
at the Chicago headquarters for a
new assignment.
Commissioner French is to lake up
Adjutant Ness' work here.
"I hate to leave Omaha because of
the good people here,' said Adjutant
Ness. "They have made possible our
new rescue home and have been very
kind aiffl generous. Bu* s are
orders. X am lieing given a long
vacation because X didn't have one
this year and because I have worked
hard. My parents want I* to spend
the furlough out in Washington
“Commissioner French cornea to
Omaha with a long and enviable
record. She has done field and slum
work and was a missionary In foreign
fields. Her husband died in Indites
She Is expected in Omaha the last of
next week, and a formal welcome will
lie extended her a week from Sun
day.’’ •
Adjutant Ness lias been in Omaha
for four years, in charge of the rescue
home. She joined the Salvation Army
in 1896 as a soldier, but became an
officer a few years later. She does
not know where she will be assigned
at tlie end of her furlough.
Taylor Declares Grain
Exchange Heips Fanners !
Frank Taylor, head of the' Taylor
Grain company, told the Continental
club of the workings of the Omaha
Grain exchange at the club's weekly
luncheon yesterday at the Hotel Fon
tenelle. R. M. Switzler, president
of the cluh. presided.
"The grain exchange Is a fine thing
for the farmer,” said Mr. Taylor,
“though most farmers don’t realize
this. It promotes competition and
therefore raises prices. Members of
the exchange do not gamble. A mam
came to me the other day and asked
me how he could fnake some money
playing the grain market. I told him
he could m ke money by keeping his
money in his pocket.”
Mr. Taylor explained how the ra
dio broadcasting station helps the
Bee Want Ads produce results.
“Call Me Back,
Pal o’ Mine”
A Walts Song whose
play-it-again swing and
rhythm have perched it
high among the year's
Buy it—dance to it—
on Columbia New Proc
ess Record
“Save the Last Walts
(or Me" is the good mea
sure waits on the other
side. At Columbia Deal
Starts Sunday
and NINE”
Miles of flames, burning
bridges, fast falling trees.
Bringing Hundreds to Safety.
Last Two Times
Early Curtain
Albert— —Leonora
Bailey A Cowan. Jack Norton A Co., and
the Current Bill.
A Treat lor the Fun Lover
Herbert— - Hilda
In "From Soup to Nuts”
And Six Other Standard Os-pheum Acts
15c to 50c
U.S. Tax
ISc to $1.0#l
The Japanese Marvel,
And a Superb Six-Act Bill
in “A Real Adventure”
Show* Today and Sunday—2:00,
4:20, 6:45, 9:10
*‘A Travalogue of Sony and Ponce”
"Two Wiee Crackera"
In "Lobby Love”
Offer "A Morning in the Woode”
In “The Lavender Bath Lady"
VICTORIA .... 24th and Fort
GRAND .... 10th and Binney
HAMILTON . * 40th and Hamilton
** The Plauant, Parisian Novell*
A Colossal Entertainment IAT pDCBTA
af Unusual Merit with
Klara Handrix. Ruth Gibbs. Wm. Browning
—A Cyeloramle Whirl gt Frills and Thrills—
Ladles' Tickets. 13c or 25e at Dally Mat., 2:15
wiimai WMi
Matinee, 2:30 P. M.—I.adie, Only
Matinee—SOc Evening—SOc. 75c, $1.00
For Everyone Over 18 Curtain 8:25
We Knew You’d Come, Folks!
In desperation, with creditors after us in droves, we accepted the only way
out—a sale covering everything in the store at “give-away prices. ou
sands and thousands of dollars worth of well-known standard preparations
Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Household Needs, Soaps a icrpnnR
still remain and must be turned into cash. WE ARE MERCHAND •
Our obligations pile up and we face bankruptcy. While every dollar gained
in cash means a loss to be taken, we take it gladly, for
Box of 8 Aspirin.5c
Box of 24 Aspirin.15c
Bottle of 100 Aspirin.25c
1 dor. Genuine Bayer’s Aspirin
for. 15c
2 dor. Genuine Bayer’s Aspirin
for .30c
100 Genuine Bayer’s Aspirin
for .,.79c
35c Sloan’s Liniment ....19c
60c Sloan’s Liniment.33c
60c Genuine Syrup of Fitrs, 39c
$1.10 Dr. Miles’ Preparations
for . 69c
30c Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills
for. 19c
• f
$1 Bottle Oaato Tonic..39c
Swiaco Hair Tonic and
Reatorer, 50c aize ... 35c
$1 aize .69c
1 Bottle Ze Pyrol.39c
25c Tube Nail F'laah . . , . 10c
(Nail Poliah)
30c Bromo Quinine.19c
35c Piso’s Cough Remedy..23c
$1.00 Lysol Disinfectant. .69c
50c Lysol Disinfectant. .. ,36c
t5c Lysol Disinfectant. .. . 19c
$1.20 Sal Hepatica.73c
60c Sal Hepatica .39c
30c Sal Hepatica .19c
50c Milk of Magnesia.37c
25c Milk of Magnesia.19c
40c Fletcher’s Castoria. . . ,27c
30c jar Mentholatum.19c
An assortment of Shaving
Brushes. 10c
$1.00 Gillete Blades.69c
50c Gillette Blades .36c
$1.00 Auto Strop Blades..76c
50c Auto Strop Blades... 38c
50c Gem Blades for.38c
50c Durham Duplex .38c
$1.50 Meehan Razor Stropper
for . 99c
$2.00 Gem Razor Stropper
for. $1.39
$5.00 Gillette Gold Razor v'ith
! doz. Gillette Blades. . $1.79
$1.00 Gillette .69c
$1.00 Auto Strop.69c
$5.00 Auto Strop, new model,
for . $3.79
$1.00 Ever-Ready .69c
$3.00 Gem .69c
$3.00 Straight Razor.79c
Men’s Black Combs .23c
Woodbury’s Facial Soap,
- Fels Naptha, bar.7c
10c Cocoa Hardwater Castile,
4 for .25c
Old Dutch Cleanser.10c
Genuine Bocabella Castile Soap.
4 cakes ..29c
60c Pepsodcnt, .33c
50c Febeco.33c
50c Sanitol .19c
30c Kolynos .19c
50c Clor-E-Dixo .19c
35c Calista .19c
50c Liquid Sanitol.19c
$1.00 Pyros Liquid.69c
Odds and ends in 40c and
50c Tooth Brushes. .. 12c
50c Prophylactic Brush, 33c
50c Rubberset Brush... 33c
50c Sanitol Brush.23c
40c Indc.xo Finger Tooth
75c bottle French Vichy, 39c
P»3c Palmolive Cream ....27c
50c Mennen’s Cream . . . .27c
:>5c Colgate’s or Williams’ ,
Cream, stick or powder, ,27c
50c After Shaving Lotion, 27c
$1.25 Pinaud’s Lilas de France I
for . 89c j
$1.00 Williams’ Aqua Velva
for ._.. 59c
$1.00 Colgate’s Lilac ...'..79c j
FREE—Dr. Miles’ Calendar and
Weather Charts Free.
and all refills of prescripti6ns during this
sale at 33Vs per cent discount.
Schaeffer's, Waterman’s Ideal, Wahl, Harris,
Salz, at 33 % Di*count.
All Kvi rsharp, .Auto Point, Rcalite, Nupoint Lead
Pencils, 33$fc% Discount.
$2.50 Combination Syringe... $1.39
$2.50 Female Spray Douche .. $1.39
$1.50 Fountain Syringe ...... 89c
$1.50 Hot Water Bottles .89c
35c Syringe Tubing, full length,
for . 14c
$1.00 ^Rubber Gloves .49c
Above all guaranteed fresh stock.
Mirrors, Combs, Brushes, Brush Holders,
Jewel Boxes, Picture Frames, Powder
Boxes, Hair Receivers, etc., y2 price.
All Art Candles V2 price.
A few Solid Ivory Boxed Sets, Va off.
Consisting of pound boxes fine Linen Paper,
Fancy Boxes Paper and Envelopes, Cor
respondence Cards and Envelopes, Writing
Tablets, clc., V2 price.
All pint bottles. Vigoras, Talkahol, ftlkol
and Rubdown, $1.00 values.49c
Camels and Spurs, pkg..12c
Any 10c Cigar.7V«c
Any 15c Cigar.lH/2c
All nationally known brands.
Faraday Cigars, $5 box for$.$3.75
Regular 5c box Sun Maid Raisins, 2 for. ,5c
3-lb. boxes Genuine Allegretti Chocolates, value
$3.50, sale price .$1.89
1-lb. box Genuine Allegretti .67c
tfe-lb. lox Genuine Allegretti .',34c
Peanut Brittle, pound .19c
60c Chocolate Covered Peanuts, pound.37c
Jordan Almonds, pound .47c
Chocolate Stars, pound .47c
Fresh Burnt Peanuts, pound .23c
Johpsion’s, Lowney’s and Morse’s High-Grade
Box Candies, values’to $2.00, choice. ... 98c
Tobler’s Imported Milk Chocolates, imported
from Switzerland. 30c cake.15c
$1.20 Listerine ...8c
60c Listerine . *.39c
30c Listerine.21c
50c bottle Glycerine and Rose Water, 29c
25c bottle Glycerine and Rose Water, 15c
50c bottle Witch Hazel .29c
25c bottle Witch Hazel ...*.15c
50c bottle Spirits of Camphor* for. . . . 29c
25c bottle Spirits of Camphor .15c
50c bottle Tr. of Iodine . . ,.. . 29c
25c bottle Tr. of Iodine.15c
60c A. I). S. Cold Cream.
35c Peridixo Cold Cream.21c
60c Berry’s Freckle Ointmeift for. . . .42c
75c Lapp’s Cold Creanf.43c
$1.00 Lapp’s Cleansing Cream for. . . 53c
$1.65 D. & R. Cold Cream for.$1.10
85c D. & R. Cold Cream.55c
35c D. ik R. Cold Cream.23c
25c D. iS R. Cold Cream, tubes, for. . .17c
30c Hind’s Cold Cream, tubes, for. . . . i7c
$1.00 Frank’s Lemon Cream for.63c
$ 1.00 M’ilk Weed Cream.63c
60c Milk Weed Cream .32c
50c Sanitol Cold Cream .23c
50c Sanitol Face Cream.23c
$1.00 Three Flowers Cleansing Cream, 63c
50c Hind’s Honey and Almond Cream, ,37c
$1.00 Hind’s Honey and Almond Cream
for . ..'. 69c
$1.50 Oriental Cream .$1.09
50c Vclvetina .33c
75c II. IL Ayer’s Assorted Cream . . . 43c
50c Jergen Lotion .23c
50c Merritt’s Hand Lotion .23c j
35c Mufti .27c
30c (icisler’s Mixed Bird
Seed for .19c
30c Roller Bird Seed .... 19c
30c Parrot Bird Seed . ... 19c
60e Pint Jordan's Wax Oil
Polish .39c
$1.20 quart Jordan’s Wax
Oil Polish .78c
$2.25 Va gal. Jordan’s Wax
Oil Polishes .$1.55
30c Liquid Veneer ...,19c
00c Liquid Veneer ....38c
35c can Safety Metal Polish
for . 12c
10c cakes Cinderella Soap
Dye, 2 for . 5c
Saniflush . 17c
Extra Large Sponges. .. . 15c
$1.25 Azures
Face Powder,
SI.25 La Trefle
Face Powder,
$l.Gtj i Jive*- Fact* Powder. .69c
$1.00 Armand’s Fare Powder
GOc Java Rice Powder. .. .27c
$1.00 Margo Face Powder, 69c
60c Melba Face Powder. 27c
$1.00 Djer Kiss Face Powder
GOc Djer Kiss Face Powder
for . 29c
GOc Palmolive Face Powder, 27c
142 more brands at
cut prices.
$1.50 Two-Mirror Double Com
pact Gold Case .$1.29
$1.50 Two-Mirror Double Com
pact Gun Metal Case. . .$1.29
All of our single compacts. Djer
Kiss, Fiance, Amami, values
to $1.25 ..69c
GOc Dorin's Rouge, all shades,
for. 27c
GOc Amami Rouge, all shades,
GOc Palmer’s Garden Glow, 27c
GOc Djer Kiss, all shades. 27c
GOc La France Rouge and Pow
der, in metal mirrored case,
and puff .17c i
30e Mermen's, Colgate’s. Wil
liams’, Djer Kiss, Vivau
dou, Hudnut’s and Amami
for. 19c
$1.25 Iloubigant’s Ideal,
Quelques Fleurs.69c
One lot of odds and ends,
worth up to 30e, special
for . 5'c
Colgate's, Palmer's, II u fi
nal’s, Spieler’s, Jergen's
Bulk Perfume, values up
to $2 an oz., oz. for 25c
$1.50 bottles Hudnut's
Spieler's, Djer Kiss, Jer
gen's . 89c
$1.00 bottles Colgate’s,
Hudnut’s, Spieler's, Jer
gen’s . 69c
$2.25 Djer Kiss Perfume
for . $1.69
Mary Carden, regular $2.50
per OZ.M Price
$2.50 Cappie Perfume. $1.79
$2.50 Houbigant's Sachet
for. $1.79
$1.25 Djer Kiss Sachet, 89c
$1.25 Cappie Sachet . . 89c
$25.00 Colli Wog Perfume,
new . $17.89
One lot 50c and 40<' original
bottles, assorted odors,
while they last.17c
20c bottle Red Raven.14c
45c bottle Pluto.29c
25c bottle Pluto.17c
25c botlle Abilena.14c
45c bottle Abilena.29c
50c bottle Colo Fax.29c
75c bottle Buffalo Lithia. ,59c
j Please Do Not Ask for Credit This Sale Strictly Cash
Merritt’s Drug Store
16th and Farnam Sts. Securities Bldg. 16th and Farnam Sts.
We Reserve the mail orders filled at these price*. Add ioc to every dollar or frac- Free Delivery.
n. , | . . tion thereof for packing and (hipping. Send peraonal check*, po»toffice u p _ _ q it
AI8”t tO Limit or express money order. We ship same day order received. Thousand* A* OGS OOIG
Quantity °f oti-er item* at cut prices. to Dealers