// > nai // Priscilla just V ' / must cut-up. She \ / took her cast to the pho I tojfrapher when “White I Tij?er” was finished ami posdl 1 them herself. There on the \ left is Ray Griffith, Pris l\ cilia Dean, Wallace 1\ Beerv ami Matt Looks like a bit; hooch punch but it*s a scene from the famous police story “The Ghost Patrol” with Bessie l-ove anil Kalph Graves playing the leatls. They ate oxer in the rijrht ha ml corner. • l.n*>k whnt I Hiil,” says May McAvoy in dismay while rehearsing for a scene in tin* new production “Kick In.” directors— rontr Man. Bi>r Vk (tin*. James Cruze \ It Elk, Mr. Cruze «ii- I :he mairinit of “The Waiton” in Utah an>;on // J' The Perfect Flesh Ref *cer ■hMrtu Ami. MM Otm SApr. TAn Oft M LM Mr Mallai Tm Prruird fruen Jm—ue Herts ■0 DAVOS — MOT IN JURIOUS TO HEALTH— NO DIET—NO EXERCISE MM *i*4 oH use u •vRIaary Test. AM In Tmbirt Funs. SM4 4b IHmM 44-Pbrb Wi Tib Tm C*. Dn*. »i sa nn am., n— t<** She k No Longer Fat She found a way to reduce her hL It was a way tar more pleas ant than dieting or exercising wonld hare been. This new way allowed her to cat foods without danger of becoming fat again. She found Marmola Prescrip tion Tablets. They aid the diges tive system to obtain the full nutriment oi food. They help Native to turn food into muscle, hone and sinew in need of fat. Moimubi Prescription Tablets eve mode horn the famous Mar ■ol§ prescription. Thousands hare found that these handy tablets give complete relief from ebeaity. And when the accumu lation of fat is checked, reduction to normal, healthy weight soon 1 _>i lOMOWh MARMOLA COMPANY 22S CnfeHWti, DriniLMbk "To 1923!" Cries a chorus of feminine voices as the clock strikes twelve; and this quar tette of well known screen beauties, Patsy Ruth Miller, Helen Ferguson, Claire Wind sor and Eleanor Boanlman, raise their cups (chocolate cups, aren't they?) to the New War. The infant 1923 is another popular film star named Betsy Ann Hisle. IS