Omaha Bee “Want” Ads Serve As A Missing Link Between Employer And Employe r ~ ——— — ■——^— — - - - - - - ■■ ■' ■' —^— —— f ^ANTlfO . OMahT^^ /U)$ j BEEWANTAD RATES lBc per lint each day, 1 or 2 days, 12c per line each day, 3 to 6 days. 10c per lino each day. 7 day a or longer. The above rate® apply exclusively to Want Ada, which are commonly termed "public wants,*' and do not include adver tisements of individuals or concerns adver tising or exploiting their businesaea. THE OMAHA BEE reservea the right to designate what constitutes a public want Want Ads accepted %t the following offices: Main office.17th and Famam Sta. South Omaha. .N. W. cor. 24th and N St*. Council .Bluffs....15 Scott St. Telephone AThintic 1000. Call for “Want" Ad Department. An ex perienced “Want" ad taker will receive your ad and a bill will be mailed later. The rates quoted abova apply to either charge or cash orders. These rates apply to The Sunday Bee m well as to The Morning and Evening Bee. All week-day advertisements appear in both morning and evening editions at the one coat. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition .11:40 a. m. Morning Edition.9 p. m. Sunday Edition..9 p. m. Saturday THc OMAHA MORNING BEE. N THE EVENING BEE. Cemeteries. Forest lawn. North of City Limits. All revenues for perpetual earn and 1m nrov.merits. Offices at cemetery and 720 Brandeis Theater. BURIAL VAULTS. DISTINCTIVE feaHirer, see demonstration at factory. Automatic Sealing Concrete Burial Vault. Insist upon your under taker ualng no other. Every vault stamp ed: watch for name on lid. Manufactured •only by the Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co., 6210 N. 30th St.. Omaha. _ FLORISTS. LEELARMON* JOHN BATH 1604 Farnnm. JA. 1906. J. 1IENDER80N. 1007 l'Ttrmini. JA. 1268. FUNERAL DIRECTORS_ F. J. STACK & CO., Onuha'8 bent undertaking establishment, ARROW AMBULANCE _ Thirty-third and Farnnin HEAFEY & HEAFEY” Undertakers and Umbaliners. ritone HA. Q265. Office 2611 Famam. i Hoffman 11 Ambulance Service 24th and Dodge Sis. JA. 3901. LARKIN BROTHERS, FUNERAL DIRECTOR^ 4818 80. 24TH. Hulse & Riepen, Funs; ' Direct ora. 9884 Fuming. CROSBY-MOORE~T4rV^ ""personal. DENTISTRY . All kinds of dental work done, under care ful supervision at the Creighton university College of Dentistry, corner 26fh and Cali fornia streets, Omaha. Fees moderate. Tako Harney, Crosstown or Cuming street TUG SALVATION Army Industrial, home ►ollelta your old clothing, furniture, maga r.-nea. We collect. We distribute. Phone JA. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110.1112-1114 Lodge street. _ TO TELEUHONfcf *YOUR • WANT" AD Call AT. 1000 and ask for a "Want" Ad • ■ MENUS, programs, special and birth an nouncements printed on short notice. 483 Braudels Thea. Hldg. Phone AT. 3978. THEATRICAL hintorical masque costumes, for plays and parties, at Listen's, Omaha. Free demonstration. perfumed liquid, kills cockroaches, bedbugs, ants, moths, etc. AT. 7163. __ i RENT Hoover vacuum. $1.25. HA. 6698. TV!'l~NG~~d.ine71 Itome. ’ \V~S. ~iT 1 4~ LOST AND FOUND. LOST—One oblong green gold filigree pin with set of 2 sapphires and one topaz, i De«\ 21, downtown to Clairmont. Please «all Walnut 6511. Reward. _y j LOST—Last August pink and white j cameo broach in vicinity of 26th and E. Win pay liberal reward to finder If re turned to 2608 E St, TELEPHONE ATLANTIC 10000. nnd dictate your "Want” Ad to The Oma ha Bee. Each advertisement will receive prompt and careful attention. LOST—Bank statVment belonging to .Tames W. Headley. Finder- pleaae call Wa. 6736._ LOST—White bulldog with brown spot over left eye and one brown spot on back. Answers to name of .Tack. MA. 2214. SWAP COLUMN NO SWAP—NO TAT! NO SWAP—NO PAY 1 \ Dispose of the things you haye for the articles you want through a three line "Want” Ad In this column. Run It three days. A box number will be sup plied and the ajplles will come to our office first. Tou, in turn, may call for them. If you swap, a bill will be sent to you *t our regular rates. If no swap la made, no bill wtll b« sent. Remember—NO SWAP—NO PAY. This offer Is good only (n Omaha and excludes nil business ads. Business "Want" Ads in this column will be charged our regular tal'*s. Th's proposition is offered merely ss a *er\ire to our readers and to increase the interest in the rapid growth of The Omaha Bee "\\ inf* Ad Columns. This offer applies only to the SWAP Column. For rat^s in other classifications %ee rate card. ^ Remember—NO SWAP—NO PAY. EQUITY In two fine unimproved corner lots; high and sightly, for lata model Ford coupe or other light car. Address S-r.83, Omaha Bee. EQUITY in 3-stury brick building, for acreage; steam-heated; suitable for manu facturing concern, garage, etc. Address S-500,, Omaha Bee. CLEAR land, ’a mile Cumberland, N. M, Oil well one mile cast. Trade for |onblBS ta M«b. A North 35th St. _ GIRT, with recommendations. Call at quarters 14. Ft. Omaha.____ GIRLS WANTED—Ambitious girls to take business or music course. Work way do Ing housework. Will give room, board ana small salary. Tatcrson Institute, La Grange. 111. HOFSEKEPER—Father anil two children d-slre a motherly refined housekeeper. No objection to two adults, grown daughter preferred. If you have furniture can use same In the furnishing of my new home. You will be given complete charge. Give full particulars In your first letter. Ad dress IV-OS^Omaha^Bee^^^J LADIES—Turn your spare time Into 3*38. You can do It. Our plan Is a money-mak er for you. No money necessary. No ex perience. Write today for our plana of turning your spare time Into money. Costs nothing to Investigate American Prod ucts Co., 818* American Bldg., Cincin nati, O. ___ T.ADTKS—8j dally absolutely guaranteed Belling hosiery guaranteed to wear or re placed fris. No experience or capital re quired. All colon and sixes. Sample out fit furnished free. Rallen Mfg. Co., Dept. H 804. Baltimore Bldg., Chicago. ^ 8 TO 8 weeks prepares you for fine office position. Call AT. 7774 or write Ameri ca nCoUege!_irn_Farnam:__ SINGLE lady to take charge of children at Rlvervtew home, 810 Bancroft St. JA. 3024. ___ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOO ° , 2 ° 2 o ° o WANTED. O O ° O Stenographer with st least two O O years experience; between 18 and O O 23 yean of age. Permanent po- O O sltlon. Address Box W-f.18, Omaha O O Bee. O O O O o o o o oo oqqoooooq o o coo o o o o o o WOMKN—Be yopr bwn bo**,' Sell Martha Washington, r^gintored apron ilnsFPH. out fit, including sample dres*. 11.25. Particu lar* free. llUiiol* Garment Factory, 3WD Lincoln Ayr, Chlcag* . FEMALE KELP WANTED 6060060060 00066 O CO 066 0000 o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 2 o o o o o o o WANTED — EXPERIENCED O O 0 O POWER MACHINE OPERATORS O O O O TO WORK ON MINA TAYLOR O O O O DRESSES AT GOOD WAGES. O O O 0 OL'a EXPERIENCED OPERATODS O O O O EARN LARON INCOMES. O O APPLY M. E. SMITH A CO. O O 0 O DAYLIGHT FACTORIES. O O 0 o 1"TH AND DOUGLAS STS. O O •. o 0 2 o ° o O 0 2 2 8 ;• 8 o O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOO WANTED—Immediately, woman for gen eral housework: one capable of taking full charge of home. 409 So. 86th St. WANTED—A competent white gtrl for general hou*«worl* mornings. Call WA. 8336 afternoons. __ WANTED—At once, an expertenced_ cook; Swedish preferred. Mrs. N. B. Updike, 3614 Jackson. WOM AN*-H:apable woman for branch man ager employing solicitors; 140 weekly. Exclusive territory. Advertising provided. Steady repeat product. Waahtngton Com pany 623-N. Rust Bldg., Tacoina, Wash. YOU must be sure your application la on til* In our aiirrent list* or you cannot expect to be bdnefltted through our Deo employment service. All kinds of em ployment with Omaha employer* for Omaha employer*. EMPLOYERS' FREW EMPLOYMENT SERVICE • | 1911 Harney Street. AT. IJ41. YOUR application must be In our rur 1 rent files for you to receiv# the benefit of our free employment service. All lines of employment for Omaha employe* for Omaha employers. __ EMPLOYERS’ FREW EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 3911 Harney Street. AT. 6362. ' ‘ 1 . WHITE girl fer general housework to go home nights. Small family. HA. 6706. SITUATIONS WANTED 0066 OOOO C'000 00 00000 000000 0 2 o ° o * ° O Young man of refinement now liv- O O ing in New York City wiahei to lo- O O cate or* a farm in Nebraik* or O O Iowa, the purpose being to re- O O cupernte from nervous reaction duo O O to overwork. Can perform duties O O about farm, also keep any books O O or record* necessary. The very O O highest reference# can be offered. O O Thing most desired ia board and O O room in good home with small O O weekly allowance. Address W-650, O O Omaha Bee* O O O O O O O G OOQOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Ou WHITE woman wants laundry work. KE. 2286.__ ___ DAY WORK or cateres*. Webster BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC' o o o o o ^ o o STATE MANAGERS O O O O O O For National Food Growers Asso- o O elation; an exceptional oppor- O O portunity With big future to high- o O class men financially able and ex- O O pcrienced in organization work. O O O o G O. PHILLIPS, o o o O Organization Manager, O O O O O O 313 Bolton Building, Denver, Colo. O O O o o o o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FOR SALE—An A No. 1 grocery and h&rdward busineee, Including good frame store building 26x60—warehouse 16x20— S ]ote 26x142 ft. Frame building 12x16 I on lot 12x142, same adjoining store and used as produce station. Also good 1m l plement business sold separately. Right location, good community. A good pay ing business for the right parties. Must sell. First come, flrse chance. Farm ers Union ‘Co-operative Association. Ap ply to Wtn. Lindahl, secretary, Hordvllle, Neb.___ START a business of your own, manufac turing commodities that everybody uses. Repeat orders assured with large profits. Very small capital needed to start. You sell to banks, schools, manufacturers and general trade. This proposition is es tablished and a sucocss. Write us for full particulars. Radio Process Co., In dlanapolls, Ind. LIVE PARTNER WANTED, Have you $2,000 or $4,000? You can buy M or intercut in cash business doing over $20,000 yearly. Confectionery, best | location in county seat of 8,000 inhabi tants, good tyO&ry and good investment on your money. Write v. a. McPherson Harlan. Iowa. i DISTRIBUTORS—Greatest discovery of the age. Exclusive distributors wanted. | Experience unnecessary. 16 per cent profit. Commodity needed by everybody. Guar anteed by $100,000 corporation. Posslblll ! ties unlimited for right party with $600 to $1,000. Secretary, 826 Reaper Block, Chi cago, Til. POOLROOM for sale. A moticy maker, only place Minnesota county town, four tables. Best location. Open town. Own lot, building and private garage. Price $6,600. $1.600 cash, balance terms. K. A. Menzel. Odessa, Minn. MAKE lazy dollars work for you I If you can save and Invest $1 or more each month, sond for free copy of book "Inde pendence/* and learn how a little money can make wealth. R. B. Owen Co., 621 F St.. Washington, D. C. SALESM AN AGE RS—Responsible corpora Uon wants general nalesmanagers to open branch office, manage salesmen. $500' to $6,000 necessary-; expense to Haltlniore al lowed if you qualify. Address Manager. •10.{ N. lintsw SI.. Baltimore. ,UU. LOCAL representative wanted With $600. ' Deposit protected and refunded- Hxten- | sivc advertising. Annual Income $5,000 to $16,000. Write today. Suit# 40L k H. LaSalle. Chicago, J BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. DRUG department In big store la Lin coln. Have U. 8. Job. Stock |3.100| fix tures $600. Terms $20 cash; 93.609 good security 3 years at 6 per cent- Fine lease. R. O. Constable, Lincoln. Neh. 30-CAR garage, with repair shop, doing good business. Sacrifice If taken st once. Good location- Steam heat. 2604 Taylor. KE. 3413. FOR SA'LE—Marlncllo shop. western town; good location, railroad division. For particulars, write Box Y-2131, Omaha Bee. J*OU SALK—Complete Hardware stock end building In good contra! Nebraska town; $8,000 takes all. Y-2133, Omaha Bee. ____ DAIRY for sale. 28 choice Holstein milch cows;'dairy equipment, Reo truck. 2 miles west of Benson on Military road, Lawrence Nelson. MEAT" market for sale. Nicely equipped meat market. Excellent location. County seat town. Address Box Y-2128, Omaha Bee.______ DESIRABLE offices, largo and small. Lef lang building, 16th and Capitol Ave. JA. 1300, _ _ INVESTIGATE THIS DEAL. Blacksmith shop worth 14.000, at a bar gain. G. A. Taylor. Colome, 8. I>. FOR SALE—Good pool hall. 7 tables, live town, goo». CiOTH 1 NG~ AND FURS. FULL DRESS suits and Tuxedos for rent ■IA 3128, 109 N. 18th Street. 1._Feldmen LADIES’ genuine heaver coat, finest qual ity, good as new. HA. 7779. ARMY shoes 32 90 703 No~"l«th ~ COAL AND FUEL Good coal quick Fuel Service Co. AT. 3741. FORSALEJEWELRY. DIAMONDS—We pay the best prices xvftb privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. Omaha, Ndt„ 402 N. 16th St. Telephone JA. 6049. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PLAYER PIANO, high grade, beautiful walnut case, wonderful bargain. JA 4863. BIGGEST phonograph bargains in town. ■ Shlaea Phonograph Co.. 1404 Dodge. ~p617ltry and pet stock YELLOW German rollers, $3; females, yellow or mottled, crested or plain heads, $2. Mrs. Dave Adams, Ulysses, Neb.. ROSE COMB RED COCKERELS. $2h George Maxeon, North Loup, Neb. RADIO SUPPLIES. RADIO 3-tube set, $76 complete. New Magna vox. $30; Homecharger, $16. Ad dress Box Y-2134. Omaha Bee. "miscellaneous for sale" UNION PACIFIC UNCLAIMED FREIGHT AUCTION. Union Pacific Unclaimed Freight Auction. Monday. January 8, at 10 A. M. Sharp at 1111 Harney Street, Omaha. Articles to be eold for cash to the high- ! est bidder include: One cas% men s Hats, 2 cedar chests, 1 couch pad. several 1 and 5 gal. cans motor oil, 1 30-gal. drum mo tor oil, sevt ral emty iron oil drums, 1 drum pet, lubricating oil, 1 crate slate, 1 galv. Btoel stock tank, 1 press casting, 1 bx. clothing. 3 cases empty bottles, 1 enameled Iron sink, chairs, 28 sacks ce- I mcnt, 1 model 8 Lelin arbor press, 1 ! ran stock dip, 6 sacks Hog Ash, 1 sink. 1 drain boards 1 lavatory pedestal, 1 box tobacco, several bags good clean sugar. 3 sacks Fullers earth. 0 crates 1 and 6 gul. emtpy tin oil cans, new; 2 bx. shoe polish. 47 sacks cement; 3 galv. tubs. 1 pine door.' 3 garage doors. 1 cast iron laundry stove, 1 pine door. 1 sink. I rug, 9x12; 3 cs. canned goods; 2 cartoons shoes, 2 rrts. ax handles, 1 toy baby car riage. 1,400 pounds lead bullion; 2 bx. cube sugar. 2 honing hoards, 6 sacks cement,. 1 oak door. 2 bdls. cement sacks. 1 wash boiler, 1 auto truck casing. 38x7, Good year cord. 1 tabic. 1 sack alfalfa seed; 2 bags mustard seed and many other ar ticle Terms cash. Everyone welcome. Sales room open at. 9:30 a. m. UNTON PACIFIC RATLROAD CO., A. 8. CIIARDE, Sales Agent. SALE of refused and unclaimed merchan dise. C. B. & Q. warehouse. Omaha, Janu- ! ary 9, 9:30 a. fn., as follows; Hall clock, candy, power pump, 67 barrels . brake beans, boxes adhesive tape, 100 con tainers, 9 crates brooder canopies and parts, paper napkins, books, drygoods, suitcases, auto tires, five crates enamel ware, 185 crates canopies and brooders, forgings, devices, furniture, stoves, rugs, aoap powder, empty barrels, plumbing sup plies. drugs hardware. 785 fiber boxes, wheels, storage batteries, empty tollies, ; household goods, machine parts, stock food, tobacco and various other articles. J. D. Shields, Freight Claim Agent. G. II. Vaughn, Sales Agent C. H. A Q. >__ j HOMESPUN TOBACCO—Smoking. 6 lbs., $1.26; 10. lbs., $2; 20 lbs.. $2.60. Chewing. 5 lbs., $1.76; 10 lbs., $3. Furnish free recipe for preparing. Send no money. Pay wrhen received. O'Connor Sinoke houae. Mayfield. Ky. GOOD collection of 2,800 postage stamps; will trade for printing press or outfit or what have you? Also good electric light fixtures for living and dining rooms. Tel. KK. 33—1 fth and I'Hrnain. HOTEL HENSHAW—16th and Farnam. Special rates to permanent guesta._ Twenty-fourth St., No , near Swedish Tior pital, WE. C313—Sunroom, new furniture. Warm, modern room, for 1 or 2 gentlemen; Board if desired. Fine location. HA. 9839. Furnished room In private home for 1 or 2 gentlemen; meals ifdesh-ed. HA. 1006. TWENTY-SECOND ST . 4616—Large mod em front furnished room. MA. 2618. Warm, pleasant room for gentleman who appreciates a real home. WA. 0059. SWEETWODD* AVE , 410—Room In mod ern brick flat, closo in, reasonable._ Dodge 8t., 2608—Nicely furnished room for two. walking distance. HA. 1145. TEL! JA 2374—NICE WARM FRONT ROOM. PRIVATE FAMILY._ SLEEPING room to rent in private family, ref. required. KE. 2639. HA 7396—Desirable, modern, private, close. . Mod. rm„ steam heat. $3.60. 724. N. 18th. ~ BOARD AND ROOM, HA. 2061—Board and room for two young men. Best of meale. Every convenience. Walking distance to city.__ ROOM and board in private home, on car ltne. for couple employed or two girls. Call WA. 5961. Tel. WA.. 0970—Board and room for 2, reasonable; private family. 303 9 BINNEY ST.—Good room and board for one or two, $9. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. NINTH ST.. 2103 South; 2 connecting modern rooms for light housekeeping (or sleeping, hot water heat; one 'block to Farnam car. i TWENTY’-SIN TH ST./ 1014 S—2 soutlT east, rooms, kitchenette, ground floor. la vatory. dandy home for business woman, hot water heat; no children. AT. 2109. THREE rooms, furnished or unfurnished. 93 per week; private home, rear car. lights, water furnished. 1909 M street. MA. 2019. LARGE room for light housekeeping, everything furnished. Walking distance. JA. 1224. ________ ThTrty-FIRST AVE., 124 8.—Furnished or unfurn. rma., 94 and up. HA. 3718. TEL. KB. 3597—Two pleasant completely modern rooms. Only $22 per month. CAPITOL AVK., 2628—Three modern rooms, electricity, walking distance. 3 modern rooms, downstairs: on main floor._1127 S. 31 at St. IIA, 7116. _ TWO ligtt housekeeping rooms for rent. References. AT. 8071. 2 ROOMS, $8 a month. Hauling. JA. 6196. HOUSES FOR RENT. HOMES. 4 room*. 1613 N. 36th St.tlS 4 room*. 2311 North 20th St. ..$26 6 rooms. No. 7 Shelby Court. 824 S. 22nd St.$20 6 rooms. 4412 N. 30th St.$35 6 rooms, 3321 Cuming St.$66 6 rooms, 1809 T.othrop Jh.$50 8 rooms. 3616 Reward St.$26 $ rooms, 4170 Cass St., garage $80 rETEHS TRUST COMPANY. "Whore Omaha Rents." 17th and parnam St*. At. 0544. WEST FAJtNAM DUPLEX. Eight rooms, two baths, sleeping porch, garage, splendidly located. 414 South 38f h Street. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, "Where Omaha Rent*." 17th and Parnam Sts. AT. 6544. 000900000000000OCOOOOO oo o O DUNDEE HOME, *ix room*, hot Q O water heat, garage. 4913 Under o O wood Avenue. O O O PETERS TRUST COMPANY, O O "Where Omaha Rent*." O O 17th and Kainam. JA 0644. o O O O O O O oooooooooooooooocoooooooo ATTRACTIVE »lx-room home, 1666 North 35th St., $60. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, "Where Omaha Rent*.’* 17th and Farnam Sts. At. 6644. * MODERN four-room house. Close In. Two Mocks from school. Re decorated throughout. CALL DRAKE'S. •7 A l#0$. 17 th and 11 ■".•id 6 rooms part modern, 816 South 23d St., Rout $25.00. , E. IS. AUSTIN AT, 0786 SS0| Ut K»t« Bk. B14|. _ HOUSES for rent FOB BENT—Lower floor of new two* family residence at 48ix Capitol avenue^ Strictly modern. Five rooms Hint gar a pew Heady February l. Telephone AT. Sill* FOH RENT—6-room modern colt age* well furnished, convenient to car line. 260t Templeton. $65. SIX large room house, strictly modern* JSwt condition. 803 S. 21st St. $40. HA. 2706. ___ FOR RENT—Four-room bungalow, partly modern. WE. 698S. 8811 I’uinPii Ave. EIGHT rooms and sleeping porch. nio4l* ern. HA. 6574. 3114 Wool worth Ave. FIVE modern rooms, $20. 26H3 Cumin® St. Phoue AT. 6020. 11A. *70J 0._ 7-ROOM all modern house for rent. 2212 N St. MA. 1256.__ FIVE and six-room houses, modern, 8918 S. 25th Street._ 7-ROOM modern house. Call MA. 1266. 3912 Burt. 8 rms.. mod. WA. 2441. APARTMENTS AND FLATS. the must complete hang® IN OMAHA. Almost on® thousand fireproof apartments Unfurnished apartments. $37.60 to #97.60. Furnished apartments, $r>0 to #182.50. From the DOWNTOWN DISTRICT to DUNDEE. DRAKE'S Rental man will find YOU a place to live. CALL HIM, HR WILL TAKE TOU OUT. DRAKE -RENTAL AGENCY, * * ** Fireproof Apartments. 17th and Howard .TA Cgn6. Open evening* and Sundays by appointment. CHOICE APARTMENTS, SOL’TU SI ST ST. * No. ?0 Mount Vernon, living room, d Tying alcove, aun porch, bedroom and kitclieu. 2763 CALIFORNIA ST# No. 8 Conamore, living room, dining: alcove and kitchen, brand new. convenient and attractive. No. 4 Sweet wood, at Dewey Avenue and flweetwood Avenue (between 26th Ave nue and 26th St.) living room, bedroom and kitchen, $60-$50. y i PETERS TRUST COMPANY, “Where Omaha Rents." 17Ch and Farnam Si a. AT 4»i4. ' NEW "AND ATTR A • *tT\ Ii " APARTM ENTS. Consisting of living room hal room am! kitchen. $»J0 and TTAWTWuRNK, 2207 Howard St LONGFELLOW. 2215 Howard St PETERS TRUST COMPANY, “Where Omaha Renta" 17th and Farnam Sts AT 0514 “ —’—----— -t APARTMENT In Undine, 2663 Dpvej avenue; 3 room* and bath with 6-to* in accommodations. Cell TRAVER BROS., AT. 6SS6. 819 First Nat Bank Bldg. Almost 1.000 Apts Almost 100 furnish'd. All modern and fireproof. Let Drake’s rental man find you an apartment. Call ua. we will take you out. DRAKE RENTAL, AGENCY. Tel, JA. 2805. Cor. 17th and Howard* Bts. TURNER COURT One apartment available in umaha’a fno*t exclusive and conveniently arranged 3 rooms apartments, with 6-room jcrommo* datious. Rent reduced. Janitor, UA. G. M. HAUSER, Mgr. 1106 Dodge. HA. 7140y ST. REGIS ATTS. AN .exceptionally fine 5 and 6-room apart* ment for sub-lease. reasonable rent; pos* sos.ston at once. Sunday call KE. 4125* 1506 Farnam ,St. ,Q. T. Hamcr. AT 996Oj 4 rooms part modern, 707 So. 17th St.f 2d floor. Rent f 17.60. E. E AUSTIN AT. 0783 1205 1st Nut. Bk. Bid*. TEL. WE. 0932, W A .8 7 7 8^St rTct’l y~mod * **rn 4 aad B-rOom apartments In Roland St r eh low Terrace, with heat and jaoltoi service. APARTMENTS AND FLATS—138 to $l«o! W. J. PALMER CO. REAL ESTATE Management. AT. 8880._ _ Kcellne Bid*. FIVE rooms, all modern, electricity and heat furbished, brick flat. Heat rooms In town. Reasonable rent. Tel. WE. 1608 No. 20th St. PETERS T R UST~COM P A NY. • WHERE OMAHA RENTS." AT. 0544. _17th and Farnam 8ts. SHERWOOD AVE., 1414—5 rooms modern, including steam heat, water and telephone* 842.50 month: one-half block to car VERY desirable 6-room apt. in Mason Apts., modern. Call Ha. 1912 for appoint* ment. WEST Farnam district apartment* si a large, beautiful rooms, modern. HA. 7124. TENTH AND PIERCE—6 rooms] abaoTute ly modern apt . janitor service. AT. 6392, TEL. WE 3168-—Large modem heated apt., 8 bedrooms. Rent freo till Jan. lj>._ Twenty-fourth St., 1412 N — 5-room attain heated, ail modern apt. WE, 3928._ NO equal all seasons of year, 3 or 4-room apart. Palace block, 220*4 N. 23d. Tei. JA. 0162—Four and seven-room flat* modern but heat; also garage. ^FURNISHED APARTMENTS 1IA. 0406-—West Farnam, 41st and Dr'* ey AVe. Elegantly furnished home, over* - thing now, large living room, dining room, kitchen, 4 bedivuiA* AUd kAVfcu (150. Aoiibl* (ina f II ■! I ■ 1 ■ -- - I 1