The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, January 06, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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Breaks Up W ithout
Making Agreement
p p
;\ew Catherine to Be Called
for Jan. 17—Return to Cen
i tral Competitive Field Ba
sis Seem? Certain.
1 hicago, Jan. 5.—Return to the old
central competitive field as a basis
for fixing wage scales In bituminous
• oal fields aeemed a certainty here
today with the adjournment of the
joint conference of 15 districts and
,the understanding among operators
and miners that a rail would he is
| su»d for a conference to he held in
I New York January 1? to !:•
I he call for the .New York meeting
I i« expected to he Issued by John L.
Lewis, head of the United Mine Work
eis of America, and signed by Phil 11.
' Penna, piesldent of the Indiana Oper
^ store' association and chairman of the
conference, Just ended, but acting in
i this instance only as an individual
The joint conference adjourning
sire d.e today without reaching ativ
agreement upon which to base wage
scale agreements, ends a series of
meetings Rnd conference* which lie-,
can In Cleveland in October. 19J-.
The magnitude of the conference,
I taking in so many divergent opinions
I among operators, was blamed by
L many as the cause of failure
Includes Central States.
I The new call is understood hv op
M^ators to include the old central
competitive field of Illinois Indiana,
Ohio and western Pennsylvania, with
the possibility of im hiding a few ad
jacent states. Operators of the old
four-state group appeared to lie the
only ones working harmoniously din
ing the recent conference.
Lewis directly blames the inability j
of operators to decide upon some plan j
for failure of the conference, hut ex- i
. pressed the belief (hat * in the near ]
future it may be possible to assemble
a joint eonfeieilce which will give
promise of < oncrete accomplishment."
In a telegram dispatched to John
Hays Hammond, chairman of Presi
dent Harding's fact-finding commis
sion, Immediate ly after adjournment
of the joint conference, the operators
declared they had made earnest ef
forts to reach an agreement, but the
eumbersoineness of a nation-wide con
ference had mafic this impossible.
Offered Solution, Claim.
"The operators' proposal to t lie
conference was the only one upon
which agreement could he reached
among themselves. the telegram
slated, referring to the district sit
ilement plan offered yesterday. \\ e j
further believe it offered a practical |
solution our difficulties. We re- J
gret that the miners could not agree
with us on this proposal. No other
solution could come from this > on
The likelihood of a strike April .1,
i when present agreements expire, is
hut slightly increased !\\ the failure
nf this conference, according to the
beliefs expressi'd Xy opei stot s and
l^^inei y, almost all of them placing
confidence In the meeting to he
i ailed.
Husband Didn't Dun Bride
$10,000: ^ isbes He Could
Puff And *10,000 worth of romance
faded out of the marriage of Morris
Fisher, 210 South Twelfth street
second-hand goods dealer.
When he married Miss Kss.c (Iraelz
I pion Pacific offices secretary, 1 he
Omaha Bee was informed by a friend
of the young wouum that he had
Riven his bride $10,000 anil they had
gone to live at Hotel Fontenelle.
wish 1 had it to give, but l
haven't, and it was all the work of
some jokesmith." Fisher said yester
day. “And instead of living at the
Fontenelie we are residing with my
wife's parents. Mt. and Mrs S.
Graetz. 609 Park avenue
Air Mail Pilot Missing
Second Time in 3 Weeks
H. G. Boonstra, air mail pilot, was
missing all day yesterday for the sec
ond time in the last three weeks, after
making a forced landing in the moun
tains near tVanship. Fiah. Superin
tendent Colyer of the central dhision
of the mail service, announ'cd yes
Boonstia made a forced landing in
the mountains less than three weeks
ago and was not found for several
Mellon Urges Check
on Tax Exemption
Washington, lan. 5.—Urging sdop
lion of a constitutional amendment to
prohibit further issuance of tax ex
empt securities. Secretary Mellon, in a
letter presented today to the house,
declared the tax exempt privilege,
with the facility it gives to borrowing.
'iead« in many cases lo uncertainty
or wasteful public expenditures,”
which in turn is bringing about ‘‘a
menacing increase in the debts of
the states and nation ’
Waterproofing cloth by means of
applying the fresh sap of the rubber
tree direct to the cloth with a brush,
as a coating. :s said to be a success
Beaton Drug Co.
Specials for Saturday and Monday
Guaranteed for a Year
$2.50 Velvet 2-qt. Combina-.
Hot Water Bottle and Foun
tain Syringe .$1.25
$1.50 2-qt. Velvet Hot Water
Bottle . SB*4
per gal .45«>
1 p(. Norwich Milk of
30c Bronio Quinine. . 2!)('
30c Lysol . 21c*
$1.00 Vita'Yim Yeast '
Tablets . 69c*
$1.10 Tanlac .94c
40c Fletcher's Castoria, 22c
60c Resinol Ointment. . 42c
30c Phenolax . . . .22c*
86e Freezone . 25c*
35c Nature’s Remedy Tablets
for .. s • 17c
$1.25 T.yko Tonic.98c*
30c Mentholatum .1 7c*
35c Sal llepatica .21 C*
$3.75 Horliek’s Malted Milk,
hospital size .82.S9
30c Zymole Troches. . . 18c*
35c Knergine .27c
50c Listerine . . . 390
$1.00 Imported Olive Oil,
pints . .. . , . 73<* I
-- - ■■ ■ i
$1.10 pound original Allegret
1i Chocolate Creams, Satur
day, per pound .“oC
00c bulk Chocolate Creams,
assorted flavors, lb.. 39C
65c Kotex Sanitary Napkins
for . 49C
25c 4-oz. Peroxide Hydrogen
for. 10<*
60c Danderine . . .45<*
$1.00 Q-Kan Hair Tonic
for. 79C
60c Woodbury Facial Soap
for . 19C
:’.0e P.esinol Soap . . . .21C
50c Emulsion of Cocoanut Oil |
50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste I
for. 36C
Wilson Cleaner, the peer of
them all .33C
60c Odorono . . .42c
$1.10 yros, for the teeth and
gums, for .73c1
$1.00 Krank's Lemon Cream
for. 79C
75c Stacomb, keeps the hair j
in place ..... 69c
$1.50 Van Esr Hair Grower
for. $1.39
$1.00 Herpicide .79C
60c Ingram’s Rouge ...27C
60c Djerkiss Rouge . . . ,34£
$2.00 Goutorbe’s Combination
Rouge, new shade and pow
der in gold-hinged box,
for.••••• 81.25
T?rra Dermalax, the new
English clay .
$1.00 Gillette Razors... 69<^
$1.00 Gillette Razor Blades
for . H9P
50c Durham Duplex Blades
for . 39o
$1.00 Auto Strop Blades
for .•. . . 65<>
$1.00 Gem, Ever-Ready, Auto
Strop Razors .79<*
Camels, Lucky Strikes,
~ pkRs. for.25c>
Per carton .$1.25
10c Elor De Intals.3o
Box of 50.$2.25
10c Lord Curzon .5<^
Box of 50 _ $2.25
15c Straight Mozart, Rosa
size, each . . . .10«>
Box of 50.$1.25
Genuine Edison
10 to 50-Watt Mazda Lamps
lor . .‘55c
60-Watt Mazda Lamps. 40C
10c Elona Hair Nets.
per dozen .50f*
$1.50 Yellow Cabs for... 98tf
$4.00 Electric Curling lion
for . 82.49
$2.50 Hair Clippers.... $1,49
Mail Orders
Add O', on the dollar to cover
packing and postage.
The reason
We would suggest that you take advantage of
the bargains throughout this store
Three Shirts for
the Price of Two
$2.50 Shirts—3 for.. $ 5.00
$3.00 Shirts—3 for $ 6.00
$4.00 Shirts—3 for $ 8.00
$5.00 Shirts—3 for.. $10.00
$6.00 Shirts-3 for $12.00
Etc., Etc.
Standard Makes of Star and
Excello—None Better
An Annual Event
Any Four-in-Hand
Tie, For Quick
V2 Price
Take Our Tip — Lay In a
Good Supply Now
Reduced Pripes on Underwear, Pajamas, House Coats, Etc.
Our First Sale of Clothing
$50.00 Suits and Overcoats.$38.50 (
$65.00 Suits and Overcoats.$48.50'
$85.00 to $100.00 Ulsters.$53.50
To those men who appreciate the utmost in quality—this
sale of Hirsh-Wickwire Suits and O’coats will appeal.
Burgess-Nash Company
"everybody’s store” )
I ' '
The January White Sales Continue
Irish Linen Damask Dinner Nap
kins of fine quality. Unusual
offerings when
priced, dozen .sPOe# O
Plain Linen Napkins of 18x18
inch size with hemstitched ends.
Exceptional at djo qp
dozen .vsJac/O
3-yard 'Banquet" Cloth of Irish
Linen Damask. A splendid
quality woven in handsome cir
cular designs—
Cloths, each.$6.95
Napkins, doz.$6.00
Waffle Breakfast Sets of colored
linen, 54-inch cloth; six napkins,
hemmed for use. QC
70-inch width Bleached Table
Damask. A heavy, serviceable
weight in attractive _
designs. Yard . OOC
Colored Table Damask of Hfi-inch
width; red with white, blue with
white, gold with 7Q
white. Yard . #a/C
100 Table Cloths of heavy weight,
splendid quality half bleached
pure linen damask. In 2-yard
lengths; these are most unusual
values at, d»0 QC
each .iPsJaa/O
Cold Medal All-Linen Table
Damask that’s celebrated for
its fine quality and handsome
designs. Very specially priced
in this January d» * CQ
sale, yard.ip 1 e057
Napkins to match, doz.. $5.50
Bleached “Pepperel”
In 81-inch width, is a feature
value. ' No filling or dress
ing. Sale priced. 4Q
yard .
All-Wool Blanket* in large 7Ox I
80-inch size in ^olors and
handsome block designs.
Special, djo QC
Large Wool Blanket* for full
sized beds are made with just
enough cotton to prevent shrink
age. Rich colorings in attrac
tive plaids, QC
pair .*J0*2/0
full-*ized bed*. They are woven
in serviceable gray color, with
fancy border*. Limit of three
pair* to a customer, for these
are exceptional at, ^ 1
pair .
Esmond Blanket* in beautiful
block plaid designs, d* C QC
each. VvidO
1 he celebrated Esmond Blanket*
serve many purposes—the den,
the couch, the auto or bed cdv
^ ering. Many beautiful designs
in plain, Indian or d*d OC
floral patterns, ea., *PT'*dlO
Bmfe»i-Nash—Second Floor
An Absolute Clearance of
Men's, Women's and Children’s
^kllPPC 1/410 1/2 °(f
i M* V^r Regular Price
To select any pail* of shoes in our entire stock of,fine quality shoes—1<> receive
the careful fitting to which you are accustomed—to buy at a price that means the
saving of one-fourth or one-half the price of a pair of shoes—all that you are able
to do at this wonderful sale. Not one pair excluded.
Every need for every member of the family may be filled under these sale condi
tions, for there are styles for street, for dress and for house wear.
For Women
Patent, satin and kid colonials
in brown and black.
Evening slippers.
Boudoir slippers.
All styles of heels.
For Men
High shoes and oxfords of kid,
and calf in English, Drogue
and Banker’s lasts.
Box, soft and plain toes.
For Children
Girls’ and boys’ shoes'for school
and better wear. Our stock
includes Nature lasts and high
buckled boots.
Also our remaining stock of mules, Pullman slippers, comfort
shoes, felt slippers, gym oxfords, tennis shoes and party slippers. ‘
Burgess-Nash Shoe Shop— Main Floor
Bargains in Laces
Cluny Lace—Made by hand in all
widths to 4 inches, in
Specially priced, vd., 1 VC to UJL
Val Lace — New and attrac
tive patterns in lace with
insertion to match. A _
Yard at.*T ie 1
Embroidery—Fine cambric em
broidered in a wide va
riety of designs. Yard.
Head Banding—Silver,
gold, jet and many
combinations and
styles. Are priced
up from OC.
yard.. OV\* ---
Bmgna-Nash—Main Floor
Hair Nets %g?ecially
•*RiU** double mesh net. cap or fringe, in a ! colors.
p« <11 sen .
"Twin I.inx'* human hair nets, double^ t r. >'. rap <»;
fringe, priced, the dozen . $1.00
"Gainsborough'' double mesh, cap or Jr • ge. *
ora ; - for. • . .... . . . •
•'Gainsborough'* single mesh, cap and ne:e. a c"l
'• .
"Bonnie-B" single mesh. in all colors Tru ed i\H«i
'‘Bolllhie-B’, double mesh. In «U colors. Priced af. Ppr
dozen .* • * -51-50
"Venida." doublt or single mesh, in all color*. At
per dozen . 51-50
"Panama." tied end*, in all color*, at 8 for • • • • • .25c
"Carmen.** silk net *?th elastic, in all colors. Special.
8 for . 25c
BurgesS'Nash—Main Floor
Stupendous Sale of
Imported Jewelry .
We purchased of America’s largest im
porters 50 sample lines, consisting of thou
sands ot pieces of novelty jewelry, at only a
fraction of the regular price. You will he
amazed at the wonderful value* and the
completeness of the assortment. Value* from $1 to $5
Mesh bags for misses and children, Irene mesh bags for
women, imported bar pins, earrings, paper weights, Dutch
silver card trays, enameled ash and bon bon trays, bead neck
laces, bracelets, floral bar pins, floral pendants, dress
buckle, imported jet brooches, vanity cases, coin cases, hair
ornaments. ^
Burgess Nash Jewelry Shop—Main f loor
Sale of Gloves
Chamoisette Gloves from a famous maker and importer; OQ
strap wrist, 12-button lengths and short styles .*. 0»7v
French Kid Gloves, Children’s Gloves
Pair, $1.39 Pair, 25c
Short, and 12-button lengths, also
cape leather gauntlets. Some of ^mples and odd lots ot warm
them are soiled from handling, woolen gloves and mittens,
but all are wonderful values. Quite remarkably low priced.
16-Button Glace Kid, $4.95
Imported gloves of black glace kid in 16-button lengths. All sixes.
A quality that you do not ordinarily find so moderately priced.
Burge»a-Na»h Glove Shop—Main Floor
Candy Specials
Assorted Chocolates
Strawberry, raspberry, vanilla, mint
and pineapple flavorings, 34c
Brazil Nuts
Whole Brazil nuts covered with ri
maple and vanilla cream, lb. O 1 C
Cream Caramels
Flavored with vanilla^ and chocolate,
with or without nuts, C 1 _
a lb. O 1 C
Peanut Brittle
Fresh and crisp molasses Q1
brittle, full of nuts, lb. . . “1C
Bur*ess-Nash—Mezzanine Floor
Fine Handkerchiefs Swi- - anil lillOU
handkerchiefs. slightly mussed and
soiled from handling, are specially
priced. Included are a few cotton
handkerchiefs for men, o [“
'! for £DC -
Cotton Handkerchiefs—-Women's and
children’s white or colored handker
chiefs. These- are an excel- OP
lent quality, 0 for*.. dSOC
Men's Handkerchiefs—These arc made
of pure linen, but are slightly soiled
from display and handling, QC_
Women’s Handkerchiefs — White or
colored linen handkerchiefs; OP
specially priced, 2 for. . .
Bmgess-Nash—Main Flcor
- - - - - - - - '
Our Stock of Men’s
Better Overcoats
! i
All are those finer coats that until now
have carried a much higher pricing.
Great, roomy ulsters with big storm collars,
k single and double-breasted box overcoats
1 and Chesterfields with self or velvet col
y Jars are included in this special lot of im
ported and domestic fabrics—
Soft fleeces, Scotch tweeds,
cheviots a n d o t ii e r s in
browns, grays and heathers.
Men’s Suits, $24.50
.Suits tor men and young men. sports models and the more conserva
tive semi-fitting styles made of tested cashmere, worsteds, flan
nels, heningbone weaves, in brown, blue, novelty stripes. (PO/I CA
A satisfying selection—all at the low price of.
H>»rgfss-Na.sli Men's Shop-—Main Floor-__
Novelty Suits $1.95
A well-known factory had a lot of garments to close out at a price—we to#k
the entire lot, 200 garments in sizes 2 to 8—and have priced them for Saturday
at but a fraction of their' regular marking.
There are suits of corduroy and combination suits of corduroy,with button-on
wash blouses; in Oliver Twist effect. Each a value that the thrifty mother cannot
afford lu^overlook.
Another Group of
Novelty Suits
Reduced to $4.95
• ^ a
Our entire stock of Oliver Twist and Middy
styles, including suits of flannel, jersey, serge
and combination styles 'of wool with wash
blouses. Reduced for January clearance. Sires
2 to 8.
Our Entire Stock of Boys’ Knicker Suits
and Overcoats Reduced for Clearance—
In two great lots.$8.75, $12.75 c
Bmg»gg-N«»h Boy** Shop- Main Floor