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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1923)
• \JLfE desire to thank the thousands of customers who by their constant ** patronage have helped to make 1922 a splendid year for us and the holiday season the greatest in our history. To each and every one we extend our wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. The store is closed all day today. Then come the great activities of 1923, the first big event of the year being the January White Sale. This sale has always been memorable for the attractiveness of the val ues offered and the unprecedented preparations which have been made by the Burgess-Nash Company for several months past insures a Jan uary Sale that will delight every woman in Omaha and the vicinity. The savings are great, the values bigger and better, in fact we feel that we can honestly say <(This is the greatest sale of them all." SALE starts Tuesday, 9 a. m. These prices will prevail only during this sale or as long as the quantity lasts. Vfe STORE** /^WING to the low prices, we cannot ^ guarantee that the quantities will last, and therefore will be unable to sell to jobbers. JT is well worth every woman’s time to shop here—it is almost like * opening a new store. The various departments that have entered the sale are full of fresh, new merchandise which carry prices as incom parably low as the qualities are high, for the finest equipment and the highest type of service are of no value to our patrons unless backed up by merchandise of worth, rightly priced and fully guaranteed. Many a linen closet will be filled again during the coming month. Many a wardrobe will be replenished from the stocks to be placed on sale. People will recognize the significance of the prices given on this page and will not only look after their immediate needs but those of next year and the year after, for prices such as these are seldom found. ------—--—--- o Special Values in Towels Wash Cloths, 3c Large Linen Huck Towel* with hem stitched ends and handsome gQ damask border, each .05/C Glass Towels of Irish manufacture, 19x 29-inch size with word “Glass" woven in border, OE Each . *OC Lavatory Towels in all white. Limit of 12 to a customer. Unusual O value at, each .OC Hemstitched Irish Huck Towels of fine weave and quality. 20x38- /\ Q ^ inch size. Each .“5/C BLEACHED TURKISH TOWELS of extra heavy weight. Made of 2-ply yarn and with Og colored border. Each... OOC In the January Sale Large Huck Towels of fine quality with perfectly hemmed Q ends. Limit of 12. Each, OC Bleached Turkish Towels with blue striped border. Large 21x40-inch size with hemmed ends. Each .: Irish Linen Crash Toweling with colored border. A very IQ absorbent quality at, yard, A*/C Cotton Crash Toweling of such unusual value that we limit each cus- | /\ tomer to 20 yards, Yard.. JLwC IRISH LINEN HUCK TOWELING of 18-inch width. An excellent value and much under priced at, yard .wtJC Irish Crash Kitchen Towels of 18x33 inch size. An absorbing 1 P quality worth more than, ea. AOC Knitted Dish Towels of generous size. At this low price the quan- C tity is limited. Each . OC “Stevens” Celebrated Linen Crash Toweling woven with blue OO border. Priced at only, yard, mmC Bleached Turkish Towels, 19x40-in., heavy weight and excellent quality. Limit of 12 towels to a 1 Q customer. Special, each... Al/C ----- ... . ... wl ) Linen Shop—Second Floor ' o--c Begins Tuesday With Values a\ Selections Unequaled in Years Sheets - Pillow Cases - Muslins - Sheetings I Fine Table Linens at Bargain Prices The famous “Pequot” Sheets in 81ot90-inch size offer a won derful economy when priced in our January sale $1.69 at, each "Pequot” Pillow Cases, probably best known on the mar ket. are remarkable values at the January sale 4 P prices. Sizes 42x36 and 45x36, each. 36-inch Unbleached Sheeting of good quality, a weight used for , many purposes, is priced in this sale, 1 O 1 _ yard . Heavyweight Bed Sheets in 81x90-inch size, a quality that gives excellent service and retains its djl OQ whiteness .1 Heavyweight Pillow Case*, an excellent wearing quality OC. in 42x36-inch size. An exceptional pricing. The Celebrated “Pepperer' Sheets Noted for their splendid wearing quality, offer wonderful tavinga nt the January ^ | C fl tale price. 72x99, 81x90 and 81x99 ^ inches ... ■ Hemstitched Pillow Cates of fine round thread quality 4ft without filling are priced, 42x36-inch size, each.... The Celebrated Quinbaug Pillow Tubing in 42-inch Oft width, no filling or dressing. Sale priced at, yard. . Pequot and Utica Sheeting makes have no equal for last- ftft ing service. 81-inch, bleached and unbleached, yd., 36-inch Lonsdale Cambric, nainsook finish, is a quality much used for undergarments and baby dresses. Yard . White and Fancy Stripe Outing Flannel with soft fleecy 1 ft nap, in 27 and 36-inch width sale priced at only, yd., Bleached ‘Pepperer Sheeting In 81-inch width, is a feature value. No filling or dressing. Sale priced, yard. “ Fruit - of - the - Loonrj Muslin Ji Every woman who buys muslin knows this celebrated quality 1 J / 9 that is famed for its long-time Q \ W service, yet few women have 9 bought it at so low a price. Limit Vov/ m of 20 yards to a customer. IctU ( wk 54-inch Quilted Table Padding in a quality that abso- tf> ■ lyt lutely protects the table. Specially priced, yard, ^^ 36-inch Bleached Muslin, a splendid quality. Limit of 21 irfV to a customer. Very special in this 1 LI sale, yard . * ^P Mattress Protector* or Bed Pads filled with pure white [ttW and covered with Rood quality bleached muslin are ici as to size—single, three-quarter and full size: 42x76 inches, each .$2.49 48x76 inches, each .$2.65 1 54x76 inches, each . $2.95 F I Pillow Cases, 42x36-inch. These are of Rood ^ quality of bleached muslin, with 3-inch hem. I ^JP® Limit of 12 cases to a customer. Each. ... * , The Wise Women Will Secure Their Entire Year’s Supply During This Great January Sale clK) ODD I ABLc. LLOIHS without napkins in 2x2%-yard size. All made in Ireland of splendid quality linen end woven in beautiful patterns. Limit of two snd A A inp to each customer.«P«3sfO V • • I D >*nM* Linen Damask Pattern Cloths of extra heavy weight and very fine quality in beautiful round designs. ' 2x2-yard size . S5.15 2x2%-yard size . 86.35 2x8-yard size ...87.65 Matching Breakfast Napkins, dozen.85.95 Matching Dinner Napkins, dozen.86.95 Irish Double Damask Linen Pattern Cloths made of fine Irish flax woven in circular designs— 2x2-yard size .86.50 | 2x2 %-yard size . 87.95 2x3-yard size .89.50 22x22-inch Matching Napkins, dozen.-87.95 Irish Linen Damask Pattern Table Cloths of pure flax. Made by Ireland’s foremost manufacturers. Six good designs in— 70x70-inch Cloths .83.95 Napkins to match...85.75 The celebrated “Fleur-de-Lis” Irish Hand-Loom Linens that re main long after the price is forgotten— 2x2-yard size ..$10.00 2x2%-yard size .812.50 2x3-yard size . 815.00 22x22-inch Napkins, dozen . 812.50 —Second Floor “Momie” Weave Breakfast Set of 54-inch cloth, six Q F 18-inch Napkins. Hemstitched, blue border .... w^asa/O Bleached Damask Table Cloths of 64x64-inch size, PP with scalloped edge, colored border.v Half Bleached Pure Irish Linen Table Damask. This heavy weight linen will give splendid service and launder beautifully. A remarkably good value QC at only, yard . a/OC __ __ I __ 70-inch width Bleached Table Damask. A heavy, serv- /JP iceable weight in attractive designs. Yard .OOC Colored Table Damask of 66-inch width; red with 7Q white, blue with white, gold with white. Yard.... *a/C 100 Table Cloths of heavy weight, splendid quality half bleached linen damask. In 2-yard lengths these are d»o QC most unusual values at, each.H>«3sa/3 Hold Medal All-Linen Table Damask that’s celebrated for its fine quality and handsome designs. Very d* | f“Q specially priced in this January sale, yard, Napkins to match .dozen, $5.50 Bleached All-Linen Table Damask of 70-in. width. This excellent ^ quality will give satisfaction in both service and OC / appearance. Yard . ' Dinner Napkins, dozen .$6.75 ^ Double Satin Irish Table Linen of 70-inch width. £0 OC Fine quality at, yard.WMta/O Irish Linen Breakfast Napkins with hemmed edges. £Q OC Limit of two dozen. Dozen .iZD Hemstitched Linen Damask Dinner Cloths made of good quality Irish flax and woven in handsome OP to d»Q C/\ designs . tpOiAu «Ps/«Ov/ Napkins to match, dozen, $7.95 Irish Linen Damask Dinner Napkins of fine quality. OP Unusual offerings when priced, dozen.«I)0s/0 Plain Linen Napkins of 18xl8-inch size with hem- dJO QC stitched hems. Exceptional at, dozen .sDOss/O 3-yard "Banquet” Cloths of Irish Linen Damask. A splendid quality woven in handsome circular designs— Cloths, each .$6.95 Napkins, dozen .$6.00 Waffle Breakfast Sots of colored linen, 54-inch QC cloth; six napkins, hemmed for use. Set.sJ/O I 1 Hand-Embroidered Linens At Sale Prices Centerpieces, Doilies and Scarfs of filet and handmade French cluny lace. All are 1 / D • (marked.72 *rlCC Madeira Dresser Scarfs made of Irish linen, embroidered and scalloped by hand. Sizes 18x45, 7C Madeira Baby Pillow Cases, daintily and attractively cm- f e q broidered by hand.«P X • 1 %/ MADEIRA LUNCHEON NAPKINS of Irish I nen, hand-embroidered I and scalloped. £7 QC Dozen.V • *1/0 Madeira Bread Tray Doilies, embroi dered and scalloped by or hand. Oval, 6x12 size.tJOC Madeira Table Cloths of Irish linen, elaborately embroidered and seal :rd'..,2:iroh.$29.50 MADEIRA LUNCHEON SETS con ■ '•ting of 12 doiliea in two aizea and one large center- (T» £■ npa piace. Set. 300 Pieces of ‘Decorative Linens’ Consisting of Italian filet lace, cutwork and mosaic linens. In many X *) C instances there is only one piece of a kind. All are marked ex ceptionally low and priced according to size and quality— Centerpieces Pillow Cases Towels 10 Table Cloths Scarfs Napkins ^ — Chair Backs Luncheon Sets Lunch Cloths v1 uQQ Because of the low prices, please do not ask us to make exchanges ^ or give any refunds. Linen Shop—Second Floor Blankets Reduced in Price LARGE COTTON BLANKETS for full sized bed*. They are woven in service able gray color, with fancy borders. Limit of three pairs to a customer, for these are exceptional *7Q at, pair.1 • / 2/ Large 72x90-inch Cotton Batt, all ill one piece and of sufficient weight for complete fill ing1. Limit of three to a QE customer, each .OOC Esmond blankets in beautiful d»E QC block plaid designs, each. . . sj)3*270 The celebrated Esmond Blankets serve many purposes—the den, the couch, the auto or bed covering. Many beautiful designs in plain, Indian or floral A OC patterns, each .. Blanket Shop—Second Floor Large Wool Blankets for full-sized beds are made with just enough cotton to prevent shrinkage. Rich colorings in QC attractive plaids, pair. Auto and Traveling Robes, warm and woolly, are marked at about half of their usual selling price. Plain colors and plaids with Sr""” $3.50'°$15.00 . W’e have a limited number of “Lamb’s Wool Filled Comforts with attractive silk or satin tops that have been reduced for this sale. They are slightly soiled from handling, but are wonderful | / ~ values at ./2 * TlCC All-Wool Blankets in large 70x80-inch size in colors and handsome dJO QC block designs. Special, pair. V Low Prices on Bed Spreads [ Satin Finish Marseilles Bed Spread and | Bolster Cover. Scalloped edges and ; cut corners. Full size. Q C Ret. ipOsJ/O Dimity Bed Spreads The kind that'needs no I QP ironing. Size 80x90 ins. *P * •vw Crochet Bed Spreads of heavy quality in the Marseilles pattern. OQ Size 72x84 inches.sP-asOU Extra Large Marseilles Bed Spreads, in satin finish with bolster A Cft to match. 88x98 inch. «P vr saJvr Marseilles Bed Spreads, scalloped, satin finish, with cut corners QC These are double bed size & • ** & Filet and Novelette Bed Spreads. These are slightly soiled j/ and offered at. .1... . /2 * iaV»C Heavy Weight Crochet Bed Spreads, suitable for full sized $1.99 Dimity Spread and Bolster Cover. The spread is 90x99 inches with scalloped edges and cut corners. $3.95 Bed Spreads for Children’s size beds. These arp the Marseilles QA-, pattern.,. Linen Shop—Second Floor The Economical Woman Will Buy Her White Goods Now Long Cloth, 30 inches wide, an excel lent quality, greatly underpriced for the January sale at < Q a yard . 1J/C Fine Pajama Cloth, 36 inches wide, a splendid quality, in the popular small checked patterns, a yard .Zi)C White Flaxon, 40 inches wide, in a very fine quality, much under priced during the January OQ w'hite sale, a yard.*»»» Sheer Neimook, 40 inches wide, the fine quality used so much for hand- . embroidered undergar- 00_ ments. Special a yard."OC Gabardine, 36 inches wide. A popular fabric that is much used for sport skirts. Special, a yard . Astorted White Good*—1,000 yards of beautiful fabrics much used for dresses, blouses and OQ _ skirts. Yard. Linen Shop—Second Floor White Cotton Wash Satin so popular for sports skirts and for Q/\ undergarments. Yard .... Boxed Japanese Nainsook of fine, sheer quality, so dainty for hand embroidered undergarments. 38 inch width. QC 10 yards..UO 36-inch Nainsook of splendid quality that will make up into OO serviceable garments. Yard Underwear Fabrics in silk finished checked designs. 36-inch width, in white and colors. Yard..... le Starts DAY uary 2nd V* 9 A. M. < SPECIALS from THE DOWNSTAIRS STORE Satin Finished Pattern Table Cloths, 72x72 inches in size. A large assort ment of patterns from which PQ to choose. Each. Bleached Crash Toweling, plain center with white striped border. Q 16-inch width. Yard.... wC Mill Ends of White Curtain Marquisette in 5 to 20-yard lengths. 1 OjL _ 36 inches in width, aid. . . “Nevertear” Bleached Seamless Sheets made of fine round thread muslin, for % and full OQ <M JA size beds. Each and <Pl«***r Mill Ends of Pillow Tubing in from 2 to 10-yard lengths. This is standard quality and 42-inch width. OO Specially priced, yard........ Mercerized Table Damask, 72-inch width. Many new and attractive pat terns from which to choose. Qf> Yard ..r.0“C Longcloth of excellent quality and soft finish. 36-inch width. 1C1 Specially priced, yard. 1U*C Unbleached Muslin of heavy weight round thread quality, firmly woven. 36-inch width. Specially 1 O 1 priced, yard . lsJ^C Bleached Muslin, standard brands; Lonsdale, Good as Gold, Fairyland and Happy day. 36-inch width. 1 Cl Priced at, yard...'... 36-inch White Dimity, with neat checks and stripes. Excellent quality. Ideal for lingerie. Specially priced, Oi _ yard .CA\t Ruffled Curtains with tie-backs to match. These are most attrac tive in bedrooms and d*1 1A nurseries. Pair. Foxcrof Sheeting, 8-4, bleached and of good wearing quality. Regular width for full size bed. Specially priced, yard ... Mill Ends of White Lawn in 2 to 10-yard lengths. Suitable for dresses Yard Heavy Bleached Crochet Bed Spreads with strong hemmed ends, several attractive pat terns to choose from. *7Q Size 74x88 in. Each.. *7 Burgest-Nath—Downstair* Store Longcloth of excellent quality, made up in 10-yard lengths. 27-inch width. Spe- 1 O 1 cially priced, yard... . l£2v Unbleached Sheeting for % size bed. This is heavy weight, round thread quality. 63 inches in width. Yard . Fancy Outing Flannel of heavy quality woven with a long fleecy nap. 27-inch lylJL width; yard . i^2C avyu-uwcof French Hand-Made Lingerie Tuesday we will place on sale our entire stock at 20% O// Regular Prices Exquisitely made pieces of sheer batiste, nainsook, English percaline, French net, georgette, crepe meteor. French Handmade Nightgowns $2.95, $3.95. $4.95, $6.95 and Up Handmade and hand-embroidered of sheer batiste, or gandy, net, crepe-meteor and daintily trimmed with Italian filet, Irish crochet, German vals combined with exquisite °mbroidery in old French and Italian patterns. French Handmade Chemise $2.95, $3.95, $4.95, $6.95 and Up Finely made of batiste, organdy net and crepe de chine, trimmed with exquisite laces and a wealth of handwork. French Vest-Chemise $2.95, $3.45, $3.95 and Up Made of batiste, nainsook and English percaline com bined with filet, Irish crochet and trimmed with dainty hand embroidered effects. Stepins and Bloomers $1.95, $2.45, $2.95 and Up Handmade and hand-embroidered of batiste and sheer ! nainsook and daintily trimmed with fine laces and embroi- j dery. With fitted top. ‘ Lingerie Shop—Second Floor 1 - a ------- —— Exquisite Silk Lingerie Marked at Prices That Are Less Than the Cost of Material On Today s Market Silk Gowns $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 and Up Crepe de chine, radium, crepe meteor. Exquisitly trimmed with imported laces, preorgette, chiffons, French flowers and fancy colored ribbons. Plain tai lored effects piped with contrasting: colored silk. All the new pastel shades. Silk Envelope Chemise $1.95, $2.95, $3.95 and Up Of crepe de chine, radium, georgette, combined with lace, chiffon, embroidery, georgette flowers, contrasting colored ribbons. Innumerable styles in orchid, jade, nile, coral, rose, blue, pink and white. Cut extra wide and long. Silk Camisoles 95c, $1.45, $1.95 and Up Crepe tie chine, radium, satin, ef fectively trimmed back and frock with lace insertion, embroidered georgette, fancy ribbons, insets, and motifs of con trasting colored silk. Flesh, orchid, blue, coral, rose, white, navy and black. Silk Vests $1.95, $2.45, $2.95 and Up Crepe de chine, radium, georgette trimmed with lace-embroidered effects or piped with contrasting colored silk. Pink, jade, coral, orchid, white and blue. Cut extra long. Silk Stepins $1.95, $2.95 and Up Crepe de chine, radium, satin and jersey. Daintily trimmed with lace em broideries and colored pipings. Fitted elastic top. Pink, orchid, blue, nile, coral, navy, black and brown. Silk Bloomers $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 and Up Made of crepe de chine, satin, radium, jersey. Fitted elastic top, elastic knee, finished tvith embroidery, lace or piped in contrasting colored effects. Pink, white, brown, tan, navy, purple and black. Silk Princess Slips $3.95 and Up Radium, satin, crepe de chine, jersey silk, tailored or embroidered effects. Pink, orchid, white, brown, navy, copen and black. Lingerie Shop—Second Floor ^ T -— , . . , ».^.-.-..-.»l-iriru-LrLrLrjarLJLrLr_ u-j-u-L -A . . _ _ 1 "w" *^*il**'***+<+<+*\ American-Male Lingerie Radically Reduced in Price During the Great January Sales Thousands of dairj;. undergarments, many of them made of fine Batiste, Crepe, Organdy, Voile, Nainsook, Longclcth and Muslin, in white and pastel shades and | trimmed with fine laces, embroidery, ribbons; or tailored and piped with fabric of contrasting color. i ______ Special No. 1 Bloomers Of sateen, crepe, batiste, nainsook, in plain and fancy weaves. Some are lace and embroidery trimmed; others are tailor trimmed. White and colors; made with fitted elastic waist band and elas tic cuff or ruf fled knee. Misses’ sizes, 14 to 18. Women’s sizes, 23 to 29. Special No. 2 Vest Chemise Innumerable styles of batiste, nainsook and crepe in both plain and fancy weaves. All are daintily trimmed lace and fabrics of contrasting color. Misses, sizes, 14 to 18. Women’s sizes, 34 to 44. Special No. 3 Step-ins Made of figured crepe, ba tiste, nainsook and satin and trimmed with dainty laces or plainly tailored, white and colors. Sizes 23, 25, 27. Special No. 4 Envelopes Made of batiste, nainsook, crepe and dimity and dain tily trimmed with fine laces, sheer embroidery, pipings of contrasting color and hand-embroidered or organdy in: W h ite pink.. Sizes 14 to 20 years. Sizes 34 to 44 years. Special No. 5 I Nightgowns Made of crepe, nainsook, j muslin in slipover, empire, kimono, “V” and high necked styles with short or long sleeves or sleeveless with embroidery or lace trim ming ef fects. White and pink. Regular and extra sizes. • Princess Slips , 95c, $1.25, $1.45, $1.95 | Satinette, nainsook, muslin trimmed with lace and embroidery or plainly tailored. White and colors. | Sizes 36 to 44. Vests, Chemise 75c, 95c, $1.25, $1.45, $1.95 Crepe, batiste, 4*insook in dainty colors trimmed with contrasting colors, pipings Aid embroidered motifs. Misses* sizes, 14 to 18. Women’s sizes, 34 to 40. Step-ins 75c, 95c, $1.25, $1.45, $1.95 Crepe, satinette, nainsook and batiste of plain and fancy weaves in white and colors. Tailor or lace-trimmed. Misses’ sizes, 14 to 18. Women's sizes, 36 to 44. Envelope Chemise 65c, 75c, $1.25, $1.45, $1.95 Innumerable styles of daintily colored batiste, voile, crepe, sntinette and nainsook combined' with laces, embroidery, organdy, ribbons and * pipings Misses’ sizes, 14 to 18. Women’s sizes, 36 to 44 Nightgowns— 75c, 95c, $1.25, $1.45, $1.95 Of fancy batiste, sheer nainsook, Windsor crepe, dimity and muslin of plain and fancy weaves in white and colors, and trmmed in white lace, embroidery, embroidery motifs, headings and ribbons. Hatcau, slipover, chemise, kimono. Round square, ‘‘V” and high necks in every desired color. Misses’ sizes, 14 to 18. Women’s sizes, 34 to 44. Lint.ri. shop—»4 Floor ~ Bloomers—75c, 95c, $1.25, $1.45 Made of sateen, Windsor crepe, batiste, Seco silk, satinctte and nainsook in white and colors. Fitted elastic top and elastic knee finished with contrasting piping embroidery. Misses’ sizes, 12 to 18. Women’s sizes, 23 to 29. •jyru-jin.nnftr*