The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, January 01, 1923, Page 2, Image 4

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    Crime Doubles
in Nebraska in
Last Four Y ears
— -
Convictions With Penitentiary
Punishment Decrease, Ke
•port of Attorney Gen*
eral Davis Shows.
Lincoln. Dec. ^l.L-igpociai.)—Crime
!>t Nebraska has been nearly doubled
in four years, according to « report
made by Attorney rJVneral Clarence
A Davis based .upon reports from
more than half of the county attor*
; neys of Nebraska.
While the Davis report shows a
marked increase in crime, it does not
indicate that penitentiary punishment
for crime has increased but rather,
1 according to Davis, it has decreased.
In 1919, 18S were sentenced to the
penitentiary: in 1920, 243; in 1921,
L47. and in 1922, 233.
The Davis report also shows that
district judges in Nebraska have in
the last four years paroled or sus
pended sentences of 405 convicted
of crimes. Further tabulations in
the Davis report follow:
Prosecutions Increase.
Prosecutions started in 1919. 2.394,
1920, 2.767; 1921, 3.463; 1922, 4.155.
Cases pending or dismissed in 1919.
715: 1920, 847; 1921, 1,033; 1922, 1 507.'
Acquittals in 1919, 169; 1920. 146;
1921, 137; 1922, 140.
Convictions and picas of guilty in
19 IP. 1,720; 1920, 1,708, 1921. 2,295;
1 1922, 2,50'
| Jail sentences in 1919, 196; 1920,
I 215; 1921, .139: 1922, 320.
Fines in 1919, 1,22S; 1920, 1 171; 1921
1,550; 1922. 1.S04.
Industrial school sentences in 1919,
15: 1920, 37; 1921. 42; 1922, 57.
Fail to Co-Operate.
Counties which absolutely failed in
me last four years to co-operate with
the attorney general in his attempt
to get statistics on crime are: Box
Butte, Boyd. Cheyenne, Clay, Colfax,
Cuming. Custer, Dakota. Dawes,
Deuel, Dixan. Franklin, Frontier
Furnas, Gage, Gosper, Grant, Greeley,
Harlan, Hayes. Howard, Jefferson,
Knox, Lincoln, Logan, .Madison, Mor
rill, Nance, Nemaha, Nuckolls,
Phelps, Pierce. Polk. Red Willow,
Rock, Saline. Stanton, Saunders.
| Sarpy, Thayer, Thurston. Wheeler.
Following are a list of convictions
| for all crimes In district courts of
Nebraska in the last four years:
List of Conviction*.
Wife and child abandonment .. 1,5
Adultery . . . .. 39
i A1 eon . . • ... \. :
Assault 83"
Attempted assault ....
Auto atealing . ... *.'19
Bank law violations .. 21
Bigamy . 5
Burglary . 358
Concealed weapon* . 203
Illegal sale clgarets . 9
Imbauchtng minor* . 7V
Beilina mortgaged property . 20
Embezzlement . .. 245
Fish and game violations . 253
Forgery . M
({ambling . • "55
Brand larceny . 304
Incest . ....•• p |
Malpractme ....
Manslaughter . *
Murder, first degree .. 30 1
Murder, second degiee .............. &J
Nn autn license :;85
Unlawful lenses . .. 150;
Perjury . 1 *
Pett v larceny .
Prohibition violations . ..
Pape . ... ...........
Receiving stolen property ..
Robbery . . 113
seduction . .. • • .. \
Vagrancy .
Miscellaneous. violation food and
drug laws, etc. .. . 1 13S
Radio Thieves Loot Store
in Elgin, Neh.. of Supplies
Elgin, Neb,, Dec. 31.—(Special )—
Radio thieves are the latest crime
wrinkle in Elgin.
Prowlers last week entered the
Radio and Music store here, operated
by Lyle Durham ami Charles Sheets,
and made off with $200 worth of
radio supplies. They also obtained
a small amount of money
Entrance to the store was gained
hv breaking a glass in the rear door
The store carriod no theft Insurance.
Story of 1922 Tale
of World Progress
(( on(inu«'<I l'rom I'tige (hi*.)
ing from the war, Mr. Hoover said,
were more the sympathetic reaction
fiom slump tn the combatant states
than from direct injury and they thus
are recovering quickly. Their com
merce, his rcsporls showed, has reach
ed levels above prewar days and their
ptodtiction has grown apace. The en
forced Isolation, he believed, strength
ened the economic fiber of l.atin-Amcr
Sca and Asia by increasing the varie
ty of their production. This, he said,
has contributed .vitally to their effec
tive recovery.
"The continued maintenance of
armies on a greater than prewar
basis in the old allied states." Mr.
Hoover continued, "maintains political j
uncertainty, lowers productivity and I
retards the balancing of budgets With i
consequent cessation of direct or in-1
direct inflation. Disarmament and the
conservative settlement of German
reparations and the economic rela
tions of states in southeastern Du- i
ropo are the outstanding problems of j
Europe. Their adjustment, to some
degree, will affect the progress of
the rest of the world.
Step Toward l‘i ogress.
"The more general realization dur
ing the past year of tlie growing'
menace of these situations and the
fundamentals that underlie thior solu
ttou is. In itself, some stp toward :
progress. Their solution would mark
the end of the most acutely destine
five forces In the economic life of the
world, which still survive the war."
Discussing economic conditions, the
secretary Mid England, with th*' old
neutral nations, is making ®t«*ady
progress in production and in dimin
ishing unemployment. He report some of the combatant stat***®
while slower in recovery, “have ehowi®
progress all along the line in corn 1
merieal, industrial and agriculture®
although th< hat \ eeta suffered 1
6 ® of those nfttif 4 1
he said, mentioning Italy* Bell |
Hattie states. Poland, t/zecho Slovakia
and Hungary, show increasing politic-*
and serial stability and improvement
in their governmental finances.
‘‘As fur Germany and some of tlu
minor states in southeastern Europe,
Mr. Hoover noted dangerous symp*
toms They still cause anxiety, he ex
plained because financial difficulties
and politi.-al problems of their gov
ernments ‘threaten to overwhelm th«
<onnn* i rial and Industrial recupem
lion already made
r Compare Values
Than Prices
<5kpjn ,€>d6en & Co.
Lower Prices
But Not
Inferior Qualities
Apparel Specials
ol Great Importance
This annual sale presents values of the
most desirable kind—because of the
character of the apparel offered.
Our Entire Stock of
Coats, Dresses,
Suits, Blouses ]j
Is Repriced at Its Lowest
There is every advantage in
attending so dependable a sale.
Apparel Section—Third Floor
January Sale of Model Furs
The Best Event of the Season
Advisedly we say that this will be the
most important and interesting of all
our fur sales.
The mild weather of the past weeks has
had its effect upon the fur market.
Our buyer was able to secure in New
York sample models from internation
ally known manufacturers at prices far
below today’s market, and in many in
stances for less than the cost of the un
finished skins.
The ioveliest of luxurious models of the
finest quality possible to produce.
Guaranteed to Be Exactly as Represented in Every Respect
Natural Mink Coats
42-inch Length
A beautiful coat of fine
American mink. Chin col
lar and mandarin sleeves.
Natural Squirrel Coats
45-inch, wrappy models of
exquisite quality and
charming style.
Near Seal Coats
(Dyed Coney)
45-inch coats with natural
squirrel collars and cuffs.
Hudson Seal Cape
(Dyed Muskrat)
1= $295
A 43-inch Model
Hudson Seal Coats
(Dyed Muskrat)
o and 40-inch lengths,
skunk collars and cuffs.
Hudson Seal Coats
(Dyed Muskrat)
45-inch lengths, of fine se
lected skins. Self collars
and cuffs and mandarin
Hudson Seal Coats
(Dyed Muskrat)
Wrappy 45-inch models,
skunk collars and cuffs,
with mandarin sleeves.
Black Caracul Coats
(Russian Lamb)
45 and 48-inch lengths.
Beautiful, wrappy coats
with luxurious collars and
wide cuffs of finest qual
ity marten (skunk), also
kolinsky trimmed.
Fur» of dependable quality for
extraordinarily low prices.
Caracul Coats
(Russian Lamb
28-inch lengths in white,
beige, gray and brown.
Persian Lamb Coats
40-inch Length
Natural mink collars and
cuffs, mandarin sleeves.
A wrappy model.
Natural Squirrel Cape
15-inch length. Full, clear
Hudson Seal Coats
(Dyed Muskrat)
Luxurious 48-inch models
with kolinsky chin collars
and Jenny sleeves. First
quality selected skins.
48-Inch Mink Coat
Hudson Seal Wrap
(Dyed Muskrat)
30-inch wrap of selected
skins trimmed with nat
ural mink. An advance
Natural Muskrat Coats
Black Pony Coats
Opossum collars and cuffs.
40-Inch Marmot Coats
Raccoon collars and cuffs.
Natural Mink Capes
New, exclusive models.
Kolinsky Capes
$125,0 $225
45-lnch Mole Coats
Very beautiful quality.
45-lnch Mole Capes
Distinctive flaring models.
28-Inch Mole Coats
New blouse model.
Silks and Woolens
for Fine Economies
40-inch Heavy Flat Crepe, $2.95 a Yard
Choice light and dark shades.
40-inch Heavy Canton Crepe, $2.95 a Yard
All silk quality in navy, brown and black.
Imported Velvets on Chiffon, $8.50 a Yard
Lovely small designs in velvet on chiffon grounds.
High colors for evening wear and all desirable
street shades.
36-inch Silk Duvetyn, $3.25 a Yard
Navy, brown and black.
42-inch Chiffon Velvet, $5.95 a Yard
A beautiful all silk velvet in navy, brown, wisteria,
taupe, henna, orange, orchid, .jade, Kelly, silver
and cherry.
Matelasse, Klo-Ka, Chinchilla, $4.50 a Yard
Broken lines of these very fashionable silk and
wool novelties from Mallinson.
Oddments of Cheney Foulards, $1.95 a Yard
Small, attractive figured designs.
Chin Chin Satin Cantons, $2.95 a Yard
Rich lustrous crepes of the most desirable quality.
Warm Mixed Coatings, $1.98 a Yard
The yardage is not great, but the values are very
exceptional. Several fine styles for children’s coats.
54-inch Heavy Poiret Twill, $3.95 a Yard
The finest quality. Navy only.
54-inch Brown Tricotine, $3.50 a Yard
54-inch Chiffon Broadcloth, $3.45 a Yard
Tn dark brown and black.
54-inch Wool Velour, $2.95 a Yard
A large range of colors.
54-inch Novelty Wool Skirtings, $1.98 a Yard
54-inch Imported Chinchilla, $3.95 a Yard
Coatings from Priestly. As fine as one could wish.
42-inch All Wool Repp, $1.65 a Yard
A soft, lightweight, ribbed material for dresses.
54-inch Wool Oxford, $2.50 a Yard
Sheets, Sheeting, Tubing
Greatly Underpriced
The genuine Pequot and Dwight brands of fine sheet
ing and tubing are much reduced in price tomorrow.
9-4 bleached sheeting for 69c a yard.
8-4 bleached sheeting for 64c a yard.
7-4 bleached sheeting for 59c a yard.
40-inch tubing for - - 45c a yard.
42-inch tubing for - - 47c a yard.
15-inch tubing for - - 49c a yard.
Utica Bleached Sheets
The 81 by 99-inch size for $1.89.
The 81 by 90-inch size for $1.85.
The 72 by 99-inch size for $1.85
Second Floor
A Special Clearance of
Our entire stock of new shirts in Emery, Eagle and
Arrow makes. Manhattans are not included.
Neckband styles with soft or starched cuffs. Shirts '
with collars to match and collar attached shirts in
white and colors. Full dress and tuxedo shirts are
also to go at these savings.
The New Very Low Prices are
$1.55, $1.75, $2.25, $2.75, $3.45,
$4.25, $4.95, $5.85, $6.85, $8.35.
To the Left A« You Enter
The January Linen Sale
More Than Upholds
Its Enviable Reputation
Beautiful snow white linens from the
best makers in Ireland and Scotland,
purchased most advantageously and
imported direct to Omaha, where
they have been stored in the bonded
warehouse in preparedness for this
annual sale.
These linens were purchased and paid
for before the new tariff took effect,
and this alone accounts for a splendid
saving over the present decidedly
higher prices.
Definite, substantial savings appre
ciated from year to year by an ever
increasing number of patrons through
out the entire middle west.
The enviable reputation of the Thomp
son, Belden January Linen Sale will be
enhanced by the exceptionally fine
values offered this year.
Replenish Your Depleted Linen Stocks at This Sale
Linen Damask
Table Cloths
With Napkins to Match
Exceptional Values
The woman who delights in fine linens
will find in this sale ample opportunity
to seiect from the best grades at very
great savings.
2 by 2-yard cloths reduced to $5.00
2 by 214-yard cloths reduced to $6.38
2 by 3-yard cloths reduced to $7.50
(These are in circular patterns.)
22 by 22-inch napkins to match these
cloths are reduced to $5.00 a dozen.
Beautiful New Designs in
Snow White Satin
Irish Damask
2 by a yard cloths reduced to $7.38
2 by 214 cloths reduced to - 9.75
2 by 3 cloths reduced to - - 12.89
Irish Cloths and Matched Napkins
In fern, camel wreath, chrysanthemum,
rose and plain satin 1 ! designs.
2 by 2-yard cloths red to - $12.89
2 by 214-yard cloths ced to 15.89
2 by 3-yard cloths reduced to - 17.89
2 by 31o-yard cloths reduced to - 20.00
2 by 4-yard cloths reduced to - 22.50
Unusually Fine Qualities
2 by 2-yard cloths reduced to - $17.50
2 by 214-yard cloths reduced to - 20.00
2 by 3-yard cloths reduced to - 25.00
24 by 24-inch napkins, dozen, - 20.00
This Sale Includes
Plain Linens and
White Goods
Longcloths, nainsook, dimity,
flaxon, Luna lawn, checked lawn,
plain English voiles, batiste,
checked mull, phantom cloth. All
widths of round thread linen and
linen sheeting in 72, 81 and 90-inch
The January Sale Prices
Are Very Decidedly Less
Than the Regular Prices
Turkish Wash Cloths
1,000 doz. Turkish cloths - - - 5c
800 doz. Turkish cloths - - - 8V3c
100 doz. Turkish cloths - - 12V2c
100 doz. Turkish cloths - - - 15c
All Fancy Linens
25% Less Than
Regular Prices
A wonderfully fine selection of
lovely decorative linens is offered at
this substantial saving.
Madeira luncheon napkins, centers,
lunch cloths, scarfs and doilies.
Mosaic lunch cloths, napkins, scarfs
and table cloths.
Venetian Lace doilies in oval and
oblong shapes, scarfs and center
Real Italian Filet and outwork
doilies, centers, scarfs and lunch
Many Other Interesting Fancy
Linens Are Also Included
Huck and Turkish
Towels. Toweling
and Wash Cloths
For These Reductions
200 doz. huck towels - - - - 19c
300 doz. all white huck towels - 25c
100 doz. white huck towels - - 39c
All-Linen Glass Toweling
25 pieces, a most substantial quality of
glass toweling, yard ----- 45c
25 pieces of a better quality, yard, 50c
Turkish Towels Reduced
200 dozen white Turkish towels, size
17 by 32 inches ------19c
200 dozen white, size 17 by 37, 25c
100 dozen white, size 22 by 45, 42c
100 dozen white, size 21 by 46, 50c
100 doz. blue bordered, size 24x48, 59c
100 doz. very fine white, size 26x50, 79c
All-Linen Huck Towels
200 doz. hemmed linen huck,
reduced to -.- 39c
400 doz. of a finer grade will sell Tues
day for.50c
100 doz. very fine hemmed huck.
reduced to ------- 59c
50 doz. hemstitched linen huck towels
for.- $1.00
50 doz. hemstitched with damask
borders - - - - - - - $1.25
All-Linen Crash Toweling
50 pieces brown linen crash, reduced to,
yard.- 29c
50 pieces bleached linen crash will be
sold for, yard - ----- 29c
50 pieces of a superior quality bleached
linen crash, yard ----- 45c