The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, January 01, 1923, Page 12, Image 13

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    On the Screen Today
Kialto—"The Hottentot."
Stilt—"The Sin Flood."
l-.iiipres'i "Enter Madame."
Strand—"The Voting Rajah."
Moon —“The Man From Hell's
Hamilton—"The Baby."
A iotoria—“Forever.”
(■rand—"JI in ; rune's Gal
Impulsive, witty ami loving the
dramatic, I Asa Della Jtolii a of ‘•En
ter Madame," lak s clever means to
. recapture the erring husband who is
seeking a divorce in order to marry
a “home body" who will bo more of a
wife to him than lias she herself. I lie
brilliant and beautiful opera singer.
When she hears his plans to divorce
her she .hastens home from her Euro
pean concert tour and after waiting
for two months in vain for him “to
break down t lie door." she invites him
to a farewell dinner party and tells
him to hring "the other lady." Con
trasts sometimes work havoc, as does
this one. Clara Kimball Young in the
title role does well by her emotional
part. Her abilities, which are chiefly
along that line, fit her well for the
play. Her Italian servants are well
iast. and Eliott Dexter as the hus
band would no doubt he satisfactory
if Norman Trevor had not been in (lie
part when the play was on the
legitimate stage. There are many
more subtitles than usual in a motion
picture drama, a wise move, too, as
the dialogue made the play the suc
cess it was. The picture will be at
the Empress till Thursday.
"The Young Rajah.” now at the
Strand, Is something of a disappoint
ment. And not to the audience alone.
Tho handsome ystar, Rodolph Valen
tino. in describing his sensations
when he saw the picture, has said in
an open letter to the public, “Felt
In justice it must ho said that Ro
dnlph is having a trifling bicker with
Ills producers, and might like to queer
11m picture, hut there is truth in his
remark that it was "a program fea
ture whoso contents were cut and
compressed like a box of sardines."
“Amos Judd,” the original book,
wus a good narrative and had a dra- ;
matlc and artistic ending, lmt the pic- j
turn has a mere bowing acquaintance
with the book. The press book claims
of it that it lias pictorial value, and
that much is true in tlie scenes por
traying tho maharajah's palace and
some of Judd's visions of Indian gods.
And Rodolph In the robes of an In
dian prince is not sio-h a nightmare
himself. But the thing fizzles. To
stick to the Fourth of July metaphor,
there is nothing but gravel in the
"Pictorial value" can also be
claimed wjth justice for "The Man
from Hell's Hiver,” showing at the
Moon, for It depicts the great waste
spaces of the far north, but was ac
tually taken in winterbound Yoseniite
Valley, one of the most beautiful of
the national parks. Kva Novak and j
Irving Cummings play the lovely Ma- |
ha 11a and her mounted police lover.
who mushes in from the wilds to
discover his sweetheart the bride of
another. He docs not know that she
has married to save her father from
arrest. His spirit is Broken, hut
eager to ascertain the cause of her
strange sacrifice he visits the priest
of the mission. And he learns that
the girl's husband is a fugitive from
justice. It is then that the story re
solves itself into a man hunt.
Rin Tin, the dogwolf actor, comes
in strong at the finish. But the
mounted police have been exploited
to the nth degree long ago, and there
is nothing startlingly new in this
"I'm either going to make you look
tip at me anti say ‘Good boy, Sam,'
or look down and say ‘Don't he look
natural?' ’’
And gritting his teeth in terror and
high resolves, Douglas McLean, at
the Rialto, goes off to ride "The Hot
tentot," the beautiful but dangerous
racehorse, in a steeplechase.
The lines of the play which won
such laughter from large audiences
throughout the country have been re
tallied In subtitles. The absurd situ
ations in which a horse fearing
yachtsman finds himself when ho be
comes the accidental hero of a run
away and Is mistaken for a famous
steeplechase rider of the same name
have been utilized to make a lively
farce. It is Madge Bellamy who, as
the beautiful and sporting heroine in
a fashionable hunting community, in
spires McLean to do the impossible.
And boy liowdy! Personal experi
ences with Hnglisli saddles make us
just a bit sceptical about any one
who doesn't know liow to ride win
ning a steeplechase.
Some photoplays are good enter
tainment; others give one the feeling
that one Is witnessing life Itself on
the screen. "The Sin Flood,-’ now
being shown at the Sun is the latter
type. The beholder is carried along
with the fortunes of the characters
in a vivid wuy.
The story of “The Sin Flood” de
picts the changes in the characters
of ten men and one woman who are
trapped In a fashionable cafe by a
flood in a Mississippi river town.
How their characters change under
the stress of facing almost certain
death makes one of the most unusual
pictures ever produced.
Helene Chadwick is the only
woman in a cast, which includes
Janies Kirkwood and Richard Dix.
The title of “Pawned” at the
World conus from a series of melo- I
dramatic pledges, either willingly or j
unwillingly, made hy the principal
characters. One pawns his life to the
service of an international gambler.
.Another pawns his soul to drugs, an
other to drink, and the heroine
Cover with wet baking sod*—
afterward apply gently—
V a ro Rub
Ovet 17 Million Jan Used Yearly
Have the Metropolitan Van and Storage Co. Move You
Closing Out Sale
Cash or Terms
• *
Your Opportunity to Buy
Furniture, Rugs, Draperies, Stoves
and Refrigerators at
As we have to vacate the building we now occupy at
the expiration of our lease, we have decided to close
out our retail stoc ks as quickly as possible and have
gone through and marked everything in plain figures
showing the big discounts we are giving.
Liberal credit terms will be given on any purchases
made, if so desired.
*j Goods held for future delivery without extra charge.
NOTE—Shop early in the day as possible, as oftimes the last week
we were unable to wait upon all as quickly as we would like during
the afternoon rush.
FREE—Wednesday, January 31»t, we will give a handsome
three-piece Walnut Bedroom Suite away free, and 45 other use
ful household articles. Come in and regifter, as you will not be
required to make a purchase by to doing.
Be Protected
When you are tired your resistance
to cold germs is weakened. At such
time* take Weeks' Bieak-up-a-Cold
Tablets. They are laxative and con
tain medicines that strengthen your
cold resistance, helping you drive
the cold out of your system.
Keep Weeks'Tablets on hand to pro
tect yourself from colds.
25 DOSES - 25 CTS.
The first and original Cold and Grif
Tablet, the merit of which is recog
nized by all civilized nations.
Be sure you get
The genuine bean this signature
Price 30c.
pledges her hand in marriage to save
the life the man site loves.
Just to keep the old punch in It.
llie setting changes from South Set
isles and mysterious orientals to a
luxurious gambling casino in New
York and then to the slums, and the
lug thrill comes when the hero and
the villain go over the edge of a
ferry boat in an automobile. But
never fear.’ the hero gets theie in
time. Tom Moore and Edith Roberts
are the stars.
Noted Musicians* Records
Just Released l*v Victor
Snell names as Karrar, Paderewski,
Call! Curd and McCormic k appear in
the list of new Victor records which
is released today. There is a quaint
record by Kreisler, of his own com
posing, “Jeritza and DeLuca.” Hei
fetz plays a Spanish dance. Modern
dance music includes “A Kiss in the
Dark,” “Orange Blossoms” and
"Yankee Princess.” “Lovin’ Sam" is
a record by Isabelle Patricola.
Asphalt was used to waterproof
mummy cloths by the Egyptians 3,000
years ago.
U (Jem mount (pidat
A story that sweeps you
from New York ballrooms
through college and to the
mysteries and ardor of
the Orient.
Harold Lloyd
Dr. Jack
wow rL/uiNG
Douglas McLean
Madge Bellamy
“The Hottentot”
Will Rogers
in “The Ropin’ Fool”
TONIGHT at 8:15
In “Change Your Act or Back to the
Bobby “tjke’ Henahaw—Foley & Leture
Novelty Clintons — Lawton
Topic* of the Day — Aesop's Fable*
Puthe News
~ missTgrette ARDINE” l
15c to 50c 15c to $1.00 ’
Matinee and Evening Showings at
These Theaters Today.
HAMILTON - • 40th and Hamilton
In "THE »5 BABY"
VICTORIA .... 24th ar.d Fort
GRAND .... 16ih and Binney
Woman's Clul* to Presorte
Historic North Platte Cabin
North Platte, Neb., Dee.. 31.—(Spe
cial.)—Through the efforts of the i
North Platte Woman's etub. which
has a membership excelling 250. one
I 6f the first buildings erected in North
1 latte will he preserved. This struc
| lure, of cedar logs, used as a dwelling I
! tor more than 50 years and tiH. well j
preserved, "ill be purchased by the
club, moved to a new site near the
I business section, refurnished and used
as a home for the club as a museum
jfor pioneer relies which the local chap
ter of the Daughters of the American
Revolution are collecting.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears -
| Vaudeville—Photoplay*
flirt tlffi
of Superior Vaudeville
Headed by
' and His Company in a
Musical Farce
You’ll thrill at the realistic
dramatic moments in
With Edith Robert* and
Tom Moore
2:00, 4:20, 6:45, 9:10
Tomorrow and Balance of Week
13:20, 6:45, 9:10
Phono AT lantiQ 2311
for Mezzanine Circle Reservations
Society Lectures”
By Mrs. Harriet Tuttle
National Lecturer of the American
Theosophical Society
At Paxton Hotel, Convention Hall, 14th
and Farnam Sts. |
Tuesday, Jan. 2d, 8:1ft P. M., "A Prae- |
tical Study in the New Psychology."
Wednesday, Jon 3d, .8:15 P. M., "The
Religion of the Future."
Thursday, Jan. 4th, 8:15 P. M., "Death
arfd After Death.’’
Friday, Jan. ftth, 8:15 P. M., "Reincar
nation as Taught in the Bible.’’
Admission Free.
Public Cordially Invited.
two rnr^Tn vast
MORE * » A ^ VJ| TUES.
H ig iLIL'JT
fi |^ m
New Show Wed.
Nl" l0l,a»
fflUyv>M!r Pre-War Prlcei
Lews Talbot's Super Production
Wine, Woman & Song ssx"
BERT BERTRAND and Cast of 50
Every Line a Laugh; Every Girl a Beauty
Oulu Holiday Mat. Today at 3:00 44
Jan. 2
9 o’clock
Sales of White
Case after ease of Cottons, direct mill shipments
received months ago, prior to the many recent
sharp price advances, on sale now at
Savings Ranging FromlO% to 30%
Sheets—100 dozen, bleached,. -
standard, sanraless, 81x90 size.
Perfect in every way, soft fin
ish, no filling. Limit t> to a
customer. White (P"| OQ
Sale Price, each .. «PA»^iI/
Sheets—Bleached, 100 dozen,
standard, seamless, 72x90 size,
of Strongheart quality. Lirtit
0 to each customer. fi»'| I Q
White Sale Price .. *PA#A«/
Mlioots—73 dozen, unbleached,
72x90 size, standard, seamless.
Hercules grade. (PI fiC
White Sale Price ..
Sheets—50 dozen, bleached,
standard, seamless, Slx99 size,
soft finish, extra length. White
Sale Price, $1.49
each .
Mattresa Pads—54x76 size, quilted, $3.50
grade, best quality. "White Sale Price, each.. * **
eases—42 or 45-inch sizes, made
of extra quality sheeting. No
filling. Regular 47c and 50c
grade. White Sale Prices,
each ... .33* and 35* I
rases—45-inch size, Mohawk
quality (our brand Empire),
regular grade 45c. White Sale
Price, each .... .34* I
lied Spread*—While crochet,
80-90 size, fine quality in pleas
ing patterns. $3.00 value. White
Sale Price.*2.25
lied Spread*—White satin Mar
seilles designs, hemmed, 80x90
size. $5.75 grade. White Sale
Price, eac^ .... .*4.55 I
Bed Sets, Spread and Bolster—Satin finish, Marseilles designs,
scalloped and cut corners, extra sizes. <£*7 AK
$D.OO values. White Sale Trice. *** *
Bed Spreads— Colored gold,
blue, pink, hemmed, rich
colorings, all strictly wash
able. $4.73 grade. White
Sale Price, QPC
Bed Spreads—80x90 size,
Ripplettc, all white or blue
stripe. Regular $3.00 val
ue. White Sale fl'O CK
Price, each ..
Toweling—Of pure linen,
17 inches wide, full bleach
or natural linen color.
White Sale .. • • "I Qs»
Price, yard. AI/C
Toweling— For dish tow
els, white with blue border.
Limit 12 yards. White
Sale Price,
per yard .
Red Sols—Embroidered in colors of rose, blue, etc. Bolster and
spread, large size, cut corners. Regular ? 10.50 AA
grade. White Sale Price.
Toweling—Hea\ iest double
absorbent 20c grade. AN lute
Sale Price, 15C
per yard.
Towels—lluck towels, with
red borders, 16x32 Ap
size, each .
" ■ ■'
Table Cloths—2,000 cloths, hemstitched, square or circular, scal
loped, fine quality American damask. fif’1 AA
White Sale Price, each. tpi«W
Stamped Tea Cloths
36-inch tea cloths, stamped
on unbleached muslin, with
applique designs. Regular
65c values.
Clearance Sale ..
Art Drpartairnt
Bucilla Packages
All Bucilla Pack
age Goods and Fin
ished Models, Tues
day at
Art Deportment_
Specials in the Grocery
and Market
Canned Goods
Fancy Sugar Corn.
can . 9C
6 cans for . . • 50C
Monarch Pork and
Beans ... .9C
6 cans for.50C
Grimes’ Red Kidney
Beans . 9C
6 cans for .. . . 50C
No. 2 can Griffith Aspar
agus, can.22' iC
3 for .S1.00
Fancy Ankola Coffee,
2 lbs. for.75C
Our Famous Santos Cof
fee . 25C
4 lbs. for .95C
Diamond H. Coffee,
lh„ 35c; 3 lbs.. 95C
Fresh Fruit
Fancy Grape Fruit, each..50
Fancy Sunkist Oranges,
dozen . 250 I
Six Bunches Hot House
Radishes .... .250
Dried Fruits
Black Walnuts, per lb.50
Fancy Strained Holley,
ld-oz. jar . .., .200
Santa Clara Prunes, lb., 12'iO
Thompson Seedless Raisins,
lb. 1«0
Fancy Dried Cherries, lb., 250
10 lbs. Best Granulated
Sugar . ......... 750 I
Fancy Blue Rose Rice,
per lb.-.. .. .50
Best Oatmeal, lb.... .40
7 lbs. for .250
Ill spite of the fact that every line of cotton goods
is rapidly increasing in price, we quote the prices
below front 13% to 30'« under present retail
prices, due to our buyer’s forethought in placing
orders months ago, preparatory for this event.
Hide Bleached Sheetings—Full
standard quality, 2!* yards
wide, standard width for dou
ble bed sheets. Best quality.
Made to 3ell at 65c. /ICp
White Sale Price, yd...
Hide I'libleached Sheeting -
2’,i yds. wide, soft finish, desir
able quality for those who wish
to do their own bleaching. 55c
quality. White A "I «
Sale Price, yard .
Pillow TnbiiiK 12-inch size,
perfect quality, made for real
service. 45c quality.
White Sale Price, yd.
Pillow Tubimr—45-iiKh size,
linen finish, 50c quality. 00„
White Sale Price, yd.,
Pcppcrcll II. Ilrown Muslin
Yard vide. 20c quality. 1
White Sale Price, yd. AeJV
Our Own Sheetintr-1% yards wide. No better sh**1*"; ^"ld ,od'.,y
at 85c yard. We feature this new quality as the behest pad -
Cotton sheetlns at a moderate cost. OoC
White Sale Price, per yard .. .
-- -1
Bleached M u s 1 i n—High
grade 25c quality. Pure
finish, medium weight.
White Sale *|
Price, yard .... JL 2 '■'
Diamond Hill Cambric —
Finest finish. Superior
quality; for gowns, under
wear, etc. 29c grade. White
Sale Price, 1 Q/»
per yard.
Long cloth—In 10-yartl bolts, extra fine 25c grade. Buy
this in the "White Sale, C"| 7n
10 yards for .... I
Lingerie Crepes
Lingerie Crepe—The fine
quality for underwear,
gowns, clc. Cut from the
bolt, 30 inches wide. Buy
this in the White
Sale, per yard ... • L
Lingerie Crepe—In colons
for gowns, underwear, etc.
Plain colors. Printed styles,
all on this fine texture, 39c
grade. White Sale OPp
Price, yard.wJv
Fine Naincheck—'The new
uudcrmuslin fabric, very
sheer with bright, perma
nent, silky finish. Small
checks. 50c grade. White
Sale Price, QQJL/»
per yard.002^'
Wamsutta Nainsook — The
high-grade soft finish qual
ity for underwear, gowns,
etc :39c grade. White
Sale Price,
per yard. |
NShiclieck for Underwear—In colors of pink, blue, maize, helio,
etc. Bright, silky, Permanent finish. SR inches wide. OOUp
Dainty check material, 50c grade. White Sale Price, yd.,
India Linon—Fine, sheer, crisp
lawn fabric. Buy this excel
lent quality in the OOl.n
White Sale at, yard
White Buret I a Cloth—The
cloth adopted by many as a
uniform fabric for institutions.
36 inches wide, fine twill,
strong and durable. White
Sale Price, OPCp
per yard .
Linen Finish White Suiting
—3t> inches, best substitute
for round thread linen.
White Sale l’ricc,
per yard . OfJL
White Shaker Flannel
Yard wide, 30e grade.
White Sale Price,
per yard.
Fine Nainsook—Hayden’s special M. M. qual
ity. 10-yd. holts in the White Sale for.
Dress Ginghams—32 inches
wide, fast color checks,
plaids and plain shades.
35c grade. White Sale
Price, per 22^C
yard . "
Merit Percales — < ,'olors of
light or dark. Dress, apron
and shirting styles. White
Sale Price,
per yard .
—Buy Canned Goods By
the Dozen
, Vegetables'
3 lbs. Red Onions . . IOC
Large Soup Bunches,
each .’
Fancy Sweet Potatoes,
lb. ...:.4^
Cabbage, extra fancy,
per lb.
Old Carrots or Turnips,
4 lbs. for.IOC4
Cracker Dept.
Large Quaker or Armour
Oats, pkg.25c4
Large Post Toasties,
2 pkgs.25^
Kernels of Wheat Break
fast Food, pkg. . 20<‘
Market Sales
Native Steer Round
Steak, per lb.13*
Native Steer Sirloin
Steak, per lb. ...15*
Home Made Sausage,
Pure Rendered Lard,
lb. 124*
Lean Sugar Cured Bacon,
per lb.224*
Fancy Tub Creamery
Butter, per lb. . ■ 45* 2
Guaranteed Eggs,
dozen . 27*
Wilson Nut Margarine,