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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1923)
Omaha Bee “Want” Ads Contain Lists of Articles For Sale N -appeals of trained men seeking work—houses and apartments for rent—in fact, they con vey valuable, authentic information about scores of things. They are always at your com mand. And, if you want to insert an ad, call ATlantic 1000 and ask for a “Want” Ad taker. Remember, Omaha Bee “Want” Ads Bring Better Results at Lesser Cost. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS CAPITOL AVB., 26'JS—Three modern rooma, electricity, walking distance. Dodge St.. 2510—$3 wkly, elec , furnace. ROOM and kitchen, new home. KK. 4030. BOARD AND ROOM HOAHI> and room for four young tn«n or young ladies in all modern home, with home prlvilegeae HA. 6621. ROOM and board in private home, on carline for couple employed. YVA. G961. ~ HOUSES FOR RENT. ' HOUSE?. 4 rooms, 1613 N. 36th St.. 170. 4 rooms, 2211 N. 20th (flat) $25. 5 rooms, 7 Shelby* Court (924 S. 22d Ht.) $20. 5 rooms. 4 412 N. 30th St., $15. 6 rooma, 3616 Seward St., $25. PETERS TRUST COM PA NT, "YY’here Ortiaha Rents" At. 0544. 17th and Farnam Sta. SIX ROOMS and Bleeping porch; ><ak fin ished, a nice home; walking distance to town, near carllne. Located at Thirty-first and Farnam st reefs $75. Sunday and Monday call KK. 2834 D. K UUCK A CO 742 Omaha Natl. Hnk. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. 8-mom home, two baths, sleeping porch, garage, 414 S. 38th St, $100. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, "Where Omaha Rents" At 0544. 17th and Farnam Sts. 1 rli ELKPHt INK. ■•Telephone your "Want" Ad to Atlantic Attractive 6-room home, well ar ranged, good condition, nicely lo cated. 1806 N. 35th St., $60. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. "Where Omaha Renta" At. 0544. 17th and Farnam Sts. FO R RENT—1536 and 1537 North mh St. Seven-room houses with hath, modern except electric lights. $33 each. Call WA 2599. BEMIS PARK f>UPI,EX. 5 rooms, 3321 Cuming St., $55. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, "Whore Omaha Rents" At. C544. 17th and Farnam Sts. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT. t rooms, garage, 4107 Cass St. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, "Where Omaha Rents" At. 054 1. 17th stul Farnam Sts. 5 rooms and bath, strictly modern; chil dren allowed. Terms arranged to suit tenanL WE. 018 4 HOUSE for rent, tfc block south of High land school. Call MA. 1504, Mrs. J. C. Bow ley. * BRAND NEW 5-room bungalow, with or without lease. $65 per month. 5512 North 27th 3t_J A. 3336.__ FURNISHED HOUSES. DUNDl.!;-!•' artistic bungalow, teurtonahle Owner will board or share. Will nut ■ 2 33. MODERN. 1.1 .‘dium-sized furnished house, close in. Cement garage. Rent very reasonable. Ha. 1699. ^APARTMENTS AND FLATS. DESIRABLE APARTMENTS. 3 rooms. 8 Sweetwood, corner of Dewey Ave and Sweetwood Ave., (between 25th Ave. and 26th St.) |60-$50. 3 rooms, 19 Klngsborough, 2538 Dodge St., $65-$60. 4 rooms. 4 Joyce, 27th and Cali fornia Sts.. $75. 4 rooms and dining alcove, 20 Mt. Vernon, 524 S. 31st St., $85. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, "Where Omaha Rents" At. 0544. 17th and Farnam 01a. TURNER COURT. One apartment available in Omaha’s most exclusive ami conveniently arranged 3 room apartments, with fi-room accommo dations. Rent reduced. Janitor, IIA. 6896. G. M. HAUSER, Mgr. 3106 Dodge HA. 7140. APARTMENTS. NEW AND CONVENIENT. Living room, bedroom and kitchen for $60. THE HAWTHORNE. 2207 How ard St. THE LONGFELLOW. 2215 How ard Et. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, "Where Omaha Rents" At. 0544. 1 7th and Farnam Sts. Almost 1.000 Apts. Almost 100 furnished. All modern and fireproof. Let Drake's rental man find you an apartment. Call us. we will take you out DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. Tel. JA 2806. Cor. 17th and Howard Sts. KOUNTZB PARK DISTRICT. 6-room Duplex, 1809 Lothrop St., $50. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. “Where Omaha Renta” At. 0544. 17th and Farnam Sta. Theodore Terrace 3 and 4 room apt. with Murphy beds and screened porch. $60 and $75 winter. 31st Ave. and Jackson St. Mapls Court. 4 room and sun room. $50 winter. 1811 Maple St.. HA. 2582. AT. 1120. GLEN tBLO APARTMEN FI Fifty-first and Capitol Ave., 4-room apart meat; newly decorated; first floor; rent !• $75; aee Janitor. B. E. AUSTIN. AT. 078 5._1305 FIrat Nat. Bank Bidg. APARTMENTS AND FLATS—-133 to floo. W J PALMER CO. REAL ESTATE Management. AT. S980;_Keel!no Bldg, j FIVE rooms and bath. $52.50; 3 rooms I and bath. $33.50; best renting values in city. Beievdore Apta., 16th and 'Wool worth. JA. 2341 TWO-room apartment, reasonable, well j furnished, steam heat, electric lights, for housekeeping. 212 S. 26th Av. WEST Farnam district apartment, six |«, beautiful moms. modem HA. 7114 NO equal, all seasons of year, 3 or 4-room Apt. Palace block. 2S01* N. 23d MODERN 4-room apartment, walking dis tance. $56, WA, 3883. FOUR rooms,' steam heat,"close in. G. Stebblna. 1610 Chicago. _ 6-room new duplex, all up-to-date, rea sonable. J. Rosen. HA. 0318. ""furnished apartments CALL DRAKE'S. ONE-ROOM kitchenette apt. Claremont Hotel. 17th near Jackson. AT. 5944 FURNISHED, cheerful 2-room apt. In quire 3837 So. 23d St. VERY attractive 5-toom well furnished apt. to married couple. See Janitor, Elms Apta.. 35th and Dewy._ EXCEPTIONALLY nice place, excellent location. 2 rooms and bath. HA. 4330. 545 So. Slat St. HUNTER TNN— AT 6960 24ua''~Podg* BUSINESS PROPERTY—RENT LEASEHOLD and office furniture for sale at 423 Arthur building. Call Atlantic 6911 for particulars. * Z OARAGES FOR RENT SEPARATE garage*, with lock. |6 month ly. 148 North 34th Ft. HA. 4426. HA. 7124—Clannda Apta., 6 rooms and Mm ream, bome4ike place. Choice location. _GARAGES FOR RENT Oarage, steam heat, 311 S. 31 St., HA 7124 BONDS. STOCKS. MORTGAGES AUK you willing tii discount your second mortgage for * ash ' If ><’. *»*»« K. C. | Horacck A- Co., • M' First Nat’l Ilk. Bldg I II MITHEN pays most for LIBERTY BONDS. 9 21 City Nat. Bank Bldg. ~OANS ON REAL ESTATE Money to Loan—No Delay Five-year loans, semi-annual Interest, op tional payments, fund on hand. Loans from $£00 to SS.000 wanted. J. R. Day & Company £■05 Keellno Bldg AT. ti994. Omaha. £4 Pearl St._TeL_101. C°Uii_CJi Bluffs WE have cash on hand to loun on Omaha ! residences. E. II. LOUGEE. INC., Bldg STRAIGHT 6-year loans. 6t£ per cent AMOR GRANT CO. 201 S. 16th. Arthur Bldg AT. 8380 LOW RATE MONEY No delay tn cloning. W T. GRAHAM. 704 PETERS TR BLDG OMAHA IIOM ES—EAST NER FARMS* O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1010 Om Nat BU Bldg_JA 2715 $100 TO $10,000 loans made promptly F D WEAD n ltd I) B BOWMAN. 310 s Uth Bt "• id Bldg. AT 0151. f ... No delay—on western r arm LOdllS Neb farms, ranches. om. Nat Bk FIR ST mortga g< Omaha real estate Shopen * Co.. Real tors. ,I.\. 4223. 230 Keellne Bldg. MONEY to loan on farms and Omaha real estate. MYERS A RAIN BOLT CO., 424 Omaha Nat Itunk Bldg., JA. 0740. ON IMP PROPERTY NO DELAY GARVIN BROS 64~~Otnaha Nat. Bldg MONEY TO LOAN DO YOU NEED MONEY? 30—60—76—100—200—500 DOLLARS or any other amount at legal rates. No publicity, easy payments. Thirty years In budlnesa OMAHA <jOAW COMPANY. 600 Knrbach Blk. Tel JA 2295. Southwest Cor 16th and Douglas Sta. COX Co loans $6 and up on wages, cars and furniture; confidential; 25 yra estab "12 World-Herald Bldg JA 2298 MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY STORAGE A VAN CO. M O V T NO— P A C K1N O STC IRAQE—SHTPP!NO. Household Goods and Pianos. 1107-11 Howard St Jackaon 0288 ESTIMATE furn on packing, mov and storing Contracts taken by Job or hour. Globe Van A Storage Co JA. 4338. AT 0230. Grossman A Sons owners _ Moving—Packing—Storcge Gordon Fireproof Warehouse A Van Co. nth St Phone JA K I N8 OM Mi a V AN A 8 IOJtAGB. 16th Hnd Leavenworth Sts Packing, mov ing. storage, shipping JA 4163 BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. ICCQ8DION PLEATING*_ covered buttons, all styles; hemal itching, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button A Pleat ing Co. 308 Brown Ulock. Omaha. Neb. Telephone JA. 1936. Neb. Pleating 1806 Farnam, second floor. JA. 6679, < IIIRGPR \noi:s n ^ 1 1 201 Neville Blk. Dr. Schroder th at 721s. ■ f>ANTING ACAflKMlKS_ LEARN to dance for It at KEEP'S 1811 Farnam. Classes Mon., Wed. and r rl. nights. Dancing Tues.. Tliurs , Sat. and Sun rights. .Private lesaona by appoint ments. JA. 6470 ____i PBTECTrVES-__ RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway Ex. Bldg . JA 2056; night, KE 3812._ James-A ULAN 318 Neville Blk Evidence secured In all cases. AT. 1186. ___ Private Detective—L, W. LONQNECKER, 3136 Young St. Omaha. Tel. KE. 4798. DENTISTS._ DENTAL X-ray 50c each: S3 full set 619 Securities BVdg 16th and P>rnam. ~ DRESSMAKING. _ FURS, suits remodeled, rellned. HA. ' FURRIERS. repaired, remodeled. lowest price J Ho Goldstein Fur Co. 1520 Douglas kodak finishing.__ *" FILMS developed free. Tho Ensign Co.. 1 <*07 Howard St. MATTKE8SES._ OMAHA PIELOW CO—Feathers ren. ovated and made up in new featner proof ticking. 1907 Cuming JA. 14»T. PATE NT ATTO RNKVS._ J W MARTIN. Patent Attorney, 1712 Dodge, room 209 Also Washington. D C. I help inventors sell their patents. “ printing. _ Fill IY Printing Co., 212 S 12 St. J A. S058. Mist 1.1 I Vneofs \,NNPl NC EMENTB OARAGES built, any style and size, $100 up. Concrete work. Mtcklin Lumber and Wracking Co Tel. WE. 6555. PRESCRIPTIONS carefblly compounded at the f» Sherman £ McConnell Drug 8tor< AUTOMOBILES FOR SAT.Ej. NEW and used Fords, rash or terms C B PAULSON MOTOR CO.. Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers 20th and Ames Ave. __KB- 0146 USED carT that ran be used NEBRASKA OLDSMOBII.E CO.. Howard at 18tl._17*B USED CARS O N Bonney Motor Co., 2554 Farnam. ____ HOLLY, expert auto trimmer 813 S. 2«h AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. C A D I l! ], A C USED CAR DEPARTMENT A SAFE PLACE TO BUT Cadillac Type 59 Victoria—Four passenger, Coupe model. New paint. Brand new* sear covers— upholstery very good Good tires. This car has never been used on a tour—has put all its mileage on Omaha streets, has had finest kind of care. Y'ou couldn't tell it from a new car to look at it. and it will give as good service •is new. |2.DUO; 91,1(10 down, bal ance monthly payments One year to pay. Cadillac Type 59 Roadster—This car is just fine for u traveling man. a business man, or a per son who wants a two-passeuger car. The seat accommodates three comfortably, howover. We have repainted it. put It in ex cellent mechanical condition and guarantee it to the buyer. Tires fine. Looks like a new car and runs like now. 9920 down, bal ance payable monthly for one year. Cadillac Type 57 Touring — Thor oughly ro-enew-ed. Just re painted. Good tire#. Upholstery and top In tine condition. A car that will give years and years of satisfaction and pleasure to the purchaser. 9600 down, balance monthly over a period of one year. Cfutlllae Type 57—Five passenger. We have <!nne on this car every thing possible to do to a motor car to make it like new. New dark maroon paint, new tires, motor thoroughly ne-new-ed, new top, upholstery redressed. You would never believe that such a fine cftr could be purchased for $600 down and balance monthfy. Other makes at lowest prices we have ever offered'. Auburn 191$ Touring, used but 8,000 miles. Colo 8 Touring Elgin 1922 Touring. Hudson Huper-Six Touring Marmon Touring. Mitchell Limousine, good condi tion. fine for taxi. , Nash Touring. Stearns 4-cylinder Touring. Willya-Knight Sedan. Standard 8 Touring. A SAFE PLACE TO BUY J. H. HANSEN CADILLAC COMPANY, Farnam at 26th. HA. 0710. 6000ooooooooooocoo000666 o O O o o O Ford speedster with top and wind- O O shield; new tires on rear wheels; O O shock absorbers, $75. O O O O C. E. PAULSON MOTOR CO. O O O O 20th and Ames Ave. KE. 0146. O O O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOo o oo oooo HUPMOBILE coupe, 11*18 model, engine and rear end and working parts thorough ly overhauled; car being sold for the account of a former salesman, $550 cash; $600 terms. Phone L. S. Paulsen, KE. 0583. Stroud & Co._ ouououuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu o o o o 1922 Ford touring car: new body; O O one-man top; new side curtains; O O car looks like new; In excellent O O condition, $200. O O O O C. E. PAULSON MOTOR CO. O O O O 20th and Ames Ave. KE. 0146. O O O O O O O O O O OOOOO O OOOOOOOOOOOOOQ SOME bargains in used Fords; prompt delivery of new Fords. M'CAFFItEY MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford Service Station, 16th and Jackson Sts AT 7711. YOUR HEALTH depends partly on cur tains. We fix them to protect you PF KIEFER'S, 2526 Leavenworth._ USED Ford parts at half price. Parts for all standard make cars. Neb. Auto Parts. 1016 Harney St. _ Ford touring car. $35 cash. C. I*:. PAULSON MOTOR CO. 20th and Ames Ave._KE. 0146. MARMON sedan. In excellent condition Will be sold at a remarkably low price Call Mr Van Camp. HA 0710. " automobile tires. 33x4 NEW U. s. TIKES . ..$11.85 30x3 .$5.95 | 30x3 V* .$6.95 KA1MAN TIRE JOBBERS, 1722 CUMING ""wanted real estate~ List your home—Huy your home, BINDER & OTIS, Real Estate, Loans Rentals. JA. 2561. W. J. PALMER CO. FZrYT, yout home. List with us and prepay move. 412 Keeline Bldg AT. 8980. Real Estate 1868 to 1923 Father Time has clipped off 55 ‘ > t ars since we first established a real estate business. To our loyal friends, clients and others who have made this business as permanent as Father Time himself, we wish a Happy New Year. Creigh Sons & Co. REALTORS 609 Peters T-uit Buildinf 1923 greetings to the friends we know, and to the friends who know us. W. Farnam Smith & Co. . REALTORS 1320 Farnam St. Ja. 0564 WANTED REAL ESTATE^_ LIST YOUR PROPERTY' | We have c lients for 6 or 7 room homes 1 !n good location. J L. HIATT CO. First Nat. Bk. Bldg. AT >900 Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate* Rentals, Insurance 1602 City Nat. Bank. _AT. 9668. i ' PI 1 Pfifi* SealtjM E it wIth kFlXUEilllVr us for quick results. Ml 8 First Nat l Bank Bldg. JA. 1966. GOOD LISTINGS—POME TO US. WE SELL THEM. _HOME REALTY CO. AT. 1111. LIST your homes for sale with us We lave the customers. PAYNE INVEST MENT CO.. Realtor TO sell quick or buy right, see the Guar antee Realty Co., 310 Arthur Bldg. Tel j JA. 3336. _ _ _1 C. T. Spier & Co., Realtors - Trust Bldg. JA 4 PIPk ITTT • REAL ESTATE. I >11x1x1.. I 1 Sells. Rents, insures. 350 Peters Trust Bldg. JA 0633. “Tukey Sold It” A. P TUKEY & SON. Realtors. JA.4223 I GARVIN BROS., 645 Omaha Nat. Bldg. ON _niP._PROPERTY. NO_DELAY._ Willard C. Slabaugh, Realtor. JA. 2953 §TT. ROSTWICK, real estate. AT. 1506. WORLD Realty Co., Realtors. AT. 3492. Western Real Batata Co. JA. 3607 : TO HELL see Glover k More 11. AT7T623T MISSOURI LANDS HAVE highly Improved grass and corn land, in north Missouri, to exchange for 1 ranch land. Address Box 4S2. Chlllicothe, Mo. _NEVADA LANDS I HAVE a cattle ranch in Nevada with 600 head of Hereford and Durham cattle, 60 horses and mules, all equipment and Improvements, good water rights, good summer and winter range; price $5£ per acre; 1,600 acres with all stock. Improve ments and equipment; have smaller ranches and farms. In Nevada, Utah und Idaho. Write D. McElroy, 800 Atlas Building, isalt Lake City, Utah. (No ex change. ) SOUTH DAKOTA LANDS. FOR SALE or trade, 160 acres Brown j Co. (H D.) land. 60 cultivated, all till able. Level, heavy black soil. Can use | bus, hears*’ or large sedan. F. M. Ken InII. Ellendale. N. D. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS ALFRED THOMAS A Son Co, Realtors SALE OR EXCHANGE. INCOME property to trade for farms and ranches Write for illustrated list. Kelley Really Co. 207 Bonfils Bldg., Kansas City Mo. EQUITY in 2 lots to trade for car or piano or what have you. AT. 3873. VACANT PROPERTY WILL build tc your order on our beautl ful lots In Edgewood: very easy terms AT lantlc 1541 Can’t Lose Investment 66 ft. on N. side of Cuming. 66 ft. east of 24th. Strategic. Present rental value $1,940 yearly and grow ing. $21,000. Harrison & Morton 916 Omaha Nat’l. JA. 0314. Sure to go to $600 a ft. VACANT PROPERTY DUNDEE lot. 60x125. on 54th M. i;*sr Par. nam; choice lot; owner will consider reas onatde offer C. A Orlmmel JA. 1616. DUNDEE PROPERTY Dundee Homes and Lots OBOROB A CO BAETORS > t DUNDEE comer lot 1 6xi76. paving pa I sightly location. Owner needs cash and will sacrifice. Pike A: Price. JA. 24111. ~ RALSTON PROPERTY. HOMES for workingmen. Pour rooms, j partly modern, full lot. easy terms. $1,200 j Have others. Stewart. Ralston 10-W MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY “We Build to Please” Temple McKay den Co.. 1505 Parnam 8t 1 HASTINGS * HBYOBN. Realtors. j WEST SIDE PROPERTY. New Colonial Bungalow ; Price $6,500—$1,500 Cash i Cathedral District Just, completing a very good look- | ing and conveniently arrang'd ; Bungalow, consisting of largo liv- > ing room, dining room, kitchen, refrigerator room, breakfaat room, two bedrooms anu bath. Enamel finish with oak floors throughout. Til© floor in bath room with built in tub leiien closet, large clothes closet, stairway to attic, full ce ment basement with guaranteed i furnace, floor draiu, laundry con nections, etc. House equipped with fine quality electric fixtures, screens, walks, yard graded and seeded. Paved street, in fact a 1923 model in every respect. Buy now and incorporate your In- i dlvldul Ideas. The Byron Reed Company JA. 2911. 1«12 Farnam St. WEST SIDE PROPERTY. 904 N. 49TH AVK. 6 ronma. modern, finished In oak Large living room, dining room and kitchen first floor; two nice bedrooms with plenty of closet r°*>tu and bath second floor, full basement. Large lot, east front; close to rui Lot me show you today. $'■•' 1 cash to handle. Mr. Lead, Walnut $150, Atlantic 7 412. New Homes—Your terms. AT. 4956 Grove-Hibbard Co. ‘^“bm, CENTRAL PROPERTY CAN'T carry |oad( must sacrifice centrnl property, $12,900 required. JA. 2048. NORTH SIDE PROPERTY • : new dwelling Hast construction materials and service Wa. 5704 or At. 8048 537 Keellne Bldg New ti-ro m Colonial, all modern. A bargain, located 6944 Florence Blvd Norris St Norris. JA. 4270 373 7 DBCATUR—6-Urn., Mod. Lx. heat 3 lots, $500 cash, balance monthly Crelgh G08 I3ee Tel .TA 0200. n R BUCK A CO buy and sell homes SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY. _ 6-ROOM, fully modern garage. $4,150. Near 23d and Bancroft, want offer tall Beat. AT 6136. HA 8714 Can’t Lose Investment 66 ft. on 18th near Cuming. 3 houses and garage. Will pay 10% and more. Business breaking in all around it. Price $6,600. Rental value over $1,000 a year. Harrison & Morton 916 Omaha Nat'l. JA. 0814. Sacrificed to close an estate. You Can Borrow $1,000 to $7,500 On Improved Omaha Residence Properties From Two to Five Years 512 to 6% Under New Plan of The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States Assets December 31, 1921 ... $655,301,018.34 We make the loans ourselves—no delays. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Mortgage Loan Correspondent 1320 FARNAM ST. JACKSON 0564 $6,138,592 Worth of New Homes— This is a Great Tribute to Omaha We have urged, and shall continue to urge, that Omaha Homes, and Omaha Investment Real Estate, are the best kind of prop erty on earth to own. There have been built in Omaha this year 1,593 new Homes, costing a total of $6,138,592. The fact that Omaha is a highly desirable place in which to own a Home, is the chief reason why 1,593 families have put over six million dollars in new Omaha Homes this year. The very fact th;,t Omaha citizens will spend $6,138,592 for new homes in 1922, is the best possible proof that Omaha invest ment Real Estate is a GOOD INVESTMENT. Omaha Real Estate is increasing in value, and will continue to increase in value. Signed by the Omaha Realtors. Adair, Helgren 4b Allwine Armstrong, C. D. American Security Co. Uedford-.lolmston Co. Ilcnaon A Carmichael Binder, F. II., Co. Brandt, John II. Heavers, C. C. Benner, E. II. Co. Ilenaon 4b Garrett Bennon 4b Myers Blrkett 4b Co. Back, D. E.» A Co. 4 lark. It. l>., Co. frclgh Sons A Co. Carlberg, C. fi. Clary, H. F* Co. Chrlatlc, II. !»!., Co. .1. It. Dny 4b Co. Dodge, X. P., A Co. Equitable Trust Co. Flke, J. A. Fowler. Burt C., Co. First Trust Co. Flack, lohn F. Gallagher A Nelson Gatea, W. H. t.lover A Spain Grlmmel. C. A. Garvin Brothers George A Co* Graham. Wilson T. (■rant, Amos GrucnlK llrnlly Co. Harrison A Morton lleyn, Frederic L. Hansen Investment Co. IIhmIIii?* A Hoyden Hiatt Co. Jones, Georite F., Co. Kopiets, .1. II. Ivuliiis, Paul W. I.oomis, Howard G. Mnnvllle, II. S. Mattson A Soinlls Merrill, Orln !S„ Co. MoCarvIlle, John H. HeKItrlek Heal Estate Co. McFayden, Temple, Co, Martin, C. W., A Co. Martin. Mark Mutvlhlll, J. J. Merague Investment Co. Nebraska-\V vomiiiK Inv. Co. \ r^-th vv all-Johnson Norris A Norris O’Keefe Rcnl Estate Co. O'Neil's II. E. Aaeney I'njnp Invesdmeiit to. Payne A Cnrnnby Peter* Trust Co. Hedick. E. S., ( o. Hasp Urothers Kedick. O. C. Heed, llurry D. Heed, The Byron Co. Koliinson, .1. II. Bobbins, John W. Saunders, Charles I,. S lie I (on, W. F. Co, Sehroeder Investment Co. Sliopcn A. Co. Selby, \V. I.., A Sons slnhutitfh, \V. C. Slater Co. Soniheru. Nathan S holes, II. V., Co. sliuler A Cary Smith, \V. Ffirnum. A Co. South Side Land Co. Spier, Cm T., A Co stubt, C. B., Co. Sweet, Ernest Tehbens. I*. J., Co* Tesar A Tesar I lioninn, Clay Thomas, Alfred, A Son Tokey, A. P., A Son Wnlsfi-Elmer Co. M ead, F. D. Wilson A Warren Williams, Edw. F., CO* Wolf, H. A., Co. Wyman. Henry F. World Hculty Co. Members of the OMAHA HEAL ESTATE BOARD _SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY. I Six-Room Semi-Bungalow *8.*00. 81.000 cash. Strictly modern, largo living room, gar* ! hrc. txtrH large lot, one block to car Splendid value. Call Osborne Realty Co., 830 Patels Trust Ulcis. ' JA- 3282 1 _SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY. Brand Mow Bungalows Si,6(to. eash. Five-room, oak finished, strictly mcdet r bungalow*: special built-in feature*, lately big light basement#; large lot' one Mock to car Hotter see at out** fall Jackson 22*2 or Harney 3668. New Year Greetings ________________________________________________________________________________ WE EXTEND THE SEASON'S GREETINGS TO OUR MANY FRIENDS AND PATRONS Alul we assure you that it is our in tention to maintain our present service and to add trt It whenever possible. IDEAL BUTTON A PLEATING CO. 308 Browrn Block JA 1936 The Season’s Greetings A. L. Berquist & Son "QUALITY PLUS" COAL An order placed with ua i* Quality Insurance 24th and L St*. MA 0062 We Wish, All Our Friends and Patron* a HAPPY NEW YEAR Remember, make your reservation* early for your New Year dinner. Spe cial *ervice. MANDARIN CAFE 1407 Douglas St. (2d FI.) JA 2840 Happy New Year O. E. Engler & Co. INVESTMENTS REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE New Location 915-16-17 City National Bank Bldf. Happy New Year Keep Dancing Academy 1814-16-18 Farnam St. JA 5470 Ballroom and Aesthetic Dancing for children and adults. Class or private lessons. Happy New Year to our friends and customers. Eddy Printing Co. EVERYTHING IN PRINTING 212 South 13th JA 5058*1 ' EPAIRC7H0P" 802 S. 13th St. JA 2576 May the New Year Be a Good Year to You. -— A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL KING FONG CAFE 315 S. 16th St. (Upatalra) AT 2707 ACCEPT OUR PERSONAL GREETINGS FOR A JOYFUL NEW YEAR MIDWEST BOTTLE SUPPLY COMPANY 1532 N. 19th St. WE 5025 Complete Line of Supplies for the Bottling Industry. HAPPY NEW YEAR to cur friends and customers. GUNDERSON COAL CO. 2612 L St. MA 0818 “Let “Old Ben" Franklin Co. Coal Keep You Warm on New Year’s Day. HAPPY NEW YEAR To My Many Friends and Customers TOBIN PHARMACY 2401 N. St. MA 0011 The Season’s Greetings to Everyone HULSE & RIEPEN Funeral Directors 2222 Cuming Street The Season’s Greetings To Our Many Friends and Cu*tom»»r* Midland Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. 200 Peter* Trust Bldg. JA 2865 MAY EACH OF THE THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIVE DAYS OF THE NEW YEAR BE A HAPPY ONE FOR YOU. FARNAM BILLIARD PARLORS 2553 Farnam St. © New Year Greetings to Our Friends and Customers Frontier Towel Supply 1819 California St. AT. 6921 | New Year Wishes To our friend# and patrons. "Say It With Flower#" Rogers, the Florist 319 South 16th Street JA ckaon 3400 LEO J. CROSBY Abstracts of Title Extend# New Year Greetings to all Friends and Patrons 537 Keeline Bid?. --a. DWORAK AUDIT CO. 13 Wtad Bldg. Wishes to extend the Season’s Best Greetings to all their friends and patrons. Heartiest New Year Wishes Brodegaard Bros. Co. Jewelers 16th end Douglas Ste. JA 2788 New Year Greetings to Our Customers and Friends. William Jacobberger Quality Grocers S901 North 30th St. KE. 0170 New Year Greetings to Friends and Students ANNIE E. GLASGOW Voice and Piano 503 Karbach Block JA ckson 1081 Omaha and Council Bluffs Ford Transfer and Storage Company Extends Their Greeting* 813-15-17 Douglas Street AT lantic 2556 HOTEL NEVILLE We wish today to extend New Year Greetings to our * many friends and patrons —may their cup of cheer be filled to overflowing with good will, health, happiness and prosperity. HOTEL NEVILLE 107 North 16th Street AT lantic 8164 New Year Greetings to Oar Patrons and Friends. Louis Cohn Co. Real Estate and Investments 4823 So. 24th Stmt Phon. MA. 0143 A Joyous New Year to All Crosby>Moore Funeral Home 24tH & Wirt Sts. W«. 0047