Cutouts for the Kiddies —Every Week— DIRK1 TIONN. To make "Anitri cs." (Ue paa*< ug* r bi plane, paste it on a ihni caidbourd that will bend without brook ing. or simply trace the passenger biplane on card board with carbon paper and a pencil This way you will preserve the model and from it you can make an number of passe nger bi planes. The top of a laundry box or any similar box. make « good cardboard. A stiff mag*< slue cover la very good, too Then color the propellers red. white and blue Use your school * rayons, colored chalks or wu t 'r color* After you have col ored the airplane >ou arc ready to cut. • CUT ALL SOI. ID I-INES. A sharp knife cuts caul board best NEXT. FOLD CAREFULLY ON DOT ED LINKS. Before you fold the card txiurd. It is well to crease the dotted lines lightly with the back of a but ton hook or hairpin This keeps the cardboard from breaking. Make all body fe!d> UNDER but make all folds in the v. iitRM and cabin UP. Cut out the passen K*r* heads and fold UP so they are visi. b!e through the windows of the cabin Make the cabin FIRST, then the boat l odr. Next make the motor housings If ou find them hard to construct (see dia ic'am at top» they may be cut off of plane without injury to it. but take care not to cut off the propeller supports, as liu-y are indispensable Next fold the vings UP and paste into position shown <■ diagram at top. Now attach the rud '1 “r- r,lt «nd paste propellers on any i iff writing paper, as cardboard is too 'nick. Put propellers on pins and insert • ns In hob'* indicated on propell.-r »up I bits. Next pa-s a knitted thread lw# t et long through the hole shown in top • cabin Then you will have a great I u-senger biplane which you can spin round your head with both propellers olvlng. Tt can be whirled in anv «tl« T‘*f,Uon and will maintain its balance. right Itt?. m U» lira \if p as* r>^ it °Ssf w«z 10^ P-I oP f z J o£n j”8c ||3' "{« 7? T o ? 3x z Jo 5 -H z ni* a pi" ■s ' iSjs^ u -^2c5_ »■ o ° S > z a ‘ n a c pij> j'z>JO - 5 vi 2 5 o o f O * „ o (/, 5 T, 0 ^ V" ^ rv »