The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 22, 1922, Page 8 and 9, Image 8

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    More Than $2,500
Raised to Buy
Shoes for Poor
Contributions Continue to
Pour in Even After
Omaiia Bee Fund
Is Closed. j
Though the Free Shoe fund was of
filially closed yesterday these con
tributions were received last night:
PrriioiiKly ai-know ledged *'2,409.47
For the Kiddie* Friend 5.00
Guarantee Laundry Co. 15.09
Billy Harr. Jr 5.00
I a*h 2.00
4. Vo** 1.00
No Name 5.00
l’, S. Grant 5.00
5. M. Fraud* 1.00
I. tilt** E. Itaker . 10.00
4. P. II 1.00
C. M. Ilelnzeliuan, Teuton. Ne4» 1.00
A. B. II. and II. K. II.. Nlekrr
»oii, Nel» 6.00
Mr*. \. Hitter. Talmuge, Net* 1.00
Ca*Ji. Randolph, NeU. 5.00
Mr*. P. M. OHtiome 1.00
Mr*. \Vadllim». . 5.00
B. X. 1.00
Mr*. II. C. Itoeacker 5.00
Primary llept. First « ongrega
tional diurdi, Norfolk, Neb 7.'If*
H I ridlund. < rafg. Neb 5.00
Sunny llldge School Hist. No. 0,
Thornton, Neb 2,00
Minnie K. \ilam*. TVolbadi. Neb 2.00
Mr*. K. I.eoimrd. Gibbon, Neb.. 1.00
Ftelyn and Melviu RiitmfUMien,
Genoa. Neb . .. 5.00
% T. A. O. t lub. .North Coup,
Nel». 5.00
Stanton Auction i a.. Stanton, la. 10.00
Mr*. .1. TV. Onmteud. 5.00
Willard G\ Slalmugh 5.50
l.etu*re Hdtwriik . 5.00
Omaiia Seymour t amp No. 16. 5.00
%. G. .1. 5.00
J. C. Murphy 5.00
William »len*en. Beii*on, Route I 5.00
< In^N No. I, Congregational Sun
day Nchool. Silyer ( reek, Nel* 1.00
M. M. II. 1.00
Fifth and Sixth Grude*, Hamp
ton (»h. I ehoola.. 5.25
Benjamin A. Baker. 5.00
Boy Scouts of Troop No. 47. 1.00
Total . $5,542.58
judge to Decide
Creamery Action
Creditors Trying to Force
Waterloo Co. Into Bank
ruptcy in Federal Court.
A group of creditors are endeavor
ing to throw the Waterloo Creamery
company into bankruptcy through an
action started in Council Bluffs by
Attorney P. A. Mulfinger and trans
ferred to the federal court in Omaha.
Tho trial started yesterday. The
Waterloo company asked for a jury,
but n short time after the empancll* g
of one started, withdrew the request,
and asked that Judge Woodrough j
hear the case.
Judge Woodrough dismissed the en
tire body of petit jurymen until the
day after Christmas. Tho jury, a
short time before, had presented
Judge Woodrough and United States
Marshal Cronin with largo bunches
of flowers.
Fatty Arbuckle Films
May Be Shown in Omaha
Mayor Dahlman probably will take
no steps to prohibit the screening of
“Patty" Arbuckle films here, accord
ing to his announcement yesterday to
“let the public decide.” As mayor, he
is head of the city welfare board.
“Everyone Is entitled to a fighting
chance to eo come back," said \\ al
lace Wilson, superintendent of the
welfare board.
That 1 he ban of Arbuekle's films j
hail In-ell released too early was the
opinion by Dr. Jennie Cnllfas, member
elect of tlie board of education. "I
believe in forgiving and helping where
the individual has tried to do better,
tmt I do not think Mr. Arbuckle has ,
had enough punishment."
Musicians Civc Program
at H an scorn Park School
Harry Silverman. director of the
Strand theater orchestra, and mem
bera from the Omaha Musicians’ as
sociation, delighted the children of
llanscom Park grade school with a
holiday musical program Tuesday.
\ •special program was given for
children In the kindergarten and
lower grades. The mast popular se
lection In the latter program was
"Bali's Opera in Popular Nursery
Hhymes.” by O. W. Bing It in
cluded "Jack and Gill," "Little Boy
Blue." "Ilumpty Dumpty” and a
number of other nursery rhymes.
Pair Draw Year in Jail
for Thefts From Box Cars
lid McKenna and Frank O’Neill <
pi, a,led guilty of stealing from boxcars
and were sentenced to a year and I
» day in jail by Federal Judge Wood- j
rough yesterday afternoon.
lid Onrruthers and Albert Wayne |
pleaded guilty lo stealing an automo- |
bile In Wyoming and bringing it to
Omaha, where they sold it, and were -
given six-month sentences in the
1'odge county jail.
Smelter Foreman Struck
bv Auto and His Arm Broken
R. J. Jones, foreman at the smelter
at Seventh and Douglas streets, who
resides at 2730 Avenue E, Council
Bluffs, suffered a fractige In the bone
of his left leg yesterday afternoon,
when he was knocked down by a
Ford coupe, driven by an unidentified
motorist who did not stop after the
accident, according to' the police re
port. Jones was taken to the Metho
dist hospital.
Christmas Marriage Plans
Wrecked by Federal Judge
"I evas goint^ to he married on
< luistmas day,” pleaded Joseph Grat
ia. 1120 North Sixteenth street, when
ai raigned before Federad Judge Wood
rough yesterday, for selling intoxicat
ing liquor.
"Then you'll have to be married In
jail,” retored the judge. "I sentence
you to SO days In jail and fine you
j?r, o.”
Kyesight Returning
Grankie Brennan, whose frantic
ahiiek, "I'm blind. I'm blind.” at cen
tral police headquarters Wednesday
led officers to report she had been
blinded by bootleg whisky, was re
ported slowly regaining her sight at
the county hospital yesterday. At
tending physicians say she may have
been temporary blinded by denatured
Gift Certificates
If you can’t think of a single thing to give, or if you want to give
something that should be fitted, we suggest a merchandise certificate,
redeemable in any department in the house at any time.
Evening Dinner--75c
Tea Room, 5:30 to 7:30
From December 16 to 23 we will serve Table d’ Hote dinner in
the tea room, with change of menu daily.
Tea Room—Seventh Floor
Last Minute Delivery
Although this year’s volume of business has been the great
est the Burgess-Nash Store has ever knowh, we will render the
usual satisfactory service. Even the very last purchase made
Saturday evening will be delivered the same night.
Christmas Flowers
Blooming plants, cut flowers, wreaths, greens, and artificial
decorations in a wide assortment that means satisfactory choice.
Carefully packed and delivered.
Flower Mi op—Mezzanine Floor
Most Important Sale of
Gloves for Christmas
Imported Chateau
Kid Gauntlets
Very special values in
black, brown, beaver, gray,
white and mode.
$3.75 and $5.50
The finest quality of imported French kid
gloves, all at special sale prices. Make this a
glove Christmas.
Kid Gloves
Fine French kid in black
and colors. Sale priced—
Pair, $1.39
Black Kid
Seldom indeed are elbow
length kid gloves priced at
Pair, $4.95
Attractive styles in very
desirable colors.
89c to ,$2.25
Burgess-Naah Glove Shop—Main Floor
Kid Gloves
Desirable length in
white, black, tan, beaver.
Pair, $3.95
Chateau French
Kid Gloves
Novelty styles in 2-clasp
gauntlet and long gloves.
$2.50 to $8.00
Cape Leather
Dark brown and tan.
Exceptional at—
Pair, $2.95
,1483 Pairs Slippers
A special purchase enables us to offer
these felt slippers at a srreatly reduced
price. Many colors and styles from which
to choose. Not all sizes in every style but
every size included from 2% to 8.
For Women and Misses
Reduced $1 00
to Pair * I
But gess-Nash Downstairs Store
Gifts of
For last-m inute
gifts, select hosiery. It
it always acceptable,
and need not be expen
sive. The following
items may help you in
your selection.
Full Fashioned
An excellent quality
thread silk hose. Those
are full fashioned, all
sizes i n black and
Pair, $1.75
Sheer Chiffon
A most acceptable
gift for any woman.
These are very clear
and will give satisfac
Pair, $2.50
Bvirgau-Naih Hosiery bnop——iviain rioor
Silk Umbrellas
*495 .nd $750
Perhaps you' have someone for whom
you have not been able to find just the
right gift. May we suggest a silk um
brella? We offer two styles at greatly
reduced prices.
Our stocks are complete with a wide as
sortment of colors and designs from which
to choose. 1
Priced $10 to $25
Burg aai-Naah Umbra 1U Shaft—Main FI oar
Candy: Nuts
Very Special
Our Candy Shop is prepared to
fill your Christmas needs. Here you
will find gift candies beautifully
Park and Tilford’a boxed randy specially
packed for Christinas.
Maillard’a delicious chocolates and bonbons
in boxes.
Prineatt Chocolatea packed in attractive
Cynthia Sweet* heavy coated chocolates in
1 or 2-pound boxes.
Gorham’s Candies in large assortments,
nicely boxed.
Gordon Ralnalter candies in bulk or by the
Marzipan Candies make favors and decora
tions that are different.
Bur(«SS-Nath Candy Shop—Mezzanine Floor
Downstairs Specials
Choice Mixed Nuts
Greatly Reduced—Pound, 21c
Columbia Mixed Candy
Pound, 19c
Brazil Nuts, medium size, lb.17c
Brazil Nuts, large size, lb.19c
Filberts, lb.19c
English Walnuts, large, lb. . •.29c
Drake Almonds, lb.21c
I. X L. Almonds, lb.33c
Pecans, long, lb. 29c
Ribbon Mixed Candy, lb.29c
Crystal Mixed Candy, lb.23c
Champion Mixed Candy, lb.23c
Old Time Mixed Candy, lb.23c
Peanut Brittle, lb.23c
Peerless Chocolates, lb.24c
Assorted Jelly Beans, lb.23c
American Creams, lb.24c
Trilby Cups, lb.29c
Fairy Pillows, lb.29c
Burzoza-Naah Downstair* Store
These make a gift that is appre
ciated by any man or young man.
Made of finest quality jersey, crepe
or broadcloth silks. All sizes.
Each, $5.95
Bur|Mi'N«ih Men’* Shop—Main Floor
Toy Specials
Gilbert toy books, each, 25c.
Wooden automobiles, each, 39c.
Mechanical toys priced up from
Drawing Master priced up from
Games priced up from 25c.
Miller rubber balls priced up
from 10c.
Dump carts, each, 69c.
Stencil arts priced up from 25c.
Doll chairs priced up from 50c.
Bell toys priced up from 25c.
Toy pianos priced up from $1.25.
Doll cradles, each, $1.50.
Dressers priced up from $1.50.
Drums priced up from 25c.
Toy typewriters priced up from
Tinker toys priced up from 50c.
Fire Engine*
Cedar Cheit*
Rocking Hone*,
Cooking Sets
Building Block*
Puzzle Outfit*
| Burgoss-Nash Toy town—Downstairs Store
Christmas Sale of
Sheffield and Sterling
Sheffield silver sugar
and cream seta...
Sheffield silver Vege- $J95
table dishes. **
Sheffield silver meat
platters, each.
Sheffield silver
bread trays..
Hammered silver bread
trays with
Sheffield silver
trivets .....
Sterling silver picture
Sterling silver lemon
3ets .
Individual salt and peppers,
pair .
Sterling silver marmalade
sets .
Dutch silver ash trays, $150
each . *
Dutch silver flower $1J40
baskets, up from . ***
Dutch silver salt and pepper $050
sets. “
Dutch silver bud vases,
st ..
Sterling Silver
Toilet Sets
for Women
Comb, brush and mirror hand
engraved and with engine turned
$35 to $42.50
For Small
An excellent assortment of
silver gifts that will be kept and
$1.00 to $27.50
Burfeae-Nash Silvar Shop—Main Floor
Sterling Silver
Toilet Sets
for Men
Military brushes and conibs in
hand-hammered and engraved
designs. Sale-priced
$21.50 to $42.50
■■■ 1 ■" I
Continuing Our Great Christmas
Sale of Rainbow
Silk Lingerie
At Less ThaiJ fee Cost of Silk
Camisoles—Envelope Chemise—Gowns
In Six Grgal Groups <
One Group Cotton Lingerie
Special—1,000 Pieces of^rjkm Lingerie Consisting of:
Gowns, Chemise, Bloomers, Vests anqf Step-ins —made of batiste,
crepe and satinette in white and colors—
Burr«»»-N»»K Ship 8>rw< Flair
Imported Perfumes
A Delightful Gift
Bourjois Vida Perfume. Priced
a bottle, $4.00.
Volnay Fleurs Vives Perfume,
priced, a bottle, $7.50.
Caron’s N’aimez que Moi Per
fume, priced, a bottle, $9.50.
Caron’s Narciss Noir Perfume,
bottle, $10.
Rigaud’s Un Air Embaume
Perfume, bottle, $3.50 and
Rigaud’s Un Air Embaume
Toilet Water, bottle, $7.50.
Guerlain Champs Elysees Per
fume, bottle $10.50.
Lile D’Amour Perfume, Galle
hand-painted vase, in satin
lined gift box, priced $25.
Atomizer, blue with gold dec
oration, netted bulb, $12.50
Bradley , Rose , Maid Toilet J
Water, , priced t at, bottle,!
$1.50. I
Bradley Trailing Arbutus Tol*l
let Water, bottle $1.00. |
Melba Fleurs, 4-piece sef^ '
priced at $5.00.
Djer Kiss, 3-piece set, pried!
at $2.75.
_L d
Tuskeloid Ivory \/ pRICE
Manicure oets /Z
Seven-piece manicure set,
black inlay, attractively
boxed, $9.50.
Six-piece manicure set, black
inlay, attractively boxed, $9.
Seven-piece manicure set, all)
white, attractively boxedf,
Ivory mirrors, Dubarry pattern
—specially priced at $2.29i
Burgesa*Nash Drug Department—Main Floor
One Is Always Sure that
Are the Right Gift
Women’s white and colored linen
handkerchiefs. Each, £t\J C
Women’s white or colored Swiss em- Qf
broidered handkerchiefs. J/OC
Women’s Swiss and lawn hand- QC -
kerchiefs, colored designs, 3 1/OC
Women’s linen handkerchiefs. Em
broidered corners. gn aa
Box of 3,
Women's embroidered linen d*o nn
handkerchiefs. Box of 8 w«*vU
Women’s initialed linen (h 1 aa
handkerchiefs. Each, V * «UU
Women’s embroidered linen OP
handkerchiefs. Each, "3C
Women’s linen footing trimmed PA
handkerchiefs. Each, OUC
Women's hand embroidered _
linen handkerchiefs. Each, wUC
Women’s lawn handkerchiefs. AP_
3ox of 8, We
Children's Handkerchiefs
Swiss lawn or silk QC _
handkerchiefs. 2 for
Embroidered handkerchiefs, white QC*
only. 4 for AOC
f ' For Men
Menfr Initialed linen hand- CA
kerchiefs. Each, OvC
Men’s fine qnality silk hand- OP.
kerchiefs. Each, ■OC
Men’s initialed handkercheifs. 7C
Box of 8 f iJC
Men’s real linen handkerchiefs, OP
fine quality. Each Aa/C
Men's cotton handkerchiefs PA _
necked 6 in e box. *JUC
Men’s fine linen handker- d* 1 OP
chiefs. Bor of 6 1 «OiJ
Oen’s plain white linen hand- OP.
kerchiefs. Each Aa>C
For Boys
Boy’s pure linen handker- d» * AA
chiefs. Box of 3, V * wU
Boy’s Swiss lawn or silk hand- AP
kerchiefs. 2 for 45 3 C
Boy’s colored border hand- pa
kerchiefs. Box of 3 3UC
Boy’s colored initialed hand
kerchiefs. Box of 3 v4w»vJU
Boy’s fine quality silk hand- OP
kerchiefs. Each 453C
Burffoea-Naah Handkerchief Shop—Main Floor
Christmas Sale of
Corduroy Robes
Of wide wale corduroy in coat or robe
effect, with either roll or Byron collar,
patch pockets, and turn-back cuff. Tailor
trimmed in vivid new colors. Sizes 34 to
Half Price
Our Entire Stock of Discontinued
Negligees Sacques
Robes Smocks
Boudoir Coats Chinese Robes
Mandarin Coats
You may choose from velvet, silk cordu
roy, Zennana, crepe de chine, satin, taf
feta, imported crepe, in exquisite boudoir
shades, or in serviceable, dark colors. All
are elaborately trimmed.
Qurgesft'Naah Lingerie Shop—Second Floor
Second Dtty Sale of
Art Needlework
For gift pieces, or fcr/roe’s own use, these
attractive pieces at bovrfat a Price reduction,
are a timely offering. T hey are exquisitely em
boidered on lineup silk art cloth, batiste,
95c to $25.00
Embroidered Bed SpreJl.
Embroidered Luncheon
Embroidered Cental,
Embroidered Scar?
Embroidered Pillows.
Embroidered Buffet S«L
Embroidered Vanity Set*.
Embroidered Card Table
Embroidered Towel*.
p04lffdered Pillow Slip*.
'Embroidered Children’*
Bur*., -Nu* j#c»nj Floor
Gift Jewelry
Pearl Necklaces
These are the finest copy of real pearls
known to manufacturers. The beautiful
luster of Richelieu Pearls and wonderful
wearing qualities make them the most de
sirable pearls for Christmas.
Various grades and sizes; each neck
lace beautifully boxed.
$75° t0 $7850
Baricii-Nuh Jmlry Shop—Main Floor
Gift Linens
Always Welcome
Madeira handkerchief and napkin
cases, hand scalloped, •7A
at .|5JC
Turkish towel sets, consisting of
towel and two wash $100
cloths . 1
'Madeira lunch sets, 12 $£50
doilies and centerpiece. .. . U
Boudoir pillows trimmed with filet
lace, $J50 to $J00
Bath towels with colored AA
stripes and borders.0%/C
Lace-trimmed pillow cases, $100
size 45x36 inches, pair.... I
Linen towels with hemstitched ends
and damask borders. $100
Each .V1
Linen Pullman cloth with $150
hemstitched ends. Each.. 1
Beautiful blanket sin attrac- $C50
tive colors and designs.... 0
Pillow cases, hemstitched and beau
tifully embroidered. $025
Pair . L
Burgess-Nash Linen Shop—Second Floor
Christmas Special
Hand Made
At $2®®
Jhere is no gift more appropriate
for Mothers, Sisters and Daughters
and there is none that they will
appreciate more.
Of sheer batiste, daintily made,
with every stitch taken by hand and
elaborately trimmed with hand
drawn work, tiny tucks and real
lace—a delight to any woman on
Christmas morning.
Sizes 34 to 46.
Blou»o Shop—Third Floor
For Individual Gifts
Our Gift Shop
Offers Most Satisfying Choice
Picture Frames
What would you rather re
ceive than a framed photo
graph? The gift of your
photo is equally desired,
and may be attractively
framed at small cost.
$1.00 to $3.50
Christmas Candles
One of the most beautiful
customs of Christmastide— i
a candle in the window on
Christmas Eve to light the
Christ Child on his way.
We have all manner of
candles, priced from—
5c to 60c
French Hand-Carved
8-Day Clocks
Beautiful pieces that we have
just added. Reasonably priced,
Each $18.50
For Men:
Smoking Stands
Of metal and wood finished in Ma
hogany, white enamel, brass and nickel.
Serviceable pieces of convenient height,
$2.65 to $7.50
Gift Table 1—50c to $1.00
Candlesticks, ash trays, picture frames, framed pic
tures, sewing baskets, fruit and flower bowls, smoking
trays, Timber Tot dolls, flower holders.
Gift Table 2
$2 to $3
Cologne bottles, three styles;
candle sticks, vases, cigarette boxes,
) ash trays, picture frames, humidors,
nut sets, boubachacs, Chinese trays,
vanity boxes, letter sealing sets,
door knockers, frogs for flower
bowls, smoking stands.
Gift Table 3
$3.50 to $5
Wall flower baskets, candlesticks,
serving trays, ginger jars, vanity
boxes, ash trays, humidors, alcohol
burners, boudoir lamps, mirror and
picture cords, smoking stands,
vases, bread boards, cheese boards,
lacquer boxes.
Burcm-Nuh Gift Shop—Fourth Floor
Entire Stock of
Imported Dolls
Our entire stock of imported dolls, con
sisting of full jointed, character babies,
Kidlyn, real kid, novelty and fancy dressed,
large assortment at regular price far be
low the market value today. Friday all
V3 off regular price.
Burfess-Nash Toytown—Downstairs Store
China Novelties
Very Special
Hand painted bon-bon dishes, trays, small dishes
and many other pieces that will make O E
attractive gifts. Each
Chocolate Sets
The pot and 6 cups
and saucers — deco
Set, $3.75
Cups and Saucers
Odd lots of cups and
saucers of thin china.
Set, 25c
Table and Boudoir Novelties
Powder boxes, hair receivers, trays, creamers
and sugars, and plates all are O j- to <l» |
beautifully decorated by hand. *50 «P 1 .UU
Burgaai-Naah China Shop—Fourth Floor
You May Choose With Assurance
Gifts in Leather Goods
Leather Vanity Boxes ^
Of black vachette and assorted leathers.
For Friday, sale priced—
$5.00, $6.50, $7.50 up to $25.00
Kiddie Vanity Boxes
Assorted colors.
Sale price, 29c to $1.75
Hand Bags—Sale Priced
Seal, cobra grain, beaver, calf and
hand-tooled leathers. Sale priced—
$3.95 to $5.95
Fitted Manicure Cases
Silk-lined leather case complete with 10
piecc set of Parfian ivory and fine steel.
Case, $5.95
Bill Folds and Cases
Letter cases, pass cases in seab pigskin,
calf and morocco leathers. Sale priced—
$1.00 to $10.00
Shopping : Utility Bags
Black patent leather of soft flexible
quality, unlined or with pretty flowered lin
ings and with smart double handles. Also
canton bag style in brown, blue, tan, red,
with shell handles.
$1.00 to $3.50
Other Gift Articles
Collar Cases Brief Cases Photograph Cases Liquor Flasks and Canes
Beaded Handbags Coin Purses Military Brush Sets Jewel Boxes
Novelty Fans Photograph Frames Boston Bags Music Rolls
Bur ■•••-Nash Leather Goods Shop—Main Fbor
Sporting Goods
That He
Boxing Gloves
All leather gloves stuffed with horse
hair. Sizes for men and boys. Priced at
$4.50 to $6.50
D. and M. brand in special school size,
and Official League size. Priced at—
$1.25 to $9.00
Golf Balls
“Silver King.”
Each, $1.00
“Spaulding” thir
ties, forties, fifties.
Each, 75c
Striking Bags
Made of soft
leather that will not
bruise tho knuckles.
Priced at only—
$4.50 to $6.50
Ice Skates for All
>v omen s non
clamp” shoe skates, I
$3.00 an*i $3.50
Men’s skates are
priced as low as,
Pail $1.00
Boys’ and girls’ ice skates, nickel-plated,
Pair $2.75
Burgess-Nash Sporting Goods Section—Fourth Floor
State Completes
Evidence in Mine
Massacre Trial
Events Which Led Up to Slay
ings Traced by Prosecution
—Defense Will Open
Marlon, 111., Deo. 21—(By A. P.l
After eight days spent In the Intro
duction of Ita evidence, the proaccu
tlon rested today at the trial of fl\e
tnen charged with murder In connec
tion with the slaying of 20 nonunion
miners during the Herrin rlota Inst
June. The defense will open Friday
In the testimony of its last few wit
nesses. tho state completed Ita rela
tion of the events from the tlmo three
mine guards were shot while driving
in a truck from Carliondale to the
Lester mine on the morning of June
21, to the attack on the mlno that
afternoon when three union miners
were killed, the surrender under a
white Hag the next morning of 48
nonunion men in the pit and the
slaying of 20 of the prisoner*.
All Hve defendants have been l>olut
ed out In court ns having been seen
with guns during the riots and aev
ernbof them have been named as hav
ing shot down some of the victims.
The cross-examination by the de
fense lias been brief and apparently
designed to bear out ita contention
that tho nonunion men in the niiix
and their employers had Incited the
riots for the purpose of having state
troops called out to'protect tho pits,
that the guards in the mine were
armed and that they disregarded
warnings that tho operation of the
mine would result In outbreaks.
A. W. Kerr, chief counsel for the
defense, said ho expected to prove
that the "guards or gunmen" were
tho aggressors In the riots and
brought on any attack that was made
upon them by their acts of provoca
tion and challenge.
Cencordians Hold
Christmas Party
Salvation Army Gels Packages
for Poor ami Daugherty
Limberger Cheese.
The annual Christmas party of the
Omaha Concord club was held In the
Hotel I-'ontenelle yesterday noon, the
Concordlans filling file room with
presents for the poor, much good
cheer and Christmas splrli.
Ed Daugherty, chairman of the
meeting*, occupied most of the time In
presenting several prizes as Christ
mas gifts. Judge Robert W. Patrick
received a cake of soap. He promised
to use it on Concordians who were ar
rested for speeding. William Mickel,
president of the club, received a deck
of marked playing cards and in re
turn presented Ed Daugherty with the
grand prize, a pound of limburgcr
Every member brought a package
to be given to the Salvation army for
distribution among the poor. The De
cember group of the club had a prize
for each member. No speeches were
| scheduled, but President Mickel man
aged to make a short speech before
; he was stopped.
li C. of C. and Aero Club Deny
Pulitzer Race Invitation
Neither the Chamber of Commerce
1 nor the Aero club issued the invita
tion offering Omaha as a site for the
next Pulitzer air race, according to
officials of those organizations. Dis
patches from Washington, where the
National Aeronautic association is
meeting, stated that Omaha was one
of seven cities bidding for the annual
air classic.
H. C. Clniborn, Aero club president,
"Wo did not Issue the invitation,
but of course we should stand behind
anyone who did, as we all would be
pleased to see it here .again."
Harley Conant, chairmun of the
aviation committee of the Chamber of
Commerce, disclaimed any part in the
“If such a bid was made I'm sorry
to hear it,” he declared. "It was not
made by the Chamber of Commerce.
If the rag* were held here it would
cost the city $25,000 and wouldn't
bring 600 persons to Omaha."
Man Who Reports Wife's
Rings Stolen Arrested
Three rings, r. wonian"s gold wed
ding x-ing. a woman's ring with a yel
low set and a silver ring with two
chip diamonds wero stolen from the
room of James H. Waller, Lfcxpiet
hotel, he reported to central police
The rings belonged to his wife, who
is visiting in Fremont, Nob., his re
port stated.
Yesterday morning Detectives
Franks and Aughe arrested Waller
in a pawnshop. They allege he was
attempting to pawn a woman’s gold
wedding ring and a woman's ring
with a yellow set. He denies they are
the rings that were stolen from his
Motherless Children
to Have Real Christniaa
Five children will gather around
the Christmas tree at the home of
•Miss Mary Freeman, 4202 Cass street,
all unmindful that thetr mother, Mrs.
B. Jenlcke, 2812 Leavenworth, has
been taken away from them.
Mrs. Jenlcke was killed when
struck by a taxicab driven by Frank
Williams, 820 South , Twenty-sixth
street, who was exonerated of any
criminal action by a coroner's Jury
yesterday because of Insufficient evi
Past President of Omaha
Woman’s Relief Corps Dies
Mrs. Mary Week*. 78, resident of
Omaha for &3 years and a pust presi
dent of the Woman's Relief corps,
died Wednesday night at her home,
2704 North Forty-eighth street. She
is survived by three sons nri(j fotll.
daughter*. Funeral services wdl im
In charge of the Atman's Relief
corp* and the Grand Winy of the Re
public at the Hoffmann chapel.