The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 22, 1922, Image 3

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    Store Open Friday and
Saturday Till 9 P.'M.
(Cafeteria Open Friday and
Saturday Till 8 P. M.
Just Two More Shopping Days
In the 1922 Christmas Season
With all of the extensive buying of the past few days The Brandeis Store is prepared
to take care of almost every need or desire in the way of attractive Christmas goods
Belated shoppers will find that although we have done a tremendous business,
our stocks are still in excellent shape for selection. For years we have followed the policy of clearing
our shelves of Christmas merchandise before Christmas; we adhere to that policy this year and as
a result you will find marked price reductions on hundreds and hundreds of lots of goods so that
now you can select many gifts at from 25 to 50 per cent below regular prices,
Visit This Big Store Friday ^Saturday
and take advantage of these wonderful buying opportunities
By way of illustration, we invite your attention to a few representative instances to be found here
Friday and Saturday, all showing how well we are able to serve you in selection, quality and prices.
In Our Toy Department
Qn the Fifth Floor we have grouped for con
venient buying all kinds of toys, marked for
quick selling at—
25<s 50c, 1.00, 1.50 and 2.00
In addition to these many hundreds of other
toys have been marked down.
Last minute shoppers w ill be grateful for the
vast resources of our big Toylaud where even
nt this late hour there is still a world of won
derful toys. Besides this hundreds of articles
throughout the department have been marked
down. There are all sorts of toys for outdoor
play, game of every description for indoor en
tertainment, clever novelties to cut out or sew
for busy little fingers, beautiful dollies, me
chanical toys that go, and heapB of those amus
ing trifles that give children so much fun.
Eighth Floor
In Our Candy Department
On the Main Floor the cleanest, ami most
wholesome candy is being offered in bulk and
packages. A special section has been created
for quick buying of Christmas candy. Boxes
of 1 lb. up to 5 lbs. are selling rapidly from
50c up to 3.75. These packages are welt
filled with luscious candy, and put up in an
attractive manner, so that this Christ mas gitt
will be doubly welcome. Prices hpc, wc be
lieve, very moderate. In addition, we have a
beautiful collection of baskets and fancy con
tainers filled with high-grade chocolates at
reasonable prices.
In Our China Department
On the Fifth Floor desirable gifts of fancy and
plainer china, croekeryware have been assem
bled for quick gift choosing. You will find
tables of 25<S 39<S 50c, 1.00. 1.50,
2.00 and up to 5.00 articles. Art pieces at
higher prices are also grouped for quick clear
ance at reduced prices.
Home Makers’ Section
In our Furniture Depart incut, on Seventh
Floor, Draperies on Sixth Floor and Rugs on
Sixth Floor, you will find many desirable arti
cles for Christmas gifts and all offered at very
reasonable prices.
In Men’s Furnishings
On the Main Floor you will find a large variety
of practical and attractive gifts for men, in
cluding Cotton and Silk Shirts, fine knitted
and silk Neckties, Hosiery of all kinds, import
ed and domestic, Sweaters, Bath Robes and
Gloves. All of these arc priced right, and in
many instances the prices are the result of
special purchases of goods contracted for at
prices which enable us to make unusual offer
ings. Here you will find the gifts for the men
of the family in the right style, right quality,
and last, but not least, the right prices.
In Women’s Shoes
On the Main Floor substantial reductions have
been made on holiday footwear, such as Satin
Boudoir Slippers, Leather Boudoir Slippers and
Felt Slippers for men, w omen and children. Se
lections arc still good and at such low prices
that they will undoubtedly clean out the stock
in short order.
In Handkerchiefs
On the Main Floor there has been tremendous
selling during the past week. Hut there re
mains a good selection of men’s, women's and
children’s handkerchiefs, all bought, at lowest
market prices, and some at very special con
cessions from manufacturers. They are priced
very moderately and will make excellent and
inexpensive Christmas gifts.
In Women’s Hosiery
On the Main Floor our stock is quite complete.
You can find serviceable, good looking hosiery
at any price you choose. Silk hosiery from
1.1*0 up, and in easy stages from 1.50 to
10.00. They are all fairly priced and below
the average market prices.
In Ribbons and Neckwear
On the Main Floor many novelties us well as
attractive neckwear for women. Beautiful
boudoir caps are included in the neckwear of
ferings which are the result of many special
purchases at low pricings. The attractiveness
of this merchandise recommends it for holiday
Jewelry and Leather Goods
In our Jewelry Dept, and in I lie sections com
prising fancy and plain leather goods, jewelry
and jewelry novelties, domestic and imported
stocks are still fairly complete. Many single
pieces have been marked for quick clearance,
especially where the lines are broken.
In our Import Section you will find Jewelry
Novelties and imported Hand Bags, Clocks,
Cigaret Cases and Holders, Novelty Necklaces,
etc., distinctly reduced. Reductions here range
all the way from 25% to 50%.
Here are a few instances of Jewelry reduc
tions ranging from 25% to
Imported Novelty Necklaces—Metal with plat
inum finish, set with novelty stones, 2.75 to
Novelty Bracelets—Were 2.50 to 10.50
Enameled Dorene Powder Boxes—Were from
2.75 to 10.00.
Enamel Clocks—Were from 12.50 to 40.00
Cigaret Cases—Were from 3.75 to 12.50
Cigaret Holders—Were from 50C 1° 5.00
We desire particularly to mention our leather
traveling rolls, which have been marked at less
than half price.
In the following instances reductions are from
25 per cent to one-third off.
Envelope Shape Hand'Bags—With ivory fin
ish trimming, sells 4.75 to 5.75
Leather Bags—Suede, assorted colors and
styles, sells 5.75 to 12.50
Fabric Bags—With steel bead designs in all
colors, sells 3.75 to 37.50
Drawstring Beaded Bags—Italian and French,
sells, 16.50 to 35.00
Small Leather Purses—Novelty shapes, sells
for 8.50 to 13.75
Party Boxes—With enamel fittings, sells
for 12.50 to 32.50
Flat Envelope Shape Bead Bag—75 in stock,
soils at 4.75
Metal Beaded Bags—All colors with silver
plated ami enamel frames, long envelope shape,
gun metal finish frames, from 22.50 to $50
Here, also you will find traveling roll-ups,
manicure sets, military brushes and many other
useful articles.
In Our Toilet Goods Section
On the Main Floor there is still a very good
selectoin of Perfumes in bulk as well as fancy
separate packages and fancy sets. You will
find ivory finished ware, manicure sets, in
cense and incense burners and a full line of
Thermos goods. Here you will find the prices
most attractive and the selections excellent.
In Our Art Department
On the Third Floor attractive gifts have been
repriced, regrouped for convenient choosing.
You will find an almost endless variety of gift
merchandise on tables for choice at reductions
as great as 50%. Among these articles are Tea
Cozies, Fancy Dressed Doll Lamps, Fancy Bed
Lights, Silk Work Baskets, Silk Pillows, Tea
Cozies (imported), Bead Mats for hot plates,
Antimony Boxes, Glass Ash Trays (imported),
Desk Sets, Character Dolls, Viennese Dolls, Per
fume Burners and many other smaller items.
In addition to these you will find on center
of Third Floor as well as on the west end and
also on Main Floor, attractive gifts grouped for
quick choosing mi separate tables at 25c,
50c, 75r, 1.00, 1.50 and 2.00.
In Our Linen Department
On Main Floor there are many special gifts
left at moderate prices and these will be picked
up quickly. Some odd lots are offered at spe
cially attractive prices.
In Men’s Clothing
Ou Ihe Fourth Floor we have a wonderful
showing of men’s overcoats and suits for prac
tical Christmas gifts. Our Clothing Dept, of
fers the last two days before Christmas ils
entire stock of men’s smoking jackets at ma
terially reduced prices.
In Boys’ Clothing
On the Fourth Floor you will still find good
selections of useful gifts. Sweaters, Bath
Robes, Neckwear, Blouses, Pelts, Indian and
Cowboy Suits. All these are attractively
priced. _
In Our Luggage Department
On the Fourth Floor there .ire many odd pieces
of luggage, which will make practical and most
welcome gifts. These have been greatly re
In Our Glove Department
On the Main Floor are still good selections—
the result, of our foreign and domestic pur
chases. You will recognize, even at this late
moment, the completeness of our stock, as well
as the low prices which our special purchases
have made possible. Diligent work and our
European shopping expedition have enabled us
to offer in gloves excellent values at extreme
ly moderate prices.
In House Furnishings
On tlie Fifth Floor there is a good selection
of practical and fine looking articles for gifts
available at prices that should induce rapid
selling. Special selling still continues on the
famous Wear-Ever Aluminum. In this depart
ment there are many Christmas gifts such as
Casseroles, Toasters, Grills, Electric Curling
Irons, etc., reduced in price.
Negligees and Kimonos
On the Third Floor there arc still good selec
tions of excellent merchandise at most attrac
tive prices. There are about 100 kimonos
which have been materially reduced, as well
ts Beacon batli robes, corduroy robes, etc., nud
fair selections remain.
100 silk negligees, imported as well as domes
tic, are offered at half price. We would ad
vise selecting Friday as they are not likely to
last until Saturday.
In Infants’ Wear
On 1 bo Third Floor there arc excellent gifts
for the wee members of the family. Practical
as well ns dainty and beautiful ai l ides—good
comfortable sweaters, fine baby blankets nud
otjior desirables for the little ones arc still to
be bad in a good selection and at moderate
In Phonographs
On tbc Main Floor there are quite a number
of attractive models in Brunswick and Victor
machines. We would ad\ise y ou to come im
mcdialely, as our stock is being reduced rapid
ly. Our record stock is going fast every hour.
In Our Basement
The departments handling gift merchandise
are 11011 prepared to take care of your late
Christmas wants. In our Basement, Jewelry,
Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Men's Clothing and
Furnishings and Women’s Wear Departments
we are offering many desirable articles at most
attractive prices.
We Can Assure You Prompt and Careful Delivery of All Christmas Merchandise
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