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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1922)
.Bishop Shayler Extols C. of C. at Yule Party Says There Is More Leader* ship for Real Welfare of Omaha in That Body Than in City Hall. Good will for Omaha, for the world, Jn 1923, was the hope expressed by Bishop E. V, Shayler at the Chamber of Commerce Christmas party yester day noon. Four hundred and twenty-five men end wemen attended the function, wearing gay paper hata and en thused by the spirit of the occasion and the words of the speakers. Walter W. Head, who presided, stated that the most important event Jn tlie history of the Chamber of Com merce this year was the admission of women to membership. He asserted L that the membership, now nearly 3, 400. ia the highest in the history of the organization. More than 300 mem bers are women. Mr. Head predicted that the Chamber of Commerce and Omaha will press forward next year and will make another record. The Chamber of Commerce gleo tlub, under direction of Gue Swan ton, made its debut and was cordi ally received. Santa Clatta distributed presents to the attendants. “The Chamber of Commerce is a valuable asset to Omaha,” said Bishop Shayler. “There Is more leadership for the real welfare of Omaha in the Chamber of Commerce than in the city ^hall. "The spirit of Christmas is dom inant everywhere. The spirit of Christ mas is the jplrit of good will and I may nay that good will comes from the sanctity of the home. Good will is what we need in Omaha and throughout the world. It takes hold of our education and puts the spirit pf Christmas into It. It maktp every man believe that it is more Messed to give than to receive. Good will brings grace, glory and honor: it gives us love and life. Let ua all have the real spirit of good will', not only at this Christmas season, but all through the year.” Wounded Oil Station Man Can’t Identify Suspect Wil/ord Pouliot, Midland hotel, ar rested in Jefferson square yesterday morning by Detectives Trapp and Munch aa one of a dozen suspects in the citywide crime wave Tuesday night, was taken before Edward Stone in Immanuel hospital from w-ounds received during an attempted holdup of his oil filling station at Six teenth and Pinkney streets Tuesday night. Stone told the sleuths, they re ported to headquarters, that Fodtlot looks "much like the man” who shot him. Pouliot came here from Chicago for vocational training, according to po | lice. He ia being held for investigation. Must Use Old Desks Two (leeks, one at Oagtelar school and the other at Bancroft school. by teuchers, are 40 years olti j ar\<J still ’'usable,” according to an official ukase from the office o| Super intendent J H. Beveridge. Pririet-1 pals of these pchoole applied for new desks, but the applications were re jected. The old desks will he scraped and revarnished. Parents Disown Girl. . Boston, Dec. 11.—Parents of Emily Drago, who disappeared front her home recently, have disowned tter, saying they would not receive her even if she wished to come back. Fol lowing her sudden departure she sent a telegram to her parents giving her "lack of freedom at home'' as reason for leaving. Marriage Licenses. I The following couples hsvs been Issued licensee to wed: I.ouls IVerson, 37, Cuthberl. 8. n., snd Minnie Knlffen, 37. resedene. Cgl. Herry M. Hsyford. 36. Om»h». »nd Dolorls Wssley. 16. Omaha Theodore H. Johnson. S7, Omsha. snd Ethel M. Smith. 37. Omaha. Charles Jennlnge. 40. Lincoln. Neb . snd Alma Johnson. 5«. Lincoln, Neb. Bernard Specter. 31. Omshs, snd Mol II,■ Raatnaky. 1». Omgha. Csrl Orell. 31. Orefn*. Neb., end Roe* Rapp, 31, Chaleo. Neb. Genseppe Brest. S3. Omaha, and Marls Ira. II, Omaha. Charles A. Weaver. 11. Omsha. and Eihsl Finley. !0, Omshs. Karl O. Qund. 11, Omshs, and Johanu* Hefner. 30, Omeh*. Frances M. Hoenehell. 40. Alliance, Neb.. and Eva Helsm. 46, Greenwood, Nsb. Guy L. Dodge. 37. Madison. WTs.. aid Anna A. Culver, 4|. Minneapolis, Mtnn. I.ouia Fchwedelson. 35. Council Bluffs. Til. and Fay Mitchell. 19. Omaha. Martin O Beckman. 3*. Onigha, Odelts Albrecht. 30. Omaha. Births and Deaths. Births. William snd Dorothy Powors. 334 Booth Forty-ninth avenue, girl. John snd Nellie Burt, hoepltal. boy. Kay and Margaret McCall, hospital. *lrl" Deaths. Hetlv* L»'o Krider, 2. 3207 North Twentieth street. . .... _ . Charles Koltsl. Infant, 1144 Fort ,trLuther Webstar. 60, SOI! North Twen ty-eighth street__ Become a Property Owner-Buy Your Home through the “Want” Ads. Every day in The Omaha Bee are listed many worth-the-money homes in all parts of Omaha. And, if you have a house to sell, call At-lantic 1000 and ask for a “Want” Ad taker. BEE WANTAD RATES ISc per line each (Jay. t or 2 days. 12c per line each day, 3 to 6 days. 10c per line each day, 7 days or longer. The above ratea apply exclusively to Want Ada which arc commonly termed "public wants.'' and do not include adver tisements ot individual, or concarna adver tising or exploiting their buaineaaea. THE OMAHA BEE reserves the right to designate what conetitutea a public want. Want Ads accepted at the following offices: Main office.17th and Famam Sts South Omaha. .N. W. eor. 24th and N Sta. Council Bluff,.IS Scott St. Telephone AT Ian tic 1000. Call for "Want'' Ad Department. An ex perienced "Wgnt" ad taker will receive your ad and a bill will be mailed later. The ratea quoted above apply to either eherge or eeah order#. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT AD8. Evening Edition .11:40 a. a. Morning Edition...9 p. m. Sunday Edition..9 p. m. Saturday These rate, apply to The Sunday Bee aa well aa to The Morning end Evening Bee. All week-day advertisements appear In both morning and evening editions at the one coat. THc OMAHA MORNING BEE. THE EVENING BEE. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. ROBERTS—Elizabeth. Wednesday, De cember 20. at the Masonic home In Platts nmuth, Neb., aged 87 yean, 8 months and 7 days. Funeral services at the Bralley £• Dor ranee chape), 19th and Cuming streets. Friday. December 22. at 2:30 p. m. In terment Forest Lawn. __ JOHNSTON—Mary Alice; age. 10 years. 9 months; oldeat daughter of Mr. and Mrs George W. Johnston. Died Thursday morning at the residence, 103, South 49th Street. Funeial Friday. 2 i>. m. from the resi dence Interment at Forest Lawn. JANICKK—Elizabeth, age 33 years, be loved wife of Harry Janicke. passed away December 2<». 1922. at local hospital . Funeral Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the N. P. Swanson 'chapel. 17th And Cuming street. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. BURIAL VAULTS. DISTINCTIVE features, see demonstration at factory, Automatic Sealing Concrete Burial Vault. Insist upon your under taker using no other. EVery vault stamp ed; watch for name on lid. Manufactured only by the Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co.. 5210 N. 30th St.. Omaha. ——■—————■——mmtm—mmmm—mm _CEMETERIES._ VISIT FOREST LAWN. Forest Lawn Cemetery has a new beauty with e«ch changing season. It i, particu larly beautiful at this time with the many winter decorations. Kvergreen blankets and winter wregths may be obtained gt the greenhouse. Offices, st the Cemetery (North Of City Limits) and 720 Brendels Thegter. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J. STACK & CO., Omaha'* best undertaking establishment, S&W AMBULANCE 8Slv,#co?i Thirty-third and Farnam. ~ HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertifkar* and Knibalmer*. phonf* H A 0265._Offl« p 2«1) Farnam LARKIN BROTHERS, funeral, directors, mu so. situ Hulse & Riepen, Fun«jrg' pireciora. 2224 Cuming. CROSBY MQORE /win FLORISTS _ JOHN BATH. 1404 Farnam. JA. H04_ Jll en'dERMON. 1407 Farnam. JA. 1234 EDUCATION ALT DAY SCHOOL—NIGHT SCHOOL. Cotnptsts course. In accountancy, machine bookkeeping, comptometry, shorthand and typewriting, railroad and wireless teleg raphy civil service and all English and rommarcltl branches. Writs, call or phons Jackson 1665 for large Illustrated Catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Bldg.. Omaha. Neb._ WANTED—Men, ladles and boya to learn barber trade: big demand; wages while learning; strictly modem. Call or grot# 1403 Dodge St. Trl-CIty Barbar College,_ Day or Evening seeatons DWORAK BUSINESS COLLEGE. Wead Bldg., 14th and Farnam. AT. 74U VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS S K Cor Nineteenth and Douglas. JA ti4»0. ANNIE E. OLAKGOW. voice and piano 6na Karbach Blk JA, 1081,_ MOLEH BARBER COLLEGE, no 8 14th St. Write for catalog. EXPERIENCED tutor will exchange serv. ices tor home or pay. JA. 4187. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old olothlng. furnltura. maga zines Wa collect. We distribute. Phone JA. 4134 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110.111—-111* Dodge street. ___ THEATRICAL historical masque costumes for play and pt^tlea, at Llttari'a. Qmatig STOR»f7»atj made, glaclng reas. KE. I7M. 34th _ _LOST AND FOUND. BOSTON t«rr|ar bulldog, answers to name of ‘'Duke:'' white face and head with black spot between ears, bat ears and •crew (all; weight about 2* pounds; re ward. JA. 5387. —Automobiles —Pet Stock —Jluilding Lots —Income Property —Business Opportunities —Jobs —Good Things to Eat —Houses, Apartments and Rooms Whatever Your Wahl May Be—You C<fn Satisfy It by Consulting Omaha Bee “Want” Ads LOST AND FOUND. j LOST—Boston Bull Terrier. In suto struck by street car at Sixteenth and Martha streets. Tuesday; dog is female, brindle left side of head white, tlpa of toes white, j very short screw tail, wore brown blanket with green ribbon and brown leather har ness: suitable reward. Call. JA 3763. REWARD! EEWARDI ” Lost—Tuesday evening, puree containing diamond lavalllere. keepsake; diamond ring, pearl ring, between 26th avenue and Jonee and 26th and Leavenworth. Phone I AT. 766#. LOST—Black and whit? setter dog.~iar§ black, fs«’c white, large black spot on back, aged 7 years. Reward. Call T. J. O'Brien. Ha. 1034-_ LOST—Small seal cape December II. at Burgest*Nash store. Will pay finder very substantial reward; no questions asked. Call HA. 2636. LOsV—Tortoise shell.rimmed glasses In a brown leather case, Monday, between First National bank and 16th and Howard. KE. 3844. _ LOST—Oold wrist w'atch on Brandeis main floor. Initials A. M. V. Valued as keepsake. Return ta Mr. Thomas' office, Brandeis Stores, Reward.______ LOST-rKeys. W. O. VV. Bldg., leather folder. Reward. W. C. Beebe, Room 1003, W. O. W. Bldg. LOST—Black and white cameo finger ring, antique setting Valuable for keepsake. Reward. Mrs. C. A- Keene. Fremont^ Neb. LOST—Tan and white collie dog. 8 months old. Call AT. 6521 2061 Farnim. Reward. LOST—CAM BO PIN. RKTt'RN TO FLA'l’ 1 HON jlOTKL AND nLVBIVH REWARD LOST—Pair ot pearl earrings. JA. H82. maTe help wanted MAN with new light car; |3 per day; oil. gas and commission. Call HA. 2417. 2IIIH California SALESMEN—Several experienced maga zine or newspaper to replace othgra who have been advanced. Permanent posi tions will be awaiting those who make good. Work in Omaha and nearby cities. Transportation paid. Expanses paid dally. Salary weekly. Room 801, Baird Building, 17th and Douglas Stp. SALESMEN’—Experienced rubber footwear salesman for Nebraska and Wyoming ter ritory to sell the Gold Seal line. Must be real go-getter and not afraid of bard work. In application give experience and age. Goodyear Rubber Co.. 371 Sibley 8L, St. Paul Minn. SALESMEN—Experienced; tb sell the" re tail trade In eastern Nebraska and Kan sas. our Made-Rite bn*n<J of dresses and aprons, salary and commission, particu lars in first letter. Greathouse Mfg. Co., Muscatine, la. _'_ SALESMAN to sell salesmanship and other courses. Must be clean-cut fellow who can stand prosperity. Salary or com mission. Call At. 7774 or write Suite 8. Commerce Bldg. _ SALESMEN —^Exceptional opportunity. Hustlers' earnings big. Write McCleerjr Calendar Factory. Washington, la._ OOO OO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC' o o O WANTED. O O O O WEDNESDAY MORNING. O O O O 250 MEN O O O O TO CUT ICE. O O O O ON SEYMOUR LAKE. O O O O Take Ralston car. IMh and How- O O ard or 24th anil N. South Omaha. O O Free lodging wt .company hotel; O O good meals. Wages 30c per hour. O O O O CUDAHY PACKING CO.. O O o O SOUTH SIDE. O r\ O FEMALE HELP WANTED AT ONCK—Middlegged housekeeper of character and experience, references; •mall family, good wage*. HA. 7097. FOR a good bookkeeping or stenographic position attend the American college, If 12 Karnam. All our graduate* are In post, tlotis. We can place you. Phone AT- 7774, or write for catalogue. _ _ _ LADIES—10 city manager*, $8 to lift per day. C31T Douglas. Mrs. Howard. WANTED—Agent* to sell guaranteed silk hosiery, ladle* and men. All Silk Hoflary Mil!*, General Sales Office, 16th and Harney, 303 Neville Blk.__ VvANTED—Saleslady. Give reference. Apply Room 4. 316 S. J9th St., upstair*. between 10 and 3. ___ 6 TO 8 week* prepares you for fine office position. Cull AT. 7774 or writ# Ameri can College. 1913 Farnawi. SITUATIONS WANTED DAY WORK or chambermaid. Call WE. olio. CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS. magazine' clubs, for mail subscribers onlt. OFFER K. Pictorial Review’, Modern Prifcijla and The Omaha Daily and Sunday Bee. One year each. ONLY ffi.50. CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT THE OMAHA BEE. XMAS GIFT FOR THE WHOL.0TAMILT. A GUL.BRANSEN FLAYER PIANO. |79| to 1700. edah or easy payment* Com, In and buy a gift that will laat and ba luo,t appreciated. A HGSPB CO.. For 49 Year, the Mualc Center ot Ne braska and Iowa. A LOVELY XMAS "GIFT. DANCING LESSONS. What better gilt than a courga In dancing? Ja. 6410. _ KEEP'S DANCING ACADEMY, llill Farnain. AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT. Window wreathe. 36c to 11.25; aeeorted fancy ba.kets; Chttetmaa center piacea. very new; special 12.80 to l-i.80. Set our i window. Peteraon Broa. Flower Shop, 1714 V'arnain.___ New overetuffed parlor suite#. Make excellent Xulae gifts. Coat here «6 per cent leas than elsewbera. STEPHENSON AUCTION HOUSE, ISO" Capitol Ave.__ Tel. AT. 6244. AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS OIFT. Buy a garage, any stylo and size. 4100 up. Concrete work. _ MICKLIN LUMBER AND W RECKING CO WE S6r.5. 2109 N. 24th St CARDS—For all occaalona; Chrietmas, Now Tear'a. holiday correepondence; every day and place Also Interior decorating. POMEGRANATE SHOP, 145 8, Ulli. _ __ AT. 3541. FUR chokers at reasonable prices. Have those old fur* remodeled for Xnui. John Illch, Furrier. 301 Sunderlahd bldg., I5tb and Harney. AT 8954. A COURSE IN PANC1NG AT THE HY LAND DANCING ACADEMY, 2JTH AND FARNAM, IS ALWAYS AFPBECIATBD. AT. 7450._ .GIVE your photograph for Chrtetmt*. For photographs that satisfy. SEE MATSUO LAKE STUDIO. 2504 N. 24th St___ WE. 6411 BIGGEST phonograph bargains In town. See us before you buy. SHLAES PHONOGRAPH CO. 1404 Dodge St. JA. 6147. t’ERSONAL Chrietmas cards. Drier Bow and avoid rush. Phone, salesman will oall. AT. 4174. 411 Brgndelg Theater 614|._ BEAUTIFUL cut flowers, for Xraae; also lovely wreaths are Ideal gifts. * LEE LARMON, Itth and Douglas._ Phons 1244. NOTICE. Selling brand new phonograph# for charges Bekins-Omaha Van Co.. 16th and Letv* an worth.‘__ GIVE your photograph for Chrlstmti. For photograph* that satisfy SEE .MATSUO LAKE STUDIO, 2506 N. 24th 8t.W|. $311. PROTECT your car this winter; a ggragd would make an ideal Xmas gift. Valua and sen Ico our motto. Carter Shset Metal Co., 11th and Grace. JA. 0602. PLAN now for your Christmas boms. Baa Campbell, personal service horn* builder. SIT Keelins Bldg. AT. 8048. MAGNOLIA wreaths, beautifully deco* rated with everlasting flowers; spsclal, IS. Brandeia Cut Flower Shop Brandels B*ore. CHRYSANTHEMUMS, roses, house plants, wreaths make ideal gifts for mother. Louis Zadina. florist, 36th and T Sts. _ HAND embroidery, crochet work, baby’s {toilet basket: other articles for Christmas t Sifts. WA. 7288. CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS. IMPORTED pearls make lovely Xmas gifts. Prices reasonable. 1017 Arbor St., AT. 3676__ BUY her an electric washer or an electric Iron for Xmas. Thos. Durkin Electric Shop. 1221 Cuming St-_ __ LARGE Meccano set, 3 motors, transor mers. handsome box container. Cost $60. Seii $35. WA. 0773 GOLD lettering on leather gooda, books. E. ' A. Tryon Co.. 201 So. 13th. JA. 1219. I BEAUTIFUL Fisher piano In excellent condition. Will sacrifice. HA- 0756. BEAUTIFUL lunch cloths, Mink cape. KB. 1610.__ FANCY gowns, work guaranteed. At. 6521 PRETTY Angora Kittens. 1520 Hickory. AT. 0739. _ Pixie ballbearing coaster wagon. WA. 0286 A NICE <$uck makes nice gift. KE. 0816. ~ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BRICK office buildtng of the late Pr. !£wh, consisting of five rooms, is for sale, together with office fixtures. best of medical library, good supply of drugs and Ford roadster Terras reasonable One Of the best locations in southeast Ne braska for practicing physician. Mrs. Jennie Ewh. P. O. Box 1163, Talmage, N»h,__ GOOD bowling alley for pale; In good shape. Reason for selling, have no room; self pin setter. Schwarts & Co.. Valpa rlso. Neb. CONFECTIONER!*. waffle Hd-I lunch house for sale. Must be sold at odcs. R. Stewart. Walthill, Neb. ___ __ FOR SALE—Grocery store fixtures includ ing stock. Good location. AT. 4940, 1420 pouth 16th St. AN Article used in every office and place Of business, small amount of capital will handle. Allsworth. Paxton hotel. BARBER shop and pool hall for sale. O. w. Kutknecht, Waterloo. la. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. The Last Stephenson Auction be fore Chrietmae will be held Fri day, December 22nd, at 1:30 p. m. Next auction, Wedneaday, De cember 27th. Read the partial Hat: f’enslanment of very high claaa furniture, which belongs to a man who has had some financial diffi culties and must raise cash at once. This consignment consists of complete breakfast room suite with serving table, four Windsor chairs and table, (in old Ivory wjth blue and orange trimmings). 7 wicker rockers, wicker gftelef table, with solid oak top. Practically new 1990 electric wash er (all copper body), apartment electric gas range. Western Elec tric dish washer, very large wicker porch swing, taupe combination velour overstuffed parlor suite, walnut davenport table, largo size Bohn syphon refrigerator. Extra fine lot of linen, bedding, fancy work, etc., electric house hold appliances of all kinds, wick er tea wagon, lot or sun room and porch rugs. Columbia mahogany grafonola. walnut dining suite. 2 mahogany dabede with cretonne rad*. We also have several other con signments of household goods to be disposed of Friday. We have no rale on Saturday. This will be our last sale until Wednesday. December 27. at which time we will resume regular sales four days each week. STEPHENSON'S DOWNTOWN AUCTION HOUSE. 1509 Capitol Ave Phone AT 62*5 One-half Mock east of the postoffice on Capitol Ave. ___ _ EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICHELS. 151h and Harney._ at. 43tn_ FOUR'.HOLE coll range, excellent condi tion. 1 sanitary couch, reasonable, vv Kj 1169-_ VACUUM sweeper, bench wringer. HA. 00U___ BASE burner, excellent condition, 11$. HA. 4116. CLOTHING AND FURS. _ FULL DRESS suit* »n« Tutadoa for rent .1* list. I0» N l«th Stuff. 1 FeldmhP TAN broadcloth, hand embroider). white net. new, size 36; bargain. HA. 0983._ FITl.I. DRESS SUIT. SIZE <«. KK. \TTi. mit ahoM »y»0 70» No l«th FOR SALE JEWELRY. diamonds—w* p*y <*>• h*11 Prl,ce» "j*b privilege to buy bark at smell profit. GROSS JEWBI.RY CO.. Omeha. Net.. 402 N. 14th St Telephone JA. 604>. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SLIGHTLY used Vlctrola and Brunswick, at very low prlcea and convenient terms. If you wish. Several to select from, me chanical perfection guaranteed. ORCHARD A WILHELM CO.. Fifth floor A PHONOGRAPH will make an Ideel Nines gift. We new b»ve some real bar gains. See U» befora you buy. Open eve ninfs. Sbl^ea Phouograph CO., 1404 Dodge ‘ notIceT ’ Selling brand new phonographs for charges. Bekins-Omaha Van Co., 16th and Leavenworth. BARGAIN—1176 Vlctrola late.t aiyla. beat of records, brand new. |86. VVE. 2715. __ SIZE 14 Vlctrola. perfect condition, fumed oak cabinet, 18 records. Call WA. 2626. upright piano7~w1th TieTnciTT in POOD CONDITION, 8125. 11A. 6374 ' MISCELL AN EOUSFORSALEr SEVERAL Bela of boys' books for salt. Very reasonable. Cgll KK 8514. WHITE rabbits for sale. CaTl MA, OSeiT —POULTRY AND PET STOCK REGISTERED German police dog. ?0 Mo. old. auto and house broken, child's pat. 114$ H. 31st St.__ Orange Pomeranian*, also Pekingese. Prise wtrtnlng stock. 3806 N. 27th 8t _ GUINEA pigP for sale. Call AT. 8367. CALL WA. 166$ for your Xmas geese. CANARY PIRDR. WE. 1190. LIVE stock! VEHICLES. ETC. WE HAU~L~iiveatock- Call AT 8357. STORE a OFFICE EQUIPMENT booobooec ooooeiooooooooooo o typewriters. o O All makes bought and sold, O O rented and repaired- Sol* agents O O for the CORONA. Get our prices O O before you buy. Every machine O O guaranteed O o CENTRAL typewriter exc. o O JA. 4220. 1913 Farnam. O OOOOOOCOCOOPOQQQOOPOOOOOO BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINES. Factory rebuilt and guaranteed by th« manufgcturers at reduced prlcea; 9100 and yp on easy terms. Write or call. Bur fougba Adding Machine Co., 116 S. 19th St. Phone AT. 0390. WE BUY. sell sate. make desks, show cases, ate. Omah* Fixture A Supply Co., g. w corner 11th and Douglas JA. 2724. WANT To BUY ~ desksT"* desks. desks. New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded J. C. Reed. ;207 Farnam AT. 6146. WANT ta buy ana National cash register. Box W-807, Omaha pee. ROOMS FOR RENT ROOM DIRECTORY — for — ROOM HUNTERS. Should you fell to find listed below the room you want, call at the "Want" Ad counter of The Omaha Bee for a room directory. The Omaha Bee maintains this service for your convenience. New list issued each week. HARNEY Street. 332?. two newly fur nished sleeping rooms In walking dis tance or one block from Farnam car. HA. 0997, ROOMS FOR RENT. NICELY (UrnllbM rooms, private bath, I reasonable, day. week or month, central j location. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. HOTEL SANFORD—19th and Farnam. HOTEL HCNSHAW — 18th and Farnam. Special rates to permanent guests. PLEASANT room for employer! couple; homo privileges: reasonable. 11 A. 7427. HAHNEY~ST'. 26 1 2—Warm, steam heated room, next to bath: very reasonable. WARM front room, board If desired, all home comforts. WA, 0970. FARNAM. 2511 — Large, modern sleeping room Walking distance. __ CHICAGO. 3011—2 sleeping rooms with or without breakfast._ WE§T FARNAM—BEAUTIFUL ROO~M ; NEW HOME HA. 0202._ NICE futn. room in mod. home. JA. 1308. ~ BOARD AND ROOM. FIRST class board and room in strictly modern private home, home privileges. 1538 Park Ave., HA. 7 520._ NICE large front room, homo cook.; 2 gentle, or couple employed. HA. 2181 PLEASANT Toon i for two. HA. 7340. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. TWO 2-rooni apartments ror light house. Keeping; nicely furnished. 545 S. 25th St. THREE-ROOM suite, everything complete, main floor, modern. $12 week, liA. f 118, 2707 DODGE. 3 rooms first floor, modern, everything furnished $1<». HOUSEKEEPING rooms, strictly modern. 1444 No. 17th St._ _ _ _ _ RO«»M and kitchenette, new home. KE. 4930._ _ _ NICE dean housekeeping rooms for rent, 2308 Dougina St. Call AT. 950n. _ THREE nlce rooms, ~rea.s' 1112 S. 11th St HOUSES FOR RENT. SIX-ROOM scml-bungalow, brand new, never occupied. $60 per month. Four-room bungalow, five-room accom modations, new. Possession January 1. Has two lots; partly modern. R. F. CLARY CO., Realtors. 24th and A me* Ave. _ KE. 0175. MODERN, nine rooms. Just newly decorat ed throughout. Sleeping porch, billiard room,* hot water heat, stationary tuba. $90. Corner 36th and Harney streets. Inquire Mrs. W. J. Burgess, Blackstone hotel._ BRAND NEW 6-room bungalow, with or without lease. $55 per month. 5512 North 27th St. JA. 3336. _^ FOR colored, 21)15 Clark St., cozy four room partly modern cottage. $26. IIA. 11 49 or HA. 6469 __ LOVELY 7-room modern house, rent reas., excellent neighborhood. Call HA. 1966.__ SEVEN-ROOM house. 120 South 30th street; rent reasonatle. Cal I _HA._196$ DR. COTTAGE. $lT 2943 Martha. WE. 1252. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. WONDERFUL DUPLEX. , SEVEN ROOMS. Heat and janitor service furnished Available January 1, 1923. Located at Park averue and Leavenworth streets. East front on Park avenue. W. J. PALMER CO. AT. *980. ' TURNER* COtT~R \\ _ One apartment available In Omaha’s most exclusive and conveniently arranged 8 room apartments, with 5-room accommo. da Liontt. Rent reduced. Janitor, HA 6896. O. M. HAUSER. Mgr 3106 Dodge. HA. 7140. Almost 1.000 Apts. Almost 100 furnished. All modern and fireproof. Let Drake’s rental man find you an apartment. Call us. we will take you out. DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. Tel. JA. 2805 Cor. 17th and Howard Sts. APARTMENT SAN D K LA ffS—$3 3 t o $ 10 6. W. J. PALMER CO. REAL ESTATE Management. AT. 8980 Keellne Bldg. PETERS TRUST COMFA NY.” "WHERE OMAHA RENTS." AT. 0544 17th and Farnam Sts. ALL modern 5-room St. Louts brick, warm flat and garage, near car Hue, walking distance. 2231 So. 16th St. NO equal all seasons of year, 4-room Apt. Palace block, 220% N. 23d. MAPLE ST, 1816— Strictly modern, brick building, 3 bedrooms, well heated; $65. WEST Farnam district apartment. s?x large, beautiful rooms, modern. HA. 7124. MODERN apart.. 4 large rooms and bath. 565 So. 28th St.. $bb_ WA. 388*_ SHERWOOD AVE. 1420%—Neat, modem 4-room apart. AT. 6 525. ___ FOUR rooms, steam heat, close In. G. P. Stebbins, 1610 Chicago. __ FOUR-ROOM apL. prlv. batli.'ni2 S. 11th. FURNISHED APARTMENTS CALL DRAKE'S. ATTRACTlVK apartment wit h h*Th] kit - chenette and Murphy bed. Party may buy furniture; c|OH in. JA. |||f WIRT street. 2214 Wood bins Apts., mod ern. hot water heat, close to cur. WE. 6946. HUNTER INN^AT T$<hT 2401 Podge BUSINESS PROPERTY—RENT NEW modern stores on this new transfer point. Ready Jan. 1. 1923. N. W. Cor. 16tli and Cumin* Sts. Inquire at 1514 Dodge St. JA. 5619. _ LEASEHOLD and office furniture for aal© at 423 Arthur building. Call Atlantic 6911 for particulars. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. II. LOUG1SE. INC., 639 Recline Bldg. STRAIGHT 5-year loans. 6’A per cent AMOS GRANT CO.. 201 W. 13th. Arthur Bldg AT. 8380. OMAHA HOM E8— EAST NEB. FAR M S O’KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Om Nat Bk. Bid* JA. 2716. r_-_, T No delay—on western I; arm LOdllB Neb farms, ranches. Kloke Investment Co., 945 Om. Nat. Bk^ 1100 TO 910,000 loans made promptly. F. D. WEAD mid D If. BOWMAN. 310 H. 18th St. Wead Bldg, AT. 0111 FIRST mortgage loans mads promptly on OniHlia real estate. Shopen A Co. Real tors. JA. 422H 954 Keellne Bldg. LOW RATE MONEY. No delay In closing. W. T. GRAHAM. 704 PETERS TR BLDG GARVIN BROS-, ^46~Omaha” Nat. Bldg ON IMP PROPERTY. NO DELAY. BONDS. STOCKsTMORTGAGES MORTGAGES and r*al estate contracts, all on Omaha city property. These will stand the closest Investigation*, some of whi- h will pay a dividend of 25 per cent to 35 per cent, the first year, and about 11 per cent thereafter. Call Mr. Schmitz. Evening and Sundays, WA. 1232. Office KE. 0175. M ON EY TO To AN ~~ LOWEST RATES. EASY TERMS NEW RATES SCHEDULE. LOANS 116 TO $200 On Furniture, Plano®, Etc. Left In Your Possession. AT LOWEST RATES. PAY ON PRINCIPAL. $ 3 per .uonth on $ 30 loan. 9 5 per month on $ 50 loan. $10 per month on $100 loan $20 per month on $200 loan. These small monthly payments will repay a loan in full, plus a small service charge LICENSED BY STATE OF NEBRASKA GUARANTEE LOAN COMPANY. 209 South 15th St. 314 Kwrhach BlkTel JA. 6045 M O N E Y FOR CHRJSTM AS 30—50—76-—100—200—600 DOLLARS or any other amount at legal rates. No publicity, easy payments. Thirty veare In business OMAHA tOAW COMPANY. 606 Kafbach Blk. Tel JA. 2296 _Southwest Cor. 15th and Douglaa Sta. COX Co ; loans $5 and up on wages, car® and furniture; confidential: 25 > ra. eatab. 912 World-Herald Bldg. JA. 2299 LOANS ON REAL ESTATE MONEY to loan on farina and Omaha r*al estate. MYERS UAINBOLT CO.. 424 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg . JA. 0746. I. H. MITH L)N pays most for LIBERTY BONDS. 921 City Nat Bank Bldg. MOVING AND STORAGE F ID EL IT Y STURA G B g VAN CO. MOVING—PACKING STOR AG E—SH1PPIN G. Iluusahold Goods and Pianos. 1107-11 Howard St Jackson 0288 ESTIMATE furn. on packing, mov. and storing Contracts taken by job or hour. Globe Van & Storage Co. JA. 4338, AT. 0230. Gro.»sinan <V Sons*, owner*. Moving—Packing—St ore go. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse & Van Co. _219_N 11th St. Phone JA. 3032. li E KI NS OM AHA VAN & STORAGE^ 16th and Leavenworth Sts. Packing, mov ing. storage, shipping JA. 4163. BUSINESS /ANNOUNCEMENTS. _ CH IBOPK ACTORS. Dr Si'hrnHpr at. 7218. _____ rOQer 201 Nevlll« Blk _ A CCORDION-PLEATING. ACCORDION, SIDE, knife, boT’rlea ting, covered buttons, all styles; hemstitching, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button A Pleat lng Co., 308 Brown Block. Omaha, N’#b. Telephone JA. 1936. NpI» pjpfltillfr Hemstlt Iiing7 " I ItailJlg Covered Buttons 1606 Farnani. second floor. JA. 6670. ~ DENTISTS. DENTAL X-ray. 60c each; $3 full set fit Becurltlea Bldg 16th and I unam DANCING ALADLMIBfl I I.EARN to dance for $4 at KEEP S 1818 Farnani. Classes Mon., Wed. and Frl. nights. I'ancing Tues., Thurs.. Sat. and Sun nighis. Private lessons by appoint ments. JA. 6470. "_DRESSMAKING. FURS, suits remodeled, rellned. HA. 6804*. _ DETECT IVKsT ' K|C LI A BLE Detective Bureau, Itallway Et. Bldg.. JA. 2068; ntgllt, HE. 3813. JAMES AL.1.AN. 311 Nevllla Blic!~Evldence aecured In all casea. AT. 1186. Private Detective—L. \V. LONaNBCKER! 8136 Young St., Omaha. Tel. KE. «7»8. _furriers! FFTRS repaired, remodeled, lowest price" a dm Ooldalwtn Fur Co . 1620 Douglaa _ KODAK FINISHING. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. _The llnelgti Co.. 1607 Howard St. __ MATTRESSES. ' OMAHA PII.LOW CO.—Featliera ren ovated and made up In new feather proof ticking, 1907 Cuming. JA. 2467. _ ~ PRINTING. ' EDDY Printing Co. 212 a 13 St. JA. 6088 PATENT ATTORNEYS! J W. MARTIN, Patent Attorney, lTili Dodge, room 209. Also Waahlngton. D C._J help inventora aell their patents. MISC'EI.I ANEOCH_ANNOUN’CKMRNTS. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the 6 Sherman & McConnell Drug Storea. # AUTOMOBILES for sale. CADILLAC PRICE REDUCTION caused substantial reductions on our entire used car stock: Cadillac Typo 59 Victoria. Newly painted dark blue. Brand new seat covers. All good tires. Car completely rebuilt mechanically. Ciood as new. Looks and runs like new. $1,200 down—balance monthly payments. $200 down makes this fine Au burn touring oar yours! Pay the balance ho you gr-t paid. This is a fine little car. The original owner hardly drove it at all, and It looks like new now. Tires, 'paint, upholstery, top, motor, all In fine shape. You will be sur prised to learn that you ran get flUili a good car for such a little money I $5nt> down—and you own a fine Mormon s«*rlati. This car is in the paint shop right now. and it will be sold before it comes out, so good a bargain It is! Fine in side—motor iii excellent condition. Cood tires Has always received fine care, and will satisfy the man or woman who appreciates good things. A SAFE PLACE TO BUY £ M. HANSEN CADILLAC CO. Farnam at 26th. JIA, 0710. ooooooooooooooooooooooooo 2 c o o O 1922 Ford touring car with new o O body: one-man top; full s»t of new o O side curtains. Car 1n excellent con- O O dition, like new, $226. O 2 * o O o O C. E. TALLSON MOTOR CO. o 2 ° O o O 20th and Ames Ave. KE. 0146. O O O O Open evening* until 9 O O § JDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. SOME bargains In IIN4 Fouls; prompt delivery of new Fords M’CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Ilandy Ford Service Station, llth and Jackson Sta. AT Till NSW and used Fords, cash or terms. C. E PAULSON MOTOR CO. Authorised Ford and Lincoln Dealers. 20th and Ames Ave. KK. 0146 USED csre that can b* used NEBRASKA OLD8MOB1LP! CO., Howard at 18th AT 111*. USED Ford parts at half price. Parts for all standard make cars. Neb. Auto Parts. 1016 Harney St.__ r»__ T Cm.'tL SERVICE FIRST Oily L. Omitll jcib anJ Faruam Atlantic 1944 _____ MARMON sedan. In excellent condition. Will he sold at a remarkably low price. Call Mr. Van Camp. HA. 0710. O. N Bonney Motor Co., SSI4 Farnam. 5iiw and use i1 Fire8. n»o an5 it B & B TIRE AND AUTO CO., 2858 Farnam St. _HA. 7404 YOUR HEALTH depends partly on cur tains We fix them to protect you. PFEIFFER'S. 2525 Leavenworth. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer 813 S. 24th WANTED REAL ESTATE. To Buy or Sell Omaha Heal Estate Se© FOWLER & M DONALD Members Multiple Listing Ex. Realtors. LUt ■ our home - Bui > nor home, BINDER & OTIS, Real Estate, Loans Ren tale, JA. 2591. W. J. PALMER CO. >our home List with us and prepare move. 412 Keellne Bldg. AT. 8980. Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate. Rentals, Insurance. 1602 City Nat. Bank. AT. 9661. “Tukey Sold It” A. P. TUKEY & 8PN. Realtors. JA.4223. Really Co. List with llAULilUr us for quick results. 1418 First Natl Bank Bldg. JA. *366 GOOD LISTINGS—COMfc to ljd. WE SELL THEM _HOME REALTY CO_AT. 1111. LIST your homes for sale with us! We have the customers. PAYNE INVEST MKNT CO-, Realtor. TO sell quick or buy right, see the Guar antee Realty Co., 310 Arthur Bldg. Tel JA. 2396. __ __ C. T. Spier & Co., Realtors 304 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 4857. TO SELL see Glover A Morel 1. AT. 3623 Willard ~CT sla ha ugh, Realtor_JA^ 2953 S I1? ~BOSTWICK, real estatn. AT. 1 S0<1 WORLD Really Co, Realtors. AT. 3m. Western Real Estate Co. JA. 3607 E. H BENNER CO., REALTORS. JA. 566 4 ^MISSOURI LANDS_ HAVE highly Improved grass and oorn land, in north Missouri, to exchange for ranch land. Address Box 4S3. Chlllluotbo, Mo. NEBRASKA LANDS "resolution for landlords AND TENANTS. Improved farms for leaf* and option to buy on yearly paymcst of only tt per cent of principal. Three per cent interest only ta charged, balance of payment applied on principal. Box N. Broken Bow. Neb. FOR SALE—Modern 5-room cottage, ga rage and cistern. $3,000; also 27 acres land 2 miles east of Peru. Neb., If sold at once. Inquire Miss Bessie Wills, Peru. Neb. Phone 63. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS^ New Brick Apartment Built hy Owner for Home and Investment, $18,500 Hot water heating plant, oak floor. One five-room apartment occupied by owner, which should readily rent for $76.00 per month, owner haa income of $160.00 per month from balance of building. On the above basis the income ahould be $3,820 per year. This ia solid brick construction ami very unique arrangement. Glover & Spain, Realtors JA. 2860. 918-20 City Nat Wonderful Investment Oppor tunity—Four Apartments 6 rooms and bath each. Tenant / furnishes own heHt. Located close in on »ar line, close to schools, churches, etc. Incomo $200 per month with very little expense Price $15.500—$5.000 cash will handle HA. 1299 or AT. 8980. W. J. Palmer .Co., 112 Keeline Bldg A r. I li l; I * THOMAS A Soil «... Realtors SALE OF. kXciIANGE. FO R SALE bn EX CHANGE i smooth *0 nearly all in wheat, located .1 mites from Hebron, Neb. Write Frank Moore, Beloit, Kan. ._ FUR SALE ot l i i'!• ■ 7*io a- re Improved ranch near Newport, Neb. Addresa T. U. Evans. Norfolk, Neb. VACANT PROPERTY bargain 111 vacant lot. #3x110. for >1.100 Cheapest lot for business purpose* on North :4th street W. H OATEH 647 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg._JA 1 ?I4 A GOOD BUILDING LOT On 4Sth atrect near Waklcy. paving paid, high and sightly. 60x100 feed >1.900. CHARLES IT HELM A NS. AT 53SQ DUNDEE lot*. 6ox l'JbT on 64th felt ntar Far nim. choice lot; owner will consider reas onable offer C A Orimntel JA. 1616. Flick A frTcb Want modem lota; buyers waiting. Phone JA 24It. WILL build to vour order oh our beauti ful lota In Edgewood: very easy terms. AT (antic 1649 NORTH SIDE PROPERTY. _ FORCED TO SELL. FIVE KOOMS ONLY >3.680. On paved street, with all special* in and paid tor. Close to car line and school. In very pleasant neighborhood, nicely lo cated. Terms >650 cash, balance like rent. Evening and Sundays call Mi. Schmitz. WA. 1232. R F. CLARY CO. Realtors. 24th and Ames Ave. KE. 017.-. JUST COMPLETED. 6 ROOM BUNGALOW. Will take your vacant lot the same •« ^atdi on first payment, balance l^ss than rent Evening* and Sundays call Mr Schmitz, WA. 1232, or Mr. Lewis, WA 1 422. K F. CLARY CO. Realtors :'4th and A me* Avr KE. 017 Colored Man Do you want a nice modern Imm* on * small cash payment and >3'* per month? 6 rooms, bath, gas. electric lights, furnace, full basement, garage, paved street, ftn* condition; ready to move Into. Price >2,800. See W .H. Russell, 1621 S. 29th St MUST SELL. Five-room all modern bungalow on paved street; all specials in and paid for. 4Jn quick action. $4,000, will take >1,600 cash. Call Mr. Lewis. WA 1 4 22. R F FLAKY CO., Realtors. 20th anil Ames. KE 0176. New 6-ro ra Colonial, all modem. A bargain, located 6944 Florence Blvd. Norrla & Norris. JA. 4270. 3737 DECATUR—6-Rm7. Mod. Ex. heat; 3 lots: >600 cash, balance monthly. Crolgb. 608 Bee. Tel. JA. 0200._ P E BUCK & CO buy end sell home* SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY” DANDY 5-rooin modern bungalow, south of Hanscom park, near West Side car line. Only > 1.250. JA. 0564. Eve.. ll^U 2297. G ROOM, fully modern garage, >4,160. Near 23d and Bancroft, want offer. Jail Best, AT. 6135. HA. 3714. ” WEST SIDE PROPERTY” oooooboobooo oodoooboooodb o o ° Colonial Bungalow ° O o O Now under construction. Five fine O O rooms, attic and basement. Fire- O O place, tile bath, breakfast nook, O O etc. Fraum. with brick foundation. O O Foment porch. A classy place In- O O side and out On 55-foot lot. on O O paved street. In EdgeWood. A real O O buy at >6.500 For appointment to O O Inspect call Grant Benson, Walnut O 0 2812, evenings. O O O ° Benson & Carmichael, £ O REALTORS, O O O O 6|2 Tanton Block. AT. 1610. O o o aonnooooooooooooooooooooo Hairier FOR HOMES 1603 FAUX AM ST. New Home* — Your terrua. AT 4960. Grove-Hibbard Co. 6:,'.0duBMr ~~renson property |S 50 DOWN. Nearly new kellaston© fi\e-roorh bunira iow Strictly modern; oak floora and woodwork. Full cemented basement; fln» Jot on paved street; ready to occur? Price 14.860 for linmeiljnte sale. Call Pedersen, HA. 7 4k” or AT- 7 411.V. 'FLTlR^NCE^PrOPERTV^ O. I.. NKTHA1VAT. hofne Agent Yor »ul> urban gcreage. Whites only. KE. lt(>9. RALSTON PROPERTY. HOMES for workingmen. Four room", partly modern, full lot. eery term*. II.29'). Have others. Stewart. Italston XO-W MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY BUY YOUR HOME THE NEW WAY. Private contractor will build any stjlc* home you want for 1400 to 11,000 dnwt He will gladly submit plaps. HA. 4170 between H and s p. m. ‘ __ J_ “We Build to Please” Temple MoFayden Co.. 1$PI> Fernam Ht. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. Realtor* BEE WANT ADS BRING RESULTS ^ tisement complete and convincinp if you want quick results. Three days’ insertion produces more replies than one; a week’s insertion is best of all. __ The Cost Is Small 1 to 2 days.15c per line each day . 3 to 6 days.12c per line each day 7 days or longer.10c per line each day (Count 6 words to each line) Namu .... Address . Dates “Want” Ad to be inserted .. Do you want a blind or keyed address .. Amount enclosed . All week day advertisements are given two insertions each day—one in The Morning Bee; another in The Evening Bee—at the one cost. Sunday advertisements are inserted in The Sunday Bee exclusively. Bee “Want” Ads are ajcepted by telephone at no extra cost—may be brought to The Bee office —or written on this Mail Want Ad blank and mailed to The Omaha Bee. Mail Your Order Today t> The Omaha Morning Bee THE EVENING BEE I Omaha, Neb.