The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 21, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    Only Three More Shopping DaysB efore Christmas—Store Open Until 9p. m.
Oxtor Special Quick Service
Candy Booth
To expedite your Christmas shopping, we are packing dally a
large number of boxes of our own make candles in 1, 2, 3 and
5-pound pack&ges. Service at this booth Is especially quick as
the boxes are> packed and wrapped, the selection being made
from an open box of candy showing the assortment contained
in the wrapped packages. Another advantage Is that these
candles are iw|de fresh daily and are packed fresh daily. Boxed
candles are carefully packed for distant shipment.
Trices Range Per Box From 50£ to 3.75
And for Fancy Packages op to 10.00
Five 6c Candy Canes—-Packed In a box so they will not break,
Cor 25£
Two 10c Candy Osnes—Packed carefully In box. 20£
One Large Candy Cants—racked In box, for 25^
Candy Department—Main Floor—West
Attractive Christmas Gifts
In Every Department
Conveniently Arranged
I And at Prices Within the Reach of Everyone 1
Flowers and Decorations
For the Christmas Holidays
Scarlet Frieze Wreaths — For the win
dow, special at 39^, 69^, 98^
Frieze Roping—For Christinas festoons.
60-yard bolt in red, special 98^
Cut flowers of all descriptions including
tasteful basket arrangements and novel
ties with everblooming flowers. Also
blooming plants.
Deliveries will be made Sunday and Christmas morning.
Cut Flower Department—Main Floor—West
Sale of Electric
Heaters 8^
Take the chill out of
the bqdroom or bath
room. No. 7 size, Ma
jestic make. A most
acceptable gift for the
Filth Floor—West
Women’s Long Fabric
Gloves 1=
Extreme novelties in
these American made
gloves. Beaver, leath
er, camel, fawn, plat
inum and white.
Main Floor—North
Holiday Slippers
For Women and
Women’s Felt Slippers
i —In solid colors or at
1 tractive combinations;
I prettily trimmed with
ribbon. Sizes 3 to 8.
Per pair, 1.00
Children’s Elhskln Slip*
pers—Silk lined in blue
or old rose. Sizes 11 to
2. Per pair, 89£
Basement—A rcade
Women’s Flannelette
Nighties 1=
Extra fine quality in
stripes and all white.
Just heaps of warm
wearables for cold
| wintry nights.
! Third Floor—Center
Girls’New Cloth
Tn a pre-Christmas
sale. With or without
fur collars. The idml
gift for your daugh
ter. Sizes 6 to 14 years.
Second Floor—West
S Women’s Fur Coats
Natural Muskrat Coats
40 inches long, 110.00
Itlack Sealiue Coats—
With skunk collars and
cuffs, special at 99.50
Natural Raccoon Conta
in nice dark skins, spe
cial at 195.00
Brown Coney Coats—40
Inch model, 34.95
BeaTcrette Fur Coats
Special at, 39.75
Second Floor
Men’s Fine Inband
Caps 1=
AlNwool heavy overcoat
ing fabrics in the much
wanted one-piece top
style. AU desirable
shades of brown, blue
and gray. All sizes 6%
to 7%. All with fur or
plush inbands and first
quality linings.
Fourth Floor
Attend the Hour Sales Thursday
_ # Of Quantities are small. We reserve _
Morning Sales Evening Sales
liveries. * '
9 to 11 A. M.
500 Japanese Walnut '
Nut Bowls
Regularly 75c
These attractive imported
nut bowls make a gift that
will be enjoyed by the entire
Third Floor—West
9 to 11 A. M.
2,000 Gyroscope
Regular 35c value
The wonder top of science,
the perfection of mechanism.
A fascinating toy that will
delight every boy or girl.
Eighth Floor
10 to 11 A. M.
j 300 Poly
' chrome
f 59c
Regularly $1.59
Attractive scrap baskets for
the boudoir or sun parlor in
pray, old rose, bronze, blue
and other soft shades deco
rated with polychrome
6:30 to 7.30 P. M.
1800 Boxes Matinee
"•sr 29c
High grade confections
of our own make; deli
cious fondant centers
dipped in high grade
Main Floor—West
' 6:30 to 7:30 P.M. .
200 Sewing Basket
Regularly 1.79
Bead trimmed in a variety
of colorings. The baskets
are brown with colored sat
een lining finished with
Third Floor—West
Christmas Gifts of Jewelry
Attractively Priced
New Novelty Rings—Just received a new ship
ment from abroad. Sterling silver set with
white onyx, sapphire, jade, mother of pearl
center stones. Oval shape and insert designs
of genuine marcasite. The very first showing.
Rings that would sell regularly O QO
at 5.00, 7.50 and 9.00, special, OJUO
Slipover Pearl*—Beautiful oriental
pearls, indestructible, 27-inch grad
uated strand. Each pearl perfect
« in color and matched. Boxed in a
velvet case. Regular HO
12.98 value, special, ■
Whiting and Davi* Meih Bag*—Green
gold and silver plated; square frame,
plain and engraved top; long, oval
shaped bags with chain and panier
handles. A very attractive and
useful gift. Regular 7.50 A HFJ?
and 8.98. Special, “•/O
Vhiting and Davi* Me*h Bag*—Dou
ble link, square shape, chain handle
with soldered rings. Regu- CQ
lar 5.00 value, special,
Novelty Necklaces — Sterling silver
chains with pendant made of mother
of pearl set with white stones and
blue enamel. Basket design set
with white stones. A gift O QO
to pleaso. Special, A #270
Silver-Plated Pocket Flasks—Just a
perfect size to carry. Engine
turned, shield for engraving, non
lcakable. Regular O QC
5.00 value for A#^«7
Silverware is alitays an acceptable
gift and we are showing a complete
assortment of table pieces in Shef
field silverware—fruit bowls, flower
baskets, cake stands, salad dishes
sandwich plates and many other
Main Floor—East
Art Objects in Our Gift Shop
For Christinas Shoppers
Scrap Baskets—Fancy shaped tin scrap baskets,
beautifully decorated In gold and black, | AA
two-tone rose, blue and gray. Each, l.UU
Antimony Bronze Elephants—A good luck orna
ment or paper weight. A AA
Five sizes, each, v I JC to *I»Uv
Fish Bowts—The new squatty kind
with wrought iron stand to hold
bowl. Two-gallon O AA
bowls. Each, wswv
Colored and White Glass Ash Receiv
ers—Mounted with nickel cigar
rests and match holder. Priced
1.25 “8.50
Chinese Sewing Baskets—Decorated
with bracelets, coins, beads and
tassels. Five sizes.
35c, 50c, 75c and 1.00
’archment Shades—Eight-inch shades
in all good colorings, with gold
braid top and bottom rtf}
of shade. Each, * .V\/
Handkerchief and Glove Boxes—
Black and spangled gold lacquer
boxes with pretty designs I AA
on the lids. Each, * sW
Floor Smokers' Stands—In solid ms
hogany and nickel. Some have all
glass trays with cigar rests and
snuffers, others have glass trays
with nickel cigar rests and match
holders. Priced, each—
2.75 u 12.50
Kholphrona Ware—Consisting of tal
and short candlesticks with candle*
decorated to blend with stick—
1.00 to 3.75
. Velour Pillows—Large, fluffy pil
lows puffed out all around a gen
erous foundation. Tinsel tapestry
in center and finished O
with gold galloon. Each, O.Ov
Pottery BSwls—With inset to hold
flowers. In gold, rose and lav
ender colorings. CQ
Complete, OayC i
Third Floor—West
Boys’ Pull-Over and
Coat Sweaters
Mll-overs and coat styles. All
'lib big roll collars. All pure
i -»«al In solid colors, body
-tripes and color combinations.
«ies 3 to 18 years, 4.95
Fourth Floor
Sale of Beautiful 17-Inch
Dolls Is
Like illustration. Has eyes that close
and real eyelashes. Pretty curly hair
tied with ribbon. Cute white shoes and
socks. Priced at 1.50
A wonderfully large variety of all kinds
of dolls at all prices.
Eighth Floor
Smart Novelty Necklaces
Sterling silver chains with
pendant made of mother
of pearl, set with white
stones and blue enamel.
Basket design set with
white stones. A gift to
Main Floor—East
Cloth and Silk
Frocks 27=
For the women and
misses. In all fash
ion’s favored weaves
and styles. A remark
able value.
\Second Floor—West
Sale of ?ure Thread Silk.
Sweaters 15=
Tuxedo and slip-over sweaters of ,
heavy quality. A sweater of this I
kind will make a gift of require
inent and will give great service
and satisfaction.
Second floor—Center
Women’s Smart Silk
Blouses 4=
Overblouse Styles—In
a wide range^of bead
ed, embroidered and
tailored models in ev
ery color. An ideal
Second Floor—South
Men’s Grenadine Knit
- -1
Ties 65c
Men’s fine cut silk tics. .A
most wonderful assortment
of these choice, popular
ties. In a new and attrac
tive color scheme. Many
worth double, 65<
Main Floor—South
Sale of Metal Scrap Baskets
1.00 each
L'uusual shapes, as shown in sketch,
decorated with a picturesque poppy
design in black and gold, two-toned
gray, blue and rose. A good look
ing-and durable basket for the liv
ing room or boudoir.
Third Floor—West
Angora Sweater
Sets 9= i
For Children "~j
Cap, sweater, leggings ami
mittens In red, Copenhagen >
blue, white, brown and buff, f
Suitable for cither boys or
girls and an Ideal gift for the
little ones. Sizes 22 to 28. Spe
cial at 9.98
Third Floor—East
Fascinating Tinker Toys
Tinker Toys Hake Happy
Boys — Bridges, wagons,
aeroplanes and thou
sands of other things can
be made from this won
derful toy. Many differ
ent sizes and styles \t
Tinker Toy Booth. Other
toys of all kinds at
varied prices.
Eighth Floor
Imported Luncheon
• . —• “ i
Sets 5=
Our own importation.
Consists of 6 six-inch
doilies, ten-inch'
doilies and 1 twenty
four-inch center piece.
■ «
Main Floor—IVest.
Women’s Smart Silk
Made of special umbrella
silk with Bakellte han
dles In various shapes
and Bakellte tipped rfbs
In browns, grays, greens
navy and black, 5.00
Main Floor—East
Women’s Pure Thread
Silk Hosiery] i
All silk from top to
toe, also with lisle gar
ter tops, reinforced
toes and heels. All
well known makes.
Black, brown and all
new shades. Special,
Pair, 2.50
Main Floor—North
Junior Middy Suits
Cleverly styled middy jj
and Oliver Twist suits. |
Made of fine all wool
tweeds, cheviots and
serges, neatly trimmed.
Prices range from—
4.95 to 12.95
Fourth Floor
Smart Novelty Rings
Just received a new ship
ment from abroad. Ster
ling silver set with whltt
onyx, sapphire, jade
mother of pearl, center
stones. Oval shape and
Insert designs of genuine
marcasitc. The very first
showing. Rings that
would sell regularly at
5.00, 7.50 and 9.00.
Main Floor—East
Boys’ Little Juvenile
Sizes 3 to 8. Clever lit
tle belted styles in all
the newest colorings.
With all around belt, in
serted'pleat back and
convertible collars. Of
the most durablc/fabrics,
warmly lined. Priced
at, 6,95
_Fourth Floor