The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 19, 1922, Page 11, Image 11
t ^ HH GUNIPS--—fNETHE SUNDAYLn^E SURPRISE! SURPRISE! Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Sidney Smith k*‘>- I i ^ Si -- i ___(Copyright 1922> LOOK OVEK Y 'TMEKt- VSN"T \ TVAtCT UNCLE / Q wtu.0 ^OVKS' \ -| // TW\S \S \ /" ' WU.UO VJNCU ^\w. VAM^N tnD >oo <3%T VN'TO Town ? /Os I OH. I bOT IN SUNDKT- ®\)T I V MET * V.M>N ER»ENF> OF Mmt \ / FROM AAj’STRKEVF ON TNfc E.PKT \ ft.Nt' vj£mE SEEN ENTFR.TMN\MG» \ HV*i VC5E *> CCUFEE OF= t)fVXS - FSX ' \ THE VMIVH. 6.NE>VE\AJ. \ SEE THEM COUNTED \ Xoo CUT OF OFFICE - m MtOMTX SOR.CX , \To HE>C n- FEE SEE NOO \N * t>KN __A Oft SO- V-E VMOH'T EET XNEM VotT tk\>jfcN VOXTVV TN(OC Dependable, Johnny-on-the-Spot Workers can be secured through the “Help Wanted” columns of The Omaha Morning Bee and The Evening Bee (two insertions for the price of one). Phone ATlantic 1000 and ask for a “Want” Ad taker. Remember, Omaha Bsfc “Want” Ads Bring Better Results at Lesser Cost. -'BEE WANT AD RATES lf*c per line each day, 1 or 2 days. !2« per line each day, 8 to 6 days. 10c per line each day. 7 days or longer. The above rates apply exclusively to Want Ada which are commonly termed "public wants." and do not include adver tisements of individuals or concerns adver tising or exploiting their businesses. THE OMAHA BEE reserves the right to designate what constitutes a public want. Wunt Ada accepted at the following offices : Main office.17th and Farnam Sta South Omaha. .N. W. cor. 24th and N Sts. Council Bluffs.15 Scott St. Telephone AT lantic 1000. Cal! for "Want" Ad Department. An ex perienced "WAnt” ad taker will receive your ad and a bill will be mailed later. The rates quoted above apply to either charge or cash orders. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition .11:40 a m. Morning Edition.9 p. m. Sunday Edition.9 p. m. Saturday These ratea apply to The Sunday Bee ns well as to The Morning and Evening Bee. All week-day advertisements appear in both morning and evening editions at the one cost. THc OMAHA MORNING BEE. THE EVENING BEE. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. • il\ 11 El i May, passed on at loi ai hospital, Sunday, December 17, 1922. Mrs. Sr ha a b is survived by her hush.tnd, M. A. Srhaab, ono brother, Charles Allison, Clay Con tec. Kan. Funeral service Tuesday, Dei ember. 19. 1922, from the home. 38"1 No. 24th St., at 8:30 a. ni . to Pai red Heart Caihoiio church. 22nd and Blnn* y St., at 9 n. ni. , Interment. Holy Sepulchre cemetery. For Information call Crosby Moore, WE. 0047. FOCTIK—Anton J . aged 91 years, died Sunday evening at the homo of his dang ler, Mrs. F G. Llchnowsky, 4 415 South Twenty-fourth etr* • t. lie Is survived also by two sons, Antoti J , St. Josoph, Mo., and V. V., South Side. £0* uneral Tuesday morning at 7 15 from the homo of his danghter to St. Bridget.; church at 7:30 a in Burial at St Josoph, Mo. Arrangements In charge of Ilea fey A: 111* a fay._ _ _ _ _ MAUIN< i - antonlnei 1418 South 5th St December 17, agt 34 year^, at a local hospital. Deceased la survived by ono brother, Salvatore. Funeral services Tuesday at 1:20 p. m from the residence to St. Anne church at 2:00 p. ni. Interment Receiving Vault at Holy Sepulchre cemetery. _______ 8HIPLKY—Arthur L., December it, 1952* at Denver, Colo., aged 4 3 years. Funeral service Tuesday afternoon, at J. from Presbyterian church, Florence, Odd Fellows in charge of service. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends are wel- j come. Johnson & Swanson li) charge. ^YARE—-Ellen Rebecca, December 18, aged 60 years. Services Tuesday at 2:30 p. m . from the home, 1138 South Twenty-ninth street, j Interment Orlnnell, la. __ _ _ CHESTER—Eugene, ug" 43. residence 1709 Class street, survived by ftye sisters and two brothers, all of Shubert, Neb. Re mains at Healey & Ilea fey chapel pending funeral arrangements. I BURIAL VAULTS DISTINCTIVE features, sue demonstration at factory. Automatic Sealing Concrete Burial Vault. Insist upon your under taker using no other. Every vault, stamp ed. watch for name on lid. Manufactured only by the Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co., 5210 N. 30th St., Onialui. CEMETERIES. VISIT FOREST LAWN. Forest Lawn Cemetery has a new beauty with each changing season. It Is particu larly beautiful at this time with the many winter decorations. Hvorgreen blankets and winter wreaths may be obtained Rt tbn greenhouse. Offices at the Cemetery (North of City Limits) and 720 Brandeis Theater. FUNERAL DIRECTORS ~~ F. J. STACK & CO” O in a h ii best (jrd«»rt nklnw est a blishmcnt. a!K' ambulance Thirt v-f hl-d and Farnam HEAEEY & HEAFEY, 'Undertakers and Embelroers. Phono HA. "j.;. Office !qi Farnam ‘ LARKIN BROTHERS,” FUNERAL DIRECTORS 4813 SO 24TH Hulse & Rieperu 2214 Cuming CROSBY-MOORE y jg FLORISTS. ■ToilX BATH 7*04 Farnam JA. ~1906.' ~ J. HENPERSON 1 &07 Farnam. .1 aT 125lT PERSONAL. THF3 SALVATION Army industrial home solicits your old clothing, furnlturo. maga sines Wo collect. Wo distribute. Phone JA 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new homo. 1110.1112-1114 Dodge street __ THEATRICAL historical masque costumes. for plays and parties, at LicUn's Omaha STORM sash made, glaring reag. KE. 2701. atjfh. _ __ TVOMlS wish*-* to hoard 14-month-old child In private home. MA. 1160, mornings. Li!-" _ 1 _^2? SPECIAL NOTICE. ' ANNUAL MEETING" The annual meeting of the stockholders of the State Savings and Loan association will be hold in the office o/ the associa tion at 315 South 17th Street, on Jan uary 9. 1923. Polls will bo open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. for the election of two Di rectors to succeed J. P. O’Keefe and George W. Johnston, whose terms expire. Reports for the year will bo made and such other business transact »d as may ^^^^htfully come before the meeting. F “ EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL—NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, machine bookkeeping, oomptometry. shorthand and I t\rewriting, railroad and wireless teleg 1 raphy civil service and all English and f commercial branches. Write, call or | phone Jackson 1565 for large illustrated * •atalof. Address BOYLBS COLLEGE. Boyles Bid*., OBito> Nab EDUCATIONAL._ WANTED—Men, ladies and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning, strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge 8t. Tri-City Barber College. Day or Evening sessions DW ORA K BUSINESS COLLEGE. Woa«l Bldg. 18th and Farnam. AT. 741B V A N 8A NT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS S K Cor Nineteenth and Douglas. JA. f»«90 ANNIE E. GI*A8GOW, voice and piano 503 Karl ach Blk. JA. 1081. ; 110 8. 14th St. Write for catalog. LOST AND FOUND. SAMPLE CASE containing catalog and photographs of dishes. Finder return to I- E. Harding, Honshuw hotel and receive $10 reward. No questions. LOST—Between Greenwood and Ashland, white wire wheel and tire. Finder please tall 1315 Greenwood. Reward. E. A. Schuelke, Alvo, Neb. LOST—Gold W'list watch, between Central High school and Nicholas Send hospital, about 5 p. m., December 15. Call 11A. 6824. Reward._ LOST—traveling bag between Burlington depot and 36th and Harney. Call days. JA. 0247 and after 6, WA. 659*4. Liberal reward. Will Nevin, 38 17 Seward. LOST—Black and white Fetter dog, ears black, face white, large’ black spot on hack, aged 7 years. Reward. Call T. J. | O’Brien. Ha, 1094. MALE HELP WANTED. ARBS : ’'i willing to work? 1 1 talk Intelligently to business men? Are you clean cut, anil able to prove that you can nmk'i good as Bailsman on ad vert.ting for a business f« ature number of a magazine? Can you learn to do It? And will you put enough time on it to i»urn and win a permanent poaition? You can make gcor! In yrui own county In this state. If yoti nre any kind of a clean-cut young man anxious to make a good poaition for yourielf. Address first In writing only and Cully with refer •nee. Einil Held, Feature Editor of ‘The Tree of Progress,’ Care Omaha Dally Tribune, 1307 Howard Street, Omaha, Neb COLLECTOR, with Ford to collect on monthly payments In residenco districts In this ami nearby towns. Hoorn 301, Baird Bldg., ITth and Donglaa St#._^ DISTRIBUTOR WANTED — An articl* used In every office and business place. Just call. All worth. Hotel Paxton_ . ES8 maki.h, good,' wan tad for steady work. Wm. Plepenstock, Wayne, Neh._ _ SALESMEN—To work with local man ager. Will advance $2.60 a day expenses and pay $1S a week to those who meet our requirements. Apply Room 301 Baird Bldg.. . 17th and Douglas Sta. SALESMAN to sell salesmanship and other courses. Must bo clean-cut fellow who can stand prosperity. Salary or com mission. Call At. 7774 or writo Suite 8, Commerce Bldg._ SALESMEN wanted, experience unneces sary. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 203 N. 16th St._ 669 Union sprinkler fitters for two months’ Job. Inquire F. F. Smith, care Woodland Hotel, St. Joseph, Mo._ TO—SALESMEN—Who wear alarm clocks not wrist watches, you can make $35 to $50 per day selling our proposition. Call personally. G. C. Co.. 301-302 Omaha Loan Bldg . opposite U. P. Bldg. OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOO OO OOOCOO o o o o o o o o o WANTED. O O » on O O WEDNESDAY MORNING. O O O O 250 MEN O O TO CUT ICE. O O ON SEYMOUR LAKE. O O ' O O Take Ralston car, 15th and How- o O ard or 21th and N. South Omaha. O O Free lodging at company hotel; O O good meals. Wages 30o per hour. O O O O CUDAHY PACKING CO.. O j O • SOUTH SIDE O ! o O O * o o o o o 0000000000000000000000000 WANTED—Young married man for bank cashier or assistant. Good accountant. I’halkley A. Wilson, Akron, Colo. FEMALE HELP WANTED_ CAN you sell subscriptions to a nbw West ern Illustrated Weekly Magazine? Will you work consistently? You can earn , money as well as a trip to Chicago and New York and other points of interest, representing one of the 93 counties in the state. After the trip in Mag. all expenses raid, permanent opportunity will bo offer ed to those who have made good. You make money whether vou win the trip or \ 11 ->r spare time WOtit. Address Cir culation Manager, care of Omaha Daily Tribune. Also solicitors for daily and weekly Tribune. Write fully to Emil Held. COMP INTENT white mafd for general housework; ro laundry. 123 N. 3*th Ave. HA. -2591 ___ .i k 1 >*’• I bookkeeping graphic I position attend the American college. 1912 Karnam All our graduate* are in posl. tlons. We can place you. Phone AT. 7774, or write for catalogue. I GIRL WANTED TO WAIT TABLES FOR SODA FOUNTAIN GREEN PHARMACY oooo oococooooooooooooo o 0*0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o c o WANTED—GIRLS TO LEARN TO o O O O BECOME POWER MACHINE o O C O OPERATORS ON MINA TAYLOR O O O O DRESSES AND DRESS APRONS. O O O O COMPETENT INSTRUCTION TO Q O O O TEACH YOU. EARN WHILE YOU O o . o o LEARN. STEADY EMPLOYMENT, o § 8 O APPLY M. E. SMITH A CO. ° O O O DAYLIGHT FACTORIES. O O O o l^TH AND DOUGLAS STS. O o o o o o o o o I o o o o o o o o o o ooooooooooooooooooooooooo HIGH school girl to help In homo of two. WE. 8414. + FEMALE HELP WANTED. o o o 6 6 o bo bboooo o ob boob ob oo ° o O o O o o o o * O o o o o O o O WANTED—EXPERIENCED POW- O o o O KR MACHINE OPERATORS, TO O O O O WORK ON MINA TATLOR o O O O DRESSES AT aOOD WAGES, OCR o O O O EXPERIENCED OPERATORS O O O O EARN LARGE INCOMES. O o o O ATPI/T M. E. SMITH & CO. O O o O DAYLIGHT FACTORIES. O O 1UTH AND DOUGLAS STS. O o o O o O o O o O o o o o • o O o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 00000 00 o EXPERIENCED white girl fur general homework. Call Mrs, Da Vore. WA. 0294 WANTED—Agents to sell guaranteed silk hosiery, ladles and men. All Silk Hosiery Mills, General Sales Office, 16th and Harney, 303 Neville Blk. SITUATIONS WANTED. DAT work and laundry. WK 06*8. W< 'M AN wmits *l:iv wor \\ :! 4~ - - - * CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS. AN IDEAL XMAS GIFT FOR THE YOUNG FOLKS Put a Brunswick demountable pocket bil liard table In your homo and your boys will make home their club. The place to spend the evenings with their frlenrL. A gentleman's game where father and son meet “man to man.” $45 up. THE BRUNSWICK BALKE CULLENDER CO. 2549^ Farnam St. JA. 3365. MAG A ZINK CLUBS. FOR MAIL SUBSCRIBERS ONLY OFFER E. Pictorial Review. Modern Priscilla and The Omaha Dally ami Sunday Bee. One year each. ONLY $6-50. Cl RCU LATION DEPARTMENT. _THE OMAHA BEE. XkAS GIF! FOR im: W) K H ,i; fa m ILY A GULBRAN8EN PLAYER PIANO. $398 to $700. cash or easy payments. Come In and buy a gift that will last apd be moat appreciated. A HOSPB CO.. For 49 Years tho Muslo Center of Ne _braska and Iowa. READY CASH FOR CHRISTMAS TIME. May be eoBlly acquired by converting your second mortgage into cash. Let us tell you about it. F. C. IIORACEK CO.. 640 First Natl. Bank AT. 8 531. HAND embroidery and crochet work ladles and children’* aprons, rompers, night gownsi pillow rase*, luncheon set, Rowels, trimmed baby’s toilet baskpf, numerous other fin#* things f «r Xmas gifts, very reasonable. Order taken. Call WA. 7288. A" LOVELY XM AS GIFT! DANCING LESSONS. What better gift than a course In dancing? Ja. 5470. KEEP’S DANCING ACADEMY. 1818 Farnam. AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT. Window wreaths. 25c to $1.26; assorted fapey baskets; Christmas center piece*, very new; special $2.60 to $3.50. 8e® our window. Peterson Bros. Flower Shop, 1714 Farnam. New overstuffed parlor suites. Make excellent Xmas gifts. Cost here 85 per rent less than elsewhere. STEPHENSON AUCTION HOUSE. 3609 Capitol Ave. Tel. AT. 6286. AN idf*al Xmas gift, a course of instruc tion* in marcel waving and beauty cul ture. CALIFORNIA SUN PARLOR. __ HA. 4153;__ _ AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT. Buy a garage, any style and size. $100 up. Concrete work. MICKL1N LUMBER AND WRECKING CO WB. 5655. 2109 N. 24th St CARDS—For all occasions; Christman, New Year’s, holiday correspondence; every day and place. Also Interior decorating. POMEGRANATE SHOP. 106 S, 18th._ _AT. 2581. FUR chokers at reasonable prices. Have those old furs remodeled for Xmas. John IUch. Furrier. 201 Sunderland bldg., lutfc and Harney. AT 8950. FANCY, attractive bungalow aprons made to order. MATTIE PUTNAM SHOP, 502 Karbarh Block. A COUItSE IN I>ANC1NIJ~AT TH E~H Y - LAND DANCING ACADEMY. 25TH AND FARNAM, IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED. AT, 7850. GIVE your photograph for Christmas. For photographs that satisfy. SEE MATSUO LAKE STUDIO. 2608 N. 24th St _ _ _WE. 6311 BIGGEST phonograph bargains in town. Seo us before you buy. SHLAES PHONOGRAPH CO. 1404 Dodge St, _JA. 2147. PERSONAL Christmas cards. Order now and avoid rush. Phone, salesman will call. AT 3978. 483 Brandela Theater Bldg. ^ __ BEAUTIFUL cut flowers, for Xmas; also lovely wreaths are Ideal gifts. LEE LA K MON, ’ 19th and Douglas. _Phone 82 4 4 NOTICE. Selling brand new phonographs for charges Beklns-Omaha Van Co.. 16th and Leav enworth. PLAN now for your Christmas borne. See Campbell, personal service home builder. 537 Keellne Bldg AT. 8048 QUILTS, spreads, comtorts are Ideal Xmas gifts. Hunter Quilting Co., 24th and H, South Omaha. MAGNOLIA wreaths. beautifully deco rated with everlasting flowers; special, $3. Brandeis Cut Flower Shop Brandela SHore. CHRYSANTHEMUMS, rosea, house plants, wreaths make Ideal gifts for mother. Louis Zadlna, florist. 36th and T Sts. IMPORTED pearls make lovely Xmai gifts. Prices reasonable. 1017 Arbor St.. AT. $675. ^ JAP mink cape, 2 seal coats. 1 seal wrap with squirrel collar. Theo. E. Schafer Cleaning Co., 636 So. 16th St BUY her an electric washer or an electric iron for Xmas. Thoa. Durkin Electric Shop, 3223 Cuming SL GOLD lettering on leather goods, books. E A. Tryon Co.. SOS 8. ISth. JA. 12X9. CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS^ GOLD lettering on leather goods, hook?. E, A. Try on Co?, 208 So. 13th JA. 121®. BKAUTIFUIj Fisher piano in excellent condlt ion. W , 11 \ 1. BEAUTIFUL* lunch cloths* Mink cfltpa! KE, 1510. FANCY gowns, work guaranteed. At. 5521 PRETTY Angora Kittens. 1520 Hickory, AT. 0739. "business opportunities. MUSK 1 years* sold over $ 1 0.000 worth of musical' in struments. the last few months. Best location in town of 10,000, Thre stan I dard make phonographs and two standard make pianos. Cheap rental and a real tnoney-mukor Owner selling account oth bUMiness Add Rudio and make a kill. Ing .Might sell half Interest if pur chasor would manage l usiness. l’rlce ! J4for business and fixtures and ln voii e stock. Allen-Lyons Realty com pany, Independence, Mo. $ 1 .'>,"4.0 ( f ,0*00 CASH)”"R EQUIHEdI A HEAL OPPORTUNITY. Owner of a national business, engaged In profession which requires Ida undivided at tention, devices to sell. Business already has excellent sales record, and Borne sub stantial distributers. Stock will Inventory ut approximately $7,0"0. Patents and all equipment included. Would consider trade for unincumbered real estate for excess over cash payment. _ BOX ^ 604 OMAHA B1 FOR SALE—First-class stock drugs and fixtures. Trade already established; corner store; best location. For particulars call at 4520 North Thirty-seventh St., Ken wood 0233. GOOD bowling alley for sale; In good shape. Reason for selling, have no room; self pin setter. Schwartz & Co., Valpa i iso. Neb. GROCERY and bakery in a county Beat town. Doing a volume of business. Up to-date. must sell. Address Y-2109, Oma ha Bee. nt for F>0 rooms. Modern hotel. Excellent trati* sient trade. Reason for selling, poor I 'i ■ 1 1. i 1 [a CONFECTIONERY, waffle and lunch house for sale. Must be sold at once. H. Stewart, Walthlll. Neb. _______ _ FOR SALE—< Irocery store fixtures includ ing stock. Good location. AT. 4940, 1 420 SouMi 16th St.____ ■_ BARBER shop and pool hall for sale. O. W. Kutknecht, Waterloo, la. ROOMING HOUSES FURNI I ■ 1 • k LB. Well furnished 7-room house, walking (11s tancc. Income $115. TrU.© anil rent both reasonable. -ins Chicago St. GOOD THINGS^ TO EAT. HONEY, 10,000 pounds strained. Sell all or part, 11c per pound, f. o. b. Lincoln Address (\ C. Johnson, Beatrice .Neb. --!----- - PECANS—Good-size, thin shell, rich cul tivated Florida. 10 lbs. $5. V. O. 13. Lem Robertson, Chlpley, Kla. HAVE 20 gcse for Christinas orders. Call Ash', 6L2. Millard, or AT 1G37. HONEY, ftLIb. pails, $1.7 5, prepaid. Chaif. I Itohn, Route li. Council Bluffs. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. I FOR SALE-Six-hole rang*, $30; large heater, $16; 3-hole oil stove. $S; 1 sanitary couch, pad and spread. $*, all in good condition. 1*11 Van Camp Ave. JA. 4 493. EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICK ELS. 15th and llarnoy. AT. 4361 MOORE’S range, cheap, good cond. WE. 0664.____ LIBRARY table, buffet/ reu IIA. 112«L CLOTHING AND FURS. FULL DRESS suits and Tuxedos for rent .1a 112* in9 N Ifith Street I Feldman GOOD OVERCOAT. $10, AND WOMAN'S WINTER COAT HA. 1804. _ _ ONE full dre^s suit, si/.e 44. like new, sac Rahn. Route 2. Council Biurfs._ ARMY KhoM *2 90 ~703 No l77h FOR SALE IEWELRY. DIAMONDS—We pay the best prices with privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWEJ.KY CO., Omaha. Neb.. 402 N 10th St Telephone- JA 5019 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SLIGHTLY U' «l Victrola and Brunswleka at very low prices and convenient terms. If you wish. Several to select from, me chanical perfection ruaranteed. ORCHARD A- WILHELM CO., Fifth floor. A PHONOGRAPH will make sn Ideal Xmas gift. TV a now have sum# real bar gains. See iis before you buy. Open eve nings. Shlaes Phonograph Co , 1104 Dodge St. NOTICE. Soiling brand new phonographs for charges Rekins-Omaha Van Co., Ifith and Leavenworth. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 22 Winchester rifle .$ 9.00 22 Remington rifle .$11.00 Stevens 25 single ...$ 7.50 22 Hopkins A* Albion, single .». $ 5.00 Double barrel 12-gange gun .$20.00 3 502 North 30th St. FOR SALE—Triplex auto knitting ma chine; good b'j new; reasonable. JA. 6929. BARGAIN—$175 Victrola latest style! b^st of records, brand new, $95. WE. 2715._ _ QO<)D eO«l quick. Fuel Service Co. AT. 37 4 1._ __ WHITE rabbits for sale. Call MA. 0504. POULTRY AND PET STOCK THOR(UTiHBRED Buff Orpington coek~ erels. WA. 1021. Orange Pomeranians, also Pekingese. Prize winning stock 3S06 N. 27th St. LIVE STOCK,"VEHICLES, ETC. WE HAUL livestock Call AT 3357 STORE & OFFICE EQUIPMENT. ooooooooc ooooo oooooo ooooo o TYPEWRITERS O O All makes bought and sold. O O rented and repaired Sole agents o O for tha CORONA. Get our price** O O before you buy. Kvery machine O O guaranteed. O O CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXC. O O JA. 4120. 1912 Farnam. O o ooooococo oooooo ooooooooo WH5 BUY, sell safe, make desks, show cases, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., a. w. cornar 11th and Douglas. JA. 3724. STORE & OFFICE EQUIPMENT BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINES. Factory rebuilt and guaranteed by the manufacturers at reduced prices; $100 and up on easy term* Write or rail. Bur roughs Adding Machine Co., 115 S. 19lh St. Phone AT. 0380. NINE COLT UN iu roughs for sale. Box W-600, Omaha Bee WANT TO BUY DESKS DESKS ’ DESKS. New desks, used desks bought, sold arid traded. J. c Reed. 1207 Karnam. AT. 6140 ROOMS FOR RENT RC)OM DIR ECTORY — for —■ ROOM HUNTERS. Should you fall to find Hated below the room you want, call at the “Want” Ad counter of The Omaha Bee for a room directory. Th6 Omaha Bee maintains this j.orvlre for your convenience. New list issued each week. TWI NtTeTH ST* ScfT S08*Large ele gantly furnished parlor bedroom, new and immaculately clean; all hotne privileges; ineaIs if desired. Garage. Five minutes walk, from voufthouse. We cater to those who can appreciate the very best. Oppo site Drake Court. ,TA. 0&20. WEST KARNAM district for young lady employed. Ideal location. Warm steam heated St. George Apt. No. 1. 113 No. 31st Avc. HA. 0967.__ NICELY furnished rooms private bath, reasonable, day. week or month, central -I Hotel Hamilton, at 4i"i HOTEL SAN FORI >—d 9th and Fat ilam. HOTEL HKNSHAW—16th and Karnara. Special rates to permanent guests i;AR.!E newly decorated front room In private family. *2885 Webster fit. HA. 4829._ _ _ _ <’\ ! . J10 per month. 22d and N, South Side. MA. 4647. _ ___ TEL JA 1007—One luge sleeping room, desirable for two gentlemen. FURNISHED romp, one or two gentle men. In apt. On car line. MA. 0788. PLEASANT room for employed couple; home privileges; reasonable. HA. 7427. CHOICE-DOUBLE FRONT ROOM. 1IANS UOM PARK DISTRICT. 1IA. 7670. WARM front room, board if desired, all home comfort# WA. 0970. _ NICELY furnished or unfur room, home privileges. WE. 8524, evening# BOARD AND ROOM FIItST ~claf-s board and room in strictly modern private horn*', home privileges. 1 : .1 Park Ave., ITA. 7526. __ NICE comfortable rooms with- board In private family. No other boarders. Hans coin Parjt district. HA. 1087. _’_ Pleas, room for 2. home cooking. 125. • lose In. garage HA. 6326. ___ ______ Board and room, private family, for 1 or 2; $36. Close in. on Harney line. HA. 6439 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS_ 3 rooms, - verythlng complete; main floor, modern, reas 1127 S. 31st St. HA. 7116. TWENTY-SIXTH ST.. 930 N.—Steam heated rooms. HA. 0235._ UPSTAIRS of modern home, walking dis tance. Phone HA. 7208. _ FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms, $4 to $7 per week. 124 8. 3lst Ave. HA. 3718 THREE nice rooms, reaa. 1113 S. 11th St ^ HOUSES FOR RENT. _ MODERN, nine rooms, just newly decorat ed throughout. Sleeping porch, billiard room, hot water heat, stationary tubs. $90. rorner 36th and Harney streets. Inquire Mrs. W. J. Burgess. Blackstone hotel. _ FIVE-ROOM bungalow for rent or lease, furnished or unfurnished; modern; nice fruit garden; paved street; close to two car lines; fine location. HE. 6270._ BRAND NEW- 6-room bungalow, with or without lease. $55 per month. 5612 North 27th St. JA. 3336._ LOVELY 8-room house, modern, sleeping pore h 1IA 6574 31 1 4 W ooHVorth_A ve s ROOM modern house for rent, $35. 2808 K street. Market 3282. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. AN APARTMENT HOME. If it is a new. modern, fireproof apartment homo you want, call Drake's. The Austin, 381 h and Davenport and The CArberry, 40th and Ca*s. Large living room, cozy dining room, separate bedrooms. bath dressing room and kitchen. Two bedroom accommodation If de sired. and $<5 or furnished at $105 and $110. Terrace Court. Park Ave, at Mason. Targe living room and dining room, completely built in dress ing room, bath and kitchen, $70 to $75 or furnished at $90 to $95. The Hanscorn. 1029 Park Ave. Living room, dining room, kitchen, dressing room and hath, at $62 50. The Palmer, 26th and St. Marys avenue. Cozy apartment, $65. • I Some relcHi.-eB for January 1 on 111080 popular one-room apart ments in walking distance at t'M.50 and $40.00. Ono furnished at $52.50. CALL US, WE WILL TAKE YOU OUT. DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. Fireproof Apartments. JA. -v 17th and Howard. Open Evenings and Sundays by Appointment. 0 - .. ■■ - ■ . * APARTMENTS FOR RENT. THIS HAWTHORNS, 2205 7 Howard* and LONGFELLOW, 2216 Howard. A few 3 roiyn apartments left. They contain kitch en. living room, bedroom, bath room, largo closet. New. never occupied. The beat In Omaha $*>0. See Janitor. Burbank, 811 Omaha Nat. Hank. Almost 1.000 Apts. Almost loo furnished. Ml modern and fireproof. Let Drake's rental man find you an apartment. Call us. we will take you out. DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. Tel. .1 \ 17th and Howard Sts in BLAN. foui I ocki north of high school; three large rooms corner apart ment; best heat, finely decorated. JA. APARTMENTS AND FLATS f o to $100.‘ W .1. PALMER CO HEAL ESTATE Management. AT. 8980, _ Keellne Bldg PETERS TRUST COMPANY. ' WHERE OMAHA RENTS." AT. 0644. 17th and I'arnam Sts TEL. AT. 8301—Choice four-room apt, sublease In Selma Terrace. See Hickey and Soy bold. 226 City Nat. Bank Bldg WEST Farnam district apartment, six large, beautiful rooms, modern. HA. 71*24 i MODERN apart.. 4 large rooms and hath. 5t*5 So. 28th St.. $55. \VA. 38K« I ■ 'i R rooms, clegn, mod* in reasonable 515 S. 25th Ave. JA. 2560 Ft1 r r rooms at* im heat, close In Q P. Stebblns. lt»10 Chicago. '■1 >UR !:• M - :.i apt . prtv bath 1112 s' 11th FURNISHED APAPTMENTS oooooooocoooooooooooooooo O o O o O CALL DRAKES. O <> . O O 1 urnished apartments from those O O c-»zy little one-room apurtments o O at $50 to those homelike four- O O room apartments from $105 to O O $125. O O O O CALL UR. WE WILL TAKE O O YOU OUT. O O O O DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. O O O O Fireproof Apartments, O O o : O JA. 2506. 17th snd Howsrd Sts. O ° ^ O O Open Evenings snd Sundays by O O Appointment. O ° O j O O ! oooooooooooooooooonoooooo I ooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o MORRIS APARTMENT HOTEL O O 1HTH AND DODGE STREETS O O Apartment® consist r>f living room Q O dressing room, kitchenette and o O hath. Rental including heat, light, o O gaa. phone and maid service O O Apartment® furnished soft water by O O refinitr* soft water process. Phone o O AT. 32H>. O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOCOOOOOO CALL DRAKE’S. WIRT street. 2211. Woodbine Apts, mod ern hot water heat, close to car. Web. 694*. ATTRACTIVE apartment with bath, kit chenette and Murphy bed. Party may buy furniture; close in. JA. 5116. CLAREMONT Hotel. Seventeenth. near Jackson. AT. 6944. Room and kitchenette. TWO-ROOM modern, furnished apartment Inquire 3837 South 23d street. Hl’VTP R INN—AT 6960 2408 bodge BUSINESS PROPERTY—RENT LEASEHOLD and office furniture for sale at 423 Arthur building Cal! Atlantic F.9M for particulars. FIRST Nat. Bank, 400; for rent; facing elevator, desirable office suite consisting o! 335 srj. ft GARAGES FOR RENT GARAOE—Steam heat 311 South Slat HA. 7J24._ 3106 SO. 14TI! ST.—Garage $1. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE" WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residence®. U II. LOUGEE. INC., _ 636 Keeline BUg _ STRAIGHT 5 year loans. 6Vj per cent AMOS GRANT CO.. 201 S. 18th. Arthur Bldg. AT. 8380 OMAHA HOMES—BAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO . 1016 Pin Nat, Bk. Bldg JA 2716. F'arm T n^rta No de lay—o" weatern alTII AjUcIiIH Nrb. farm*, ranches Kloke Investment. Co., 845 Om. Nat. Bis $100 TO $10,000 loans made promptly, F. D. WEAD and D |1. BOWMAN : FIRST mortgage loans made promptly on Omaha real estate. Shopen & Co.. Real tors^ JA. 4 228 93 4 Koelin© Bldg. LOW RATE MONEY. No delay In closing. W. T GRAHAM. 704 PETERS TR BLDG. MONEY to loan on farm® and Omaha real estate. MYERS A RAIN BOLT CO., 421 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. JA 0746. I H. M1THEN pays mo®t for LIBERTY BONDS. 921 City Nat. Bank Bldg GARVIN BROS., 6 15 Omnha Nat. Bldg. ON IMP PROPERTY NO DRLAY. MONEY TO LOAN MONET VOJi CHRISTMAS 30—>50—75—100—200—600 DOLLARS or any other amount at legal rates. No publicity, easy payments. Thirty year* In business OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. 60C Karbach Blk. Tel JA 2296 Southwest Cor. 15th and Douglas Sts. COX Co . loans |5 and up on wdg^a. cars and furniture; oonfldential: 25 yr* eatab 512 World-Herald Bldg JA 229* MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY STORAGE ,t- VAN CO. MOVING—PACKING S T O R A G E— SHIPPING. Household Good* and Plano*. 1107-11 Howard M __Jackaon 02*S ESTIMATE furn. on packing, mov and storing Contracts taken by 30b or hour. Globe Van Or Storage Co. JA. 4338, AT 0230. Grossman A Sons owners. Moving—Packing—Storage. Gordon Fireproof War. houae a Van Co. 21» N_11th St. Phone JA. 3032. BEKIN8 OMAHA VAN & STORAGE 10th and Leavenworth Sta. Packing, zuov* In*. storage, (hipping. JA. 4103. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. \< < OK DION PI I X I 'M. A CCORDIO N. SIDS, knife, box pleating, covered buttons, all styles; hemstitching, buttonholes Write Id-al Hutton A Pleat ing C . SOS Brown Block. Omaha, Neb. Telephone .1A 1936 i\Vh Plp ltincr Hemet Itching. IJ. I lPdililg Covered Buttons ISO® FarnH- 1 ffooi .1A 6670 ( hTkoI*H \( i ORg Dr. Schro«l« r DENTISTS. DENTAL X-ray 60o each; $3 full act. si9 b and Farnam D \N( IM, XI t demies 1.1.' A It N to ilence f.»r $4 at’KKKH'S 1»1« Farnam. Classes Mon., XVed. and Frt. nights. Dancing Tues . Thar**., Sat. and Sun nights. Private lessons by appoint* ments. JA. 6470. iVrkshm a k ing MRS FITZPATRICK. 23<U Douglas—Tall* orlng. dressmaking, alterations, remodel Ing. AT. 7645 11 1. rellned ha.” 6804. PR1X IIM. ■ .1 \ s' _ _ DKTKCTIVK8. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, 'ftslTway Ex. Bldg, JA. ; nigh \i JAMES ALLAN SIB Ni villa BIk ExIdence secured In all cases AT. 1136 1Data t v L W l.< >NONE( k ER, 8136 Young St Omaha. Tel. KE. 479S. FI KH1FKS.” FTTRS ’epsirrd. remodeled lowest price tu Ooldstem Fur Co. 1620 Douglas _KODAK FINISHING. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE “ The Ensign Co . lfOT Howard St. M \ i rREssi a. OMAHA PILLOW CO —Feathers S^T ovated and made up in new feather proof ticking. l907_Cumlnp JA 2467. ___ i-\ 11 \ i xr row mis •T W. MARTIN. Patent Attorney, 1713 Dodge, room 209. Also Washington. D l. I help inventors sell their patents MIM I I I \ \ | « n a % N NO| M EMI MS PR E8CRIPTION 8 the ^liti " n \ McConnell Drug Stores AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE BOMB bargain! In •• i Porda; prompt delivery of new Fords MTAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Service Station, _15th and Jackson Hts AT 7711. NEW and used Fords, cash or terms C. E PAULSON MOTOR CO. Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers. 20th and Ames Avo. KK 0146 t'SKD r«r« that can be used NEBRASKA OLD8MOBTLE CO Howard wt 16th at i77s P,?KP r' ' : P«rt! at half price. Parts for all standard make tars. No I. Auto Parts 1Q16 Harney St. Guy L. Smith ~fft5v“5 "*•* Atlantic 1944 _ *S,h "nd Parna,n Hed,,n- In excellent condition. W! j be sold «t a remarkably low price. rall Mr Van C.imp. HA. 0710 U8EiT*CARir~ "" O N Bnnney Motor Co., „_ IBM F’arnam. new and usiiD 'nui.jR-jV?;;, ANI) np * l! tihj: and auto co., 2858 Far4lam St._ HA. 7«<M fSl'J1 “fi-'LTII d. I'l iuls po, l ly „„~7u7 PlliiMPf t.V„'u f J. .!In protect you. ll*»LI,X i-xF" ’t ;<uto trimmer Kl 2 P 241h* AUTOMOBILE TIKES. NEW 1' ». tirbST .TTTTitl is KA1 MAN ' Ti l:k "jortBEUS* 1722' CUMINO WANTED HEAL ESTATE. W. J. PALMER C(). ,H,‘8 , . J buyer* for >nur homo. List with us and prepare more K-r-Hnu BMb AT. HUSO TiXRuv .,rMel! OmaTn It-*! lidateTiao" FOWLER & M’DONALD M Iple I - Bl Realtor*. 1 - horn*. BINDER & OTIS, Kstate, Loan*. Rentals .TA mi. Charles W. \oung & Son ,.,T{e"! Krtate, Rentals, Insurant-* 180a ( itv ,\'ut _Rank. AT pint. “Tukey Sold It” A P. TUKEY A SO.V, Realtor*. JA 4223. GRIJENir. n**ny uo.with" \ CiDIO us for quick renulta. 1418 First Nat l Hank Bldg. .TA. 1966 GOOD LIST I NOS—GOME TO US. WB SELL TII1SM. _HOME REALTY <TO. AT. lilt. LIST your hornet* for rale with un. We nave th« customers. PAYNE INVEST MENT CO . Realtor. To °* H quick or buy rlghtTVeVThe 0««r anteo Realty Co., 310 Arthur Bldg. Tel JA. 3136. " B HEY and *ell city and farm property. Beauchamp A: Lingo, AT. 2872. 3 Tatterson Block. C. T. Spier & Co., Realtors 304 Feti-ra Truat Rida. JA. 4H57. TO SKLL see (Hover * .Mon-11."at. willarn 8T Slahaugh, Realtor.' JA. SSfej M T HQSTWICK. r. al . *«t. A T ] 50* WORLD Realty On., Itealtnfa! AT tttjf. Qeateni Real Eatate Co! JA. a?07? NEBRASKA LANDS RESOLUTION* FOR LANDLORDS AND TENANTS Improved farm* for leate and option to buy on > early payment of only 6 per cent of principal Three per cent Interest only !» charged, balance of payment applied on principal Box N. Broken Bow. Neb. NORTH DAKOTA LANDS. lf.o ai’re Sully County. Trad., for Omaha property. E. H. Renner Co, Realtors. Omaha. REAL_ ESTATE IN VESTMENTS AT.I-REP THOMAS & Son Co. Realtor* SALE OR EXCHANGE. I'OR SALE «*r Trade—760 acre Improved ranch near Newport, Neb. Address T H Evan*. Norfolk. Neb. ACREAGE FOR SALE One a ore and new bungalow on 60Tlx SC, eouth of Center. $4,850. .1#. 0664. VACANT PROPERTY PIKE A PRICE Want modern Iota; buyers waiting Phono JA 2419 WILL build to your ordar on our beautf" rul lots In Edgewood; very easy terms AT-lantlc* 2649 DUNDEE lot. 60x125, on 64th Mt.near Far nam; choice lot; owner *111 consider reaa oinhle offer C A Orltnmel JA 1616 CENTRAL PROPERTY ho FT H-roont house near J\ 0~BargaYrT JA. 0327. NORTH SIDE PROPERTY^ Colored Mau Do you want a nice modern home on a small caeh payment and 130 per month? 6 rooms, hath. gaa. electric lighia, furn.e., full basement, garage, paved street, fine condition; ready to move Into. r'r*e K.800. See W II Hussall, 1521 8. 29th St. MILLER PARK HUNOALOW e 9350 DOWN Hero Is your chance to buy a brand new fi\ tiHidt-rn tAinnluw in a n<*w ills W'.‘»n terms. The price Is right at * w«jno. ();ik floors nd woodwork foil uemented basement, etc Don t fall to thi.L Call f*edcn»en, liA. 74S2 or AT. New 6-ro in Colonial, all modern. A bargain, located G944 PI ore rice Hlvd. Norris A Nofrll, JA. 4270 37.37 dBcaTUH—6-Rrri., Mod. Ex. beaT: 3 lots; 1500 cash, balance monthly. Crelgb 608 Bee Tel. JA. 0200. il—L——_^uy sell homea SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY. Choice Field Club Home. Brick anti Pm me. High' rooms and tiled hath nn two floors, finished third floor for maid. Double garage, extra large |„t with splendid shade trees on the boulevard. Hare is a real home -hat cun be bought right. Call Osborne Realty Co., 630 Peters Trust Bldg. Ja< kaon 2282. * ROOM, f V in >:-r 11 giiiriK', i 4 l.', ). Near 23d snd Bancroft, want offer. Cftil Beat. AT. 6133. JUA* 8714. SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY. SKVKNHOOM modern house. g.r.E. good location. Block from car Una, thre* blocks from South High. 2303 G atreet. MA 0059. _ ^_WEST SIDE PROPERTY._ West Farnam, $8,000 About $2,000 Cash Thla la a good eight-room, all mbdera house, large living room with fireplace, sleeping porch, garage. Vacant. Owner has left city. Price reduced for quick •ale and tertna made very easy. Glover & Spain, Realtors JA. 2850. 9H-2P Pity National. Hamer FOR HOMES 1505 FARNAM ST. CATHEDRAL district^ cTa«*> bungalow and garage; on easy terma; quick posses sion Cali 1 x •*}] Now Horn'’.- Y* ur term* AT 4$a$. Grove-Hibhard Co. “IM; DUNDEE PROPERTY. SPECIAL DUNDEE BARGAIN Modern S-rooui house, block to r»r. Hardwood and enamel finish, full base* ment, good laundry, lio! water heat. Good condition. Price, $10,500, If Bold thla month. W. T. GRAHAM. Ja. 153*. 704 Pet era Trust Rldg. Dundee Homes and Lots OEOKUbl & CO.. KISA1.TPBS. AT. 30H, FI OR NCK PI OPERTV C la. Ni I I i AWAY, boras agent for aub. urban acreage. Whites only. HE 140|. ^ RALSTON PROPERTY. HOM rooms, partly modern, full lot, easy term* $1,200. Have oth-ra. Stewart. Ralston 10-W MISCELLANEOUS LAN Do._ “We Build to Please” I'einpie Mel* a> den Co.. 1506 Hirnmn Bt, HASTINGS A HFYDKN Realtor# INVESTMENT 66 ft. on 18th a littla north of Cuming, 3 houses and garage, rantal value $1,800 a year. Business de veinping all around it. Act quickly if interested. Harrison & Morton 916 Omaha Natl JA. 0311. 33 Years in Same Location. • III! •' I I I'll 'l l* I I I I •ll|ll|M|1i|!l|lltlt|l Courteous, intelli gent want ad service is given you when you phone your want ads to The Bee. i i i i i • i • I i i i I i a i i I IV I l INVESTMENT 128 feet on north 24th. Comer —three houses. Rentals $80, $35, $45 per month. Coming business property. Harrison & Morton 916 Omaha Natl JA. 0314. Hi-Wys Hold County Meeting at Fairbury Fairbury, Neb., Deo. IS.—The HI Wys held a county convention Satur day night at the Methodist church. ' The girls of the Fairbury High school served eats in the basement of the church. Superintendent W. H. Mor ton, formerly head of the Fairbury schools, gave the address of the evening. Mr. Morton was greeted with a full house and his former pu pils gavu him a warm reception. Mr. } Morton left Fairbury last fall to ac- '' capt the superintendency of the Be atrice schools. Fairbury will not have a municipal Christmas tree this year. The churches will observe by celebrating Sunday night with white or gift pro grams at each of the churches. No treals will be given to the Sunday ' school children, but every child or e grown person 1 eexpected to give to someone else, eithe. #to the poor of Fairbury or to needy children In for oign countries. Many of the gifts will be sent to the Armenian children this year. 46,069,000 Acres of Winter \\ heat Sown During Fall Washington, Dec. 18.—Winter wheat was sown this fall on 46,069,000 acres, or 3.2 per cent less than the reviser] estimated area sown in the fall of 1921. which was 47,611,000 acres, tlie Department of Agriculture ' announced today. The condition of winter wheat on December 1 was 79 f, per cent of a normal, compared with Tfi.o a year ago. 87.9 in 1920 and 87.9 the 10-year December 1 average cor dltion. The area sown to rye this fall I 5,508,000. acres, or 11.3 per cent less than the revised estimated area sown in the fall of 1921, which was 6,210,000 acres. The condition of the crop on December 1 was 84 3 per cent of a normal, compared with 92.2 a ysnr - ago. 90.5 in 1920 and 90.8 the lO-yenr December 1 average. Vesta Rural Mail Carrier Injured by Falling Tree Teeumseh, Neb., Dec. 18.—Carl 8 Babcock, a rural mail carrier front - Vesta, was injured while working in ! the woods. He had chopped a big * lit-o ubout down am* tiad stepped aside for it to fall, thinking hd was | entirely out of the way of Lhe ire*- «' A large branch of the felled tree * struck Mr. Babcock on the head knocking him down and cutting a gash In his head which required 6ev; eral stitches to close. _ - Matthew J. Rock Diet, Geneva. Neb. Dec. 18.—Matthew 3 Bock of Geneva died Sunday night of pernicious anemia, at a Lincoln hos pital. He la survived by Ills wife, daughter Begene. and son, lldmung. all of whom were at his bedside din ing his last illness. 'Mr. Rock was born in this county and lived on h farm before removing to Geneva. He was a revenue collector for Nebraska during the late war, and his son serv ed with the- army overeaag.