The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 17, 1922, SECTION 2, Page 4-A, Image 4

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    U. S. Government
Seeking to Give
Aid to Europe
\tliiiiimtration Attempting to
Bring About Pacific Settle
ment of German Repa
rations Dispute.
Washington, Her. ltt.—The United
tates is endeavoring to bring about
pacific settlement of the German
epairations dispute which lias pro
need the present threatening situa
inn in Europe.
A discussion of plans of procedure
lreqdy is In progress between Wash
igttfci, London and Paris and the out
omf may be the re-entry of the
'nitjrd States into European affairs
>r tjhe purpose of exercising a stabd
:in^ influence, avoiding the threat
nedi clash between France and Ger
lany and saving Germany from eco
omlc collapse.
Although American troops are to he
stained on the Rhine a while longer,
ie Harding administration does not
in tarn plate furnishing armed forces
i back up its present program or
imtnitting Itself to the employment
f armed force in the future. Presi
ent Harding believes that the til
uence of the United States, the great
it creditor nation in tho world, will
e sufficiently potent to accomplish
ie puriioses In view.
Plan Loan to Germany,
It the plans under consideration
liich w< ro discussed at the cabinet
ironing today, work out successfully
Is expected that the amount of rep
ratio ns Germany Is obligated to pay
is allies will be materially reduced
rid that a huge loan to Germany will
a made by American, British a,nd
reiich financiers to stabilize the Oer
ian republic financially and enable
to make Immediate: payments.
The delicate tension of affairs in
urope is recognized, particularly with
lemenroitu and other foreign states
icn predicting another European war
nd France threatening to occupy the
uhr district of Germany.
If war should break out again In
urope nnd the American troops on
10 Rhine should be attacked the
nited States would be compelled to
j-enforce them or swallow the af
ont nnd In that manner would be
kely to be drawn into the conflict.
. According to one view the United
Mates soldiers in Europe are virtually
Postages in the hands of the allies to
isure American participation in any
irther outbreak of war.
Acceptable to Germany.
1 On the other hand, it Is pointed out
lat If the American troops are hos
igea In the hunds of franca and
England It Is a situation that 1b en
rely acceptable to Germany for the
erlin government specifically re
quested Washington to retain the
rmed forces of the United States On
io Rhino. France arid England also
( xpressed their desire that the Anicrl
, in contingent should be kept In
q airope.
Just how far the administration
1'ill .be able to go in thgtHlIrectlon of
| itcfcession to avert a European cn
istiopho even the administration
pes’ not know. Ambassador Harvey
as been summoned from London to
Vakhington to bring his knowledge
nd Wisdom to bear on the problem,
t ia hoped, however, that a plan can
e perfected before the allied pre
fers are due to meet in Paris, Janu
Iry ■ to resume discuaslon of the
eparations Issue.
It’is npparent that the allies have
een maneuvering for some time to
ring the United States into the ne
otla Hons on a basis of cancellation
f all war debts as an offset to the
eduction of Germany’s reparational
' Mirations. The administration, how
vet*, is keeping clear of any entan
lenjcnt of this sort. In the first
•lace President Harding and his ad
lsors regard the war debts and repa
atlons distinct fiuesticms, each of
vhlch must be dealt with on Its own
nerfts. In the second place congress
las' pronounced against cancellation
<f tjio debt to the United States and
last provided for its refunding, as a
ontequence of which, the president
\aa. no authority to enter into any
legCtiations Involving cancellation.
Report iii Bankruptcy Case
Branded as Misleading
>fc w York. Dec? 16.—A prelhninkry
■epgrt made hv' Chftrlrs Lobell, a
mMio accountant, on the books of
\a*dos & Burke, bankrupt stock
irogers, which first ;led to the belief
hat the creditors would recover their
oskes and later indicated the com
jany’s assets were even smaller than
irofiously estimated, yesterday was
■xainined at a bankruptcy bearing and
lecjared by the bankruptcy trustee to
■>c entirely misleading.
rtobort T, Stephenson, trustee for
lie' firm.' which failed last February
’or $2,000,060. pointed-wut that Lobell
tad entered a certain amount as a
ieblt of $24,012, while it should have
icen a credit of $44,007.
Manufacturers Ask Change
in U. S. Immigration Law
Qhicago, Dec. 1C.—Immediate action
In the revision of the immigration law
by the federal government to correct
a ahortage in farm and Industrial
labor and bring relief to the high cost
of living, is asked in a resolution
passed by the national conference of
State Manufacturers* associations.
A policy of selective immigration is
approved nnd the suggestion made
that the foderal government assert
the right and assume the responsibil
ity of controlling, and educating the
immigrant during the period of his
Refugees Reach Aleppo.
Boston. Dec. IS.—A cablegram an
nouncing that 60,000 Armenian refu
gees have arrived at Aleppo and that
thousands are on the way from Ana
tolia. was received by the Armenian
National union headquarters yester
day. The refugees were described as
being wounded, aick and naked.
Illness Fatal
1 to Mrs. Dietz
Wife of Omaha Capitalist
Dies at Suite in Fon
Mrs. Florence Dietz, 43. wife of
Gould Dietz, died at the family suite
tn Hotel Fonteneile early yesterday
morning, following a long illness.
Mrs. Dietz became ill while doing
Red Cross work during the war. I’hy
sleinns say her death resulted from
heart disease.
Mrs. Dietz was born at Lincoln,
Neb., and was reared there. She was
well known for her charity work here,
and was a member of the Trinity
Episcopal church of Lincoln. The
death of her parents left her large
holdings In Lincoln.
Funbral services will be held at'Lin
coln jit 2 Monday afternoon' at thb old.
family home.
N. Y. Judge Issues
Mandate Against
Irish Free State
Court Demands to Know
Where Stephen O’Mara,
Republican Leader,
Is Imprisoned.
New York, Dec. 16.—(By A, P.)—The
Irish free sta-te was ordered by Jus
tice George V. Multan, in supreme court
yesterday, to show cause next Tues
day Why the place o? imprisonment
of Stephen M. O'Mara, Irish republi
can leader, should not be revealed to
attorneys for O'Mara and Kanionn de
Valera. «
Tlie order was granted on petition of
John K. Finerty of Washington,
through Martin Conboy, his New York
representative, who seeks to have a
commission take O'Mara’s testimony
in tho $2,500,000 Irish republic bond
suit which has been in the New York
courts for more than a year.
The papers alleged that O'Mara was
unlawfully detained in Ireland and
it was feared .he would be killed or
otherwise prevented from giving tes
timony before the case could be
brought to trial.
This development of affairs of the
Irish free state in this country fol
lowed receipts yesterday by Daniel J.
McGrath, who has been handling the
consular affairs of the free state since
Joseph Connolly resigned, November
26, of a letter warning him to leave
the country before December 26 or
be shot at sight.
Mr. Finerty went to court on receipt
of reports that O'Mara, who raised
the $2,500,000" by popular subscrip
tion in America during the world
war, was in .the custody of free state
“It appeared to us,” he saW. “that
the free state might execute O'Mara
before his testimony on how the fund
was raised could be taken." t
_ U*'
Pitney Quits High Court.
Washington, Dec. 16,—Associate
Justice Pitney of the supremo court
today sent his resignation to President
Harding, to take effect January 1.
First President
of Poland Slain
by Assassin’s Gun
Slain Visiting an Art Exhibi
tion—Unexpected Election
Aroused Intense Resent
ment of Factions.
Warsaw, Dec. 18.—(By A. I\)—Ga
briel Narutowic*, first president of
Poland, was assassinated today.
M. Narutowic* was killed while vis
iting an art exhibition.
The assassination occurred exactly
at noon. The president was shot, dy
ing a few moments later. M. Marut
owicz .was killed by an artist named
Niewadom^ki, lib firejTcflTr'je 'shots.
Ev.ry tj^iowE ilHKt, * j
Nicwadomskl, the assassin, has long
been recognized by his associates as
mentally deranged, and ’his act is
looked upon as due to the motivation
of his disordered mind rather than as
tlie result of a definite plot against
the life of the newly elected president.
News of the tragedy spread like
wildfire throughout the capital, evok
ing expressions of horror from all, In
cluding the political enemies of the
martyred executive.
There have been continuous disor
ders ever since President Narutowic*
was elected by the national assembly
one week ago today. There was tumul
tuous clamor growing out of his un
expected choice to succeed Gen. Pil
sudisk, the battle between the rival
factions and tho police resulting In
four deaths and the injury of more
than 100 persons.
Low Prices
Until Jan. 1st Only
Or Lower A
Plate..aPl U
and up.
$10 Gold Crow*
“You Above All Mu.t
Be Sati.fied”
I 1324 Famous St.. Cor. 24tb j
Phono JA 26*2 (
r *’ _
Wo Have a Beautiful Ine of Mink
Chokers'to Sell at $12.50
Exceptionally Good Values
2217 Farnam Street
Telephones: Omaha, AT lantic 0345
South Side, MA rket 0050
Our Lost Shipment of
Baby Grands
arrived Saturday and will be ready for our
Xmas customers at 8 o'clock tomorrow morn
ing—see the new 1923
Kurtzmann ?ar $1000
Schumann Mahogany B“" $785
AaItIaVjI The Tery (>rlt one in 0TAC
UaKIOlQ Omaha, highest quality... |f|)3
Haynes ‘ B:fcr $650
Baby Grand—Brown Mahogany
Osborn $550
Very Easy Payments
Night ^afiKSLSfe^ Omaha
Par pair P« P“ir
$9.00 $2.29
These salt and pepper shakers ara
all boxed and ready to give. You'll
find they are of very reliable silver
plate over a base metal that is heavy
enough to weight them and make
them suitable for constant use.
Give Furniture
And every one in the home will enjoy it or in some way be benefited. At this time
of the year our whole store it turned over to customers who are seekng gifts and.
whthr it is a wonderful overstuffed suite or just a comfortable footstool, you’ll
find them both in widest variety of style an# price range. For the greater con
venience of shoppers, we have arranged several hundred gifts in
An Aisle of Gifts
On Our Main Floor.
* j
The charm of a ‘‘gate leg" is only
equaled by its usefulness. Tho
tabic pictured, with handy drawer
and top that measures 32x42
ZZ-'" $26,00
36-inch Drop Leaf Gate Leg Table
in mahogany, SPECIAL. .$19.88
Martha Washington designed her
own sewing cabinet and it has
proven to be very satisfactory for
150 years. The famous Cowan
model in solid mahogany is specially
priced at
Others are from $19.75 up.
You may have your
for Christmas and start to pay for it
in FEBRUARY. Any model, Consol
or Cabinet type instrument, will be
delivered to your home as soon as
you have made your selection. The
charge will be made on your January
bill, so that no payment will be due
until February, at which time 10%
may be paid and the balance in
monthly installments .
Humidor pictured affords
accommodation for two
boxes of cigars, with
nickel ash tray and match
holder on top.
Price $10.00
Pedestal type Smoking
Stands, in brown mahog
any with glass tray tops,
$1.50, $2.75, $3 to $6.75
Among the many Easy
Chairs and Rockers is a
true reproduction of
Abraham Lincoln’s Arm
Rocker in antique mahog
any. As pictured,
We show hundreds of
Easy Chairs and Rockers
in fumed and golden oak
as well as mahogany.
The Tea Table Tea Cart saves tha
day when guests are famished and
it’s bothersome to set a table. W»
show a number of good styles. Th«
style pictured is in Tudor two-tone
mahogany at—
Other Tea Carts in piahogany, Tu«
dor mahogany, walnut, fumed oak,
golden oak and metal—
$12.75 to $75.00
The Queen Anne Mohair Davenport is handsomely trimmed and finished
with good looking tassels on arms. Built for lifetime <t*1 QQ AA of the really fine pieces; price.OO.l/v
In velour It is only $148.00. With Chair to match, $88.00.
And Rocker to match, $89.00.
We are showing a smart three-pleee, loose cushioned Living Room
Suite in blue and tanpe velour. <T 1 H fi A A
Three pieces complete for ...*P
Overstuffed Chairs and Rockers for occasional use d' ^ C A A
are priced as low as ......
Novelty Sewing Cabinet* in the
rich Tudor two-tone mahogany.
The styles are both unique and
attractive and are the only ones
of their kind in Omaha. Prices
$12.50, $15.00, $16.50, $22.00,
$23.00, $24.00, $39.50 and up
to $55.00.
The Combination End Table
type pictured is priced at $29.50
Featherweight, folding con
struction Card Tables, Bur
roughs type, with leather top
American type Card Tables
with cushion cloth for $3.00
Other Card Tables at $6.00
and $6.75.
English brown mahog
any Boudoir or Desk
Lamps, with double
silk shades, will be sold
complete at
Lamps similar to above
with large oval double
silk shades will be sold,
complete, at
Equip the
Kitchen for
and Friend Wife will thank
you every day of 1923.
A Kitchen Cabinet from $16.60 to *
$100.00 (depending.)
Detroit Jewel Gaa Range with high
oven and broiler, white enamel
drip pan and door panels. Price
Simplex Sunbowl Electric Heater.
Price . $11.00
All White Enamel Porcelain Top
Table, special price ....$10.60
All White Enamel Drop Leaf
Kitchen Table, price ....$10.50
. Kitchen Chairs ranging in price
' from .$2.00 up
'Two-quart Pyrex Casseroles, round
• and ..oval, frames of Royal
4 Rochester nickel, special price,
at $4.50
'"' Wear-Ever' Aluminum Roasters,
priced'according to sire, special
at....... ..$3.95, $4.95 and $5.95
‘ VXisV-Enamel Roasters, price $2.50,
>$3il5 and $3.50.
/. -Three-piece Universal Carving Set,
special price .$4.25
•», Six-piece White Enamel Handled
Kitchen Set, Universal steel,
price . $2.35
Special Universal Bread Knife with
8-inch blade, price .39c
Convenient TERMS on Gae Range*
and Kitchen Cabinet*.
T raveling
for Christmas Gifts
Boston Bags in tan, brown and
black, plain and grained leather,
at $3.75, $4.50, $6.50 and $10.50
Ladies* Calfskin, Cowhide and Seal
Overnight Baga with silk and
leather linings—$9.50, $10.50,
$12.75, $15.00 and $18.00.
14-inch, .6-inch and 18-inch Week
End Fitted Cases for Ladies in
great variety—$28.00, $30.00 and
22-inch Ladies' Cases with fittings
of shell and ivory—$30.00,
$32.50, $36.00 and $40.00.
Ladies’ 22-inch Fitted Cases with
removable trays; fitted with
ivory, shell and amber—$40.00,
$75.00, $82.00 and $105.00.
Men’s and Women’s Handsome Full
Leather Cases of toilet requisites
for traveling—$15.75, *19.00,
$25.00 and $35.00.
We have a few special Fitted Cases
- for men at .....$5.75
B Main Floo$
A Rug for Christmas
Beautiful Rugs in a stock as wide as ours, present wonderful op
portunities for holiday giving. We believe that you can fit any
room or purse in the rug department.
9x12 Seamless Axminster Rugs
These rugs are heavy and closely woven, with the characteristic long
nap of the good wearing Axminster rug. There are a few plain color
ruga with borders, while the remainder are in very rich Oriental de
signs and colors that will delight you. The regular price is $66.60,
but on account of slight imperfections, the prices—
Oriental Rugs
For Throws, Table Mats, Under Lamps, Etc.
Ladic Mats for, under tabic lamps, 3-0xl-9, $18.00,
Bergania Mats for single doorways, “heavy”
2-9xl-8 . $18.00
Beloochistan Mats for tables or floor use,
4-10x2-9 . $32.00
Beloochistan Mats for table or piano bench,
4- 2x2-2 . $22.50
Antique Prayer Rugs in rich colorings,
5- 4x2-7, at ....$48.00
Princess Bokhara Table Pieces, 3-4x3-l, at $52.50
W ashable
Bedroom Rugs
Made of cotton in good clean colors
that blend with bedroom wall papers
and hangings.
24x36 size, each.$2.75
27x54 size, each ...-....$4.25
30x60 size, each.$5.00
36x72 size, each.$6.50
We are also showing a number of good
reversible washable rugs in dark colors,
suitable for other rooms and hallways.
27x54 Extra Heavy Axminster Rugs to match.. $5.75
36x72 Extra Heavy Axminster Rugs.$9.75
Fine Wiltons
These rugs are the real aristocrats
of the American loom by such
world-renowned weavers as Bigelow
and Whittall, who copy the finest
handwork of China and the Near
East- The least expensive worsted *
Wilton in the 9x12 size is priced at
Shop and
Mail Early
This Week
Rugs Second Floor
This is a Drum for a good Junior
Boy Scout, price .Jl.25
And it j.ust goes to show what won
derful values we have in our
Toy Shop
There ar*
Dolls and Dolls’ Furniture^Books,
Games, Mechanical Toys, Trains,
Out-of-Door Toys, Jointed Circus
Animals, Tools, Children’s Fur
niture, Desks, Cookfhg Utensils,
Third Floor
-O-- .
Acceptable at
3-inch satin -binding, checks and
broken plaids; plain blankets to
match, full size; 72x84, each,
at . $12.75
weight, all-wool cover in most
desirable colors and color com
binations, 62x84 .$16.75
SILK COMFORTS—Full size, a
most acceptable gift; put up in
individual boxes, $13.75 to $62.50
and satin coverings, full size,
$26.50 to $32.75.
ERS—Complete assortment Blan
kets from $2.00 up and Wool
Filled Comforts from $4.25 up.
and hemstitched, the finest of
cotton eheets, preferred by manj
to linen; fall assortment of eizea,
a F!s?js JS
v *. *' |