l The < >maha Sunday . iee i jbssks. \ OL. .2—NO. 27. PART THREE. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 17. 1922. 1—C FIVE CENTS Visitors. School Girls and Charities ai, Christinas / JjlliL _WJnl NX C?er/rua;.r f’AOf t> Holiday visitor*, school girls with their innumerable festivities, ami Christmas charities, are ruling the social world at this season Among the must welcome visitors, returning for her first extended visit since her marriage, is Mrs. Richard Crane, who. with her husband, l.ieut. t ram-, is located at Vadison. Wis. Formerly Miss Hetty Kingwalt. site is visiting her mother. Mrs. Theodore Kingwalt, and her sister. Miss Dorothv. .Many affairs in her honor have already been announced. Miss Gertri. Nutphcn. daughter of Mrs. Joy Nutphen. is a sfiuMit at' Die I niversily of Omaha. She will entertain her sorority. Kappa I'sl Delta at a luncheon of IS covers at the Brans ford hotel on December 27 This same sorority vvll give a dancing party on the 23d. Other university frater nities and soron ies. I*lii Sigma. Sigma Chi and the Thetas, will also give dancing parties during ..liduys. Miss Sulphen is especially interested in her art course and is an all-round athlete, she is one of the young equestriennes of tin- city, and motors, swims anil skates as well. Miss Harriet Binder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry M Binder will return this week from Monticello seminary, Illinois. From the same school lo hi'"6 Vm D'ol.'md nlece of Mrs. I,. J. Healey, and I.ouise Gunther, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gunther. Mrs. Binder will entertain for her daughter during Die holidays. Dance Artist Carries Muff (.alls It “Decorative and Com fortable'’ and Defies Fash ion of tin*Day. Ity (a.AttUY DETAYL*. WOMANS rights would Gabby plead. .Not the rights that call for equal pay for equal work; equal pay and no work at all is a greater, and. paradoxical as it seems oven i more common achievement tot "omen, llut the right Gabby be speaks for her sex is that of Inde pendence In dress. A few souls are left who now exercise this right but they are so rape as to be u case for comment " hen observed. Ruth SI. Denis for example. \\ hen she was in Omaha Thursday to till en gagements at the Braudels, she visit ed Miss Mary Cooper's dancing stu dio at the Blark-ione. And "hat do you suppose? Mho carried a muff! I’crfret|y attired sin- xxas except for th.x de-minli; It accessory. "May I ask about jour muff," Gub by dared to inquire. "It C both deeoralive and comfort able," Miss Mt. Denis replied uniiablj and unhesitatingly. "MuMieienL rea son for carrying ft, though it may bo considered passe, ' she added. "Women are gislng up too ninny of the charming, feminine things." in terpose'! Ted Ml law n, her dancing partner. "Gradually they are being shorn of their 'aids to beautj-, " he said. And girls, w hilo m re bemoaning the lots of our beautiful and cozy muffs, l'fs send up a wail for the lovelj', silk, fluffy, beruffled parasol. It is just what Miss Denis said of the inufT, both decorative and com fortable. And next to moonlight tt self, can \ ou think of more favorable auspices for romance? HA.V15 you over noticed how the society editor duet? sho runs a picture of some charming ’wom an anil writes beautiful flattering things about her taking a winter Med iterranean tour or jourrtev to the Pan ama, and practically ignores the bus band in 11io case, who is probably a very practical, if not a decorative f*"tor. Not so long ago an urnalia woman went to Florida, and tins Aery thing occurred. Her husband, who seems philosophical about it, waxed into the following verse: Mrs L. h;<* gout to Florid* To spend the winter monMv To mermaid in tho restless aea. Ami practice golfing stunt*. To enjoy this lard of sunshine, Of ltzArds, ants and song— Mf. L. I'i* gone to riorlda And her husband s gone along Mr- L. his gone to Florid* And ivii! build a cottage there, \ d barh beneath the coco palms And breathe the salty air. In peace and Joy and comfort Far from the maddening throng. Mrs. L, has gone to Florida And her husband a gone along. Mrj*. L. has gone to Florida To absorb the placid mood ; ,Th*>n In springtime sho will seek \ higher altitude. F- r the* Rocky Mount a n atmosphere. Which m said to be “tr^s bon.'* Sh* goes to Colorado, and Her husband goes along. Tit u wtl! she travel back end forth H?tween the tide and snow. Sometimes with her g-?ur In high And oftentimes In low; And sometimes everything *s right, I3ut oftentimes It’s wrong; Re ss it may. her huabaud think* It s a Joy to go along. Omaha D. A. R. Members of Omaha chapter. Daugh ters of the American Revolution, are requested to send their Christmas donations for iho American Legion to the Seventeenth street entrance of tiie courthouse; American Legion headquarters, care of Harry c. Hough. All contributions should be delivered at headquarters on December 21 or 22, arul either money or food contribu tions are acceptable, llach package must lie mnikfil “Omaha Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolu tion. " . The American Legion is forming a library for the benefit of their mem lif-rs at ord. Neb., and Omaha Chap ter, D. A. It.. is arranging to furnish a collection of liooks for this library. Lai-h member of the chapter is r'1 quested to give at least one book and as many more as possible. The books ; are to b" sent to Airs. Hdgar Allen at M l South Twenty-sixth avenue. Berryman Speaks ofMarvelo u s Feat of Dupre Cecil Berryman, Omaha pianist and composer, commends the Y. AW C. A. for bringing hero Marcel Dupre who will appear at tlie First Central Con gregational church in organ recital tiio night o£ Tuesday, December ]'J. "Marcel Dupre, one of the world's greatest organists, is recreating inter est in what lias almost become a lost art." Mr. Berryman says, "the art of improvisation." "We have all marvelled in reading of the masterly extemporizations of Bach. Mozart, Beethoven and Biszt, working out fugues, sonatas, fan tasias on the spur of tho moment, but Dupro improvises a symphony in four movements upon'themes tub tnitted by any in the audience, lie takes only live minutes to choose and arrange these lhentes. Announcement is then "made of (he use to ho made of the themes and of the composers. “Critics throughout ttie country have been unanimous in their praise of this wonderful feat. One of the most blase of New York critics who lias attended an average of several recitals a day fur years said the im provised symphony was one of the most delightful half hours in his whole musical experience. “It will be a great privilege lo bo present at the concert.” Leaves for the Holidays Mrs. Karl Haw1- ins, who came here recently as a brivl*., h*avey tomorrow for Chiiago to siiertd the holidays with her pan tits, Mr. and Mrs. \\ . C\ 1 Shinn. Mrs. Hawkins was formerly Miss Lillian Shinn. Site was a member of Kappa Kappa Uamma at the University of Is'ebraska Ar -rrc ler S' Jrsafetf p*c .*(> yUhf yj?. ..Vt'sy CkrfruA Sfouf ykrs TtSt/farct//esjorvf, jU'rs CJnae-voecicr-. t'rs J*o Carpenter- ,//- _ shcfo, pxof^ Junior league members will carry Hie tree anil Ilio joys (hat go with it into both the children's ward at the l liivcrsity of Nebraska hospital and the Day Nursery. story on (lie aceninimityiiig page tells morn of their plans, which are in charge of .Mcsdaines T. L. Davis, Frederick Itucholi, Clydo Uocder, Willard llosford, Louis Clarke, Isaac Carpenter, jr., ami Miss Gertrude fstout. House Warming at John W. Gamble New Home The beautiful new home of Mr. and Mrs. John AV Gamble at 10J North Happy Hollow boulevard, which they have occupied sincu November U was formally opened last night at. a house warming to their friends. From the proverbial "garret to cellar’’ .the home was turned over to the guests. '. hrlstmas bells, ami holiday decora tions of red and green, carried out tin: spirit of tho season. Cards, danc ing and entertainers added to a pleas urable evening. At midnight a supper was served to Messrs and Mesdames P. t’. Hy son, Don T. Lee, Robert Trimble, M. M. Murray, L. Claude Hamilton, Will Davis. W. y. Stryker. T. J. Donahue, Bert Fowler, 11. K. Schaffer, AV. R. Ulster, fail Ballard, Adolph Nelson, L. AV. Exley, O. T. Keller, Benjamin Harrison. Roy Hart, Frank Robin son, AV. Jt. McGrew, O. T.,SteBner, O. T. Alvison, John Pulver, J. S. Eaton. Frank Roberts. Georgs Miller, AV R. McFarlan, \V. L. Carey, H. G, Wind b“lm, Mrs. H. L. Thomas and Roy Gillespie. Mar Till ft Lt'C Blirp'SS l.iies Dinucr Before Pepper Pot Dance. The members of the Pepper Pot club, who are to entertain at. .1 dar ter -00 gue-ts tli'D night of the '-’3d at. the Country club, will dine with taeir escorts at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward M. Burgess, preceding tlie party. Miss Margaret L^d Burgees will he hostess. Covers will be laid for ihe Misses Marcelle Folds, Emma Nash. Dorothy Higgins. Elinor KounUe and Jane Stewart, and Messrs Charles McMartln. Milton Barlow, William Poppleton, Herbert Hall, Ernest Schurman, Hugh Smith and John Davidson. Aftother mem her of the club, Miss Margaret Wy man, will not bo present as she is spending Christmas in the east with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wy ma n. Sunshine Parly. George A. Custer Woman's Belief corps will give 11 sunshine party at. the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Emmy W . Johnson, IMS' South Thirty-first street. Proceeds will be used for re lief work. University of Omaha Sororities, Fraternities and Clubs .Make Merrily Merry -Not m Idleness will Omaha university students remain during the ( inist : man vacation at their school. The various sororities and fraternities hare announced formal dancea and less formal i Tin. twins parties, and the clubs, too, will occupy a place on the social calendar. Duo Key club will sir e a bouse dance on the evening of Friday, December 29, at the home of Kloisc Magaret. Kappa I’si Delto sorority lias is u' d invitations t j their formal "prom” at tlio Blackstona Saturday night, the 23d. Their afternoon Christmas party will be gin n December 2" at. the home of Mary Killian. Sigma Chi Clinic-run will giro its formal dance at the Burge. 3-Nash tea - room, Saturday night, December 23, and their Christmas party the afternoon of the 29th at the home of Leota Alderman. Tho Theta Prom has been scheduled for tho night of December 29 at Prettiest Milo club. Phi Sigma Phi fraternity will dance away tho night of tho 23d at tho ! Home hotel. M iss Vernelle Head to Have Three Guests Tlie Misses Irina Aikens and Rick iey Smith of St. Joseph, Mo., will arrive on Monday and Peter Van Brunt uf Chicago arrived Saturday to be tlie guest of Miss Yernello Head. They will remain in town until Fri day. Monday evening Mica Hr ad will have lo to dine with her guests. Tues day afternoon Miss Dorothy Judson will gi'e i bridge tea lor 12. Wednes day c. pning Mi' -i Eleanor Burkley v ill be ho“tesa at dinner, and on Thursday Miss Head will again have in to dinner at her home followed by dancing at the Braudels restaurant. Mist; llcarj «. xpeeta-Miss Jaiuivinec Kerens cf New Yni it to b>- her guest ovi r Cli ri '.maw • lirislma* Bazars. Hand dressed dolls will he a feature of the bazar to be conducted by tlie Florence church at the courthouse Wednesday and Thursday. Other bazars at the courthouso this week are as follows December 18-Bt—First Reformed Covenant Presbyterian, Immanual Baptist. Temple Israel, Pearl M. E. Rojal Neighbors of America, Pythian Sisters. December 20-21—Lefler Memorial Trinity M. IT, Benson Christian. Re organized Latter Day Saints, McCabe M. IT, Benson Presbyterian, Benson Woman's club I New Exhibit at Fine Arts Gallery Omaha Art Guild pictures were | I taken down Saturday to make way 1 foe the exhibition of paintings of Henry Tanner mid Huyley Lever,' both American painters. This rxhi ' i bit will open today and continue over | ,\'-w Year'.-. Tanner's pictures, being of a. religious nature, are considered tsp< dally appropriate for the season. ! At the last meeting of the board of 1 tiie Fine Ari. soch ty, Mrs. 'A. T. Lind-’ ery was appointed to till the place left vacant by the death of Mrs. Charles T. Ivountze. Ke Huff, jr. The ticket committee lias already been highly successful in its work. Members of the general hall committee have donated all necessary tilings in connection witli tlio event, so tfirst all money taken in will be clear. Charities at Christmas Time Cove r A11 Junior Leaguers Busy—C.bil •Iren's Institutions Are Kemeuibered. Ii Santa Claus will only oblige with a wealth of snowflakes to make a white Xmas, December 25 will be per fect fur everyone, for nil Santa's earthly tninlons are exerting every ef fort. to make the day joyful, and even children at tho various Omaha Insti tutions will have as fine a day as any. The Junior league in addition to the work they me doing from day to clay, will observe the Yuletide in the Day nursery and at the University hospi tal with Christmas trees, toys and a useful gift for each child. Tho Day nursery will serve a fine holiday dinner at 12. Kaoh month, tho Junior leagtio gives a dinner party in honor of nil the children who have celebrated their brithdays during t lie mouth. The Christmas dinner will be a birthday dinner to seven December tots, ns well as Santa’s toast. Following dinner, which is to bo as replete with good things as the most luxurious imagina tion can conceive, a huge tree will lie lighted and tho rublcond patron saint '■.ill make bis appearance with the presents. -As an extra thrill Otis M. Smith and others from the Grain Dxchangc are presenting the nursery with a sand table, each grain full of i-astlc, moat and landscaping possibilities. Mrs. Thomas Davis is at the head of the committee in charge and lias ■ hosen to assist her tho Mcsdaines illard 1 loafer'I. Clyde Feeder, Isaac Carpenter, Jr.; l ied Jlucholz, Louis Clarke and Miss Gertrude Stout. There are 88 beds in the Day nursery, 10 of these having been do nated. The doners arc tho Mosdanies Luther Kountze, Joseph I’olcar, Frank Judson, B. 1’. Folda, Margaret Hynes, Malcolm Laldrige, Milton Barlow, Charles Beaton, tho Omaha Women's club and the Omaha College club. The first of November ended the first six months that this work has been under the auspices of the Junior league. During that time 4,ti94 chil dren have been taken care of ami $4,1J0 lias been spent. The mothers pay 20 cents a any for each child, which has brought In a total of $810.75, Mrs. Fritz Fucliolz has the arrang tnents for the I'nivcrsity hospital partly in her cor* ; it will he given on tho Saturday before Christinas. Since lie If the fuu is m anticipation, the children themseh-s. who are under the care of It! of the Junior league, have made the ornaments, to tlie tree will be more than ever the property of each clvilel that sees its glittering wonders. 'ihe 11! who go out ori Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week to do their share in the dispensary work of occupational therapy are the Mesd&mes W. 1-t. Clift. Maasr-.m Young, Jack Webster, Harold Frit elicit, Henry Folding <•. u. Metz, Fouis Meyer, Cl* uigo Fedick, John j Caldwell, Yale Holland and Miss Fliza j betii Davis. In addition to the work of the dm- I pensary ilie lcaguo lias just started | kindergarten work in the hospital, tliild’s Sating Institute. At the Child's Saving Institute, t Christmas is ‘‘the day of ail the y ear," j what with turkey dinners and stock ■ ings stuffed with nuts, candies and gifts. It. begins with a party Friday given by the Camp Fire girt.-: and is i continued with Christmas eve, when each one of the t*h children hangs up , a stocking for .snma to fill at mM night. This year since there is a new I toy shelf there has been much dim j cUKsion among the little ones e.s to whether tho innovation isn't a better place to hang the hosiery than the ends of the lnds, "making it easy for Santa.” Clifts have b< en pouring in for two weeks and will he pre sented when the tree is lighted just before noonday dinner. A letter that reached the institution yesterday was from ono liule hoy who has now found a home and who was sending a remembrance to another little boy who had also been “placed” and he said with the pride of new gift gn ing , “Open it and tee what It is and then sf nd it to him.” Mothers send in exquisite gifts to he forwarded to their children, whom they will never see. Christ ( itild Society. The Christ Child society is giving its whole attention to making Christ mas the joy it has a right to b* to th» many small souls it harbors. Of course there will he a large parly Ion Monday, tho 20. in which 20 of the children will take part in "Tho Mother's Dream,” a playlet, and iu I appropriate tableau. These children, railed the Christmas Troup, will pre sent lids entertainment first at tit, Anne, Twenty-fourth street and Pop pleton avenue, and after Christmas at Fort Crook on December 27, at South Omaha on the 29th, St. Benedict on the 2Mh and at St. Patrick on the 31st. The Keseuc Home. At the Salvation Army Uescue homo there will lie a tree and gifts for the girls in the home on Monday, and on Thursday there will he a tree for tho girls who hove left the homo and are now working outside. The Salvation Army Corps will also pivo away bas kets according to their usual Xmas custom. \t tho Creche. Thirty children will rejoice on Christinas morning with candy, fruits and toys, given by the board mem bers of »ire Creche who will also pro vide suitable do orations. Kacli mem her will also send one particular gift our to the Parkvvilde home. St. James Orphanage. Mr. and Mrs. O. Barmettler and their family are planning to send n least of turkeys, geese and ducks to tiio orphanage i hildrcn for their lioh day dinner. The Knights of Colum bus will furnish the little tots vvitb » Christmas tree, and the Burgess Nui-t Santa Claus will distribute gifta. (amp fire Carols. Thursday evening, December 21. the Camp Fire Girls, who have bceu re h* arsing under Mr. . Grace Toole Steinberg v ill sing their Christmas carols for the “bhutins." Ilooks tor Hoy Scouts. < . Louis Meyer is making Troop "f tin Roy Scouts a present of 10 subscriptions to "Boys* Lifo" the boy scout magazine. Troop Master Mr. Levings will giin these out each month to the 10 Loops boys who stand highest in their work. They will eventually he parsed around to all of tho 40 hoys, hut priority ol possession will he an honor. Altrusa Club. Altrusa club will remember the children at tho convalescent home, Society far the Relief of the Disabled, with toys and u tree. At (he City Mission. The Triangle club in the guise of Santa Chius will \ isit th- City Mission at 4 o’clock Christmas afternoon. On Thursday of Christina-; week Omaha Woman s Chn. tiim Temperance Union will art as linrtesa at the Mother's Christmas party. On tlie same day Lie kindergarten tots will bo entei taineU by the Misses Elizabeth tloQtluurdi on Png* >1r».)