1 HE GUMPS—T^Zoir.?. C Of I P”* CWU.JkMt 16\ni,Mf -I - J ■ . M ■ ■■ AM I HURTING YOU? I HOPE SO Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Sidney Smith ' tfor.vritht 19H2» &NW \$ PEEPNVUWO K UTTEC. WHICH HE tE MMtXHft TO TVtfc NE\A)SP**Ett$ To&CTHE* W\TH THE OWE «ECE»\J*t> FROM VTE\JE*TEE. t*WS *TTORHlT * To TvaE WON0\?lk«vE U) SHkVESTE^l SKIWH- TVJ'E \* m KtPLT To kTTnr^ VtCtVVEt> FROM NCVjH i tITPRHtN THfctvn.vVHlC, to DRIkt, ) ^ lt^TO COVftT OHVVTS \ *VTSNkCT ( M^LPl^,ott'T'T':-VL W**-* **TE OF f / \ WAMF. NOTW\N6 SO RFSRACS- MS LFSSFR^X OF t*CF*6tlL %3b FXFfcF^tFS Ms SRUF. ^F>*SVMF>VSS \H SWF O.FARFSS A NO MOSS CONCVSfc tAWOUA^F SWAT V KwovO- AhO \F ^ou asf ss'tu of swt op\nvcv\ Shat \ \ J>\:> AViNTWrnb BUS FtASStRL soo, SOU MAS \ 'N>TO COURT- Amo WIWFM SWF \ s^au'VT JH?'r‘Ct vs surnltv on sou ) —^ WF 6R0UN0 WoG Sffivno hvs / ^V-IA^CVVJ- >OU \*JW-U / oo FA^k VNSo Souva. / , ^*^5! VCU^C^ g/ [ TV»M CjVJN '-0O<3V*RT^RS - \ VJVT.H H^, TVIMKS Mt'i bGT V\.X TML ' i TRouBOX ^ vXt *T^R OM ^MOWtWHb L 1 'T To HiM- HE'S «CRRt>W\No TROORVX- Jj V VU. bWt \T TO H)M RoR >jj/|,!' hotv^c, ffir -—-JSlDNtN Somewhere in Omaha Is a Buyer for Your home. Get in touch with him through the Real Estate columns of The Omaha Bee—or list your property _ with some live, energetic real estate broker who uses Omaha Bee “Want” Ads. BEE WANT AD RATES 15t r>€r li e each clay, 1 or 2 days. 12c p«i li each day, 3 to 6 days. 1 Of* per lino each day, 7 days or longer. The above ratea apply exclusively to Witu Ads which are commonly termed “public wants,” and do not include adver- ! 11sementa of individuals or concerns adver- : Using or exploiting their businesses. THE OMAHA HEE reserves the right to deaifnate what constitutes a public want. | Want Ads accepted at the following offices: Main office.*.17th and Farnam Sts. South Omaha. .N. W. cor. 24th and N St,;. Council Illuffs.15 gcott St. Telephone AT lantic 1000. Oill for "Want** Ad Department. An ex perienced "Want’* ad taker will receive your ad and a bill will be mailed later. Tha ratea quoted above apply to either charge or cash orders. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition .11:40 a. m. Morning Edition.9 p. m. Sunday Edition.9 p. m. Saturday These ratea apply to The Sunday Bee as Well as to The Morning and Evening Ilea. All week-day advertisements appear in both morning and evening editions at the one cost. THc OMAHA MORNING BEE. THE EVENING HKE. BURlAlT VAULTS. WOODEN boxes soon decay. Steel or Iron ■vaults will rust out and collapse. There fore you Hhould Insist upon >our under taker using Hn Automatic Sealing Con ■ fete Burial vault; water-proof and ever listing. Manufactured only by the Omaha I'onereta Burial Vault Co., 6210 N. 80th Sl. Omaha Inspection Invited. CEMETERIES. VIS IT FOREST LAWN. Hundreds of evergreen blankets and win ter Wreaths make the cemetery very beau tiful at this senson of the year. They i.-my be obtained at tho greenhouse at the inframo of the cemetery. Offices at the tnei.-ry (north of the city limits), and ' _'(» llrandeia theater. FUNT:.R AL DIRBCTOR8 F. J. STACK & CO., > »rti*ha a beat undertaking establltdimcnt, )Xr AMBULANCE • i i t irnatn HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertaken and Krnbaltners. rbone IIA. 0 28."* Office 2 I I Tarnam. I LARKIN BROTHERS, I'tTNKRA 1. I'lUKCTORS ,813 SO 81TI1 Hulse & Riepeu, Fun- - || 2224 Turning. CROSBY-MOORE ugJjLi FLORISTS .'OHN HATH, 1804 Fai-nam. J A. 1»06. HICNDERSON l.."7 Haritam. ,|A. 1 . s PERSONAL.” TffW SALVATION Army industrial home solicits jour old clothing, furniture, maga jik.'I We collect. We distribute Phone 5 ,1A 41".'* and our wagon will call. Tall [ and inspect our new home, 1110.1112-1114 1 Pctflfo street. _______ I itWATHicXu hist il tn u for plays and parties, ut Listen's, Omaha. roRM lash made. ftlaclng fRi. KB, 2701. I h OWT your riH? rug woven by tl. V, 1111 l.'tte. 50c per yd. WE. 70t»1. 0308 Lake Ht. tKFE trimming and taking down. We. 130*. __ EDUCATIONAL. 11A Y SCHOOL -Nfoi’lT SCHOOL. Complete course* In accountancy machine liiinUU' plug, cnmpUmioti y. short nund nhtl m I'ewrli Ing, ruilroad and winders telcg i tphy civil service find air English an«l < ftmtuerclul branch**. Write. call or ]• hotte Jackson laG6 for largo Illustrated * italog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyl- s Bldg . Omaha. N« b._ WANTLB- Men, 1 idles and boys to learn l irber trade; Mg demand; wage* while laming; strictly modern. Call or write 1 inj podge St. Trf-CIty Barber College, ! Bay or Evening sessions hWOHAK BUSINESS COLLEOH. | Wild Bldg . 18th aiol I irn im 4 1 Hi Van SANT SCHOOL OF RUSIN BBS S r Cor. Nineteenth mid Douglas. JA. GW80, AN NIB W GLASGOW volte and piano rbaeh Hlk. JA. 1081 __ M. >!. i*i; B * RBER Ot 110 S llih S'. Write for * atalog. LOST AND FOUND. SAMPLE CASH coni lining catalog and photograph* of dishes Kinder n turn to i t). Harding. Bus **' hotel and receive 5 in rewafd. No quealions____ vin,> Huddle Uetvafd M A C, W . Kb bird., 4(23 S. J d St. Last seen. i!*d and ll *trents ____, IliaWABB for return «*r collie pup, J'htte ruff, about $ month* old. Call AT. t <87._ •,w \ roWM gold bar pin net with ruble*. K E. 4101. _ __ . L<5if—F*ilrnam car. ladles' purse, • otftaln • nv Mil* and checks. Reward. HA. • >»»• LOST—A bunch of keys' Return to lb \v inter Reward I .OUT—Tuesday, purse, $20; reward. IIA ______ ! * spiked colla r hew it d « A. 4*6* _ _ MALE HELP WANTED. aHK you willing to work? '’an You talk intelligently to business men Are 3 »m clean cl*, and able to prove tnat vou can main good !»■ *ale*rnah on ad v»rt:.ing for a buj'ntss f.-ature number -.f ■« inaeazino? Can you lea fit to do It i And will you rut er.ouffh tin** on H to H*n amt in a \ rrmurent position. You can make good in Vcut own county in this stare, if you ire any kind of a clean.cut young man anxious m make a gm»il position if yourself Add ret.* fDst .it writing only ind fully with refer . r*ce. Emil Held. Feature Editor of in* Tre*. of Progress, ’ ‘"are Omaha Bally Tribune. 1407 Howard Street. Omaha. Neb BEl’EN BA Bl.E school boys We will pay vMI GO cent* for rvetjr new 3-month order ■ r>u «ecure t-* The Omaha Bee In either iirhaha or Council Bluff* Call or phone O once. circulation Dept. The Omaha H« «. AT. 1000| MALE HELP WANTED HEAD cutter wanted for shirt, coat ami pint house, one who bus some knowledge ‘»f machines preferred. Kolllner-Newman Co., Stillwater. Minn. IF YOU ARE MAKING LESS THAN $10 A DAY tOC BHOULP GET OUR TRorO BUTTON AT ONCE. I PRATS. 510 S. 16th St. SALESMAN wanted t » sell coffees, eae. ! and spiers to the retail trade on mi established territory, in eastern Nebras ka. Must be a Worker; supply his own auhonobilf*, and well posted as to the re tail grocery business Prefer man living lil Lincoln. Iu answering, state exper ience you havi had in road work. A fine opportunity fer the right man. Address Box Y - 2114, Omaha Pee. NaliJsMAN WANTED—Having experi ence In selling knit gooda or one ac* quuint- KH r« litltePted Hy «\ K. HI.AUK Postmaster, City of Omaha. Your mail ami your neighbor’a mail iS delayed jf you have no mall receptacle at Jour door with wdUr name plainly written thereon. To eliminate unnecessary delay, the 1’ontofflce ..Department Iihk ruled that • airier service will not bo extended to nnv new building not equipped with u nullah> receptacle. nn»l that when a pa. tron changes his residence he will be re* qulred to provide a mall bo* at his neW address before being accorded, delivery service. All patrons will be ^Tpected tc have h proper mall receptacle, preferably a slot in the door, before January 1. 1923. The falure to provide a mall receptacle not otily tends to lnronvenicr.ee the pa tron himself, but is an unnecessary hard fhlp on the carrier. If tho carrier hag to wait at a door, even if only two or three minutes, a tv i ha» to do It several times in ,i block, it means that he has to work thnt much harder to complete his deliveries. If the people understood this, lor the carrier's sake, if for no other rea roii. they Would provide a box. CUMI’LETK furnishings of 20-room hotel. Only one in town two raiirntde; feed one passenger train dally. Good commercial business. Rent $20 per month. Will give soma terms. Write or rofne and see it Frh o $2,250. Union Depot Ilotei, Fairfield. Neb. __ GROCERY’ and bakery in a county scat town. Doing a volume of business. Up to-date, must sell. Address Y-2109, Oma I FOR SAL] ■ 1 p hot : 1 fyttlbtnetit fof 50 rooms. Modern hotel. Excellent tran sient trade. Reason for selling. poof health. B-x If5, It- d Oak, la GOOD howling ally for sale; in gobd i shape. Reason for spiling, have no fnom; self pin setter. Schwarts fe Co., Valpa risa. Neb. I'OH SALE—Grocery store and fixtures, including stock, S-.00O. ^ood location. Gall At. 430« _ ■ ■ "■LJ**-' CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS. MAG A X INK cfTTiS. FOR MAIL SUBSCRIBERS ONI.T. OFFER E. Pictorial Review, Modern Priscilla and The Omaha Dally atl Sunday Dee. Oha yeaf each ONI.T *<1.50. CIRC'U I.ATIOM DKFA RTMBN V THE OMAHA HKD. \m \s nirrVon'THF. who'CE'fa'milt. A GULBRANKE.N l'DAYER PIANO. $298 to $700. cash or easy payments. Come in and buy a gift that will last and bo most appreciated A HOgPD CO.. For 49 Yearn the Musio Center of Nt« braaka and Iowa.__ NEW PHONOGRAPH SALE ! Best phonographs made at one-fourth re ‘ tail prU while they la-t AT. 686b. 612 j wmuliA National Dank Dldg CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS. I'HONOQKAPHU below lrmnufacturei s cost. Standard make Closing out this j depart intuit. Easy terms to responsible parties. these beautiful machines be fore buying. Tire ideal Christmas gift. Call 1!A. 1631 fur appointment ami dem onstration. standard Chemical Mig. Co., 701-9 South 42d St. __ "itBADY CASH FOR CHRISTMAS TIME. May be easily acquired by converting your second mortgage into caali. Let us tell you about It. F. C. HORACE!* CO., «|f> First Natl. Hank AT. 3531. OtT fS THAT L AST Jewelry at Christmas time is always ac ceptable and appreciated. A good line at very reasonable prices. A small deposit Will hold your choice. I». F. Meleher. Jeweler, 42 3 Kecurtiles Bldg. Tel. AT 3125 A TovflLt xmas 'TTi rr DANCING LESSONS. What better gift than a course In dancing? Ja. 6470. keep'h Dancing academy. 1818 Fa roam. ’ AN IDfSAL CHRISTMAS - ill r Window wreathe. 25c to $1.26; assorted fancy baskets; Christmas center pieces i very new; spgtlai $3.50 to $3.60 Seo our window. Peterson Eros. Flower Shop, 1714 Fa mam. New ftverst uffrd parlor suites Make excellent Xmas gifts. Cost here 8.'» per cent Dhs thfln elsewhere. STEPHENSON AUCTION HOUSE. 1509 Capitol Ave. to use 0 Chapola to keep the ehaps away; 25c hot. GREEN’S PHARMACY, 1OTI t AND HOWARD, Tel. Ja. 0846. AN leit] rCitiks gift -I coursi of instrud tions In marcel waving and beauty cul ture. CALIFORNIA SUN PARLOR. HA. 4153.___ it k « hokei 8 at i ea ona t n *. •• Ila ve those old furs ipmudeltd for X.ois. John Ilieh. Furrier, 201 Sunderland bldg., loth and Harney AT 8950 AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT. Huy a garage, any stylo and si^o. $100 up. Concrete work. MICK!,IN LUM LER AND WRECKING C<>. V r 2109 N Mth s* FANCY, attractive bungalow aproili Hind# to order. II ATT IF PUTNAM SHOP. 90 I Knrbactp 11 A COURSE IN DANC1NO AT THE HY t.AND DANCING ACADEMY. 26TII AND FARNAM, IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED. AT. 7*60. _ tfiVB your photograph for Christmfea. Fur photographs that ; ati.-fy SEE MATSUO LAKE STUDIO N. 24th HL ; BftioiSR'i phohogfAph bargalna iiJ town. See uh b*fo»“ you buy. SI1LAKS PHUNOURAni CO. 1494 l lodge III JA. 2147i PERSONAL Christmas caids. Onl r now and avoid rush. Phone, salesman will call. AT. 3978. 4*3 Braudels Theater Bldg. _____ PHOTO Xmas cards is the very latest. Come in and sec them. South Side Print ing. 4819 So 19 St. S 24-1 door No. Pigl ' • hi ALL. klhds of dr< ssmaking an I eml rold ory ty day or at shop, b$ experienced dressmaker, reasonable. ‘"all HA. 4415. 51 m i n- ri, cht flewt lovely wreaths aro ideal gifts. LEE I.ARMON, 19th and Douglas. Phony S244. OIVK your photograph for Christinas. For photographs that satisfy SEE MATSUO LAKE STFDtO. North 24th 8l WE it.'i »ut cat ih til ■. a garni# would mako an Ideal Xmas gift. \:ilue and service our Idol to. Carter Sheet Metal Co.. 13th and Draco. .7A. 0402. X M A.*T cards,” beautiful linen stationery mftke useful Xlimx gifts. Corey &. Mr Kennln Printing Co., 1121 Harney. Bit if Her t hi Bu 19 tires. Just overhauled a ml painted. Bee tlliM tUttgfl 1 all 11 A M 1 Plan now for your Christmas hohn Mee Campbell, personal service home builder. 647 K> ell ft a A r. 4044 ELECTRttj Washing maehims while th« y last. 135. LeBron, 318 6, I2tll St. JA. 2176. _ _ ___ _ • jt'ii.Ts. spreads comforts arS Idea) Xmas gifts. Hunter tjuiltlng Co, 24th and H. South Omaha. NICE selection of hand-pnlnted chllm. wa ter colored pictures; orders, lessons, firing; Della Hahks-Rasmusseti. Call KE. 2845. MAONolTa wreaths, beautifully deco rated with everlasting flowers; special, t-1 Bfandeia Cut Flower Shop Braudels Store. OLIVER typewriter, excel, corn!., |30. AT. 0106. ___ ___ _ FANCY gowns, work guaranteed. At. 6681 ___ HOLD lettering on leather goods, books. K* S I r n C. ••• s 1 ;th .1 A. 1219. hand” made lunch clothes. Mink cape _ HUT this large elect riel train for your boy for Xmas, a bargain. Co. Bluff; 1524. OOLD lettering on a - 1: A Ttyon Co., 20* So._13th. JA. 1819. N F.EI >LE w ork, haxsr. ftrtii Dm for sale.^ nnl era taken. 432 Paxton Block. 1 >1 • KS - -86c lb. Delicious f it hens. KE. 0416 __ l’.LFE white diamond, %-earat; act plati num. WA. 1449. __^ F(»X TERrTeR for sale; cheap. WA. 0962. I.Atlt 9 Spalding ice skates and shoe outfit; slue :d, ; bargain _.1A. 4864. BOOKS frOR SALE. K 12. 351 1 OBESE tor* Xman dinner. Y» A 4 *ri. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. HONEY, 10,000 pounds strained. Sell «fl nr part, lit* per pound, f. n. b. Lincoln. Adores# C. C. Johnson. Beatrice ,N>I . VKCANH—flood - size, thin shell, rich cul tivated Florida 10 lbs. 95. F. O. B. Lem n Chipley, t HAVE -•* geese **. Christmas orders Gill Ash, fl»2. Millard, or AT 1637. i.iNK full dress suit, size 44. like now. sae Mafin. Route 2. Counci) Biutfw. _ _ HOUSEHOLD GOODS. «04 lb used furniture, Including b uff.ts, dining ttblf# ail 1 • hairs china cabinets, dressers, dressing tab;* s. chiffoniers. bed*, davenports, arm chair#, library tables. The large Variety Include# tnahy fine pieces. These goods are acquired through our esehange department and «re conse quently sold at very reasonable prices with termB If you wish. To be seen In our warehouse at *»th and Capitol ave nue, between the houis of 1 p. in. and & p. m.. week days. ORCHARD & WILHELM CD HOUSEHOLD GOODS. ATTEND the Stephenson Auction, 1605 Gapltol Ave . on Saturday at 1:50 p. in. Plenty of steam heat. EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICK ELS, 16th and Harney AT. 48014 WHITE euamel Simmons day bed with _ it Bating stovi and bius cabinet, wb. I • ,7 .. r«' i: SALK Bal buj and bed KE. 0270.^ _ MOORE'S range, cheap, good coild. WE. 0664. BA SI Bl RN EH fdf tJ « ..! D \ n '• ~CLOTHING AND FURS. I-1 ;.i. DttBSfl ittlti mid Tu**d«i for rent .1 A k 12n. |00 N. ISth Htroot. l. Fpldmm, . dIHL.’8 coal. 4 braver hat. $ 1 \v c. I'M.;-; tin III, unv. 1.1 rifico. Ken. 1772. _ AnMV i.n7.r5 $29,l 703 Wo iTfl. FOR SALE JEWELRY. 1' I Mi >.\L»H—We pny Ihe beat prieea v Ith privilege Id buy berk nt small profll. tilioss JKWKI.RV CO.. Omaha. N'el.. 402 N. ir.lli Ft .. Telephono J A, 5040. ~MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS _ A PHONOGRAPH maltha an ideal Xmas gif' We now have sumo real bargains. 8125 size. $49:50; $250, $H0:LO; $200 size. $69;60. many other bargain. Shlaes Phonograph Co., 140 4 1 lodge. slightLY u • 'i Viet rota and Brtifta at very low prieea nnd convenient terms, if you wish. Several to select from, me • hinlcal perfection guaranteed. ORCHARD & WILHELM CO., Fifth floor NEW PHONOGRAPH SALE Rest phonographs made at one-fourth re tail price while they last AT. 6868. 012 Oi iha Nd • ni I fiafvh flldj^ ii.i < i k I' eent pia.no, ri iso nab) e. Good condition. Kiel, 2801 Cuming. JA ' 9S89. MILToN piano, bungalow sire. Cost 8600 Price $.‘76. I,<>avlng city. HA. 0348. ^MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE KOU SALE--—One genuine Magtiavox loud Hpraker at cos4. Never been used. A<1 dresa V-21 IB ^iniaha Bee. 7 GAS steam radiators, first-class condl i on. Rrsldeneo or Auxiliary garage heat. WE. 3968.__ ____ GOOD coat quick. Fuel Service c*>. AT. ‘ i ''! IAI - h « hi k. I TWKNTIKTK ST. SO. sn*M,anc«i •*!* I gantly furnished parlor' bedroom, new and I immaculately (lean; all home prlvil* «es; 1 ! meals if desired. Oarage. Five minutes 'vii ik from court house. We cater to those who ean appreciate the v* ry Oppo- i i slt» Drake Court. JA. 0#jn. j NICELY furnished rooms private bath. ] reasonable, day. week or month, central1 location Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4 7 01 I HOTEL HANFuHD—19th and Farnam. HOTEL If KN8HAW—16th and Farnam. Special rates to permanent guests. t ... i i i* at# hOittei * Ibke j in. couple or ladles employed; hreskfast optlonal. If A 46 10 PARK A V E . Gill -NK-ely furnished, cl ah, j-team heated room for gentleman '! i JA io. kUBkAN four blocks north of high school; Hire, huge rontus corner apart ment; best luat, finely decorulffl. JA. r.8$i APARTMENTS AND FLAT«-7|88 to $ 1 oo! W. J. FALMEtt Co. REAL ESTATE Management. AT «9 811. Kej?Hn*»_tlld|j. fXlAcE AFAltTM ifNTS—Close In, “strict ly nil modern, ♦ rooms. Apply 280% N. 23d _St. I»KT E 11S T RI' 8t <:0M I * A N Y. ‘WHERE OMAHA RENTS.** AT. or. 14. 17th anil Farnam Sis. TEL. AT. 8 •< h 1—Cboico four-room apt, sublease in Selma Terrace. Sm Hickey and Se.vbold, 22H City Nat. Bank Bldg. wiKT treat, 6814 Wdot!blhe Aptu.i ! 1 ern hot water In at, close to cur. Web. 694*. WEST Farnam district apartment* si* large, beautiful rooms, modern. II A. 7124. MAPLE ST., lll§ Pleasant 6-roditt strict ly modern, heated apt.; rent reduce. SIX rooms and hath, modern except heat. 118 1844 8 13th. Jafeltadh 1188 FOUR room#, eleati, itiodefii, rttuoiiibUi MS g. fSth A v e JA. 2560 VR 1881 room, 1 1 tn# in private home; no other roomers. GOOD 1*1*00111 flat with elet*trlidt> and gas. «J0. 20< •; Willta Ave. WE. 1 778. I 1 11 R If »• 1M rpt . p! I i baTfh 1 112 g. 11t h. FURNISHED APARTMENTS CALL DRAKES. I-ROOM apart 1 Imat. Itrotvn apartments, 504 N. 21st St. At. 7149. 1. a k 1: M < > \ r Hotel, Ifti efit eehtli neat Jackson. AT. 5*44. Room afld kitchenette. ; r (refit t clean and nlc* Iv furnished. Good heat. HINTI.H tS’N — AY «i9»;> 2tQ8 Dodge BUSINESS PROFERTY-RENT tWu connecting office rooms, splendid lo cation overlooking principal street, mod ern, reasonable 1 nt; nioVe In now It*,if starts Jan. I. 1921. Gan arrange larger space if wanted Gall Jn 1743. S t« 1 It r room, 22*41, a11 od i , • •!.» f 10( per n’.niitli, 20.1 S. 13th St. RIRKETT Sr CO.. 350 I*» t» rs Trust Rldg. Jn 0031 I.EASi'iHUbl* and office furniture for sale at 4 .;: Arthur buildink- Gall Atlantic 5911 for pcrtl'-uJars FIRST Nat Hank, 4-m. for rent: faring ♦ leva»or. dealt able office suite consisting f ft u ILL i ri iDge daaK tpno*, tiae of phoha end stehogfapher. Very reasonable. (.'all ' < iFFICE,Sunderland building: phone mv ir-‘. public titenugraphere >35 nio. JA. OF , WANT TO RENT tJP-TO-DATH farrrtei Wj has h • | I or grain, goop 80 to 200-acre grain farm. Have good team: latest cultivating ina rhim ry, now. Meat of references. Hex W-628, Omaha lie. GARAGES FOR RENT THIRTY THIRD 8T rent $t> per month. «*nM HA. 6646 or AT. 0785. GARAGE—Steam heat. 311 South flit 4 60S N. 41 ST AVE—Garage apace or car stored. Reasonable. tV A 11960. no:. so. uriP H'F—daraiji ! JT ~~“’ LOANS ON REAL ESTATE~ WE have ca h on hand to loan on Omaha residences. K. H. IjOUGEK. INC, _638 Keellne H1 da_ STRAIGHT 6-year loans. tlfjj per cent AM US GRANT CO.. 261 S. 1Mh Arthur Bldg. AT. 83*9. OMAHA HO M ES— E AST N kH FARMS U’K EE Ft: REAL I: ST A T E CO . 6 < »m N ■> Bk Bid I is i.'1 „n Nd -1- . .V oh western r Brill IjOuIIS Neli. farms, ranchos. Kloke Investment Co.. 645 Om. Nat. Bk g 10U TO $10,009 loans mode promptly. F. D. WE A O and 1>. H. BOWMAN. i Bldg AT 0161 FIRST mortf tge I a n made piptnpt y dn Omaha real estate. Shopen & Co.. Real tors. JA. 4228 964 Keellne Bldg. LOW RATE MONEY No delay in closing. W _T GRAHAM, 704 RIOTERS TR BLDG MONEY to loah on for rti, nijf propi MYERS &. RAINBOET CO 424 Cl Nii H I .1 \ 07 46 M.ONE1 to Idfeh on faring and Omaha rial eatnt,. MYERS \ RAINBOLT CO., 4£4 urnaha Nat. Hank Bldg . JA. 0746. I. 11 mTtHEN pave ninfct for LIBERTY i a *N i1 921 City Nat. 09nk Bldg I ARV1N BR< is ■ t , «Jinn ha Nat Bldg ON IMF. FKUl’LRTY. No DELAY. MONEY TO LOAN L< >\\ RATES EASY TERMS NEW HATES SCHEDULE. l.oANS *16 TO *2U(». Oil Furniture. Pianos, Etc. I-• f' in Your Poste sslon. AT LOWEST HATES. PAY ON PRINCIPAL * per Month on * 30 loan * 5 per month on $ 5ft loan, flu per month on 11 oft loan. *20 per month on *200 loan. I These small monthly payment* will repay a loan In full, pint a small aervlee charge. I LICENSED BY STATE uF NEBRASKA. UlAUANTKi: L'JAN COMPANY. 209 Rout It 15th S*. 314 K» riot eh BIX. _ tel LA. 5043. MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS •10—50—76—-100—200—600 DOLLARS nr any other flirltiuht at legal tatea. No publicity, easy payments. Thirty years in bUHiness. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. 606 Karbach Blk. Tel. JA. 2206 Southwest <>r, 16th tnfl Douflai Sts. COX Co ; loans $5 and Up on Wages, ears and furniture; confidential; 25 yrs. estab ''12 World-Hera Id Bldg. JA. 22*9*. MOVING AND ViORAGK FIDELITY STORAGE ,y VAN lU MOVING—PACKING STORAWK—-SHIPPING. Household Goods and Pianos. 1107-11 Howard St Jackson 0288 ESTIMATE futn on packing, mov. and .storing. Contractm taken by job or hour tHobo Van X- Storage Co. JA. 433S. AT Oil"". Grossman A- Rons, owners. Mo\ ing - Packing- Stoi • ga, Gordon Fireproof War. house Van Co 219 N 11th Ft Pimm* ,L\ 30:ti*. BEK l.\s © M AHA VAN & STORAGE. 16th and Leavenworth Sts Parking, mov ir.g. storage, shipping JA. 4M.a. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. WcoKiilfts pibAtino, \< ■ ordto . sim; ithffi. i.TiZ rTeat In*, covered button*. all sI }i < *, ham.nit, lilng buttonholr* Write Idoal liutjoii * P|.-at Iiik (■*•-. ■■■.<11 til-own Slack. Oinaba. Neb T Ii.ini, -I A I an*;. % Neb. Pleating .. 1806 Fnrnatn, second floor. JA. 6H7t> < IIIKol’K \< TORS. Dr. Schroder DENTISTS. DENTAL X-ray G<)c each; 13 full set. 619 Securities Bldg . 16th and Farnam DAM INt. At IDKMIKH 1 I kKN to da nee foi $4 at K EEP 8 181 ft l'arnam. Classes Mon., Wed. and Frl. nights. Dancing Tuee . Thins . Fat. and Sun nights. Private lessons by appoint Tn«n<». JA. G4 70. Id; K'SM AKIM.. MRS I IT/r.tTIlli'K, ."t Douglas Foil oting, dressmaking alterationH, remodel ing AT. 7645. FI R8 su tc remodeled t ■ tied n \ 6504 PICISIIM, EDDY Printlhf «'•». 212 8. 13 St .1 A. GO66 Ijjfii m m. R 17El \ RLE Detective Bureau. ^Railway Ex. Bldg., JA. night. KE. 3M12. JAMES 'MAN' 111 Neville Mik.' Evidence secured in all cases. AT. 1136 - I W i (>N<. N I- KER 3C16 Young St Omaha. Tel. KE 4798 F! BHIEH8. 1^1 7C repaired, reitiodeled, lowest prim X v> X\0 Goldstein Fur Co , 1 20 Douglas KODAK iimmiim. FIEMS DEVEU>PI:D FHEE. rhe Ensign Co., 1667 Howard 8t. M VTTRE888 H. OMAHA * PILLOW <'•>-- Ft atlu ra ran. o\' a ted and made up in new feather i-roof ticking. 1907 Cuming JA. 24C7. PATENT ATTORNEY*. MARGIN. Latent AtTorney, 171* Dodge, room 2**9. Also Washington, D. tV I heln inventor* sell their patent*. Ml-' M I \ NF.nl * WMil Nt MUM" I'RKSi KIl'TlONK c.ti fully compounded at the Sherman & McConnell Drug Stores ^AUTCMOBILES FOR SALE. " MARMON sedan. In excellent condition. Will be soid ar a remarkably low price. , Call Mr Van Camp. HA. i>710. USED CARS ©. N Bonner Motor Co.f Ilia Earnam.__ 2 FORM redan bod!**. Newly painted • f ’ '■ " Ol l IXuLLY, expert auto trimmer. 112 24th AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE. I set! ('.UTS 3 I 3 Oakland sedan, lop. good t on. $230 i 3 ford sedan. Iff I. lets of Mura* 4;.') I 3 Reo *, 1980. new paint ... *0° 1 3 Itupnichile, 19 mod renewed .. "98 ' 3 Pul k. i» 48* new top, fine shivpcll# 3 I 3 OTHERS $80 I P TO $1,000. 3 ' 3 09 years fn business. You can buy 3 here safely. 3 h Andrew Murphy & Son * 3 3 1 tth and Jackson fits AT. 4 411. 3 i 300000000000000000000000 300000000000000000000000* 3 REAP HARtiAtXS. 3 $-'• Peerless radiator for Fords, 3 $14 r»rt. Guaranteed for 90 day*. 3 Top rccov !v, roadsters and tour 3 Ing, $'• and $«. 3 MmhoJ. l hH proof. Rile r gallon. O '«*Ki*|| chains. It.33 Ver set. 3 xx heel*, new or used, $9 fill 3 All parts for standard make* of 3 cars 3 If It'S for n Ford We Have It. 3 NK Hit ASK A AUTO PARTS 3 101H Hanley St. JA 4931. 300000000000000000000000 300000000000000000000000 3 PVF.UYRi) I > Y |»UIVES A lsfl» t'AR 0 You will find the best and lar« 3 e*t selection of count*. sedans, 3 roadsters and tourings of all makes 0 rang Mg In prices from $100 to 0 f.'t.ROo only. Reasonable terms ae 0 ceptcd. 3 we Hut. sbmj amp exchange S MEEK8 AUTO UU 3nrkson 41•• 1 f047-49 Famntn St. .rtHononftnnSnftnnf r\ rx r\ rx r\ rx HOME bargain* jti used Ford»; prompt delivery of new Fords. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson St* AT 7711. NEW 1 • ish or tel mi. C. K PAttfjJOft MOTOR CO . Authorized Fmd and Lincoln Dealer*. tuth and Atnia Ave. KB. *'144 USED eg re that ran be uaed NEBRASKA OLDS MO BILE CO. Howard a 4 18th AT 1770 USED Ford part* a! half price. Barm for all standard make care. Neb. Auto Parts, 1*>16 Harney St. GtlH T Smifl, IffertViCB FIRST V»uy L. tetb „luj Farnam. Atlantic 1944 NEW AND USED TIRES, $250 AND 11'" B B. TIRE AND AUTO CO., 2468 Farnam St. HA. 7404 WANTED REAL ESTATE. C. T. Spier & Co., Realise t I 41 To Buy or Sell Omani Real Estate S' e FOWLER & M DONALD Members Multiple Listing Kt Realtors. List your horn*—Buy rnur home, BINDER & OTIS, R -:il Estate. Loan*. K**:italK. JA. ‘.’561. Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate, Rentals, insurance. 1602 City Nat Bank. AT. 9666. rnifi'\Tir Realty Co* Lint'with uRt Liiillr u* for quick results 1118 Fiisf Xa 11 Hank Bldg JA. 196C. GOOD 1 1 STlKu8—COMB TO US. WE PELL THEM HOME R FA LTV CO._AT. 1 lit. LIST your homes for fair with \nT jiavo th customers. PAYNE INVEST MENT CO.. Realtor.___ TO sell quirk «>r buy right, see the Guar antee Realty Co , 319 Arthur Bldg. Tel JA. 6336. _ _ ‘‘Tukey Sold It*’ A. TV TUKEY A SDN. Realtor*. JA.428B. We \ LU?'a ml ‘ ••iT_riiy~nnd farm properly. Beauchamp A: Lingo, AT. 2872. 9 Patterson Block. _ , j M Wifiiird F Hla l-a ugTu Realtor J A. 2963 1 S~~J’7 tfOSTWI• 'K. real estate. AT. 1 fi06. WORITd Rea" Uv Co., iR’ alt ore. A T. 3493. I Wes t ~ rn Real Estate 1 o J A. 8607; i R IT. BENNER tA)., Realtor*. Ta. 5664. CANADA LANDS. SACRIFICING 820 acres in the Goose i l.ake district. Good buildings and water, i School on farm. Terms. 5f.fi per acre, 89.000 rash, or would *e|| lH0 aerra with • «.ut buildings at 130 per a- r- *2.000 cash, balance arranged. For particulars, write I \v. .T Wilson, Box 189. Harris, Bask., • Canada _ NEBRASKA LANDS R SALE—Mj : farm In Alii*'*. X'W 9-room brick house, Urg.' new dairy barn, etc. Priced at 80.500 for H short time. Will carry $4,900 ba« k. balmi* •• cash, or monthly payments or would take carload of young ratlin In I part payment. 1*. R. Whlsonand, Har ! vard. Neb. __ _ _ ___ I * nfcsoLUTtnN FOR LANDLORDS AND TENANTS 1 Improved farms for lease and option to j buy on yearly payment of only 6 per cent j of principal. Three per cent Interest onlv Is charged, balance of payment applied on principal Box N. Broken Bow. Neb. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS ALFRED S 8 'ii 1 I • I SALE OR EXCHANGE._ , BRICK apartment house, small ineum braocp, good location: income $6,490. Will j t<*Ke rlmr city property as part payment ; Give description and price. Address Box W. 644 Omaha Bee.__ FOR SALE or Trade—760 acre Improved ranch n°ar Newport, Neb. Address T. II. l Evans, Norfolk, Neb. ACREAGE FOR SALE. | o.VK pen* tin *iOth SI., now paved, five ' blocks south of ('♦■liter Hf. car line, close i tfi school, and a new attractive 6-room jhuneulov, with el«*ctric|ly and plumbing I Installed The price Will surprise you. \V FAR NAM SMITH A- Cu. 1 320 Farnani. JA 0664. Eve. HA. 2297 ■ . ■■■— ■ ■ ■ ■' VACANT PROPERTY F I K E * HR ICE Want modern Iota; buyers walling Photo* JA l4ll. DUNDEE b*t. 60x125, on 64th St near Far ; nani; clinic* lot; owner will consider reas onable offer C. A Orimmel JA 1616 WILL build to yotif order on OUT beaiitl ful lots In Edgewofld: very easy term* AT-Untie 164* . i.ii ■ ■!■■■ ■ ■■■— ■ ■■■]■ NORTH SIDE PROPERTY. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o O JG.2&0 o o , . o O 5-room, all modern buhgaloW. O O good condition, with 3 tots. large O O corner, both streets paved. 5502 O O N. 28th Ave. O ° BJrkett & Co., % O 850 Peters Trust Bid* Ja. 0638. Q . O O OOPO O 00 oooooooooooooooooo Beautiful Minne Lusa Bungalow n.\si' huii.t. Somethin* different, most complete, In cluding gnruge and fine cement drive. Ready to itVbve Into in ;l few days. About $1,500 cash. hast Rims. "12 Recline Rid* AT 0721 ■ w 6-ro in ... i. a If model ti. i A bargain, located 6944 Florence Blvd Norris A Norris JA 4171 FOR SALE OR R1 ■ 2C04 Camden Ave , 6-room mod. Terms. !_A IV, TQLAND. JA. 357R._ _ D F lil^V A CO buy snd sell homes WABASH Wants COMPETENT Machinists, Boiler Makers, Blacksmith, Cabinet Makers, Qpach Carpenters and First-class Coach Varnishers. Permanent Positions. Free Transportation. Apply 1909 Harney Street, Omaha, Neb. The Omaha Baa la p»e •aaUai it» reealera with aa unaarpaaSa* Spart Papa—-all the M*| la the war 14 at apart. NORTH SIDE PROPERTY. s;ii DKoXrVlt—«-Km. Moif K«. httil I lot.; loOO o*sh. bulunr. monthly. Cr,t»h. r.os Her T»l. JA. 05011 —--— LSS SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY. HKVKN-lltHivl uodern house. K*rafe. *00.1 locution Block from . •rlino. thron block, from boulh With. 8301 ti ytrect. MA nos* (I-ROOM, fully mort.cn yarn*,. #4 1 SO. Near sArt amt Bancroft, want offar. i'a11 Baht. A T tilt, H A. ITU o HOOMH mortem; 1 fount# modern on larao lot. IIIIM. It A 4B 4T ■ . ■ .. .juj WEST SIDE PROPERTY. Wert Farnam. $11,000 Seven-rdem home, ptsollt'illi b#w. fire* place In living room, four bedrooms, sleeping porch and tile hath second floor; osU floors throughout: one-ear gnrag* . Heen renting for lion, now va'-ant t*He« sacrificed for quick sale. FnRy terms Arranged. Clover it Spain. Realtor! .1A 2M0. 91* to t*|ty National. Miami Netv Mitn^alow High, sightly location, convenient to q.M* tar Five moms, well arranged, wr'J built and nicely finished In oak aha enamel. Low price for quick sale Term* For further Informal ton call owner, Wlk nut 1680. $250 Fash or Ford Far Huys Flvs-roojn modern nearly new bungs* low bear t'ialrmont llalanc* easy l*4ing fla. 1399 or At. *860. FtNFST Hose InVocaiioii, long 11 v l >g rpom, fireplaces, bookcases, buffet. ttUUd heftlfr sleeping porch garage, etc. Must »r, years, hospital. JesslM H. Hughes, 60, Twenty .second and izard «tre**t« Terrance P Mahoney, 70 years 1101 flout h Thirty-al*i h street. * Marriage Licenses. Mnx l.iiMrrrnan Omaha, and MrHl« Moody, 2$, Omnrta. Claim II McVIhun, 21, Garden Grov* Ih , and HHoh U. running ham, 22. Lin* coin, Neb. Mrval .1 Pierson. 22, Omaha, and Helen I’adman. si, Otttaha. Palph t. Hanson, 21 Green wood, Neb., urni Ruth .tones, l«j, Ashland. Neb. l.'*on 1, Lyons .14, Omaha, and Marjoriu I A. i’ole. 111, Omaha. Sanford \\ Baund*ra. 24. Unrein Neb., and Paulino K. Ualser, 2.'*, Lincoln, ‘Neb. L**on Neely, 27, Omaha, and GeorglA *haw. *1, Omaha. William A Mareaij, over Adair, la^ ; end Harris Anders, over 21, Adair, la. Harry I,. Larson, 9ri, Omaha. and Raid Shabashov. 2S, Omaha. !»•« r Herman, 11. Atlantia Id,, and Lilith Holland, 19, Protection, Ka»