How to Keep Well - By R. W. A. EVANS Questions coeceropg hygiene.sanitation sad prevention ot dsease. submitted o . Evans hy readers of The Bee. will be answered personally, subject to proper limitation, where a stamped addressed envelope is enclosed Dr. tvans will not make a diagnosis nor prescribe for individual diseases. Address letters in care of The Bee. Copyright: 1922. MX YKAR MOI,.YR!s. Is your face crooked or warped? Are you jimber-Jawed? Have you a t ad upper jaw, or is your conutenance • lit on the bias? If so, there may bo no use writing to the eugenics laboratory, or learnedly scanning the r holographs of your forbears. While it is true that you may have n Hapsburg chin, or that in some other facial charatecistic you and your kin tipve been marked by some pre potent ancestor, there is an even i bailee that (he trouble lies nearer home. If you aie disposed to worry for fear your daughter may develop a ■ afer wampus face during adolesene-e, or thereabouts, hirsute she is your daughter, and that is what you did. there is nothing you can do about it, because it is in the blood. There fore, fake heed and take heart. The pioneer among the permanent teeth is not the spike, which at about years of age, comes pushing through in front in a space recently vacated. .N'ot at all. The pioneer permanent tooth belongs away round on tlie side.' It is a molar, and is sometimes called the ti-year molar, because ft appears at ahout that age. It is a permanent tooth, and if pulled, for any reason, h aves a vacancy, which will never bo filled. Furthermore, it Is of all ’the teeth the one most subjert to decay. It de velops within the gums just at tlie time when the child is most subject to diarrhoea! diseases, various infec tions, and a number of other consti tutional strains. Therefore, it is very apt to he a tootli of poor constitution and prone to decay Furthermore, being a molar tootli, it has many crevices and irregular! Sommer Bros. HA 0188 28th and Farnam Saturday Specials Knux Gelatine (plain), pkas, for . Advo Gold Medal Coffee, "-lb. can for .SI. 18 Graham or Krispy Crackers, 4-lb. can for .50* Blue Ribbon Mayonnaise or Thousand Island Dressing— This dressing is not,cooked; it is just like home made— Pint size .50* Medium size.33* Small size .15* Advo Jell, assorted flavors, 3 pkgs. for .25* Fresh Fat Salt Mackerel, per lb.35* Meadow Gold, Wedgewood, Sew ard and Better Butter, . per lb.56* Imported Turkish Figs, special, per ib. 40* California Cooking Figs, lb.28* Oranges, medium size (sweet), 12 dozen for . . . .55* Blue Goose Grapefruit, 15c size, 6 for .65* Cauliflower, extra fancy white heads, per lb.20* Brussels Sprouts, per lb. 23* Head Lettuce, per head 10* and 12Vi* Fancy Fresh Mushrooms, to ob» tain them order early, lb. 74* Choice Rolled Rib Roast, lb. 30* Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens, per lb.25* Fresh Beef Tongues, lb...20* ties. It would not he an caey tooth to keep dean, even if the child wet* thoroughly trained in keeping the | teeth dean. i There are four of these six-year molars, one on each side of each jaw. They are the keystones to the arches above and below . By a aeries of studies. Dr. F. B. Noyes shows with a group of photo graphs how the loss of one of these : trteth causes the face to develop un ! evenly. How the loss of l>oth of them in all upper or a lower jaw makes the. face develop crooked In another way. ! In a word, how necessary it Is that | Bto teeth come in right and stay in | place and that the six year molars be I preserved —:_ Tut! Tut! Tut! L. 11. It. writes: ^‘Ou my farm in Alabama I am having experiments in | cross-breeding carried on that have been suggested recently by develop ( merits In aerial gliding. I have gath ered there, at considerable expense (an expense that 1 can ill afford as I am a retired country editor), a variety of birds (storks, pelicans, craups, loons), flying squirrels, giant bats, lizards. I Hying fish, monkeys and morons, and hope to produce by my experimenta tion an organism approximating a human being with wings, if, in the course of a few years or even in half a century, 1 can,evolve some sort of human loganberry that can fly. It j will be a long step in the direction of human uplift, and take us one step ! farther towards the angels. "These nose dives are a thing that T think ean be avoided by cross-breed ing. I have written \hrtc Oser for a contribution in cash after a while, and | hope to be able to go far with my j experiments, it was a serious break down In our system of evolution when wings were aborted, and I hope to correct nature in that respect. It is my theory that shoulder blades may be expanded by cultural methods The I question of rotation is a serious one at the start and if you have any suggestions to make, from a patho logical or other point of view, I will gladly forward stamps.'-’ REPLY. , This town is full Of high flyers Buy one to head your herd. More Sleep:' I.css Food. .T, V. writes: "I weigh 208 pounds and am 5 feet 1 inch in height. I would like to know how X can reduce. "I am a jointress and work very hard, running a dumb waiter. I eat lots of bread and drink lots of water. ■fan you please give me advice what to eat. when to go to bed. and what time to arise? (I go to bed about II o’clock oud arise about j a. m.)” REPLY. Easier to tell you what not to eat. Eat no bread nor other food com posed largely of flour and no foods into which sugar enters. Eat ^plenty of vegetables and fruits. lou need 8 hours sleep. Be asleep at 0. Dogs and Diphtheria. Mrs. F. J. M. writes': J’Does the board of heath allow one to take a dog out when there is diphtheria in the family of the owner?” REPLY. As a rule animals are not allowed to pass in and out of quarantined prem ises. However, I know of no proof that dogs harbor diphtheria. The folks that take dogs in anil out are more liable to the contagion. The dog may he chained. The bacilli are not. Das Nose Weeds. Ci. II. S. writes: "I am a boy of 16 and am troubled with nosebleed. The j roAi «lowest vUAL POSSIBLE PRICES W*> Are the Exclusive Dealer* in Omaha for This High Grade Coal Colorado Lump Coal Smokeless—Sootless—Rescreened at the Yard Per Ton $10.50 Delivered Genuine I RANKLES COUNTY. 11.L.. Smell Egg Sire Ter Ton $11.00 Delivered Thoroughly Rescreened at Yards Before Delivery Consumers Coal & Supply Co. “Dealers in Good Coal” AT Untie 9146 OUR NEW NUMBER AT lantic §146 Only 3 Days More for the Big Christmas Sale of Puritan Malt Hop Flavored Sugar Syrup All dealers in this city have made special prices by the can and extra special prices by the ease. Lay in your supply now. Be ready for Christmas. Don’t put it off another day. Call up your nearest dealer. Do it now. Distributed by •ferpe Commission Co. McCord-Bradv Company Paxton, Gallagher Co. H. J. Hughes Company IXLJ^l! AS A ^ ISTIEj WHEN YOU USE i KflTCHEN Vi Hlenzer vVl Kurts OnlyDir^ \ last time I had one was in May. Now every time 1 blow my nose there Is a slight discoloration of bright red. Can | you tell me what causes it’ And how to prevent another one?'’ BEPLT. Boys and girls of your age are prone to have nosebleed. Nosebleed }n a person of that age is of far less con sequence than it is an older person, if your nose bleeds enough to warrant it, have a physician examine for the cause. Among the causes are ulcer ated area in the nose, an easily brok en blood vessel located in the front purt of the nose, and adenoids. If a bleeding vessel is the cause, the treat ment consists in cauterixing the point. In some cases adenoids need to be re moved. Common Sense What The Success or Failure of ' Resolutions Means! Do you consider the breaking of a good resolution as something of lit tle importance? Is it easy for you. after you have decided to do or not to do a certain thing, to aet contrary to your per sonal decision? In other words, do you lack the firmness—the stamina—needed to stick to what you havy agreed with yourself to do? If you are unreliable in dealing with yourself it will be difficult for you td iMep the faith with others. *If yqju are a vacillating person you cannot expect honor and position. If you fly about, unable to control your desires as balanced by the strength of a resolution against them, you know in your heart that you are unfit to be trusted with important duties. And still you hope to reach a high place among your fellow men. N'o use hoping till you got yourself under better control. If you cannot keep a decision made, if you cannot he true to yourself, you w ill not be true to anyone. You do not believe this of yourself but it is true, nevertheless. The faithfulness with which you adhere to personal decisions shows Just how true you are to others. (Copyright. 1922.1 Bee Want Ada produce result*. Which can a woman more easily forgive; deceit in a weak man, or cruelty in a strong man? Read Arthur Stringer’s stonj of the woman-hater who found a woman in his bear trap in JANUARY (Ssinopolitan at newsstands WE DELIVER TO ANY PART OF THE CITY PHONE ATLANTIC 3857 MAIL ORDERS FILLED ON THIS AD Ready to Serve Your Every ChristmasN eed in Foodstuffs Our vast stocks contain every food deliciacy that you might desire for the Christmas menu. We sug gest that you make your selections tomorrow. BiG GROCERY SPECIALS Omar Flour, 48 lb. sarlc.-Sl.89 Blue Bell Flour, 48-lb. sack. at. per sack. $1.60 Mar,nla, quart raaa, limit 1 t« • raalomrr, at 39d Rest Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. for.75c? Swansdown Floor, per paekage...33c? llart F.arly Jane Peas, 2 raos for.27c? Raymond Pyramid Maine Corn, 3 cans for.50c4 Foley’s Seedless Baisins, per packuge .15«? Omaha Toilet Paper, 3 rolls for.25c4 Otoe Tomatoes, 2 cans for —.25c? California Cooking Figs, 2 lbs. for .35c? Fine New England lValuuts, per lb.25c4 4 lbs. special for.90c4 Satsnmns Oranges, per dozen .25c? Finest Grapefruit, 3 for.23c? New Mixed Nuts, 2 lbs. for...45^ Finest Jonathan Apples, bushel, at only . .$2.29 Tjai'ge Navel Oranges, at, per dozen .. ....19* — COFFEES Ankola Coffee, 3 lbs. for 98£ Golden Santos Coffee, 3 lbs. special for ..99^ Fresh Bulk Cornawut. lb, 25£ Rnmford Bakin# Powder, larfre can for.18<^ BUTTER-EGGS Idlewild or Seward Rutter, per lb.57«^ S. Y. Cream Cheese, lb..31<* («em Nut. 'h.23«* Country Table Rutter, lb-43^ Fresh Cracked Eugs, dor. 26£ SATURDAY MEAT SPECIALS Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens, lb., at ....21H* Fredb Hams, half or whole, upeelal, lb., at ...17^^ Young Veal Roast, lb. . • 15<* r Fresh Pork Shoulders, spe cial. lb. Choice Steer Rump Roast, pe rib. .. .12'/s£ Toung Veal Breast, lb..7l4<£ Genuine Spring Lamb Lege, per lb. at ...27M^ | Sugar Cured Hams, half or wholo, lb.,'17’/”<£ Trlrae Rib Rolled Roast, lb. .. 19* Jones’ Famous Sausage, lb. 351 BUY CHRISTMAS CANDIES NOW Genuine Allegretti’s Chocolate Creams, Ron Rons and Hard Cen ters, 3 lbs. special, per box.$1.89 Large Boxes Chocolate Cohered Cherries, $1.00 mines.63tf Filled Candles, 20-og. jars for ..75<> Home-Made Peanut Brittle, per lb.21£ Fruit Tablets, assorted flexors, per lb.— • .-2l<* Peppermint Loienges, per lb. .29<* Chocolate Dipped Caramels, per lb.31<* Sweet Licorice Dolls, per lb.29^ Mixed Candles, per lb, 21r:-6 for.$1.00 BOXED CIGAR SPECIALS Cigars In boxes of 10, 49£ and 98<* Cisrars in hniPs of 2'. 81.10. $1.25 and $1.75. Playing Turds, ex ceptional values, at, only.35£ Combination Special Ice Cream An unusual combination of delicious flavors, skillfully blended as a treat for this week-end. It’s a Harding Sunday Special—that spells goodness. Served at the sign oj Oh*; Cmmm mf all 1CE.CBEAM Buehler Bros. Omaha s Leading Cash Markets ■We Will Have a Full Line of Fancy No. 1 Poultry for Your Ama* Dinner 212 N. 16th St. 4903 S. 24th St. 2408 Cuming St Choice Round and Sirloin Steaks 15c Fresh Killed Young Hens per lb. 22c Prime Beef Rib Roast Boned, Rolled 17c Fresh Killed Spring Chickens 22c SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Small Lean Pork Loins (Vf or whole).14c Small Lean Pork Shoulders. He Fresh Boston Butts .16c Fresh Spareribs.i2l/zc Pure Lard .... ■ . . ...*. ■. . 12!/2C Fresh Hams (Yg or whole)..17c PORK PRODUCTS Fresh Leaf Lard . llVac Fresh Neck Bones, 5 lbs.25c Fresh Pig Feet, 4 lbs.25c Fresh Pig Ears, 4 lbs..25c Fresh Pig Snouts, 3 lbs.25c Fresh Pig Tails.11c Fresh Pork Tenderloins .40c Pure Pork Sausage .18c Fresh Side Pork . 20c BEEF CUTS Choice Rib Boiling Beef.6c Choice Beef Chuck Roast.11c Choice Beef Pot Roast.9c Fresh Cut Hamburger.15c Choice Canned Beef .12Vac SPECIALS ON CANNED GOODS Fancy Early June Peas, 3 cans for. .40c Fancy Tomatoes, No. 2 cans, 3 for. ,30c Carnation Milk, tall cans.- • 10c Carnation Milk, small cans.5c P. & G. White Naptha Soap, 10 bars . 45c SMOKED MEATS Sugar Cured Strip Bacon.20c Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon .t. •..... 25c Sugar Cure4 Picnic Hams.. .14c Sugar Cured Skinned Hams.20c j Armour’s Star Bacon ... .. . .34c Armour’s Star Hams. 25c Pure Lard, 5-lb. pails.90c 10-lb. pails.$1.75 GENUINE SPRING LAMB Fancy Hindquarters .20c Fancy Forequarters. 14c I Choice Lamb Chops.20c BUTTERINE Liberty Nut Oleo, per lb.22c 5 lbs. . .$1.05 Evergood Oleo, 2 lbs..46c 5 lbs..$1.10 Best Creamery Butter.52c Best No. 1 Wisconsin Cream Cheese.30c Best No. 1 Wisconsin Brick Cheese.30c Choice Porter house Steaks 18c Fresh Killed Young Ducks 25c Choice Mince Meat 15c Fresh Killed Young Geese 25c EXPRESS AND MAIL ORDERS FILLED FROM THIS LIST PROMPTLY *™“1 I MAZOLA 24c QUART As Long As Coupons Last P&GSOAP | 10 Bars 41c No Limit—Help Yourself <# Family SOAP “. 36C &&. FLOUR at 95c ^ Tin SNOW DRIFT St 59c _GOLD DUST size 24c lac' TOMATOES ^ 9c g® MACARONI 7c Sl, CHEESE r. 28c Sir-POTATOES « 15c I MILK . Pet, Carnation—Baby Tall 101 SUGAR Pure Cane, Standard Granulated, 10 lbs., 751 Select CftftC Every One OAr Storage EiimW Guaranteed, Doz. wwv ^ SOUP "£* 1 oc «_FLOUR Your ft ft C C C C No Better at Any AA^> . Luck ^ U I 1 11 Price—Per lb. 057G 1 ■ *