Wt. Lincoln County Clerk Arrested ^ for Embezzlement Omaha P/inting Company ^aleeman Implicated in Con fession—Hearing Will lie Held Today. North I'lattc, N.h,, lVc. 15—Fol lowing an alleg'd confession to the1 county attorney list night by A. S. •AlK?n. county clerk of Lincoln coun-■ ty, to the issuance of fraudulent war- ! rants, Mr, Allen was at liberty under! bond today, charged with embezzle- | incut, i ul n. (Joucher. 45, ISIS Km-’ met atrcft, Omaha, traveling sales- j man of the Omaha Printing company, [ said to have been implicated in the ul-I legrd coni'sslou it Mr. Allen, who) nr1 t' d v iih the county clerk i here last i leht. also was nt liberty) tn bond t'"l.'\. Homing for the two | / intil will I"- In-id tomorrow. * l!r. All- n Is lid to have confessed to tlie I u.nice if fraudulent war inn’s t" ilic Omahii Printing com pany through (louchcr, (he com pany's i-pp . nlativc. The warrants, alleged to line i been Unauthorized by ’ho i ' ui "■ r'liii-ui-ssioni i-s and for which no claim had been ffletl, we.re I for amounts totallir* f2.327.73. The ■■ounty ' U'l k's off! .- haa been turned ! 1 V'-r to an auditor for nivestlgation. I'he Omaha Printing company state ment, which tells of Hi,, discovery ot alleged in ogiilm III. a in the issuance t of Lincoln county warrants, follows’ “Tho Omaha Printing company has, for a number ot years, sold to (Lin coln county, Nebraska, office supplies from time b- time, 'rh.se transactions cover a number of rears. “Lincoln county lias paid for these supplies !"■ drawing its warrants against claims filcl by this company in the usual way. in checking over the accounts of this company with Lincoln county, some discrepancies | w. i — ells i v.-P'd and a representative! >■: the company went to North Platte! Pst \\ cdiicsday plghl, and our repre-! ( t" nbuivo, while there, after an ox- ! V aminntion of the roeurds of the enuu-| ly, discovered that ihrec warrants in the total amount of fL’..',.'J’l !I7 had ben ! by mistake or some irregularities, is sued to the Omaha Printing company. “Upon discovering the irregularity, the company sent iis check for the to tal amount of these warrants to tho county. “C. It. Gaucher !s an old and trusted employe of this company, and the* company ha* yet b» be shnwai that there w • ary criminal intent grow ing out of this transaction — Charles W. Bryan resigned as a mem 1 her of the city council to take effect December 17. IT- Bays lie entered the public service out of a desire to reduce the cost of living and prevent profiteering in the necessaries of life. ^- He reviews his aclmtirs in relation to a municipal coal yard, ice plant, j gas find electric light and suggests a; program of further municipal activi-' ties which be promises to aid in se curing next spring. He says that the ; action of the council in denying him the honor of being mayor after the 1 voters had expressed their desire was , a flagrant violation of the public will. American Farm Human - l rjros Work on Irrigation Scottsblulf, Neb., Dec. 13. (Special.) — l-hulorsement by the American' Farm bureau at Chicago of plan? j culling; for faster work on the South* side (lorim; Fort J*iramie irrigation canal in this district is hailed as an important victory by farmers who have been impatient with government delay in adding 100,000 watered acres i to the present irrigation system. Fun gressman elect Simmons and A. X. ; Mathers of tiering were at the con ventlon asking for endorsement of the reclanuitipn project. Hailroinl Fmploye Killed in Fall From Train at Sidney Sidney, Neb . Dec. 15—(Special.)—j A. J. Foiling. 35. nil employe of the . Fnlon rSiolfie railroad at Sidney, was! aecUh ntally thrown from a car ini which he was riding home from work, j and died from the effects of the fall. Mr. Foiling was riding on the running : lward of the car and holding onto the door, which became loose anrl flew ♦ pen, throning him violently to the ground on his head H« is survived i by a widow, w ho is an invalid and a i married daughter, Mrs. Wessington, • who live in Sidney. ; Bryan Reappoints Butler. T.lncoln, Dec. 15.—(Special.)—Wil- ' 11am Woods, butter and caretaker of the governor's mansion for 16 years, I has been reappointed, being the sec ond republican officeholder to receive such a favor from the hands of the democratic governor-elect. Anyone found intoxicated in Turkey is liable to imprisonment of from three j months to two years. Atl persons convicted of manufacturing, import ing or selling spirituous beverages are fined and Jailed. BLUNDERS . Why Is This Wrong? V The answer will he found among to. day's want ads. (What "Blunder ’ do you suggest?) 4 I ONE-MINUTE STO.IE TALK ■ “hvidentljr the people are keenly alive to the fact that clothing price* are not Be ing to go uny lower. Vnur crowds here prove that everybody appreciate* your •lee la ration t hat there will : lie no further redaction* on winter clothing prices,” ob served u customer in onr men's clothing sections. Il - -- —T- — iOH\* A SWAKSOV, Pr— ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ - • ■—■■.sar . - I. HOLZMAN, Xrf>9 =^: ■ , ; — Beginning Saturday, Store Open Until 9 P- M. Every Evening Until Christmas The Men’s Gift St >re Supreme I " ' g J AJ-l ' Wonderfully prepared for Saturday s holiday shopping crowds seeking the right gift for. “Him”—the gift that will please the particular man or boy — the gift of lasting usefulness. • I Remember that each and every section at the Nebraska is a great store in itself. Such vast stocks make choosing_easy. The West’s hugest display of standard Quality merchandise for men and boys. Lounging Robes and Bath Robes !5 to ‘25 LTie most useful gift in the catalogue of Christmas items. Men’s beacon blanket, fine all-wool blanket, silk and brocaded, and many other pleasing house coat styles that “hr.” will like. IMPORTED Sfcl.K Neckwear ‘2 to ‘4 < lenui i te Freneh, S w i s u, Italian silks and Scotch hand loomed neckwear. English hand-made knitted scarfs and finest of American cut, silk and fashion knitted’ neckwear. Neckwear Specials Three Great Groups 45c 95c $1^ Thousands of new .patterns in silk and knitted neckwear. It’s a good idea to have a dozen or two handy for Christmas emergency giving. Imported Mufflers Finest Quality ‘6 to ‘15 Magnificent quality in hand loomed, accordian knit, Swiss and English silk woven muf flers. Wonderful color ef fects. Entirely new and a gift of character and distinc tiveness. See them. Other Silk Mufflers $1.25 to $5.00 Quality Shirts A Good Gift *1M to *10 you’re sure to please him with Nebraska Eagles, Man hattans, 'Yorkc or BatOs Street shirts of silk, fibre, silk stripe, corded madras, English repp, broadcloth, flannel and sturdy percales OTHER Gift Hints FOR MEN V infora Xul'flers. $1.50 to l leather Kelts at 50c to $2.00 Suspenders priced at 50o to $1.60 Kill folds priced at 0<>c to $4.60 I eather Fnrses at 60c to $2-00 f The Best Is None Too Good \ for “Him” Give America’s Best Suits and Overcoats 1 NEBRASKA’S prices are at the lowest ebb \ that buyers of standard quality clothes 4 will know this year or next—Nebraska Clothing * Co. has deliberately under-priced all winter , clothing to produce this extreme limit of value | NOW and the benefit is yours. Nebraska's Spe cial Feature Value Suits for Men and Young Men. AII sixes and all propor tior.s. Compare! ~a7— Extra Pants at $7.50 Nebraska’s Quality Warm Overcoats, fea turing all the New Belted -£■=: Ideas in Scores of Newest Over coatings. $25 Extra Pants, $5 A new realization of excep tional value, worsted Suits and warm Overcoats—un limited selections, all sizes. *45 Mgmy with extra Pants Ultra fashionable tsuits and Overcoats for men and young men, featuring the west’s largest showing. Practical Gift Suggestions from the Men s and Young Men's Clothing Sections Plaid Bark Novelty Belted Overcoats, $!•"> to $-50 \ Velvet Collar Chesterfield Dress Overrents, $20 to $00 •h Heavy Double Breasted Ulsters at $55 to $05 ^ y All Wool Mackinaws—all sizes, special, $10 and $12.50 Extra Trousers—special feature values, $5.50, $5, $7.50 M EN ’S«*\ XD Y 0UXG BIEX 'fc Suits and Overcoats In All Sizes >20 Extra Pams $5.00 HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS’ Suits and Overcoats Sizes 31 to 3* *15 Extra Pants •Sj.ow Men'a and Voong Men's f lothlng—Entire Second Floor—Main Building and Anne*. Quality Smoking Jackets Favorite Gift *5*2 to ‘1822 Attractive plaid back, plaid trimmed, velvet trimmed, brocaded silk, grosgrain and silk faet'd smoking jackets. Beautiful new showing. Pajamas $1.65 to $7.50 Night Robes $1.00 to $3.00 Men’s sleeping garments are ideal gifts- silks, fibre, silk and linen, mercerized pon gee, silk corded madras, out ing flannel and fine muslin. I - Gloves of Quality A Worthy Gift . ‘142 to *742 ^ v"ou find every wanted glove for men from the leading makers at the Nebraska. Perrin’s, Fowne’s, Dent’s, Adler’s, Hays, in kid, cape, mocha, chamois, wool, fur gloves, lined with wool, lamb, fur and silk. Men’s Hosiery Vast Selections 25c w 52M Buy them bv the box and please “Him” immensely. In terwoven, Holeproof, Chain knit and many others. Silk, fibre, lisle, wool, silk and • wool, wool and lisle. All wanted shades and clockings. Initial Handkerchiefs Three in a Box 65c to *3M box N'o mistake is ever made in giving a man initial hand kerchiefs for Christmas. A wonderful showing, includ ing imported Irish linen. Wide selection plain and fancy initials. # OTHER Gift Hints FOR men N11 Press Sot* at >8.60 to #5.00 Srarf Pins priced at #1.00 In #3.00 ( ut'f Milks priced at 60c to #3.00 f oliar Hag* at #1.00 to #3.*0 1'mhrcllaa at #1.85 to #10.00 • Men’s Sport Sweaters Four bellows pocket knitted coats, two pocket coats, full belted coats, from Tom Wve, Travelo and Sperry. All the new heather vadcs. 84.50 to $8.00. Men’s Heavy Sweaters Heavy shawl collar coats and pullovers in shaker, rope stitch, cardigan stiteh in solid colors and contrast trimmed. Priced at $6.50 to $15.00. = CORRECT APr.VRET, FOR MEN' AND WOMEN=