Only 9 More Shopping Days Before Christmas Visit Our Gift Aisles Gift aisles are arranged on the Main Floor, the Third Floor and the Fifth Floor. They are filled with high-grade Christmas merchandise at moderate prices. A stroll through these aisles, specially arranged for the convenience of the shopper, will furnish inspiration for the completion of the most varied Christmas list. A Special Parcels Post and Wrapping Desk has been arranged for your convenience in the southeast corner of the Main Floor. These packages will be wrapped for mailing free of charge. It will also be an authorized Parcel Post Station, where your package can be in sured and mailed. Quantities are small. We reserve the right to limit purchases. Attend the Hour Sales Thursday, 9 to 10 A. M. 300 Dozen China Cups and Saucers, One of Each for 25c Regular 50c Values Hand painted in scenic and floral de signs in th.e popular ovide shape. Fifth Floor—East 10 to 11 A. M. 675 Boys’ Fast Colored Percale Blouses, Regular 75c Values Beautiful now fast color percale blouses in neat striped effects. Collar attached style. Sizes 6 to 16 years. Fourth Floor 10 to 11 A. M. 800 Pairs Imported Fancy Candles, Per Pair, ..™ Regular 1.00 Value Gray and white backgrounds, artistically decorated with wax flowers; daisies, heath er, roses and lilies of the valley. Third Floor—West No Mail Orders No Phone Orders No Deliveries Beginning Saturday, December 16, and continuing until Saturday, December 23, this store will Remain Open Until 9P. M. Beginning Saturday, December 16, Our Cafeteria Will remain open until 8 o’clock every night until Christmas. The Brandeis Store Restaurants Tenth Floor, will be closed on New Year’s Eve, but will be open all day New Year’s Day. Use Seventeenth street elevators. A Real Christmas Sale of Men’s Lined Gloves Five Fingered Gloves, One Fingered Mitts or Regular Mitts, All at Reductions of 25% to 33y3l Off Regular Prices Prices Range From 35c to 7.50 Comprising as it does gloves of every description for every kind of outdoor wear from the lowest possible price for a de pendable glove up to the best fur liued gloves and all at a most remarkable saving. Gloves of Suede Stock, Cape Stock, Mocha, Cordovan and Buck Stock in Short Gloves, Medium Length Gauntlet Gloves or Full Length Gauntlet Gloves. The prices will range from Hoc a pair for good serviceable gloves to 5.00 for a fine fur lined or fur outside glove This is a rare opportunity so be on hand early for your special choice. Mein Floor—South Something Entirely New in Imported Novelties Viennese Wax Figures Our Own Importations Specially Priced For Thursday 12 and 14 Inches High All arc dressed in the latest fashion eve ning clothes—real hair, bewitchmgly ar ranged. Every one an art piece of dainty loveliness. Some figures are in standing position, others reclining or sitting*1 in chairs. All are wonderfully life-like fig ures, in charmingly insouciant attitudes. Only 80 in' the lot, nearly all different , poses and decorations. ^ Third Floor—West Only 80 of • These Charming Wax Figures i Gloves—The Gift for Women Most Acceptable and Practical . Here are three of the many desirable 3 styles specially priced for Thursday. Long Black Kid Gloves—Full 1 0-but- ju ton length made of extra selected** skins. All sizes. Regular 8.00 values. ? Our direct importation en- 00 ables us to sell them at Kayser Duplex Fabric Gauntlets— Two-toned effects in covert, beaver, oak and oxford, strap wrist. Per pair, 2.00 Long Suede Fabric Gloves—It! but ton length in brown, oxi'ord and bea ver with attractive embroidered backs. Per pair, 1.00 Main Floor—North Sale of Beautiful Ivaleur # » T oiletware at Reduced Prices In Fancy Royalton Pattern Compare Ivaleur with any other iyory finished toiletware and you will readi ly agree it is the last word in ivory < dresser ware. Sold in Omaha only at Brandeis Drug Department. 12.00 Mirrors 5.98 and 7.50 8.00 Hair Brushes 5.98 Combs, 1.98 5.00 Trays, 3.49 Pin Cushion, 2.98 Clothes Brushes, 2.98 Manicure Pieces, 89<* Hat Brushes, * 1.98 Jewel Cases, 3.49 Powder or Puff Boxes, each 3.98 Main Floor—West Complete Radio Set All for This includes Aerial, Ear Pieces, Crystal, Insulator, etc. % An investment in )r a d i o entertain ment that will re pay you a thou sand times. The quality is lim ited, so come early before the supply is exhausted. Eighth Floor Toyland Topics for Thursday / It beats everything how toys are being sold in Toyland these days. They’re going out by multitudes into their new homes. But we bought such big stocks of Dolls, Games, Wagons, Automobiles, Furni ture. Mechanical and Electri cal Toys and everything that we still have plenty of every thing, so every little boy and girl may have the desireed gift on Christmas. Register for Ponies Friday will be the last day of registrations for the Shetland Ponies. Registrations will be received on that day up to 6 P. M. Drawings will take place-at the Brandeis Theater, Saturday Morning, December lb, at 10:30 A. M. Bring the children. Eighth Floor Gifts of House Furnishings A l>c*k lainip——That It ornamental. Finished in Pompeian bronze or verde green. A long silk cord with each lamp, 3’49 ryrex Ci»»«erole—Wit) nickel, plated frame which will not tarnish or rust. Special. 2.75 Aluminum 5-l*lcrc Com lilnnllon CookerG-qt. kettle, steamer, roaster, cake pail, puddlpg pan and collander. Speclnl, at 1.98 At prices which will convince you that by shopping here you can make your Christmas money do extra duty. If of Point Fleet rio 3-Heat Frill—Al most takes place of kitchenette. Rust proof puns, ebon ized handles. Fully guaranteed, special at 12.50 trutntriHiK Klectrl* Table Slovf — All that the name Im plies. It toasts, broils, boils and fries and makes de licious waffles Complete, 16.50 A Itinilniiin I'llchrr —Highly. polished, 2-quart size, special at 1.29 \ lumlniini Double I Holler—Panel shape , 2-quart size, special at 1.20 Mlrro Aluminum—In the colonial shapes, make beautiful and practical Kilts. The best aluminum combined with expert workmanship makes a distinctive article. Mlrro Colon 11» I Tea Kettle*, 4.30. 4.80 Mlrro Colonial Double Boiler*, special at 2.20 and 2.80 Mlrro Colonial Coffee Pota, special at only 3.20 and 3.45 Ullrro Colonial Tea Pots. 1.70 Klerlrlo Tonatem—Upright style, toasts two slices of bread at once. Special at 4.9‘ Mnlfklle IjkHrlc Hen ter—In No. 7 size, will take the chill off a small room. Special at, 8.48 Mlri'tric l l>r eolntor*— Make cof fee on the dining: room table. They are aufe and economical to use. Munnint?, Bowman percolators, 12.00 to 25.00 I'.U ffrlr < h n f I d k IMuhru—Are appre ciated Rifts. Univer sal make, ure perfect in every detail and li«*at quickly. A va riety of styles at 15.00 fCleetrlc Coffee I’ rn Sell — Consists of Si cup urn, sugar bowl and a reamer, 31.50 Ilirrmnx Klectrfc Coffee l'er<‘«»lfitor — Makes perfect, rich coffee. Pody is made of alum inum and highly polished, 7.50 Hnjal llot’lirKtfP I'fPro latora — Are different from the ordinary kind. Made of copper and nickel plated, they will last for years. 4.50 It«>> til Noclicater liiiurr olca—Are all that a cas serole should be. J’yrex insets and sturdy nick eled frames, 2.75 t<> 8.25 The Hot Point klfrlrlr Iron*—Meat quickly and stay hot. Of course the> are absolutely guaran teed and give lasting satisfaction, 6.7S Heat-proof Table Mata—Made of straw and imported from Japan. 6 mats to set. per set, 21> Hoover Suction Sweeper—Is tho>R:ifc supreme. You may have one for Christinas for only a small payment. Balance paid in small payments next year. Fifth Floor—West Electric Iron* — 6-pound alze, nickel plated and fully jcuaran teed. Packed In holly box. Spe cial at 3.08